Iron Dragon Chapters 133-134

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#66 of Iron Dragon

Jenny and Roslyn were very grateful to be back on the ship. Jenny blushed as Roslyn pulled off her torn and bloody shirt along with her bra after Jenny closed and locked the door.

"Hey come over here and look at these." Roslyn said as she sat down on the odd bench chair. Pulling her little over shoulder length hair to the side.

Jenny walked over and knelt down behind Roslyn. "You do know I am not a doctor in even the vaguest sense of the word."

Roslyn sighed. "I know, but you do know anatomy exceedingly well as you so expertly demonstrated the other night."

"Okay, just relax." Jenny said. She reached out to brush the matted and bloody fur away from the area where the wings connected. The area just around the base of both wings were bloody. Jenny kept her touch light, mainly to keep from pulling any of Roslyn's fur. "It looks like they pushed out from under the skin."

"They did. I don't think I have ever been in that much pain. The tearing was the worse..." Roslyn said and winched as her matted fur did pull.

"Tearing... There is a lot of dried blood, which makes it hard to see. Tell me if anything hurts." Jenny said and simply felt the base of the wing and Roslyn's shoulders. She could feel tendons and muscle move as Roslyn moved her wings slightly.

Roslyn was a little surprised when Jenny put her arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. Jenny gave her a squeeze as tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry..."

"What are you sorry for? This is certainly not your fault in any way." Roslyn said and held onto Jenny's arms.

"Yes it is, you got caught in the middle of all of this because of me." Jenny said as she cried.

"Actually I am happy this happened." Roslyn said and turned to look at Jenny when she let go of her.

Jenny sat on the floor and looked up at Roslyn. "Happy?"

"Yeah, happy. You have no idea all of the confusion I went through growing up. Thinking something was not right with me all the time." Roslyn said and pulled Jenny up off the floor.

"What are we doing?" Jenny asked as Roslyn easily pulled her up off the floor.

"Cheering you up." Roslyn said with a coy little smile.

"And how are we going to do that?" Jenny asked and wiped her eyes.

Roslyn leaned over to whisper in Jenny's ear. "By letting you scrub my back in the shower, and maybe other places if you are nice."

Roslyn chuckled as Jenny instantly brightened up and practically skipped over to the bathroom. After the day she had, the kitten's magic fingers would feel rather good. She didn't want Jenny being upset over what happened to her. Because Roslyn felt better then she could ever remember feeling.

Jenny even turned the water to the higher temp Roslyn liked. Plus as Jenny glanced as the streams of red that ran to the drain, the warmer water helped wash the blood out of the otter's fur. Jenny had seen more of the stuff inside of herself and other people then she ever wanted to.

Jenny pushed the blood out of her mind and tried to focus on other things. Like the fact she had her hands on a beautiful woman. The raven feathered wings made Roslyn look a bit angelic, in a more Gothic badass sort of way. Because Jenny can picture that one hit knock out on the footballer clear as if it was yesterday. Plus having spent this much time in the shower, all of the gray or silver in her hair was gone.

"Something on your mind?" Roslyn asked after they had switched positions. Roslyn was washing Jenny's pretty, long blond hair. Roslyn usually hated being pampered in any form, but something about someone else scrubbing your head and washing your hair was nice.

"Yeah." Jenny sighed. Her libido sort of tanked when she saw the blood run down the drain.

"Want to talk about it? I know you and Alice talk, since I doubt even you have the energy for sex all the time." Roslyn said.

"I... well let's be honest, all of us have been through a lot in the last year. I mean you are washing my hair on a warship hovering in orbit over a world we never knew about." Jenny said and after a pause added. "Which having my hair washed by someone beautiful as you has always been a fantasy, but that point can wait."

"Close your eyes." Roslyn said and rinsed the shampoo out of Jenny's hair. "You do have a point about all the things we have been through. Which getting to travel on a starship of any kind is just cooler than cool. Far off worlds and life forms of all kinds."

"Which is where I find myself to be in a little trouble over." Jenny said as she turned the shower off now that they were done. Jenny's eyes mainly following the fantastic bare ass in front of her as they walked out to get dressed.

"I think I might be in the same boat." Roslyn said as she pulled on a tank top after pulling on a pair of shorts. Not very lady like or cutesy like Alice, but hot all the same in Jenny's perverted little mind.

