The Pendant-Ch.3-Something Different

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Pendants

Yup, this is different. I had a little troubling getting through this but not because I absolutely HATED it, I just discovered that it isn't exactly my favorite thing to write. Anyway, if it's your kind of thing enjoy!

Pendants Ch. 3- Something Different

"Good morning sunshine!"

Mike groaned as his eyes fluttered open. He was brought face to face with Karisa's cheery grin only inches away. He rolled over in the bed and hid his head under his pillow.

"You have got to stop doing that!" Mike said. "Wait..." He shot up in bed and gasped in surprise when two weights on his chest kept on going, doubling him over. "What is going on here?" He said, cupping the familiar breasts on his chest, they were quite a bit heavier than he remembered.

Karisa frowned, "Beats me, you finally changed back last night but in a way I guess you didn't change all the way? Unless..." Karisa's frown turned into a smirk. "You want this body more than your male one don't you?"

Mike blushed, "W-what are you getting at?"

"Well the pendants feed off of desire don't they? That would mean you're still a woman because you wantto be! C'mon admit it!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Mike stammered.

"C'mon! Admit it!"

"No," Mike said defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh really now? Well what about if I do this..." Karisa said, squeezing his exposed breasts together.

Mike moaned as streams of warm milk shot out from his nipples.

After taking a moment to recover, he pushed Karisa's hands away and mumbled, "Alright, fine. I guess I enjoy it more... Happy now?"

Karisa hugged him playfully and said, "Hun, I'm just messing with you! If being a woman makes you happy then so be it! You won't hear any complaints from me."

Mike smiled at Karisa, then gasped when she playfully flicked one of his tender nipples.

"Hey! Quit that! They're really sensitive right now. Apparently, I am still producing milk for the foal. Speaking of which, is she okay?"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that, you seem to have plenty of milk to give her when she needs it and we can bottle some of it as well so we can hand feed her if we need to. She's intelligent enough to drink from the bottles," Karisa said with confidence.

"Well I guess you're right... I just felt so attached, and I am a little upset," Mike said, sighing.

"I know but I think it will be alright, you can always change again and visit her regularly. I believe the reason you changed back though... is because these pendants have a limit on how long you can keep one form..." Karisa said with an odd pause. She averted her gaze away from Mike.

Mike eyed her with suspicion. "You're looking awfully guilty... Is there something you want to tell me?"

Karisa crossed her arms and looked away.


"Karisa..." Mike said impatiently.

Karisa huffed, then said, "Alright, I changed you back... I missed you. I know it was selfish of me but it was two weeks without you... You were usually so far gone I could never get anything out of you and I was worried what might happen if you stayed that way any longer."

Mike looked confused.

"What do you mean so far gone?' " He asked.

"Exactly what it sounds like. It was like you weren't even there and I was looking at a mare, not you," Karisa said. "I was afraid at times that I had lost you but I wanted to respect the bond you had formed, eventually it was just too much so I changed you back."

Mike shook his head.

"I'm sorry Karisa... I don't even remember it, it's like fragments of a memory but not enough to piece anything together. Which means you're right, I really wasn't there most of the time... I don't know how that works but it's frightening."

"Yes, it is. Which is why I think we should take a break from doing anything else with these pendants for a while..." Karisa said, slipping the necklace off her neck.

Mike gave her an unbelieving scoff.

"Oh, c'mon! You're not going to wuss out just like that are you? I mean, I know it was worrisome for you but I'm fine aren't I? Besides, there's so much more we could do with these things! You said yourself when we first got them, "the possibilities are endless" that's what you told me," Mike said nudging Karisa with his elbow.

Karisa stared at the pendant in her hands. He was right, there was so much more they could do, so much more to experience... and here she was trying to opt out.

Karisa looked up at Mike, smirked then said, "You're right. Really, I don't know what I was thinking, we've only just started! The only hard part now is deciding what to do next."

