Swak - Chapter 3

Story by DeeCoyote on SoFurry

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Swak closed his eyes even though he was in total darkness, just relaxing as he went about his duty. On this early morning his muzzle was occupied with Goor, the tribe's cook. He was a muscular animal with a gut that advertised his fondness for meat. These days it seemed there was plenty of that to go around. It had been a good few years and prey populations boomed. The Vroliks were healthy and strong. This of course didn't mean that Goor was any cleaner than the usual state his member was in. Sometimes Swak thought he let it get this bad on purpose, just to treat his omega.

Goor leaned back on the small pile of hides that made up his bed, the smells of cooking meat and rendering fat still clinging to his dark tan fur. Swak's head seemed small between those two large thighs , bobbing slowly, occasionally lifting off of the gnoll's endowment to relax his jaw and catch his breath. Compared to all the rest, Goor was very patient and seemed to draw out these "servicings" for as long as Swak could muster the endurance. All the while, Swak's senses bathed in the heavy male's features. Even in the dark he knew Goor's body, how he had to nudge his nose up under the beast's belly in order to deepthroat him when he sat this way; those huge balls resting warm against his chin. Swak reached up to rub Goor's belly affectionately, making the large animal rumble out a groan and pat him on the head. It occured to him at that moment that he'd never seen Goor in battle but recognized his skill with a knife when he butchered the remains of a carcass after the hunters finished their first-rights meal.

Swak almost choked from the volume of seed that surged into his muzzle, but by reflex he let it fill his muzzle before swallowing it down in big gulps. He was daydreaming again, lost in that intoxicating musk of the large male. Goor's sudden climax had taken him slightly off guard. What didn't surprise him was the strong hands that grasped and hoisted him up onto the large male's belly and chest. He knew this ritual and layed there on top of Goor with his arms loosely hugging around the gnoll's neck. Swak nuzzled into Goor's big tongue as he licked up the little dribbles of seed that had leaked out over the omega's muzzle. He was the most affectionate out of all the tribe, easily. Swak had come to love this little ritual and the overwhelming feeling of acceptance and love for his tribemates that it fostered.

Goor's breath washed over Swak's face as the little gnoll licked and kissed back at the slimy tongue that slopped all over his muzzle and head. The size difference between the two made it easy for Swak to even slide his whole head into the beast's maw but it was not a maneuver he risked often. He lay there pressed against Goor, member painfully hard nestled amongst the gnoll's thick bellyfur. This was the bliss he'd come to know. By not trying to live a lie he found strength beyond what his old tribe could have imagined, a band of beasts bound by manlove unbound by the drive to reproduce.

A few of the other gnolls had left for patrol much earlier, walking the waste like flitting shadows in the silent hours of the morning. Since the tribe had no females, its population varied greatly over the generations. From what Swak understood from the oldest member, Antiek, there was a time when only five or so of them remained after a great battle in his younger days. Antiek had come here with his father when he was very young as refugees from a broken up tribe that lived close to the ocean. They appealed to the Vroliks for sanctuary, and after proving they were worth more than their weight in meat the two were welcomed in to their new home. Not all encounters went this smoothly, of course, and not all went like Swak's either. Antiek was often to remind him of this when they talked of such things.

After leaving Goor, Swak made his way out from the sleeping dens into the better lit "utility" chamber. Bedrewe was in there scraping a hide of some animal that got lost in the waste and died of exposure. "Good morning little one. Been busy already I see" he said, grinning with that all knowing smile of his. "Lets just call it breakfast" Swak replied, very comfortable now with his position amongst the other tribemates. "I'm sure you know Goor lets himself get that pent up on purpose". Bedrewe cackled as he scraped down the hide with an oval shaped tool. He did know, and actually many others did as well. Life was too short not to be celebrated, and they did this often. Swak learned much from this gnoll to whom he was somewhat of an apprentice to, mainly that he had quite the knack for leathercraft. Several of the tribe members wore sheaths, belts, and pouches that his hands fabricated. Though he proved himself useful in these other ways, it did not take presidence over his other more sexual duties.