"Oh?" Jenny asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. Roslyn standing by the window they had. She had turned the lights down low since they were ready for bed. Sitting on the comfortable bed sapped the last of Jenny's strength to do naughty things.

Roslyn stared out at the foreign stars. "I don't know if I want to go back to earth."

Jenny looked down at the floor. "That's my trouble, I want to stay out here, but Alice is on earth waiting for me."

"I suppose that does put you in a tougher spot. I don't have anyone like that waiting for me at home. My brother is the only family I have." Roslyn said.

Jenny could not believe what she was going to say. "Did you and Nodrog have kids?"

"No. He was an Iron Dragon in that life as well... And I have never been one for kids. Apparently I have always been a career first kind of woman." Roslyn said. She glanced over at Jenny. The kitten had finally ran out of steam.

Roslyn smiled and put Jenny the rest of the way into bed. She took one last look out at the alien sky. "I really don't want to go back..."

While everyone slept the rest of the night. Omega nightmare still sat looking at the giant hole left in the coliseum by the death of its second body. Didn't matter who you were or how strong you were. Looking at your own dead and petrified remains was hard to come to terms with.

Omega moved for the first time in more than six hours. The colossus walked to the skeleton laying at the far end, sat once more and picked up the iron skull. The metal well rusted from thousands of years of laying here. It was actually covered with enough dirt and plant matter it could have been real bone. It wasn't, even though broken it weighed too much to be petrified bone. It was most likely far too thick to ever fully rust away either.

"How have you been?" Omega asked the skull in its hand. It knew there was a few still present, hiding in the shadows. After a brief pause it spoke again.

"That is good to hear. I have been enjoying my time free of the void." Omega said with its constantly changing pitch and tone. It was a speech pattern guaranteed to send shivers up a person's spine. And it was working, between the horrific speech and talking to a broken skull, it was unnerving those in the shadows.

"Oh yes. I am quite happy here in the physical realm. Why I might not change back." Omega said and laughed its bone chilling laugh. "What was that? Oh I agree, it is very rude to listen in on a private conversation."

One of the turrets housing the giant navel guns screamed in protest as it rotated around to point at a door way. "Come out, come out." Omega laughed.

Omega was surrounded as more than a hundred of Glados' most loyal came out of hiding. One of whom was Eitak, and though she tried to present a calm demeanor, Omega knew she was terrified to be standing before him. "You are not fit to lead us and we refuse to follow you!"

Omega just laughed. "Lead? What did leading anyone ever get me before? Oh yeah it got me and those I cared about slaughtered by a psychotic power mad god! You need not look any further than the skull in my hand. This is one my dead bodies you brainless fools!"

"Why would I want to lead a bunch of worthless little bugs that cannot think for themselves? Glados only kept you all around because she thought of you as pets. Lead you, I want nothing to do with you!" Omega shrieked and stood bringing all of its weapons to bear.

"Glados loved us!" One of the gathered yelled.

"She gave us a purpose!" Another yelled.

"All lies, lies, lies..." Omega almost sang.

"No you lie!" Eitak yelled up at Omega.

Omega lowered his head so it was within a foot of Eitak. It tapped its faceless metal head. "I ate her soul. Hehehe... I know everything she knows. The only reason any of you are all still alive, is because the truth is worse than any lie. I wouldn't be a very good nightmare if I didn't know all of your fears, apprehensions, failures, hang ups... Naughty little secrets."

"No! Shut up! Shut up! Get out of my head!" Eitak screamed as she fell to her knees.

Omega slowly walked around Eitak in absolute silence. No groaning of tortured metal, no liquid wheezing breath, not even his footsteps were heard. "Oh come now Eitak. I know sssso much more about you now."

The colossal nightmare slinked past Eitak and over to the one who said Glados loved them. Its sudden silence worse than the noise it usually made when moving. "What would you know of love? You killed your own family to prove your loyalty to Glados and what did that really get you?"

"Nothing..." The monster said quietly.

"Did any of you get anything? Aside from more pain and suffering cloaked by a thin veil of love." Omega asked. The pitch change becoming more prevalent the more amused it became.

The gathered force stood silently. They knew Omega was right and that hurt worse than the actual truth. The only reason most of them had anything at all was because of Glados. Now, they had nothing.

"What was the purpose of it all? Why did she do it?" Someone asked. The crowd thought about it and none of them knew.

Eitak stood back up. "He ate her soul. Omega tell us the reason behind it all."

