The time of Ramanahad Pt3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#74 of Exploration

It was pointless continuing my road patrol, so I began mapping out the territory. My intention was not of stealth, but instead I would flush out the dragons, and have one of my friends find him. If I hit the dragon, than all the better. I thus proceeded to make as much noise as possible, crashing through bush and undergrowth with reckless abandon. I also fired my heat ray a couple of times into the trees, but I was aiming high, it wouldn't hit anything.

The dragon we had captured was heading back for the town, drome in tow. It's light had gone off. After another ten minutes of walking, I came to a clearing with a large tree in the centre. I looked up.

"Javid,you up there?" I said into my mike.

"I am, Alduin, don't give me away."

"I won't." I walked through the clearing and back into the undergrowth. Suddenly Blake spoke into my set.

"Alduin, one o'clock, two hundred yards.He's running."

I ran forwards on his directions, now smashing through foliage and creating a real din. I saw the dragon in question, and me and Zac opened fire on him. He dived behind a tree, the blasts zipping past him. I could see the drome follow around, and it stopped moving, the dragon had taken cover behind the tree.

A blast from the side passed underneath the drome and out the other side.

"Alright!" Devlin shouted, he appeared not five metres from the drome."You are hereby surrounded. Do you surrender?"

"No I do not!" the voice replied defiantly. He was up and running again, and dodged through a patch of undergrowth. Zac fired a couple of shots after him,and there was a noise of pain. We ran after, and found the reptile on the ground, holding his leg in pain.

"I appear to have numbed his leg." the G'zara said. Devlin smiled.

"Lucky shot, but still. Come on you, to your feet." he helped the captured dragon up, and the dragon walked off the feeling.

Then Javid spoke.

"I just got one."

"We did too." Devlin replied."Three down, seven to go."

As the youth regained control of his legs, we were made aware of another dragon sprinting through the forest, with bolts raining from the sky directly behind him. The blasts licked at his feet, and he sprinted right past us. As Devlin looked up, he chuckled.

"Yes, you're almost getting him, Silverine." he shouted, and there was a reply that I missed.

I disappeared into the brush, and Zac tapped on my carapace.

"Why don't we try stealth, if we can get close enough to hit them with a bolt..." he suggested.

I was very slow, but utterly silent, and I hid in the deeper undergrowth, shifting forwards, brushing leaves aside. Zac touched his disguise necklace, and was suddenly in a ghillie suit, along with his platform.

"That's a good idea, Zac." I said, stopping by the bush, and concentrating. My silver steel became dark green camo coloured.

"Now if you hide in a bush, they'll never see us coming." the G'zara smiled.

"Are you prepared to wait for one of them to jog past?" I asked.

"Yes." the G'zara nodded, and I thought on this.

"O.K." I crept into a dense part of plant life, the bushes effectively covering me, and making the pair of us invisible. I closed my eyes, and the red glow faded. Zac turned on his thermo, and we waited.

We didn't have that long to wait. Fifteen minutes later, two dragons came up to the bush, and I heard them conversing.

"Where the devil is everyone?" they drew up to the bush, and grabbed their dromes, going into the undergrowth not three metres away from me. It was so thick that we couldn't see each other without thermo. Silverine announced the one he had been chasing had fallen, that was four, and Draco caught a fifth. Salbar had appeared very suddenly in front of a sixth, and Valmeero was quietly hovering after a seventh. And now these two were hiding in a bush next to me. With infinite care I pulled out my tentacles, and hunkered down for the lunge.

They stood up, and began moving directly towards me.

"The problem with this is we have no idea...oh." one dragon suddenly walked into my leg, thinking it would give way, and the other walked right underneath my carapace before realising what she was underneath.

One tentacle wrapped around the one by my leg, and the other three hung down, blocking all the gaps between my legs. Zac dropped down my leg, and I could see through his glasses. The dragon was trying to decide which way to turn.As my hemisphere was at eight feet, she could stand on tip toes and touch my steel underside with her jaws, that's how close we were in height.

"I surrender?" the dragon asked.Zac thought on it, and rapped my leg.

"Alduin? You're the one with the tentacles, are you intending to fuck her, or blast her with your heat ray?"

The dragon's reaction was priceless.She was actually female, one of two in the field, and the male already ensnared was thinking on this.

"Draco?"I asked in Centralite over the radio,"Are we allowed to fuck the ones we capture, Zac just terrified the pair we just caught by asking me?"

"Why didn't we think of that?" Devlin chuckled, and Draco spoke.

