Trials Of A Demon Part 1

Story by Claudia Vial on SoFurry

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#1 of Trials of a demon:New blood

Hello there. This is claudia saying that this is an adult story and if you aren't 18 or 21 in some states you should officially go away. If you don't like the concepts of hermaprhodites, males screwing them and the fact that all herms do not look like womenfolk please go away. For all others please enjoy something I wrote almost... a year ago I think.

Trials of a demon

Pt 1: Initiation

By Lotean

I remember this all started my junior year in high school. I was on my way to my favorite class, fantasy literature 205. I had dreams of being a fiction writer when I 'grew up'. But that didn't happen and I wound up being a biographer but that isn't really that far off from my dream. It's actually good practice for it since I don't have to come up with my own ideas all the time. Anyways, back to the story. I was walking the halls, trying not to draw too much attention. A slim, nerdy, sixteen year old skunk was a walking target where I went to school. Not to say the school itself was bad, it was actually a nice private academy it just had the usual bad apples that every school had, bad apples that liked to prey on nerdy kids like I was.

I was half way down the hall when I felt him; I felt his eyes focus on me. They focused on me the way a wolf watched prey. It was then I realized he was watching me ever since I walked into the hallway. I turned to look at him. He was smaller than I was but I could tell he was a wolf a bit lanky for a wolf but he was still a wolf. Though a wolf with the most beautiful black fur coat I had ever seen and his eyes. A light purple, such a pretty light purple too... amethyst colored now that I think of it. I was hooked when I looked into those eyes I remember stopping right there in the hallway bumping into some jock on his way to the gym. The 'watch where you're fuckin goin ass face!!!' and the hard shove that resulted was a dull roar to me, all that mattered were those eyes and the fact that I was starring right at them.

He was surrounded by two males and a female, each wearing the same black t-shirt and jeans, each of them a canine species, each of them having a sort of pale expression as they stood around his locker. The wolf was originally getting ready for his next class but he stopped as soon as he saw me.


I heard from his direction, though I noticed his mouth never moved when he 'spoke'. He handed his books to the female in his pack and walked towards me. I stood there, dumbfounded, like a feral doe caught in the headlights. He grabbed my hand, making sure I had another hand on my books.

~Follow me.~

He spoke again though I never saw his mouth move, not once. He led me by the hand towards the teacher's lounge. My language arts teacher, Miss Valington, was sitting in the room, the lady otter just sipping her morning coffee peacefully reading the paper and eating a danish before class started. I remember he simply looked at her hard for a moment and she promptly picked up her coffee, paper, and half eaten Danish then walked out of the room and locked the door behind her, all without a single word. As Miss Valington left the room, the wolf leaned into me, pressing me against the horribly bad wallpaper covering the lounge walls.

"S... S... So what's all this about?"

I asked, the wolf on top of me didn't seem to notice. All he cared about was unzipping my pants; he just shimmied out of his own. I was panting hard, the scent that filled my nose was making me pant hard and at the time I didn't know why. I didn't know why I felt the way I felt but I knew it felt good, so, so good, I had sex ed when I was a freshman but they weren't allowed to explain the different pheromones and how different species scent's interacted with each other. He wrapped his leg around my hip as I felt my pants and boxers slide around my ankles. I felt something burning in my crotch, a need, I needed something but I didn't know what until the wolf kissed me deep, gently pushing his tongue against the roof of my mouth.

I knew what I needed, I needed this strange wolf who was all over me. My instincts told me to push my hips upwards, that that was the best way to get into my first lover. The best way to satisfy the need that was so intense it was burning. The minute I shoved forward I felt something wet and sticky around my little, well not so little now, solder. I didn't think of why as I bumped my hips against his wildly like a wild animal that had just been turned loose.

~Oh good boy Richard... Just like that.~

My lover moaned in my ear but I didn't feel his breath against it. I remember moving forward, trying to get my back away from the wall but accidentally tripped and fell onto the table where the otter once ate and read. I didn't care, all that mattered was shoving my hips forward, satisfying this burning that only the lupine infront of me could right now. I didn't care how he knew my name, or how he could speak to me without opening his mouth. All that mattered was getting and staying inside this beautiful body that seemed to need me just as bad as I needed him.

