Sink or Swim

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#1 of Sink or Swim

I just got finished with this little number here! took a lot of work, and a few late nights pondering what i should be doing with this story. i hope that this story is better than my last one ._., well without further ado, wait! warnings. for one, if you don't like male on male action, you definitely won't like this very much. If it disgusts, hurts, or offends you, then you should go now. . . you will be missed ;-; oh and also this is a story of a shark/canine hybrid and a cheetah, couldn't find shark/canine in the tags soooo yeaaaaaa.

Now without further ado, i present to you, a grouping of letters and words that creates a story! read on . . .

I've always thought that water is deadly, that in large amounts, it surrounds and suffocates you, and that if you aren't fast enough, strong enough, smart enough, you'll be dragged down and killed. But ever since that guy told me that one thing, I've always had a different view on water. His words still rang in my head loud and clear.

I recall that it was, "Water is like me, or you, or anybody. If you fight 'em, they'll fight back, right? But if you work with them, and accept their way of doing things, then they'll keep you afloat."

Strange, yet inspirational. Although, I still have my fear of water. Drowning to be specific.

"Nick!" Dennis shouts, bringing me back to reality.

"Yes!" I say shouting while standing up from my seat. I glance around, realizing that I was in class . . . well, sort of. It was a study session kind of thing, one that Dennis, the tall tiger standing at the front of the room, had started up and ran.

I feel my cheeks burn and quickly sat down. He lets out a sigh, probably used to me spacing out at these kinds of things. He had a casual look about him, wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans that fit loosely, though this just brought out his orange fur and stripes. He looked like a college student, actually being as old as me at 19, but despite that he was actually a teacher here due to special circumstances and the system supporting such fast movement. I wasn't really sure about it, but I'm sure my friend Aiden knew exactly how it worked.

"Nick, I'm sorry if I'm boring you but you should at least try to concentrate on the lesson." Dennis chides.

"Sorry Dennis." I say shamefully.

"Don't worry about it, I was just trying to tell you that class is over." I look at him, a bit surprised. I glance around at the other students and notice that most of them were getting up and leaving. Dennis reaches forward and scruffs my hair, not that I had much other than my fur. "Now run along little cheetah, go out and explore the world! Live your college life to the fullest!"

". . . What's with the whole inspirational professor moment?" I ask.

"I'm a very whimsical person." He says. He steps backwards, doing a back flip and then turning to face the door. "Now if you excuse me, I'm off to see the wizard."

"The wonderful wizard of oz?" I ask, joking with him.

"Exactly." He says cheerily. How he ever became a professor is still mind boggling to me. "Oh, and before I forget . . . how's Damon?"

"Shut up!" I shout at him a bit too loudly. The others were gone, but it was still a bit embarrassing. It may have seemed like it was a normal question, but I could hear what he was implying in that question. He skips out of the room, laughing loud and happily.

I gather my things and leave the room, quickly exiting the building and heading for my favorite place, the school pool. I practically sprint to it, dodging people in the hallway and jumping over a few of them who had dropped their books and were trying to pick them up. It wasn't hard for me to be agile, considering I was only 5'2'' which I considered short. But being short did have its advantages, like getting past large crowds.

After what seemed like an eternity, I had finally got to it, the swimming pool. It was an indoor pool, but the walls had a lot of large windows that let in plenty of sunlight, and there were bleachers from either side as well. I quickly climb up to take a seat in the far corner, trying to stay slightly hidden. And now for the fun part . . . watching soaking guys in tight Speedos. I may have a fear of water, but it didn't mean that I didn't go totally hornball, gay, fan girl over the guys on the swim team. Everything about it is just sogood! A sport where the guys have to strip down into such revealing clothing, showing off their well defined bodies for a hungry little cheetah's eyes to feast on. It was just . . . fantastic!

Most of the guys were either aquatic werebeasts like sharks, otters, and the occasional fish, but the others were actually in their human form.

The whole theory behind werebeasts is that we aren't part animal, but we can voluntarily express certain genes that were naturally found in us, or simply created artificially and implanted within us. Of course that didn't mean that we could simply become whatever animal we wanted. It was mostly left to luck and chance as to what we would become. The whole process was several injections taken over the period of a year, and then you would take a month long class for training in changing back into a human when need be, though most people didn't change back. Being a werebeast meant that you had enhanced physical abilities as well as a resistance to many illnesses. It was unknown to the specific reasons why, but these benefits were a side effect of the werebeast transformation.

But enough about all that science stuff, time to shamelessly spy on guys blatantly in public! I spot a shark, muscles perfectly defined from years of training and swimming, perfectly lean yet muscled for the sport. This had to be my favorite sport to spy on. The football team was full of good looking guys, yes, but they were all so . . . giant. It was a huge turnoff for me. In my opinion, there's a line between strong and gargantuan, and I wasn't into that kind of stuff. My type was closer to average. I like muscles on a guy, sure, but I don't want them to be steroid status. I want to cuddle and be hugged tight, but I don't want to suffocate between oddly large pecs . . . though I guess it would be nice in some cases.

I shift my gaze to a human, wearing a speedo that was just a little too tight. At first glance, it would seem like he was totally packing, but I've seen the trick enough to know that it was only bigger in comparison to the speedo. It wasn't small or anything, far from it, but I'd be lying if I was going to settle for just that. So what if I was a creepy single, virgin guy hungrily staring at a bunch of borderline naked men? I have my standards, and in that certain "area", they're pretty high. Besides, I was already into someone else.

I look away once again, this time looking for one particular guy. And there he is. He's diligently swimming his laps, not that he needed the practice. Even with the fur increasing his drag, he was still faster than everyone else on the team. He had a build of a canine, wolf in particular, taking the aspects of the muzzle and the tail as well as the fur, but he also had elements of a shark, like his back dorsal fin and smaller fins on the back of his heels, not to mention the shark tail, though it was admittedly smaller and fluffier than any other one. He had light, blue grey fur much like a shark's skin color, turning into a darker shade for his arms, back, legs, and head, as well as having dark blue head fur. Unlike most furs, he had somehow kept his human hair, though it did turn blue. The rest of us usually just had the normal body fur covering our heads, not that it bothered many people.

He was doing a crawl stroke at the minute, simply gliding through the water as if it was nothing, but I know he works hard every single day to keep on top. It was, after all, his dream to compete in the Olympics and win the gold.

"Spying on the swim team again?" I turn around, annoyed, but I quickly lose my scowl as I realize it's actually Aiden. He was sitting behind me, hands in his jacket pockets, lazily scanning the room. He's a malamute with the classic fur patter of black and white, though you would probably be too busy looking at awe at his eyes. He was born with two colored eyes, one being a deep crimson red while the other was a dark sapphire blue.

"We all have our dirty little hobbies. And besides, I'm waiting for a friend, what's your excuse?" I ask him accusingly.