"Well, now there are less, there two still at large, although Val's still shading one, yeah, go ahead. Where are you?"

I gave them directions, and Draco said he might as well come in this direction. Blake said he would too, and Silverine said the rest could easily find the last one. Valmeero was gently gliding two hundred feet above the one he was following, his sharp wolven eyes following the path of the dragoness, who was completely unaware of the wolf hybrid directly above her.

Suddenly there was a crack in Javid's set, and he spoke calmly.

"He just turned up, she's the only one left." Meaning the one Val was following was the last standing. Val gave directions, and the remaining hunters converged on her position, which was actually near to ours. Draco crashed through the brush, and looked at the trapped female, and the male entangled in one tentacle.

"What did you ask, Zac?" he said, winking at the G'zara.

"I was just wondering if Alduin intended to have it off with these two. I'm going back to Abigail's to redesign this platform, I just thought of something.Send my regards to the others." the G'zara brushed his teleporter, and vanished. Blake appeared, and the captives realised what the three of us had in store.They began stripping without us having to say a word.

"So, Alduin, I trust you want to test your ability in this form." Draco rapped a claw on my steel alloy, making an odd ringing noise.

"Well, I have four tentacles, and I presume I can get off in this form, so we shall see."

I released the male, and Draco and the male went into a sixty nine, sucking the other reptile's cock. Blake looked at my tentacles, and lay down on the ground, motioning the female to him. She was quick on the uptake, and knew I wanted to have it off with her. I wasn't sticking a solid steel tentacle in someone's mouth. So she sucked Blake's cock, while I looked at my potential targets. Two tentacles slid into the dragoness, and she cried out in pain and surprise.

She looked at me in a wounded way.

"A warning would have been nice." she said, and went back to sucking Blake as I gently thrust back and forth with those in her. My other two I decided could give the dragons in their sixty nine something to think about. Draco looked as I extended one over towards him.

"Must you?" he asked plaintitively,"I'm trying to have it off with him."

"Can I do it to him then?"

"As long as you don't to me." The reptile went back to the servicing of the younger dragon. I thrust into that dragon with my third tentacle, and the fourth went back into my hemisphere, and I concentrated on the three I was working with.

The female dragoness, despite her earlier protests at my uncultured way of entering, seemed to be enjoying my treatment of her, my sleek and smooth tentacles seductively thrusting alternately.I could see her shiver and heard her moan through a mouthful of tiger/dragon hybrid cock. Blake looked at me.

"Two glowing red eyes...." he sang in Centralite.

"Yeah really clever. She's enjoying it isn't she?"

"Oh hell yeah, I'm just wondering if you know the advantages of that form sexually before you changed into it." he asked.

"I didn't, but I am now." I replied, as the dragoness let go with a violent orgasm.

And more was to come. For I was able to get off in this form, and I could feel the intensity building through all three tentacles. at the very tips, hole appeared and opened, expanding and contracting, although no one could see this, I just knew. Then finally I stiffened, and thrust deep, the powerful pleasure surging down my tentacles and shooting load simultaneously into the dragoness' vagina and ass, and the male's ass as well.Each received a generous helping of semen, and the dragoness spilled a bit. I retracted my tentacles, and retracted them into my hemisphere, changing into my human form.

As I did, I practically collapsed. Draco saw me as I crumpled up, and got off the male, coming to my aid. I felt so weak and weary.Obviously the chase, the over use of my blaster, and then finally the sex resulted in the exhaustion I would receive like when I had been flying too long.

I took a draught of Lift Plus, and lay against a tree as Draco returned to servicing the male. I slept to the sounds of sex, and when I had awoke, I was aware that it was very dark, and I was very alone in the forest.

"Ah, Alduin, you are awake." Devlin said in my headset.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"You were asleep for eight hours, Alduin, we decided not to disturb you."

"You left me here?" I asked, incredulous.

"Alduin, we dragons walk safely in our own forests, as does anything that is our friend." the Hellfire replied.

"Is everyone still there?"

"Yes, we're all having a banquet in the centre square outside the Eight building." Devlin replied. I smiled.

"I'll be there in a while."

"I'll save some food for you." he said, as I walked into a clear patch and changed into my Raptor form.

"Just save me a chair." I said, igniting my engines. I put music over my speakers, and as I took off, the entrance to Highway to the Danger Zone boomed through the forest.

"Nice sound track." Draco commented, apparently he could hear it over my headset.

"Here we go." I said, boosting into the sky.

