Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 “X and Y” excerpt: Version 1

Story by TheLoneOne on SoFurry

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#1 of One shots, Extracts, and Experiments

Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 "X and Y" excerpt: Version 1 (not chapter accurate)

AN: This is a one-shot written for a story on fanfiction*net that is a "After the Fade-to-black" excerpt from the end of the chapter. The story is called "Another Type of Alien Book 2: Assuming the Mantle" and is part 2 in a 3-part crossover series between Transformers Prime and Man of Steel. All three fics are T rated, and contain NO smut or lemon scenes, which is why this is an excerpt. It was written by request of the story's author, Rapidfyrez and is being posted here with his full permission. There will be a second, 'chapter accurate' version of this one-shot posted soon.

I recommend reading www*fanfiction*net/s/9560406/36/ at least first, otherwise you'll go through this scratching your head and thinking "WTF is going on?"

That said, onto the one-shot!

Jack kept her mind focused on anything but the tasks at hand, and moved through the motions. She was so busy in fact, that she didn't hear the bathroom door opening, and consequently didn't hear the shower door being opened, not until she sensed a presence behind her, and felt two metallic arms wrap around her waist.

She froze, eyes flashing open as she felt someone, and she had a pretty good idea who, pressing against her back. She looked down at the smooth blue metal hands, that were no bigger than Miko's, and the silver forearms they were attached to.

"Hello Kal." She heard Arcee purring in her ear, knowing that she'd prefer her Kryptonian name more than 'Jaclyn'.

"A-Arcee...What..." Kal stammered, looking over her shoulder at her girlfriend who was now standing under the water spray, her metallic blue 'hair' glistening with water as it framed her beautiful silver faceplate.

"Wh-what are you _doing_here?!" she choked.

"I was wondering if you wanted me to help you with your back?" she asked with a smile.

Kal thought for a moment. Though her face and chest were flushing bright red when she realized Arcee had gotten a good look at her backside, and suddenly realized that now she'd see everything else too.

'So what?' a tiny voice in her mind said. 'You were planning to go this far eventually anyway.'

"Yeah." Kal thought,"But as a guy, not...this..."

"Uh...sure...ok, thanks." Kal said, handing her the soap and sponge.

"Oh Primus...this is awkward..." she thought, as she once again sensed that gut feeling telling her this was not right, that she shouldn't let another woman touch her while she was like this, but she did her best to ignore it.

Though Arcee had never used either device before, it didn't take her long to figure out what to do with them. Applying a liberal amount of soap to the sponge, Arcee gently placed it between Kal's shoulder blades and started to rub in circles, steadily working over the bones, before moving down, gently rubbing her other hand over her tense back muscles.

"You need to relax Kal, you're so tense, it's not good for you." Arcee said soothingly as her hands reached the middle of her back, and then she looked further down.

Truthfully, she hadn't ogled Jack from behind, she'd kept her gaze firmly on her boyfriend's head, although technically now, for the next day at least, Kal was now her _girl_friend, but to her, it didn't matter either way. His mind could be trapped in a gender-neutral drone and she'd still love him.

So now, as she slowly knelt behind her partner, she moved her hands down to Kal's lower back, just above the two firm globes of flesh that she was now optic level with, she couldn't help but smile to herself, if Kal hadn't realised what Arcee was about to do, she would any second. And she was curious about human anatomy, what better time to do a hands-on study than right now?

She inwardly smirked at her own pun as her hands finally moved down and started to work the soap into the two mounds of flesh, kneading them gently.

"Mmm...Nice aft." She smiled as she heard Kal gasp, felt her whole body tense.

"It's ok Kal." She soothed, "We were going to take this step eventually anyway, so why not now?"

"Urm...I don't know Cee...I mean, if I were in my normal form, then yeah, I'd be all for it, but..." she said over her shoulder. Arcee paused as she saw the scarlet face of her partner, the discomfort and uncertainty.

"Kal, I don't care how you look on the outside, it's what's on the inside that matters to me." She then smiled up at her as her fingers continued to gently knead the flesh, even going as far to gently work one of her thumbs between them, which caused Kal to jump.

"Besides, from what I've seen so far, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Have you ever _seen_a naked human before? Let alone a female one?" Kal asked.