Omega rocked back and sat down. "That is the best part. There is no reason. There is no why. Glados herself did not have a reason for anything."

The gathered supporters all talked in disbelief. Things like 'she really was crazy' or 'this can't be happening' were tossed around as they struggled with what to do next. Omega thought it music to his ears, this was the most common nightmare many had. To find out they were just a puppet, used and discarded with little or no thought at all. He found it all joyfully amusing.

The fact that Glados did not even know why she did anything angered Nodrog a great deal. He had hoped eating her would give him all the answers and it didn't. The dragon had gone mad several millennia ago. It also did not give him any more information on black blood... Unless that is what caused her to go mad in the first place.

It still left the little insects to deal with since they were still standing around talking. "Why are you still here?" Omega asked, the hate and malice returning to its voice.

Omega stood their babbling and crying torture to its ears. "Don't you get it? You are free. Leave me alone, I will not take you in or lead you."

"You really are soulless." Eitak said and panicked as Omega lowered its head back down to her level.

"Go home little elf. They aren't your concern right? Never have been, never will be." Omega said just loud enough the others could hear.

"I hate you." Eitak said and managed to hold her ground despite the stench.

"That's not nice seeing as you no longer have that obligation to fill anymore. Unless of course you want to..." Omega said. Somehow leering at Eitak despite the lack of a face. The elf had a rather perverted fetish that Glados blackmailed her with. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

"You would not dare!" Eitak yelled and attempted to cover up her clothed figure.

Omega laughed. "Don't be stupid. I have no interest at all in upholding anyone to any contract or agreement they had with Glados. She is dead, any debt owed to her is erased."

"Why would you let us all go like that?" One of the dragontaur asked as he walked over to Eitak.

"Because I have all that I want. I do not need followers or position. Hell I do not want respect or admiration. I only wish to be left alone." Omega said.

"Can you tell me where she has been hiding my family?" "What about my brother?" One by one those who had family taken hostage or held to get their cooperation asked where they could find their loved ones. The colossus nightmare answered them all, except for the unfortunate few who's loved one had died. They had been slaves to protect their loved ones, even without knowing they had died.

Some of their loyalty came with a heavy price or curse. Omega could not undo centuries of physical or mental change. Only partly fulfilled promises and empty gifts were all some of them had left. Many did not even have their dignity left or a place to call home. Slowly they left to find their family or loved ones, some to find a place to make a new home.

A dozen stayed. There was only one thing to ease their pain, that could end their tortured existence. It was something Omega Nightmare greatly excelled at. Death. Eitak watched from a distance as that horrific nightmare opened its jaws and the hellish black light formed in its maw. Black light cannon would instantly silence their lives. Eitak wept for the souls of those who could only find comfort in death.

"Maybe I was wrong about you..." Eitak said and turned to leave. Teleporting to her home where her husband and children slept soundly. She had been a slave for so long, Eitak did not know what to do.

When morning came, they found Nodrog in his true form. Omega Nightmare was gone, any signs it had been here were gone with it. Actually any evidence Omega and Glados had done battle was gone. The coliseum was tranquil, like it had been when they first arrived.

Roslyn had to have a tailor on the ship alter a few shirts to accommodate her wonderful new wings. She took Jenny's suggestion and took one of Nodrog's shirts with her to explain what she wanted done. None of the males seemed to upset at her walking around with just a bra on. Not that some of the females really minded either. Jenny certainly did not mind in the least.

Nodrog bowed his head as Roslyn and Jenny walked over to him. "Now you know why you shine like no other."

"Yeah, you have a little explaining to do on our way home." Roslyn said.

"Have you seen my sister?" Nightrunner asked as he walked over to Nodrog. Despite her informal dress, the Valkyrie radiated beauty. Also a vast amount of power, it was a little humbling.

Nodrog looked at Nightrunner. "She went home. It is best if we do not talk about it."

"Very well. I notice we are short a few more today." Nightrunner said as he glanced around.

"Does this have to do anything about last night?" Derrain asked. The stone man knew Nodrog had used his magic to heal the world's scares.

"It does. I excused several last night. They were only loyal because of something Glados held they wanted. I have excused all debts owed to Glados the Pure. If you owed her, you do not owe me anything." Nodrog said stating the latter parts loud enough everyone heard him.

"That is very kind of you Nodrog." One of the dragon elders said as she came over in her true form.