"Waiting for Leon. He decided to tag along with his friend to the swim practice."

"You're twin, right? Can't he get in trouble for just barging into practice like that?"

"He asked the captain if he could join, and he didn't have a problem with it." he says, his eyes starting to actually focus, trying to find his twin. My eyes follow suit and spots a malamute much like Aiden. How did I not notice him earlier?

"Wouldn't he have to ask the coach?"

"He got fired, so the captain's subbing for him until they can find a suitable replacement. But enough about that, who're you waiting for?" he asks, but the way he said it, he probably knew who I was waiting for.

"Damon." I say, looking back to him. He was the canine-shark hybrid I was watching earlier, and the captain of the swim team no less.

"Damon, huh?" Aiden asks suspiciously. I growl in response, but it's weak and comes out a lot cuter than I mean it to be.

"Shut up. We're just friends." I say, slumping a little out of sadness from the "just friends" part. We had been good friends for as long as I could remember, and we still were. He would always be swimming, no matter what the weather was like, and despite my secret hatred for water, I still watched him.

Oh how I long for the days when i thought of him as a friend as well. I always liked those days. Though it was a lot harder for me physically, I still loved the fact that I wasn't totally head over heels for him and that we were just friends. Now whenever I try to talk to him, I get all nervous and flustered. I'm feel like I'm tripping over my feet . . . or is it paws? Maybe foot-paws? I never got the distinction.

I lean my head back and look up into the ceiling, the fact that there was also skylights up there letting me look into the deep blue that was the sky. I could still remember the day we met.

* * (Flash back, Nick's childhood) * *

I looked up to the tall man with dark black hair. He had a large lab coat on and held a white clipboard in hand, nothing I hadn't seen before. He was my doctor, this time at least. I spot a name tag that read "Christoph Avilion". He had gentle smile at the moment, but I could tell that at nature this man was much colder than he let on.

"So Nick, my name is Christoph, but just call me Chris, my full name's way to stuffy and fancy sounding for my taste. Now, I know that you've gone through a lot, but don't worry. I'll do whatever I can to help you." he kneels in front of me to look at me face to face, considering I was only seven. "You'll get better real soon."

I fake a smile. "Thank you Doctor Christoph." I say before turning away and sitting in a small, plastic chair. My dad, who was standing by patiently quickly bombards Christoph with millions of questions. He was one of the best doctors in the business and apparently whatever was ailing me was important enough that my parents pay a lot of money for guys like him.

"You'll get better real soon." How many times had I heard those words? They rang deep inside my head, but at this point they were just words. Empty shells. Hollow promises.

While they were discussing their adult stuff, I get up, walking towards the door. We were in a large hospital, and like with most hospitals, there was a garden, though it was on the roof. At least I heard that it was there. I had been through this whole process before. It would be at least thirty minutes before they were done and any tests were actually administered to me, so I had that much more time to explore.

I walk down a large hall towards the elevator, quickly going in before it closes. I press the button for the top floor and stand in the middle of the room. It was small and shaky as it went up, climbing higher much faster than I could have possibly imagined. I start to shake, gripping my arms as if to try and steady myself. I was always weak, plagued by some kind of unknown illness. Today was one of my better days, but I knew if I wasn't careful I could easily collapse, and if I did, my chances of living another day would . . . I didn't like thinking about it too much.

I steady my breath, trying my best to calm down. I focus on the strange elevator music. It was old and classical, and it made me feel nauseous, and this time it wasn't due to my condition.

After what seems like an eternity, the elevator finally stops and the doors open. What I saw . . . just took my breath away.

It was like a small forest up here, as if I was taken from society and transported away to some far off land. A place where civilization had never even begun to reach for it, perfectly disconnected from the world. I slowly walk into this seemingly magical forest and quickly see a strange path. I take it, slightly running along it and finding an opening in this paradise. I see the whole town in all its glory, everything lain out before me.

Out in the distance, I spot an old clock tower, long broken and abandoned, and further to my left, I see a forest, which was actually a large plot of land that this hospital owned. Apparently, the people who had owned the hospital were loaded. As I recalled my parents saying, the hospital was owned by two large families. The Avilion family, and the Kuro family. It would explain why my parents were originally excited when they heard that Christoph was going to be helping me.

I continue staring at the large expanse of land before me, loving the warm feeling of sunlight on my cold body, the soft breeze that seems to pass right by me and give me a whiff of clean air. I'm glad that up here the air isn't ruined by all the pollution, well, at least not as polluted as to what I'm used to. I stand there for a few more seconds, taking in every detail before I turn around, deciding to go back to my dad early and just sit. I was feeling a bit tired anyway, no use in over exerting myself.

I take the path back, but just as I was about to walk to the elevator, I notice another path. I let my curiosity get the better of me, being seven and all. I walk down the new path, hoping that it would take me somewhere equally amazing. As I walk, I notice that the scent of the flowers along the path get stronger, the breeze carrying with it the intoxicatingly sweet smell of all the plants. Although . . . there was something else, something a bit . . . salty. Chlorine? I hear a splash, making me stop in my tracks for a second. I start walking again, a bit faster.

"Just what exactly was up there?" I silently think to myself.

The plants suddenly stop, revealing another opening, but this one was surrounded by high fencing covered by a wall of vines. In the middle of this was a . . . pool? I slowly walk towards it. I always wondered what it was like to swim, but I never got the chance. I imagine that it's like taking a shower, but a lot more gentle. Like, instead of having water pelt you in the face, it just surrounds you, like a big hug. I walk a bit closer and notice that there was someone in there.


The person in there quickly surfaces, making me step back quickly. I trip over my own foot, landing hard on my butt. It was a boy, the water rolling off his skin. He shakes his head hard, effectively getting the water out of his hair and making it spike up weirdly before it fell relatively flat against his head.

He rubs his eyes, probably getting the excess water away from them, at least I think so. His hands drop to his sides and he looks up, a bit surprised. He quickly gets out of the pool, and to my shock, he's actually completely naked.

"Hi there! My name's Damon." He says cheerfully, reaching out for my hand. I take it and he pulls me up. I try my best to avoid looking at him since he's . . . well he's naked. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I glance at him, he's smirking at me. He was taller than me, and probably older than me as well.

"S-Sorry, my name's Nick." I say.

"So what brings you to this building Nick?" he asks politely.

"I'm sick." I say simply.

"Is that why you're face is all red?" he says teasingly.

"No, that would be because you're butt naked." I state.

"Hm? Oh right, I am." I look at him in shock and find that he actually was surprised at the fact. "I don't like swim suits, they just get in the way. Besides, swimming naked is the best."

"Well, can you put some clothes on?"

"Nope!" he says happily. "C'mon, we're both guys here, right?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess." I say reluctantly.

He turns toward the pool and sits down, dipping his legs into the water. I sit down next to him, my knees coming up towards my chest to keep them out of the water. "So why are you here?"