"There's the Karisa I know!" Mike exclaimed.

Suddenly a loud growl came from Karisa's stomach.

"Well, I suppose we should get some food first," Karisa said, hopping off the bed. "Meet you down stairs?"

"Yeah, I will be down in a minute," Said Mike throwing the covers off himself.

He shivered as a cool blast of air assaulted his nude body.

"She couldn't at least give me some pajamas?"Mike whispered to himself, dropping off the bed.

He stumbled when he hit the floor, but managed to stay upright. He wasn't used to being so short or a female with a female's center of balance for that matter. Rubbing his eyes, Mike walked to the dresser and found some track pants and a t-shirt that Karisa normally used for her workouts. Then, opening her bottom drawer, he picked up a pair of lacy, white panties and examined them.

"Well... what the hell. It's going to happen sooner or later," He said to himself slipping them on.

The feeling of the cool, soft fabric of the undergarment sliding over his plump nether lips sent a shiver up his spine as he reached for a bra.

"This shouldn't be too difficult..." He said to himself slipping the loops onto his arms.

Several failed attempts later...

"Bah! Screw this!" He said, throwing the bra back into the dresser.

Slipping on the shirt, he walked out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen where Karisa was humming to herself happily as she worked on breakfast. Mike stood in the doorway, watching her move about.

He stood there for several minutes until Karisa suddenly looked over and jumped in surprise when she saw him watching her.

"Holy shit Mike! You know I hate that!" Karisa said trying to slow her racing heart.

"Heh, sorry. You're just so adorable when you're happy," Mike said moving toward her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a kiss.

"You know, this still feels so weird. You being a woman, I mean," Karisa said after escaping from his clutches to finish breakfast.

"You feel weird?" Mike said, laughing. "How do you think I feel? I don't hate this but it is definitely strange. Even just the fact that you're taller than me now, freaks me out."

"I don't know... I kinda like being the tall one. It's a pleasant change for me," Karisa said with a smirk. "Oh, by the way, we're out of milk. Can you fill me up?" She said, holding a glass up to his chest.

"You just aren't going to let that be are you?" Mike said, glaring at her.

"Nope! This is too much fun! And next time, ask before you wear my clothes," Karisa said, suddenly pinching one of his tender nipples. A wet splotch formed on the front of his shirt. "I knew it! You aren't wearing a bra! I could tell the moment you stepped in here!"

Mike crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, well I didn't do it by choice... I couldn't figure out how to get it on..." He said with a pout.

Karisa patted him on the back and said, "That's okay. We can work on that but first breakfast is ready, wanna help me put it on the table?"

"Why don't we just make our plates and eat on the porch? It shouldn't be too hot yet," Mike suggested.

"That's a good idea, why didn't I think of that?" Karisa said, preparing a plate of food for herself.

Mike did the same and they moved to the shaded porch.

They sat in peaceful silence, watching the long grass of the pasture sway in the breeze.

Mike then caught something moving in the corner of his eye. He looked over to see a greyish slug with black spots covering it's body, sliding across the wooden railing in front of him.

"Limax Maximus..." Mike said to himself.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Karisa asked, crinkling her brow in confusion.

"There's a slug right there, "Limax Maximus" or commonly known as a Grey Slug, " Mike said, pointing to it.

"Yeah, that's a slug alright. Gross little things..." Karisa retorted.

"I find them kind of fascinating," He said, moving closer to it. "Such simple yet incredible creatures... y'know I looked up some information on them one time-"

"Mike. I know what you're thinking and no. It's not happening," Karisa said sternly.

Mike almost answered truthfully but instead evaded the statement and lied.

"No, no. I just find them interesting is all..." Mike said, a plan beginning to formulate in his mind.

"Mhm, now don't you get any ideas about this," Karisa said.

"Weren't you the one that said you wanted to be adventurous? Would you like to take that statement back?" Mike said with a grin.

