Feral Rangers

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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Commission for xakrai over at FA. Hey guess what gais! It's another transformation story with TG in it! So unlike me! Anyhow, enjoy! Also, I might start putting actual thumbnails on these stories, like this, it somehow feels more professional than just leaving it to default.

Feral Rangers

Ana checked her watch as she exited her cabin, _9:00 A.M., i_t read.

"Right on time, Katie should be here soon..."

After stretching her legs, Ana looked up through the dense treeline at the morning sunlight beaming through. She closed her eyes and basked in the warm glow. This would be the last time that she worked the day shift here, she was receiving some sort of position change to the night shift, the details were still vague as was everything about the night shift. Fortunately, her long time friend and co-worker was actually supposed to be meeting her this morning to discuss the details further.

Still holding her face toward the warm sun, Ana sighed and murmured, "Ah, I am going to miss this..."

"Quit being so melodramatic, it's not like you are being cut off from the sun!" Ana heard Katie say from behind her.

"Well good morning to you too," Ana said, crossing her arms and smirking.

"Yeah... excuse me if I'm not my usual self, I didn't get back to my cabin until about five this morning so I'm not exactly thrilled to be awake right now," Katie said, rubbing at her eyes groggily.

Ana looked at her friend and frowned.

"Sorry, if you want we can always have this discussion later..."

"You kidding me? The boss came and plucked me out of bed specifically for this, so I have to do it now, otherwise I would take up your offer and save it for one of my days off."

"Oh he did? Guess it's a bigger deal than I thought..."

Katie waved her hand at Ana.

"No, not really. He's just an impatient person... Anyway, shall we? While I'm at least partially awake."

Katie walked ahead of Ana and gestured her to follow.

"So why is this such a huge occasion? I have only been working here for two months so this can't possibly be a momentous change..."

"That's what you would think! However, this is a pretty big deal, you should know by now that not just anybody can work the night shift."

Ana nodded and said, "Well yeah, you said it involved much more rigorous work but that's really all you told me about it... Every time I try to ask you details you tell me-"

"-It's a secret..." Katie finished.

Ana rolled her eyes.

"Katie, c'mon. Tell me please?"

"Okay okay, it's nothing bad. The boss just doesn't trust the newer employees with it. There have been too many incidents so he is very selective of who he puts on those shifts. But hey, it's nothing you can't handle, it's clear that he trusts you, usually it takes at least six months before he gives someone the opportunity to work the night shift, you must have gotten on his good side," Katie said, winking.

"I have you to thank for that. You give him all of the employee reports at the end of the week and I know how you like to spice them up a bit..." Ana said, nudging Katie.

Katie smirked and draped her arm over Ana's shoulder.

"Oh c'mon, give yourself some credit at least! It's not like I lie on those things, I just give you the reviews you deserve."

Ana smiled and blushed. "Thanks Katie, you're a great friend..."

"Right back at you and now since we will finally be working the same shifts we will get to spend even more time together! First, though, there's some things I have to discuss with you about this, but those can wait until tomorrow night..."

"What's happening tomorrow night?" Ana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well we are going to celebrate your promotion of course!"

"So this is a promotion? As, in a promotion that will be getting me a pay raise?" Ana asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Well... yes and no..." Katie said.

After a few moments of silence, Ana turned her head toward her Katie.

"Yes and no?"

Katie seemingly ignored her question and said, "Hmm? Oh, why don't we save that question for tomorrow night? It will be better that way..."

Ana grumbled.

"I really wish you would tell me what you're hiding," Ana said, stopping and crossing her arms, clearly annoyed.

"Ana, I just want what I have to be a surprise. It stops being a surprise when I tell you! So lighten up a bit will you? If I had some bad news I would tell you, but all I have for you is good news. Very good news..."

Ana frowned and mumbled under her breath, "You know I don't like surprises..."

"Well you will love this one! Now quit worrying about it and let me finish what I was saying!"

"Fine..." Ana mumbled.

Katie smiled and continued, "Thank you. So tomorrow, in addition to what I have planned, you'll be receiving a visit from the boss. Don't worry though, he's only visiting you so he can go over a few things, quick and painless, everyone who gets this promotion has to go through it, " Katie said, patting Ana on the shoulder.

