Bachelor Party Part Two
**Bachelor Party- Part Two.** **Copyright,** **Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Not to be reproduced elsewhere.** When his puddle of semen was nearly consumed, the black horse, after performing flehmen again, stepped forward, raising his tail, to...
Bachelor Party Part One
**Bachelor Party- Part One.** **Copyright,** **Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Not to be reproduced elsewhere.** It was early morning, cold grey light, and the bachelors were resting- or most of them were. The black stallion stood, quite motionless, but...
The Wolf and the Stallion Part Two
The Wolf and the Stallion- Part Two. By Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. As the stallion continued to gaze into the yellow lupine eyes, he found himself wondering what was going through the canine's mind. Nothing sinister; the stallion knew that, as the...
The Wolf and the Stallion Part One
The Wolf and the Stallion- Part One. By Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. The black stallion stirred slightly from the dream that had been occupying his doze. He wasn't quite sure what had roused him, or indeed what his doze was really about. He was sure...
A History of Reynard's 'Equus' Personal Care Products.
A History of Reynard's 'Equus' Personal Care Products. By our Special Correspondent, Butler McGillycuddy. Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Victor Reynard is well known as the purveyor of the 'Equus' line of personal care products. His...
Blackie and the Liver Chestnut
Blackie and the Liver Chestnut. By Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred, 2009. Not to be reproduced elsewhere without the author's permission. Blackie raised his head from grazing, hrrrummphed to clear his nose,...
Blackie and Zilla Have Fun!
Blackie and Zilla Have Fun! Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Blackie was dozing peacefully, left hindleg flexed, thinking of his favourite stallion friend. As he remembered the chestnut's huge cock plunging through his anus, the Thoroughbred...
Blackie's Latest Mare
Blackie's latest mare. Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Blackie raised his head as the gate to his field clicked. A brown mare with white socks and a white stripe was being released into his paddock. He raised his head and whinnied at her....
Blackie and the Fresian
Blackie and The Fresian Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Blackie's eyes flickered open as he slowly arose from the depths of a pleasant slumber, filled with dreams of mares and mating. The afternoon was hot, and the horse chestnut trees in...
_'Revision'_ _Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. For a friend._ Geff looked again at the few notes he had made in his revision notebook and sighed. Deeply. His anthrocomparative anatomy exam was less than a week away, and like all the exams in his...