Daddy-Bear's Boy Chapter 2

Story by Leakypup on SoFurry

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#2 of Daddy-Bear's boy

Second chapter to my ongoing crinkle bear story. Origionally this was going to be a two chapter story but I am enjoying it enough that there is going to be at least a chaper 3 and possibly 4.

Warren was a little bit shocked when Harley insisted that he share the bed with him that evening. Despite his protesting he found himself curled up in Harley's arms drifting off to sleep. In a way it was a dream come true, he had never had another man hold him like that before, it felt good to just be held.

He couldn't help but get a little frisky as the older bear pressed up against his rear. Harley found his erection with a wandering paw and just chuckled. "Something you like cubby?"

Warren nodded and presses his rump back up against Harley's big bulge. He was truthfully still a little sore from the spanking. He had not expected to actually get a real spanking.

"Well little cub needs to get to sleep, right now. We will have plenty of time for frisky cubs later." Harley said giving the tented front of the clean training pants a squeeze.

With a defeated whimper the younger bear gave up. "Y-yes Sir. "

"That is a good boy." The older bear said as he stroked and rubbed Warren lovingly until he fell asleep.


"Wake up sweetie."

The cub yawned and stretched. "Mornin'"

"It isn't morning cub. You had an accident." Warren instantly realized he felt Harley's big paw feeling the soggy squishy front of his training pants. "You are all wet..."

His heart sank as that familiar cold wet feeling became apparent. Why did it have to be now? Things were going so good with Harley and he couldn't keep from pissing all over himself. Warren couldn't have hated himself more at that moment. Unable to articulate how awful and humiliated he felt, he began to sob.

"Oh come here cubby. Shhhh none of that..." Harley said easily manhandling Warren so he was sitting in his lap and they were belly to belly. Harley rubbed and patted his back trying to comfort him, like he was a little cub. "It is going to be ok. Daddy is here for you sweetie."

Being babied like that just made Warren sob harder, it was just so humiliating.

Burying his face in the older bear's chest fur he just let it all out. Years of embarrassment and shame over being a bed wetter just came gushing out. "I don't want this anymore! It isn't fair... I don't want to deal with this."

Harley grabbed him into a huge hug and just held him for a long time. "Shhhh sweetie. That is why you have a Daddy now... I will take care of you. Don't think about it anymore, you are just a little cub who shouldn't have to worry about. I don't care if you are wet or dry. You are my cute little cubby.

Warren squirmed and sniffed, his face still buried in Harley's chest as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Let me take care of you sweetie. Daddy is here for you." Harley said as he scooped his cub up out of the bed and literally carried him into the bathroom. Harley was so much larger than he was it made it easy for his carry Warren around almost like he was a big toddler.

Setting Warren down on the toilet he started the bath. Warren was almost silent as he watched the tub fill. He was still sniffling when his Papa helped him into the tub and washed him up. He started to rumble happily as the older bear rubbed and washed his fur.

"Ok lift up. I need to get your bits again. " Harley said patting him on the back.

Warren couldn't have felt any smaller than when Harley made his lift up his rump and spread his legs so he could wash his crack. He had not been treated like that since he was actually a toddler. The older bear even made him stand up straight and hold his arms behind his back while he got his little cock washed with a warm washcloth.

Feeling very much like a little cub when they were done Warren got wrapped in a big towel and rubbed dry.

"Okay. Sit here while I change the bed." Harley said giving him a kiss between the ears.

The young bear waited; naked except for his towel, feeling sorry for himself while his daddy changed the sheets. Luckily the mattress pad had soaked up most of the damage. Leaving the mattress nearly dry.

Eventually his Papa returned and led him back out to the freshly made bed. There was a thick unfolded diaper waiting for firm, and a bottle of baby powder sitting next to it.

"But... Daddy... I don't need a diaper." Warren whimpered softly knowing it was not true even as he said it.

"I don't want to hear any arguments. Lay down. You are getting diapered and that is final." Harley said giving him a hug. It felt strange to know his Daddy loved him but was making him do this.

"Yes sir..."Warren slowly crawled onto the bed and lay down next to the diaper, too shy to actually lay down onto it. Harley just tsked and lifted the smaller bears legs and rump to slide the diaper beneath him. Harley gave his little bits a once over with baby powder and rubbed it in making Warren humiliatingly hard. It was so embarrassing to be treated like a big baby. Especially by someone he was attracted to. When Warren started to squirm and fuss, the big bear rubbed his belly reassuringly then popped a paci into his muzzle.

The young bear felt heat rising to his cheeks as he accepted the pacifier and began to suck. He had fantasized about this for a long time and now it was actually happening and he just couldn't believe it. Being treated like this was making him ragingly hard, but Harley just ignored his stiffy and finished powdering his bits.

"Hush Baby, I am almost done." Harley said as he taped down the sides and gave the crotch a nice firm rub. Under the thick overnight diaper the big bear could not even tell Warren's little cock was even there let alone hard.

Too embarrassed to say anything Warren hugged his Daddy tight and buried his face in his Daddy's fur.

The next morning was a Sunday and Warren found himself struggling to wake up. They had planned to work the weekend and take the middle of the week off. Since wetting himself Friday night, he had skipped work on Saturday while the bear had gone in. He had never planned on getting caught pawing off again but in a way he did not regret it. He had ended up with a Daddy bear out of it. After both an ass paddling and getting diapered he had slept fitfully. Warren had never even worn a diaper let alone tried to sleep in one.

He was half asleep as he pawed playfully at his front trying to relieve his erection. The diaper of course made things difficult. The younger bear squirmed in the bed as slipped a paw into the diaper making it crinkle loudly, the front of the diaper was warm and totally soaked. The cub wrinkled his nosed as he realizes his paw would be covered in pee. Somehow it didn't seem to matter much though. He skinned his hood and toyed with his tip, letting out a happy rumble he tried to tease out an orgasm without waking his Papa.