"No." Arcee replied, but quickly added as she felt Kal tense more.

"But I'm willing to learn, if you're willing to teach me."

Her partner snorted.

"What makes you think I_know anything about female anatomy? I've only been like this one day. Biology textbooks and the internet can only tell you so much. I don't even know how I was too freaked out to even _think about exploring last night. I'm still kind of freaked now to be honest."

Arcee mulled that over, then stood up and taking Kal's shoulders in her hands, she gently turned her around to face her. She looked into her partner's captivating blue eyes, that even in that softer female face, she could get lost in.

"I'm willing to learn, and I'm willing to take that journey with you." She smiled.

Kal blinked, her eyes widening as she looked down Arcee's body, her face flushing deep red as she realized the Autobot was as naked as she was. And just about as well proportioned.

She was actually surprised to see Arcee had breasts, and were a light silver colour, the same as her faceplate and forearms, though they seemed to lack nipples. Looking further down, she swallowed hard as she saw something between Arcee's legs that she honestly hadn't expected. A pair of smooth lips that came together, that, like her breasts, were silver, though the shade was a little darker, but, just like her breasts, they looked very smooth, but as she looked harder, she could see the small segmented panels that made up the lips, as if they were designed to retract.

And before she'd realised it, her eyes had focused between her own legs, and she felt her face burn. Her toned form, from both earth's sun and months of physical exercise and exertions, had more or less flattened her stomach, and her abdomen, giving her an unobstructed view of her own body. Though through sheer force of willpower, she'd kept her soapy hands away from that area, content to just let the water do its thing. She still wasn't comfortable enough.

But apparently, Arcee didn't have as many hang-ups. She stood there, letting the water cascade over both of them, washing the soap off of them, as she looked at her lover's body. As she'd freely admitted, she knew next to nothing about human anatomy, at least not from a sexual standpoint. From a medical standpoint, she knew enough to perform basic first aid, as mandated by June and Optimus following Raf's near-death encounter with Dark Energon.

To her, Kal's new body was interesting, softer, seemingly more elegant, and as she looked up at Kal's red face, she finally decided to ease some of her lover's discomfort.

"It's ok Kal, take your time, we don't have to rush this." She then brought a hand up and gently raised Kal's face to look at her, then leaned in. She felt the girl tense and pull away briefly, she saw the conflicted look in her eyes, before something seemed to finally click into place.

"Frag it." Kal growled, before she leaned in and sealed her lips to Arcee's. Arcee's optics widened slightly before they slowly closed and she let out a happy purr as she parted her lips and let Kal's tongue enter her mouth and start exploring, rubbing against her own glossa. She then gently took Kal's hands in hers, and placed them on her breasts, before gently cupping the Kryptonian's.

Kal, for her part, gasped into Arcee's mouth as she felt the femme's hands gently cup her breasts. Her eyes flew open, and she pulled back, their lips separating, and she looked down, her face flushing red with embarrassment again as she watched the fingers gently glide over, and ever so gently press into, the two mounds. She also started at the odd, but not unpleasant, tingling warmth that started to spread through her chest, and, despite herself, she let out a small moan as she felt Arcee's fingers gently stroke over her nipples, which were rapidly hardening.

Part of her was still screaming at her that this wasn't right, that it wasn't natural for another female to touch her this way, but her mind firmly beat down that little voice. This was either happening with Arcee right now, or it'd never happen while she was in this body at all.

"They're quite beautiful Kal, and yes, you can touch mine any time you want, as much as you want. In fact..." Arcee smirked at her, before leaning in and purring in her ear in the most seductive tone she could manage, "I order you to touch my breasts, Kal-El."

Kal gulped, before raising her own slightly trembling hands to Arcee's chest, and gently taking hold of the two mounds. Her hands stopped shaking almost immediately as she took their weight, and felt how firm they were. And for the first time, she realized just how smooth they were. They were even smoother than human skin, almost like polished metal, but they were as soft as human skin, and surprisingly warm. Kal could also feel the constant, steady pulse of Energon under the mesh, and as her fingers gently stroked and explored, Arcee leaned in and pressed her lips to her neck, letting out another purr.