"I live here. Well, sort of. My dad runs the place, and I stay here a lot."

"So you just stay up here?" I ask, looking towards him. His face seems to darken, as if he was in pain.

"Not exactly. How about you? Why do you have to go here? I know you said you were sick, but what're you sick with?"

He was changing the subject, but I didn't mind. He didn't have to tell me anything; after all we had just met. "I'm not sure what I'm sick with, but I know that it's really bad. For a lot of my life I've had to go to doctors and do a lot of stuff. I had to take a lot of shots too. At least it doesn't really hurt that much anymore."

There was a silence. I glance over at him to see that he was staring at me. "So you're kinda like me then."


"I'm part of an experiment. I have to take a lot of shots too. They hurt really badly sometimes, but it's alright! It's for dad's job . . . and it'll help a bunch of people too!"

I looked at him incredulously, realizing that he had to go through the same thing I did, even though he wasn't sick. I . . . I felt really bad for him.

"It's not so bad, but it burns a lot. But that's why I have this place! When I'm in the water . . . it doesn't burn so much. And I really like to swim." He says the last part cheerily, but I can tell that he's been through a lot. His words . . . they were filled to the brim with pain. Suddenly, the smell of flowers and the fresh breeze seem to disappear, only leaving a strange silence behind.

I knew that what was happening to him wasn't right. It couldn't be! Yet . . . yet here he was, all peppy and content. He was just like me. No, he had it a lot worse than me, he had to go through so much more despite not having to . . . but he was . . . trying his best to be happy.

"Hello? You in there, Nick?" he says, bringing me back to reality. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"N-No, I'm not aloud." I say.

"Aww, I'm sure it'll be fun! And if you don't know how I can always teach-"

"There you are Nick." I turn around, slightly surprised. It was the doctor, Christoph.

"Hi dad." Damon says, a bit nervously.

"Hello son." Christoph says, just for a second turning harsh and cold. This man . . . he was the person who was running the place? He . . . he was ok with it, putting his son through hell?! He turns back toward me, putting on that fake smile for me. "Don't worry, Nick. We're just going to run a few tests now. If you could come with me?"

He held his hand out towards me, his smile turning a bit sadistic. I was scared, this man before me . . . what was he going to do to me? I started to back away, trying not to panic. But then I abruptly stopped as I felt something warm against my cold hand. I looked down and saw Damon's hand. I look up to him, staring nervously.

"Don't worry. It'll be alright. You got me after all!" he smiles widely, calming me down. I look back to his father, squeezing his hand a bit tighter.

". . . ok." I'm not sure why, but when he held my hand like this, I feel safe. For the first time in a while, I've actually felt something. All my life I was destined a sad and empty life, born to simply stay in with my books and such and only talk to doctors and my parents when they could actually look at me without breaking down. This one person was my friend, and I put my trust in him more than anyone else. He's been through my pain and more, and if he could try and be happy, it's the least I could do to try and live.

I had to at least try.

* * (Flash back over, present) * *

I recall that after that I joined the experiment with Damon, my parents hearing that with the physical change I could live even with the sickness. They were right for the most part, but I still felt the symptoms every now and then. It was hell, but I survived. It's funny, the only reason I had kept trying was because of him. He was my first friend, and I guess my first love. Funny how things work out.

I look down, seeking out the object of my affection, but everyone was already gone.

". . . How long was I out for this time?" I ask, knowing that there was someone behind me . . . at least I hope there was. Otherwise I was just some crazy guy talking to himself.

". . . About ten minutes. Practice ended early today." I felt a rough paw scruffle my head fur. It was an oddly smooth voice that seemed to just flow over you like water. It was relaxing and calming.

I turn around to see who it was, though I already had a guess. "I gotta work on that."

"You sure do." Damon says, smirking. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans today, both hugging his body relatively tightly. "You're just lucky I was here to make sure you didn't sleep here till morning. Don't want that happening again."

He lets out a laugh, almost immediately making me smile. I turn away, feigning annoyance. "You ever going to let that go?"

"Not a chance." He whispers into my ear. I shiver a bit as I feel his warm breath flow over my ear. "C'mon, let's go. You're place, right?"

"Why not you're place this time?"

"Awww, but you're place is so cool!" he says, over exaggerating.

"It's a tiny little apartment!" I retort.

"But mine has Vlad!" he was referring to his awful brother. "Need I remind you of the lewd photo shopped picture of you?!"

"Shut up!" I say, my face turning really red. "I still don't know how he made it so . . . realistic." I shudder a bit in disgust. "C'mon, I've never seen your house before. Please, for me?"

". . . Fine, my place it is." He say, finally relenting. I smirk in victory, only to have him playfully shove my shoulder. I went stiff as I lost my balance from the shove and falling down.

I brace for impact and . . . I never felt it. I open my eyes that had somehow squeezed shut and found that he had caught me last second. He was holding me close to him, his arms cradling me and his body squeezing up against mine. I could feel his warm breath wash over me, his every body part touching me in some way. He must have used his own body to suppress most of the shock from the fall. He helps me up quickly, much to my disappointment. I was hoping we could stay that way a little longer . . .

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok, no harm done." I say, trying to avoid looking at him. I'm sure I was blushing like an anime schoolgirl with a huge crush right now. I try to calm myself down, my face quickly cooling,

"For a second there" I silently think to myself. "he was holding me and . . ." my face turns red all over again from the thought.

"W-Well," he says after a while. "we should get going, it's a bit of a walk to my place."

* * (Perspective change, Damon Avilion) * *

I feel like an ass. I only meant it as a playful little shove and . . . damn it I'm terrible. For the whole walk he wouldn't even look at me! I glance towards him, hoping that he wasn't mad or anything. It didn't look like it. More like he was . . . nervous?

"Smooth move, Damon." I think to myself. "Make the guy you like scared of you, that's just great."

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrive at my house. I looked at it, hating it. This was my father's house, and when he was taken away, my brother's house. It was a large, Victorian style mansion, the outer walls white with vines running across them, giving them an old, cryptic kind of look. We walk in, greeted by several people who had worked and tended to the old place. They were always kind to me, and it was nice to have them around.

"Hello, master Damon." Elric, our main attendant says to us. He was a rather old lynx, around forty now. He honestly didn't look that old. If anything, he looked in his mid twenties, thanks to regular exercise and a strict diet.

"Hey Elric. Can you put some towels by the pool?" I ask.

"Of course sir." He says with a gentle smile. "I see you still love to swim."

"You should join us!" I suggest.

He starts to laugh heartily. "I'm far too old to swim," he may say that, but there was a reason why this man was all we needed for security on a regular basis. "and besides, the work around the house must be done! Even with Vlad gone, we must maintain order around here."

"Vlad's gone?!" I say excitedly.

"Now master Damon, I know that both of you are not on the best of terms but you must at least try to not be happy that he's gone. He's in a troublesome situation."

