Duet of Love

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of Minstrel's Song

Legal Stuff: All character in this story are © to me. This story isn't intended for those under the age of 18. Fap and enjoy.

Flint smiled as he walked through the woods with another basket. The fair had ended the day before and he had earned more than enough coin for a little 'vacation' to ensure that he bred the female of his choice. Now he had been spending most of the day running between town and back, picking up various supplies so that he wouldn't have to leave the cabin for about a week. Night was fast approaching, but he had already done all he needed to do and picked up the last basket of items. He smiled as he peeked inside, his eyes glowing slightly in the fading light as he examined his gear. Nodding, he slipped up to the cabin and took a slow breath to brace himself.

The moment he stepped through the door, he was hit with the scent of a dragoness in heat. Isabella purred as she stood up and slid over to him, wearing her nightgown. But even with that fabric between them, he could smell her need, sense her desire. The dragoness purred and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body close; "Are you done, lover?"

He nodded and nibbled at her neck as his paws groped her rear through her gown, drawing a gasp from her muzzle, "Got the last thing I needed right here." He smiled at her, feeling his shaft slipping out of his genital slit and starting to firm up rather quickly. Hurriedly he cooed, "Why don't you go and wash up, it will be your last chance to leave the cabin for days." He wiggled his eyebrows and chirped as she giggled.

"Okay, but do not start without me." The once-shy dragoness winked and picked up a towel before heading out to the pond located nearby.

The dracogryph smirked and waited till she was out of sight before hurrying out of the cabin, going in the opposite direction. He headed right towards a clearing and burst through the tree line, making Kiana almost leap out of her feathers. The gryphoness ran over to him and began to rub her body against his, "I'm so happy, Flint!" He smiled and rubbed her cheek, watching her coo as she leaned into his hand. She had been in heat a day longer than Isabella had and he could feel the warmth of her crotch against his body as she pressed close. Reaching up, he smiled at her and slipped the gag into her beak, tying it off and making her moan.

Leaning forward, he hissed into her eartuff, "You will do exactly as I say and you'll get a nice, round belly filled with eggs. Understand?" She nodded and rubbed her fingers along the hem of his shirt. Flint smiled and pulled back, leading her towards the cabin. Slipping inside with her, he counted on the fact that she was focused on his scent, too focused to notice the scent of dragon heat. Which she was, the gryphoness was following him eagerly, her eyes glazed over as she inhaled his scent. Leading her upstairs, he smiled and guided her towards the bedroom before grabbing her clothing. With a loud rip, he slid his paw down her dress and shredded it into little pieces of cloth. Kiana gasped and pushed her body forward as she felt those sharp talons sliding down her front. She held still for him, trembling slightly as her need spikes when she was bared for him.

Looking over her body, he cooed low in his throat and smiled as he shoved her back onto the bed. Kiana fell back and spread her legs, looking at him eagerly. He snapped his beak, "Oh no, not just yet." He bent down and grabbed one of the baskets, pulling out some leather straps. Smiling at her, he took her legs one at a time and bound them up and against the bedposts. The gryphoness groaned, her crotch fur already matted down with her moisture as her puffy sex leaked its fluids. Smiling, he reached under the headboard and pulled out a strap, hooking one of the ones he brought to it, and the other end to her wrists, keeping her there. Leaning down, he tapped his beak against hers, "Now stay here and be quiet, and I'll fuck you till you pass out." She trilled happily and waited as he blindfolded her once more. Picking up a piece of her shirt, he smiled and headed back downstairs.

Luck was with him today! He caught Isabella as she came back in, her scales still a little wet from her bathing. Grabbing her, he pinned her to a wall and began to nibble at her neck. The dragoness let out a surprised gasp that turned into a low purr as she pushed against him. Together the two of them got her out of her gown, revealing her hot, scaled body to him. He nipped her lips and gave her kisses as he murred, "I wanna do something kinky." His eyes sparkled as she looked at him and tilted her head. He could see that she'd do anything for him and cooed, wrapping the cloth around her eyes and tying it up. The dragoness moved her head around and started to reach up for it. "Nah uh, here's where the fun starts," he wrapped a second piece around her muzzle and tied it up as his leg rubbed against her.

