The Persistent Dragon Gets a Mate

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#11 of The Persistent Dragon

more dragon stuffs

The Persistent Dragon Gets a Mate

Along the crowded streets of the market district strode a lone dragon on his way to the stables. Behind him, not fifteen feet away, a young man walking beside a small purple dragon followed . Jacob leaned in to whisper in Penelope's ear.

"So run this by me again.... How do you know Jasper?"

"Sometimes I have to deliver things to the stables," Penelope hissed . "And I always meet Jasper every time I go. I don't like him. He talks funny. He's weird."

"He seems a bit quirky, but that's all." Jacob shrugged. "Actually, he seems really intelligent for a dragon."

"But he's weird."

"Nel!" Jacob whined. "Come on! He's doing us a big favor.... Hey, how come you're not afraid of him, too?"

"Jasper's not as big. And he's not as scary. Also, he's weird." Penelope nodded to herself.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Sometimes, dragon, I just don't understand you at all," he said, causing her to giggle.

"So, ah, Jasper ," Jacob called out. "How far away are the stables?"

"Ah, it's just outside of town. About a mile on foot. I'd fly there, myself, but then that would leave you without a guide, now, wouldn't it?" Jasper gave a toothy grin. "Oh, hold on... here's the last thing I need," he started, turning towards a stall selling apples.

Jacob and Penelope halted as the blue dragon conversed politely with the apple vendor. Jacob put his hands on his hips, content to wait, but it didn't take long for Jacob's dragon to get into mischief.

"Jay-ake!" Penelope caroled, the sultry sound in the dragon's voice unmistakable. Jacob felt something brush up against his side from behind, and gasped as the tail quickly wrapped around his waist, constricting him tight.

"I-rrf! Nel!" Jacob gasped and writhed in the dragon's grip. With a yank, Penelope pulled her keeper closer to her backside, causing him to stumble backward. He looked back at the dragon with an expression of clear displeasure.

"What?" she giggled as innocent as the dragon possibly could.

Jacob pursed his lips, his face beginning to turn red. "You know what! Let go!"

Penelope looked back at him with the tip of her tongue sticking out from the front of her lips. That same cute, innocent expression that Jacob found so hard to say no to.

"Jake... I want you to pet me. Starting at the rump and working your way down." She gave him another pull, causing Jacob to stumble right into the dragon's backside and giving her rear end a nudge with his hips.

"Absolutely not!" he yelled too loudly, causing a few passersby in the busy market to turn their heads. He began to pull at the tail that was tightly wound around him.

Seeing such a staunch resistance shocked the dragon. She immediately dropped her grin. "But... but...."

Jacob struggled to remove the scaly tail tightly wrapped around his waist. "Nel, we're in public! No rough-housing, no playful talking..." he leaned closer and hissed the words. "And no you-know-what!"

The dragon drooped her head and ear fins as she relaxed her tail, freeing her keeper. "You're no fun..."

Jacob let out a huge sigh of relief as his dragon acquiesced and her thick, scaly tail loosened from around his waist. Pushing the tail off, he smoothed out his shirt, adjusted his collar, and attempted to collect himself. He then pulled at the straps on his dragon's flight vest and brought Penelope close.

"Nel!" he hissed into her ear. "There's a time and a place for that, do you understand? We talked about this!"

Penelope pouted and stared at the ground. "I know, I know... I just wanted to...."

"To do what?"

The dragon attempted to hide a smile. "To tease you."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Nel..." he whined. The pained expression on his face was all too obvious to Penelope, but she happily ignored it.

"But you're so fun to tease!" the dragon pranced in place, apparently delighted with herself. "It's fun seeing you get all flustered and upset and frustrated."

"Well, it's not fun for me!" he proclaimed. "So we're going to stop that behavior right now. Understand?"

She looked up at him with a hint of a smile showing across her snout. "But... seeing you struggle makes you cute."

"Nel?" He warned with his tone of voice. He knew where the dragon was going with this...

"And it makes me want to tease you more, Jake," the dragon growled under her breath. "And then I get myself riled up and it makes me want to do things to you."

Jacob felt the blood drain from his face. In a rush he clamped his hands around the dragon's snout. "Ssshhhhh!" he hissed , looking around wildly and hoping no one heard. "Not in public!" he admonished the dragon.

Penelope wriggled out of his grasp with a giggle. "But I do!" the dragon squealed in excitement, causing her keeper to turn away with a groan of frustration. Prancing close, she leaned into his ear. "It makes me want to take you home and tackle you and do horrible, terrible things," she whispered. Jacob felt the long, slow ply of her thick, draconic tongue brush across his neck, causing him to shudder.

The moment was pure torture for Jacob. He already felt his pants starting to get tight. "Nel, Please don't," he begged her.

Penelope churred and gave his ear lobe a quick nibble, causing Jacob to gasp. Warm, humid breath blew across his neck. "I'm getting all hot, Jake... and I want to do something about it," she sang into his ear.

Jacob pulled away and attempted to put some space between him and his dragon. "We're not doing this. Nope, we're not doing this! We're not."

Gleefully, the dragon bounded to him in a few steps, compulsively giggling. "Yes we are! Do you know what time it is?"

Jacob sighed and brought his hands to his face. "No, and I don't want to know," he mumbled.

Delightfully, Penelope leaned into his ear. "It's sexy dragon time!" she whispered, prancing around her keeper in a circle.

Jacob nearly lost it at her speaking the "S" word. He whirled around to face her, his actions and behavior almost hysterical. "No!" he hissed, pointing an angry finger in her face. "It is not sexy dragon time! It is the opposite of sexy dragon time! It is normal dragon time!"

"What if sexy dragon time is normal dragon time?" she whispered into the other ear, giggling to herself.

Jacob tried his best to hide his smile under his budding rage, but he was fighting a losing battle. Damn if she wasn't doing a good job of teasing, he thought. It took all that he had just to keep composure.

"I see that smile of yours, Jake..." Penelope taunted. "You like it."

"I do not!"

"Do too. Do too, do too, do too!"

He couldn't help it. Jacob sighed in defeat, shaking his head as the smile spread broadly across his face.

"I hate you," he whispered.

"See?" the dragon squealed in delight. Penelope padded the ground with her feet and turned around in a circle for her victory prance. "Told ya! I win!"

Against his best intentions, he laughed. Penelope nudged him with her snout in a show of clear affection.

"This is why I like you," she churred .