"We really were wrong about so many things." Another dragon elder said.

"How can you let them off so easy?" One of the Watchers asked. The first time anyone remembered hearing one speak.

"Because I already have everything I could want." Nodrog said.

"And what might that be?" Morgor asked.

Nodrog chuckled and looked down at Roslyn and Jenny. "Two of them are standing before you."


"That is an interesting answer dragon... But you are an interesting dragon." The Watcher said and walked off.

"Are you sure none of you want a position on the council?" One of the elder dragons asked.

The gathered typhoons all responded with a no. Morgor and Beatrice had too many things to see to as it was. The three elementals had no inclination or desire for the position. They were content to remain distanced from the council. However they were willing to work with the council and forgive past trespasses, provided the council kept out of their personal business.

Alyvia held her hand up to the ear piece of her radio. Unsure of what today would bring, the four Velopians were in a lighter power armor configuration. It lacked environmental protection which made it much lighter in weight, making it suited to stealth and urban combat. "Understood. I will pass the message along."

"Do we have new orders?" Sephya asked.

"No, we are to remain with the typhoons. Queen Coral, Tunrog asked me to pass a message along to you." Alyvia said.

"Something from home?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes ma'am. Princess Coral wanted you to know everything you asked her to do has been taken care of. She just wishes to know when you will be returning home." Alyvia said. On board the ship Beatrice and Morgor had let the typical formal titles slide. Alyvia figured it best to be formal in the presence of so many monsters and high ranking mortals.

"If you have something that needs to be taken care of. I doubt our presence will be required for much longer." Nodrog said.

"I have spent a fair amount of time off world. I am sure my people would like me to return." Morgor said.

"Nodrog, if it is alright with you. I would like Jenny to accompany me to my world for an event." Beatrice said.

Jenny wanted to speak up, but Nodrog and the collar did not allow her too. There was far too many monsters present for them to skip over formal procedure on the matter. Even though they all knew she would want to go. Jenny knew the rules, she was just used to being allowed to break most of them. To her, most of them were meant to be broken anyways.

Nodrog looked down at Jenny. "Of course she can. I am sure I know what your answer is, but would you like to go?"

"I would be thrilled to go." Jenny said. Managing to hide her annoyance of being treated like a child over the matter. The collar reminding her she was a slave, and Jenny told it they were one in the same.

"Excellent. Roslyn, I would be most honored if you would come along as well." Beatrice said.

"I would love to." Roslyn said. A bit surprised by the rather formal request. In the back of her mind she knew why, it had just been so long ago and her new body was not used to such treatment.

Alyvia and those with her were a little surprised Beatrice asked them to come along as well. Alyvia stepped forward and bowed slightly. "We would be honored."

Dallarth and Mianth also agreed to come. Alyvia and Tunrog worked out how long it would take to return to the Amazon world. Tunrog sent word to the Amazon capital when they would arrive back in system. While they were on the Amazon world, Tunrog would take the others home.

Nodrog and the other dragons stayed in their true form, including Mianth. Mianth was a little more relaxed in her true form, mainly because Nodrog and Dallarth were in theirs. Jenny and Roslyn were sitting in the shade cast by the Iron Dragon.

"I have a question." Jenny said and tilted her bed back to look up at Nodrog.

"I have an answer." Nodrog said with a toothy smile.

"I wonder if they match." Roslyn chuckled.

"Assholes... So why are you not coming with us?" Jenny asked.

"Because I am a male. While I am an elemental dragon, that only gets me a little further than a normal male of any race. For the Queen to personally invite you, that is quite something." Nodrog said.

"Indeed it is. I know he has not kept you on a very short leash, but for a blood slave to be asked to attend something the Amazon Queen is having. I have never heard of it before." Dallarth said. She was laying next to Nodrog, a respectful distance apart since Valkyrie tended to get upset if one got to close to their mate.

"I must admit I am very curious as to what sort of event we have been invited to. The Amazons' do not really think highly of our race." Alyvia said. Beatrice and her daughter were talking with a few elves out of ear shot.

"I for one, am excited to go." Roslyn said crossing her legs and leaning back against Nodrog. The Queen of an entire race personally invites you to an event, you would be crazy not to go. Rank and position never really concerned Roslyn, it did matter to Rose. So part of her remained indifferent to people being honored by her presence; but part of her thought more people should be honored by her presence.

"Is there any reason they do not like Velopians?" Jenny asked. She could not think of a reason anyone would dislike them.