The big bear rumbled out a chuckle as his squirming boy woke him with the crinkling diaper. "Hey now. Let's not get too carried away cubby. You are still grounded remember? No cumming for naughty cubs. Am I going to have to make a rule about cubs and paws in their diaper?" Harley said with a laugh. "Besides we got a busy day."

Warren was feeling far too frisky to give up that easily. He was hoping that he could tease the older bear into playing. "No fair..." He said playfully pouting as he pressed his soggy bottom back into Harley's bulge. He could feel the big bear was hard even through the seat of his diaper.

"Mmmm I see someone is a soggy boy." Harley said giving the diaper front a squeeze.

"Uh huh... It feels funny." The chubby cub said as he ground the seat of his diaper into Harley's cock.

"I told you that you are grounded. I have no intention going back on that. If you keep it up you are not going to like the consequences." Harley scolded but kept groping the soaked diaper bulge.

"But... no fair..." Warren repeated himself sounding petulant but he ground back into Harley again, ignoring the warning.

Letting out a low growl Harley grabbed him by the scruff. "That is it. Get your ass up boy..."

Warren scrambled away and yipped as Harley he gave him a swat on his fat diapered butt making it thump.

"Now get your clothes ready and get your butt into the shower." Harley said growling low. "You are coming into work with me today. I was going to have you work from home but I am not sure that is a good idea. You seem too frisky for your own good."

"No I don't wanna!" Warren whined, gathering the blankets up around him.

"I am not going to ask again cub. Get your butt up and get moving."

"But... I don't want you to see." Warren said sounding like he was nearly in tears.

"Why, because you are wet? Don't be silly cub butt. I am probably going to see a whole lot more of you when you are wet. No reason to be shy."

Warren slowly climbed out of the bed, still clutching onto the blankets until Harley yanked them out of his paws. Leaving him standing, exposed in the middle of the room in just his diaper.

The diaper sagged comically between his legs. The whole front was soaked with piss and the back was only a little better. Harley was actually surprise he had managed to soak them that thoroughly after wetting the bed. He might have to limit the cub's liquids at night, depending on how much those overnight diapers could hold.

Forced to waddle, bowlegged Warren made his way over to his luggage and rummaged through quickly. He kept his rump in the air and wiggled his stub tail for his Papa playfully as he looked for clean clothing. Harley stopped him when he got out a pair of boxer briefs to put on.

"Oh no, you are not wearing those today. Look in the big bag I brought home and pick something out from there."

"But you said I am going to work with you... " Warren whined as he made his way over to the bag from the AB/DL store. He found the extra training pants Harley packed in short order. "I can't wear these they are too thick people will notice."

"You can and you will cub. I am your Daddy, remember? Now are you going to be a good boy?"

Warren looked down at the clean training pants in his paws felt his heart sink. Harley couldn't really expect him to wear these all day? Could he? His friskiness was completely gone as he slowly nodded.

"Yes Sir..." His heart was racing, the young cub could feel his nervousness building, and he felt sick just thinking about it. What if someone noticed?

Suddenly he noticed the grin on Harleys face broaden; the older bear's eyes were locked onto his crotch. Snapping his eyes down he saw the wet spot growing darker in his diaper front and piss starting to trickle down his leg. His diaper had sprung a leak.

"Looks like you do need them... Imagine if you were just wearing underwear and that happened. I have half a mind to make you wear the daytime diapers as well."

Warren quickly covered his front and broke down in tears as he quickly bounded off to the bathroom feeling ashamed.

Harley sighed and shook his head. Getting a towel out of the closet he cleaned up his cub puddle and went to go see if he was ok.

Warren was sniffling when there was a rap on the door. "Warren open the door, we need to talk."

"No. I just want to be alone." The young cub muttered sulking.

"Warren I am not going to ask again. I am going to count to three then I am coming in there." Warren couldn't help but feel like a naughty cub when his boss chastised him like that. "1... 2... 2 ½... 2 ¾..."

The absurdity of it made Warren crack up laughing between sniffles. "That isn't funny!"

"Yes it is. Now let me in or I am going to give you a spanking... 2 and 5/8ths.... Last chance... 3..."

There was a click at the door and it swung open, Harley was standing there with a worried look and a paperclip in his paw.

Warren was sitting on the toilet naked with the soaked diaper in his paw. He didn't even try to hide himself as the older bear came in.

Sitting down on the side of the bathtub Harley said nothing for a long while but just held Warren in his arms.

"I didn't mean to wet... I don't ever mean to. Why can't I just stop?" Warren said quietly.

"I know you don't mean to, but it isn't a big deal. I promise. I think I love you kiddo and I just want to see you happy. I just tease you like that because you are so darn cute, especially in those things. "Harley said nodding to the diaper in the young bear's paws. "If you don't want to be a little, you don't have to. I just thought it was what you wanted. You seemed so eager yesterday."

"I DO want it... I just... I donno, it is a bit weird you know, having a Daddy again." The young bear tried desperately to explain. "It feels so strange, this has always been my secret. Having someone else know just feels wrong. I want to just run away and hide sometimes when I wet. Having you watch it happen made me feel funny."

"You should know by now I don't care if you wet. Wouldn't care if your fur turned purple or you shot rainbows from under your tail. Actually that second one might be funny." Harley said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood. "Now if you want me to be, I would love to be your Daddy. I think you just need some time to get used to it. If at any time you want to stop just let me know and I will back off OK?" Harley said holding him tight.

It took Warren a while before he responded. "I don't want you to back off. This feels so right. Even if I say I do, I don't want you to back off ok? Sometimes I might just need a firm paw to the butt to keep me in line."

He had always been terrible at anything involving relationships. He would run away when things got serious or they got hard. In a strange way he craved discipline and structure, that is why he excelled at his work even though he had only been there a short time.

"Does that mean what I think it means cub?" Harley asked wearily.

"I think so..." Warren suddenly felt shy getting called out on it.

"I have no problems being a disciplinarian; in fact I quite like it. If that is what you want I have no problem adjusting your attitude now and then with a paddling or worse. It would also mean that you have to do as you are told and take your licks if you earn them." It was Harley's turn to feel a bit nervous now.

