Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Three

Story by FriendlyFox on SoFurry

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#4 of Friendly's New Friend

The third chapter of Friendly's new Friend!

Friendly discovers that his new friend needs a lot of help and comfort, and that he's only too happy to provide it to him.

The next morning, Timothy stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Something felt strange though. His training pants felt like they were soaked. As he turned over, he suddenly realized what had happened. "Oh no!" he squeaked with dismay. "Friendly!" "Huh? What's the matter Timothy?" groaned Friendly, wiping sleep from his eyes. Timothy couldn't speak, he could only sniffle as he felt his soaked trainers rubbing against his fur. Friendly pulled the duvet aside, and he sighed deeply. Timothy's pull-ups had leaked and soaked through his shorts and the bedsheets. "Oh dear" he said. "I'm sorry Friendly" blubbered Timothy, as the tears flowed down his furry cheeks. Friendly sighed again, he'd have to get his mom to change the bedsheets and duvet now. However, as the fox saw just how upset Timothy was, he couldn't be cross with him. "Poor Timothy" sympathized the fox, rubbing the chubby little raccoon's back and letting him sob into his arm. "It's okay Timothy, it's okay" "Now I'll never have anymore sleepovers!" cried Timothy, sobbing harder into the fox's fur. "Hey, come on Timothy. I won't tell anyone. You're my best friend, and you can sleep with me whenever you want" "But... but what if...!" cried the raccoon. "It's alright Timothy" said Friendly, hugging the little raccoon tightly. "Don't cry" Timothy rolled onto his side and hugged his fox friend tightly, sobbing into his fur. Friendly embraced his friend and gently rubbed his back to comfort him. Soon, Timothy had stopped crying and the fox smiled at him. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up" "Thank you Friendly" said Timothy, giving his friend a little smile. Friendly got dressed in his dark blue jersey and his black sweat-pants, and put a grey hoodie on over his shirt. Friendly saw that Timothy was trying to take his wet shorts off, but as he pulled on his laces they only got tighter and tighter. "Oh no!" he squeaked with dismay, "Friendly, help!" Friendly chuckled and knelt down so he could help the struggling raccoon. "Turn around" said Friendly, smiling up at Timothy's sad face. Timothy turned around so he was facing away from Friendly, and the fox reached around Timothy's waist and began to undo the various knots. Timothy blushed even deeper as he felt his shorts beginning to loosen up around his waist. "Come on Timothy" said Friendly, putting a paw on the raccoon's shoulder and taking him into the bathroom. "Thank you Friendly" said Timothy, waddling alongside the fox due to his wet training pants. Friendly took Timothy into the bathroom and helped him into the tub. He then pulled Timothy's shorts down, revealing his soaked undergarment. "I think I'm gonna have to get mom to help" said the fox. "Wait here Timothy, I'll go get her. She'll get you all cleaned up before breakfast" "Thanks Friendly" said the raccoon, blushing deeply as he looked in the mirror at himself. Friendly left the bathroom and rushed downstairs.

Later, after Friendly's mom had given Timothy a shower and put his shorts in the washing machine, Friendly helped his friend into his blue t-shirt. "Don't you have any underwear?" asked Friendly, anxiously. "I don't wear big-boy underwear, I just wear my shorts" said Timothy. "Here, let's put you in one of your training pants" said Friendly, taking one of Timothy's spare Pull-ups and helping Timothy put it on. Friendly smiled as he looked at his friend. "Heehee, you look cute like that, Timothy" "Really?" blushed Timothy, grinning sheepishly as he looked down at the picture of Lightning McQueen on the front of his trainers. "Really" said Friendly, putting his paw on Timothy's shoulder. Suddenly, Timothy's tummy growled. "Someone's getting hungry" chuckled Friendly, "Come on, let's go have breakfast" "Okay!" squeaked Timothy, excitedly. Rushing downstairs for breakfast together, Timothy and Friendly couldn't help but lick their lips as they smelled freshly cooked bacon, eggs, sausages and hashbrowns being served by Friendly's dad. "You're just in time for breakfast" he chuckled, as the fox and the raccoon sat next to each other at the breakfast table. "I've put your shorts in the dryer now, Timothy. They should be ready before long" said Friendly's mom, smiling as she glanced at Timothy's pull-up before walking over to Friendly's dad. Friendly also couldn't help glancing at Timothy's pull-up time and again as the chubby little raccoon ate his fill greedily. It looked so cute, in a way he couldn't quite understand. Soon, Timothy had finished everything on his plate. He'd even taken a slice of bread and wiped the sauce and egg-yolk off his plate. "I do admire someone with a good appetite" said Friendly's mom, taking Timothy's plate away for him and putting it in the sink. "Are you done yet Friendly?" Friendly was having a fight with his fried egg... he was trying to cut it with his fork, but it wasn't quite working. "Use your knife, Friendly" said Friendly's dad. Friendly reluctantly picked up the knife and tore away at his fried egg, before using his fork to pick up three bits at once and shoved it into his mouth. Timothy couldn't help giggling as he looked at the indignant look on Friendly's face.