"Well yes... I did say that but th-this is different!" Karisa stammered, trying to avoid being labeled a hypocrite.

"Just admit it! You're scared! C'mon what happened to being "adventurous?" Mike exclaimed.

Karisa opened her mouth to retaliate but instead grabbed their plates and went inside. She didn't want to admit it, but she was truly terrified of slugs. The fear was irrational, she knew that, but she was much too embarrassed to share this piece of information.

"Karisa?" Mike said from the doorway to the kitchen. "I didn't mean to upset you. I was just-"

"Oh, I'm not upset. Just something stupid, so very stupid," Karisa said, trailing off.

"Karisa, you can tell me whatever it is on your mind. No matter how stupid."

"Well..." Karisa said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "You see... I'm terrified of slugs..." She finally finished saying.

"Afraid of slugs?" Mike said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I don't know... they scare me and the thought of _becoming_one is just sickening and it's not even because they are coated in slime... I don't quite know what it is about them," Karisa admitted. "And when you saw it and brought my attention to it, I was doing everything in my power to keep myself calm..."

"We've been together for years and you've never told me this! I knew you didn't like them but I didn't think you were absolutely terrified of them," Mike said, scratching the back of his head. "And you thought I wanted us to become slugs?" Mike said, playing dumb. If she knows for sure, she is going to be on constant lookout...

"Yeah, didn't you? Don't you?" Karisa asked, now unsure of whether she had misunderstood Mike or if he was bluffing.

"No, nothing wrong with saying something catches my interest is there? I didn't mean anything by it," Mike lied.

"No... No, I guess not. Maybe I just jumped to a conclusion too fast, sorry about that," Karisa said.

Mike tried to keep it together. He felt guilty for lying to her; it just wasn't something they did, but if everything went according to plan, she wouldn't care too much that he lied. He would show her how pleasurable it could be.

"It's okay..." Mike said, rubbing at his suddenly aching breasts. "I need to, uh, go empty these a bit, they are starting to seriously hurt," He said, turning to the front door.

Karisa snickered and said, "Okay then, have fun!"

Mike left the house and walked down to the barn. He opened it up to allow the mares and their single dairy cow to wander the property. He was quickly greeted by the happy filly he had come to see.

"How did you manage to get out of the stall? You're awfully crafty..." Mike said, patting her head. "You know, I just realized I haven't even given you a name..."

But the little filly didn't care about a name, instead she nuzzled Mike's swollen breasts in attempt to get at the milk he had brought for her.

"Okay, okay..." Mike said, removing his shirt. "I know what you want."

Mike grabbed a stool they used when milking the cows and sat on it so that he was nearly eye level with the foal. She wasted no time and latched onto one of his nipples without restraint.

Mike sighed. In only a few seconds the pressure was already lessening and the swelling had gone down if only slightly.

"A name, a name..." Mike said tapping his finger on his chin. "How about Eve?" He asked the nursing foal.

The horse's ears perked at the name but she didn't stop drinking.

"I will take that as a yes. Eve it is then..." He said rubbing Eve's soft mane.

Mike gasped as Eve emptied one breast and moved to the other with greedy haste.

"Woah, woah. Slow down there, I'm not going anywhere."

Mike's state of relaxation brought many ideas as how to approach his plan. He would do it tonight while Karisa was asleep because she wouldn't agree to it otherwise, but he wanted to show her just how good it could be. He had seen how these slugs mated and despite the slime it was one of the most amazing things he had ever seen. Now that he thought of it, he couldn't quite remember how he ended up watching a video of slugs mating in the first place...

_"_Damn Internet..." Mike said to himself with a giggle.

A giggle... I am not going to get used to that... It's enough I already have a woman's voice but I never giggle. He thought to himself, shaking his head.

Mike felt the presence of Eve's warm mouth leave him. He sighed heavily, they no longer felt so full and bloated, they were definitely smaller now as well which, in his opinion, was a plus because they were beginning to hurt his back.