He had been missing something like this in his life for quite a while. He did not enjoy punishing or beating subs. What he loved was building them up; not tearing them down. All the fun and excitement came from the interplay of disobedience and submission. Good boys who always behaved were no fun at all. Someone like Warren, who craved discipline but struggled with controlling themselves were perfect in the older bear's eyes. The way he saw it a perfect cub was better off for having a daddy not degraded by it. Hearing the cutest chubby little bear basically asking to be taken care of and disciplined as almost too much for him. He could feel his loins surging to life as he imagined that perfect fat butt bent over waiting for a spanking.

"I understand that Sir..." Warren's voice was soft, barely above a whisper.

"What if I told you I don't tolerate boys who throw tantrums and lock themselves in the bathroom and that they deserve to be punished for acting like a spoiled child? Would you take your punishment?" Harley asked slowly, making sure there was no room for misinterpretation.

Warren could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and tips of his ears as he answered quickly, almost without hesitation. "Yes Sir."

"That is a very good start boy. Now I want you to take your shower then go out to the chair and bend over it. You are going to think about how you behaved. I will be wating." Harley said with his head spinning. This young cub that fell into his lap was more than he could ever have dreamed. He loved the kid, and he was pretty sure Warren loved him back. The fact that the plump young bear seemed eager to take him on as a dom and a Daddy was just icing on the cake.

Slowly rising up Warren shuffled into the shower pulled the curtain closed. Harley gave him one last instruction before went back out and flopped on the bed.

"I think you know better than to jerk off while you are showering. Right cub?"

"Yes Daddy..." Warren called his cheeks still flush. Being forced to shower before his punishment was just making it worse. Papa was forcing him to wait, and giving him time to get worked up with worrying.

Eventually he slunk out of the bathroom looking sullen. The erection he was trying to hide was telling a much different story than his drooping ears. The big bear was sprawled on bed, rubbing his big chubby belly as he waited. He could see that his Daddy was not hard but he filled out the basket of the Bulge underwear all the same. Harley pointed to the chair where he had spanked him the day before. Not needing to say anything to get the boy to move.

Warren did as was told and bent over it. His stiff little cock rubbed into the arm of the chair leaving a spot of precum. He didn't know what to expect, his rump was still stinging from the last time and he was about to get it again.

It felt like an eternity as he lay there bent over the arm of the chair with his big butt in the air. He knew his boss was just watching and waiting. He felt so exposed and vulnerable but at the same time incredibly aroused, it was intoxicating. Warren's heart leapt into his throat as he heard Harley's heavy footsteps approaching from behind.

A snap of Harley's fingers stopped in when he started to turn around to look at his Daddy. "Eyes down..."

Warren obeyed even though he didn't know why he was not allowed to look at his Papa. "Why Daddy?" he asked quietly.

The big older bear wanted him to keep his eyes off of him because he was not only rock hard but stroking his fat cock as he approached. He had been savoring the sight of the younger bear's big chubby butt stuck up in the air while he was lying on the bed. The sight of the cub with his legs spread and with balls dangling down between his legs had been more than enough to get him stiff. He would have mounted his cub right then and there if he thought even for a second the cub was ready for it.

The cub didn't need to know that yet. As far as he knew Daddy was stern and upset at his tantrum. He didn't need to know he was actually lusting after him. Finally getting close enough they could feel each other's body heat Harley rubbed his paw over his boy's rump making him gasp.

"Because I said so, now let me see your cock." He said making a show of checking his cub cock to see if he had pawed off. Pulling back the boy's long foreskin he clinically inspected his tip. He knew he had not jerked off but it reinforced his Daddy role and added to Warren's humiliation.

"I was good Sir..."

"Yes you did very good not touching yourself for five minutes. That does not get you a reward cub. We will see when your three days are up. Now how many licks did you get last time cub?"

"T-twenty Sir..."

"And how many does my cub think he should get for his outburst?" Harley asked grinning to himself. Knowing that by asking he was putting Warren in an impossible position.

If he said too few he might earn him extra spankings. If he said too many Daddy might just agree. Warren Whimpers out a response so softly it was unintelligible.

"What was that?"

"T-Ten Sir..." Warren said squirming again over the arm of the chair.

"Oh I don't think that is right at all..."

Warren winced and he tried again... "Fifteen Sir?"

"Wrong again cub... Now count them out like last time."

The paw came down hard on Warren's ass making it jiggle. "ONE!"

Harley stopped and rubbed the abused cheek for effect. "After all 20 was for beating off and lying to Papa."

"TWO!" Warren yelped as his other butt cheeks got a sharp smack.

"And all you did was throw and tantrum and piddle on the floor."


"That isn't nearly as bad is it?"

"FOUR!" The paw came down the fourth and final time. On his tender stinging ass.

The big bear made his cub lay there bent over the chair while he got a clean pair of training pants out for him. He pulled them up slowly and rubbed the seat tenderly.

"I am sorry I had to do that Cubby but you nead to learn to not throw tantrums if you wants to act like a big boy." Harley said giving his cub another thump on the rump through the thick clean training pants. These ones were even thicker than his old ones.


After a shower they headed into work, and were surprised to find that things were progressing a little better than before. They were a seven day a week operation so it was not strange to find the place packed on a Sunday. While they were at work Harley treated his boy like nothing in the last twenty four hours had ever happened. Warren was having trouble keeping thoughts of his boss out of his head though. It didn't help that he could still feel his slick load between his rump cheeks.

Harley did insist that they use the bathroom frequently so he didn't have an accident. Luckily there was an executive bathroom and Harley was the only exec in the building with a key. Each time his Daddy drug him into the bathroom the cub watched as he fished out his cock and used the urinal with a sense of awe. He simply could not believe his boss turned Daddy was that well hung. He only got caught playing with himself once while daddy peed.

"If you shake more than three times, you are playing with yourself cub." Harley chastised him; despite thinking he was being stealthy.

That night they went to bed curled up together nuzzling. Warren had been on his best behavior all night, very aware that there were now consequences for his actions. He did not even fuss when daddy put him into another one of the overnight diapers.


