Blackie and the Fresian

Story by Blacksnip on SoFurry

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Blackie and The Fresian Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred.

Blackie's eyes flickered open as he slowly arose from the depths of a pleasant slumber, filled with dreams of mares and mating. The afternoon was hot, and the horse chestnut trees in full bloom provided pleasant shade for dozing beneath. His penis, dangling long and thick from his hindquarters, jerked slightly as the black Thoroughbred rested a hindleg, and recalled his slumbering fantasy. He glanced sideways and whickered at the Fresian dozing next to him, a recent entrant into Blackie's harem. Looking back at the jet-coloured horse's hindquarters, the Thoroughbred noticed the Fresian's cock was also relaxed from its sheath and dangling. He must have been dreaming too, but none of the harem's mares were currently in oestrus. The Thoroughbred hadn't covered a mare for a few days now, and his hormones were in full flow, it being the peak of the breeding season. A fly landed on the glans at the bottom of the Fresian's tool, and Blackie nudged the cockhead, causing the fly to flee and the lengthy, heavy organ to swing around.

The Fresian's eye flicked open, and he whickered at the Thoroughbred, who whickered back in response, with a little sigh at the end, indicating mild frustration. When were one of these mares going to come into heat, and encourage him to vent his sexual frustration? As if to centre his thoughts on the core of his sexuality, the Fresian nudged the Thoroughbred's huge orange-sized balls, hanging well down on the relaxed spermatic cords in the heat of the day. The organs wobbled in their pouch of black velvety skin, and Blackie hrrrrrummphed. Simultaneously, his long, veiny cock jerked in stimulation. The Thoroughbred nudged the shaft of the Fresian's penis, setting it swinging, then licked the long organ along the middle of its length. He grunted as the Fresian ever so gently took one of his testicles into his mouth, and sucked the bulging organ. The Thoroughbred stallion's cock jerked again, the movement more pronounced, as blood began to engorge the sinuses within, as the horse's arousal increased. Blackie pushed his muzzle into the Fresian's ballsac, gently pushing the huge glands within up into his groin. Now it was the Fresian's turn to grunt, his mouth full of Thoroughbred testicle, and his huge penis jerked. He let go of Blackie's ball, and studied the Thoroughbred's tool as it started jerking with each pulse of the stallion's great heart as he started to erect.

Blackie took a step forward, and pushed his muzzle under the Fresian's slightly elevated tail, which shot up as the Thoroughbred stallion's whiskers contacted the sensitive anus below. Blackie inhaled the Fresian's tailhole scent, not unpleasant like the stench of carnivores or omnivores, but grassy, earthy, reminiscent of freshly dug earth. The Thoroughbred's erecting penis slapped against his belly, and the stallion lowered his hips slightly to thrust his glans along his belly several times, drawing himself to full erection. A similar motion from the Fresian indicated that that male too was becoming equally aroused. He opened his mouth to take Blackie's swelling glans into his maw; the black Thoroughbred squealed softly at the pressure on his sensitive tissues as the bars of the Fresian's jaws gently squeezed it. The stallion grunted and thrust his hindquarters forward, filling the Fresian's maw with his rapidly expanding cockhead which thumped up against the roof of his mouth, rewarding his stallion friend with a spurt of warm, musky pre-ejaculatory fluid. The Fresian gulped as he swallowed the fluid, and sucked on the glans filling his mouth, which had expanded to the extent that he couldn't close his maw. The Thoroughbred, relishing the sensation of damp heat and pressure on his cockhead, thrust hard into the horse's mouth, spurting more pre-cum from his urethra, some of which squirted out of the Fresian's open lips to dribble down his chin. The Fresian responded by gulping down the salty fluid, and pushing his tongue into the hollow in the glans from which the urethra protruded. Blackie grunted and bucked his hips forward in pleasure as the Fresian's pink tongue pressed on his sensitive cockhole; this time a stream of pre-ejaculate squirted out against the Fresian's tongue.

