Daddyloves 2: Granddaddyloves

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A happy sigh of relief escaped me as I sat myself back down in the waiting room, relieved after a quick trip to the restroom. I could tell the euphoric, floaty feelings that had been dancing around my head today were largely due to the hormones my body was pumping out, but it was a nice sensation to enjoy, regardless. The weight of my tummy pressed down into my lap comfortably, reflexively a paw patting over it, as if re-assuring its passenger. Or perhaps 'passengers' would be a better way to put it.

Even before today's medical excursion, I'd seen my own OBGYN just the other day. He was pleased to see me as always; kissing and rubbing and cumming all over my heavily pregnant midsection. I'd gone to him the first time I was with cub, and after that sort of treatment, there's no way I'd avoid a repeat visit.

After the pleasantries and exchange of fluids were taken care of, he got to work quite diligently, giving my my normal checkup and the usual screenings. He paid extra-special attention to the plump breasts I was developing with the pregnancy, squeezing and fondling them liberally so he could take their measurements, of course. He said that was always the best part about guys getting knocked up, the mammary expansion of men was 'sublime', as he put it. He always knew how to put his patients in a good mood.

Reminiscing about his touch of authority caused my loins to quiver happily, drawing me back to the present. This pregnancy was going to be much more intense than the last. This time I was growing a whole litter inside of me. Though it was too early to guess the exact number, I could certainly feel the weight of a whole pack of cubs growing happily in there.

Of course, an extra heft to my belly wasn't the only indicator of the litter's presence. My body didn't seem content with the pair of soft, round milksacks I'd been growing, and decided that I'd need some heavier duty equipment to handle raising this new batch of little ones. No, instead of a single pair of plump, masculine breasts adorning me, was quickly swelling up reinforcements down beneath, multiple sets now gracing my torso, adding up to a grand total of eight bouncing, sloshing breasts.

The topmost pair was of course the largest, with each beneath it slightly smaller in size - trailing down to stack over my swollen tummy. Though I imagined they were still developing, and would likely get a bit bigger by the time I was ready to 'pop'. Mmm, I'd no doubt be stuck with those for quite awhile.

I was drawn from my milky thoughts by the touch of two little paws over my rounded dome of a belly. I looked down to see a petite wolf cub, no older than my own, caressing my bloated stomach with a delighted grin. He liked what he saw, and I could tell what he wanted. My body wanted it as well, the embrace of a male to grope, squeeze and jostle the various assets of my condition, to take me as I am, already bloated with cubs. I couldn't blame my lack of inhibitions on heat anymore. But pregnancy brought with it an entirely different, if not more dangerous, slew of hormones that demanded satisfaction. I acquiesced.

I groaned heavily as I maneuvered myself in the waiting room chair, leaning back and sliding down in a bit to give him better vantage, unbuttoning and unzipping the soaked pants that'd kept my needy snatch locked away. The wolfcub eagerly wagged his tail in anticipation, pressing his own shorts down to let the fat, footlong cubdick poke out, the musk from his plump, shaggy nuts set free as well, allowing me a moan of need as he got into position.

As soon as that engorged monster was freed, I felt it pushing into me, my own plumped and needy bits responding with a gush of fluids around his prick, tantalizing the boy and only serving as further inspiration for him to press in further, sinking that throbbing, virile cock up inside of me with little effort. I groaned audibly, adoring the sensation as he pressed fully inside, wrapping his arms around my belly and hugging himself to it closely, keeping a tight grip on my midsection as he began to rut me. I could tell the pregnancy was his focus, what really did it for him. It was pretty darn cute.

It didn't take me long to seize up and hit climax, dumping another load of hot pussjuice over the boy's nethers. He whimpered in turn, nearing and soon completing his own rise to orgasm, starting to unload his heated, sticky cubjizz within. The feeling was indescribable. It seemed like just what my body needed, what it craved. I guess some other folks get cravings for weird foods when they're knocked up, but it was cub spunk that really did it for me.

The receptionist called out for the next patient, and the boy hurriedly pulled out of me, letting the last few shots of his load splatter over my crotch and belly, before rushing in to go see the doctor himself, leaving me with only a brief "Thanks, mister!" as he departed. I was a bit too out of it to catch the name, but was drawn from my stupor by the sight of my own little boy emerging from the pediatrician's back office, beaming with the same pregnant glow that his papa enjoyed.

He rushed over to me, thick otter rudder wagging behind him as he gait had taken a bit of an adorable waddle due to the heavy weight he now stored in his midsection. I opened my arms and gave him a big hug as he arrived, the afterglow of that climax only serving to intensify the floaty, dreamlike sensation that made embracing him all the sweeter. I could tell from the look on his face that he'd been diddled too, his pediatrician likely having a bit of fun with him the back.

