*EXTREME* *CUB* Anja's Followup Surgery - 2014(torture/f)

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#2 of Dark Stories

A direct followup to Skinning Anja found https://www.sofurry.com/view/588737

Anja's mother, Fay, doesn't want her daughter to be focused on anything but her. To that end, Dr. Wense is employed to remove Anja's two year old clitoris, as painfully as possible. She's not a very nice woman at all, really.

Anja's Followup Surgery by tannim January 6, 2014

"Stop squirming, Anja, you're going to make it hurt before it's supposed to." Fay Crivens kissed her mostly skinned daughter's forehead. "Take a deep breath and relax."

"Dun wanna be here, 'gain." The toddler hated the doctor's clinic more every visit.

After the traumatic torture of having her skin cut off, she'd had several painful follow up visits to check her condition. Her mom had worked with the doctor, always talking about removing something, but Anja didn't know what what. She was too young to really know what a clitoris was.

Two weeks of recovery, though, and her mom had been talking about it a lot. Mrs. Crivens had avoided touching it just to make sure Anja focused on the pain of every activities rather than pleasure. The woman had wanted that button tortured off since the start, it was finally time.

Dr. Wense came in, wearing his lab coat, but nothing under it. "She's acting surprisingly normal given her condition. I wonder if she will after this. I've always wanted to try a laser on soft young flesh. So nice of your university friend to loan one to me for it."

"So long as I record it for him." Fay took a deep breath while the mouse checked the cuffs around her daughter's ankles, knees, and arms. "She's in tight and ready to go. The cameras are set up too, you just have to aim it and go."

Dr. Wense lovingly stroked the big carbon monoxide laser. He aimed it between Anja's legs, then turned on the low power fine tuning aiming laser. Anja's clitoris wasn't fully visible despite having no inner labia to hide above. The toddler's mother pulled Anja's skinned outer lips painfully wide apart to show it. Two needles through her daughter's lips and thigh muscle kept them that way while the little squirrel yelled at the pain.

"We'll try Engraving mode first." Wense flicked the switch and set the beam on.

Fay and Anja both watched intently, though there wasn't much to see at first. A second after it was turned on, though, the skin just to the right of the girl's clitoris let off a wisp of steam. Anja tensed up at a growing sting and Dr. Wense adjusted his aim.

"Aiming laser is a bit off I see... there, that's got it." He watched Anja as her bare leg muscles tightened. "Yes... A good low setting." The mouse smiled in pleasure at his victim's sudden pained crying. "AH, there she goes."

A powerful pain built on that sensitive nub. It was such a small laser beam that the burning was concentrated much like a bee sting. She couldn't help but see the steam wafting up with her head bound staring at it. The two year old couldn't do anything but cry at the burning agony.

Dr. Wense adjusted the beam width to cover more of her clitoris. Her glans darkened slowly with the engraving setting burning it slowly. Anja's sobbing intensified to near screaming. Her tender genital flesh cooked and steamed. Such a beautiful sight.

Mrs. Crivens stood next to him, watching. "Could you... narrow the beam again? It'll take longer burning a little at a time, even if you up the power a bit."

"I suppose you're right." The doctor refocused the laser, letting it dig into a pinhead sized dot. "Engraving it will burn away layer by layer, but I think you're right about more power."

Burning sting blossomed into full agony with the change. Her clitoris felt like it was being cut with the laser burning deeper. Dr. Wense moved the laser's beam back and forth over the small area, leaving a fine black line of burnt skin behind it.

The doctor smiled at his patient's sob finally turning into a scream. He widened the beam just a touch and again upped the intensity. Steam rose faster from the burning tissue. Shallow cuts appeared instead of lines with it searing skin away faster. Heat sealed the cuts as soon as they formed but they didn't stop the pain searing through her nerves.

Anja's muzzle opened and closed as the scream stopped for breath. Her body strained at the cuffs, rubbing the bare muscle raw enough to bleed a little. The girl's mother licked her lips, trying to imagine how badly it would hurt to have her clitoris burned off like that. Even the skinless lips around her clit were darkening from the laser's heat.