"Cripes, Nel..." Playfully, he grabbed his dragon around the neck, put her in a gentle headlock, and rubbed her along the snout with his free hand. "Alright, you win this time. I'm serious, though. No more teasing. We're in public, okay?" He brought a pair of fingers under her scaly chin and looked her in the eye. "Please? "

Penelope looked up at her keeper. She judged his expression. In seeing it to be completely stoic, her ears flattened against her head and her lips curled into a pout.

"Aww... okay. Fine." A smile quickly appeared as the dragon thought of an idea, and she squirmed out of his grasp. "But only if you promise to make up for it later," she sang.

Jacob bit his lip. "We'll see," he tentatively spoke, and on the inside wanting to agree on the spot. Jacob was flabbergasted at how the dragon could have such an effect on him. Just the fact that he was getting so used to thinking about sex with a dragon had a part of him shocked. It seemed to Jacob that Penelope was too cute, too playful, and definitely too flirtatious for her own good.

"Why, oh why couldn't I just have met a human girl just like you?" he muttered to himself.

"Are you two done playing?" Jasper asked. Jacob about jumped out of his skin at the revelation that the blue dragon had been watching.

"What? No!" Jacob stammered, unsure of what the dragon meant by 'playing'. "I mean, Yes! We're done. But we weren't playing or anything. Just... arguing. Um, let's go." Jacob strode up next to Jasper in an effort to put some space between him and his dragon as the three began to walk once more.

"You know, she's an awfully playful and chipper dragoness," Jasper mused.

Jacob swallowed. "Uh... yeah."

"So much unlike most dragons I know, and believe me I've met quite a few! A great deal are feral-born, and ferals don't exactly tend to be the most sociable of dragons." He chuckled . "In fact, a few I've met would rather bite your head off than talk to it! Penelope must be a domesticate, yes? Hatched and raised by humans?"

"Yeah..." Jacob muttered, somewhat surprised at the blue dragon's deduction. "Is it really that obvious?"

Jasper nodded. "Oh, quite. You don't know many dragons yourself, do you? The difference is rather obvious indeed. Domesticates tend to be more expressive and outgoing, speak much better Common tongue, and they have a fair bit of human mannerisms they've picked up on over the years. When you spend so much time around humans you eventually start to act like them." Jasper paused. "You know, I've never been sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing...."

"I get it..." Jacob nodded. "So you're a domesticate, too, then?"

"Hatched and raised by humans since day one!" Jasper proudly proclaimed. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. A fine life it is, being in human company. You get fed and cared for, you're treated with a little more respect than the feral-born, and you'll always have a place to sleep! Of course, the feral-born tend to hate you for your human roots, and if you aren't lucky you get a bad owner. ...My first owner was never particularly fond of me, but Jeniveve," the dragon sighed wistfully. "She's got a lot of heart. She treats me better than any other human I know. I admire her. I wish she would just go ahead and buy me."

"Why doesn't she?"

"Because she can't afford me, you see. But as long as she works the stables, she says there's no need to buy me. I help her out on the day-to-day things, like buying groceries, you see, and -"

As the blue dragon continued his chatter, Jacob couldn't help but be both put-off and amused by his chattiness. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing a purple dragon sulking, trailing behind with head down and shoulders hunched. Jacob frowned. He hated seeing the dragon downtrodden, yet after the tease she did in public he knew he had to put a foot down.

Jasper continued to talk almost the entirety of the walk to the dragon stables. As they moved away from the busy market district, the streets became less crowded, the buildings became smaller and farther apart, and the streets themselves became more narrow. Jacob had never been to this part of town before, and he passed the time looking at the buildings as Jasper, oblivious, continued to talk.

Minutes later, across the street from an old paper mill, Jacob spied it from afar: a fenced-in plot of land peppered with crowded shanties built from sturdy red brick . They were arranged like two rows of tiny houses, being properly roofed and walled, marked by cheap cobblestone walkways lined with grass and the occasional gas-lit streetlamp. The rather humble hovels had a single lonely window in the back, and large doors with even larger handles specially designed to be easily opened by a dragon with a pull from a wing claw or mouth. Though much smaller than Penelope's lavish living quarters, which was more like a one-room house, the stables were much bigger and more vacuous than any horse stalls Jacob had seen before. Dragons needed their personal space, as well as some room to stretch and walk around.

Outside, in the grass, a pair of dragons lounged in the afternoon sun. A third could be seen walking to his pen, conversing with a human. Each were far bigger than Penelope's size. He couldn't help but feel a tad intimidated by the presence of the creatures, and he could only help but think that Penelope felt the same way. Indeed, as he glanced toward her, he spied only an expression of apprehension on her face.

As the trio reached the front entrance, Jasper cordially held the gate open with his tail for Jacob and Penelope.

"Well, here you go! The city dragon stables!" Jasper proclaimed with pride. He made a bee-line straight for the two rows of shacks, giving a polite "hello" at a pair of humans as he walked by. The stable workers gave Jacob a brief look and a head nod.

"...And these are the dens," Jasper began. "Now, starting at the left: those two are empty, stay away from that one, the dragon in this one might be good to ask, the one next you can ask, and that one too, skip the next one, that's my den, don't bother with that one, nor the next one...."

The three went down the line until Jasper had singled out the hovel of every dragon that would be interested in a job.

"There!" he proclaimed. "Now, there's no guarantee that any of them are actually in their dens right now, but it won't hurt to knock! Just be very polite and cautious, as most feral-born generally dislike human visitors. As for me, I have to go drop off the groceries to Jenivive," he motioned to the satchel at his chest with a wing, "And I have to leave afterward: I've got to be going for a rent-out."

"A rent-out?"

"Oh sure," Jasper replied. "Any dragon at the stables can be rented out for jobs- ah, for a price, of course. Part of the-err... contract, of sorts. What's expected in return of the promise of shelter and coin. I'll be gone for a few hours or so, so I probably won't see you again." Jasper bowed his head politely. "I wish I could stay and talk but I really need to go, so if you excuse me... Jacob, Penelope? I do hope I've been of some help. Both of you take care. Tootles !"

And with that the aquamarine dragon trotted off.

Penelope leaned in and whispered into Jacob's ear. "See? I told you he was weird."

"Nel!" Jacob complained. "Give me a break!"


Asking around for help turned out to be harder than it seemed. The first dragon snarled at Jacob when he opened its door, and the next two were almost as gruff. Jacob was starting to see just how different feral dragons could be compared to domesticates like Jasper and Penelope.

"Are you sure? This is a really easy job," Jacob pleaded to the dragon with whom he was currently conversing.