"I had no idea had.....breasts....Arcee...." Kal gasped, finally starting to overcome her freaked-out mindset and starting to enjoy the intimacy and closeness, and thoroughly getting into exploring her lover.

Arcee chuckled as she pulled her lips away from Jack's neck, and moved up to whisper in her ear in that same seductive tone. "You never asked. Did you think my breast-plates were just cosmetic?" She then closed her optics and hummed in pleasure. "You've got really gentle hands Kal, you're quite good at this. You sure you've never done this before?"

"Quite...quite sure...I'm're lead..." Kal replied, her face flushing red again. Arcee pulled back to face her and smiled flirtatiously. "Oh, so you like what I'm doing then hm?" she asked, and gently stroked a thumb over the teen's right nipple to emphasize. Kal moaned slightly and leaned forwards a little, pressing her chest into Arcee's hands.

"...uh huh..."

Arcee took this moment to lean forwards and, with great curiosity, parted her lips, and took her lover's left nipple into her mouth, and started lightly licking it, while the hand that had cupped that breast moved round to Kal's back, then down to her waist, and then, with a little hesitation, continued lower.

She smiled to herself as she felt Kal arch her back, pressing her chest against her face in what she assumed was a deliberate act, but later would turn out to be instinctive reflex on her partner's part.

As they continued to explore each other's wet bodies, Arcee pulled away from Kal's left nipple, and switched to the right. Kal, for her part, was leaning her head back into the shower spray, her eyes closed as she moaned in pleasure. She'd had no idea her breasts could be this sensitive, especially the nipples. The more Arcee licked and even started to gently suckle, the harder they got, and the more they seemed to tingle.

Her breasts weren't the only thing either, her crotch also seemed to be throbbing. Of course, she was no stranger to self stimulation before this change had happened, she'd just had no idea it would feel this different...this good! Her crotch also felt warm, very warm, and she could even sense a slight amount of pressure somewhere near the top, she was a little worried, but her new female instincts seemed to be telling her it was perfectly normal, and if anything, Arcee should be concentrating there instead.

'I REALLY should have read mom's books...why the frag didn't I?' she thought to herself, as she unconsciously started to rock her hips, pressing her buttocks into Arcee's gently massaging hands...

'Oh Primus...that feels good...'

To her surprise, she didn't even cry out in protest or shock when she felt Arcee gently slide a finger between her legs from behind, and then slowly pull it upwards between her cheeks, she just didn't care anymore that Arcee was another female.

Deciding to explore a little of her own, she remembered back to how sensitive Arcee's winglets were while she was wearing her armour, particularly around their bases, and how even more sensitive they were without it. Grinning evilly, she gently reached around and up, and with infinite gentleness, started running the very tips of her fingers over the membranes of Arcee's winglets.

The response from Arcee was immediate. She stiffened and let out a muffled squeal, as her body started to shudder, and she let out another moan as she pulled her mouth away from the breast she'd been suckling, to arch her back, optics closed as the warm water poured over her face, and she let out a long moan that almost sounded like a musical tone, and then she started to shiver with pleasure.

"Ja-Ka-Ooooh.....! Kaaa-" her moaning cry dissolved from legible words, to gradually become something that, to Kal, _definitely_sounded like a musical chime, this wasn't like Bee's buzzes and whirs, this was actual musical notes, but they had a definite structure that sounded almost like syllables.

Kal opened her eyes and looked at her lover, panting with her open pleasure as she felt Arcee's hands start to massage her buttocks more insistently as she stroked the femme's winglets, and to her surprise, she felt Arcee pressing her pelvis against her own abdomen, and was stunned to realize she'd actually started rocking her hips in response.

'Is that true Cybertronian...? It's...wonderful...' then, after blinking several times, listening to the musical chime that had turned into more of a whimpering keen, her eyes widened in realization.

'Holy. Fragging. Primus! She just..._I _just...I just made her climax, just by doing that...damn Darby, you're off to a great start here...'

"Uuhh..." Arcee moaned as she buried her face in Kal's neck, she felt her knee joints weaken, and she sank to the floor of the shower, exventing heavily.

