Swak - Chapter 1

Story by DeeCoyote on SoFurry

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Shia's face wore a pained mask as her cubs began to pass through her pseudopenis, the stain of the pre-birth stretching wet and dark across the rug. The others did not tend to her, only watched. Everything here was a test, even their culture was designed to weed out the weak and non productive, a stress familiar to them from the environment they lived in.

Her teeth gritted together in an awful sound while the first cub slowly slid out of his mother's canal, landing squirming on the rug as his mother turned and panted. She had barely had a moment to start licking her first cub clean before the second was forced from her body, the same slow process as the first but this time it felt easier. Perhaps the first had stretched her? The sensation still made her eyes wince shut and mind cloud with the pain. After a moment a smaller squirming gnoll lay amidst the slime next to his brother.

A runt? A few of the other tribe members looked at each other but said nothing. This was Shia's first litter, and it was up to her to make the right choice. It did not even pass through her mind as she lay there licking her cubs clean that only one would be of any use to the tribe. All she saw were her two squirmy cubs, dark colored and helpless, pushed about by her tongue as she tended to them.

"You saw it didn't you?" Hella growled in a hushed voice outside the tent where Shia was nursing her cubs. One had found her teet quickly, passing the first test of his life. The other was weaker, slower, and took some encouragement. "We all saw him, feeks" replied a broad shouldered female by the name of Kloek, insulting the lesser gnoll "It's her first litter, and her choice to make". Reminded of their ways like a child being scolded, Hella scowled and folded her arms. "What decision she fails to make, the land will make for her", a solemn reminder of the environment they lived in.

In the years that passed, Shia raised her two boys as any other would have, teaching them of plants and dangers, and the stories of their family. She named them Sterk and Swak, the strong, and the... other. Always in her mind was the looming decision she had to make, and the fifth year was rapidly approaching. They would be mature then, able to fight and hunt on their own, to bring meat to the tribe and ward off those who wished to destroy them.

The males of the tribe had taught fighting games to the youth, actions mimicking mortal blows and shows of dominance. The females taught their fighting style, as ruthless and skillful as the males. In these Swak was often preyed upon as practice. After all, he was skinnier from not getting as much food as the others when they made a kill. As much as he tried, the others wouldn't take his aggressiveness seriously.

Swak began to settle into a subservient role amidst the tribe members, which was not regarded highly by the elders. Soon Shia would have to choose the poor gnoll's fate, and it tugged at her heart. Why couldn't he be more like his brother? Sterk was a fine young gnoll, muscular, quick, and brutal. There were mutterings that one day he may be a Matriarch's mate. She sighed and rested her head back on an arm in the very tent she gave birth to them. The stains of the birth had long worn out of the rug beneath her, the only thing that separated her from the dusty earth. The thought of returning Swak's meat to the tribe made her chest burn with anger. In times past she had partaken in the ceremony, feeding on a runt with the others like it was a downed beast. It felt different now that it was about one of her own. "No" she thought... "I will send him away. Survival can come from many things".

On the night of his fifth year, Swak sat out in the open plains some distance from camp. He could not hear them anymore over the sound of the wind rustling the grass around him. Only a distant campfire light reminded him of what he had to go back to. He sighed, looked up at the stars. It was a lovely night with the warm wind washing over him so gently, flickering his fur a little with a shy gust. The gnoll sat out here often, staring at the stars. He moved a paw to touch the marks on his chest. They matched one of the patterns of the stars above. No omen, good or bad was assigned to this. To some of the tribe members he was no more than a walking meal, or a servant made to tend to the more unpleasant tasks. Even in this he took a small pride for being useful for something. He knew of the tribe's ways and what he faced in the morning.

Lost in thought, Swak never heard his brother stalk closer. Sterk was a good hunter, as was expected for a gnoll of his age. He had seen Swak leave camp some time ago and knew where he would be going. It was a beautiful spot up on the top of a hill where you could see much of the plains from. Just the slight elevation made it seem like you could be isolated from the brutality of life here. Tonight was not the case for that. Amidst all of the successful fights he still did not have breeding rights... well... breeding rights with a female. Breeding between males was not discouraged because it brought no new mouths to feed to the tribe. Mating with a female had to be earned due to the responsibility it carried. Tonight, he thought, Swak would be his female.

Swak only had time to perk his ears to the sound of claws digging into the ground as his brother leaped at him, a sharp pain of Sterk's shoulder impacting right between his shoulder blades shattering any peace he gained tonight. The blow had knocked the wind out of him, leaving Swak to contort and gasp against the ground. His brother was on him like the well trained predator he was raised to be, biting and tugging at poor writhing Swak as he tried to scramble away.

