Silly Games

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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Author's Note: This is just something short and fun I wrote to "cleanse my palate" after the dark story. I decided to challenge myself in a couple ways, one of which is writing about a kink I don't really share. I think it turned out fairly good, but what do I know? Let me know how I did, paw fans.

"Truth or dare."

"No fucking way. What, are we thirteen now?"

"You'd prefer to keep watching the SciFi Original movie Skunktaur vs. Pterosaur?" the black wolf asked, taking a sip of his White Russian. "You wanted suggestions, I provided."

"I might not have asked if I knew you were going to be so lame, and it's your fault we're bored for forgetting to bring that new DVD you said you had," the snow white rabbit countered. They had met at the bunny's apartment for their weekly night of movies and drinking, but the wolf had failed on his part of the supplies, and the girl was now castigating him for it. She took a long swig of her own beverage, a nightmarish dark mix of Jägermeister and some energy drink. "Besides, there's only one reason people older than ten play truth or dare."

The wolf affected an innocent look. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about," he said serenely, moving his drink-filled hand to his chest to attest to his honesty.

"Pfft, right," the bunny scoffed. She quickly drained the rest of her drink. "Fuck it. Let me get another of these and we'll do it. Maybe I can get drunk enough to make it interesting." She stood up form the couch and walked somewhat unsteadily to the kitchen. "You want a refill?" she called back to the wolf, almost catching him staring at her shapely rear beneath her tight shorts.

"No thanks, I'm still good," he answered after a quick glance at his half-full glass. He didn't want to get destroyed tonight and knew from experience that trying to keep pace with the bunny was a recipe for disaster. She might be cute and petite, but the girl could drink.

The rabbit reentered the room and dropped lazily onto the couch. "Ok wolfy, you suggested the game, so you have to take the first hit. Truth or dare?" she asked, slurring the end slightly.

The wolf was briefly stunned that she had actually agreed to play, but he knew how this game was supposed to begin, "Truth."

The bunny adopted a coy smile, tossing her head to reposition an ear that tended to flop over her eyes. "You still a virgin?"

The male blushed. Going for the rough questions right from the start was cheating, but it might get them into more interesting stuff faster. "Yeah, afraid I am," he admitted.

"Interesting..." the girl said, grinning enigmatically...and a touch lopsidedly. "Now what can you come up with for me? I'll also be taking Truth by the way."

Now she was cutting the rituals short? Clearly she had no respect for tradition. Well, he could play this game of escalation too. "How often do you masturbate?"

The rabbit pretended to be shocked. "I am appalled that you would accuse a pure maiden such as I of doing something so crude," she said, her inebriated tone conflicting with her choice of phrasing. The wolf laughed. There was no way she could be described as a "pure maiden" by anyone who knew her even a little. "Regardless! The answer to your crude challenge is two or three times a day. Less if I'm planning on having an interesting night," she finished with a wink.

"Ah yes, you're doing a fine job of combating species stereotypes there. Keep up the good work," the wolf teased. The rabbit stuck out her tongue at him. Despite his taunt, he was thrilled that she was opening up so easily. This was working better than he expected.

"Back to you, pup. You gonna take Truth again, or will you man up and choose Dare?" the white rabbit challenged.

He couldn't let that pass. She was really pushing the pace, but he could cope. This was what he wanted, after all. He could always turn the tables on her on the next turn. "Is that how it's going to be? Sure, I'll take Dare. Bring it," he answered with a confident smile.

She took a drink and spoke up, "Strip to your boxers, boy. Lemme see what all that time at the gym has been getting you."

That was no problem. The daily lifting sessions had been paying off for him, and he was nicely toned under his dark fur. He slipped out of his t-shirt and shorts, displaying his buff form to the appreciative bunny. She twirled a finger in a circle and the wolf obeyed the request, turning in place to let her have a good look.

The white furred female gave a low whistle, "Very nice, but you might want to check on little wolfy. He's trying to escape."

The male yipped and crossed his hands over his crotch. Perhaps letting his mind dwell on the bunny's previous answer had been a mistake. With a quick adjustment, his boxers were merely tented, rather than pierced. He sat back down on the couch with exaggerated calm, and opened his mouth to ask the expected question.

"Dare," the rabbit interjected, with a note of challenge.

"Let's even it up. Down to your undies Miss Cottontail."

The wolf watched as the girl stood and began to sway her hips to music only she could hear. She seductively ran her hands down the side of her shirt and then across her exposed midriff. Turning her back to the male, she gripped the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head, dropping it off to her side. She continued her alluring hip movements as she slowly slid her shorts down her legs, revealing her tight rear that was not covered at all by a thin strip of fabric that all but disappeared between her cheeks. She turned to face the wolf again and pressed her breasts together, enhancing the cleavage spilling out of her black bra.