The Thoroughbred gently took the Fresian horse's protruding, round anus in his mouth and gently nibbled it; now it was the Fresian's turn to squeal softly in pleasure as his sensitive flesh was manipulated. There was a splash, and Blackie looked down between the stallion's hindlegs to see a puddle of pre-ejaculatory fluid on the dusty ground below, drops drooling from the Fresian's urethral process protruding from the large dished glans at the end of his magnificent thick black penis. The Fresian let go of Blackie's expanded cockhead and pushed his buttocks back into the Thoroughbred's head; pushing his anus further into the horse's mouth. The black stallion swept the hole at the centre of the muscular ring, which suddenly opened and closed in spasm. The Thoroughbred, consumed by lust for his male friend, lowered his hips and slapped then pushed his swollen glans along his belly, a shower of pre-cum exploding from the protruding urethra, the knotted veins on his long, thick shaft engorged, the horsecock rock hard. The Fresian grunted and bellyslapped too, a gush of clear pre-cum exploding from his dished glans and splashing to the ground to join the previous puddle. The Fresian pushed his buttocks back hard against Blackie's probing tongue, then barged his muscular hindquarters against the Thoroughbred's shoulders. The message was incredibly clear, and Blackie, his brain full of lust and emotion, revelled in it's meaning. This mighty stallion, somewhat younger than himself, who he had only known a few days, wanted to be penetrated and mated like a mare, wanted his rectum filled with his virile, teeming sperm.

The Thoroughbred did not require any further hints; with an easy practiced heave he sat back on his muscular hindlegs and rose up onto the Fresian's offered hindquarters. The shaft of his long penis slapped up into the other stallion's balls, the glans colliding with the other horse's shaft, liberating a copious gush of precum from the cockhole. He drew his haunches back, and thrust forward, his cock swinging through the air, and the dished glans, now peeing a continuous stream of clear pre-ejaculatory fluid, smacked the crevice of the stallion's buttocks exactly where the vulva would be were he a mare. Grunting in frustration, Blackie drew his hips back and thrust violently forward again, and this time his pissing glans slapped into the round muscular tailhole and lodged under the Fresian's luxuriant thick black tail. Feeling the slight give of the anus on his cockhead, Blackie clasped the wings of the Fresian's hips in his splayed forelegs, thrust his own hips, and pushed with all his might. The tightly clenched hole withstood the sustained pressure for a few moments, the Thoroughbred's thick rigid cock bending slightly, when suddenly it relaxed. Instantly, lubricated by squirting pre-ejaculate, the glans surged through the tight ring and the Fresian squealed as his hole was penetrated. The stretched anus rebounded back along the Thoroughbred's cock, clasping the shaft immediately behind the buried glans. With a grunt of intense pleasure at feeling the Fresian's tailhole grasping his cockhead, Blackie thrust his haunches forward, driving his penis deep into the Fresian horse's rectum, causing the mighty beast beneath him to squeal again at the sensation of his colon being filled with the enormous, turgid horsecock. Lubricated by the Thoroughbred's copious pre-ejaculate however, the squeals were of pleasure, not pain, witnessed by the arching of the Fresian's back and the pushing of his reamed hindquarters back into the Thoroughbred's jerking haunches.

Blackie grabbed a mouthful of his mate's long thick mane in his incisors, and thrust forward violently, burying yet more of his magnificent penis into the Fresian's rectum. As the Thoroughbred's enormous glans surged over his prostate, the mounted stallion grunted, his own engorging glans slapping off his belly, as a plume of pre-ejaculatory fluid erupted from his urethra. With one more heavy thrust the Thoroughbred stallion plunged his cock through the Fresian's hugely stretched tailhole to its thick hilt, driving the preputial ring of his sheath through into the rectum, as if trying to push his balls, now drawn up tight against the base of his penis, through the other male's tailhole. The Thoroughbred stallion, his hindlegs now directly behind those of the penetrated Fresian, almost standing hind hoof to hind hoof, started the deep repeated pelvic thrusts which would bring him to orgasm, grunting with each hammer blow into his mate's hindquarters, the root of his cock pulling six inches out of the distended tailhole, before being immediately plunged back through the anal ring. The mounted stallion, pinned under the weight of the humping Thoroughbred, repeatedly beat his enormously swelling glans against and along his belly, precum squirting in repeated surges from the gaping urethra poking from the centre of his cockhead as his prostate and other internal sex glands were pummelled by the Thoroughbred's violently thrusting cock. The Thoroughbred's grunts and whickers started increasing in volume and frequency as he felt his swelling balls draw up even tighter against his cock base, a sure sign of approaching ejaculation.