"Okay," Ana said, shrugging. "So tell me more about this get together you want to have..."

"Just something simple. You and I, not really a get together per se, everyone else I would invite will be busy anyway. I just want to congratulate you, that's all!"

Ana smiled, but something told her that Katie wasn't being entirely truthful with her. However, for the sake of avoiding argument, Ana let it slide. She could wait it out... maybe.

"Well okay, so when and where?"

Katie removed a small journal from the front shirt pocket of her uniform, opened it and glanced at a page as she spoke, "Your cabin at, let's say... eight o' clock. I don't have to start my shift until ten so that should give us plenty of time."

Ana tried to get a glimpse at what was in the journal, but Katie had held it close to her and quickly returned it to her pocket before she even had the chance to read a single word from it.

"Sound good?" Katie asked.

Ana shrugged and said, "Uh, yeah. Cool."

"Alright then, I will let you get on with your day, and trust me when I say, you won't be missing this once you get a taste of the night life," Katie said, licking her lips in a strange manner.

Ana laughed and pushed Katie away playfully.

"Alright weirdo, I will see you tomorrow night, go get some rest. I think you are delusional from a lack of sleep."

Katie stuck her tongue out at Ana and stumbled back down the path like a drunk. Ana smiled as she watched her friend walk away, but the sight of a tail wagging lazily from her friend's backside made her content expression turn into one of disbelief. She rubbed her eyes and looked again, but what she had seen had disappeared.

_What the hell?_She thought to herself.

She almost yelled after her, but she knew she was just seeing things and she most certainly didn't want to seem like a mad woman, so she continued down the trail to begin her duties for the final time during her normal schedule. Little did she know, the next few days would be an experience she wouldn't forget, even if she wanted to...


Ana sighed as she removed her heavy boots, she always hated the things, but they were a part of her official uniform so she had no say in the matter. They were fortunately well made and didn't leave her with any irreparable damage, but she always had to work out the sore spots after each day, which felt even better than just taking them off. Sitting down on her bed, she started to massage her sore feet as she thought about Katie and how strange their conversation had been. It was pretty clear that she was hiding something, but what, she just couldn't figure out. Then there was that thing with tail, she was really beginning to wonder if what she had seen was reality, it was so out of place and so utterly random that it had been eating her up the entire day.

Flopping onto the bed, Ana sighed again and closed her eyes, falling deep into thought.

Maybe Katie's a werewolf...

It was the first thought to enter her head and it was such a silly suggestion that it made her laugh at herself. Sure it was silly, but she loved werewolves, even just the idea of them made her giddy.

...and how cool would it be to have a friend that's a werewolf?!

"Ah, if only fiction could come to life..." Ana said, finding herself drifting off to sleep.


A loud knock awoke her.

She jolted into a sitting position, breaking out into a nervous sweat. Disoriented, she looked over at the clock on her nightstand, it read_12:00 A.M.,_ she wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, but it seemed that this was the least of her worries.

The knock sounded again.

Ana jumped and hurried out of her room to the front door. She placed her hand on the handle, but something told her not to open it. Anxiety began to mount in her sleep hazed mind and she pulled her hand away. She stood, shaking, waiting for the knock again or some sign that someone was standing outside. She put her ear to the door.

The door shook as the knock came again, making Ana leap backward. She looked at the door, wishing that there was a window, or peep hole that would allow her to at least look outside of it. What unnerved her most was that, whatever was at her door was making no sound, aside from when it knocked. It paralyzed her with fear, but also made her strangely curious, incredibly curious. She stood up slowly and crept toward the door, until she was close enough to place her ear against the door again.

After a few moments she heard a soft whine from the other side of the door. It sounded distinctly canine.

"Strange..." She whispered, her hand on the door knob.

There were no dogs around here and there's no way a wolf would have just wandered to her cabin willingly. Wolves were skittish as it was and she rarely even saw them in the first place. Whatever was there scratched at the door and whined again, it sounded like it was in pain.

