Diary Of a Noodle

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#12 of Personal Work

This all started from a few things I labeled #plantdragonsecrets on twitter, and decided to blow them up into full blown journal entries. There's a few things i'm missing that I plan to cover, but for now, this is part 1 of this possible series. These entries cover Thunder's teenage life, so he'd be around 17-18. Next installment will probably be from there to his current age.

_ October 29th, 20XX _

Okay...No stinkin idea of what I'm supposed to write in this, but I guess I'll go with it. Mom decided to give me a journal for my birthday because she feels like I'm hiding something. As much as I would like to prove her wrong, that's sadly the case. But what do you expect from someone's who's got horns like wood? Seriously, they feel and look like wood. Nothing like my parents and they don't know what's up either. I just started my third year of high school and already got to deal with something else aside from hormones that's out of my control. I can only hope that no one decides to make me the joke of the day tomorrow. Frigging horns changing and stuff. Bad enough I get flak for my whiskers. I don't see myself using this much, so this'll probably be the first and last entry for a while.

_ November 5th, 20XX _

Yeah, yeah, I was wrong about not using this thing anymore, but who can blame me? I feel like a freak. Being an eastern dragon, I know that some descendants of our family have had some weird abilities, but I didn't think I'd be growing wooden horns and controlling plants. About a few days after my birthday, some really weird things started happening. There's been this slowly dying tree around the other side of the school grounds that people have been scared might fall on the structure. I've been sitting near it since yesterday because I have a good view of...things involving the football team (Still have to figure why exactly I do that, but that's for another time...). I come back today and suddenly the tree is brand spanking new! Almost like it was planted and grew overnight. No one could find out the actual reason, hell, neither did I until the next part happened.

Right after the first incident, the same thing that happened with the tree at school happened to one of our neighbor's trees, only in reverse. Within about a day, the thing started wilting and dying like Father Time smacked it silly with a bat. If I was an idiot, I would have never made the connection. For now, I plan on keeping this a secret and try to see what else I can do. Also, for whoever manages to read this that is not my mom, I have no plans of becoming a superhero or anything like that, even if the spandex does look nice.

_ November 15th, 20XX _

Okay, it's been about two weeks of testing and I think I've figured out what I can do so far. As weird as it sounds, seems like I can control plant life in a lot of different ways. There's probably some that I can't even understand considering I'm only in my third year of high school, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. There's also some sort of 'glow' from my eyes whenever I try doing this. I think the sun triggers it because I either can't do it during the night or the effects aren't the same. For now, seems like I can:

-make trees and stuff grow well past their normal rate to their prime or death. - make certain things like vines sentient; don't have a really good control. Almost gave myself a wedgie the other day... -Make things like vegetables taste different (?)

I don't know about the last because for some reason, they taste completely different to me, yet when someone tries anything I've messed with, still tastes the same to them. Gotta find a way to test this in the future. Least I can say I've eaten everything instead of hiding it in a napkin at dinner.

_ November 26th , 20XX _

Today was probably the most awkward day I've ever had in my life. My mane started turning different colors in the middle of class today! Someone pointed out that I had streaks in my hair and I flipped out! As girly as it sounds, I actually like my hair a lot and second to none do I keep this baby clean and well kept. I tried washing whatever got into my hair out, but nothing was there. My hair felt the same, not all gunky like if I dyed it. Ugh, this is the worst...I don't even wanna go back now. Tomorrow, I plan on trying to skip class if I can't find a way to keep this stuff at bay. [The following entry was scribbled out in case parents actually read through this when not at home]. I look like a damn leaf changing colors. Least Thanksgiving is coming up, no class for 5 days.

_ November 30th, 20XX _

It worked! I bought some black hair dye yesterday and it seems like it worked! My mane looks normal for once. Wish I could find a way to change the horns, but I got used to that after a while. The hair thing, no way, not dealing with that for as long as I can. I don't know how long I'm gonna have to keep this up, but if it's anything like what I think it is, this may not be permanent. I dunno if Mom has been reading through this, but I think she knows that something is up. Either that or she's oblivious but trying to act like she knows. Regardless, I got no idea what the hell I exactly am, but I plan on finding out one of these days.

_ December 31st, 20XX _

Been a month or so since I've written here. Things have been going well, figured it'd be nice to write here for New Years Eve. I've been getting a good handle on these weird powers so far, though I can't do much now that the sun tends to set a lot faster during the winter. Once spring comes around, I'll be sure to do a lot more of figuring this out. I think mom knows that something is up with me. I've been acting "weird" to her for a while. The thing is, I've been considering making a few changes to myself. Nothing too drastic, just a shift in body type. Apparently I have the potential to be huge, and the thought's been nagging at me the last few days. It didn't help that I suddenly had a growth spurt while alone one day.

And by growth spurt, I actually mean it. I'm around seven feet tall, but I'm kind of on the skinny side. My showers have been getting longer and longer, and today I noticed something during a rather long one since I was in the mood for. For some weird reason, the more I'm exposed to water, the bigger I get. I have no idea what exactly caused this, but my little idea of being some sort of hybrid is beginning to make sense. Not too long ago did the same thing happen, except with the sun. I just started getting taller and taller when I was fiddling around with the lawn outside. I dived back in and the effects stopped. I'd completely forgotten about it because I got dragged somewhere else with Mom, heh.

But in any case, back to the shower thing. I'd only packed on a few pounds, but I had enough definition that I looked like one of those teenage bodybuilders that were making their way onto the pros. I'll be honest...it felt kind of nice to be that big. I'm honestly considering working out if I want to make it permanent. As silly and generic as starting to exercise as a resolution may be, I think I'll give it a shot. Worst that can happen is I give up.

_ January 31st, 20XX _

Alright, working out has been a hell of a lot more fun than I expected! Been a month, but even if there's barely any signs of improvement, I'm loving it. There's a few things I really got to get over. One is my crippling self confidence which should clear up the more I keep doing this. The second thing is my wandering eyes. There's days I find myself distracted during my work out and start ogling some people and admiring their size and whatever they can lift. It's caused me to stop my work outs in full to try and...calm myself down, to put it lightly. For now, I call this a success and plan on sticking to it.

Office Dragons

After college, most people expect themselves to start at the bottom of the rung, working the dead end fast food jobs or retail within their first few months in the real world. They'd work their way up through the ladder before finally landing a decent...

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First Day On the Job: Part 3

It was official; working here was amazing. Thunder didn't expect being a simple gardener for a ghost would be so fun, nor it being so informative as well. He had a few experiments to try out at home, but otherwise, his employer was incredibly happy...

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First Day On the Job: Part 2

It was official; working here was some sort of sexual torture in of itself. Thunder had been working for his ethereal employer for the past two weeks, and while the pay was good and the ghost's neighbors friendly, there was one that just kept...

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