"Ar...Arcee....are you alright?" Kal panted as she looked down at her lover who was now kneeling on the floor of the shower, both of her hands on Kal's thighs, optics closed and mouth open. The femme seemed to swallow, then continue panting, as if trying to catch her breath, before she looked up at her, her optics full of love and...desire?

"Oh yes...I'm more than alright."

"I think you just..." Kal paused as she felt herself blush again, but this time it was less intense.

"Yes, I just had the Cybertronian equivalent of an orgasm." She then knelt up fully and gently pulled Kal forwards, until their lips met in a tender kiss. "Thank you." She whispered once they broke, and Kal stood back up, and Arcee remained kneeling on the floor, a smirk crossing her face as she looked down at her lover's body.

"Now Kal, it's your turn...What do we have here...." she purred.

Kal then let out a shuddering breath as she felt the feather light touch of Arcee's fingers against that region that she still refused to name in her mind. She jumped and her legs spread of their own accord, giving Arcee more room. The femme paused at Kal's reaction.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked.

"N-no...just, unexpected...I've never actually, well, I've never done this before, and last night, I certainly never....explored. And like I said, I don't really know much, if anything about women, sure I've got a general idea of the major parts and what they're supposed to do, but....other aspects...not so much. I know there's supposed to be something there that basically does what your wings just diiiii!"

Kal's words turned into a gasp as the tip of Arcee's left index finger very gently brushed against a small protrusion that she could see sandwiched between the lips covering Kal's interface port.

'It's not called that, they have their own name for it.' She reminded herself.

The very instant her finger gently brushed the little nub of flesh, her tactile sensors got some very strange readings, and Kal almost jumped through the bathroom ceiling. According to her sensor readings, it was roughly 2 inches long, filled with blood to the point that it's form had become rigid, and was one of the highest concentrations of nerve cells in Kal's body, especially near the tip, and was actually partially covered by a hood of skin that seemed to branch down into a pair of lips that hid behind the outer ones, much to her confusion, as she herself only had one pair of lips, and she didn't have a protrusion like this, though from Kal's reaction, it seemed to serve the same purpose as her winglets, at least in terms of intimacy....

'Huh, wonder what this is....' Arcee thought as she gently continued to stroke the soft lips, gently probing them, then she looked more closely at the patch of hair that started just above them and spread down, covering the outer lips, she cocked her head.

"Why have you got hair down here?" she asked. Kal, who was still panting, swallowed and looked down at her.


"This hair, what possible use could it serve? Humans generally keep this part of their anatomy covered by clothes, and if I'm understanding human customs right, hair usually serves to cover the head, and is sometimes used as a cultural or social status symbol. So why have it here?"

"Uhm....Ya know, I have no idea, I think it's just to show sexual maturity I think. But from what I've heard around the school, it's actually more common than not for humans, mainly women, to just remove it."

Arcee thought for a moment. "Then why don't you?"


"Why don't you remove it if it serves no purpose?"

"Uhm...well, mainly because of my powers, the whole 'invulnerable' thing kinda makes it hard." Kal said, still panting slightly as she looked down at her lover still studying her crotch.

"You shave your facial hair don't you? I've noticed sometimes you have a light stubble on your face, and sometimes you don't." Arcee asked. Kal nodded.

"Yeah but...I have to use a mirror and focus my heat vision, I set it on its lowest level so it doesn't break the mirror, and so I don't burn my own face off."

Thinking for a moment, Arcee shrugged, then reached up and grabbed the small mirror from the little shelf that was housing the soap tray, shampoo, a can of shaving foam and a wet-razor. Kal tried hard not to think about why her mother would want to use a razor, and instead, focused on her girlfriend now holding the mirror at an angle in front of her crotch, allowing her to get a clear view of it.

"What are you doing?" she asked incredulously.

"Helping you shave." Arcee replied with a smile.

"What?! Are you nuts?! I can't use my heat vision there! I could hurt myself!"

"Just do what you'd do normally, I'll hold the mirror and guide the beams, don't worry, I'll be extra careful." Arcee promised.

Kal took a breath to steady herself, before two thin, beams of red light shot from her eyes and hit the mirror, only to bounce off and hit her lower abdomen, right at the top of the patch, and she watched, and felt, as Arcee slowly turned and angled the mirror, slowly burning off the hair.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Arcee found herself looking at two smooth lips between her lover's legs, almost as smooth as her own, and to her, quite beautiful.