Monday they managed to get out of bed early. Papa changed his cub out of his soaked diaper, and let Warren know that he was not allowed to take off the diapers on his own. The cub just nodded and giggled. He liked having his Daddy do it anyway.

They showers together quickly then it was right back into training pants which Warren had expected anyway.

"You are going to wear these until you can prove to me you can stay dry during the day. If you soak them you are going to have to wear daytime diapers too." The older bear warned as he dressed Warren like a cub, not even letting him tie his own shoe laces.

Warren had spent a good portion of his mind of other things. Mostly thinking a lot about the gym and why Harley went every morning.

"Can you show me how you, out?" He asked sheepishly as his boss was getting changed into his work-out clothes.

"Of course, I don't mind at all. Why the change though? You have never wanted to come with me before."

Warren looked down at his pudgy body, wearing only a pair of training pants with a rocket ship pattern. He lifted up his belly and made it jiggle. "I want less of this... Doesn't Papa want his boy to be fit and hot?"

The old bear laughed and made his own belly wobble. "We are bears sweetie. We would be hard pressed to get down to husky let alone, fit."

"The other guys in my family are not this fat..." Warren said sounding down.

"Honey I work out because I like to and it keeps me somewhat healthy. You may be a little bit round but that is ok. If you really want help with it I am sure you can tone up a little but I want you to love yourself how you are. I sure do."

"Really?" Warren said blushing a bit.

"Why do you think I spank you so much? That round chubby ass is too inviting." Harley said with a chuckle.

"I still think I wanna work out so I can get some um... stamina."

"Nothing wrong with that kiddo, now come on. I am guessing you have something to wear?"

Warren nodded and dashed off to rummage through his luggage. He was terribly embarrassed when his vibrator fell out of his suitcase. The blushing cub tried to hide it but his Papa just picked it up and tucked it into his suitcase with a devious grin.

His next humiliation was when he found out Papa had no intention of letting him take off the training pants while he worked out. He gave up on that fight quickly though simply because he was so excited.

It bit him in the ass a little though when he had to change in the hotel locker room. Having to use a combination of his long dress shirt and the towel he had to hide the training pants from an older horse who kept checking him out. Once the horse left and they were alone Harley insisted in finishing dressing his cub.

The day passed quickly but there was some unexpected news from the office. Things were going so well they might even be able to go home early. They had only been there a week but it had felt like much longer. Neither of them wanted to think about what was going to happen when they went home. They were both so caught up in their new romance.

Warren was still feeling awkwardly horny after his encounter with Harley. The cub knew that he probably shouldn't but he found himself poking around various porn sites he followed on his work laptop. Harley was in his office on a conference call so Warren was camped out in an unused office alone. At first he didn't really intend to rub one out. He was just enjoying keeping himself teased.

It was just before lunch when Harley got an automated email from the IT Department. He nearly choked on his coffee when he saw it was a flag alert from the porn filter. He had never actually seen one before. When he saw which laptop it was registered to he just shook his head. Luckily the report only went to your immediate supervisor. The system was setup so it did not actually block your access just log where you went to. It was not widely advertised around the office that it was installed on the work computers.

Clearly Warren had not heard the rumors. Harley struggled for a moment trying to decide just how much he wanted to snoop. He could easily see what was on Warren's screen. His curiosity won out though and with a few clicks he was monitoring the misbehaving bear's screen.

Harley was not completely surprised at what he saw. It was a series of pictures of older men mounting younger furs about Warren's age. He felt his cock stir thinking about what Warren must be doing. After the older fur pictures the flavor changed a bit as the younger bear moved to a different blog. This one seemed to have quite a few pictures of tied up furs being fucked and teased. Warren seemed to linger quite a while on ones of boys getting spanked, usually by a daddy fur. The spanking kept his attention for quite a good twenty minutes before he typed in the address for another blog.

Harley almost felt ashamed he was watching as the page loaded. It appeared to be a personal blog of a younger lion that was kept as a cub by this Daddy who was a large fat tiger. Warren clicked through picture after picture of the chubby lion getting put into training pants or diapers and humiliating baby clothing. Nearly all of the photo sets ended up with the lion spanked and stuffed into diapers and chastity.

A big grin spread across Harley's muzzle as he opened up his chat program.


A window at the top of Warren's screen blinked red as he got a message from Harley. "How are you feeling after the workout?

"I am feeling ok.." He said quickly trying to close out of the porn windows. He felt a little silly, it wasn't like Harley could see his screen. He still felt guilty though.

"Good boy."

"I am sorry about the other morning. I was a wreck."

"I already told you not to worry about it. Now how are you? Are your britches still dry?"

Warren fidgeted at his desk. He was acutely aware of the tent in the front of his training pants. "Yeah they are dry."

"What have you been up to? Have you been good?"

"Just working on those reports you gave me. I guess I have been good." Warren replied not sure what he meant by good.

"You are not fibbing to me are you cub?"

"About what?"

"Being good."


"Care to prove it?" Harley was mostly teasing but he was genuinely curious.


The younger bear jumped a bit as he got a ring signaling that Harley wanted him to join to video chat. He hesitated afraid to answer.

"You going to pick up?"

Hesitantly Warren clicked open the video chat and saw Harley's smiling face as his webcam turned on.

"Stand up... now..."

It was an order not a suggestion. Knowing he was caught he stood up slowly revealing that he had his pants down around his ankles and the front of his training pants were tented.

"Why are you so hard cubby?

"You are um... looking at me..." Harley said giving a half truth.

"Is that the only reason? You wouldn't have been using your work computer for something naughty would you?"

Warren felt his heart sink as he realized what Harley must have seen.

"I am sorry!" He said pleadingly. "I know I shouldn't have..."

"Yes you shouldn't have. Now pull down your britches and show me what you were tugging while you were looking at all those dirty pictures." Harley's voice was low and growling.

"But someone might see!" He whispered, hoping no one had heard so far.

"I sent everyone out for lunch an hour ago; almost no one is here and the security cameras don't get installed until next week. Get up and shut the blinds, then lock the door."