She was a bit curious about what he was doing, but she didn't care after a second. His wonderful musk, the feeling of his warmth against hers, his touch on her body, all of it was so wonderful and set her nerves on fire. Flint picked her up and smiled as she purred, rubbing against his clothed form as her hands tried to remove his shirt. Chuckling, he took her upstairs and smiled as he saw Kiana waiting on the bed. Being very careful, he laid Isabella on top of the gryphoness, tying her legs to the gryphoness's. He took her arms and lifted them up, binding her wrists just like he had done with the other female. Isabella wiggled a little, wondering what was going on and what she was lying on. Her sensitive sex rubbed against something furry and hot, and something under her let out a moan.

Flint smirked as he took off his shirt before finally removing both female's gags and blindfolds. For a moment they gazed at each other before they looked for him. Isabella was first to ask, seeming very confused; "Flint, what's going on here?"

He smiled as he cooed untying his pants, "Well you see, I had an offer I couldn't refuse. Both of you very sexy and beautiful females want a clutch from me."

It was Kiana's turn as she whimpered, "But you said you'd breed me. How can you get both of us."

He murred, "That's the question, isn't it?" Dropping his pants, he straightened up and let both females gasp as they saw two cocks standing proud and firm from his crotch. The one on top was a dragon cock, the same one he had been using to have sex with Isabella for the past few days. The one on bottom was the gryphon cock, seeming a bit longer to the dragon's thickness. But both sported a small bulge at the bottom, he knew the gryphon cock would knot, but he wasn't too sure about the dragon one.

Walking around behind them, he rubbed Isabella's rear and smiled as it pushed up towards his paw. "I think the three of us are going to have a lot of fun together."

The dragoness whimpered and looked back, tugging at her bindings a little, "But why would you pick both of us?"

Flint thought about it, rubbing her rear slowly as his cocks both pokes against Kiana. Finally he rolled his wings and shoulders in a shrugging motion, "Honestly? I don't know why I want both of you, especially when so many other females have made the same offer. The only thing I can guess is that I have needs of both a dragon." He rubbed his fingers over the green female's vent, making her shudder and arch her spine. "And a gryphon," his fingers traced around her sex, making her whistle and arch her back. "So right now, I feel very complete."

Gripping the dragoness's rear, he lined both cocks up and pushed forward. Isabella had opened her maw to say something, but her words were cut off by a low, trembling moan. Her eyes silted in pleasure, feeling his cock slide in and starting to sate the heat that had been burning in her belly all day. Kiana arched her back and let out a low moan, her thighs trembling as his gryphon-hood filled the void that had been growing inside her for a couple days now. Smiling at them, he slid forward until his crotch rested near theirs and cooed. But that was only the first part of the fun, now he began to pull back.

Isabella let out a gasp as those ridges popped out of her sex, making her hips twitch back in need. Kiana let out a chirp, jerking her body to try and get his cock back into her, needing it so badly. As the females moved, their clits rubbed against each other, making them moan even louder and purr in pleasure. The dracogryph pushed forward, hissing at the intense pleasure of having two heated pussies gripping both his cocks. It was beyond words for him to describe how it felt. Kiana's pussy was hot, and smooth as silk as it gripped and milked his cock so wonderfully. And Isabella's sex was much hotter and gripped him all that much harder. He let out a low hiss as he looked at the females, his hips starting to move. The thrusts were slow at first, allowing him to adapt to the feeling of his two dicks buried inside them. But before long, he was slamming against the two of them as their bodies gripped his cocks and milked them for his cum. All three of them began to huff and pant; the female's grinding against each other as their heated cunts were fucked with the one thing that could drive away the burning need.

The dragoness was more than a little indignant at first at what Flint was doing. She was a noble, born and bred; but this male had won her over with his charm and wit. She had let him bed her and take her more precious possession, her maidenhead. Then she thought about how he had treated her and decided she wanted to be with him and bear his clutch. Now she was tied up, which she found strangely exciting, and was getting rutted like she wanted. But he was also taking this gryphoness under her. The dragoness was going to raise an objection when his cock pushed into her body. Her words died off as a moan broke free of her maw. Arching her back, her moan ended with a trembling note as her tunnel clamped down on his cock. Right now that was her entire world, where their bodies joined. Then Flint started to thrust and she felt like she had died and gone to paradise.