He helped Bedrewe stretch another hide, a fresh one still warm from it's previous owner. There was a time in his life that the spotted hyena hide he was tying up would have shocked him, but no longer. A fool hardy brave was caught trying to ambush one of their patrols and paid for it with his life. Amidst the fight he had spouted some righteous babble about proving himself to his tribe by slaying a filthy Vrolik. Now, he was breakfast, currently hanging upside down with no pelt, being picked at for a meal by gnolls as they woke up. Males breeding with males was no new or discouraged thing but it did add to the stigma they carried since they did it exclusively. It was more the elusive and brutal nature that painted fearful mystery about them. "Recognize him?" Bedrewe had asked. Swak knew the answer to this... "Yes" "And who is he?"...."He's you, and he's me". The response was met with a nod. This had been a lesson taught to him when he was young and in his other tribe. He never understood it until he joined the Vroliks.

Later that day Swak climbed up on the rock formation their den was built under. You could see for miles up there. Even the wasteland had its own... character. If one looked close enough they could see that even here life subsisted in one way or another. After living here for these few years he had become much more confident than he was growing up. In the end that was really all that he needed, to be good at something, even if that something turned out to be pleasuring males. The sun warmed his fur as he layed there with his hands folded behind his head letting his mind drift around. He looked through half closed eyes at the cloudless sky above him. Antiek had told him stories of where he grew up, and what the ocean was like. Swak pictured the sky as the ocean, broad and blue as far as you could see.

Warning yips from below stirred him from his daydreams. From his vantage point, Swak could see two.. no three rippling blurs walking through the mirage of midday heat. One was staggering ahead of the other two. As they got closer he could see that it was Vinnig and Stadig, the twins. Their captive looked vaguely familiar, and this worried Swak. Nimbly the gnoll hopped from rock to rock to make his way down to the den's entrance. Others were waiting much as they were when Swak was dragged in. It felt strange at first to be among their numbers in this ceremony. He took a spot up next to Maer and waited crouching like the others. In the subdued light of this inner chamber his eyes slowly adjusted from the blinding sun outside.

The anticipation was palpable in the room. Sounds of pawsteps on the sandy floor grew louder as the twins directed the other into the room where all the tribe lay in wait. Theprisoner stumbled a little when he reluctantly walked into the chamber, still somewhat blind from the bright outside. Swak's hackles raised in sudden realization of who this animal was. Even his scent was familiar. After all, you don't forget about someone you've grown up with. You don't forget someone who rapes you the night before you get kicked out of your tribe. Standing there nervously looking around was his brother, Sterk. Ah yes... one of his last memories of his brother was when he yelled an insult to him when his tribe kicked Swak out. Maer saw Swak bristle up and nudged the gnoll next to him. It was a surprising response coming from the "omega".

"STERK!" Swak bellowed out, making the other gnoll jerk around in surprise to the dimly lit beast perched above him. A moment passed between the two as they stared at each other, eyes locked. Soon Sterk's went wide at the revelation that he was looking at his brother. It was a look of surprise, followed by amusement, then of fear. The memory of the night before Swak was ejected from the tribe was still clear in his mind these years later, but it held a much different perspective. Now he had done something foolish and let himself get caught by these horrible beasts.

Swak jumped down onto the dusty cave floor without taking his eyes off Sterk's. He had grown over these years, no where near Grof or even Maer's size, but much greater than the ragged whelp he was when they dragged him to this place. The rage that boiled up in Swak was something he had never felt before. He felt if he was not careful such a feeling could consume him. "Brother... what are you doing here in our territory" he growled out. Sterk was just as arrogant now as he was back then. "Your territory? The Vrolik's have no territory! Nothing can survive in the waste" These words were met with a cackle from the surrounding gnolls, and for once Sterk was fully aware at how many there were. Fear gripped him, and made him reckless. He looked around at them nervously. Stained teeth grinned at him from above but still they did not pounce. What were they waiting for?

"And yet, here we are.... and here you are" Swak said with venom on his breath. All this time he was sizing his brother up, noticing how fat he got from the easy prey during the plentiful season's they had. He began to circle his brother, who turned to keep facing Swak. At this point Sterk's gaze dropped down to Swak's circumsized member. In a momentary lapse of reason he burst out laughing at how his brother had been mutilated, and it proved to be a mistake. Swak grabbed his brother by the shoulders and in a fit of rage slammed his head full on against the laughing gnoll's nose and muzzle. The sound was sickening. All humor drained from Sterk as he recoiled in pain and held his bleeding muzzle. The scent of the blood and action seemed to make the perched gnolls restless above them. It was obvious this was a personal fight.