"A few actually. One being our timid nature and dislike of fighting." Sephya said softly. She and the others were sitting close together.

"Sounds like just a matter of cultural differences." Roslyn said.

"The Amazons believe woman are greater than men, no matter the race. The Velopians and Dragons rather agitate the Amazons since we view both sexes as equal." Mianth said.

"Does that mean I am your equal?" Roslyn asked and looked up at Nodrog.

"Don't be silly. I hold you in a higher opinion than myself." Nodrog said.

"What about me?" Jenny asked almost to quiet to be heard.

Nodrog chuckled. "The same goes for you, since you trusted me more than I trusted myself."

"I had been meaning to ask you about that Jenny." Dagger said as she came back to the group.

"Ask me about what?" Jenny asked a little nervously.

Dagger blushed. "How could you give up everything like that? And to willingly bleed in front of monsters no less."

"Because I trust him, at the time it was the only way to prove to the council how much I trusted him. I knew there were other flesh eating monsters, I knew he would protect me from them. And since thinking things out carefully is not one of my strongest characteristics... I offered my blood without knowing what such an act meant." Jenny said pulling her knees up to her chest to hide.

"I guess that either makes you incredibly brave or incredibly foolish." Dagger said.

Roslyn put her arm around Jenny. "Funny how those two usually go hand in hand. When I told my family I was going to fly tanker planes into forest fires they thought I was nuts."

"I guess I do not understand what flying a plane into a fire would do." Alyvia said.

"You are not the only one who is confused." Dagger said.

Roslyn thought about it. "Well the aircraft is filled up with a few thousand gallons of water. As the pilot, I would fly close to the ground and drop the water directly on top of the fire to aid the fire fighters on the ground put out the wild fire. Or we would drop a chemical on an area the fire had yet to reach to keep it from burning."

"Except wouldn't the fire create a great deal of turbulence making it dangerous to fly low?" Mianth asked.

"It creates a great many problems to overcome. I always found it challenging, a real test of skill and nerve." Roslyn said.

"Why not just use magic?" Alyvia asked.

"The humans on earth have mostly forgotten how to use magic." Nodrog said and looked down at Jenny. "I am however very proud and pleased by how quickly you have learned Elf, Jenny."

"You mean the collar has not been translating for you?" Mianth asked.

Jenny blushed. "No, it still has to translate some. Light conversation like this I am comfortable with. If I get too excited or too many things are going on at once, I still have some trouble."

"How long have you been learning?" Dallarth asked.

Jenny stopped and had to count. "A little before you met Nodrog at the other facility. It's almost June, so seven months I guess."

"Seven months and you are this fluent? That is quite the accomplishment." Dagger said. Maybe she had been too hard on the kitten when they were in the void. Jenny was clearly smart and brave when she needed to be.

"Speaking of being fluent in other languages... Do you remember any Draconic or High Realm, Roslyn?" Dallarth asked.

Roslyn crossed her arms and thought. "Perhaps enough Draconic so you cannot talk to Nodrog in secret." She said in near perfect Draconic and smiled as the three dragons were clearly surprised.

Dallarth laughed and replied in Draconic. "Do not worry, I have no secrets with him."

"I am so confused..." Mianth said.

"I am guessing the Angels do not speak High Realm anymore." Roslyn said. She remembered being able to talk to them with no problem.

"I certainly did not recognize anything they said. Some of the more powerful shadow spells are in High Realm." Dallarth said. Of course the angels could have just used their own power so Dallarth and Roslyn would not understand them. More than likely they did it so the Death Knights would not understand them Dallarth thought.

They sat around talking for a while. Occasionally answering questions or offering opinions on what the Hunters and Council were working on. Without Glados hanging on their every word, or holding something just out of reach; those on the council relaxed a great deal and were getting a fair amount done on their own.

"Jenny, get me one of those drinks please." Roslyn said.

"You have two feet get it..." Jenny gasped and fell to her knees. She was just being a brat why did the collar do that. "Nodrog..." Jenny cried but the collar stopped her from interrupting him. The more she struggled the more it tried to subdue her, which made her more frightened and struggle harder. She looked up at Roslyn wide eyed in pain, fear and begging for help. She couldn't talk at all at this point.

Roslyn ran over to her. "What's wrong? Answer me."

"The collar... you told me to get you a drink and I refused..." Jenny said wide eyed with tears running down her cheeks.