Flint hissed softly as the two girl's bodies clamped down onto his twin cocks and began to milk him for his essence. Within minutes of starting, his hips were slamming against Isabella's rump as he hilted inside her. Her head tossed back as she gasped, rocking her body into the male that was fucking her and going to breed her. The noble part of her mind was disgusted that she was enjoying this so much. But the wild part of her, the heated part of her, squashed that line of thought and accepted what he was doing. Kiana let out a chirp and a gasp as the gryphon cock fucked her pussy, hearing the lewd noises as it slipped in and out of her tunnel. When Isabella began to writhe on top of her, the gryphoness let out a coo as she rocked up as well. The females' swollen clits rubbed over each other, making them gasp louder.

It didn't seem to take more than a couple minutes before Kiana let out a pleasure-filled keen as she started to orgasm around the cock. Isabella huffed, blushing since she knew that she had helped the other woman climax. She tried to stay quiet but everything was building up too much and too fast for her to handle. The dragoness began to grunt and groan as her body shoved back to meet the male's powerful thrusts. She could feel Kiana's chest feathers rubbing over her nipples and adding a teasing feeling as she was rocked. Then it happened, her logical mind was swept away by the waves of orgasmic bliss as she threw her head back and let out a cry of joy.

He grinned as his feet shifted, one lifting up to rest on the footboard of the bed to change the angle of his thrusts. This drew a gasp from both girls as he smiled down at them and huffed. Both of their pussies was milking his cocks and trying to draw out his seed to fertilize their eggs. Already his knot was popping in and out of Kiana's cunt and threatening to tie with her. Leaning forward, he nipped at Isabella's neck and shoulder, drawing gasps from her. Each little mating bite made her tighten around his meat and pull him closer to that edge. He let out a groan and a grunt as his gryphonhood got caught inside the gryphoness and began to swell up. This made his thrusts much shorter, but Isabella wanted big thrusts. Grabbing onto her hips, he helped her rock back and forth as she panted, lowering her head.

Kiana let out a few huffs before pressing her beak right against Isabella's muzzle and rubbing the dragon's lips with her tongue. Not thinking about it, the noble dragoness slipped her tongue into the waiting beak and began to kiss the gryphoness. That was it for Flint and he pounded into the waiting rumps a few more times before letting out a noise that sounded like a mix between a roar and a screech as his cum erupted into the waiting females. Isabella let out a matching roar as she pushed back, her tunnel clenching hard and milking his ridged member for everything he could give her. Kiana was the only one speechless, her head falling back as she experienced yet another climax. She had lost count of how many orgasmic waves crashed through her body from the moment he tied with her. But she could feel Flint's pointed tip wedge itself into her cervix as it pumped its hot cream right into her womb. The three panted and relaxed until he was able to remove his cock from Kiana's pussy and untie them. Even Isabella was too tired and content to protest as she snuggled up to one side of Flint's body, her body twining with the two others.


The next morning Isabella was the first to wake up, her nose twitching as the feathers on Flint's chest tickled her. Sitting up, she stretched and let out a low purr as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. The night before was a blur of dream-like visions. It was almost like the other fantasies she'd had during her other heat cycles. But as her eyes managed to focus, she picked out the individual forms of Flint and Kiana. All three of them were sprawled in a tangled heap; their crotches (and some other body parts) coated in drying sex juices. She blushed and looked at her crotch, seeing that her own sex lips were spread out a little still and a mix of his seed, her juices, and the gryphoness's honey were coating her fine scales. After all the antics last night and since she just woke up, her mind was working clearly and she began to panic.

Slipping out of bed, Isabella felt disgusted with herself at what she had done and headed towards the privy to wash up. As she walked downstairs, she recalled a potion she had written down the recipe for, but had never used. It was called the 'Morning After Draft" and was designed for in case a female was raped during her season. It would prevent pregnancy, but would only work after the seed had been put into her. If she remembered, she had all the ingredients she would need for that potion in her pack. Hurrying out to the privy, she cleaned up and headed back into the kitchen to work in private.