Ana breathed a heavy sigh and slowly opened the door.

Standing in front of her, still whining in distress and holding it's paw in the air was a large, gray wolf, female by the looks of it. They were pretty common around here from what she was told, but why was it here? On her doorstep? The injured creature limped closer to her and looked at her with a face that just begged for help.

She stared at the wolf in disbelief, it was here seemingly asking for help and it didn't make any sense, but if it needed help then that's what she was going to give it.

"Umm, stay, uh, here..." She said to the wolf before heading into the hallway to fetch the first aid kit stashed in the closet.

She retrieved the kit quickly and padded back down the hall to the wolf that was now sitting patiently, still holding its paw out. Ana shook her head and knelt down in front of the odd animal. She tentatively grabbed for the paw and after being sure she wouldn't receive an unpleasant surprise attack, she held it in her hand to examine it. It didn't take long for her to find that the source of pain was from a long, splinter of wood sticking clear though the paw.

"I don't know how you did this, but I think I can patch it up. It will hurt though..." Ana said, feeling foolish for talking to a wild animal that clearly couldn't understand her.

After minutes of careful doctoring Ana had the wound cleaned and the paw wrapped in gauze. The bandaging would probably bug her but it was all she could think to do to keep it from getting infected. At least she hoped it would help, she didn't know a lot about how wild animals cared for wounds like this but at least it was something.

"Well there you go, it's the best I- ouch!"

In the midst of her talking, the wolf had nipped her hand. It wasn't exactly an aggressive act, it seemed slightly playful and it was quick, but still enough to break the skin. Before she could scold the mischievous animal though, she had taken off back into the dense forest.

Her hand already throbbing in dull pain, Ana sighed, closed and locked her door, then dropped into bed. Only moments later, she was asleep once more.


\ **Bang* *Bang* *Bang**

"Ana! You in there?!" Katie called out as she knocked on Ana's cabin door. There was no answer.

"Hold on! Hold on!" She heard an irritated voice yell from inside.

Moments later, the door swung open and a very tired looking Ana stood in front of her.

"Morning sunshine, bad night?" Katie said, smiling meekly.

Ana rubbed at her eyes and said, "Come in and I will tell you ALL about it..."

"I'll make the coffee!"

As Katie started on a pot of coffee, Ana dove into an explanation on the events of last night.

"So you mean to tell me a wolf came to your door and _asked_you for help?"

"Well of course it didn't tell me that, but the look in it's eyes and the way it held it's paw out to me... I mean there was a piece of wood sticking right through it's paw! It clearly needed help, but I don't understand why it came to me. You know how wary they are of people."

"Yeah, I don't really know what to say. It doesn't sound normal at all, but I'm glad you were able to help, you may have saved her from a nasty infection," Katie said, placing one hand over the other.

"Yeah well I wish she would have been nicer about thanking me..." Ana said, holding her hand up for Katie to see.

"Haha, give you a little love bite did she?"

"Yeah, it's a lot more swollen than it was last night," She said, rubbing her hand.

"Well this might make you feel better!"

Katie fished around the backpack she had brought with her and held out a bottle of wine for Ana.

"Wine? How did you get this? You know they don't allow alcohol onto the reservation... but thank you, really!" Ana said, taking the bottle and examining it.

"Well, you know, I have my sources, but really, congrats on the promotion! You deserve it."

"So, want a drink?" Ana said, waving the bottle around.

Before Katie could answer there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Katie exclaimed, hopping up and dashing for the door before Ana could protest.

Katie made it to the door and looked back to see if Ana had followed. Luckily, she hadn't. She opened the door and found what she was looking for. On the steps lay two notes and a small bottle full of blue liquid. She pocketed the vial and opened the note addressed to her.

You know the drill. Have fun.

-The Boss

Katie crumpled up the note and stuffed it in her pocket, then shut the door.

"Who was it?" Ana asked as Katie returned to the kitchen.

"Well no one was there, but I think the boss stopped by because there was this note for you. Here, I'll trade ya."