"You're just saying that because you're worried that you won't get your paycheck this week, aren't you?"

He looks at me, trying to act offended. "How could you say such a thing?!" he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But if you must know . . . that may have been one of my concerns on the matter . . ."

I look at him, smirking. "Oh shut up, master Damon." He says, despite me not saying anything. He walks away, leaving a certain pleasant feeling behind. We always had those conversations. In all honesty, he was much more of a father than my actual one. You know . . . except for the whole "master Damon" part.

I tense up, realizing Nick was still standing by patiently. I turn around and face him quickly, but I freeze in my tracks. He had a pleasant smile on his face. He looked so delicate, so gentle, so timid. It took everything I had not to hug him and just snuggle up in bed with him right now.

I quickly calm myself, gaining back my composure. "I'm gonna go up to my room and change into my swim suit, you can go into the back yard if you want."

"Kay." He says simply. "Heh, remember when we were kids and you would swim full on butt naked?"

"Oh yeah, I used to do that!" I say, slightly reminiscing. "Why do you bring it up? Want me to swim naked again?" I was only half kidding.

He looks away nervously and starts blushing. "Please don't." he says somewhat quietly. I was glad he was looking away, cause I couldn't stop staring at him. He was just so damn adorable!

"W-Well, I'm off to change." I say, quickly running for my room. After quite a bit of running, I finally make it to my room.

Unlike the rest of the house, it wasn't that elegant. In fact, over the years I've tried to make it as normal as possible. I repainted the walls a dark blue, and filled the room with regular furnishing, like plain desks and chairs and dressers. There wasn't any fancy design for the borders or any engravings. It was my own little world, my sanctuary.

I still remember how I wanted nothing more than to cut myself off from the rest of my family. I had no aunts or uncles or grandparents. From the start, it was just me, my older brother, and my father. My mother . . . I heard that she was one of my father's test subjects, using her for horrible things after she had fulfilled her main use for him; giving birth to us.

My father was one of the people in charge of medical experimentation. He tested countless medicines on countless people. It was obviously done in the shadows, but anyone in power who saw simply turned a blind eye. It was because of the experiments that the hospital actually got so far. Still . . . the werebeast experiments had taken it to a whole new level of cruelty.

Contrary to popular opinion from foreign countries, we didn't start out as animals, and it definitely wasn't from human/animal breeding. It happened about ten years ago, when my father's medical research company joined with a science company and researched on something of common grounds. What they were hoping to reach was a "perfect human". Imagine it, a world where everyone lived long, full lives, where we didn't succumb to sickness and where we were all biologically strong, forever on top of the hierarchy in this world. That was their justification.

I walk towards my dresser, pulling out my swim trunks. I keep recalling parts of my past, the pain and despair we had to go through.

For the experiment, the Avilion and Kuro groups experimented on a very small scale. In reality, it was the son of the Kuro group who was experimented on first. From there, apparently they hit a breakthrough with the subject and decided to try on a much larger scale. I believe I was the third to enter the experiment.

Of course, most of the researchers didn't experiment on their own children, but instead on orphans they gathered as well as children sold on the black market.

492 children gathered and experimented on altogether. Adults were rarely used, as well as teens. The whole change was theorized to happen better if the process was started at a much younger age. Out of all the children, only 157 survived and are living a normal life now.

I start to change, my body slowed down by my thoughts of the past. I hated my father for putting so many through hell. I still don't understand how someone could even try and justify such actions in the first place.

I look out the window and see Elric putting out some towels. "I wonder if Nick's gonna go out soon?"

I didn't like to leave him alone or out of sight for long, and not because I was totally in love with the little guy, but more out of worry. He had it especially hard back then.

Everyone back then in the experiment had to take a certain shot as well as performing various activities for testing physical abilities. The shots that we took all had different effects on our bodies, forcing them to react and basically change to suit these various stimulants. Now a days, they don't use such extreme measures, but many were still against it. I guess it was mostly those who had been through it . . .

For me, the shot had changed my nociceptors, the sensory neuron that creates a sense of pain, and made it so that my body would feel nothing but a burning sensation. In short, it made me greatly sensitive to heat. That's why I liked the water so much. In there . . . even if it still felt like it was burning, I could pretend that the flames where being put out by the water. Besides, the water's temperature did help quite a bit. It was always freezing on the top of the roof, and the plants always shaded me from the sun.

Back then, Nick had to deal with both his sickness and the experiments. I can't even begin to imagine what he had to go through. It may have helped his condition, but at what cost?

"Master Damon, I have finished putting the fresh towels out." Elric says, suddenly at my door.

I turn to him and smile. "I saw, thank you very much, Elric."

"It is my pleasure, sir." And with that, he left. I finish changing, pulling up the loose swim trunks. These were my favorite. I wasn't as restricted as I would be in skin tight speedos, and I could deal with the extra drag easily.

"Maybe Nick will join me today." I say, smirking a bit. Although I knew that it would never happen. He had a huge fear of water. He's never told me why, but I respected him and left it alone for now. But I still hope that one day he'll trust me enough to tell me.

Suddenly, I hear a splash. I immediately stop, my body frozen with fear.

It definitely wasn't anyone who worked here. They were all inside this time of day, so it had to be . . .


* * (Perspective and time change: Nick when Damon just left) * *

"Can't believe he's gonna swim right after coming home from practice." I mutter to myself.

I look around, admiring the décor of the place. It was very well kept, due to all the hired help. I decide to walk around and explore a bit more. In the room, I felt tiny in comparison to everything else. The ceiling was high, with giant crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The walls were a simple white with a strange, gold vine design running across it. It resembled the outside, but seemed much more elegant and detailed. The floor seemed to be marble, being cold under my foot paws.

I wander about a bit more, walking towards the large door to the backyard. Once I get to the door, I gently open them, stepping into the warm sunlight. The garden was incredible, a small little maze of exotic plant life. Directly in front of me was the pool. it was amazing. It was shaped like a large U, the wings of the pool piercing into the garden.

"Must be a pain in the ass to keep leaves out of it." I think to myself. I walk a bit closer, seeing pool chairs near the pool with towels laid out of them. "I guess I should sit down for now."

Suddenly, pain spikes through my entire body. I grip my chest, feeling like I was going to explode.

"F-Fuck, an attack." I think to myself. "I-I didn't think that-"

I try to scream out in pain, but nothing comes out. I try to walk towards the pool chairs, but I could barely see anything with the pain coursing through me like this. I felt like I was burning up, as if I was going to just turn to ashes any second now. It's been a while since my condition got this bad.

I try to stay calm. I knew what to do. I had to walk for a little bit then lie down. I definitely can't collapse or black out. I have to work through the pain.

I keep walking forward, trying to focus on the thing in front of me. And then . . . abruptly, the ground seems to disappear. I was falling.