Kiana woke up as Isabella left the room, making the gryphoness roll to the side. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to wake up, her mind filled with wonderful memories of wild sex until the three of them passed out late in the night. A peek at the window, which had been covered with a blanket, let her know it was around mid-day. Yawning, she stretched out and pressed her body close to Flint's as she cooed. Her leg shifted and smiled as she felt his sac against her thigh. Peeking up at him, the mischievous female felt the need stir up once more deep inside her body. Shifting down slowly, she glanced at him, and looked back at his crotch with a soft gasp. His twin cocks were semi-erect and sticking out of his slit. Reaching down, she began to rub over his gryphon cock as her beak rubbed the dragon one. All those times of them experimenting with sex and she never knew he had both of these. The sight of those cocks alone made her pussy begin to ache for his cum inside her.

Moaning, she took his lower cock and opened her beak wide before slipping her head down the shaft. Her paw cupped his scaled sac and rolled the cum-heavy orbs held inside them. The gryphoness let out a moan as the cock pushed into her throat. Oh she wanted all the seed these held inside them so badly. Flint woke up and smiled when he saw Kiana's head down at his crotch, her beak wrapped around one of his cocks as the other rubbed her cheek. Reaching down, he rubbed her head and chuckled as she stiffened up and pulled her beak off his cock, "I'm sorry, I just..."

She fell silent as he looked at her and jerked his head, "All fours, hands behind your back." Chirping, she obeyed him and hiked her rear up, her swollen pussy dripping juices down her thighs. Sliding behind her, Flint smiled and pushed his dragon cock into her tunnel, giving a couple pumps. She nearly screeched in joy as that hot cock spread her and pushed against her insides. But then he pulled out and she couldn't hold back the whimper.

Flint cooed and lined his cocks up; the upper one nestled against her star, and the lower one against her snatch. Pushing forward, both pointed cocks spread her as they penetrated her depths. The gryphoness's beak fell open in a gasp as the feeling of both cocks overwhelmed her heat-filled mind. Leaning forward, he grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back before using them to tug her some as he started to thrust. His body went from slow thrusts to full, rabid fucking, in a matter of seconds. The two hybrids began to chirp and call out, their voices twining with each other as they rutted like wild beasts.

Downstairs, Isabella was looking at a mug that held a dark, foul smelling brew. That would be the draft that would ensure she was not fertilized. She gulped nervously and stared at it, her hands trembling lightly as her mind raced. If she took it, she could return to her old life with all its benefits; but if she didn't then she could live with the simple joys that she found in this town. Her mind began to roam with the questions and answers as her mind and heart fought each other. Tilting her muzzle up, she heard a thumping and squawks upstairs. They must be awake.

Flint looked back when he heard some footsteps and a gasp at the door. He saw Isabella standing there with tears staining her cheeks. "Isabella, what's wrong?" He knew he couldn't move since his knot had already gotten stuck in Kiana. The gryphoness looked back and gave a questioning chirp, incapable of forming sentences at the moment.


_Dear Duke de Taire;

I hope you and Mother are doing well, Father, my apologies for not writing sooner. Things have been rather hectic where I have settled down. Do not worry, for I am in good health. My skills as an alchemist have been earning more than enough money to live on. I have found a place where I truly feel I belong and the people here love me. I have some news that you might find shocking, which is why I wrote this letter to you instead of Mother._

Isabella stopped writing to wet her quill and think for a moment as her paw ran over her large belly with a smile. Considering it was her Father she was writing to, she might as well tell him right out. But for a moment, she paused and reflected on how she ended up in this situation. Several months ago, she had gone upstairs with the intent to tell Flint that she planned on taking the Morning After Draft and then leaving. But the concern on their faces as both he and Kiana looked at her crushed the noble mind in her once and for all. She smiled and leaned back over the parchment, she continued the letter in her elegant calligraphy.

Father, I am pregnant and expecting my first clutch any day now. The father of my eggs is a very good male that I love with all my heart. Please break this news to Mother gently; you know how she gets the vapors so easily. With Love, Isabella.