"Happy now?" He asked, standing and looking into her blue eyes.

Mike could not get over just how human they made her seem.

"Alright, let's head outside now," He said throwing his shirt back on. "I'm sure you want to go out and graze in the sun for a while."

He led the foal out to the pasture, patted her flanks lightly and went up to the house to see what Karisa was up to.

Mike stepped inside and after failing to find Karisa downstairs, ascended the stairs. He found that the door to their room was closed. Curious, he slowly opened the door, while trying to be as quiet as possible and peeked inside.

Karisa was sitting at the desk on her laptop, watching the very same documentary on the mating habits of slugs that he had seen. Mike smirked and crept into the room.

Drawing closer and closer, he could tell why Karisa hadn't noticed him yet. She was wearing headphones, probably to help hide the fact that she was watching this video.

Suddenly, without warning, Karisa stole a quick glance behind her and saw Mike standing there with a wide grin on his face.

Karisa jumped and fell out of her chair.

"Son of a... MIKE, damn it! Why do you have to scare me like that?! I'm so sick of it!" Karisa said, standing.

Karisa then remembered what was on the computer and quickly stepped in front of it to close out the browser.

"Don't bother trying to hide it. I have already seen everything I need to!" Mike said with a grin.

Karisa glared at him. "I was doing research..." She said, crossing her arms.

"Mhm... Research," Mike said, throwing her an unbelieving look.

"I was curious! That's all! Nothing more! Don't you go getting any ideas of how I feel about them, they still freak me out," Karisa scolded.

Mike held his hands in the air innocently and said, "Why of course not. I already told you that's not what I was thinking."

"Yeah.. okay, I'm watching you," Karisa said, heading towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked.

"To take a shower. No funny business while I'm in there," She demanded.

"Gotcha, no funny business..." Mike said, a new course of action taking shape in his mind.

After Karisa closed the door, Mike went over to the bed and started to undress. He threw his clothes on the bed and stood in front of the mirror for a moment after retrieving his pendant off the dresser. He looked at his reflection, still amazed that the beautiful woman that stared back at him was truly him, and then he examined the jewelry in his hand. So small and simple looking, yet extraordinary in every way, it could mold him and Karisa into whatever they wanted. So why was he choosing a meager, sticky slug as his next form? His simple answer: Because he could.

Mike closed his eyes and created an image of his desired form in his head. The pendant glowed in his hand and a pleasant tingle spread throughout his body.

Mike's heart raced, thumping loudly in his chest. He shivered in excitement and gasped in surprise when he heard the pendant drop to the floor. He looked down at his hand and groaned.

His hand cricked and trembled, the bones inside softening and becoming less responsive. He felt a similar sensation in his other hand and he brought them to his face. His fingers were pulling inward, fusing with his dissolving knuckles until he was left with nothing more than a thick piece of flesh in place of his hands.

His arms suddenly felt weak and he dropped them to his sides. His dangling arms caught on the skin of his torso and hips and, with a loud sucking sound pulled tight against his body, creating a seamless fuse. He looked in the mirror and watched as the skin of his body became strangely moist, not with sweat but with a sticky substance he recognized as the slime that slugs secreted through their bodies. His torso pulsed and pushed outward, the curves of his waist and hips disappearing into the shifting skin. He felt inexplicably strange that he was still standing so he dropped to his knees and sighed when the slick, sensitive skin touched the hardwood floor. He slid his feet across the floor and moaned, he could feel that simple sensation throughout his body in the form of pleasure that made his nether region tingle like mad. He felt compelled to get even closer to the floor, something told him he would feel even better on his stomach.

He slid his body downward, stretching his legs out as they too started to become one, his already petite feet growing smaller as they pulled up into his legs and his legs pulled closer to the rippling flesh of his ass. His anus puckered, coaxing another loud moan from him, and sealed as a mass of skin flowed down to his shrinking legs, making his lower body entirely one portion.

