It was a warm, sunny late-September afternoon. Nine-year old Friendly the fox and five-year old Timothy the raccoon were headed home from school together on their bikes. Friendly rode behind the raccoon, looking down at his friend's training wheels and...
Bedwetter, Bike, Childhood, Children, Cubfurs, Cubs, Diaper, Friendship, Kids, Mud, Pull-Ups, Pullups, School, Stuck, Timothy, Training Wheels, Training_Pants, friendly, sleepover
The next morning, Timothy stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Something felt strange though. His training pants felt like they were soaked. As he turned over, he suddenly realized what had happened.
"Oh no!" he squeaked with dismay. "Friendly!"
Bedroom, Boy, Boys, Cub, Cubs, Cute, Diaper, Fox, Foxes, Kit, Male, Males, Pull-Ups, Pullups, Raccoon, Red Fox, Red-fox, Timothy, Training, Training_Pants, Wet, comfort, damp, friend, friendly, pants, playing, sweet, trains
One early spring morning, Friendly awoke to the sound of something crinkling quite close to him. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at Lightning McQueen's tail end."Hey, what are you doing, Timothy?" asked the fox, yawning widely."I... I put...
Bike, Bike_ride, Boys, Camp, Cub, Cubfurs, Cubs, Diapers, Dog, Fox, Friendship, German Shepherd, Kidfurs, Kids, Male, Males, Mud, Raccoon, Stuck, Stuck in the mud, Tent, Training Wheels, Training_Pants, barbeque, boy, campground, diaper, red fox, sleepover, struggling
First light at a pristine campground; the air was pleasantly warm, birds
were greeting the morning sun, and in a double parking spot that
contained a minivan, two tents, and a pickup truck with a tent on the
back of it, Sam was the first one up. He...
Beagle, Bike, Boys, Camp, Cubfurs, Cubs, Diapers, Dog, Forest, Fox, Friendship, German Shepherd, Help, Kidfurs, Kids, Male, Males, Mischief, Pull-Ups, Raccoon, Stuck, Timothy, Trails, Training Wheels, Training_Pants, assistance, boy, camping, friendly, friends, fun, jake, lake, swimming, trip, woods