Hesitating only a moment Warren moved quickly to seal up the office he was in. He settles back down in front of the camera, feeling exhilarated. "Ok the blinds are shut and the door is locked."

"Then why are you still wearing your underpants. Didn't I tell you to take them off?"

The eager young bear had them down around his ankles without another word. His little prick stood humiliatingly at attention.

"Good. Now show me how you were touching yourself when you were watching all those boys get spanked by a Daddy... Or did you prefer that poor little lion all diapered up and humiliated?"

Hoping to avoid the question the young bear wrapped his paw around his little swollen member and started to stroke, trying to put on a show for his Daddy.

"I didn't hear an answer. Did you like the boy getting spanked, or the lion in diapers better?"

"T-the lion sir..." He almost lied but he was oddly afraid somehow the Kodiak would know.

"Mmmm that is what I thought. Keep stroking but you are not allowed to pop. You are not going to be allowed to cum again for a week if you do."

Warren slowed his pace not wanting to push himself over the edge.

"Mmm good boy. You still have my bag, right?"

Warren nodded into the camera as he stroked.

"Good now find that vibe and the bottle of lube I keep in there. I want you to slick up your hole and ease it in nice and slow so I can see ok?"

Knowing he was already in trouble Warren quickly did as he was told. He made sure the webcam was positioned just right so Daddy could watch. He slowly fucked himself on camera for nearly five minutes before he heard the tell take grunt and moan of his Papa cumming hard.

"Mmmm very good boy. Now get dressed and get your ass in here. Leave the vibe in."

Warren dashed into his office after pulling up his pants locked the door behind him. Once inside he saw Harley scowling. He didn't even need to say what was about to happen. The older bar just pointed at the top of his desk.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to..." Warren whimpered as he bent over the desk. Trying to prepare himself for yet another spanking.

Harley took his time lowering his cub's pants and rubbed his upturned rump. "Tell me what you did wrong cub."

"I-I was looking at p-porn at work..."

"And." The bear gave him a quick swat.

"I was pawing off...."

"Yes you were, did you ask Daddy if you could do that?"

"No Sir..."

"Did you lie to Daddy about pawing off?"

"NO!" Warren yelped.

"Are you sure. When Daddy asked you what were up to, what did you say? Did you say that you were touching yourself?"

"No sir..."

"Then did you lie to me cub?

"Yes sir..."

"Ok then, twenty swats for looking at porn and playing with yourself. Another ten for lying to me." The big bear growled as he started to spank.

He him twenty more swats but he didn't have to count them out. Harley didn't bother taking out the vibe before he paddled him. He wanted the boy teased and on edge as he got his punishment. His Papa gave him a short break, rubbing his stinging gently and toying with the vibe. He worked the toy in and out of his boy's ass slowly making sure to hit all the right places.

The ten swats for lying were even harder than the first twenty. Warren was bawling by the time his Papa finished.

When he became apparent no more smacks were coming Warren started to get up with his cheeks burning with embarrassment but a firm paw held him down on the desk.

"I didn't say you could get up cub... you are not done."

Warren felt his panic rise as he felt Harley's huge fat pole slide effortlessly between his ass cheeks. His foreskin tip rolled back as it pressed inward, eventually letting that hot tip kiss against his boy's pucker.

"Daddy!" The tweny one year old cub gasped, thinking for certain his virgin hole was about to be breached.

Instead the slick up slid upwards between the fat cub's ass cheeks. "Mmm don't you worry boy. Daddy isn't ready to mount your just yet, but you are going to get a load all over your cute ass . You got Daddy all worked up, I think it is time you helped him get off."

The young brown bear shuddered as he massive Kodiak pole thrust its way up between his cheeks over and over again, as his daddy hot-dogged his rump. Warren squirmed and moaned as he felt his ass invaded by the big cock. Each thrust forced him to grind his little cock into the smooth surface of Halrey's desk.

The older bear held down his cub, pinning him to the desk as he mock mounted him. It fell just short of actually fucking his boy. Every now and then the tip would kiss Warren's hole just right and threaten to push its way inside but Daddy was too in control and made sure things went just as he planned.

In the end Harley finished himself off with his paw, spraying a load all over his cub's ass. Warren was shuddered as he felt that hot load dripping down between his chubby cheeks and over his hole.

"Now you are going to keep that load on your ass all day as a reminder of whose boy you are..."

Warren shuddered again as Harley pulled up his training pants up and over his cum soaked ass. Much to his horror when he finally was allowed to sit up the desk was smeared with cub cum. With all of his wiggling and squirming he had managed to seed all over the desk, though not intentionally.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Warren blurted out quickly trying to cover his hide. He had been hoping it had been a small load which it was, but it was far from unnoticeable.

"I know that, I saw your paws the whole time. Besides, unless I say otherwise you will never be punished for cumming if I am humping you, little cubbies can't help if they squirt when a real man like Daddy mounts them.

"But, I am a man..." Warren said feeling defensive. Harley was still behind him holding him tightly.

"No. You are a little cub who needs his Daddy to take care of him and you are going to learn that."

"Y-yes Daddy."

Letting go of his cub Harley pointed to the cum splattered on the desk "Now clean that up."

Warren gave him his best "You have got to be kidding me" look but it only earned him a gentle cuff upside the head and a firm grip on his scruff. Daddy made sure he licked up ever last drop of his cum before he let go, and he couldn't have loved it more.

Before he stood back up Harley jigged his now flaccid cock at Warren, It was still dripping with his seed. "Now clean this up too and be quick about it. Everyone will be back soon and I am not done with you yet."

Warren couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had just been spanked pinned down and humped until his Daddy painted him with cum. Then forced to lick up his own seed, now Harley expected him to lick his cock clean? He was even talking about it like it was any other duty, like doing the dishes. Something about the way he so casually expected him to do it was a huge turn on though, and he soon found his lips wrapped around his Papa's soft pole.

"Good boy I was worried I was going to have to punish you again for not going your chores. Just get it clean you are not trying to suck out another load." Harley chastised when Warren was trying his damnedest to get Harley hard again. Pulling his cock from his boy's lips the older bear inspected his tool and pronounced it was clean.