Katie handed Ana the note and took the bottle of wine to the counter. She popped the cork off and grabbed some glasses from the cupboard. She was eager to do what needed to be done and now was the best time, while Ana was distracted. She quickly poured the drinks, then deposited the liquid into one of the glasses, the one for Ana, and hid the evidence.

"Well that was nice of him to send me something, although I would have liked if it was a visit instead of a note..."

"Yeah I know, but it's better than nothing right?" Katie said, passing the drink to Ana.

"Oh thanks, and yeah, I suppose he didn't actually have to, so it was a nice gesture."

Katie held her glass in the air and said, "To new experiences..."

Ana crinkled her brow in confusion at the strange toast, then shrugged and clinked her glass against Katie's. Without a second thought, Ana downed the wine then set the empty glass on the table.

Katie smirked then said, "Was your night really that rough?"

"That and I haven't been able to drink for a while so I guess I go a little overboard sometimes.."

"Want some more then?" Katie asked, becoming giddy with anticipation, Ana had just ingested the liquid, now it was only a matter of time.

Ana's eyes suddenly drooped and her speech began to slur.

"Nnno, I ffeeel..."

She began to slump in her chair, prompting Katie to catch her before she fell out of it.

"Woah, woah, easy there. This happened a lot faster than I expected, let's go lay you down..." She said, helping Ana to her feet.

"Wh-whuts happennning..." Ana mumbled, hanging limply off of Katie.

"Let's just get you to your room, then I will tell you all about it okay?"

Katie dragged Ana into her room then laid her on her back on the bed.

"I, urgh, don't feel..." Ana murmured.

"I know, you don't feel so good. Don't worry though, it will get better, much better. Now if you'll give me a moment I am going to change into something... more comfortable for the occasion."

"No. Wait, I-ngh-"

Ana's pleading was cut off by a sudden stabbing pain in her tailbone as it extended, pushing out forcefully against her shorts and the bed. She struggled with her limp body to turn over onto her belly, failed to do so and felt around her underneath her, only to feel the lengthening tail bone burst through her shorts, developing soft gray hairs as it rapidly grew to full length. Ana gasped and whimpered as she felt around her backside.

"Katie?! Something's happening! Help me!" Ana yelled, trying to sit up, but what little strength she had left had been depleted.

Instead of the answer she was expecting, Ana heard a loud moan come from inside the bathroom, followed by a series of loud pops and crunches.

"Katie?" Ana said, laying her head back down on the pillow and looking at the closed door to the bathroom.

Another series of moans and snaps.

Ana's heart began to race and her breathing quickened as a strange tingling sensation spread across her. She heard more popping, but it wasn't coming from the bathroom anymore, she felt her spine push against outward and lengthen, forcing her torso to grow in response. Her shoulders and waist followed suit as they pushed outward, broadening, her curvy frame growing wider.

"Katie... Katie, help please..." Ana pleaded, wincing as her legs cracked and stretched, creeping closer to the edge of the bed.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, but the thing standing in the doorway was not Katie.

"Oh my, I can see you've started without me... You're just an eager one aren't you?" The thing said in Katie's voice.

"Wha- what do you-"

Ana whimpered as her body shuddered violently, gaining muscle mass and height, straining her clothes as they seemingly became smaller.

"Oh, how does it feel? I know the first time can be a real bitch, but in the end you will regret hating it so much," The strange bi-pedal wolf creature said, caressing her body as she moved closer.

"N-no, please, I just- huff -want my friend," Ana said, groaning as her ears began to stretch longer.

Katie rolled her eyes.

"It is me, and if I was something that wanted to eat you I would have done that already. Now be quiet and relax while I explain a few things."

Ana looked at the beast that claimed to be Katie and closed her eyes as it approached. She winced and yelped as her fur covered tailbone pushed out further, being crushed underneath her heavier form.

"Here..." Katie said, pulling the tail out from underneath Ana's shaking body. "C'mon girl, relax, it's just me, only more wolfy..." She said to Ana, flashing her a toothy grin.

Slightly more relaxed by her calm demeanor, Ana's body stopped quaking, but a sharp pain shooting through her feet made her cry out.

"Man, you're progressing quite quickly even though you're fighting it. Here, let me help you out a bit..."