The dark furred male hadn't been prepared to witness a striptease, and found himself quickly adjusting his boxers to prevent another escape attempt. He had meant to even the score with that dare, and while the bunny was technically covered, the half-cup bra and tiny thong weren't doing a terribly good job of it. "Damn girl," he said appreciatively, "Planning something special for tonight?"

"I could ask the same of you, Mr. Silk Boxers," she countered, returning to her position on the couch. "Sometimes a girl likes to feel sexy. And for some girls, 'sometimes' is every day."

"Fair enough," the wolf said. Hell, he wasn't going to argue if it meant he got to see an attractive rabbit mostly naked. "So what do you have in mind for me next?"

"I assume you want Dare?"

"You assume correct."

The rabbit leaned closer to her friend, rubbing a hand through the fur on his firm biceps. She whispered in his ear, "" She suddenly sat back against the arm of the couch and swung her legs up into his lap. "To lick my feet," she quickly finished.

The wolf looked down at the large paws squirming against his aroused manhood. They were certainly nice paws he supposed, being snow white like the rest of her and, as typical for rabbits, big enough to look almost comical on the small bunny. Foot play wasn't really his thing, though. "Lick your feet?" he asked incredulously.

"Yep. Get to it. Or do you admit defeat?"

This was an interesting development. He didn't know whether she was asking because she got off on that kind of thing, or because she was just messing with him. No matter, the proper response was the same either way: give her the best licking he could.

He lifted her right foot in his hands, pressing firmly on her cute pink paw pads. She sighed as he rubbed his thumbs across the sensitive soles, brushing through the fur that poked between her toes on the return. A few repeats of the movement had her sinking into the couch and laying her head back in contentment. He paused in his massage long enough to bring her paw to his mouth, gracing a pad with a gentle tickling lick. The moan he elicited revealed what her reasoning behind this request had been, and the growing scent of her arousal on the air only confirmed it. So she really did like it. How drunk had she gotten to make such a personal request? Oh well, might as well have fun with it.

He engulfed a large toe in his muzzle, caressing the digit all around with his tongue, then licking carefully at the sensitive skin at the base of her claw. As he trailed his tongue down between her toes, he got a light taste of her sweat, slightly salty but still delightful, because it tasted like her.

Joyous moans came continuously from the bunny, and he was startled to see she had pulled her bra down to play with her nipples. The wolf enjoyed the view as he moved on to the next toe. He had no idea the rabbit was so into this kind of thing. Of course, as her friend, he was bound by ancient code to tweak her about it, "Truth or Dare?"

"Fuck, Truth. Just don't fucking stop," the panting bunny responded. She didn't want to chance taking a dare that would make her lose access to his glorious tongue.

The male finished his circuit of her second toe before asking his question, "How long have you gotten off on having your feet licked?"

"Forever," she confessed between gasps. "Found out about halfway through puberty. Our pet dog decided to lick at my paws for some reason. I nearly came on the spot."

Now that was an arousing image. The wolf grew more curious about what it would look like when she did come. He turned on the couch and extended his leg in between the bunny's outstretched legs. As expected from their species, the wolf was a good bit taller, so while the rabbit had her leg fully extended, he had room to maneuver. He switched his attention to the foot that had been neglected so far, beginning with the same dextrous massage he had given her other paw. Meanwhile, he inched his own footpaw closer to the junction of the rabbit's snowy thighs.

"Oh!" she cried as he ran a clawed toe down the damp front of her black thong. Encouraged, he rubbed more firmly, his rougher paw pads providing wonderful stimulation for the bunny even through the soft fabric. With a sudden insight, he synchronized his efforts, tracing a line down her sole as he rubbed the length of her slit, circling a toe with his tongue while mimicking the movement around her clit. Her breath was coming in short gasps now as she gently writhed against his questing footpaw. He could feel the strong muscles in her legs tense every time he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

The bunny moved suddenly to pull the panties out of the way. "Harder, do it, please," she begged. The wolf obeyed, increasing the force of his caresses on both foot and crotch before backing off again with gentle tantalizing licks across her sensitive pads and a light claw across her swollen lower lips. "Oh fuck, I'm so close. Don't tease me!" the rabbit insisted. The male dipped into her moist slit with a single toe, twisting so the rough pad rubbed across her button.

"Fuck yes!" she screamed as her orgasm caught up with her. Her hot snatch clenched on the wolf's invading toe, soaking his paw and the couch below in a spray of feminine juices. The wolf dodged back as her twitching legs nearly caught him in the face and groin. She sank back onto the couch with a satisfied smile while she recovered use of her limbs. "Damn, you're good at that. I'd almost think you'd done it before."