Lost in the mating, his eyes bulged in their sockets, and his saliva flew in strings from the jaws clamping the Fresian's crest. The humped stallion slammed his cock against his belly with each of Blackie's thrusts into his rectum, simultaneously thrusting his arse back into the Thoroughbred's groin, maximising the skewering of his sensitive, pleasure-filled rectum as he was vigorously mated. He also started a chorus of grunts and groans, rising in volume and throatiness as his balls drew up from the scrotal sac to nestle tightly under the base of his ragingly erect and bouncing cock, the stream of pre-ejaculate pissing from his urethra increasing in volume. Almost incredibly, Blackie increased the violence and length of his thrusts and draws into and out of the Fresian's arsehole, his flanks and groin slick with sweat, his own anus tightly clenched and protruding under his elevated tail, as he felt the reproductive juices in his balls and hindquarters churning and building in volume, readying for release. Suddenly, he felt the stallion underneath him buck, driving his buttocks deep into his groin, and the anus clasping the root of his penis clamp down hard on the shaft. The Fresian groaned, and a huge plume of sperm erupted from his protruding urethral tube, to splatter and splash all over his belly and between his forelegs. The Fresian grunted, and again the horse's rectum spasmed down on Blackie's cock as the next gush of ejaculate spewed out of the engorged glans. The ejaculatory spasms of his mate's colon sent the Thoroughbred over the edge. He thrust violently into the clutching rectum of the ejaculating stallion one last time, burying his cockbase as deep as it would go, then suddenly froze, and grunted, his eyes rolling up in his sockets.

An enormous jet of sperm exploded from his engorged glans, blasting deep into the contents of the Fresian's rectum. His tail flagged down hard, and whipped up again as his entire reproductive tract spasmed, and another blast of thin, fertile sperm erupted from his gaping urethra. The Fresian's semen, getting thicker now, spewed and splashed noisily down onto the ground below, a retching sound coming from the urethra with each spurt, as Blackie's entire cock jerked deep within the Fresian's colon and spewed an enormous high pressure jet of sperm-rich ejaculate, teeming with life, into his mate's hindquarters. The Fresian horse's tail jerked at the junction of Thoroughbred cock base and Fresian anus as his thick ropes of seminal gel vomited from his gaping urethra to arc to the ground, as Blackie's urethra pulsed violently to pump another huge load of sperm into his male friend's colon. The Thoroughbred's jaw hung slack, saliva drooling from it, his eyes glassy, his brain lost in the ecstasy of ejaculation. His anus clenched and his tail beat his arse as his cock kicked hard and spewed a thicker jet of mixed sperm and seminal gel into the Fresian's hindgut. The Fresian's thick semen started pour, rather than spurt, to the ground as Blackie groaned and his gaping, protruding urethra repeatedly spurted copious ropes of thick seminal gel under high pressure into his mate's arse, the pleasure of feeling his cock pulse as he pumped his semen through his urethra overwhelming his senses. The Fresian's ejaculation had reached an end, thick strings of semen drooling from his now hugely distended glans, as Blackie continued to expel his load of thick semen into the Fresian stallion's now very full rectum, his tail flagging slower as the copious ejaculate vomited thickly from the flared glans. Eventually, the spurts reduced in volume and pressure and, as his ejaculation drew to an end, the Thoroughbred relaxed down on top of his equally orgasm-rocked friend.

His head down by his mate's shoulders, forelegs splayed over his back, Blackie rested for a moment or two, endorphins of orgasm flooding his brain. The first sensation to enter his recovering mind was the distinctive earthy, musky smell of horse semen, issuing from the puddle under, and in front of, his mate. Blackie whickered lovingly, feeling his long horse cock becoming flaccid inside his friend's colon, and started licking the salty sweat from the Fresian's glistening shoulders. The mounted horse, gradually recovering his senses, raised his head, and took a few steps forward. The motion started drawing the Thoroughbred's flaccid cock out through the other horses' anus, the black organ glistening with lubrication. Blackie slid gently down his mate's hindquarters; halfway down his glans was pulled out of the anus with a loud popping/slurping noise, the long floppy cock swinging wildly back between his hindlegs, to be followed by an enormous gush of semen, some splattering onto the ground, the rest soaking the Fresian's still raised tail and rolling down the crack of his buttocks. Forefeet on the ground again, the Thoroughbred shook himself, setting his penis, slowly retracting into the sheath, swinging crazily, gobs of semen drooling from the hugely splayed glans. He took a step toward the Fresian's rump, sniffed under the elevated tail, and performed flehmen, savouring the smell of his own reproductive juices. The Fresian's tail hole relaxed and opened, and another huge torrent of ejaculate gushed forth. Blackie opened his mouth, extended his tongue, and licked up the rivulets of thin sperm and thick ropes of seminal gel from the Fresian's rear, enjoying the taste and texture of his own warm ejaculate, which only a few moments earlier had been deep within his body, then had been pumped into his friends' body, and was now returning to his body. He felt hugely contented, and somehow closely linked to the Fresian, as if the passage of his semen between the two had brought them even closer. He approached the black horse's withers, and started gently nibbling and grooming them, harrumphing in happiness as he felt the Fresian returning the favour. Life was good as a stallion, even when there were no mares in oestrus.

Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred, 2008.

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