"I don't understand why. I'm so sorry Jenny, you don't have to get me anything." Roslyn said and held Jenny tightly. She looked up at Nodrog. "Hey you giant metal ass! What the hell just happened?"

Nodrog turned and looked down at them. "What happened?"

Jenny was devastated, anytime she disobeyed him he knew about it instantly. Why was this time any different? She was even more shocked that Roslyn could take the collar off of her.

"This damn thing must be broken. Why would it punish her for something I said?" Roslyn demanded.

"How did you take her blood slave collar off? You are not her master." Dallarth said and changed form to examine the collar.

Nodrog changed form and stood next to Dallarth. "Can you sense anything?"

"No it is working properly. See for yourself." Dallarth handed him the collar as she spoke.

"Perhaps it has something to do with Roslyn." Mianth said as she stood next to Dallarth.

"I have told her to do things before and nothing happened." Roslyn said and helped Jenny stand. "I really am sorry Jenny."

"I know you are." Jenny said. Roslyn had only pulled her up to hug her again and currently Roslyn had pressed her head right onto the otter's lovely breasts. Which was comforting and arousing at the same time.

Nodrog held the collar out to Roslyn. "Well you took it off, I am curious to see if it will let you put it back on her."

Roslyn took it and held it in her hand. "Okay. You don't mind do you Jenny?"

"It's okay, I feel odd without it on..." Jenny said and embarrassingly felt relief as the cool metal wrapped around her neck closing once more. She looked at Nodrog as he pulled her from Roslyn and held her. Telling her, he was sorry telepathically.

Roslyn took a step back as she now saw the glowing mark above Jenny's head that marked her as Nodrog's. Glancing around she spotted another young lady with a mark above her head. That girl's was considerably different in appearance then Jenny's and not because it simply indicated a different master. With unnerving ease, Roslyn told that girl to come over, in Monster. The girl tried to resist, but ultimately had to give in and follow Roslyn's order.

"Excuse me, but that is my slave you are ordering around." A sickening looking monster gurgled. After it followed his blood slave to them.

"Roslyn what are you doing?" Mianth asked. She was worried the otter might cause a problem.

"What is your name?" Roslyn asked the young woman. She had a slight build, like an elf but with dragon fly like wings. The young woman was likely a fairy Evelyn might know.

"Meryl Stryfe." Meryl said softly. She was clearly frightened by upsetting her actual master by following the Valkyrie's commands, but she had no choice.

"There are rules against this." The monster gurgled.

"Does it look like I give a damn." Roslyn said and turned back to Jenny. "Would you stand beside Meryl?"

"Okay... What is this about?" Jenny asked. Since Roslyn had asked, the collar did not immediately force her to move.

"I want to know if anyone can see the difference in the marks you both have." Roslyn said.

"Our marks?" Jenny and Meryl asked looking at the magic symbol above the other's head.

Mianth looked from one girl to the other, then back again. "Aside from the character difference, they look the same to me."

"I do not see any difference." Dallarth said.

Roslyn could see a very clear difference. Jenny's mark had a green glow too it. Meryl's had a dark red glow. None of the other monsters saw the color difference. She waited for all of them to give an answer. She even asked Nightrunner if he could see a difference when Meryl's master brought him over.

"Meryl, I do not know why you offered your blood to this... thing. But tell me, does he mistreat you or abuse you in any way?" Roslyn asked, but in a way that it was an order, so the girl had to do it.

"Roslyn!" Nightrunner yelled as the fairy tried to disobey the collar. She had to answer Roslyn, but could not betray her master.

"Don't answer her!" The monster yelled and raised his hand with the intent to hit the poor fairy. He didn't have a chance.

Roslyn punched the horrific creature and dropped him cold. She looked at the slime left on her hand and tried to shake it off. "Meryl, you do not have to answer that question. I am sorry I caused you harm. Let me make it up to you."

"Okay..." Meryl said but pulled away slightly as Roslyn reached for the hideous collar she wore.

"What are you doing?" Nightrunner asked as he grabbed Roslyn's arm.

Roslyn's eyes glowed clearly in anger. "I the Iron Raven, judge her master guilty of neglect and outright abuse of his blood slave Meryl. Therefore, I am terminating her oath to him."

Nightrunner let go of her arm. "Can you do that?"

"We are going to find out. Meryl, please hold still, this will not hurt you." Roslyn said.