"Good boy."

Lastly Warren had to jerk off with the vibe still up his ass, but had to keep himself on edge until everyone came back from lunch, not being allowed to cum. Harley watched passively behind his desk while pawing off and snapping pictures of his cub with his phone. He sent him back out with a stiff cock and blue balls. Sometime later Harley texted his cub picture of his keyboard sprayed with cum and one of the humiliating pictures of Warren on his monitor.

That night they finally got the upgraded suite in the hotel, complete with kitchen and laundry facilities. Harley made them both dinner. Warren started to complain when he saw Harley eating herb crusted chicken while he got macaroni and cheese with hotdogs in it. When it clicked what was going on, he blushed and thanked his Daddy for the meal.

They ended up only using the second bedroom for storage though Harley had plans for a changing station. Warren just blushed and tried to insist that he didn't need the diapers that badly. Warren fell asleep next to his Daddy, nice and secure in his thick diaper, feeling more content than he ever had before.


Sometime in the middle of the night Harley shook his cub away again. "Sweetie the bed is wet wake up."

"But... I am wearing my diaper..." Warren whimpered quietly. Feeling the sheets he could tell his Daddy was right. It was just hard to tell in his soaked diaper. Checking it with his paw he quickly realized what was wrong. The front was only fastened on one side.

Harley was checking out the diaper as well. "Looks like you sprung a leak kiddo."

"I-I'm just a little damp..." The cub said pouting.

"You aren't damp sweetie; you are soaked, and so is the bed. Are you sure that isn't a fire-hose you got hidden in there?" The bigger bear said teasing Warren's little package, hoping he would make him laugh.

It did make his dour cub crack a smile and squirm. "I think you have the fire-hose..." He said grabbing at his Papa's bulge with a giggle. "It is huuuuuuge!"

"I don't know, it may be big, but it doesn't seem to be as good at soaking things as yours is." Harley said with a laugh.

Warren gave his best pretend pout, feeling a little better now. "You are just teasing cuz I am small..."

"Oh are you small down there? Come here let me take a look." Harley said once again manhandling Warren and ripping open the wet diaper effortlessly, and laying his cub out face up on his lap.

"Hey! Don't!" Warren pleaded suddenly feeling a little shy, as his nub of cock was exposed. It was shrunken up more than normal after being trapped in his wetness all night.

Harley let out a low lusty rumble as he reached down to tease and grope the little bears coin purse and uncut tip. "Mmmm I don't think you are small, you are just perfect cub. Little cubs like you doesn't need more than that."

"No teasing..." Warren protested weakly. Though he wouldn't have admitted it, the teasing was turning him on. His cock did the confessing for him though as he started to get hard.

"Oh look at that, you are still my frisky little cub aren't you? Even if you've got soggy britches. I wonder what it looks like next to Daddy." Harley said as he slid his paw down the front of his tented briefs and pulled out his big thick slab of bear cock. He was only half hard and he slowly slicked up his paw and started to work his length, putting on a bit of a show for his cubby as he got nice and hard. He let it flop down with a thud onto Warren's crotch. The size difference was nearly obscene, Daddy had said he was a real man. This just punctuated the point.

Warren was probably four inches long but he lost at least an inch of that into his pudge. Harley was about eight or nine inches even with his big belly and over twice as thick. "What does cubby think of that?"

Nearly panting, the younger bear reached down and started to stroke his Papa's big cock. He felt strange mix of humiliation and submission that washed over him as he got a good look at his Daddy hard for the first time.

"It's um...It is good you are the Daddy." Warren said with a blush.

"And I am glad you are my cub. Now enough of that. We need to get some sleep tonight, let's get you changed."

"But I thought we were going to...." Warren whimpered, his dripping need exposed and on display. With as hard as his Papa was he couldn't believe he didn't want to go further, even if they were lying in the soaked sheets.

"Going to what? Have sex? Not tonight sweetie. Yes your Daddy wants to, but I want to make sure you are ready to take it before I mount you. You will need practice first. "

"P-Practice?" Warren yelped in surprise, not entirely sure what he Daddy meant.

Harley laughed and petted the side of his cub's face comfortingly. "Yes practice with toys and other things. Just you and me sweetie. I want your first time with me to be great for both of us."

Taking another look at Daddy's cock, he saw there was some sense in not trying to take Papa his first night together. He had only ever taken his vibrator and it was no bigger than his little cock. He nodded in understanding and slipped his paw around his little cock and started to pump. He was so worked up he thought it would take only a few strokes.

He heard the growl of warning a split second before Harley grabbed his ankle and hoisted his legs up. He got one hard smack on the bottom.

Jerking his paws away from his bits Warren cried out. "What did I do?!"

"You are still grounded until tomorrow morning."

"But I need to cum!" Warren pleaded.

"Little cubs don't need to do anything of the sort. I have half a mind to take away your cumming privileges all together, boy." Harley growled out. The older bear had quite a bit of experience with kinks other than ABDL. Warren was not the first boy he had to train to not paw off. It had been a few years though and it was thrilling to deny a needy boy his orgasm again.

"Noooo! I will be good. I promise." The younger bear pleaded. Warren for his part was eager to play the game. He had never gotten to do much more than fantasize about being dominated and controlled by a older male but he was surprisingly willing to fall into the role.

"We will see. Right now you are not allowed to paw off on your own. That means Daddy can make you cum or you have to ask permission. Do you understand? If cub wants to touch his weenie what does he have to do?"

Humiliated and embarrassed all at the same time Warren pinned his ears back and whimpered. "Ask Daddy to paw?"

"Very good.... Now what do you say?" The older bear said with a big grin spreading across his muzzle.

"Can I p-paw off?"

"That is not how you ask your Daddy something. Say it right and I might let you."

With an embarrassed look he asked again. "Can I paw off please?"

"Sir...." Harley added with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" The younger bear felt his heart sink.

"I never told you to stop calling me Sir, You can call me Daddy or Papa but when you ask for something you call me Sir..."