After breakfast, Friendly took Timothy up into the attic, where a large train set was set up all around it in a giant circle on baseboards. "Wow!" squeaked Timothy, as he watched the trains going all over the place. Freight trains slowly winding around the curves, High-Speed passenger trains rushing everywhere. "Look, even the crossing lights work!" said Friendly, pointing out the flashing red lights on the level crossings. "This is wonderful! But... it doesn't look... um... normal" said Timothy. "How do you mean?" inquired Friendly. "Well... I don't see any trains that you see around here" said Timothy. "Yeah, these are British trains. I love how they look and run though, especially that Pendolino of mine" said the fox, pointing out the long red, silver and white train that rushed all over the layout, tilting on the bends. "...but I like it. I really do, I wish I had something like this" sighed Timothy, sitting next to Friendly and watching the trains go by. Friendly chuckled and glanced at Timothy's training pants as the raccoon sat next to him. Just then, Friendly's mom came upstairs. "Here's your shorts Timothy, do you want me to help you into them?" asked Friendly's mom. "I'll help him, mom" said Friendly, smiling at Timothy. "Yeah" agreed Timothy, smiling warmly at Friendly. "Okay then, here they are" said Friendly's mom, leaving them next to Timothy and heading downstairs again. "Let's get you out of those" said Friendly, referring to Timothy's Pull-ups. "No thanks... can you put my shorts on over them?" Friendly hesitated for a moment, but smiled. "Okay" he said, taking Timothy's shorts and helping his raccoon friend into them, before sliding them up his legs and over his training pants. "Do your training pants leak often, Timothy?" asked Friendly "Sometimes... usually when I drink before bed. Mom says I need the other brand, but I like the ones I wear now because they've got Lightning McQueen on them" said Timothy, starting to tear up again. Friendly saw that Timothy was getting upset and pulled him close, giving him a hug. "It's okay Timothy, don't cry" he said, instinctively putting his paw on the seat of Timothy's shorts. As he did so, Timothy began to make a gentle, content trilling noise. He gently rubbed his paw up and down and Timothy began to trill louder. "Do you like that, Timothy?" asked Friendly "Uh-huh" squeaked Timothy, smiling at his friend and giving him a nuzzle. "Awww" smiled Friendly, continuing to rub the seat of Timothy's shorts and hugging him with his other paw. "You know, I always wanted a little brother" "I always wanted a big brother" said Timothy, "Can you be my big brother?" Friendly smiled at the little raccoon. "Yeah, and you can be my little brother" "That would be awesome" said Timothy, as he looked at the trains with Friendly again.

-- The End --

Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Four

Friendly and Timothy continued watching the trains as they went all around the attic. Timothy walked around and followed one of the slow moving freight trains. He grinned and let out a little giggle as the red, silver and white Pendolino overtook it...

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Sleepover at Timothy's

It was a warm, sunny late-September afternoon. Nine-year old Friendly the fox and five-year old Timothy the raccoon were headed home from school together on their bikes. Friendly rode behind the raccoon, looking down at his friend's training wheels and...

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Six

Arturo and Biro go to Camp (Chapter Six) So the boys all ran over to their bikes. Biro on his favorite blue bike. Friendly onto his darker blue bike. Jake onto his black bike, and Timothy on his little red bike with training wheels. "I love to...

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