The dark grey drake curled up in the corner of his shanty let out a snort. "No deal."

"It's not manual labor. It's not time-intensive. I can even pay you half up-front."


"I'll... I'll double the price. Money is of no concern for me."

"No," the dragon repeated.

Jacob let out a frustrated groan. "Why not?"

"Because..." he began, narrowing his eyes. "Your dragoness is a domesticate."

Jacob furrowed his brow. "What does that have to do with it?"

The grey dragon scoffed. "I do not like domesticates. They are filthy creatures that humans have tainted, taught to act and think and behave like them. They are not true dragons, only a shadow of what they should be. I will not work with one, especially not to pretend to be in cohorts with one." The dragon snorted again. "That is disgusting. Filthy."


"You heard me, human. No deal." The dragon's eyes glared. "Now leave my presence."

"Fine." Jacob begrudgingly bowed his head as he exited. "Sorry to disturb you."

Jacob let out a sigh as he closed the door and leaned his back against the wall. Another rejection. Not a one of them so far seemed to be interested in working with Penelope, even for such a simple job as putting up an affectionate show with her in front of his father.

Jacob pursed his lips. The feral-born seemed to be an unsociable, insolent, and bigoted lot. He was starting to realize why some people hated dragons.


"Jake!" Penelope came trotting up to him. "Jake, I found it!"


"Found a dragon that's willing to work with us! Come on!"

She grabbed Jacob by the sleeve of his shirt with her mouth and pulled.

"Woah, hey! What's with the rush?"

"Come on, come on!" the dragon mumbled in excitement, yanking hard on his sleeve.

The pair arrived at a stall on the far side of the lot.

Penelope let go of Jacob's shirt sleeve and nudged him in the back with her forehead.

"Go on, go inside."

"Alright, alright!" Jacob cried as he was shoved forward, and reached for the handle. He didn't understand what was so urgent about this...

Jacob opened the door and took a step inside.

The inside of the shack was a spartan affair. There was bedding in the corner: a simple cotton-stuffed canvas mattress topped with soft deer pelts, next to a small coal furnace for heat in the winter. The opposite wall contained a locking chest for personal items, and next to the door, on a hook, hung a flight vest, much like Penelope's. Any dragon by him or herself was required to wear one while in the city purely for identification reasons. Wild dragons that had no vest were generally untrusted and treated with suspicion, so flying over the city without a vest was illegal.

While the shack contained little else, Jacob immediately knew something was missing.

He turned around and put his hands on his hips. "Penelope, there's no dragon in here."

"Mmm... there is now," she whispered, entering the stall along with him and letting the door close behind her.

Penelope approached him, her hips swaying slowly, shoulders hunched and neck down. The licentious grin spread across her snout told Jacob the dragon's every intention.

Jacob put his hands up. "Oh no. Not here." He shook his head, taking a step back. "Nope, nope."

"Mm... why?" the dragon asked, her gaze unflinching.

Jacob about gave her the most ridiculous look. "Because we're out in the city's dragon stables, in some dragon's stall, where he or she could walk in on us... Just no!"

"Mm," the dragon lowered her head and licked her chops. "But I want to now," she crooned, approaching him to nuzzle his chest.

"Nel... . Cripes, why are you so amorous all of the sudden?"

"I've wanted to jump you ever since you let me out this morning," the dragon growled, her snout moving towards the front of his pants. "And now we're alone..."

Jacob, feeling a bit warm in the cheeks from her words, pushed the dragon away, causing Penelope to let out a whimper of disappointment. He took a few steps backward.

"That's... look , just not here, okay? I'll owe you some... err, yeah. I'll owe you later."

"Not right now?"

"Not right now."

"Then that means I get to play the 'convince Jacob to mate' game again." The dragon delightfully sang.

"Uh oh." Jacob felt the blood run from his face. He held his hands up. "Nel, not here. I... Cripes." he took steps backward. Jacob didn't like the look in her eyes: that narrow-eyed predatorial gaze that he was familiar with. He watched her slow and stalking gait, the tail raised slightly, swaying left and right in a slow arc.

Penelope ruffled her leathery wings. The amorous dragon pounced forward, landing right in front of her keeper, startling him.

"Please?" the dragon begged.

Jacob gasped as Penelope dug her snout into his crotch, sniffing with a deep breath, smelling the scent of his manhood and letting out the air with an antsy growl.

"Nel, just hold on!" He backed up, finding little room to move in the cramped stall, and suddenly found his back against the wall.

"Mmm," Penelope murmured as she felt the soft bulge underneath Jacob's pants with her snout. She began to lap and nuzzle the bulge in wanton desire, feeling excited to touch his manhood even through the fabric.

"Nel!" Jacob couldn't help but unexpectedly laugh. "I'm being serious, here!"

"I'm being serious, too: I want to mate. Right now ."

The dragon reared up and caught her keeper. She relaxed her body, trying to pull him down with her weight.


Jacob came crashing down onto the vacant bedding, and his dragon, holding on tight, quickly climbed over him, pinning him down.

"Nel, when I say no, I mean it!" Jacob crossed his arms.

"Mmm..." was the only reply out of the dragon. Jacob let out a peeved huff. He looked, seeing the wanton expression on his dragon's face: the lustful gaze in her eyes, the open muzzle, the panting breath, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.

Penelope licked her lips. "Mm, Jake... I'm feeling hot right now. I need your cock."

Jacob raised his brows high. Strong words coming from the dragon already! He gulped, feeling his own body begin to react. Maybe they could just for a little... No!

Jacob pursed his lips and tried to clear his mind of the temptation. "Nel, I told you: not here."


Churring, Penelope went in for a lick on the neck, causing Jacob's eyes to open wide.

"Because someone could find us. We shouldn't..."

"Mmm" Penelope hummed. "Yes, we should."

The dragon, slowly, began to climb over him, crawling onto his lap, licking and nuzzling along the way. Jacob felt a forepaw wrap around his back as Penelope drew close, pressing her draconic body against his own, her hips already moving eagerly in their slow, sinuous movement that quickly had her keeper's blood pumping.

Jacob gulped. Here he was, being held down by a rather amorous dragon that was doting on and licking his chin! Penelope's belly scales pressed heavily against his chest, backed by the bulk of the dragon's weight. Jacob squirmed in place, being unable to easily push her off.

"I-rrf-Nel!" he shouted as the dragon began to nose under his shirt collar. He put both hands on her shoulders and held Penelope at bay, trying not to give into the temptation and let the dragon have her way.