Folding the letter up, she held some red wax up to the candle that was burning on the desk to soften it just enough. Smearing it on the flap, she sealed up the letter and pressed her family signet into the soft wax. Smiling, she put the ring into a drawer since her finger had gotten to large for it a few weeks ago. She looked around the room of the cabin before glancing at the stairs. "Flint?" She stood up slowly and huffed as her belly shifted its weight down. Putting a paw in the small of her back, the dragoness let out a groan as she stood up, wearing a plain gown that thankfully fit around her belly. The dracogryph poked his head out of the workshop and chirped at her. Waddling towards him, she leaned against the banister, "Have you gone to check on Kiana? It's been a few hours since she went into labor."

He thought about it and looked up the stairs, "She should be okay, but I'll look."

She shook her head, "No, I'll look, I need to stretch my legs some." He nodded, but still watched the dragoness as she waddled up the steps slowly.

Sticking her head into the bedroom, Isabella was greeted by the sight of Kiana's rear and two others in the bedroom. One of the strangers was Flint's mother, the other his sister. His sister was the village Mid-wife and his mother often helped with birthings. His mother looked up and smiled at her before purring, "My, you are getting big, Isabella."

She purred and rubbed her belly, "I am, how is she doing." As if on cue, the gryphoness let out a strangled noise and bit down on the piece of wood clamped in her maw before heaving.

Flint's mother, Marina, let out a purr as she rubbed Kiana's neck with a wet cloth; "She already had one beautiful egg and this should be the last one. So two this clutch." Kiana relaxed and let out a little noise as Seria, Flint's sister and the mid-wife, cooed and rubbed her back.

Isabella watched as the gryphoness tensed up again and let out a low shriek as her folds began to part again. Slowly a pale egg appeared between her legs and eased back slowly with each contraction. The dragoness watched closely, knowing she would be going through this herself soon enough. A paw fell to her belly as she wondered how bad it would be for her since her belly was easily twice the size of Kiana's. Her eyes widened a little as the egg fell out of the female and into a soft cloth Seria was holding. The thing was very large and had pale blue flecks on its off-white shell. The gryphoness slumped down with a huff, letting the other two clean her up and lay her down. Marina shooed her out of the room and followed behind, leaving Seria and Kiana together for the post-birth exam. "She did very good, it went very smoothly for her first clutch." The dragoness smiled as she saw Isabella's hand rest on her belly, "I'm sure yours will go just as well. Just make sure once all the eggs hatch that Flint helps out." She nodded and purred as she shuffled back downstairs.

A few minutes later, Seria came downstairs and told them to let Kiana rest for the remainder of the day and most of tomorrow. Then she wished Isabella good luck and hugged her before heading out with her mother. The dragoness purred softly as she ran a paw over her egg-heavy belly and looked at it. Did she have a lot of eggs, or just some large ones? As she was thinking about this, Flint snuck up behind her and carefully pulled at the ties on her dress. Isabella let out a gasp as her gown slipped down her body and fell onto the floor to reveal her body. Her breasts were already starting to swell up with milk, even though it would be days before the eggs were lain and weeks before the hatched. Her belly sagged with the weight of the load it was carrying. Looking back at Flint, she growled playfully; "Haven't you gotten enough? This is how all this mess started."

He grinned at her and cooed, "Yes, but you know you love it when I do this to you." His paw moved over her belly, feeling around a couple of the eggs before sliding under her girth to rub her snatch. Letting out a gasp, she leaned forward and placed her paws on the desk as her tail lifted up. A look back let her see that both his cocks were erect, which meant only one thing. Flint fingered her for a second and found her surprisingly wet already. He grinned at her and lined up, pressing both of his shafts into her depths, drawing a pleasurable moan from her. Lowering her head, she smiled and started to pant as his gentle thrusts rocked her form and made her belly swing. He smiled down at her and cooed, loving both his mates with all his heart. Who would have thought that since he was part dragon and part gryphon, he needed one of each to feel complete? And not only had he found love with this pair, they had quickly grown to love each other as well. His pace increased a little, his ridges popping in and out of the dragoness's pussy as she gasped. The dracogryph recalled one time he came home to find both females pleasuring each other in bed. They were one big, wonderful family.