"Did you behave for the nice doctor?" I asked with a smile, petting his head affectionately. He nodded happily and blushed at remembering the exchange. I chuckled and wiped a bit of leftover cum from the corner of his muzzle.

The boy giggled and help up a pack of condoms he'd been given. From a quick glance, they looked pretty heavy-duty. "He said to wear these at school and at night, so I don't have to clean up as much." I nodded, recalling he'd been having some problems once he started showing. While he didn't have trouble focusing in class, the slightest idle thought about his condition gave him a solid rager, and he'd end up cumming dozens of times without even a touch through the day. Keeping his tool wrapped up when not in use would certainly help with that.

"And did he give you a due date?" I asked, smiling as he started to lick up the leftover cum that had been left splattered over my pregnant dome.

"Uh-huh! Same time as daddy!" he called, warming the cockles of my heart with his dedication to taking after me.

I smiled, offering. "Alrighty, help daddy clean up here, then we'll go shopping like I promised, okay?" I asked, grinning at the boy. He wiggled excitedly and lowered his head, pausing as he remembered what the doctor told him, and strapping a condom on real quick since he's likely end up spurting himself during cleanup. I was impressed with his speed and accuracy applying the thing. The doctor must have helped him practice.

Once properly equipped, he dove down and began noisily, hungrily eating out papa's muff, diving in to clean up all the leaky wolfcum that dribbled from me. He was such a good boy. As he ate, I tried to plan out where to go for our little shopping trip. The boy's own breasts were starting to develop, so we were headed out to get the both of us some new bras for the duration of our maternity. It wasn't something I had to buy regularly, so I didn't have a favorite place in mind for the trip. I supposed that one lingerie store at the mall would do. They seemed to have a decent selection, and he'd always get hard and ask to go in whenever we passed it before.

After we finished up at the pediatrician's, we headed out across town to the mall, taking the light rail Metro to quicken the trip. Unfortunately we managed to hit the lunch-hour rush, so the car we were in quickly filled up with more and more passengers entering and cramming themselves together. Thankfully, seeing us with child, a few folks gave up their seats for us. But as the car grew more and more dense, even the seats began to feel cramped.

Halfway through the ride, a pot-bellied boar found himself pressed up against me with the lack of space in the car. His humongous nuts, barely contained by the fabric of his formal business pants, rubbed squarely against my face - the titanic dong attached to them trailing down the leg of his trousers. Each time the metro turned, I felt the weight of his junk pressing against my face, the stench of his male assets growing ever-more tantalizing.

Eventually I'd decided enough was enough, and starting unzipping the gentleman, slowly snaking his thick, throbbing dick out and free, letting it bob before me. He sighed in relief, not paying attention to me directly, as he seemed to be engrossed with checking something on his phone at the time, but seeming to enjoy the treatment nonetheless. Taking a deep whiff of the newly-freed cock, I sighed happily and opened up, letting the fat member press between my lips and through to my throat without delay.

Without a single gag, I started to feed that monster cock down my throat, unable to halt a few loud 'mmm's from escaping me. His salty flesh was heavy with masculine musk, the small details to its shape and flavour differing vastly from my little boy's dick, though I'd still have to consider the latter my undisputed favorite. I began to fellate in earnest, head moving back and forth, letting that thick, pulsating shaft probe my throat, teeth grazing over it just slightly.

The recipient of the midtown blowjob seemed to enjoy the procedure, grunting and fidgeting a bit as he went about his business. As I progressed my technique, I let a paw slide into his pants, maneuvering around behind those fat, musky orbs to check the back. No pussy, sadly, but the greased taint allowed me to guide my hand back under and into his asscrack, teasing a pair of fingers at the pighole that rested therein.

That's when the squealing started. I firmly had the gentleman's attention now, and only the slightest teasing of his ass rewarded me with a sudden tensing of his junk, and the subsequent firing sequence of the main cannon that resided in my throat. Some folks are just too easy.

After downing the impressive load that erupted from the porcine passenger, the transport we rode together slowed to a stop - indicating it was high time to bring a close to these proceedings and depart. I made sure to get a deep sniff of the pig's musky sack before buttoning him back up and raising myself to take leave, groaning audibly from the weight of my preggytum hefting up. I quickly felt my paw grasped by my little darling, a smile creeping over me as I gazed down and saw him blushing sharply, having filled another of his prescribed condoms after watching daddy make relations with a random passerby. "Alright buddy, let's get you cleaned up, then let's get to shopping." I offered, tugging him close and heading out into the shopping centre with him at my side.