Soon an even more pressing need took my loins. The need to release, though at the time I didn't know what it was for, all I knew was I had to stop and I couldn't hold something back any longer. After I came, long and hard into this mysterious wolf I laid on top of him panting deeply on his flat chest, he bumped his cold nose across my red head fur. I looked up into his amethyst eyes.

"That's better eh? Not so pent up anymore?"

He said in a british accent that was as beautiful as his pelt. I nodded panting against him.

"Yea... That's better."

I parroted him. It was the only thing I could really do now. Part of my mind was inside his crotch. I looked down trying to get my bearings; the wolf's own wolf hood poked my belly, standing at perfect attention. I sniffed the air around me, a hint of it smelling like the female canines I'd walked past in between classes. The lupine let out a girlish giggle looking me directly in the eyes.

"Before you ask, I'm both and yes you're in my pussy..."

I leaned up a little not really believing what I was hearing. I didn't know that furs with both sexes really existed. I thought they were just some urban legend college students made up to torture us high school kids. I panted harder looking down again to see what exactly had happened but the half sex stopped my muzzle from moving down.

"Sweetie... there will be plenty of time for explanations later. For now, let's just lay here together. Alright?"

I shook my head as I looked at him, my head feeling muddled, like I was in some sort of pleasant daze. I peeked at the clock, it was 7:15 A.M, I only had five minutes for something... five minutes to... five minutes till class, till my favorite class in the whole world. That thought broke through the warm glow that had settled over my body.

"I.... I... I've got to get to class... I've got to... got to write... I've..."

My lover put a hand on my muzzle, gently coaxing me back down onto his chest.

"Shhhhh... Shhhhh... It's gonna be alright sweetie. You're sick. You got sick on the way to class. It's a cold day after all, an even worse day to be outside."

He spoke calmly like he was ordering some kind of soft drink. I still shook my head. I couldn't miss this class. Not even for an angel with both sets of 'equipment', well that was my feeling at the time. As I got up I felt something clamp around my cock, massage it, caress it. I melted back down with a happy sigh. I was gonna keep my wolf friend company it seemed, whether I liked it or not. I melted into my partner, closing my eyes and letting the warm fog I was in settle around me and stay.

I don't remember sleeping that deeply and peacefully in all my life. Even now I don't remember getting that deep and peaceful a sleep. I felt around for my wolfie pillow, he was gone, it felt like he had been that way for a while. My eyes turned back to the clock, it was 2:45 P.M, almost time to go. I groaned softly the thought of what I had to look forward to when I got home bursting my happy bubble. I just gathered my shorts and my books and left the room. I peered at a note on the other side of the lounge door.

#I am mating with a worthy partner in this room. Do not disturb the occupants of this room. After this note is removed see that it is given a thorough cleaning immediately.

Sarin Vi'al#

Moments after I removed the note the school janitor virtually blasted past me, almost pushing me down in his haste to get into the lounge.

"You got all you need out of here?"

The stocky squirrel asked, it seemed like he'd literally run from whatever he was doing to get to this room. I checked my books and pencils and answered with a confused nod. The janitor then shut the door and locked it from the inside. I shook my head; they actually did what the note said...

I walked out of the now virtually empty school, figuring the only thing I could do was go home and try to explain myself. Try to explain what had all happened today and see if mom would understand at the very least, though I would understand if she didn't believe me. Especially when I said 'I'm sorry mom but I didn't go to all my classes today because a strange guy wolf decided to have sex with me right on the spot?' I sighed softly adding 'Oh but it wasn't gay sex or anything like that because this guy wolf had a pussy, a seemingly well used pussy at that'. Maybe that's why he did it. Because he could get away with it since it was so unbelievable.

When I got home I was shocked to see the two male bodyguards from earlier standing on either side of my door. They nodded at me, even opening the door as I entered my mother's small house. It wasn't much; it was just a part of what dad left us after he died. Maybe that's another reason why I went with him that morning... They say a part of being gay is the lack of a real male role model in your life.