Dr. Wense turned it just a little wider, three millimeters, and let it sit in one place for more than a second. The steam wafted up faster, Anja squealed before breaking into a choking sob. It burned a hole deep into her clitoris before the mouse finally shifted it back and forth again to just burn another layer of skin off.

He looked into her face and smiled at the tears running down her cheek fur. The way her eyes were squeezed almost entirely shut from the agony made her so enjoyable to watch. His penis was stiff from her suffering more than her bare body. Torturing a toddler was a rare joy and torturing one with a powerful new toy was rarer still.

The sadistic mouse considered turning the laser off to drag it out, but realized he could just turn it down to just under engraving setting and keep it hurting without doing much actual damage. Anja's burnt nerves held the pain in well, like any burn, and even just a bit of heat made it hurt far worse. Setting it low also let him hold it in one place longer with only giving her clit something like a bad sunburn.

Fay squeezed her daughter's skinless hand. "You're so pretty while you're suffering, Anja. Does it burn, bad, baby?"

Anja just looked up at her mom. The pain was worse than when she was skinned. Her special place was just too sensitive. All the nerves down there were on fire and even with the laser set lower that fire built. She was too young to even understand why it hurt so much and in too much pain to answer.

The mother squirrel frowned after a moment. "Why is the laser so low? Turn it back up, it has to HURT! I want the worst agony possible for it for the entire removal. She has to feel it even after her clitoris is gone."

"Fine... I just wanted to enjoy it a bit longer." Dr. Wense turned the power back up and steam once again wafted up from the burning genital flesh.

Anja's eyes widened. Her thighs shook while trying to close. The shock that had kept her from speaking finally broke enough to let her pleadingly call out for her Mom. More tears ran down her cheeks. More steam rose from her groin. The agony before was nothing compared to the laser cutting through her sensitive button on high.

Dr. Wense moved the beam back and forth again, scribbling a millimeter deep burnt line at random into Anja's clitoris. It deepened where he overlapped lines and burnt through the deep hole he'd made earlier all the way to her pelvic bone. Soon it looked like somebody had slashed her two year old clitty with a razor blade repeatedly.

Burn line separations soon formed rough ridges of less deeply seared flesh. The ridges turned into tiny randomly shaped bumps as they were burnt down with further lines. Anja's squeals and calls gave out to a strained silence before breaking out again in a wail as more was burnt off. Her mother watched a very small lump at the edge of Anja's special nub fall to the floor where the doctor's laser play had finally cut too deep through the outer edge.

With no way to escape the suffering, Anja banged her head desperately against the chair she was bound to. She could only move it a couple inches, but it was enough to hurt herself. Both Dr. Wense and her mother enjoyed the show, but the padding made sure she wouldn't be able to knock herself out, even with the laser carving a full centimeter into her groin.

There wasn't much of Anja's clitoris left to burn, but there was more than enough to keep the pain going. The cruel light sliced through further, all the way to her pelvic bone but Wense kept it going. He rocked the laser back and forth over and over to destroy every bit of her pleasure center that he could with it. When he finally stopped, there were just a few ragged strips of tissue left deep in the not quite inch deep hole.

Her mother dropped to her knees in front of Anja when the laser turned off. She crudely shoved a finger into the hole where the girl's clitoris had once been. Fay twisted and turned her fingertip inside, loving the novelty of it and the tortured whimpers from her heavily suffering daughter.

"I still feel some bumps in here, doctor." The woman looked back at Dr. Wense with a frown. "I don't want any of Anja's clitor left intact. I'll do it myself. Just give me something rough so I can scrape it out."

The rabbit looked like he was getting annoyed with her. She'd already cut the fun short and apparently she was planning to take away the little bit of fun that remained, too. He crossed his arms a moment, then shrugged, glanced at the desk, and roughly slapped a simple wooden tongue depressor into her hand.