"That's right; the pool wasn't that far away." I think to myself as I fell in. I could feel it, the icy cold water engulfing me, taking away my breath. I start to panic, but I couldn't move at all at this point. The pain . . . it was just too much. All I could see was black, but that was because I had my eyes shut, right?

As I fell deeper, or at least I think I was going deeper, I slowly started to relax. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't move, and even if I could, I couldn't swim anyways. I would probably just flail around and drown anyway.

"This is it, isn't it?" I think to myself. "I'm going to die."

My lungs start to burn. I try to scream out for help, but nothing came out. The darkness thickened, pressing harder and harder against me. It was suffocating me.

Suddenly, I was a child again, helpless and dying, trying his best to take another breath to live just one second longer! But every time I tried, I failed. The darkness seemed to get even darker, gripping me even harder.

I always thought that when I died, I would have my life flash before my eyes, but that wasn't it. All I could see was just . . . black. And the only thing I could think of right now was Damon. I wanted him to come rescue me, take away all this darkness and . . . let me live another day.

. . . Even as a child, I knew that death could take me at any second, but I desperately tried to survive. I want to live for another day, to see my friends, to fall asleep in class, to spy on the swim team, to space out, to . . . to love Damon.

That was my biggest regret, wasn't it? I never even tried to confess to him. I just pocketed my feelings away.

. . . If I could have another chance, I would tell him I love him. I would tell him that he was the only reason why I tried so hard back then to live. He was the reason I was alive today.

Out of nowhere, I feel something oddly warm wrap around me, pulling me. Soon, the feeling that I was being smothered faded, I felt a bit relieved.

I cough hard, spitting out the water that I had swallowed. I tried to open my eyes a little and was surprised by what I found. I saw Damon, holding tight to me and trying to drag me out of the pool. I still couldn't move much, but the pain had gone done considerably. I closed my eyes again, still a bit out of it.

I felt Damon drag me across the pool floor. He was probably at the pool ramp right now. I groan in pain as he placed me on the ground. I open my eyes to see what had happened. We were out of the water, I knew that much at least.

I saw him kneeling over me, sighing in relief as I looked at him. Then . . . he did something I didn't expect. He buried his face into my chest, sobbing lightly.

"I . . . I'm sorry." He whispers. I closed my eyes again, unable to stay awake any longer.

* * * *

I opened my eyes slowly, my whole body stiff. We were in Damon's room. I try to move, but something seems to stop me. I stop trying, still tired for some reason.

There was a strange warmth around me, which was good since my fur felt a bit wet. From what I could tell, I was naked. It was strange, but I didn't continue questioning it.

I shift a bit, starting to wonder what I was leaning against. It was warm and firm . . . it was actually very comfortable. I reached with my paw and touched it lightly. Whatever it was, it was damp too. But that was to be expected, considering I was fairly wet.

"Careful with those paws." Damon says. I look up, seeing Damon looking right back at me. My face started burning up with the realization that I was lying on Damon. "Not that I mind them that much."

I start to move away, but I'm quickly stopped by Damon's arms wrapping around me. "Careful buddy, you almost drowned, and I'm pretty sure you're still weak from all that happened. You had an attack, right?"

I stop moving so much and then nod slowly. Suddenly, the events that had just taken place came rushing back.

"I . . ." I say. "I almost died."

I turn around, hugging Damon and sobbing lightly as the events of what just happened really set in. I felt his paw slowly stroke my back gently. It seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks, the fact that I almost drowned and that the only reason I was alive right now was Damon.

I was feeling a blur of emotions, all speeding at a hundred miles per hour. I was terrified that I almost died, depressed that I had given up so soon and was a helpless little brat again, and really happy that I had Damon with me right now.

"It's alright now, I got you." he says gently.

"T-Thank you Damon." I say through the sobs.

There were a few minutes of silence, just him there, comforting me. After a while, I stopped sobbing, but I didn't say anything. I just sat there in his arms, hugging him fiercely.

He starts to shift, probably uncomfortable. I moved away. "S-Sorry, I guess that was a little weird."

"N-No! It's perfectly fine!" he says suddenly. I look at him. He was . . . blushing? He nervously scratches his neck, embarrassed about the situation. "A-Anyways, I should be the one apologizing . . ."

I look at him, confused. "What're you talking about?" I ask.

"Well . . . I left you alone." He says, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I knew you couldn't swim and that you still had that medical condition. I . . . I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry."

I punch him in the chest lightly, still a bit stiff from everything. "You idiot."

He looks at me, a bit surprised. "You couldn't have known that my condition would suddenly worsen like that. And besides, you came to save me, right?"

"But I was also the reason you almost died!" he shouts suddenly.

I lean forward, hugging him again. "You really are an idiot. You didn't have anything to do with it, and besides, you've saved me twice now."

". . . and just what do you mean by that?" he says, still a bit sad.

"I never told you about why I'm so scared of water, did I?" I say. He shook his head. "When we were in the werebeast experiment, we all had to take a shot that created a different reaction in everyone, right? My reaction to it was suffocation. My body would feel like it was being crushed by a great pressure, and my lungs would stop functioning in response. It was a simulation of drowning, being smothered, suffocation."

I look at his face, he seemed a bit surprised. "After every day of going through that, I started to develop a phobia of it. My fear was naturally directed at water, since it was the easiest to accidently drown in it. The water that you loved so much . . . it was the thing I hated most."

"I wanted to die, desperately." I say, continuing with my story. "I was tired of constantly being watched over, and the new treatment I was receiving wasn't helping at all. It was the last straw. Being told that they were going to try their best to help me, watching my parents look at me, bewildered by what was ailing me, it killed me. I was tired of being everybody's charity case, being drowned in their attempts to give me hope and having it so easily shattered. But the day I met you . . . the day you came into my life, you showed me something really important."

I look deep into his eyes. They were such a nice hazel color, almost shining gold. He felt warm, like the sun. "I saw you suffering the same fate as me. You had to go through being observed carefully as they experimented this and that on you, reduced from a human to a simple test subject. Yet you still looked so happy, as if you were trying your hardest not just to survive, but to live. You . . . you gave me the will to survive every time I thought that it would be easier to die."

A flash of surprise crosses his face, but it's quickly replaced by a gentle expression. He pulls me in for a hug, his damp fur rubbing against mine. I purr quietly at the feeling. He was wet, but he was still warm. I always enjoyed a good source of heat since my body was always a bit cold. Who needed a jacket when I had him?

I bring my hands up to his chest, enjoying the feeling of his toned chest. At that moment, I wave of exhaustion washed through me, causing me to drop my hands . . . right onto his crotch. I was expecting swim trunks, but all I felt was his sheath. It was much bigger than I expected, even with all the times I tried to scope it out through his speedos at practice. I heard a growl emanate form deep within his chest and quickly moved my hands away. I backed up quickly, falling backwards.