"...Oh my god Richard!"

Said my mother, she was taller than I was so when she came to hug me nice and tight I was overwhelmed.

"Thank god you're alright. Sarin told me everything. Oh you have got to be more careful... Furs are going crazy nowadays you have to watch yourself."

Mom hugged me closer, I debated telling her the truth. Debated telling her right then and there what I was really doing but I just stayed silent and looked up into her brown eyes. The relief and love I saw there just helped to keep me quiet.

"It's a good thing you found him. God knows how long they would have kept him before they realized I didn't have any money to give them... And then what would have happened?"

Kidnapping, that's what mom thought had happened to me. I looked into the living room, my lover wolf sat on the cheap imitation leather sofa that was the centerpiece of our living room. His female bodyguard standing at his left, the wolf had a grin that fit a predator that'd just caught a nice fat rabbit. I remained stone faced as my mom hugged me tight in her arms.

"I don't think it's safe for you to go to school for at least a few days. Promise me you won't go back at least till Friday. We don't know if they're out there still, waiting to see if you take the same path..."

I looked in my mothers eyes and smiled. I needed a few days to sort out what had just happened anyways.

"Yes mom... I'll stay here for a while but the police should be out there looking for these kidnappers shouldn't they?"

Sarin smiled wider as I said that. Not only had he got me in a position where I had to play along, I had to be smart about playing his little game too.

~Good boy.~

He said to me without words. I scowled at him. I wasn't his 'boy' I wasn't anyone's 'boy' to be manipulated like his pale faced guards. I thought at first he altered my mind to make me more willing to go into that lounge with him.

~Never again. I'm not doing this again.~

I thought, hopefully loud enough for him to hear. I saw him stifle a chuckle as mom hugged me the tightest she'd hugged me in months, maybe even years.

~Hold that thought...~

My lover teased, getting up from his seat, his bodyguard following behind him, as if she was just his slave, like she couldn't go anywhere else other than where her master commanded.

"Mrs. Lantra. Is it alright if I or one of my assistants here gave Richard all of his homework assignments and notes for those few days he's going to be out of school then?"

Mom nodded at Sarin, still pressing me to her chest. I eyed this wolf, he grinned wide at the question in my mind. Despite what happened in the lounge I was starting to hate him already. I wasn't a toy to be manipulated by some teenage hermaphrodite psychic. Though in that hate I just wondered, what exactly did he want? What could I give him that would send him away, or at least give me some control over my life.

~Control is relative Richard... Right now I have it but maybe just maybe you'll get it back. Besides, was your life under your control before I took it? Were you independent, self reliant and free before I decided to intervene? Why did you go to school then? Why do you do what the woman hugging you so dearly tells you to? I will show you the truth and you will love me for it. I believe that answered both of your questions sufficiently for now... See you tomorrow.~

That night I remember everything looking... different. Feeling different, smelling different. Everything felt alive, smelled alive, and even looked more alive. What was plain a glass of water to me before was now a glass of life giving, thirst satisfying liquid. The old pictures above the stove depicting a fur riding a feral horse, now spoke to me. They were on an adventure the horse and he, on an adventure to unknown lands.

Was I actually in control of anything? Did I have any real responsibilities at all at home? When mom asked me to take out the trash, what made me do it? Well love of course; because I love her I do as she asks. There was no question there and nothing else to that really, but the other things made me think. Why did I go to school? They weren't teaching me anything in particular, they weren't teaching me how to do anything specific. In fact everything seemed to be limited, dumbed down so that 'everyone' could understand and only a few of the teachers seemed to care.

It was almost pointless to keep going because... I wasn't learning anything new or anything I'd be using in my career. So why did I go? Because they told me to, because mom would get mad if said apathetic teacher put an F on some little piece of paper. That's all I was running through hoops for was some damn piece of paper that said I completed an array of pointless courses.