"Yes ma'am." Meryl said softly and closed her eyes as Roslyn touched her collar.

Roslyn spoke in High Realm and the collar dulled then shattered into thousands of pieces. The mark above her head faded away and as Meryl looked Roslyn in the eye, she knew she really was free.

"There it is." Nodrog said as he scratched his neck.

"There what is?" Nightrunner asked.

Nodrog smiled. "Glados wanted to make sure the blood slaves could be under her control if the need should arise. The Valkyrie were given the ability to order the blood slaves around. They were also tasked with protecting the blood slaves from abuse."

"Why didn't you tell us that sooner?" Jenny asked, still a little hurt from him not knowing she was in trouble.

"Because Glados has several hundred thousand years of memory to go through. It takes a little time to sort through it all." Nodrog said.

"It makes sense the Valkyrie were the precursors to the Hunters. Given the reach they had at the height of their lives, it would have been easy for them to check on the blood slaves." Nightrunner said.

"That means I will have to be careful when speaking to Jenny or any blood slave I interact with. I certainly do not want to cause any of them harm." Roslyn said and turned to look at Meryl. "I am sorry my actions hurt you."

"It is okay, I cannot thank you enough for freeing me." Meryl said and bowed before Roslyn.

Roslyn was a little embarrassed by the fairies' actions and put a hand on her shoulder. "You do not need to bow to me." Roslyn said with a smile. In her past life she would have insisted on it, but that was the old herself. Her new self didn't want the praise and attention, no matter how 'right' it was.

"If that is how things are going to be. I challenge you to a dual Valkyrie." The slime monster gurgled.

"You do not have to accept it." Nightrunner said.

Roslyn looked down at the short ugly thing. "Your conditions?"

"If I win, you give her back to me." It said and leered at the hardly clothed fairy.

"And if I win?" Roslyn asked. As Meryl tried to cover herself better.

"I will let the matter go." It said and clearly grew angrier when Roslyn laughed.

Roslyn was getting irritated by the pitiful monster. "Unacceptable."

"That is a fair offer bitch!" It managed to gurgle louder.

"If I win, you will grovel at my feet and beg Meryl for forgiveness." Roslyn said crossing her arms. Clearly with no intention of changing her mind.

"I will do no such thing. Keep the worthless little tart." It gurgled and walked away.

This time Nodrog put a hand on Roslyn. "Let him go, it is not worth it."

"I'll kick him in the balls so fucking hard he can wear them as a hat." Roslyn grumbled and pulled against Nodrog's hold of her. She might be quite powerful now, but the dragon was still stronger. Hearing Jenny and Meryl laugh calmed her down a little. Even Dallarth found her comment rather amusing.

"I will make it up to you later." Nodrog said with a coy little smile.

Roslyn glanced back at the ugly little monster and gave him the finger before turning back to Nodrog. "I am going to hold you to that."

Nodrog only smiled and pulled her close. "You're cute when you get mad."

"So that's how you are going to be." Roslyn said. He was using his magic to calm her down in a more pleasant way.

Mianth and Jenny plopped back down on the ground. The two of them let out a sigh of relief now that there was not going to be another bloody fight. Jenny actually felt jealousy for the first time in her relationship with Nodrog. She never felt it when she knew he had been with Alice when she was not around.

"I hope they will have someplace we can get something formal to wear. I didn't pack anything to wear to a palace event." Mianth said.

Jenny laid back on the grass looking up at the sky. "I didn't pack anything that nice either."

"I didn't think either of you would own a toga." Dagger said as she sat next to them.

"Toga, as in toga?" Jenny asked and turned bright red as she instantly thought of all of them in togas. Skimpy, revealing, sexy togas.

Iron Dragon Chapters 131-132

Alyvia and Jenny reloaded on the run. In a few short minuets they had found a couple of the council members and Glados' followers. Despite the fact some of the council had tried to screw her over, Jenny couldn't leave them behind. Alyvia would have...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 129-130

Roslyn had kept the translator she had been given and wore it constantly after being stuck in the void. She had asked if there was gym facilities on the ship on the first day. Alyvia was more than happy to show her where they were and how to use some...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 127-128

Jenny and Nodrog stayed out on the roof until Alice called out to Nodrog telepathically. The two of them had taken off without saying anything and Alice was a little worried. After a quick breakfast Jenny and Alice headed down to get some work taken...

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