"... I'm beginning to think you have a thing for being the aggressive one in the relationship," he flatly stated with hint of wry sarcasm.

"Maybe. Or maybe I just like to play," Penelope replied with a teasing grin, digging the front of her snout into her keeper's skin and huffing his masculine scent. The smell had the dragon reeling, her tail quivering and her wings shivering in excitement. She sat up on him, her thighs sitting on his own, tail swishing between his legs eagerly, feeling the fire in her belly grow. She was starting to get wet.

"Let's get these clothes off," Penelope growled , her claws beginning to reach for his shirt and pull up.

"Lets... not!" Jacob gasped. His hands bolted down his body to grab ahold of his shirt in protection. "Nel, not here! Can't you-Mmrf!"

Jacob gasped as his dragon went in for a deep kiss. He arched his spine and sucked in a sudden breath through his nostrils, momentarily shocked by the presence of scaly lips pressed against his own and of the thick and muscular tongue eagerly exploring. Penelope used the moment to win the battle with her keeper's hands and pull the tucked-in portion of his shirt out from his pants. Moments later Jacob forced his eyes open at the sound of a button being ripped from its hem.

"Mmmf!" Jacob pulled back from the kiss with a gasp. "Not the shirt! Don't ruin it! Cripes, dragon!"

Penelope only giggled as she pulled her keeper's shirt up, revealing the bare skin underneath. Greedy paws grasped and touched, caressing his chest, before moving lower to grope lewdly with her paws at the space between Jacob's legs. Jacob bugged his eyes out at the roughness of the dragon's squeezing.

"Hey!" He grabbed her paw. "Hold on!"

"No!" the dragon giggled.

"Penelope, this isn't a game!"

"Yes it is, Jake," the dragon churred. She began to pull and tug at his belt, trying to get his pants to slide down his legs.

"Wait!" Jacob put his hands up. "Don't rip my pants! Just... arg, fine!" In exasperation, Jacob undid the belt and zipper for her, lest she ruin those too, grumbling to himself that the last thing he should be doing is encouraging her. A part of him still knew that it was a horrible idea to have sex here, but if the pressure in his loins was any tell it was that the dragon's behavior was certainly having an effect...

"Ah!" Penelope gasped in excitement. She stood up to yank her keeper's pants off, bending down, taking a mouthful of fabric, and yanking until the thing slid off his legs. Jacob wasn't sure why he wasn't trying harder to stop her.

"I hate you," he muttered, as Penelope followed suit with Jacob's underwear. He was now lying nude on the stable's soft fur bedding. The dragon was pleased to find an erection already waiting for her.

"You like it," She hummed a devious laugh.

Jacob pursed his lips. "Oh, shush."

The dragon wasted no time in bending down to play with the object of her affection, tongue lashing out to lick and lap. Jacob gasped as he felt the ply of an eager tongue lashing his shaft. Penelope kissed and nibbled gently, letting out whimsical hums of excitement as she curled her tongue around his shaft, exploring every inch. The dragon's tongue was muscular and hot, and thick, ashy saliva quickly coated Jacob's member, covering it with a wet sheen.

Jacob stared at the dragon bent down between his legs so eagerly licking, nearly dumbfounded at what was happening. "Nel, I still don't think it's a good idea to have sex here. I... Mmm." Jacob paused, so mesmerized by the rhythmic lapping of the thick, draconic tongue that he momentarily lost his train of thought.

"Mm, don't care," Penelope mumbled between licks, taking pause to nibble at his foreskin, staring back with lustful eyes all the while.

"Don't care? We talked about this, dragon!" Jacob angrily yelled, trying to push her away. "We- ah!"

He was not prepared for when Penelope opened her jaws and took the entirety of him in her mouth. Immediately, Jacob swore and doubled over, grabbing onto the sides of her head as his dragon began to suckle at an aggressive pace . Penelope mashed her snout to the base of her keeper's cock, lapping at every inch, her tongue lashing out to wash over his sac underneath. Quickly she began to bob her head, pulling back carefully before mashing her snout all the way down again, using the flat of her tongue and the roof of her mouth to form a partial seal in her muzzle.

It was all Jacob could do just to hang on for the ride. His legs kicked out and his body squirmed under the intensity of the oral assault.

"Nel... s-somebody could come in here!" he gasped, feebly trying to lift the dragon's mouth off of him.

"Yes, you!" Penelope spoke as she relinquished for a brief moment, pulling off of his cock with a pop!. No sooner than the dragon replied did she go back down on him, suckling greedily around the stiff shaft in her mouth.

"That's... not what I meant!" Jacob stammered, feeling his resistance quickly slipping away.

Penelope only replied with a delighted hum around his cock, and Jacob, speechless for a moment, felt that he could no longer fight the steady tugging, pulling, sucking motions that his dragon's mouth provided.

"Cripes... let's just make it quick," he half-moaned, laying back and taking his dragon's horns in hand.

Penelope responded with an enthusiastic squeal as she laid down between the legs of her keeper, eager to grasp and feel with her paws. The dragon felt herself getting wetter as she tasted him, her loins beginning to ache for attention, almost, the dragon whimsically thought, as if her slit was jealous that her mouth was getting all the fun.

The mouth did not relinquish, though, being too enthused to taste and suck, too eager to savor the big finish. Indeed, the dragon looked forward to the end as one of her favorite parts, as the whole experience of feeling her keeper finish, of tasting him.... It thrilled her greatly.

Penelope let out a rumbling growl from deep in her throat as she sank her muzzle to the base and suckled heavily on every inch. She delighted in feeling his stiffness. Every time the dragon felt him throb in her mouth had her giving an extra-strong suck and an eager hum of pleasure in reward. Her tongue moved on automatic, stroking the underside of his shaft, tasting him, delighting in the curvature of his cap-like tip and the veiny shaft.

It still amazed him how much the dragon enjoyed such an act, moreover, how she had become so good at it. Penelope was using her whole tongue to stroke and massage the underside, bobbing her head back and forth with practiced motions, twisting her head occasionally to experiment with different angles. Warm drool began to dribble down his sac. Her sharp teeth never grazed him; her large canines were safely kept on either side of his shaft. The dragon suckled hungrily, eagerly awaiting her keeper's finish, yearning to taste his seed.

Jacob's eyes slowly began to droop. The grip on his dragon's horns began to tense up. He felt himself ready to blow already; several days without sex had left him sensitive to pleasure. He tried to fight his quickly-approaching orgasm off, trying to prolong the moment.