Dust billowed around the two as they fumbled around on the ground, snarling and yipping with an occasional squeal when Sterks's teeth found a sensitive area. Exhausted, Swak submitted to his brother. It was a fight he'd lost a hundred times before, but never did he just give up. He was face down in the dusty soil, panting against the dry grass with his brother ontop of him. No words were spoken between the two. Usually this was enough humiliation for Sterk to be satisfied of his dominance, but not tonight. Only when he felt the pointed tip of the stronger gnoll's member slide in against the back of his scrotum did Swak truly understand why his brother had come to him at this place at this time. The gnoll struggled anew but his protests were quickly silenced with a sharp bite to the scruff of his neck.

Sterk had watched the other males mate and learned what a powerful show of dominance it was. He knew that tomorrow, he had to be the one the tribe accepted, not his brother. This required expressing his dominance in the most unquestionable way. Precum dripped from his member's tip like a poisoned arrow ready to be sent home to it's mark. Swak struggled to the very end, keeping his tail tucked over his rear as one last pathetic attempt to stop this, but he knew he was beaten. Only a guttural moan escaped Swak's muzzle as Sterk stabbed his gnollhood under his brother's tail and entered his body with some difficulty. He could feel his pucker tug inwards and drag against Sterk's girthy member, only adding to the pain of being stretched. His brother offered no mercy as he drew back and slammed his shaft home right to the hilt, mashing his balls against Swak's taint.

Swak winced his eyes shut and grasped the ground as tears drained from the corners of his eyes, an emotional mixture of betrayal and the reality of knowing what tomorrow would bring. His tailhole burned as his brother raped him, but there was an odd feeling mixed in as well, an intense pleasure when Sterk's member ground against a certain spot inside of him. After a minute or so, the pain seemed to subside as a frothy mixture of precum and mucus lubed his passage. The scent of mating and sweat began to rise off the two as Sterk bred his brother hard against the ground, panting and drooling all over the back of Swak's head.

It didn't take very long before Sterk's motions grew reckless and feverish the closer he got to his climax, audibly slapping his balls against his brother's soaked taint with each brutal thrust. His whole body tensed up as he hilted himself one last time and sent his seed surging into Swak's rear in long, gushing spurts. Swak felt that hot warmth spread inside him, a full feeling that he couldn't rectify due to Sterk's thick member held so firmly inside him. All he could manage to do is lay there and take it, breathing in the masculine musk of his brother's sweating body.

Only after Sterk had gone soft inside him did his brother pull out, leaving Swak's pucker to gape for a moment and leak out a slimy mixture of cum stained with a streak of red. He stood there triumphantly over Swak, who could only lay there and catch his breath attempting to clench himself shut. "Goodbye, brother" Sterk said, his words seasoned with malice, and walked off back to camp with the stain of his bred sibling still on his loins. Swak closed his eyes as he heard those words and curled his body up into a ball. The sleep that came to him was not restful, but full of intense dreams that flashed emotions across his brain. Visions of his brother laying him as a female peppered themselves amongst scenes of his death, being feasted upon by the tribe. He wished things could have been different. He wished he could have been stronger, meaner, and faster. He didn't realize being strong was not strictly a physical trait.

The next morning Swak awoke to the sun cresting the horizon. The fluids from last night's rape had dried to his fur and were painful to pick off. Nothing could get rid of the smell, and everyone would know instantly that his brother had bred him. What did it matter anyway? He was to return his energy to the tribe, and nothing would change that. Defeated, he walked back towards camp. Every sound, smell, and titillation of his senses seemed so vibrant to him now that he was faced with his end. Needless to say he did not rush back.

When he approached camp, the members of the tribe were standing in a circle, waiting for him. He felt fear, and the fear made him numb. Without hesitation he walked into the circle, which parted to let him in. "Swak" an elder said, standing next to his mother "You have not brought meat back to the tribe. You only take from us. You are not welcome here". The elder's voice was definite, but it would be his mother who would pass the final judgment. She spoke, with no quavering or regret. This was the way of their people. "Swak, you are to leave us. You are not my son, and if you are caught in our territory you will be killed."

Those words took a moment to sink in to poor Swak's mind. He was not going to be slaughtered by his own, but he was not to be accepted either. He thought about them for a moment but could manage no reply other than a solemn nod. "Take your dull knife and leave us" his brother added, a fitting insult referring to both a bad hunter and male-who-could-not-breed. With that he walked off with a burning in his chest with all staring at him, their dark eyes drinking in the gravity of the situation and the intensity of emotion. As he passed his mother she grabbed his arm and leaned in close to his ear, whispering quietly so only he could hear "Find the Vrolik tribe... and prove yourself to them. Hunting is not the only way to serve a tribe." She pulled back and stood straight with the others, and watched him go.

His mother's words troubled him as he walked because he didn't understand. Their lives revolved around hunting and meat... what could he do to serve otherwise? He had much to think about, and would have plenty of time to do so. The gnoll was injected into a world of danger, he must concentrate on surviving long enough to find this tribe his mother spoke of.

DeeCoyote - 2013

Swak - Chapter 2

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