"There, much better, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Arcee smiled as she put the mirror back, which still had steam coming off it.

"I guess..." Kal said a little shakily.

"Now...I can really explore...and find out exactly what that is..." Arcee said to herself, almost eager, as she got comfortable and leaned in close, and gently started stroking Kal's lips with both hands, gently pulling them open to get a better look.

Kal gasped as she felt Arcee's fingers start exploring, gently opening her up, something she herself had refused to do the night before, she felt the tingling sensation in her crotch skyrocket to the point her knees started to go weak, and her toes curled, it had never been like this before, back when she'd been normal.

She then gasped again as Arcee gently ran her fingers through the inner lips, fully spreading them, then running a finger gently over the little nub, then down, over a small indentation, then further down, then stiffened, holding her breath as she felt Arcee gently slide an exploratory finger into the opening she'd found.

"Ar-Arcee!" she panted, breathing heavily, her eyes closed as her head rolled to the side, her chest heaving.

" like that?" Arcee purred, as she gently pushed the finger in more, until, about an inch in, she hit something and paused.

_"Yyyyeeeessss....."_Kal groaned, actually starting to thrust her hips towards her rhythmically. Arcee grinned, before leaning forward and opening her mouth. An instant later, Kal's eyes bulged as she felt the soft, warm metal of Arcee's lips close around the exposed little shaft, followed by the sensation of something brushing against it...

"Oh primus!" she yelled, putting a hand on the back of Arcee's helm and pressing her crotch into the femme's faceplate, her entire body going rigid at the sensation, and the unfamiliar feel of something sliding into her, but it wasn't overly uncomfortable. She clenched her abdominal muscles, instinctively trying to expel the intrusion, but instead, that just added to the pleasure she was now feeling.

'Is this what it's really like for women? wonder they enjoy using toys so much...'_Kal though, before mentally snorting. Sometimes, having a sense of hearing sharp enough to hear _every word being spoken in the girls bathrooms at school proved enlightening, other times, not so much.

"" she panted, opening her eyes, she looked down at Arcee, all reservation gone, she just wanted to get fragged now, she didn't care how.

Arcee looked up at her, her lips still locked around the little button of flesh, her glossa momentarily stopping while brushing gently along the shaft in an experimental lick. Their eyes locked, and Arcee saw the need in her lover's eyes.

"Push your finger deeper, just go all the way...I need it..."

Arcee tried to ask with her optics 'are you sure?', but Kal just reached down with her other hand and took hold of Arcee's hand, and pulled upwards, forcing the femme's finger deeper. She felt Kal stiffen for a moment as her finger broke through whatever resistance she'd met, and sank deeper, up to the first knuckle, then to the second. Her tactile sensors on her finger registered a small area of flesh that was a little more uneven compared to the rest of what she was feeling, and she felt Kal jump again as her finger applied a little extra pressure to that spot, though the rest of the passage had a very unusual texture to it, and for a moment, she wondered if she could reformat her own interface port to mimic this texture for when Kal was back to normal, and they tried this again.

A second later, and Arcee's entire index finger was buried inside her lover. It was a very odd sensation, especially considering her lover's usual gender and physical makeup, but, she reasoned, they weren't going to get another chance to do this, at least not in this form, so might as well make the most of it. At the very tip of her finger, her sensors registered something else odd that she hadn't expected. A small ring of muscle at a 90 degree angle to her finger, pressed tightly against the digit, and then Kal started pulling her hand back, before pausing and pushing it back in again, slowly. Arcee quickly got the idea, and took over, she also pulled her mouth away from the little nub, so she could watch what she was doing, for future reference.

It was then that she noticed the blood on her finger, she paused and started to pull it out, but Kal stopped her with her hand, and she looked up.

"I'm sorry Kal, I didn't mean to-"

"It' did hurt a little, but from what I've overheard at school since my hearing powers kicked in few years back, that's normal..." Kal replied, smiling down at her, hoping to reassure her.