Katie held up a sharp claw and ran it down the center of Ana's shirt, making a fine slit all the way down to the waistband of her pants. As she went to repeat this action for her pants, Ana's body convulsed again, growing taller and thicker until she finally burst through her clothes.

"Well, looks like you had the clothes part covered," Katie said, tossing the remains of Ana's bra onto the floor beside her. "You are already bigger than me, this is strange..."

Several loud cracks echoed her words as Ana's feet elongated and became slightly wider, forcing another grunt of pain from her. Tears came to her eyes and she began to whimper.

"Please, whatever is happening just make it stop!"

"Shhh, just leave it to me, relax, enjoy it..."

Katie took one of Ana's pulsating feet into her hand-like paws and began knead it gently, but firmly, making it pop and extend further in her paws. Ana moaned in response to the caress.

"Ah, finally enjoying it now... That's good, there's really nothing quite like the first time."

Ana blushed at that statement, she supposed whatever was happening, was starting to feel rather good, but it was troubling that she couldn't bring herself to hate it. These feelings were so bizarre, so frightening, but she couldn't bring herself to fight back, against Katie or the changes.

"Wh-why can't I..."

"Fight back? There was quite a heavy dose of sedatives in that serum I gave you so that you didn't hurt yourself, so just leave it all to me," Katie answered, forcing another shift in Ana's foot with her hands.

Ana sighed as her foot grew one last time, her heel moving upward, creating a new joint while the skin on the sole of her foot became puffy and dark, becoming more like the pads on a canine paw.

"Now you probably have a million questions for me, but please save them, all of them will be answered in a few moments. Ahh, there we go..."

Moving onto the next foot as the other began to sprout fine black fur, Katie dove into her explanation.

"So you see, when you join the night shift, you become a part of our cause to help repopulate the wolves in the area..." Said Katie in a nonchalant manner as Ana's second foot stretched and took on the same appearance as the one next to it.

Ana's eyes widened in shock as her jumbled thoughts finally processed what was happening.

"I-I'm becoming a wolf?"

"Well in a way, the serum that I slipped into your wine earlier will allow you to shift into a form similar to mine right now and then something a bit more... feral later on. That's when the fun really begins..."

Her mind still reeling with questions, Ana opened her mouth to speak, but her voice was cut off by a breathy moan that escaped her lips instead. Katie had moved her soft mitts along her legs, making them bulk with sinewy muscle, and form a digit-grade curve to match her new, bestial hind paws. Her skin then itched as the fur sprouting from her feet spread across the entirety of her legs and rose toward her naval, causing another warm tingle to emanate from her suddenly throbbing sex.

"Oh my, you are getting hot down here, this is always my favorite part..." Katie said with a low growl as she straddled Ana.

She traced her fingers over the sensitive nether region making Ana groan and squirm underneath her.

"You are going to- oh my," Said Katie with a gasp as Ana's vulva puckered, her labia growing closer together, the skin seemingly sticking together. "Well this is... new," She continued as she watched Ana's clit suddenly grow longer and thicker.

"What's going on... Oooo," Ana moaned as Katie teased her growing clit and sealing labia.

"It seems that your serum was, oh hell I'll tell you, you were given the one meant for a male..." Said Katie, bracing for Ana's reaction.

Ana, however, did not give the reaction Katie was expecting, she simply arched her back and let out a long moan as her chest widened and her clit extended several more inches away from her netherlips, which had nearly finished fusing together. Katie scratched her head, thoroughly baffled, but then she shrugged and continued to bring Ana to her approaching wolf-hood.

Once Katie reached Ana's tight belly to massage her inflating abdominal muscles, the changes began to accelerate at a pace must quicker compared to what she was used to and in a few moments her hands could no longer keep up with the changes. Something wasn't right, usually she was the one to shape the change, but Ana's body wasn't waiting for that.

Now completely oblivious to Katie, Ana stretched her widening body and groaned as pounds of muscle were steadily dispersed across her pulsing form. Her chest broadened the muscle soon consuming the fatty tissue of her breasts, while her arms increased in length and muscle mass. Ana's body was now much too large for her bed, her arms and legs dangling several inches over it, while her increased weight made it creak in distress.