By now, most of Mike's bones had all but disappeared, only to be replaced by foreign new muscles and strange gelatinous flesh. He writhed on the floor in ecstasy and whimpered as his wet breasts slid over the hardwood floor, they bulged and pushed outward, gaining mass with each throb of his altering form. As if being molded by a pair of hands, Mike's lower body began to take on a shape similar to that of a slug, flattening against the floor with a slurp, while his upper body stretched and grew away from his lower portion.

His born again torso stretched longer while his shapely waist and hips returned, growing even more curvy than before. Mike was confused, he thought he had chosen to be a full slug.

"What's happening-"

"Hmm, I think that looks good so far..." He heard Karisa say behind him.

Turning his upper body, he looked to see Karisa in a similar state such as his but she was... more complete. Her lower body was that of a slug, while a human looking torso slightly smaller than her original size and complete with four greyish arms, sat on top. Her upper body was still far from normal however. Eight large, perky breasts lined her front side; her plump nipples dripping a strange, milky fluid that seemed to be a mixture of milk and something else that Mike could only assume was once again, the strange fluid that slugs produced. As Mike's gaze traveled further up, he found most of her face had remained unchanged, save for the set of tendrils that now sat right below her chin and the eye-stalks that now moved about on top of her hairless head.

"But... I- what?" Was all Mike managed before Karisa interrupted him.

"Well you see... no, no more talk. I-I need you now and you aren't even finished changing," Karisa said, sliding toward him.

A strange scent filled the room as Karisa moved closer, which seemed to drive further changes in Mike. He shuddered and groaned as he felt a tightness in his nearly forgotten sex as his drooling vulva closed in on itself and his reproductive system pushed from the bottom of his taur-like form. His female reproductive organs rearranged and settled into a pocket on the top of his slug half while another object slithered its way next to his new female sex. The thing throbbed without restraint, making him shiver with anticipation at what was soon to come.

Mike felt the skin on his head and chin bubble as two sets of tendrils, the same as Karisa's, grew out of his head. His vision clouded over suddenly and when it returned, it was like his eyes were above his own head, it only took him a few moments until he discovered that he was now looking through the eye-stalks on top of his head.

He had little time to dwell on these changes before Karisa was suddenly face to face with him. She ran all four of her soft, wet hands over his slick torso. As Karisa caressed him, six audible pops, one right after another sounded off as plump nipples, similar to the ones Karisa now possessed, pushed outward. Pale flesh built up underneath them, expanding into sensitive breasts that began gurgling loudly.

Karisa kneaded and caressed the inflating orbs as they started to fill with the very same thick, sticky fluid she had engorged her own breasts with. She couldn't believe how she had given into these desires but she didn't care, it felt too good to hate it right now.

The second that Mike's tits began to overflow with the milky fluid, Karisa beckoned him to follow her and she slid across the room to the wall. She began to slide upward past the corner where the wall and ceiling met, then came to rest above the room. Mike, still in a daze, followed the slime trail of his lover until he scaled the wall and brushed up beside her teasingly. The simple contact of their skin made them quiver and moan in pleasure-filled agony. Without another sound or word, Mike started to wrap himself about Karisa, entangling them in a writhing mess of sensitive, sticky flesh.

Karisa responded to Mike's actions by pulling him tightly against her in a passionate kiss, their breasts mashing together, forcing thick streams of the milky substance that occupied them to pour down their undulating bodies. Before they knew what they were doing, they were descending, hanging upside down, still locked in a spiraling embrace and suspending from the ceiling on a strong thread fashioned from their own goo.