"Just natural talent, I suppose," the wolf offered with a shrug. "Hey what are you--ah!" he cut off as the rabbit lifted his paw in a mirror of his previous efforts and began to lick it clean. The gentle licks form the bunny's pink tongue tickled as she carefully cleaned each pad before sucking each toe individually. He enjoyed the attention, but clearly the girl loved being on the receiving end, and he wondered how different it felt for her. He was more aroused by the idea of a female enjoying the taste of herself than the feel of tongue on paw.

"Mmm, tasty," the rabbit remarked as she finished up. "Since you did such a good job for me, I think it's your turn."

"Huh, you mean to pick tru-" The rabbit clamped a hand across his mouth to stop his question.

"Screw your silly game. Just get on the floor." She rolled off the couch and pulled him to the ground by a leg, nearly tripping backwards as her panties fell around her ankles.

"Grah!" the wolf shouted as the thumped to the floor. The bunny lunged atop him, yanking his boxers off his hips. He had never imagined things would go this far. Hell, he hadn't planned on seeing his friend naked, let alone pawing her to an orgasm.

The bunny stroked his large exposed member appreciatively. "You cruel bastard," she commented, "How dare you keep this thing to yourself." She slid forward, positioning his shaft at her ready entrance.

"Whoa, don't we need a--fuck!" he yelled as the bunny dropped down, impaling herself on his thick cock. His friends hadn't been kidding when they told him about sex with smaller species. It felt like his dick was being squeezed in a vice made of warm silk.

"Why yes, we do need a fuck," the rabbit joked. "But seriously, don't worry about it. Female rabbits go on birth control about the same time we learn to ride a bike." She lifted herself easily on her powerful legs, pausing with the wolf's length barely parting her lips before dropping herself down again.

"Damn, that's good," the wolf gasped. He had never really cared to exert the effort to find a mate, thinking the social company of his friends and the intimate company of his paw was enough for him. Clearly he was wrong on at least the second point. The tight grip of the rabbit's velvet channel was far better than anything he could do for himself. She was bouncing quickly on him now, grinding against him at the bottom of each thrust.

The wolf didn't know how much more he could take. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment, but he didn't want to let go so quickly. "Slow down, or I won't last," he warned.

"Go for it," the bunny responded, "I'll catch up." He wasn't sure what she meant by that, but it was clear she intended to get him off as quickly as possible. She seemed to clench tighter around his member as she switched to shot fast strokes, seemingly moving only inches at a time. He knew he was getting close as he felt his knot start to swell. Apparently the bunny recognized this sign as well, as she suddenly slammed herself down on his hips, locking herself over the knot.

The black wolf howled as he came inside a female for the first time. This was easily the strongest one he'd ever had. He sprayed thick seed deep into her canal, sending the bunny into her own screaming orgasm. Her fluids gushed from where she was stretched around the wolf, dampening his fur beneath her. She draped herself across his chest as her twitching pussy milked the last bit of cum from his member. So that's what she had meant by catching up, he thought, slightly dazed from the tremendous orgasm.

"Hey wolfy, Truth or Dare?" the rabbit asked, waving a hand in front of his face. Hadn't she said she was giving up on the game? Maybe she was just passing the time until she could pull off his knot. Either way, fuck Dare, he could barely move.

"Truth," he said.

The bunny looked into his eyes. "Did you really think I wouldn't see through your little game?"

His stomach fell. How did she know? "Um, yes?" he offered.

"Silly pup. First you 'forget' to bring the movie. Then you wait until I've had a couple drinks and suggest Truth or Dare of all things. Of course I knew what you were trying. That last drink I made didn't even have any alcohol in it."

She had played him! Looking back, it was obvious. The signs of intoxication she showed suddenly disappeared as things got heavy. Considering what being tricked had led to, he somehow couldn't manage to be broken up about it. "Oh, er, sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I chose to play along, remember. And I got to find out you're the best fucking paw licker I've ever had. I'm totally making you do that every time you come over," the bunny explained, emphasizing her feelings by clenching down once more on his softening cock.

"Every time?" he asked.

"Hell yeah. We may never see that movie," she said with a wink.

"Well all right. If that's how it has to be. At least the perks are incredible," he agreed, tweaking her nipple. They both laughed.

Maybe next week they could play Spin the Bottle.


_Author's note: Those of you watching me because of my other stories should be warned that this one is a bit different. It's a lot darker, and I honestly feel like a horrible person for writing it. You deserve to be warned._ * * * ...

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Ch. 3 - Downs and Ups

Jen sighed as she exited the bus in front of the mall. Public transportation was massively inconvenient, but that was what she had been reduced to since the Flash. Only the largest of SUVs was likely to accommodate her eight-foot height, which...

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Ch. 2 - A Day In The Life

Soft electronic music filled the dorm room, and gently roused Alex from her slumber. It was another new day in the post-Flash world. Alex rolled out of bed and sleepily tottered over to her computer to turn off the alarm. Jen was lucky enough to not...

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