"Nel..." Jacob moaned, squirming in place at the rhythmic suction. "It's been a few days... If you don't let up, I'm gonna come soon."

"Good," the dragon hastily replied, before going back down on him, moaning to herself as a large spurt of precum splashed across her palate. She swallowed the savory fluids immediately. Jacob still couldn't quite get over how focused the dragon was, how intent she was on getting him to finish. It only added to the experience, making it harder to last longer.

Jacob could fight no more. The dragon's mouth was terribly effective. The pressure deep in his loins was growing too much. He found his hips moving, thrusting up into her mouth.

"Ah... ahh! Nel!" Jacob cried out, swearing loudly. It was Penelope's cue that his orgasm was near. The dragon let out an exited hum and fidgeted in place, speeding up impatiently until she was moving at a machine's pace. Her eyes were closed, her ears folded back as the dragon suckled with a lust-driven single-mindedness that only four days of spending time apart could provide. Frothy spittle was accumulating at the sides of her mouth. She felt him grow in her mouth, felt him stiffen up.

And with a moan from the mouth of her keeper and a sudden thrust into her muzzle, she felt the first spurt of thick fluids splashing across her tongue. Penelope squealed in delight, savoring the taste and letting it send shivers down her spine. Another spurt, and another, and the dragon felt the thick fluid pumping out and onto her tongue, coating the inside of her muzzle. Penelope savored the complicated, savory taste, moaning to herself in rapture even as her keeper groaned in mid-orgasm. She squeezed her hind legs together in wanton desire, tensing up her mating vent and causing her slit to drip its copious fluids onto the ground.

As Jacob, still sitting down with legs spread, came off his high, he brought a hand to his quickly-expanding chest to catch his breath. His cheeks felt warm and his groin wet and sticky. He looked down between his legs to find a purple dragon comfortably sitting down between them, her forepaws gripping the inside of his thighs and her muzzle wrapped around the base of his cock. She did not come off of him, instead merely opening her eyes to stare at her keeper provocatively and huskily growling with his cock still in between her lips.

"Cripes, that's hot," whispered Jacob, quickly becoming embarrassed at the admittance that anything done by a dragon could be hot. He attempted to shrug the feeling off.

Penelope stood up, keeping a firm grip on the quickly-softening shaft in her mouth all the while, giving a few more suckles until finally she slowly, carefully came off of him with another pop!, taking time to close her eyes. There had been a lot this time, and the dragon relished the large load on her tongue, taking time to swish the stuff around in her mouth before swallowing with a low hum.

"You taste so good..." the dragon whispered, churring in contentment as she swallowed again and started to lick her teeth clean of the sticky substance.

Jacob, still panting, furrowed his brow. "I can't imagine..." he began between breaths. "That it would taste that good..."

Penelope leaned close, bringing her head up to his level. "Here, try it," she replied, quickly darting her sticky tongue into her keeper's open mouth.

Jacob immediately flinched and jerked, scooting himself backward in surprise. "Ack! Bleh! Penelope!" he yelled , wiping his tongue off with the back of his hand, causing the dragon to giggle. "That's gross! Ew! I can't believe you just did that!"

"What's wrong, Jake?" the dragon asked. "You've tasted me before... "

"That's... this is different!" he stammered, unsure of exactly how. Jacob smacked his lips, trying to clear his palate of the strange flavor, still half-horrified at what he was tasting. It was an entirely unpleasant experience, as far as he was concerned.

"Dragons must have weird taste buds... yuck!"

Penelope only giggled in response. "Well, I like it," she proclaimed, bending down to lick and clean his cock. "I like it a lot. Mm." Jacob spread his legs for her, dumbfounded at how the dragon could enjoy such a thing.

"Don't you like how I taste?" Penelope asked between licks. "I do."

"Ah, well..." Jacob paused. The taste of a dragon's fluids was certainly an interesting one... a complicated earthy flavor with a bit of tang to it. Definitely strange and not exactly delicious, though Jacob could imagine much worse.

"I err..." Jacob shrugged. "I suppose."

When she had finished, Penelope gave her keeper an affectionate nudge with her snout. "Good," the dragon whispered, turning around. Jacob looked up. With a flick of her wing claws and the fumbling of her forepaws, the dragon cast off her flight vest, goggles, and satchel, letting all three fall to the floor.

"So taste me, Jake," the dragon pleaded, spreading her legs and lowering her haunches to his face. The dragon eagerly raised her tail, revealing her feminine parts. Her slit - swollen with desire and heat and leaking a clear fluid - begged to be touched and felt. Jacob gulped. How did she get so wet already?

"Nel, I still don't know if we should-"

Jacob was interrupted by a high-pitched whine out of the dragon. She arched her long neck left to look back at him, pouting.

"Look, I'm not reluctant; I'm just worried about someone walking in on us!" Jacob proclaimed in exasperation.

"No one will." The dragon shook her head. "This is Jasper's pen, and he said he'd be gone for a long time. We're safe."

"I-" Jacob faltered, unsure of what to say. "Wait, this is? You knew this the entire time?" he gawked .

The dragon nodded. "See, Jake? I'm being careful. Aren't you proud of me?"

"If you knew then why didn't you say so!?" he angrily proclaimed.

The dragon gave a devious little giggle. "I was going to say something but when you started getting all flustered and adorable it made me change my mind."

He let a peeved exhale out his nose and pursed his lips "You... you sneaky, conniving, devious, scheming little ..."

Jacob pulled her hips down, and suddenly Penelope felt a tongue dance across her slit, causing her to arch her back with a moan. A few more licks later and she felt the tongue briefly sliding in between her folds to tease at her inner passage.

"Yes!" the dragon breathlessly gasped. She wasted no time in pressing back into the tongue, grinding her slit on her keeper's face. Jacob let out a muffled Mmf ! as the dragon's swollen mound pressed firmly against his cheeks. He wrapped one arm under his dragon's thigh as his other snaked down his own body to grasp and stroke his saliva-covered cock. Jacob parted the dragon's scaly entrance with his tongue and trailed the tip along the entire slit, tasting for himself what the dragon had to offer.