Bubbling over with frustration Warren cried out. "C-can paw off please, Sir?"



"No buts Daddy said no... Are you going to argue with me?"

Realizing he was not going to win his fight he whimpered in defeat. "No Sir."

"I MIGHT reconsider but cubby is going to have to do something."

"Please Daddy!" Warren could see the carrot dangled in front of him.

The big older bear gave his frustrated cub a gentle rub on his chubby belly and folded the soaked front of Warren's diaper back into place and held it there with his big paw. "I want you to finish wetting for me... Don't worry though I asked them to put rubber sheets onto the bed before we moved to this suite."

The request was more than a little but surprising. "You did want me to wet? W-wait, what did you tell them."

"Yes I want you to soak yourself, show Daddy how much of a little cub you are. " Harley ordered in a low rumble.

"B-but what did you tell them..." Warren was worried that everyone in the hotel knew he was a bed wetter.

"I told them he truth sweetie... that they have a guest that might wet the bed. Don't worry I didn't tell them it was you. They probably think I am bed wetter."

That actually got a laugh out of the younger bear as he cranked his tented front with a paw, earning him a wrap on the wrist. Thinking about his boss wetting was surprisingly getting a rise out of the cub, he couldn't tell if it was because he was already worked up or if he genuinely liked the idea.

"Y-you don't wet though... You are a big bear."

"They don't have to know that. I may be a big bear, but I can think of more than one way to get the sheet wet. If you are too embarrassed to wet with me watching but still want to make a cummy I might have to show you one." The big bear was grinning ear to ear.

"You wouldn't? Would you?" Warren asked catching on to his Papa's watersports threats.

"I am not sure you know me as well as you think you do. Now are you going to do it or not?"

"But I can't! You are watching and it is embarrassing..."

"What if Daddy does it first? Hmm?" Harley said tucking his big cock back into his underwear and laying down on his back. "Come here."

Warren found himself nearly shaking in anticipation as he laid down beside Harley. The big bear put his arm around him and held him tight. It felt so forbidden, wetting on purpose... to get off.

"You sure this is ok? You aren't just doing this because I wet the bed are you?

"No way cutie. Wanna know a secret? I feels really good to paw if you are a little wet..." Harley said slipping his paw into the waistband and starting to slowly stroke and tease Warren's cock. "I have been paying with piss for years. Long before I met a certain soggy little bear."

The younger bear pressed back into his new Papa feeling slightly reassured as his got his little tip teased.

Warren leaned over and grabbed a few towels he has stashed next to the bed in case of any accidents. He slipped then under Warren folded over.

"W-what are you doing. I didn't wet yet.... I thought you were going to go first." Warrant whimpered softly, he was still getting teased.

Nibbling on an ear Harley whispered to him. "Papa wants to play a little game. Let out just a little. Don't worry you won't leak."

Squirming and panting Warren muttered. "O-ok..." Sounding a little unsure but he did as he was told. He did have to pee usually first thing in the morning so it made it a little easier. Peeing with an erection was always a bit of a challenge though and he screwed up his face and grunted softly as he tried to pee. When he finally felt his bladder release it was so sudden it made him squeak. It was only a small squirt but his bits were suddenly warm and slick with his piss.

The big paw in his undies rewarded him for being obedient and slicked back his foreskin in a gentle motion. The young bear moaned as the sensitive tip got stroked, the piss felt so good getting rubbed into his cock.

"Very good boy, I bet you like that huh? Now you might as well soak them they have to be washed anyway." Harley said sounding devious. "Go on it is ok... no punishments I promise."

"But you said you were going to..." Warren whined softly, unable to take his eyes off of his Papa's bulging crotch."

"I did, didn't I?" Harley said sliding his paw out of Warren's undies and onto his own bulge. He groped and tugged on his bug pole through his white briefs. As he slowly positioned himself over the his cub. The young bear nearly lept out of his skin when he saw a dark yellow spot starting to form at his Daddy's tip.

Harley moaned and grunted as he began to force his piss through his hard on, stroking himself as he soaked the tight briefs. When they were saturated with piss he slid them down and kept stroking his piss slick pole. Warren yelped and tried to hold his diaper in place as his Daddy tried to pull it down

"Shhhh it is ok don't squirm. You will like it I promise." The cub whimpered as his Papa's stream beat down on his crotch and belly, matting down the fur.

Warren tried to beat off again to what he was watching but his Papa stopped him, chastising. "Not until you wet..."

Laying back Warren tried to relax and squeeze his bladder, all the while watching his Papa beat off with his own piss. He was shaking when he finally felt his bladder release and he began to soak his diaper open diaper and his pudgy belly.

Papa was right, it felt strangely good to feel his warm piss all over his bits as he pawed He kept flooding as he jerked. Even watching Daddy was not secondary to pawing his own cock. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Harley's stream of piss falter and cut off as he arched his back and let out a sharp growl.

The older bear spasmed hard as his first blast of cum sprayed his cub's bellyfur and crotch. He milked out rope after rope of cum as he watched his cub keep jerking.

When he finished he pulled Warren in tight and pressed the soggy diaper front up to his boy's cock and started to jerk him off with it. The cub had run out of piss but he was still furiously pawing off. Harley pressed his piss and cum covered paw up to Warren lips, the panting up opened slowly accepting the musky treat. He sucked his Daddy's cummy thumb like a pacifier.

"Shhh you like the taste of Daddy's seed don't you little one. Come on cubby cum for your Daddy... Make a sticky mess in that cute little diaper for me."

No further encouragement was needed and Warren bucked his hips hard and cried out as he began to fire his load into the front of his waterlogged padding. Almost by instinct he began to suck the offered thumb again.

"Yes that is my good boy... Daddy is so proud of his little cub." In truth the older bear was proud. Most subs wouldn't humiliate themselves like that their first time even if Daddy demonstrated it.

Rolling over Warren clung to his new Daddy and held on tight. The strange brew of emotions he was feeling were overwhelming. All of his pent up sexual tension of the past few days was released in a tangled mess of despair, humiliation, lust, and love.