I flew level and low above the forest, the music Dopplering around me. I didn't go faster than Mach, and soon I could see the bonfire and many torches that lit up the city.

"So on high beams." I said, and my piercing arc lights shone ahead, illuminating a large circle on the ground, aiming at the table.

Tokoz was lit up, and he raised a hand to shield his eyes.I heard him over Devlin's set.

"What is that?"

"It's Alduin, he's got his lights on." Dev replied, and I passed over head at subsonic speed. All the dragons looked up, as I fired off a flare.I banked around, and slowed down to land vertically in front of Tokoz. The flickering lights of the torches glinted in interesting ways off my surfaces, and I landed in front of Tokoz and Rickard.

As I changed, Rickard laughed.

"I can see why you're a scout. Speed, strength, and intelligence."

"He didn't think so at the start." Draco replied.

"Hah, one of the slowest, one of the less built, and more cunning and evil then the lot of them put together." I said, as I slid between Devlin and Javid. Draco whispered in my ear over the back of the wolf.

"We're getting Ryan Viper to do a fly by with us tomorrow morning, early. The four of us in formation over the villages, low level, and then start buzzing them."

"So, Spitfire, F-15, Aurora and modified F-22. Interesting combo."

"Well, I think it's a F-15, you know all the names."

He changed briefly, and then back, but not before I got a clear look at the aircraft.

"That's an F-111." I said.

"Just checking." Draco winked."Thank you, and see you at five."

Devlin heard his cousin, and whispered on the other ear.

"I can't wait to see that, you four in your very random aircraft choices. I want to see this Spitfire Simba mentioned."

"The Supermarine Spitfire is a very good aircraft, and it is certainly not random."

"So when?"

"Early." I smiled. Devlin shrugged.

After dinner, we went back to Lee Kim's, except Draco. Ryan teleported into Devlin's bedroom at nine o'clock, pumped and smiling.

"Always wanted to do this." he laughed.

"What, early morning wake up call?"

"Strafing is a lot of fun, even though I won't be firing."

"Have you ever heard the axiom, "Ground troops are always happy to meet the man who has been strafing them?"

"Well, that's too bad for Draco." the tiger smiled.

Devlin walked in, and saw the tiger.

"Wake me up when you go, otherwise I will bondage you."

"Why should we wake you up so early?"

"Because if I get awoken by a quartet of jets, I will be very much annoyed."

"You have your room silencer?" Ryan asked.


"Then don't bother, my alarm clock will wake you up." the tiger replied.

We slept, and at half four in the morning, the alarm went off. We planned to walk an hour and a half down the plains, so no one would be aware of us taking off, and we left the house at twenty to five. Draco was there awake and alert, and Iris and Khamsina also.

"We're going to teleport back to Central, guys." Iris said."Khamsina needs her sleep, and she doesn't need a wake up call."

She teleported with the baby dragon, and we ran down the main street. It was ghostly quiet, and I looked at the empty and drawn windows. Devlin was watching from the only open window, and we waved at one another.He was grinning.

Oh dear. We jogged quietly down the road. It was very flat, and we made good going. Within the hour, we were ten kilometres down the road, and Draco stopped us.

"Right, warm up."

Simba changed into his Spitfire, and the prop engine roared into life after a couple of turns. It was in coarse pitch, and the drumming noise of the engine was so homely to the comparison of the whining jets. He taxied, and the tail dragger pointed away from the village, as he switched to fine pitch, he rumbled down the road, the revs mounting. He took off slowly and though his wings dipped slightly, he looked very graceful.

Draco changed into his F-111. His jet blasted out behind him, and he took off after Simba. His wings were forward, the swing wing not in effect. Ryan stepped back onto the path and changed into the sleek and futuristic Aurora. His rocket jets spoke with a harsh roar, and he practically catapulted down the road before heading up into the air to catch up with the Spit and the F-111. I changed into the Raptor form, and took off in conventional form after Ryan. The Spit was by far the slowest of the lot of us,and we caught up easily. We banked around and pulled along side, heading back towards the village.

The Spit flew on the outside, The F-111 on the other outside. Me and Ryan flew slightly ahead.

"Viper, Tinman here."

"What is it Alduin?"

"I've got some more music, I think this one is apt for this stunt."

"Put it on." he said. Real Gone blasted over our sets. Draco burst gently forwards.

"Oh, yes, I want this on my track list."

"I'll send a copy over later, Draco."