Katie was becoming worried as the space on the bed was soon filled by Ana's growing body, leaving her with no choice but to sit on her oversized friend, not that she minded any. Her eyes were drawn away from the expanding body underneath her as a hard object suddenly poked her in her backside. Katie let out a surprised yip as the object, wet and thick, began to work it's way inside of her anus, Ana responded by letting out a low growling moan, her pleasure-filled face beginning to push out into a broad muzzle.

Without warning, Ana bucked her hips, pushing her lengthening canine dick further into Katie, earning a moan of approval from the she-wolf on top of her, but then Katie did something unexpected, bracing herself on Ana's hard stomach she pulled off of her. Without a word spoken, Katie turned in the opposite direction, positioning herself so that her wagging tail and bare ass stared Ana in the face.

Katie, still silent, gripped Ana's throbbing length in one of her paws, coaxing a few beads of pre to form at the widening tip. She spread the slick fluid across the shaft as she stroked and scolded Ana.

"Now we can't have you wasting any of this in the wrong place..." She said, reaching for her, swollen, pink netherlips and smearing a thin layer of the clear fluid over them.

Ana swore she could feel the heat coming from Katie's sex on her face, but what drove her mad was the scent. Her new nose was picking up a new scent that was more than likely coming directly from the dripping slit before her face, it made her head spin and her body burn with desire. She started to squirm under Katie, trying to fight the sedatives and the foreign desire.

"Ah ah ah," Katie scolded, gripping tighter on Ana's growing shaft, making her reluctantly stop her struggle. "That's better..." She said, continuing to pump the expanding cock.

Gritting her teeth as she attempted to comply with Katie's demands, Ana felt a sudden rush as her body entered it's final stage of the transformation, abundant amounts of testosterone flooding her system. What was left of her once ample bosom was swallowed up by another layer of muscle as her body thickened once more and replaced the remnants of her once feminine curves with a stocky, more angular appearance. The new hormones flooded into her ovaries, making them swell and slide downward until they dropped into the waiting scrotum beneath Ana's still swelling maleness.

The massive wolf beast that had, only moments ago, been a petite, young woman, groaned in a deep, gruff voice as a very excited Katie wrapped a second paw around the knotted pole to account for it's increasing size, but, despite her eagerness, she kept her tempo at a teasingly slow pace. She wasn't used to something this size, if she had to guess, the thing had reached at least a foot long and was still growing in her grip to fit the rest of her masculine, seven foot stature. Every fiber of Ana was telling her to mount the sexy she-wolf on top of her, but she remembered that she needed to be patient, even though her will to follow directions was dissolving quickly.

Breathing through clenched teeth, Ana moaned as Katie's motions made her testicles bloat, until they reached a size comparable to that of a tennis ball, becoming heavy with unspent seed. Following the example set by the weighty, squirming orbs swaying heavily from her, her already foot long member pushed several more inches out of it's sheath, finally ceasing in it's growth.

Knowing very well that her friend was now complete, Katie took her hands away, then gave the great canine shaft a tight hug and a teasing lick.

Turning around and petting Ana's bulky form, Katie spoke with a quivering voice, "This is not normal just so you know, I don't know how this happened but I-"

Ana could stand her talk no longer and, fueled by lust, she flipped Katie onto her back, then settled herself on her knees at the end of the bed. Katie swallowed nervously as she looked at the meaty shaft that hung from her crotch, it was pouring a constant stream of sticky pre onto the bed below, none of this was troubling, but the fact that it drooped to the point where it rested on the bed because of it's sheer size made her plead and babble.

"W-wait, Ana, that is going to tear me in two, p-please think about this..."

Ignoring the begs of the frisky wolf beneath her, Ana guided her throbbing maleness with one of her large paws so that the pointed tip touched Katie's puffy vulva teasingly. Ana looked at the nervous wolf girl under her and the look in her glazed eyes confirmed that she wanted this, Ana was more than happy to oblige. Slowly, she sunk the tip of her thick, canine maleness into Katie's hot depths, the much too small entrance squeezing out several more large globs of pre. Ana's thoughts dissolved into pleasure and all she wanted was more, she wanted to feel the same warmth envelop her entire length, but she quickly discovered there was just no continuing, she really would tear the poor girl apart.