I was laying on my back, face bright red. At least I also learned that I was naked, too. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"N-No! Don't apologize, it was my fault anyway. And besides . . . not like I didn't enjoy it or anything." He said the last part quietly, but I heard it loud and clear.

". . . Wait . . . why are we both naked?" I ask accusingly.

"W-Well, your cloths were soaked." He says simply. I get back on up and look at his face. He was oddly interested in the bed sheets at the moment, and I'm pretty sure that his fur was more of a bluish color, not exactly red. "I couldn't just let you get sick or anything. And I heard that a good way to keep warm was to get close to someone and use their body heat, so I took off my cold, wet trunks and started hugging you. I also started to towel us both off, since I know you don't like using a fur dryer."

I stare at him, a bit angry, but also a bit turned on at the idea of him carefully toweling my fur in my sleep. I shivered a bit, feeling the cold air brush over my slightly wet fur. I let out a sigh and leaned in towards him again, lazily placing my hands on his chest while staying close to him. "Fine, but I'll only forgive you if you keep me warm for now. You always were unbearably warm."

"Heh, still am." He says nervously. ". . . but there actually was . . .something I wanted to talk about." I looked up, a bit shocked. "You . . . you saved me too, back then. For all that time, my only reason for going along with the experiment was that I was helping some random person in the future . . . and after a while . . . I knew it was just some lie they made up to get me more cooperative. But when you came along and started in the experiment, I knew that I really was helping someone, that maybe through my sacrifice . . . you could live a bit longer."

I feel his arms wrap around me in a tight hug. "You were the reason I tried for so long. You saved me too. Without you, I probably would have been a bitter, hateful person like my brother, going out of my way to make other people's lives a real hell. You were the only one back then to show me any kindness, and I can never be thankful enough. Showing me how to be kind, giving my actions meaning and purpose, thank you."

I was . . . I was speechless. To think that something like that happened . . . well I know one thing at least. Knowing that I helped him just like he helped me, it made me unimaginable happy right now.

"So . . . I guess we both saved each other, then." I say.

"Yeah. I guess so." He smiles widely. He was always so happy, so relaxed, as if the scars from so long ago were finally fading away, being covered by the happiness of what was happening now. Without thinking, I start to lean in. I was probably caught up in the moment, but I didn't care. Gently, I placed a small kiss on his lips and drew back just as fast.

He looks down at me, staring into my eyes. I could definitely see the surprise there, but also . . . I saw a bit of happiness, as if he was waiting for a long time for me to do that.

"Sorry." I say, apologizing for probably the thousandth time that day. "But I made a promise that I wouldn't hesitate anymore."

He smiles at me. "Well, that's good." He kisses me this time, lingering for just a bit longer. "Cause I probably would have never made the first move."

I laugh a bit. "What, not the dominant type?"

He glares at me, smirking evilly. He starts kissing me once again, but much more intensely. I could feel his tongue invading my muzzle. It was so big and warm and . . . well wet. I'm not sure how else to describe it, but I know I enjoyed it deeply. I could feel it slowly going over every little place in my muzzle, not letting one thing go unexplored. I felt his body press into mine, slowly forcing me backwards. I quickly relented to him. I felt his paws run through my fur, his claws raking me ever so lightly, making me shiver. I moaned at his ministrations, unable to resist anything he had the offer. Abruptly, and much to my displeasure, he pulls away.

"That dominant enough for ya?" he asks with a playful smirk.

"You big idiot." I say, panting. "Got me so worked up for nothing." I pouted a bit, which made Damon laugh. I couldn't help but smile when I heard it.

I yelped a bit when I felt him suddenly pick me up. I felt his paws go to my back and butt as I held onto his torso with my legs and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"C'mon." he say.

"W-where are we going?!" I say, slightly shouting.

"To the bathroom."

"C-Care to t-tell me why?!"

"To wash the chlorine out of our fur, silly!" he says, as if it was such an obvious thing. "Of course . . . that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun while we're at it."

I start to blush, trying my best to hide it by burying my face in Damon's neck. He starts growling again, making me whimper a bit.

"S-Sorry," he says. "Kind of a reaction to . . . certain things I guess." He says, obviously embarrassed to admit specifically why he growled.

A few seconds a go, I thought I couldn't feel anymore embarrassed . . . I was wrong. Although, I was relieved to know that when I accidently touched his sheath that he wasn't angry. He walks towards the bathroom in his room, holding me tightly to his chest as he goes forward. Every step he takes seems to make my heart go a little faster each time out of anticipation. What would we do in there? I've never done anything like this before . . . I didn't have the slightest idea of what we would be doing. Was I even ready for something like this?

I start panicking. Wait, wait, wait, wait! This is Damon we're talking about. I can trust him.

I can trust him.

* * * *

"I'm gonna start rubbing now, ok?" Damon says nervously. I nod in response. "T-Tell me if it starts hurting . . . this is kinda my first time doing anything like this." I expected as much, though I probably wouldn't have been too surprised if he did this with one of the guys on the swim team.

I could feel his strong, yet gentle paws start working, making me moan and shiver in pleasure. It was the first time I ever really experienced anything like this.

"Ow!" I say suddenly.

"W-What happened?!" he says worryingly.

"Your claws, don't worry, you didn't draw blood." I say, looking down and examining the fur that he was scrubbing with soap just a few moments ago. I hear him let out a sigh of relief. Apparently he was a lot more nervous than I thought. "You know, I have to admit that I wasn't expecting for us to actually clean ourselves when you said we were going to wash our fur."

"Well, the chlorine could damage your fur, and I don't like the idea of it losing its fluffiness." He says, continuing to scrub my fur.

"M-My fur isn't that fluffy." I retort, squirming a bit. I didn't think that him scrubbing my fur could feel so good.

Suddenly, my body goes rigid, making it extremely hard for me to stay standing. I can't stop shaking, electricity seeming to run through my body. I glance over my shoulder and see Damon gripping my tail.

He looks at me, smirking a bit. "Got a sensitive tail, now don't we?" he says smugly, slowly stroking my tail.

"F-Fuck you Damon." I mutter. "A-All werebeast h-Ha- Ahhhh -ve sensitive tails, you know that you dIIIICK. F-for some reason extra n-nerves develop at the tail."

He starts laughing loudly at my reaction, letting go of my tail. I quickly turn around, glaring at him. "I-I'm sorry, but it's too damn funny!"

I quickly go forward, hugging him at the waist. He stops laughing immediately. He looks at me nervously. I could feel the stream of water coming down on both of us, soaking our fur and rinsing the soap out of mine. I quickly reach for his thick tail and grab a firm hold of the base, making him yelp out in surprise. Now it was my turn to laugh.

He falls down, taking me down with him. "Hahaha, you're right! It is too damn funny!"

I stop laughing, feeling something poke me near the neck. I let go of his tail, leaning back a bit. Much to my surprise, I see his sheath, a lot bigger than it was before, with a bit of his red cock poking out.