Swak stumbled a little from the impact but regained his bearings and lunged into Sterk with a hard blow to his midsection just below his ribs. Sterk gasped and doubled over, trying to pull air into his lungs. His brother attacked him with unbridled fury, punching, clawing, and biting at him, some of which he was able to return. The two scuffled on the hard floor, kicking up dust around them as they fought each other tooth and claw. Cheers started to arise from the onlookers, and even some money started to change hands. For a moment the flurry of movement stopped to reveal Swak holding his brother tightly in a choke hold from behind while Sterk tried to kick and jab his elbows in behind him. His movement began to grow sluggish until finally his body slumped limply in Swak's grip. Panting and bleeding from wounds all over his body, he let Sterk slide from his grasp. His brother crumpled into an awkward position on the ground, with the side of his face against the floor and rump up in the air, a most unfortunate twist of fate.

From the crowd above came a chant that took on a mocking, excited tone "Annnnrand.....annnnnrand!". The show was far from over. Swak looked around as they cheered him to complete the rite of annrand. The omega earned his prize. Without hesitation he dropped down to his knees behind his still unconscious brother and yanked up his tail much like what was done to him that awful night. Swak grinned at how delicate Sterk's pucker looked, clearly he had never known the likes of being taken. With only the greasy sweat to serve as lubrication Swak stabbed his member under his brother's tail, straining to spear as much of his gnollhood into him before having to withdraw and go again. Eventually through several attempts he was able to hilt himself inside Sterk, who showed signs of coming around. The first sound out of his mouth was a pained yell and an uncoordinated struggle underneath Swak, who was now fucking him with every ounce of strength he could muster.

Amidst the struggle, Swak leaned down and snapped his jaws down on the side of his brother's neck, drawing blood instantly. The pain quieted Sterk's struggling to a dull mortified squirming. It didn't take very long for Swak's neglected member to throb and surge forth his seed into Sterk's bowels. The omega released his jaws and bellowed out a triumphant cry. Never before did he experience such a sensation. Sterk only groaned and layed there defeated. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

The others watching this scene play out grew rowdy and aroused by this whole spectacle. The scent of it was unmistakable in the air. Swak pulled his member from his brother's abused hole and stood up over him, exhausted. Before he could look to find Baas in the faces watching from above, he heard the large gnoll's baritone voice yell out "_ Vleis, broers! _". With that the room exploded into movement as the Vrolik's jumped down onto Sterk. This was not the ordeal that Swak had endured, this was far worse. His brother had failed to prove his worth. Claws and teeth were all over Sterk, tearing, biting, tugging, and gouging at his body. All he could manage was a pained scream before Goor's jaws came crushing down on his neck with a sickening crunch. The air filled with the scent of fresh blood as Swak's tribe-mates tore the gnoll apart, feasting on flesh and entrails as they were liberated from bone and body cavity. Gory muzzles snarled and yipped as the group heaved around Sterk's lifeless body like it was some prey species they caught. Swak had gotten his revenge, but the debt still had to be paid to his tribe. That arrogant bastard of a gnoll made a welcomed feast for them.

In little time all that remained of his brother was scattered bones and a wide bloody splatter on the floor. Only then did Swak pick up a bone and begin to gnaw on it. He felt an intense burning in his chest from the act, the final trial had been won. The others lay around in the room, sated and drowsy from the meal. He walked over and sat down next to Grof, who pulled him in against his side with his strong arm, almost forcing his muzzle into the big gnoll's furry pit. Every time he did this Swak could smell the gnoll's pit musk so intensely. "Well there Swak" Grof said, looking down at the omega gnoll "You've surprised us all today... and lost some a fair amount of coin". Swak's face turned red at the thought that some bet against him, but it didn't matter, it was all in "fun". "I never thought I could have done that, as much as I had wished it all these years." he said, looking down at Sterk's half fleshed skull laying not too far from the two. "I feel like its over, the last thread of my old life has been severed" Grof listened and nodded, giving the smaller gnoll squeeze with his arm "Keep his head, clean his skull. Don't forget what forged you and why today, you will watch the sun set and he will not"

It occurred to Swak then that he had never heard Grof successfully string this many words together before. It added weight to his message. All decisions had consequences, even if they did not arise until years later. Swak could have bargained for his brother's life but what was it worth now, weakened by surplus and arrogance. What an insane lesson. If he had been shown one iota of kindness growing up he might have considered it. That night Swak slipped out to climb up on the rock outcropping where he had been sunning himself earlier that day. A warm wind blew across the sun-baked waste and washed over him. Swak closed his eyes and inhaled the world's breath, and for the first time in his life he understood what it meant to be truly alive.

-Dee Coyote 2013