Their unspoken wishes were soon answered when Katie gasped suddenly, growing taller and thicker under Ana. Ana's unstable reaction to the formula had infused her bodily fluids with a portion of it, allowing her new mate to become more compatible. Both of them were elated when Katie's constricting passage widened and grew in depth. Ana responded by stuffing even more of herself inside of the much more spacious orifice until she bottomed out, prompting her to pull then thrust back into the still adjusting canal. With each thrust that followed, each of their hybridized bodies became more and more like that of a quadruped wolf, while Katie continued to grow to match her massive mate, the weight finally causing the bed to collapse underneath them. The destruction of the bed frame would go unnoticed as moments later the cracking and popping of their changing forms leveled out and after a few adjustments to accustom their four-legged forms, Ana drove deeper into Katie with a possessive growl.

Katie's ears folded back and she panted heavily as Ana rocked in and out of her rhythmically, her thick knot threatening to slip inside her. She wanted this more than anything, to be filled with every inch of Ana's ridged length as possible, to bear her pups.

As if in response to her desires, Ana gave a powerful thrust and gave Katie's scruff a loving bite as her knot entered Katie with a soft, wet pop. Katie pushed back against Ana, milking the thickening shaft that stretched her even wider, filling every inch of her warm depths until she felt Ana tense and spasm above her. Ana clenched her teeth and let out a low rumble as her over-full testicles emptied their load into the greedy wolfess as she too, came, her walls clamping down and milking Ana for all she was worth.

Rope after rope of the viscous liquid flowed into Katie's corked womb, making her fertilized belly bulge and tingle in a familiar manner. She knew what this sensation meant and she welcomed it now more than ever even though she had done this routine several times; this time was just so different, so much better that she didn't want it to end. These thoughts, however, passed through her mind as Ana nuzzled closer and released one final wad of her potent seed into her new lover.

Full, but not yet exhausted, Katie craned her head back and lapped at Ana's wet nose affectionately. They couldn't speak to each other, but she knew that Ana had willingly accepted her new position, her new self, nothing had forced her to and something told her that it was true. This something was their way of communication in this form, it could not be explained with words and it didn't need to be. The only downside was, Katie could not tell Ana that no matter how much she tugged, they would be tied together for quite a while, or that by the end of the day Ana would have sired her first litter of pups, but these things could wait.

_In time, she will find all the answers to her questions..._Katie thought to herself, watching as Ana began to nod off.

Katie growled softly and pushed her rear end against Ana's crotch, forcing her awake once more.

...But for now, we're on duty...

A sudden, but familiar pulse from Katie's slowly expanding belly let her know that the pregnancy had taken and she sighed contentedly, already well prepared for the events that would follow.

Ana felt strange, torn between hating or loving what she had just done to her best friend and what had been taken from her, but then hadn't she been given something as well? Despite her internal conflict, the contentedness, the peacefulness that radiated from Katie let her know it was okay and she couldn't help but to nuzzle Katie's neck affectionately, pulling her as close as was possible with her bestial form.

She hadn't lost anything, she had been given a gift and she wasn't going to waste it.

The Mountain Gem

The Mountain Gem Twenty- two year old Jessica Winters jolted awake at the sound of her buzzing alarm clock. Nearly smashing the irritating piece of technology, she silenced the sound with her fist, failing to notice that she had woken up two hours...

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The Pendant-Ch.3-Something Different

Pendants Ch. 3- Something Different "Good morning sunshine!" Mike groaned as his eyes fluttered open. He was brought face to face with Karisa's cheery grin only inches away. He rolled over in the bed and hid his head under his pillow. "You have got...

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Replacement Plan- Part 2

Replacement Plan-Part 2 "I'm fine... This is just a dream. Yeah that's all, just a bad dream..." Christa babbled, pacing around the bathroom, blatantly ignoring the wobbling objects between her legs. She stopped and glanced down at her nude...

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