I don't remember sleeping much that night. Lying awake trying to fine reasons, legitimate reasons for what I did on a daily basis. Though the deeper I dug into my life the more I proved what I didn't want to prove. Sarin was absolutely right. Though if that was so then Sarin himself was also a slave. Even with his psychic abilities. He was more of a slave than I was, since he couldn't reveal his power or his special sex to the world. If he did he'd be torn apart by a lynch mob, and there would be nothing he could do about it.

That thought let me sleep in peace. That's what I would tell him tomorrow. I would tell him that he was a slave and that he should leave me alone once I'm allowed to go back to school. Or else I'll tell the world about his little secret, I'd post it on the internet, I'd call everyone in the phone book about it and I'd certainly tell everyone at school about it. Sure I'd be embarrassed for a while but he'd be expelled as a disgrace to Furtion high school.

When I woke up I found mom sitting on the side of my bed, stroking my hair. She was so happy to see me. I hadn't seen her that happy in a long time.


She said wrinkling up her business suit in leaning over to give me a big wet kiss on my forehead. She worked as a paralegal in some law firm downtown, from how she talked at work they were never going to make her anything other than an old office worker but she didn't seem to mind. I just moaned stretching myself out. I wasn't a morning fur.

"I'm off to work. Have a good day dear and 'stay' 'here' you might not be safe anywhere else."

With that my mom left. Happy as could be. I spend the day eagerly waiting for him, waiting for him to make good on his promise to give me my missing homework. It could have been pure bullshit but I had nothing better to do for the next few days it seemed. Though waiting at home wasn't a great idea if I was trying to duck kidnappers since they could know where I lived but it was best to just play along.

Wait a minute... Maybe that's what he was saying. Maybe it was just best to play along with whatever evil scheme he had in store for me. My pride would get in the way of that option. I wasn't the best or most popular kid in school but I wasn't just some feral to be played with like I meant nothing. I would get control of my life back, however little I had in the first place.

After that I heard a knock at the door, my heart skipped a beat. It was him. He was behind the door; probably with homework in hand and some sly comment about me doing like mom told me. I opened the front door and sure enough there was the medium sized wolf, wearing nothing but a pair of black jeans, he had a notebook in his right arm and a sly grin on his face. No bodyguards today though, the business he had with me was supposedly between us exclusively.

"Hello Rich..."

Sarin said simply, no comment about how I was a mommy's boy but I was sure he was thinking it. I wished I knew what he was thinking right then it would only be fair seeing as how he knew my every thought.

"Hi Sarin. Isn't that some kind of toxic gas or something?"

I asked reaching out to grab the notebook from his hand. He recoiled some teasingly with a girlish giggle.

"Yes and I'm not giving up this notebook until I get in this house. Who knows who could be watching out here after all."

I rolled my eyes and moved aside letting him in the house once again. The wolf looked at me, his smile getting wider and wider as he looked at me. I couldn't think of why he would be so happy to see me until I realized. He was reading my thoughts analyzing my plan. Though his reaction was the wrong reaction, he should be horrified, thinking of ways to counter my plans not happy and smiling right in front of me.

"I should be scared? Why should I be scared?"

The wolf asked in his soft nearly feminine tone. He started to circle me like wolves usually did around their prey before the kill.

"My mother has half the politicians and statesmen in this great country of ours in her pocket, a quarter of them are being blackmailed or otherwise intimidated and the rest crap themselves whenever she opens her mouth in public. Why... oh why wouldn't she let the whole wide world know her son is like her and is a male and female at the same time...?"

Sarin came up to my muzzle now, touching my nose as he spoke. I was disgusted by his words, my plan burning up right before my eyes. Though it did let me sleep at night. I felt exactly like I did in the hallway, paralyzed by his power.

"...And why, why, would I be afraid of a little bit of gossip. It's not like everyone important doesn't already know what I am; hell I've been with some of them. They're incredibly boring to tell you the absolute truth."

The wolf hovered over my chest licked my nose and chin his muzzle wrapped in a confident smile. I couldn't help myself; he probably was manipulating me again. Making me hornier, forcing me to fit in with his little scheme.

"Though that's not important... The important thing is. We're going to repeat what happened in that lounge."

