Twenty Four

Story by librios on SoFurry

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#17 of Poetry

Pretty much created this due to major insomnia problems going on.

And I didn't want to fall asleep

And i didn't want to dream

Just to hold on to you

Cause I never learned to control my fears

I just didn't want to go

I lay down just to relieve the chronic fatigue

Consumed by the endless nights of insomnia

And as I breathe in and out

My body goes limp

My vision fades away

Into the night

Floating into the sea of dreams

Searching for an answer

For this preoccupied consciousness

Drifting away farther away from land

Feeling peace of mind I once forgot

Don't Go Off Ignoring

Can you even comprehend To be broken To be the victim What a lovely life They say a tear is worth a thousand words But can't you see how much she hurts To be left alone While everyone just stands around Point the finger at you And laugh along...

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Voices of the Silenced

Thought that I knew what I wanted Seems like life has a way of changing it Through day and night As both the moon and the sun shine on I walk the road that very few choose to walk on Just wanted to change a life To help somebody from the...

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When Frustration and Mystery Embrace

Got the right words But lacking the inspiration So stuck Im wearing out Lets try to get the picture So we can understand We know it means something But it still shrouded in mystery Scratching my head in frustration Trying to figure out what it...

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