4. The reunion

Story by tretron on SoFurry

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#4 of Royal blood

sorry 'bout the long wait, i had problems with getting this spell checked. but here it is and i expect the next chapter to be done soon.

as always this is an adult story of the relation between a dragon and her father/rider/mate (yes i am fucked up)

so if you don't like what ever is coming i kindly would redirect you to the back space.

anyway i hope you all enjoy this chapter and it's content.

(also i never stop with cliff hangers! evil laugh)

Jack was shocked as he heard the words, from that mind, form that voice. It was that of his long dead mate, clear in his mind. Jack looked around to see if he saw anyone or anything, all he saw was Äwe and destruction. In front of him the crystalline structure. "I waited a long time, and honestly I thought never to see you return at all, or alive at least."

Jack could not believe his mind as he caught the words and mind of one of the most dearest to him. His mind was in disarray, unable to decide if he could believe what his mind was telling him or not. He looked at Äwe for help. Trough she looked like she had seen a ghost; more or less in a literal way. Jack's voice was shaking of fear "who are you?" he hoped that it was just a sick joke.

" __T_ hat you really have to ask Jack, you know my voice even after all those years...I sense time has no effect on you. What is your secret_ J __ack? Fountain of youth? Dragon souls?" the voice vibrated trough his mind in a way only she could do. "Ëmeralde? Is this really him?" a second voice joined the voice that was already in his mind, it was one of a man; human without any doubt. "Ogan?" Jack looked around to answer the other voice.

"Yes _,_ you silly." The first voice, Ëmeralde, said. "_ W e missed you Jack, I wish I reacted other wise_ on th __at day. I wished I was a better dragon at th_ at_ time. Here you are, after all these years, back in the family with a new mate, your dragon none the less. My love, a rider I would not have it any other way."

Jack was shocked to hear that Ëmeralde did not mind his current relation at all. For that he was thankful, he wouldn't be able to bear Ëmeralde's anger . "But how, how could you both can survive death?" Jack inclined to know. " __B_ ecause we didn't, we are dea d , we are remnants of our soul_- bond by the magic of this place. We say what we say because we are emotions of those who you call Ëmeralde and Ogan."

"Mother?" Äwe suddenly joined in the conversation "Yes, Äwe, I am" Ëmeralde spoke again. Jack could feel the ocean of emotions flowing through Äwe's body; anger, frustration, happiness, sorrow and deep pain all conflicting with each other. It was scary for Jack to feel those feelings from another person, yet it felt like it was himself who felt those emotions. Äwe's mind linked to his mind, bond growing stronger as it should?

"Jack _,_ we need you to listen to us_ , "_ while Ëmeralde spoke, her mind flowed together with Ogan's mind into one. Speaking as one, listening as one, feeling as one. _"We waited so long, and no , while_ we finally talk _,_ we feel our life being drai_ ned . Dragon souls are burning up for us to talk, but they want to. Jack ,_ you are our king, you always will be _,_ but our time was fifty years ago. But you are here_ ,_ after fifty years of no king, no queen, now you are back." they stopped, waiting, turning their combined attention to Äwe " __O_ ur daughter, strong and proud. You got yourself a fitting mate, strong and proud...just like your father, oh wait, he is._"

A soft smile appear across Äwe's lips as she heard her mother's voice again, without anger to her for stealing her mother's mate. Even more she was approving of it. " __T_ he only thing we do not like..."_ they spoke again, sending a shiver of fear alon Äwe's and Jack's spine. "...is that you got mated without our the royal approval, _..._ Jack_ ,_ you know our traditions."

Jack and Äwe looked at each other in surprise, it was not something they expected them to say. "Äwe, by our right as 'dead' Queen we declare your mateship royal..." Jack's jaws felt open in even more of a surprise. He could not say any word as the joined minds of Ëmeralde and Ogan spoke again. "...but that aside; Jack our family is in disarray, more than you think. We feel the disturbance in our family from within. Not everyone in our family is open minded at your relation Jack. The real struggle will soon begin. W __e want you all to have a good time so far it last_ s_, before the real work starts. The dragon empire needs a strong leader else we go back to the same situation as we first met."