Finding our way through the bustling public infrastructure that gave way to the mall before us, my little darling gripped tight at my paw as we traveled. I could feel him moan as he fired off another round now and then, the lack of support for his growing tits causing them to jostle about as we walked in a manner apparently quite distracting and pleasurable for the cub. But he had his condom on like a good boy, catching those loads as he spilled them. At this rate he was managing an almost constant trickle of cum during our foot-travel, those climaxes managing to drag out long enough for him to leak consistently even between orgasms. His prolonged whimpers of ecstasy were adorable, enough make his daddy wet with pride. Too bad my leaks couldn't be solved with rubber casings.

The mall was emptier than I would have expected, but given black friday was nearly upon us, it made sense that most folks would want to wait for better deals before spending their weekends in mortal combat for material goods. If I weren't already knocked up, I'd consider wading into that mass of undulating flesh when it came around this year. Usually ends with me pregnant anyway.

"Daddy, there it ISSSSSS!" my little sunshine howled as he spotted the store we were looking for, his first glimpse at the risque items on display sending him over the edge yet again. He held a paw onto the full cum-bladder, starting to twist it in preparation to tie it off, dispose, and change into a new one like the nice doctor taught him. I stopped to help him, since he had a bit of trouble getting it off without getting himself off again, and got a fresh one on before we continued inside.

Within the den of silken wonders, both of us were plunged into a fantasy-land of delicate delights of every shape, size, and color. I told the boy to pick something he liked from the children's section and meet papa back in the changing rooms once he did. The selection was as vast as it was dainty, but given how I was stacked, my options were a bit mor elimited.

A helpful employee, a rather busty and hung brown bear, showed me to their collection of four-sets, perfect for my current condition with eight heavy tits in need of support. She insisted on sticking it up my ass as she felt my breasts from behind to determine cup size, and I'm still quite impressed with her accuracy in the exchange. Thanks to her insertion of intelligence, I was able to find the right size set in no time at all. Now all that was left was to settle on a particular design.

She managed to finish up inside of me as I picked out a few favorites from the lineup, departing from her embrace and heading to the changing room to try things on. Even ignoring the load of bear jizz draining out my rump, my pants were pretty thoroughly soaked through with how wet today's outing had gotten me. It was nice to step out of them and let my aching pussy breathe for a bit. I had to feed the beast a few fingers for a minute or two before continuing, to sate its demands.

I lifted my arms to slip my shirt off, feeling those eight bouncing beauties jostle about in the removal, stretching a bit and adoring how the fat milkbags felt upon my frame. I could certainly get used to having them around for awhile, were it not for the almost-magnetic pull that brought my paws to immediately grope and caress them once exposed. The nipples were dark and engorged, hard and quite sensitive to the touch My shirt was already pretty heavily stained from the small amount of lactation I'd been brought to throughout the day - and I worried that further into the pregnancy I might be leaking nonstop like my boy. It was a good problem to have.

Another lengthy squirt session manned from above this time and I was left sweating and out of breath, barely able to unhand myself long enough to try out the new lingerie I was intending to purchase. With the aid of the dressing room's mirror I was able to don the set of four black lace bras, looking over my shoulder to the reflection to fasten them in the back properly. I then turned and sighed as I looked myself over in the mirror. An overweight, clearly-pregnant otter stared back at me - juices running down his legs, belly proudly jutting out to allow a cadre of eight swollen tits to rest upon it, nestled beneath the bearded, masculine face of their owner. I'd fuck the shit out of me.

Running through the gamut of routine daily motions, I found the bras actually had quite a bit of support, preventing me from bouncing as much as before, but still giving just a hint for eager onlookers to appreciate. The garments themselves were quite smooth to the touch, and looked downright sharp as I continued to turn to see them from all angles in the mirror.

My tour of vanity was only interrupted by a soft knocking on the changing room door, my ears perking as I turned and opening it, wondering what my little darling had brought back for me to help him try on. I was not prepared...

Daddyloves 3: Fuckdaddyloves

Dark as a land with no sun, shiny as new penny, and filled to bursting with plump little otter assets, the mother of all black leather garb clad the tiny lad that stood before me - looking up with eyes eager and adoring, if a bit uncertain. The stunned...

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The lingering buzz of climax danced through my head as I slowly drifted towards wakefulness. I let it sit there a moment, savoring the sensation before the realization of its implications were given chance to take hold. The warmth in my belly soon...

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COQ I: A Coon's Caper

In the dusty urban sprawl of Lubia, dusk was fast approaching. The town had been buzzing with rumors of enigmatic thief who had recently made off with the cherished valuables of a few pompous nobles. Many suspected magic to be involved with the heists,...

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