I glance up at him, smirking. ". . . Got a sensitive tail, now don't we?" I say, repeating the same words he used on me.

He just looks away, blushing madly. I see his entire body tense up as I firmly grab his member. He looks at me, a bit surprised at what I was doing. "W-What're you-"

"Don't worry. Think of it as my way of saying thank you." I say as I start stroking him tenderly, coaxing more of him to come out of his sheath. I hear him moan softly. It wasn't that long until he was fully erect. I gasped a bit, not expecting that he'd be so . . . big. He was about eight inches long, with a girth of maybe 2 inches? I wasn't exactly sure about it, I am a virgin.

Without thinking, I lean down, giving a soft lick to the tip of his red cock. It was amazing just how hot it was, not to mention the taste. I licked it again, this time getting a drop of pre. It tasted kind of salty and . . . musky? I wasn't sure how to describe it, but whatever the taste was, it really turned me on. I go down to the base of his cock, wrapping my tongue on it and licking it. I worked my way up, enjoying the little moans and groans I got in response. He put his paw on my shoulder, squeezing lightly. I look up, a bit worried I did something wrong, but all I saw was his head leaning back, a huge grin smeared across his face, and his tongue lolling out. He wasn't panting or anything . . . at least not yet.

I decide to go lower, sticking my nose right into his balls. I take a slow, deep breath, loving the smell. Usually dogs didn't smell good when wet, but since his was a mix of shark genes, you could still smell the natural musk without the strange, earthy smell of wet fur. I was also glad he didn't smell (or taste for that matter) like fish. Despite the whole stereotype of how cats love fish, I did not like eating fish all that much. Ironic how I fell in love with this guy.

I lick from the underside of his furry orbs to the base of his cock, then repeating until I was sure I tasted every single inch of them. I then take one of them into my mouth, suckling and massaging it lightly with my tongue.

"Ahh, fuck." I hear him moan above me. I was slightly relieved when he had said that. I really did want to please him, though. I don't know why, but the fact that I was making him feel good sent shivers through my body, as if all I wanted to do was make him feel good. It was like a bit of his pleasure was my own.

I let go of his balls, moving back up to his hard dick that was neglected at the moment. I take the tip of it into my mouth, using my tongue to tease the underside. I used my right paw to slowly knead and massage his balls, using the other paw to stroke what wasn't in my mouth. I went a little deeper, using my tongue to lick and tease the underside as I went down a few more inches, getting another moan from Damon. I go deeper, encouraged by the reaction I was getting from Damon. After about going down four inches, I simply bob my head slowly, constantly teasing his cock, swallowing spit and quite a bit of pre every now and then.

I didn't think that my first blow job would feel this . . . satisfying. The heat from his hard cock, the strange tasting pre, how his hard dick seemed to fill my muzzle, and best of all, him shivering and moaning, head swimming in pleasure. Just knowing that I was doing this to him . . . it sent shivers down my spine, right up to my tail.

I felt his knot start to develop, switching from stroking to rhythmically squeezing and massaging his developing knot, getting a sharp yelp.

I immediately start to pull off, but I'm stopped short by Damon's paw. "N-No! P-Please don't stop . . . so g-good."

I blush a little, letting out a small moan. I squeeze down on the knot a little harder while sucking on his cock hungrily. He moans louder this time. I continue bobbing my head, going down about 5 and a half inches down on him now, licking hard and suckling lightly. I feel his dick start to throb, somehow getting bigger. I feel his knot, fully engorged at this point.

"Ahh." He moans out, panting a bit. "F-Fuck, don't stop . . . please." Damn, glad I wasn't jerking off while giving him a blow job, cause I almost came from him saying that. I start sucking harder, taking more of him down. I could feel him touching the back of my throat, but I ignored it, way too busy trying to get him to cum in my muzzle. I move my hand away from his balls, putting them behind his knot and gently pulling on it, using my other paw to massage and squeeze the rest of his knot.

"G-Gonna cum!" he shouts, moaning loudly. His entire body starts shaking from the intense feeling of the orgasm taking over his senses, making him shudder in pleasure. I could feel his cock throbbing, and suddenly his hot cum shot out, filling my muzzle quickly. I swallow maw full after maw full, savoring the strange bitter taste of his cum. I heard him cry out in pleasure as his paw held my head down, making me swallow every last drop of his hot cum, making me shiver and moan a bit.

It seemed like it would never end, his balls draining himself dry of what seemed to be every drop of cum in his body. I felt like I swallowed about 2 cups worth of the stuff before he was finally slowing down. I felt his paw move from my head to my shoulder, squeezing lightly. Although his orgasm had died down, I kept sucking on his dick. It was still surprisingly hard.

"F-Fuck! That was fucking awesome." He says, panting heavily. I slowly let his member slip past my lips, slapping his toned abs.

I sit up, looking into his eyes, just kind of staring. He grins, leaning forward and kissing me passionately. I felt his tongue going into my muzzle, licking over my tongue as if to try and taste his cum on it. He moans into my mouth, making me grin a bit. He could probably taste himself. His arms wrap around me, bringing me closer to him until our bodies were touching. I moan a bit as Damon's spit ad cum covered dick squished against mine.

He breaks the kiss, still holding me close. I reach down between us and take his still rock hard member and start to stroke it gently.

"Hehe, looks like someone's still excited." I say, giggling a bit.

"Can't help it when I have such a cute little cheetah around." He takes one of my ears into his muzzle, lightly nibbling and licking it. I start squirming, conflicted between the feeling of being tickled and the strange new pleasure.

"Haha, stop!" I say, squeezing his dick a bit harder, stroking faster. After a few more nibbles, he finally lets my ear go, releasing me from the hug as well, though I was still jerking him off. "Hmmm, it looks like you still got a bit of a problem there."

"Yeah, I guess I do." He says quietly, enjoying the feeling of my paw wrapped around his cock.

"I know how we can handle this." I say seductively. "But first, got any lube?"

He quickly stands up, jumping out of the shower. I just kept sitting there, wondering where he was running off to. I hear the medicine cabinet in the bathroom open, some shuffling and a loud clunk following. I glance over to him and notice that he was only a few feet away, holding a bottle of lube. He quickly jumps back into the shower, accidently slipping and falling . . . right on top of me.

It didn't hurt, his paws stopped most of the fall, both right next to my head. His paws slip again, making his body squish against mine. My face was centimeters away from my own. I could feel his hot breathe as he kept panting, his body slowly rubbing up against mine.

"Heh, twice in one day." He whispers.


"Yeah, when I accidently pushed you, remember?"

"Oh right!" I say, recalling the event. He gets up, picking up the fallen bottle of lube. "Why do you have lube in your bathroom anyway?"

"I don't need it anywhere else, I only use it to jerk off, and I don't like jerking off in my room. Too messy, considering how much I usually cum."

"Well, at least it's convenient." I say. I reach for the lube, but Damon brushes it away.