Jack looked at Äwe, he gave her a nod to sign that everything was alright. His hand slowly placed itself on her hard scaled shoulder. "We will be strong, after all Äwe is just like you; a strong personality and just a that stuborn" Jack took a deep breath as a relieved feeling washed over his body, knots in his muscles start to disappear as he looked at Äwe. "Of course a replacement of us" the voice of Ëmeralde joked with him "Äwe our daughter, before we go we want you to know that we love you, we want that you tell to all our children _,_ that are alive_ ,_ that we love them. __W_ e want you to_ watch over your father, he's got something to get himself into trouble with ease."

Äwe gave a small nod, she wanted to talk but the words were stolen from her mind. Her emotions where overwhelmed by joy and confusion. But her rider pulled her out of it, he was for her a lighthouse in the night. Pulling her away from the danger and into the safe harbour. "Äwe, are you alright?"_her rider asked her with a smooth voice, letting her ebb back into the real world and away from her dreams. _"I think so _,_" her mind was slow and careful to respond. Her rider dragged himself to her to embrace her neck, laying his head on that of her.

"Jack _,_ take care of our daughter_ ,_" the voice of Ëmeralde flowed again _"Our time has come, be strong..."_with those words echoing in the emptiness, the voices of Ëmeralde and Ogan faded into silence. Jack could feel nothing but death now, they were gone. A tear flew from Jack's cheek; he had his closure the last time he could talk to his dead mate. His emotions were at rush; he felt pain and grief, but also happiness and joy. Conflicted, as he was, he held close to Äwe's neck, seeking comfort by his new love and new life.

"I will miss you mother" Äwe slowly said before paying attention to her rider around her neck. She slowly lowered her head and affectionately nuzzled his shoulder. "I love you my rider _,_" she flooded his mind with warm feelings of that love, letting him become closer to her than ever before. "I love you too, my Dragon," Jack returned the feeling, they did not need more words for that. They did not need words to describe their love, or show their love to each other.

The two held each other close as they stood in front of the crystalline structure that held Ëmeralde and her rider. His legs started to feel weaker as they beared his weight, he started to shiver as pain crept over his legs. Just as he began to lose balance, Äwe held him up with her head, supporting him. "Jack _,_ we should go_ ,_ my love _,_" she cooed into his mind as she tried to keep his body up.

Jack nodded in answer and climbed on her back. His movement was restrained as his legs ached with every move he made. He could lay himself between her scales with a lot of effort, in such a way, that his legs where spread out and not grinding against her scales.

Once seated, Äwe slowly walked out of the graveyard. The feeling that they were watched was omnipresent. They could feel the lost souls prying on their mind as were leaving. Äwe got the shivers every time, she felt a new one touch her soul and mind. Jack was no different, as he was less able to defend himself against mental attacks from dead dragons.

But once they left the graveyard and touched the green grass again, they felt the souls leaving them alone. Now it was only a walk forward, a slow walk. Äwe didn't dare to fly with Jack in a condition like this. She was too afraid, he would fall off and that she wouldn't be able to catch him. For now it was going to be a slow walk. The dragon empire should be a one day's walk away, but the sun was already sinking slowly in the horizon.

"We should set a camp" Jack pointed to a small group of trees. He knew the risk of traveling at night was too great - with him like this.

" __A_ greed love, but what about shelter for you?"_ Jack smilled kindly at Äwe and kissed her neck.

"I have you, I will always be safe under your wings," he let his hands roam along her neck before he slowly leaned back. It made Äwe's cheek glow a bit warmer at the gentle touch of her rider. Without further hesitation she walked to the trees, hurrying her phase on the ground.

The sun had almost disappeared as Jack and Äwe had set the camp, a soft, little fire was cracking in front of them. Jack was devouring a bunny, that Äwe caught for him. It was nothing fancy like the dragon meals, but it had to do, after all this was a night they were truly alone. It felt peacefully and quite like they never had such night together before, alone under the stars.

Jack looked at the stars, remembering the first day Äwe declared her love for him. It was only few weeks ago, but it seemed like an eternity to him; an eternity of love and compassion. He laid himself against the soft and warm stomach scales of Äwe, closing eyes slowly as he drifted off into his sleep. Äwe soon followed jack's example, spreading her wing over him as a fleshy tent. Her tail slowly coiled up to hold him safe and her head positioned itself on his lap.

