Furry Terrorists - 1

Story by AlejandroDelFuego on SoFurry

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Okay. Like I said, anything concerning this little cult is fiction, and isn't representative of my actual beliefs. But, it makes for an interesting story.

So, the Serenian government, where Frank's church is based, has been monitoring his cult for some time, blaming him and his followers for many anti-human crimes and attacks. There's been no solid evidence connecting Frank to any of these crimes, however. Mostly because he's actually innocent. In fact, about 90% of his followers have never harmed a human. Yet, he's still in hot water. If these terrorists strike at the Serenian Interfaith Conference, however, it could cause the entire state to go in to chaos, which is inconvenient due to it being at war.

All the details of this fictional world can be found out through Bada24 on dA.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" The question came from the back room of the church as the door closed. The room was quite simple in design: just an empty room with the symbol of the newly formed faith hanging in the front of the room above a white board. A violent looking wolf erases the board from the last people to use the room, the Sunday school children.

The question was asked by a fox in the back of the room near the door asked. There were several animals, mostly reptiles, canines, and predators in the room. At the front, the wolf writes something on the board in a foreign language. "That's what we are planning right now. The Serenian interfaith conference is in a few weeks, and security will be tight."

"Why can't we simply just blow up the building?" A large muscular lizard asked. "I know a scorpion who could bring us high quality explosives for cheap."

The wolf replied "Because Frank will also be there, idiot. We can't kill him. We still need him, otherwise we have no alibi."

The fox raised a hand and said, sort of hesitantly "so we need to get all nonhumans out of the area before we strike? Why not tell him of the plan?"

"Because he's too soft on man! He said it himself: though God has given beast the kingdom man refused through his wicked ways, that gives us no right to act negatively toward him. Besides, the law is already closely monitoring this cult. He wouldn't let a terrorist group like ours exist."

A few moments of silence as various members think, then suddenly the fox gets an idea. "It's simple. We plant the hall with explosives disguised as various artifacts of faith, slip something in to Frank's beverage that'll make him have to leave for a moment, then we strike."

A few nodded in agreement, and the wolf replies "Perfect idea; I have just the beverage in mind, too. We're still a ways off from perfecting this plan, but we've got what we need for now."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, as Frank walked in to the room. "Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt you all, but..." He turned to the fox. "Leilani called, told you to bring home another pack of diapers and get dinner."

"Again? Seems like we go through a pack a day."

"Well, she does have a dozen kits. I don't mean to pry, but when are you planning on getting her to come to church?"

"Father, I told you; she's Ukrainian Orthodox. I'll try and persuade her to convert, but could be a couple years; you know how other churches distort the truth."

"Amen ^^ Now I'm gonna go." He looks at the board, unable to read the foreign language. "What's that up there?"

The wolf replied "We're just planning something for the Serenian Interfaith Conference. It's a surprise."

Frank smiles. "Well, I hope it's something good for everyone. A lot of negative rumors are going around about our faith, like something about a group of antihuman terrorists using this as a cover."

The fox smiles, amused. "Never in history has a rapidly growing faith not been accused of misdeeds."

The wolf adds "I'm sure the accusations are baseless, father."

Frank nods. "Well, finish up soon. The Franciscan order claimed the room in an hour. And you know how they like to be early for a bit of silent prayer." He leaves the room after that. Once they were sure he was gone, they resumed discussion of their plans.

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