We all had codes for our forms. Simba liked any plane he was in to be referred to as Saber, Ryan stuck with his Seal code name, Viper. I was still Tinman, and Draco had long adopted Kaos as his his plane. Of course we had names for our others, I was the Martian in the Tripod, Furai as the F1 car. Draco was Water walker and The Van (his LAV), Simba had stuck with Challenger and Apache. I hadn't seen Ryan's car recently, I resolved to ask him.

But we flew, and before long we could see the village, sleeping soundly, like a giant. Devlin spoke.

"I can see you guys, and the early dragons are moving about."

"Right." Draco acknowledged. "Maximum revs, Simba."

We did about four hundred as we passed over the village, the cacophony being fed back through Devlin's headset, and into ours.

"That woke them up. Right, go solo!" Draco shouted, accelerating. I waited til he had gone past, and then banked hard, firing up the idle ion drive. Simba banked, and the Aurora surged forwards past Draco.I was thus first to buzz the village.

At approximately eighty feet off the ground, I blasted over it, the sonic boom rattling the buildings. My jet's whine thoroughly woke everyone. Those who were now looking out of the windows heard the full tilt Spitfire as it dived through the village, the prop a blur as the cannons pumped shells onto the opposite bank of the river.

I banked away, just as Ryan belted across the village, on a streak of light, and F-111 followed on a dump and burn, dumping fuel behind and then all of it lit up, making it look like he had a mighty comet.As I came back around, dragons were now milling in the street. F-111 was coming directly towards, having banked the other way, and I made to have a head on.

"Draco, when I say, bank left."

"On your signal."

We flew directly at one another, and I shouted.

"Now!" we both went left, and passed each other in a matter of metres. I shuddered through his air stream, and barrel rolled downwards. Simba made another pass, and Devlin spoke.

"Now that's a aircraft."

"The best of the best, seventy years on." I commented. Aurora screamed past the Spit, catching up on me. I banked hard, and the F-22 easily out turned the Aurora.

"There is nothing of Earth build that can out turn the Raptor." I shouted at Ryan over the din of Real Gone.

"How about a missile?" Ryan shouted back.

"Try it, and I will gun you down." I banked hard over the village, Aurora on my tail. As I passed directly over the Eight building, I banked hard up, into a tight loop. Aurora went in pursuit as I came around behind him.He banked away, and I flew down to a metre above the fields, blasting the grass aside with the power coming out the back.

Aurora made one more pass, and then as he flew over the village, he simply vanished, having teleported back to Central. Draco landed on the bridge, bouncing unsteadily off the end and coming to a halt on the main street in front of a lot of dragons. Simba managed a neat three point landing behind him, and shot past the F-111 as he couldn't stop himself as well as the jet.

I landed, and the dragons, most of them still in their pyjamas or completely naked, were not looking impressed. Devlin was in the front row, laughing his head off. Conteur was smiling ruefully, Rickard was smiling, but the rest looked a little annoyed. I changed into my bionic form, and leaned on my rifle.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I said, trying to suppress a laugh. I couldn't help it, and when Draco changed, into his bionic form, we both burst out laughing. Simba taxied back to us, and he too sat on the ground, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

"If we'd wanted an alarm call, we would have asked." Tokoz suggested.

"This was not my idea." I said, between fits of laughter. Draco had to lean on me to keep upright.Devlin made us laugh harder as the dragons dispersed, by showing us some of the reactions the dragons showed, especially after our first pass. Conteur leapt on me, ripping at my trousers. Draco collapsed off me and landed on top of Conteur, just as Tokoz went for him. Rickard jumped at Simba, it was fairly clear what the dragons had in mind, and a couple of dragons were coming back for the gang rape.

Draco changed, and suddenly he was his F430 form.

"Will you tell us when you change form?" I asked, as Simba changed into his tank. I changed into my Tripod, and clouded the situation momentarily with black smoke. Conteur was suddenly trying to hold a leg, and his grip was dislodged as I took several steps backwards.

The smoke cleared, and Draco was merrily driving away. Simba was merrily crawling away, the tracks oozing over everything. I was standing in front of Conteur and Rickard.

"Do you ever lose?" Rickard asked.

"Depends on what you mean by ever?" I replied."And I'm not prepared to have several dragons gang rape me, I already have Dev and Draco who do that."

Devlin chuckled."Am I allowed to later on?"

"I'm not complaining. Am I required further here?"

"No, the test will continue, but you are not needed for anything."

"Good." I vanished, arriving on Central about half a minute later. I changed into my human form, and laughed all the way to the food store.The store was mostly empty, only a very sleepy Time Dancer, Orion and a snoozing Landon. I pulled up a seat at their table, and Time looked at me over the rim of her coffee like drink.