They weren't even thinking about what they were doing, it was an act of pure impulse and instinct, not that it mattered to them at this point. Their minds were lost in a haze of lust. Only a foot from the floor now, Mike let out a breathy moan when he felt the throbbing appendage that was hiding inside of his slug half start to slowly push out until it hung below his head. The thing was a blue, tube-like organ that was so bright that it almost glowed. It fanned out and squirmed about, searching for a companion, and it quickly found one as Karisa's own organ snaked around his own. The moment their fanning, semen filled tubes touched, their bodies exploded with blissful sensations that were both foreign and erotic.

Tighter and tighter, they entwined, until the glorious pressure teetered on the edge of pain and pleasure. They contracted and released their tightly wound slug shafts, their moans rising in unison as they were already nearing climax. Both were so surprised and elated when the tips of their maleness met that it made them convulse suddenly. Karisa pulled Mike tighter into her embrace as thick fluid passed from one pulsating organ to the other, fertilizing each of them with potent seed that filled their eager wombs.

They unraveled themselves and pulled their spent male organs into their bodies, then gently dropped to the floor.

There was little they could say or do other than stand, facing each other with blank, disoriented stares until Mike broke the silence.

"I-I..." Mike babbled in a daze.

"Mmm, I know..." Karisa said, pushing her chest against his. "These bodies are so sensitive."

"But how did you know..." Mike asked.

"Oh, real simple, you were quite distracted while you were having some alone time so I took the opportunity to take your little plan, whatever it was and tw- Mike will you please stop staring at them?"

Karisa said, referring to her eye-stalks.

"I-I'm sorry but why do we have eyes and these stalks? It is seriously creeping me out that your eyes move along with them," Mike said.

"I don't have complete control over the changes, okay? I couldn't stop it before it happened and so, here we are. I do wish that I could have kept my hair at least..." Karisa responded, rubbing a hand over the top of her head. "Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I took your original planned form, which was obviously a full slug, and twisted it into what we are now. If I was going to make you happy, I wasn't going to change into a full slug, that is just too boring! We have the power so I say use it, and you have to admit you have enjoyed yourself... I know I have."

"Well yes, it's really..." Mike sighed. "It's something else... everything was so... Oh, please touch me again... I need it so badly," He moaned.

"Oh? Having trouble with your lack of arms?" Karisa said, stretching her four arms outward in a mocking manner. "Guess that teaches you to try to transform me without my consent," She said, crossing her arms.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I learned my lesson, can you please just give me some arms please? I-I can't do it myself and I don't know why..." Mike pleaded.

"That's because you really don't want arms, otherwise you would get what you want. You want to make excuses for me to touch you, it's written all over your face..." Karisa said, gently caressing his waist.

Mike sighed and jerked suddenly when he felt something shift inside of his lower body. Karisa mimicked his actions and moaned, knowing very well what was about to happen.

"Ooo my... What is- nnngh" Mike said, as several objects moved through him with a loud gurgling sound. He felt a pressure build in his breasts.

Karisa cupped her breasts as they too bubbled and profusely leaked their creamy milk-like substance onto the floor.

She shivered and sighed contentedly. "It feels even better than I expected... unnnhh _ " _ Karisa said as dozens of eggs flowed into each of her breasts. She panted as she continued to explain, "You see, urgh, I made our breasts like incubators for the eggs we just created..."

Mike was paying little attention to Karisa's explanations however as he was focused on the increasing pressure in his already fluid filled tits. With each egg that slid inside, came another rush of fluid from his swollen bust. He felt so deliciously full, that he wasn't sure how it could get any better than this...

He threw his head back as muscles, he didn't even know he had started to push the eggs closer and closer to the exit of his engorged nipples. He grunted, as did Karisa as slowly but surely, the first of the eggs were forced out of their gaping nipples and onto the floor. One after another, eggs, followed by spurts gooey fluid oozed onto the floor. The pleasure and speed at which they birthed seemingly increased with every egg that was passed.

Karisa and Mike's bodies were so ablaze with pleasure, that they didn't even care that they were making such a mess in their own room. Instead they squeezed and massaged their soft breasts, coaxing out multiple eggs at once now, until finally, the flow started to subside. Heads still buzzing from the dizzying pleasure of their egg laying, Mike and Karisa gazed for the first time, at the mess they had made.