I couldn't help but put my hands around his hips, then drop them and reach for the notebook. I got my hands around it and said plainly.

"No... We aren't..."

I can't remember much of what happened after I said that. It's all mostly a haze though I can clearly say I was wrong. I lost control, pushing, more shoving him on the stairs making out right there, the black wolf teasing me up to what he thought was my room and throwing himself on the bed.

I remember nearly tearing my clothes off I was so horny. So ready to get inside a wolf I barely knew. I was still sore from yesterday but that didn't stop me much, though I was a little surprised a ninety pound weakling like me could make a hundred fifty some pound bed rock like I did. The next thing I really remember is being drenched in sweat and holding the wolf I didn't know whether to like or despise in my arms.

"What... do you want?"

I rubbed his chest, taking some pride in the satisfied growl that came from him now.

"I wanted sex before because I can't help myself... Now, I want more sex because I'm with someone I like."

I smiled at that, if anything he had a silver tongue. Maybe when the tables turned he wouldn't have much of a use for it. He giggled as I thought that, but I didn't care what he knew that I knew. I was gonna get control of my life back no matter what it took.

"What is with you and control? Most furs would kill for an attractive mate like me to even look at them close..."

I let out an irritated sigh trying to pull away from him but he didn't let me. I stopped with another irritated sigh.

"So what? I'm just supposed to go with the flow? Just be manipulated like a little toy because you're rich and powerful? What do you want with me? Just tell me. What's so wrong with treating me like something other than a fucking feral!?"

The wolf seemed to like my forceful tone. That's probably what distinguished me from 'boring'. I was willing to rock the boat to come to a conclusion where everyone was happy meanwhile most furs would be happy with their cock up a nice warm pussy like his.

"Alright. I'll tell you..."

He grunted releasing my little soldier but adding.

"...If you're willing to fuck me like a man."

It wasn't like what he was asking for was much harder than what we'd just done. The truth was I wanted to go again, being inside him felt so good, like he was an answer to a question my body had been asking for a long time. I poked his tail hole and it opened up letting me in. Later I would discover that assholes didn't open like that but it was convenient for now.

I slammed my hips against his, holding his shoulders. I figured If he wanted a man inside him he'd get one. I held him not letting him move an inch; I even blocked his legs from moving as I bounced my hips against his.

He moaned leaning against me as I pounded his round asshole. My hips screamed for me to stop, but I wasn't gonna stop. I was in control now, I had him right where I wanted him and I wasn't gonna let go until I was finished with him. I didn't care about anything else just that I was in control of everything at this moment. I grinned at my intruder as he moaned and begged for more. He didn't seem to mind that I was in control now, that I was calling the shots.

Maybe this is what he wanted, what he saw hidden deep inside me just waiting to be unleashed on the world. I stopped and came, more than I had yesterday, more than today, hell more than my first time jerking off. I was exhausted and so was he.

"Now... for my...end of the... bargain..."

Sarin moaned nipping at my chin. I smiled at myself, proud that I could satisfy a possible nymphomaniac. I was proud that I could satisfy something to tell you the truth.

"I... Wasn't treating you like a fur... to test you... I wanted you... nice and angry. To see if you'd rock the boat... To see what we were gonna be... to each other."

I smiled at myself; it was just a natural thing it seemed. Wolves had to see who was going to be what in their little pack so they had to think up little tests to see who was who and what was what.

"What now...?"

I asked, my whole body screaming at me. I didn't care, the pain would eventually pass and I didn't have anything important to do for the next couple of days. I don't think I wanted to know the answer to my own question. I just wanted to lay with the one and only fur who'd share his body with me, even if he shared his body with everyone within a mile radius.

"Sleep now..."

He said closing his eyes, I couldn't help but close mine too. He probably put me to sleep just then. He probably figured I earned a nice night's rest after all that, it was the least he could do.

A warm night

A Warm night By Lotean May fifth was a hot night, a night that could make someone wake up in a sweaty, smelly amalgamation of thin blankets if they didn't have a way to drive out the heat. Something like this would have been...

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