Reptilian Aggression
Zylen andel and ardo are both (c) to me, zylen andel **reptilian aggression** written by: zylen andel the warmth of the dreams was long forgotten as the male's eyes fluttered open.
Misplaced Aggression
_ misplaced aggression
Evolution Aggression
Deep seated, aggressive instinct battered against his nature and the need to obey his trainer and friend. and the constant pounding was driving instinct towards the back of his mind. everything broke loose all at the same time.
Aggressive Roleplay
Don't worry, he's okay with it :p aggressive roleplay topaz was alone, exposed in the meadow with the long grass and flowers up around his waist. the treeline was equally as far away from him no matter what direction he faced.
Aggressive Negotiations: Silverpine
[aggressive negotiations: silverpine. by personel]( **artwork (c) personel** she swiveled her hips, clenching and unclenching the muscles of her versatile pussy as she slowly slid the first three inches
Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There
(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There by argouru ? That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?" "Yeah, Dad?" "Tenaro requested a get...
Being Led into Temptation
Edward growled. "Why? What have you to offer?" Maggie was still perched on his shoulders holding her ring to his wound. "Hush! He turned to look at her. "Why do you speak to me so...
Hirsune Pt. 27 - Looking Towards the Future
The began to growl, first softly, then more and more fiercely as their aggressive tendencies rose more strongly.
Seizing an Opportunity: Aggressive Expansions
Any critique is welcome, and commission information can be found here: click seizing an opportunity: aggressive expansions
Chapter 7 - Aggressive Negotiations
#7 of live to tell the tale live to tell the tale chapter 7: aggressive negotiations furry fiction by: scy storm **inevitable disclaimer:** this chapter contains much violence, harsh language, and other insensitive subject
Recontextualize 18 - Redirected Aggression
"Was everything all right?" Thomas asked with a yawn. "No, a group of foxes nearby raped her. Is Chase up yet?" "Didn't he die?" Judy asked. "He dies around four times a year," Thomas said. "I called in sick already because I'm dealing with a dead...
Astorot meets Keru again
it was a chilly night on the town you just finished a long gaming session with your pals and were walking home somewhere between midnight and 2 in the morning when you saw a familiar tail boarding the tram. Curiosity got the best of you because the...