"Ah!" Penelope gasped as she felt her keeper's tongue slip inside. She immediately clenched on what she could, savoring the wiggling motions of the stumpy human organ. Jacob lapped along her inner walls, feeling for himself the silky smooth texture inside of her, the heat of her body, and swallowing the taste of her fluids. Slowly she began to grind her hips against her keeper's face and Jacob, with a muffled grunt, did his best to press back against the wanton creature to prevent being pushed over. The thick, musky smell of an aroused dragon invaded his nostrils, filling his lungs, and sending his mind buzzing. That taste... that earthy, tangy taste was hot on his tongue. Jacob felt the dragon's belly scales-firm, but soft enough to have some give-were warm to the touch on his cheeks. He spread the dragon's slit scales wide with a pair of fingers and eagerly licked at the pink skin inside .

The dragon let out a pleasured churr. "Jake... Keep going. Please."

A pair of fingers quickly replaced the probing tongue as Jacob moved lower to explore the firm nub at the tip of her slit. Penelope gasped and her legs tensed when he took the thing between his lips. He began to work her steadily, pumping in and out even as his lips mouthed and nipped at her clit.

"Ahh... ahhh!" Penelope gasped, jutting her neck out and arching it back. "Jake!"

With his lips and tongue busy, a muffled murmur came the only reply. Jacob wrapped both arms around her hips as Penelope began to grind her nub against his chin. He was beginning to lose his sense of self, getting caught up in the moment of pleasuring his dragon, forgetting she even was a dragon, if only for a moment.

Penelope could not last long. She moaned as much to her keeper , enjoying the ecstasy of his oral assault. The pair of fingers penetrating her silken hole began to move faster, creating a distinct, rhythmic slicking noise as the dragon's fluids accumulated. The dragon began to shiver and shake even as her inner vent tightened around the probing digits. Penelope let out a low, grumbling growl as Jacob carried her to orgasm, finding herself just as sensitive and easy to set off as her keeper was after several day's rest. Her growls were punctuated with a sudden squeal as Jacob took her firm little button-like clit in between his lips and sucked hard, drawing out the dragon's pleasure. Penelope mindlessly ground her hips against her keeper's face until her pleasure finally began to draw to a close.

"Mmm... mrf... stop! Stop!" the dragon shouted, lifting her haunches.

"What?" he asked, wiping his mouth clean of the slick fluids with the back of his arm.

The dragon turned around, delighted to find her keeper gaining a second erection.

"Cock. Now!" she eagerly growled, pouncing on him and causing Jacob to gasp in surprise. The dragon wasn't even content waiting for him to stand up. She would be mated where he lay , with her on top. Jacob shifted in place as his dragon sat down on him and eagerly began to press the outer bits of her slit against the underside of his firm shaft.

The dragon looked down at her keeper, her heart and mind clouded by lust, and grinned.

"Growl for me Jake," Penelope provocatively whispered, grinding her hips on him in licentious ways as her thick, draconic tail swished between his legs.

Jacob recoiled, feeling odd to be put on the spot for such a strange request.

"Penelope, I'm not going to growl like a dragon for you," he flatly stated.

"Do it! " the dragon pleaded, brushing her snout against his face.


"Please?" she asked, giving him her sweetest doe-eyed look.

Jacob groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He swallowed, took in a deep breath, and gave the dragon his best Grrr! .

Penelope watched, amused, and at first doing her best not to giggle, and then failing on Jacob's second try, letting out a hysterical fit of laughter.

"Hey!" Jacob protested, feeling hurt. "Don't laugh! Humans aren't built for growling, okay?" He pursed his lips tight.

"You're cute. I like cute," the dragon cooed, leaning in to lick him on the cheek. And despite his best intentions, Jacob began to show just a hint of a smile.

"Nel, you're crazy," Jacob laughed as he wedged his hand between her vent and his groin to grab hold of his erection. "Lift up a little bit," he encouraged her, coaxing the dragon to follow orders.

Penelope let out a gasp as she felt the warmth of his cock drag across her folds. She began to lower herself, churring in delight as she felt him slip inside of her and spreading her entrance wide. A shiver of excitement worked its way up her spine as she felt her vent spread by the human's girth.

Penelope wasted no more time in riding him, sinking down until Jacob's shaft had slid inside completely before flexing her powerful hind legs and beginning to rock. Jacob gasped as the dragon's hips began to work their magic, causing him to slide in and out of her silken vent at a delicious pace.

"Cripes, dragon, you're eager for sex today," Jacob huffed, hands jumping to her waist to hold on.

Penelope arched her neck back. "I love mating! And I love sex!"

Jacob chuckled. "Nel, they're the same thing!"

A low, husky growl came the only reply.

Penelope hunched over her keeper, with forepaws planted firmly above his shoulders, and used her hind legs and muscular tail to power the gyrating movements of her hips. It was an unusual sight to see in practice, watching a dragon push against the ground with her tail to grind and bump, but Jacob could certainly attest that experiencing it first-hand was incredible. Penelope clenched around him as she pulled up, savoring his girth and length, only to relax her tail and legs and sink back down, forcing Jacob's shaft sliding back inside of her vent all the way to the very base. Soft skin bucked and rubbed against smooth belly scales, spreading warm draconic fluids across their groins, and all the while Jacob was in rapture.

While Penelope also enjoyed being bent over and taken, being on top and getting to set the pace certainly had its own benefits. Sex in this position was exciting, even empowering, in a way, as the dragon re-discovered the pleasures of being able to set and control the pace. Penelope slowed down and focused on sheer power as she bucked aggressively on Jacob's shaft, forcing it to rub against the front walls of her mating vent where the pleasure seemed to be more intense.

"Ooh, that's the spot," Penelope growled to herself. "Yeah... "

The dragon's head began to sway and dip as she relaxed her neck and focused solely on the delectable sensation of her keeper's shaft inside of her: poking , prodding, reaching deeper with every dip of her hips. Penelope let out a long and low churr as she began to find a comfortable rhythm.

"Cripes," Jacob gasped, mesmerized by the intensity of her pace. The heavy bouncing of a dragon on his hips caused him to grunt in reflex. Jacob held on tight to the dragon's haunches as she rode him. He felt her scaly thighs against the sides of his waist flexing, relaxing, flexing again... . He focused on the soft, silken vent so snugly wrapped around his cock, the internal heat of his dragon's body warming him up, and looked up, seeing Penelope's closed eyes and wide, toothy grin. In that moment he thought the dragon never looked more carefree in her life.

Minutes passed. The smell of sex began to fill the room, punctuated with grunts and groans and growls. In the back of his mind Jacob only hoped that none of the other dragons nearby could hear the sounds she was making, along with the constant wet smacks from between their hips. Penelope not even for a moment paused or slowed, seemingly wanting to bounce on the shaft between her legs forever. Penelope's juices had begun to leak out from her, coating Jacob's balls and groin, making the entire area slippery and wet.

