Fan service

Story by LPN on SoFurry

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Panda and squirrel have fun backstage at a concert

Fan service

Van moved as best he could to the beating music. The slender panda was not much of a dancer, but Jazz, the hyperactive squirrel girl next door, had dragged him along to see her favorite band, H-Shine.

They were the only all hermaphrodite group out there and pretty popular right now, at least according to Jazz, but that girl easily got carried away.

Right now she was going crazy on the dance floor, trying to get her idols attention. In Van's opinion she had dressed rather slutty in her high heeled boots, fishnet stockings and gloves, see-through plastic skirt and red bustier.

Though, in honesty, he thought his own outfit was pretty slutty to. Jazz had made him wear it when she found out that he had planned to go in just plain T-shirt and jeans.

So there he was, feeling like a fool, wearing a fishnet tank top, a pair of tight jeans shorts and a studded leather collar. It didn't exactly help that watching Jazz's provocative dancing was giving him a huge boner.

Jazz had insisted that this was how you had to dress on a H-shine concert, and to pick up girls, but Van felt like there was at least as many males as females that gave him the eye.

A trio of larger furs closed in on him, trying to cut off any escape route he might use to get away. They were all canines and there was no mistaking the ´That's an ass I'd like to bang´ look they were giving him. But before they reached him, a pair of foxes, Van couldn't tell their genders, cut them off and convinced the trio that two were better than one.

Uttering a sigh of relief, as they started to leave with the more willing pair of tails, Van decided to tell Jazz that he was leaving before something else happened, but she had disappeared somewhere while he had been worrying about saving his ass.

The band announced that they were taking a break and that a pair of local bands were taking over for a while.

Figuring that she had gone to try and meet her idols, he decided to go backstage to search for her.

"Yes, she is in H-shine's dressing room," a stagehand informed him, while looking over his body approvingly. "It's in the end of the hallway. They said to let you enter if you came looking for your friend."

Thanking him, Van entered the corridor and gave of a surprised yelp when the stagehand slapped him across the rump.

Entering the dressing room, which was probably bigger than his apartment, he found it to be empty save for a pair of closed doors. One was marked `bathroom´ so he opened the other one and froze solid at what he saw.

Jazz was panting, her tongue hanging from her mouth, as she leaned with her arms against the wall, sticking out her ass to reveal her dripping cunt.

Behind her stood H-shine's lead guitarist, a grayish black cat called Dust, with hir top pulled up over hir breasts and holding hir big herm cock with one hand as she was preparing to enter the squirrel's wet folds.

"Hi there," she greeted him, with a cocky grin. "I was just about to borrow your girlfriend for a while."

"We are not dating. We're just friends... Yuahhhh!" Jazz screamed as Dust entered her in one quick thrust.

"Our little groupie here said that you were leaving with some guys, so we figured that we'd have some time to play." Dust told Van, her eyes asking the unspoken question.

"I'm not gay!" Van blurted out defensively.

"Nothing wrong with that. Now me and the girls, we're all bi. Girls, boys or herms, we love 'em all. But since you're here, are you bi-curious enough to put that to some use?" shi asked, eyeing the bulge in his jeans.

As if in a trance, the panda pulled his erection out of his pants and walked over to Dust, who let hir own jeans fall to the floor as shi lifted hir tail to him.

"Cunt or ass, chose whichever you want," shi prompted him, feeling a slight disappointment as he entered her vagina. Shi had hoped that he would have guts enough to try out her other hole as shi really loved anal. What the hell, maybe next time.

The panda was obviously a virgin and, judging by how he hesitated and trembled as he entered hir, afraid to disappoint hir with his inexperience.

God, so cute!

If shi played it nice and slow, then shi might have him sucking cock before the night was over.

Dust loved doing it like this, having a cock in hir pussy (or even better, hir ass.) while fucking someone else. Dual orgasms were such a rush.

Trying his best to not seem totally pathetic at sex, Van wondered about how he should behave. Should he slam into hir as hard as he could or focus on speed instead? Maybe use his hands to massage hir tits and ass?

Dust was moaning with each of his thrusts, but Van was pretty sure that she was just acting. According to what he had read, girls often pretended that a guy was great at sex even though they sucked.

He slid his hands around hir and teased hir pierced nipples as he sped up his thrusts.

Dust's tail wrapped around his waist as shi leaned back and kissed him, hir tongue invading his mouth. Jazz let out a shriek as her body convulsed from her orgasm, her hot love-tunnel clamping down on Dust's cock, causing the cat to spill hir seed inside her squirrel womb, with a loud growl as shi slipped off of Van's panda shaft and collapsed on top of Jazz.

Van leaned against the wall. He felt horny as hell and was just about to kneel down and put his cock in Dust's mouth so that he could cum too, when someone entered the room.

Winter was the lead singer of H-shine, shi was a white wolf with black rune like markings on hir fur. Hir piercing purple eyes locked with Van's yellow.

Aside from some bracelets and a diamond necklace, shi was totally naked. A big turquoise erection extending from hir sheath.

In a fraction of a second, shi had thrown hirself at the panda, pelted him with kisses and rubbing their bodies together with such force that he lost his balance and fell to the floor, with the amorous wolf on top of him.

Winter straddled him, sliding hirself onto Van's erection without even coming up for breath from hir relentless kissing attack.

"That's some assault girl!" Dust, who was now sitting with hir back against the wall while Jazz bobbed her squirrel head up and down the cats cock, chuckled. "What have you been taking? And where can I get some?"

The wolf broke hir kiss and sent a murderous glare back at hir bandmate.

"Don't mock our love, we are destined for each other!" shi growled, bearing hir pearly white fangs.

"That is what you said about that rabbit buck in Australia to!"

If Winter heard hir, shi did not show it. Shi began riding Van faster, jacking hirself off with hir right hand while fondling hir breasts with hir left.

Van desperately needed to cum. He had his hands on the singer's hips meeting hir thrusts as hard as he could. All he could think about now was finding release.

When they finally came, Winter kept jacking hirself off, sending wad after wad of thick semen splattering onto the younger panda's chest as he emptied his own load inside of hir.

Winter lay down on him, rubbing hirself against his cum covered fur while enjoying the aftershock of their orgasm.

"Awh, ain't it cute how shi just fucked your boyfriend silly?" Dust smiled at Jazz, deliberately forcing hir cock all the way down the squirrel's throat to keep her from protesting.

"What!" Winter's eyes snapped open and shi was over by Jazz's ass in a flash. "I'll fuck you into relinquishing my man to me, Squirrly!"

"He is not my boyfriend!" Jazz tried to protest but due to Dust's massive member being shoved down her throat, the only sounds she managed to make were muffled gurgles.

Winter slammed into her like a piston on a steam engine, showing even more ferocity than when shi had ridden Van.

Jazz didn't try to resist. Why would she? She was living her, not so secret, fantasy!

Van got up off the floor and sat down on a bed in the corner of the room. He was tired but couldn't help but be mesmerized by the three girls going at it.

"Well ain't you cute!"

The sudden voice made him jump. Turning his head his eyes fell on the two remaining members of H-shine.

Nadia the drummer was a big, seven foot tall tigress with long red hair tied up in a braid. Hir muscular body simply radiated power and confidence.

Beside hir stood a nearly as tall and muscular hyena. Hir name was Vice and shi was the band's bassist.

"Dibs on his ass!"

"Then I'll take his mouth."

The end?

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