"Morning Alduin, how goes things with the dragons?"

"Me, Ryan, Draco and Simba flew over their village, very low, and at six o'clock in the morning."

"Do you intend to be going back any time soon?" the canine asked, sipping her steaming liquid.

"Not after that show, not really." I said, looking at the two foxes. Orion was only just awake, Landon wasn't at all. I waved a hand in front of the sleeping Landon.

"What's he doing out of bed at all?"

"Our planet trip was rescheduled to later on, and he felt it not worth going back to bed, so we came here. Takori's about somewhere."

Ryan spoke over my headset.

"Hey Tinman, we need a name after that."

"Easy, the 1st Centralite fighter squadron. Nickname, the Miniatures. Known for: being smaller than the average plane, but being just as loud."

I wheezed in giggles, and Ryan found it pretty funny too.

Landon woke blurrily to my quiet laughs, and he focussed on me.

"Where did you spring from?"

"The dragon planet, they tossed me off, and I thought I'd come here and wake you up."

"How very unsporting of you, I need my rest." he commented, nodding down, as I brushed his member through his shorts.

"Oh, if you want to suck me off, that's another matter entirely." the fox showed a brief moment of hope.

"Hey, no fair, I want to get serviced too." Orion replied. I laughed very loudly.

"I thought you were too tired."

"Hey, if someone is intending to do me orally, I can stay awake."

"Then go to sleep, I'm doing Landon right now."

"What have I done as a favour, or what do you want in return?" Landon gave a tired smile.

"Nothing to the first, and as for the second, that's entirely up to you. I just feel like tasting someone this morning, and as long as it isn't a dragon, I don't mind."

Landon opened the front of his shirt and trousers up, and I got down beside him, licking his unerect member.

"So why the sudden urge, Alduin?" Time said sleepily.

"I've spent a day and a half on a planet with about five hundred half naked damn good looking dragons, it's this or a cold shower." I said, licking the base of Landon's member and watching it rise and swell to full size. He leaned back, letting out a long sigh.

"So why not have it off with them?"

"They were about to gang rape me." I said pointedly, before lifting up to suck the tip of Landon's cock.

"So what had you done to them?"

"'Oken 'em 'p." I said, through a mouthful of fox.

"Can you blame them?" Time suggested.I rose off Landon and stroked his so I could continue my argument with the canine across the table.

"It was Draco's idea that we buzz them early morning in our jet forms. It went perfectly, and then they turned sexual on me."

"That's not a bad thing."

"Time, they're all a foot or two taller, that much stronger, and unlikely to have fucked someone my size before. Conteur's wife left my ass sore, just because she thought she was tail fucking her husband."

Ryan turned up as I resumed my oral treatment with Landon. The fox was lying back in contentment, draped over the chair. I was doing all the work, and the fox was enjoying that.

"Well, Alduin, I think we woke them fairly thoroughly."

"I 'gree" I said, speaking through Landon. He trembled, he was coming to ejaculation.

Ryan waited until Landon had let go. The fox sighed deeply, and let go with his load. I swallowed until he had finished, and got off Landon. He went back to sleep, almost instantly.

"I think you guys are all too soft, I was awake a couple of hours ago." I cuffed at Time Dancer, who merely leaned away.

"How nice for you?" Time Dancer yawned. Orion had also resumed his nap, and I turned to Ryan.

"What car have you got nowadays?"

"Oh, that." Ryan smiled."Still got the CCXR, but I've given it a few modifications."

He changed, and his Swedish hyper car was there. Now it was jet black, but it had, underneath the windshield, mufti police lights. The letters FBI were painted on the side in silver lettering, and he flicked his police lights on to show me they worked.

"Nice.You intending to pull people over?"

"Possibly, and besides, people notice flashing lights, so if I want to catch someone's attention, just switch them on."

"Now if my Formula 1 had flashing lights, or lights at all." I smiled."I trust you aren't going to test the siren right now."

"Been there, done that.But I'll let the foxes sleep."

"A police CCXR, never seen that before. A Veyron, yes, a Gallardo, yes, but never a CCX."

He changed back, and we walked into the corridor.

Once again I had a memento of the planet, it was a black sash that belonged to Draco, he had given me a spare. The sash said that the wearer was a member of Eight, both he and Devlin were members. I placed the sash reverentially in my drawer when I got home, and waited for everyone else to come to me, as I guessed they would if they wanted me.