Meanwhile, a part of Kal's mind was now screaming that this was wrong, that he should not be letting Arcee put a finger inside him! It wasn't natural! But the rest of Kal's mind had retaliated;

'We're not going to get another opportunity like this! This is happening now or not at all so just deal with it! Besides, after all the frag with Zod, then MECH, then Mongul? I've Fragging EARNED this! Yes I'm in the wrong body, but right now, I don't give a flying fuck! I'll take whatever I can get whenever I can get it!'

Gently gripping Arcee's hand, taking care not to crush it, Kal looked down at her lover, eyes half lidded with lust as she felt the femme's finger moving inside her, and she started to thrust her hips forward on each inward thrust, clenching her muscles each time, feeling her insides squeeze the finger in a way that felt weird at first, but now felt very good.

Quickly figuring out what her partner wanted, and what she apparently liked, Arcee again leaned forward and started gently kissing the now smooth lips, occasionally licking them, Kal's thrusts were getting more insistent, her breathing was getting heavier, and she was only slightly aware that the water had started getting cold.

'Thank Primus the Mass-shifter is waterproof...' she thought.

"You're getting close...aren't you..." she purred as she delivered at gentle kiss to the left lip, then the right one. Kal didn't answer, she was too busy panting and moaning, her voice getting louder, the clenching and thrusting of her hips getting more urgent, her body seemingly on autopilot.

"Arceee....!" Kal panted desperately, she was getting close, she could feel it. "Oh...oh....Oooohhhh!"

"That's it baby...come on..." Arcee purred, before pulling her finger out, and replacing it with her glossa, sealing her lips to Kal's lower ones. She honestly didn't know why she did it, and to be perfectly honest, she didn't care. The first thing that struck her was how...sweet...Kal was. And just at that moment, she felt Kal stiffen, and she let out a cry that seemed to shake the room.

"Uhhh....Primus! Arccceee!"

Which unfortunately...meant that she didn't hear the bathroom door opening...

A few minutes earlier....

June finished wiping her hands clean on a cloth and looked at the wall clock. 2:40. Jack had been in that shower 30 minutes now, which had thankfully kept her out of June's way, but the woman couldn't help what was taking her son-turned-daughter. As she headed towards the door, thoughts she didn't want in her head started to take root, and she started to see things she would have preferred not seeing.

'It's only natural he'd be curious...I mean, what guy wouldn't take time to explore if they suddenly found themselves...' she quickly slammed on the brakes to that mental train. She honestly didn't want to think about it.

As she entered the house and approached the bathroom, she stopped as she heard muffled sounds coming from inside, it sounded very distinctly like moaning.

Unfortunately for June, her sudden surge of maternal instinct trumped her sense of logic, and she quickly walked to the door and opened it, and the muffled sounds became an almost deafening cry.

"Uhhh....Primus! Arccceee!"

She froze.

Her jaw fell slack and her eyes bulged. And she felt her face heat up so fast she was amazed it didn't ignite. And with a sinking sense of horror, she realized she's just made a Mount Olympus sized mistake.

Before her, was a sight she would never have expected, though given recent events in her life (and her child's personal life), she probably should have seen it coming...but not like this...

Standing in the shower, reclining against the wall, was Jack, in that female body he was now trapped in for another day. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was open, having just finished a scream of pleasure.

And kneeling in front of her, her head firmly planted between Jack's legs, was a human-sized, and apparently naked Arcee!

'Oh god!...What have I done?!' she thought.

She gasped. Jack's eyes flew open and bulged when they saw her. Arcee pulled her face away from Jack's crotch, which, June unfortunately saw since she had the misfortune of getting an eyeful of, was completely smooth.



"I...I... I'm sorry!" she cried, before pulling the door shut with a slam, turning and running to the garage, wanting to put as much distance between that bathroom and herself as possible.

When she stopped, she was panting, near hysterical, and consequently didn't notice Kara or Void-Walker pulling up the drive.

'Oh god! I can't believe I just...that they...that-!' her mind drew a blank.

"June, are you ok?" Kara asked as she dismounted her guardian, and saw the horrified look on June's face.

June was trembling, her face was white.

"June?" Kara asked as she stepped forward, hearing her guardian transform behind her.

"Oh god....I think....I think I just ruined one of the most important moments of Jack's life..."

"What do you mean?" Void asked, cocking an eyebrow.