Feeling her legs beginning to tire, the dragon leaned back and brought her forepaws to her chest, using her tail to balance herself in an upright position. She dropped her head to her chest, closed her eyes, and growled to herself in sweet rapture as Jacob took the hint and began to thrust up into her from below. She felt a hand running up her belly scutes, caressing her waist, then running down to grasp and squeeze her haunches, causing her to croon in pleasure, as the dragon relished being felt and squeezed by her keeper, to feel his desire for her, for her draconic body and shape.

The dragon gasped as she felt a thumb draw near her slit and begin to thumb at the tip of it, rubbing at her exposed clitoris. Jacob flicked his thumb across the nub vigorously, forcing a low growl out of the dragon.

"Keep doing that..." Penelope huskily moaned. The dragon was at the mercy of her keeper's fingers.

Jacob smiled. He had no intention to stop, figuring a quickie was more pertinent in some unknown dragon's stable. The quicker they finished and left, the better.

Penelope felt her pleasure rising, her cheeks warming, and knew that her climax was approaching. The dragon did not hold back. Neither did Jacob.

"Nel..." Jacob gasped. "I'm getting close."

The dragon perked her ears up at the words, for a moment having a hard time deciding in which end she wanted him to finish inside of. She licked her lips at the thought of tasting him a second time, but felt a burning desire in her to feel him finish inside of her and claim her with his seed.

"Ahh... good!" Penelope cried out. "Come in me, Jake! I want to feel it!"

The dragon accentuated her words with a long grind on her keeper's hips, clenching around him tightly to make her intentions clear, causing Jacob to moan.

The female dragon had worked herself up into a frenzy, having given in fully to lust and desire. She fluttered her wings, causing quiet gusts of air to envelop the pair for a moment as her desire rose. Jacob reeled from the intense pounding of the dragon's hips against his own. His hands gripped her scaly hide and squeezed as a grunt escaped his lips.

The dragon let out a gasp as her vent began to tighten, giving her that filling sensation, signaling an impending climax. She rutted Jacob wildly, bouncing feverishly on him, letting out an uncontrollable growl. Jacob gasped as the dragon's climax began, her silken vent coming to life with a series of pulsing, spasming contractions, pulling him inward, coaxing him to release his seed. At that moment, Jacob let himself go and gave into the burning in his groin, letting loose the pent-up fluids that had been accumulating. He shot said fluids deep inside of her vent, splashing across her walls, mingling with the clear liquids that the dragon naturally produced.

As the dragon's contractions and squeals came to an end, Jacob let out a sigh of relief. Somehow, he had managed to finish quickly.

"Alright, Nel..." he panted. "We had fun, but we gotta get outta here before somebody finds out."

Penelope pouted. She gave a few more humps against her keeper's hips. "No more?"

Jacob laughed. Did the dragon's appetite have no end? "No more. I can't go a third time."

"Aww..." the dragon pouted as she lifted herself off of him, standing up to nose between her keeper's legs and lick him clean. Penelope took her time, lapping up their combined fluids with long, slow licks, savoring the experience. A shiver traveled down her spine.

Jacob brought a hand to the dragon's face as she worked. "Nel, we gotta work on knowing when no means no."

"I told you, Jake..." the dragon replied between licks. "We're safe. This is Jasper's pen." Penelope looked up at him, her face marked with a twinge of disappointment. "I thought you'd be proud of me for trying to be private."

Jacob frowned. "I am, but... that doesn't mean it's okay to have sex in here." He sighed. "It's not right. And we could have gotten caught regardless. Nel, sometimes you just need to trust my judgment and listen to me. Sometimes we can't play games and we have to be serious. Do you understand?"

The dragon paused her licks and turned away.

"... You're mad at me."

Jacob twitched.

"A little, yeah." He swallowed uncomfortably. "But I'll forgive you, as long as you start listening to me when I say no."

Penelope thought for a moment, then leaned in to nudge her keeper with her forehead in affection.

"Okay," she whispered. Jacob smiled. He looked up at her and brought a hand to your cheek.

"You're too cute, Nel." Penelope let out a quiet giggle.

"Good," she replied, leaning in to lick his neck.

"Alright, so we need to get out of here." Jacob started to get up.

"Nope!" The dragon replied. "Cuddle time!"

Jacob cried out in surprise as the dragon tackled him once more, quickly wrapping him up in a pair of leathery wings and scale-covered legs.

"Ack!" He struggled for a moment to free his arms from her embrace before finally giving up. "Alright, fine... but only for a little. "

"Yay!" Penelope rejoiced, and the dragon leaned in to nuzzle her keeper's cheek.


Penelope hummed in quiet contentment as she laid next to her keeper, but Jacob was busy thinking once more. Now that the pull of sex had been abated and his mind was clear, he couldn't find himself less than a little horrified at what had happened.

Cripes, how did I go from trying to limit having sex to letting her jump me in the middle of the city's dragon stables?

With all that had happened recently, between his father finding out what was going on between the two, to Penelope being locked up for it, and the strange feelings he had been getting when she was locked away...

I just... I just don't know if this is right. What I'm doing. I'm not even sure what to think of myself anymore.

Churring quietly, and with her snout resting in his shoulder, Penelope tightened her hug for a moment, murmuring something he couldn't make out. Jacob felt comfortable in the dragon's embrace. Perhaps a bit too comfortable.

Minutes passed. Jacob thought.

Something had to be done. And as difficult as it was to say them aloud, the words needed to come out.

Jacob cringed and mumbled the words reluctantly.

"Penelope, I know I've mentioned this many times before, but I think I am serious now. I don't... I don't know if we should continue having sex."

He expected a reaction, but the dragon only moved lower, kissing his neck, licking down his collarbone. "Mm, why not?" she whispered frivolously into his ear, apparently not concerned with his words at the moment.

"Well, with my father finding out, and all the tension going on in the house, and..."

Jacob let the words trail off. He was stalling, trying to convince himself those were the real reasons. A pained expression formed on his face as his dragon began to paw at his chest. He didn't want to say it. It felt wrong to even admit it...

"And I... I'm afraid I'm getting feelings for you."

Penelope paused, but only for a second. "Good," she whispered between licks under the chin. She moved higher to kiss her keeper. Jacob accepted the pair of dragon lips pressing against his own. A surprisingly calm reaction from her, in Jacob's eyes.