Fay jerked her head back to her daughter, and poked the flat stick against the girl's raw new hole. It was nearly twice as wide as the hole and even roughly scrubbing and twisting it back and forth against the opening, the tongue depressor simply wouldn't fit. Anja let out a choked sob from the stretching and grinding.

Mrs. Crivens stopped, briefly, to roughly twisted and snap the thin wood in half lengthwise. She didn't try to dull the sharp tip it left on top or remove the splinters before ruffly jamming it into Anja's former clit again. When it fit, the mother squirrel praised herself and set about scraping out the remaining tissue.

"You're cutting her with that tip, Mrs. Crivens." Dr. Wense still sounded annoyed.

"Oh hush, she'll be fine and I need that sharp part to get the small bits out." The squirrel looked up to her daughter. "You'll be such a good girl without this to distract you from what I tell you." She scraped roughly inside for twenty or so seconds and pulled it out to slip her fingertip back in. "Damn, I thought for sure I'd gotten something out. I can still feel all those bumps."

The stick was red streaked from where the sharp tip had done damage, but Fay simply stuck it back in and focused on scraping at the spot she'd felt the most bits of clitoris. Anja lay almost perfectly still. Her mouth was open and eyes clamped tightly shut. Every twist and jerk sent waves of agony through her. They didn't feel anything like the burn of the laser. That had been a smooth continuous torture. The stick scraping at her raw nerves brought random bursts of stinging pain like having dozens of needles stabbed in one after another and rubbed around inside and her mom just kept at it.

Her sob went silent again with only her heavy breathing and the sounds of wood scraping on Anja's raw flesh and pelvic bone to fill the room. A long whine built in the toddler's throat and grew louder in helpless agony before breaking into choked attempts to suck in more air again.

Fay dug out a splinter after rubbing her finger back in again, then looked at her half tongue depressor. There was tissue clinging to it. She simply turned the stick over to use the cleaner end she'd been holding. A trickle of blood leaked out and Dr. Wense pushed her out of the way and slid a finger in himself.

"If you wanted a smooth hole, you're not going to get it like this, Mrs. Crivens. All you've done is made it rougher. I'll smooth it out and destroy any bits that are left." The rabbit already had a heated cauterizer from the instruments table heated and slid it into the little girl's clit hole.

His tool wasn't quite large enough to fully fill the cavity, but he didn't want it to be. Steam and a nasty hiss came out of the gap and Anja's scream rattled around the room. Both mother and doctor watched her shake while her legs desperately tried to close. Wense did love how girls reacted to having their cunts burned.

He made a smooth circle around the toddler squirrel's raw wound three times, pressing firmly into the sides to make it burn it smooth. There was no hurry for the cauterizing and Dr. Wense took all the time he wanted. Ten seconds turned into twenty, then thirty, forty, a minute. He never left it in one place long enough to do deep tissue damage and even pulled it out a every dozen or so seconds before sticking it back in.

Fay pet her daughter's cheek to sooth her. "You're making me very happy, Anja. Your pain means I love you."

Anja couldn't do anything but lean into the petting. She hurt too bad to speak or even breath steadily. The evil thing just kept hurting, nearly as badly as the laser. It never stopped hurting, even when he finally pulled it out and stuck a finger in again, it felt like it was still in there, burning as it had before.

"There, that's it. Nothing left of her clitoris. I hope you're satisfied." The rabbit didn't sound too happy about what had happened, but only because he'd been forced to hurry it for the woman.

"Oh don't be such a fuss, Wense. You'll get to drag it out when it's time for her to visit the dentist." Mrs. Crivens sighed. "If you like, you can fuck her now while I get the car ready."

Anja wanted to go home. She wanted her body to stop hurting. She didn't want a large man who'd hurt her so badly sticking his dick into her again. At least she eventually got to go home, where she hugged the doll wearing her pelt and cried herself into an exhausted sleep.

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