June swallowed and started taking deep breathes as Kara placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her.

"About half an hour ago, I told Jack to take a shower, she said she wasn't comfortable taking one in that body so I just told her to keep her eyes closed and make it quick, 5 minutes tops." She paused to get more of her wits back under control.

"Anyway...after I'd finished changing the oil in my car, I noticed it'd been half an hour since I'd last seen her, so I went looking. I heard moaning coming from the bathroom. So naturally I thought something was wrong and without thinking properly, I...opened the door...and I saw them..." her cheeks then flushed red.

"So you saw Kal in the shower?" Kara surmised, smiling knowingly.


"Oh." Kara said.

"'Oh'? You're not surprised?" June asked.

Kara shrugged. "It was bound to happen sooner or later, you know how desperate they were for privacy in that other dimension."

June blinked, "Yes, but...I at least thought they would have waited until you turned him back to normal."

"Maybe they didn't want to wait. Or maybe Arcee saw how distressed Kal-El was, and decided to do something about it." Void stated.

"I guess." June replied, then she did a double-take.

"Wait a minute. How do you guys know about..."

"Sex? We call it interfacing." Void said, "Different name, but the mechanics are virtually the same, and so are the necessary...physical components of the two parties involved."

June's eyes widened. "You mean you have..."

"The same basic female anatomy you and Kara do? Yes. So does Arcee. And yes, Cybertronian Mechs are fully 'equipped' in that regard as well, as much as any male life-form on this planet, or Krypton."

June blinked as she digested that information and she fixed the two of them with a look.

"Ok, I don't care how you do it, I don't care how long you have to do it for: If Miko ever finds that out, make sure she NEVER gets her hands on that Mass-Shifter!" They both nodded then she smiled with relief.

"Although, that will probably only delay them until Bulkhead, or Wheeljack, figures out what they can do with their sensor probes while in vehicle form." Void added, smirking at the confused look June gave her.

"Think Vibrators attached to prehensile cables." Void said. June's eyes went wide with surprise, and a little wonder, before that look of wonder quickly turned to horror, as she was clearly picturing what Miko would do with that kind of information.

She shuddered. "Make sure she NEVER finds out about them, not before she turns 18." Then, she paused, considering what she'd walked in on an just learned. "Well, at least it happened now while Jack is in that female body. I'm not ready to be a grandma."

"Well, unless Arcee _wants_to be Sparked, it wouldn't matter anyway." Void said.

"What do you mean?" June asked.

"A femme can only become sparked, or pregnant, if she and her mate agree to it. The Spark Chambers of both parties have to be opened for energy to transfer between them, and a new Spark to be born. Although the majority of new Sparks are born from the Well, it is possible for new Sparklings to be born without it, although this method was employed rarely, because it required the Sparked femme to ingest so much Energon and raw materials for the developing Proto-form, the necessary materials were sometimes hard to find in their raw unprocessed forms." Void explained.

"Oh. Ok." June said. She hoped that Jack and Arcee wouldn't be too mad at her...

AN2: Well, that's the first one-shot. What do you think? The vibrating sensor probes and Arcee's bio-sugar 'lubricants' bits are references to a story series written by Prander on Fanfiction*net, which started out as a collection of Jack/Arcee and Optimus/June lemon one-shots (very good ones too), so credit goes to him for that idea.

Jack's Girls - Chapter 4: Beyond Bounds

**Jack's Girls** **By TheLoneOne (Original story by Auumaan on FF\*net)** **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **AN: Ok, first off, I'd like to say a few things. A: THANK YOU to all those who have watched me/faved my story since the last update. The last...

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 3: Comforting a broken heart

**Jack's Girls** **Chapter Three: Acquiring Relics comforting a broken heart.** **Disclaimer: I own nothing!** **A/N: This chapter is LONG! 63 pages (14,086 words minus the Author Notes and title.), it's the longest chapter I've written for any fic...

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 2: Impressing Sierra

**Jack's Girls** **Chapter Two: Impressing Sierra with 'after-school activities'** **Disclaimer: I own nothing.** **A/N: Here's part 2 of Jack's Girls, the main focus of this chapter is Sierra, As I said in the Author Note for the previous chapter,...

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