Together they entered the dream world, shared trough the mental link. There they could do everything they would like, they could fly as long as their dream allowed, or do the impossible. Äwe was just about to explore the possibilities as she felt a warm glow between her legs. It embarassed her as the glow grew even hotter. She could not believe she was getting horny now, in a shared dream with her rider. Sure she fantasied about him before but this was their shared dream! She could not be like this now.

Jack did notice his dragon's mood however, but minding it was something he did not. Jack placed his hands slowly on Äwe's cheeks and kissed her deeply, letting his emotions for her flow free. Even in the dream world he would not let any opportunity down to claim his mate as his own again. His hands roamed down her neck. His lips broke ways with hers and in a slow movement he kissed her under jaw. He slid under her, kissing her stomach scales in the progress. Ever so deeper, ever so hotter he kissed.

Until his lips met her nether lips, the juices flowed freely on his face. Äwe gave let out a surprised growl as her mind started to get flooded with the sweet pleasure that her rider was about to give her. And her rider? He was at her mercy, under her, she could do anything she liked with him. Her hips lowered and her vagina ground against his face. Covering his whole face with her juice; Jack was not the only one who was claiming his mate.

Jack stuck his tongue inside of her as soon as he felt her grinding against him. He could not breath, he could not move, and he did not mind. He licked as deep as he could, trying to reach every pleasure spot, giving love bites on her clit. He worked her whole behind, his hands roamed her butt cheeks until they came in contact of her cleaned tailhole. Of course it being a dream her behind was completely clean. But it could not help Jack to shock a bit, yet he was interested. Slowly he let his hands roam around her tailhole.

Äwe moaned in surprise as her rider started to get to her tailhole, it was an nice new feeling that took over her body as her rider worked both her holes. His fingers slipped inside and started to explore her. It was too much, his tongue, his fingers and the overwhelming new feeling. She gave a large plume of fire as she came hard over his face. But it was only the beginning.

Äwe hold Jack down as she lowered her hips over his body until she was lined up with his member. She ground her pussy against his dick, in aim to spread the love juice all over it. But to insert it in her slick walls was not her plan. Not once his member was slick and wet with her juices she lined it up with her tail hole. " __W_ e got to try this when we wake up!"_ she proclaimed before pushing down. Trusting her member inside of her tailhole.

Äwe was lost in a strange new pain filled pleasure as she ripped her rear open on his member. He felt so much bigger in her tailhole. She pulled up and pushed down hard again, taking more of his member. Jack was lost in his own pleasure as he tried to trust in sync with Äwe. It was not long before they both started to feel each other's pleasure.

Their minds combined into one single mind with two bodies as they trusted into each other. Äwe felt her own lovely warm tightness around her rider's member and Jack felt his warm stiff member pounding it's way in her sweet tailhole. The pleasure grew as their pleasure combined, it grew to levels jack could not believe that was possible.

They trusted like feral dragons, claw marks where left on both their skins. Jack did not notice but his nails formed to claws, his face deformed into something more dragon like. Pain filled his body but it was only added to the pleasure, then he could not take it anymore.

Both he and Äwe climaxed on the same time, his hot spunk shot up in her rear. Flooding her bowls with warm potent seed. Äwe squirted her love juices out, he got the stream of sweet juice in his mouth. The honey taste flooded his senses, it was heaven for him. In a dream world with his dragon, after one of the most intense mating he couldimagine. They had to do something like this soon, in the real world it would only be far better.

Jack looked up at his dragon, she glared down at him with a grin that he knew all too well. This was going to be a long and messy dream.

Jack woke up with an unusual feeling to his body. His stomach was sticky with something, and as he looked down he realised what it was. Juices of him and Äwe were spread over both their bodies. Jack slowly moved his legs, they felt a lot better; in fact he could not feel them anymore. Jack stood up and put weight on his leg, he felt nothing wrong. They only stung a little bit with a strange feeling her could not place.

Jack decided now he could walk to clean himself up. The only water was a small pound nearby, it had some mud floating around but other than that it was clean enough to see his reflection. Jack got some water in his hands and splashed it against his face. His face felt strange to the touch, almost like it changed...Jack looked down in the pound, and that what he saw shocked him beyond anything. "Äwe!" he screamed into her mind with all his might.