He wished he could explain it all to his Daddy but it was just too hard. Sighing he settled for. "Thank you Sir."

"Oh you are welcome Cubby, Daddy enjoyed that as much as you did or more. Daddy is not likely to do that again you know. I am here to take care of you and teach you how to be a good cub and that does not involve a whole lot of Daddy pissing all over himself. You on the other hand might end up with some of Daddy's piss on you. Ok?" Harley said trying his best to explain what just happened. Watersports had been part of his preferred bedroom play for a while and he was hoping his cub didn't mind.

"I-if you think I need it Sir..." Warren replied meekly. Until tonight he never would have thought he would like piss play. Suddenly the thought didn't just interest him, he aroused him. It made the younger bear have urges he never even knew he had.

"I did that for a reason cub... I don't want you to be pee shy around me. I want you to get used to it and like it. Do you think you can do that?"

Warren gave him another nod and nervous giggle.

"Good boy, we can talk about it more tomorrow... I think it is high time we discuss what being my cub means. For now let's get the bed stripped and you diaper changed. Tomorrow you are going to spend all day in diapers. If you can't even keep the bed dry when you are wearing them you are not big enough for your training pants. "

"But... You said..."

"I know what I said. I told you I was going to take care of my cub however I saw fit if he couldn't keep from wetting. Well cub, you keep wetting yourself, so Daddy is going to do something about it. If you fuss you are getting another spanking and put into a diaper tomorrow anyway."

"But I don't wanna wear a diaper all the time... Imma big boy..." The young cub started to sniffle. Deep down he knew training pants were never going to last. He was just a soggy little diaper cub waiting to happen.

"No, you aren't a big boy... Now be a good boy shower off while I strip the bed. I will meet you in there." Harley said evenly. He waited on baited breath to see how his boy would react. See if he would catch on since he had woken up wet Harley had been trying to push his young cub into acting like one, trying to goad him into throwing a tantrum.

Warren took a moment to process what was about to happen. He realized more than anything this might define their relationship. If he did as he was told, he would be a good boy and show Daddy just how mature he was. Big boys did as they were told even if they didn't like it. Somehow he knew if he was a good boy eventually it would all end. He would stop being a little cub before it even really started. He might spend a few days in diapers or even until they got back but it would probably end there, they would probably even keep dating but he wouldn't be Daddy's little cub.

It was too easy to be good, reward and a pat on the head. Never have to get scolded and punished, what is better? Daddy's little angel right? Only cubs are not always good little balls of fluff that always do as they are told. They scream and throw fits. They misbehave and their parents punish them, put them in time out, but they love them the all the same. Harley and Warren both knew that was the dynamic for them without ever saying a word.

He could be good or he could play the game, act like a brat. Get Daddy to punish him, and treat him like the little baby cub he knew he was. Get his ass padded and fucked, locked in chastity or tied up. Every naughty raunchy ABDL porn flick he ever saw flicked through his mind as he carefully chose his next words.

"NO! You aren't my Daddy! You are not putting me in diaper!" The young bear huffed and crossed his arms for dramatic effect.

If he didn't know he had a role to play as well Harley would have screamed for joy. His timid blushing little boyfriend was becoming a bratty little cub and he couldn't have been happier.

"I am going to pretend I didn't hear that last bit, I am going to give you one last chance then you are getting put into diapers anyway and I will spend my whole day off tomorrow paddling your ass for talking back." Harley growled menacingly.

The little brat huffed again and stuck out his tongue. "NO!"

Warren barely even time to squeak as Harley growled and drug him over his knee. The young cub kicked and fussed as his Daddy paddles his wet butt. When he wouldn't hold still Warren felt a big paw grab a hold of his nuts and grip them just short of hurting. If he kept thrashing it is going to start hurting and he would only have himself to blame.

It only slowed down his thrashing though, Harley thought about giving his fussy cub a tap on his little coin purse but decided against it. Warren's ass was still tender from the spankings he had gotten over the past few days, and this time Daddy was not playing gentle. Neither of them bothered to count how many times he got spanked but his ass with felt hot and raw when Daddy finished tanning his hide. Warren was sobbing and sniffling as he bawled like a baby cub.

When he decided his cub had had enough, the big Kodiak had grabbed him by the scruff and hooked his other paw other under his leg. Warren being small for brown bear and Harley large for Kodiak made this surprisingly easy to pick him up and carry him around like a naughty toddler.

Naked and still thrashing, the young bear was strangely aware of how his package was flopping around lewdly about as his Daddy carried him into the bathroom. Harley set him down into the shower and turned it on with a crank of the knob. Warren squealed as cold water blasted him and slid down onto his rump.

"Are you going to behave now or do you need to cool off?" The big naked bear growled. He was only marginally aware of how imposing he looked towers over his sobbing cub with a massive erection.

"I'll be good I pwamise!" The humiliated cub cried out, reverting to baby talk.

"We'll see." Harley said finally adding the hot water and stepped into the shower himself. "I will not tolerate that kind of behavior. Again... I don't ever want to hear you tell me that I am not your Daddy again. Am I understood?"

"Yes Daddy..." Warren said as his Daddy helped him to his feet.

"Ok come here kiddo." The big daddy bear said pulling his boy into a hug. "Daddy still loves you, he is always going to love you, my little baby bear."

Daddy-Bear's Boy

Warren paced back and forth in front of his bosses office. He was nervous; his boss had called him in for an early morning meeting. Since he got hired on after his internship he had always tried to do a good job. Harley, his supervisor hated early...

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The Hidden Lake Resort

Chase stepped into the resort's lobby and sighed with exhaustion. His boyfriend Toby was right behind him nearly bouncing with excitement. The flight had been long but it was certainly worth it for a month of relaxation and fun up in the mountains. He...

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Duncan in Diapers Chap 5

Duncan eyed the cupboard of clothing wearily as his now big brother rummaged through it. He was more than a little relieved as he watched the tiger pass over any of the girly dresses. Nav hemmed and hawed over his decision for a long while, enjoying...

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