"But what... " he asked between kisses. "What about you finding a dragon for a mate? What about me?" Reluctantly, he pushed himself away from his dragon for a moment. "Nel, we had this discussion already. Sex is one thing, but..."

"You're doing it again," she cooed as she wrapped him up in her leathery wings. "I hate these conversations. You're thinking too much. Why not just explore what we're feeling and stop thinking?"

"That's the thing, Nel... part of it feels right, but part of it feels so wrong, too."

Penelope frowned.

"I mean, don't you see, Nel?" Jacob removed himself from the dragon's embrace to sit up and find his trousers. "Think of it this way: you are a dragoness. You like drakes. I'm a man, and I like women."

Penelope crawled into his lap while he spoke. "So? I like you, too." She rested her head against his chest.

Jacob sighed. "That's the problem, Nel... That's the problem."

"I still don't see why." Penelope cocked her head.

Jacob let out another sigh as he draped an arm around his dragon's neck. She'll probably never understand, he reasoned. He tried to think of another way to present the issue.

"I just don't know what to think anymore. This isn't what I wanted. I mean...." He shook his head. "Cripes, I don't even believe I'm saying this, but what if I wanted a family, yaknow? What if I find a girl I like, and I wanted to marry her, and stuff?"


Jacob stared at her. "...You don't see an issue with that?"

"Nope! Not as long as we're still together," the dragon happily churred.

Jacob laughed. "That's not how humans do relationships!"

"But I'm not a human, Jake."

Jacob was struck by the response. He closed his eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath.

"You aren't dating a girl now, so why worry about it?" Penelope murmured.


"Hmm," the dragon happily hummed, pressing her snout against his cheek, distracting him.

"I just don't know what to do..." he muttered.

Penelope pressed her snout under her chin and closed her eyes. "Do what I do. Just keep doing what feels right," she whispered.

Jacob let his conflicted feelings out with a sigh and rested his hand on the dragon's neck. He shook his head...

And reluctantly, he smiled.


Jacob opened the solid wood door with a creak and poked his head outside. No one to the left. No one to the right. Good, he thought. Slowly, he slinked out of Jasper's stall, fully clothed, with Penelope in tow.

A wave of relief swept over him as he quickly put some distance between him and the dragon stalls. "Cripes, I can't believe we got away with that... "

Penelope, trotting behind Jacob, ran up behind him and nosed under his arm. "Mm, it was fun. Maybe we should do more when we get back home," she playfully growled.

Jacob couldn't help but laugh. "No way! Not with father -"

"I was playing." Penelope stuck her tongue out and giggled. "But only kinda," she added with a toothy grin.

He shook his head. "Cripes, today's been like you're in heat all over again."

"No heat. Just antsy." The dragon nodded.

Jacob dropped his head and closed his eyes. "Okay, let's get on a more comfortable subject... back to our plan."

"What?" Penelope asked in confusion.

"We gotta get a drake to pretend to be in a relationship with you, remember?"

The dragon folded her ears flat against her head and let out a whine. "I don't like this plan."

"Penelope," Jacob began, heading for the shack of another dragon. "It's our best bet." He then knocked on the door.


... But four more conversations with dragons later, the pair was no closer to their goal when they started. Jacob let out a peeved hiss through his teeth.

"We've been here for almost an hour and we've asked almost every dragon here." He hung his head in defeat. "... Maybe this plan won't work after all."

He began to walk towards the gate exit. "Maybe if we check in another day, at another time, there will be more dragons around to-"

"Jacob! Penelope! Oh, you're still here!"

Jacob paused in his tracks. Trotting from the main building complex was Jasper. The bluegreen dragon was wearing a great smile.

"Jasper!" Jacob jumped in place. Immediately, thoughts of what he and Penelope had done in the dragon's shack came to mind. What if he had found out? A part of him was terrified of interacting with the dragon ever again.

"Guess what? I have good news!"

Jacob cocked his head and tried to hide his apprehension. "What, did you find us a dragon that'll take our job?"

"Yes..." The dragon cordially bowed his head. "Me!"

"What?!" Penelope gawked.

"Jeniveve checked my schedule and told me I'm free for now so she gave me the goahead to help you with whatever you need. Awful convenient, if you ask me. So I humbly present myself: Jasper..." the dragon bowed fully, with wings splayed out to the sides. "...At your service."

"Jake, say no!" Penelope whispered into his ear. He looked at her, seeing a miserable expression on the dragon's face. She shook her head wildly.

"Anyone but him," she added.

"Is there something wrong?" Jasper asked with head cocked.

"No no," Jacob waved his hands out. He then whispered in Penelope's ear. "Nel, he's our only shot. Every other dragon has said no!"

Penelope backed up and shook her head more. "No, no. Please, Jake..."

Jacob sighed. "Sorry, Nel." He turned to Jasper and smiled.

"We accept."

Penelope let out a pitiable whine and hung her head low.

Jasper gave the pair a warm smile. "Great! So what is it that you need me to do? Some kind of acting job?"

Jacob scratched the back of his head and winced. "Well, you see...."




Post-story notes:

~There's porn. There, happy now? :P

~Against my best efforts, Jacob has started to get romantic feelings for Penelope. I can't say i didn't see it coming but I never wanted it to begin with. Oh well... I figure a lot of you readers enjoy it very much.

~I imagine Jasper having a British accent. What an unlikely pair, Jasper and Penelope... I can only imagine what they'd be like having to spend time together. And I wonder how Desmond would react to seeing them together! I don't know; I haven't written any of that yet! To be honest I don't even know where this story is going. I only hope that I don't write myself into a corner...

~That's all the writing I have for now. If you would like to see me write the continuation of this story, please donate. My Paypal email is [email protected] Once I get a few donations I will start on the next chapter.

The Persistent Dragon Meets a Drake

_The Persistent Dragon Meets a Drake_ It was late evening. The setting sun cast the world in the shadow of twilight. Dark clouds obscured the waxing moon and the crickets sang their serenades in the ever darkening dusk. A pair of boots walked across...

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A Persistent Dragon Teaser

Here's a short teaser for those interested in what might be happening in the next chapter of The Persistent Dragon. I would also like to thank everyone who donated money for the production of more chapters. As I get more donations in I will continue to...

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Breeding the Queen

_This is a starcraft porn story involving Sarah Kerrigan and her "Pet" zergling. Okay, I know what your reaction is going to be. And all I can say is I know, I know.... __I am so, so sorry. Before I say anything else, let me just say this: Blame Varka...

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