"Well, shit... I mean that felt so unlike...and we..." Mike said, shuddering as a few more eggs slipped out of him.

"I know... much better than I had hoped, but damn it we sure did make a mess," Karisa said, staring at the drying trail of goo that lined the wall and ceiling.

Mike smirked at Karisa and said, "So you like being an over-sexualized slug creature don't you?"

Karisa crossed her arms and pulled the tendrils and eye-stalks back into her head.

"Aah, that's better... Now look, I did this to make you happy. Yes, oh god, did it feel good, but that doesn't mean I want to spend any more time like this. Think of it like this..." Karisa said, wincing as her extra arms and breasts were slowly being sucked back into her body. "I was in for the pleasure of it."

Mike looked at Karisa and shrugged. "Well you got that part right, and I do thank you for doing this for me."

"You're very welcome dear... Now change back so you can help me clean this mess up! We need to get those eggs out of here too before we have hundreds of slugs crawling around our room. Also, they need a better environment anyway," Karisa said, stretching her legs and wiggling her toes as they reverted to their original form.

Mike followed Karisa's lead and began to revert his own changes.

"You mean those are going to hatch?" Mike asked, grunting as his slug half started to shrink and fade away.

"Well yeah, they are real slug eggs and came from a real slug... well, kinda," Said Karisa as her hair regrew and her skin shifted back. "Oh man, it feels nice to be normal again..."

"How do you propose exactly that we get those eggs out of the room?" Mike said, pointing at the immense pile.


20 Minutes of dressing and scheming later....

"That should do!" Karisa exclaimed triumphantly.

"I guess so. Good idea with the soil," Mike said, carefully scooping up the eggs with his hands and depositing them into one of the large, soil filled flower pots they had brought up.

"I should have worn gloves..." Karisa said, with a disgusted look on her face.

"A lot of these came from you if you remember correctly," Mike stated.

"Yeah, yeah. It doesn't make it any less...sticky."

They scooped up several more hand fulls until every last egg was collected and ready for transfer to the outdoors. Leaving the messy room, they walked down the stairs carefully and exited the house into the humid, summer day. They brought the pots into the densely wooded area behind the house and after gently placing the unborn slugs onto the moist dirt, they covered them with various foliage as per Mike's suggestion.

"Tell me again how you know so much about slugs?" Karisa asked, brushing herself off as they made their way back to the house.

"When something interests me, I use the internet and for some reason, I developed an unhealthy fascination for them. But, at least they are safe and sound now right?" Mike said, shrugging.

"Oh yeah, at least they are safe. So when we have hundreds of slugs coming to find their parents I know just who to blame!" Karisa joked.

"Hey, now that's not fair! You were the one who decided to turn us into giant... multi-breasted, slug creatures!" Mike scolded. "But... I suppose I can forgive you..." He said, wrapping his arm around Karisa. "Just as soon as you clean up that mess in our room."

"Hmph, nice try. Not happening. You and I. We're in this together..."

To be continued...

Replacement Plan- Part 2

Replacement Plan-Part 2 "I'm fine... This is just a dream. Yeah that's all, just a bad dream..." Christa babbled, pacing around the bathroom, blatantly ignoring the wobbling objects between her legs. She stopped and glanced down at her nude...

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Responsibility Twenty-three year old Cheyenne Summers was lying on her bed trying to block out the fabricated sounds of gun fire and zombies coming from the next room. Her boyfriend, Brian had been on those damned video games all day and it was Friday...

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Replacement Plan-Part 1

Replacement Plan Twenty-one year-old Christa Williams stepped into the homey interior of a local store by the name of _Odds and Ends._ It was aptly named. Various items were scattered throughout the store in a surprisingly neat fashion, a few caught...

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