"Hey, you helped me out, it's only fair I at least help you prepare." He smirks, turning me around and positioning me on all fours. I could hear the tell-tale click of the cap opening, making me a bit nervous. I had toys at home, sure, but I was still afraid of it hurting. After all, Damon wasn't exactly small down there, though I wasn't complaining.

I jumped a bit as I felt the cold lube touch my tail hole. I kept shivering from both the cold and anticipation from him rubbing the freezing lube up my tail hole. I felt him put a bit more pressure, his first finger slipping into me. It stung a bit, but felt oddly good. It's strange how someone else doing this kind of thing to you makes it feel that much better. I felt him pull out, putting more lube on his fingers before going back him. He hilted his middle finger into me, wiggling it around and getting a surprised moan from me as I felt his claw hit my prostate. You would think it would hurt, but he was actually really careful about the whole claw thing.

He pulls out again, adding a bit more lube. I feel a bit more pressure this time, and yelp out in surprise as he moved up to two fingers. I could feel him stretching me out further, pressing in a bit harder. I let out a moan as he rubbed against my prostate again, making me push back against his paw to get a little deeper. Every time he hit it, a jolt of pleasure seemed to run down my body, making it hard to just stay still.

I could barely stand it. He was teasing me at this point, wriggling his fingers around inside me, constantly rubbing my prostate. I really wanted to jerk off my hard, dripping cock right now, but I wanted to last for the main event. I shuddered in pleasure as I felt him add another finger, the pain ignored over the feeling of being filled and still knowing there was more to come. He twisted his fingers inside me, making me moan louder than I wanted to. I try pushing back harder against those teasing paws, almost ready to beg him to just stick it in me and fuck me raw.

Much to my disappointment, I felt all his fingers leave, but not to thrust back in hard or to add another. I turn around and see him lubing himself up now. Just seeing him slick himself up like that, shivering from the cold lube in his hot cock. It made me want to just pounce on him and ride his dick until he came in me.

"You ready?" he asks, standing on his knees.

"Yeah, but I always wanted to try something." I say. "Come over here and sit down with both your legs out in front of you."

He does what I ask, sitting right in front of me. I go forward, positioning myself right above him, both my legs near his sides. He quickly understands and helps he stay up my grabbing my waist.

After a few nervous seconds, I grab his dick and point it towards my tail hole, shivering out of excitement as I felt the tampered tip against it. Slowly, I go down, taking in his cock. I manage to get a few inches, moaning lightly as I felt myself slowly being impaled on him. I stop, grabbing his shoulder with both my paws as I wait a bit to readjust. It didn't hurt that much yet, but I didn't want to push myself too fast.

Suddenly, he thrust up, almost hilting. I let out a yelp, not expecting to move so fast. I felt him press hard against my prostate, making my legs go weak and giving out. I felt him move out of me, only to have me slam back down on him. I screamed out in both pain and pleasure as I felt his knot against my tail hole.

I started screaming out random profanity, grabbing onto Damon and holding on as if my life depended on it.

"S-Shit, I'm so sorry!" he says, quickly apologizing. "I-It just felt so good and I couldn't help myself and-"

I quickly silenced him with a deep kiss, locking muzzles with him. I broke the kiss early, still a bit dazed from the whole event. It hurt, but I couldn't ignore how his dick was pressing hard against my prostate either. Needless to say, my brain was very conflicted in telling me to get off or just start riding him like a cowboy. I decide to just sit there, waiting till I had gotten used to the feeling of having him so deep in me.

"F-Fuck, this feels good." I say as the pain starts fading away. I slowly start to grind my hips against his, gyrating in his lap to get that extra bit of stimulation. It works. I let out a moan as I feel his dick rubbing my prostate, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. "Ok, I think I'm good now."

Damon grabs onto my waist, helping me up his cock. It was a strange feeling, but a good one still. We both moan at the new sensations, grabbing onto each other. I push myself back down onto him, groaning from the feeling of being impaled on him. It still hurt, but it was slowly fading away, being overtaken by the pleasure.

I got to a good rhythm, slowly riding his dick. Every time I came up, I pushed down harshly, almost slamming down from the feeling of being filled. I let out a moan, shaking a bit as I felt his cock press hard against my prostate every time I went down.

Suddenly, I felt him thrust up into me, pushing me down at the same time. I surge of pleasure washed up as I felt him hold me down and grind his knot into my tail hole, unknowingly hitting all the right spots even harder. He pulls out, only to thrust back in harder than the last time. I try to keep riding him, but he had most of the leverage in the situation.

"F-Fuck, d-don't stop!" I scream out in pleasure. I was in ecstasy as he roughly pulled me up, only to push me down and thrust into me. I felt my cock throb against Damon's soft fur, but I didn't dare to touch it in fear of cumming right there and now. I wanted to keep this up for as long as I could.

Damon put a paw behind my head, roughly pulling me in for a passionate kiss. I could feel him starting to thrust into me harder, more erratically. Every time he drove his dick into me, I could feel his knot stretch me out just a little bit more than before.

"P-Please . . . need . . . knot." He said. I could guess what he meant.

"D-Do it! Please, I n-need it in me!" I say, begging for it. I could feel him grip me harder, pushing into me as if nothing else mattered. Suddenly, I felt like I was being stretched further than ever before. I scream out from the strange mixture of pain and pleasure, unable to take it anymore. I came all over his fur, my whole body convulsing from the sheer ecstasy from having him, knot and all, inside me. It was definitely the most intense feeling in my life, all the different feelings threatening to overwhelm me, but I that was exactly why I was cumming so hard. Even after what seemed like two minutes, I just kept cumming, my body unable to move with the waves of pleasure ripping through me.

He kept thrusting into me, though he didn't have much room with his knot locked into me. As I was cumming, I felt his dick throb inside me, feeling a strange warmth spread through me. I looked into his eyes. They were glazed over, probably too focused on the pleasure of having his knot in me and being able to cum again. I lean in, panting hard. I plant a small kiss on his lips.

After our orgasms had died down, I just rested against his chest, enjoying how I still felt so full . . . so . . . complete. Although, that was probably just cause of the amazing orgasm.

We were both still panting hard, but now we were just sitting around lazily. The water still pelted down on us, but it seemed warm and gentle, like it was just background noise at this point. I look up at Damon, he had that same dumb smile he had the last time he came. I chuckle a bit at the sight.

He looks down to me. "What's so funny?" he asks, sounding a bit more curious than angry.

"That dumb smile on your face." I say.

"I can't help it!" he says, grinning widely. "Your ass just feels too good! It's so warm and tight." He starts holding me closer to his body, hugging me tightly.

"Well not as good as your big dick up my ass." I retort. He laughs a bit, kissing my cheek lightly.

"Well then you'll be happy to know that we won't be able to move for a while. I may be half shark, but that doesn't mean the knot goes away any faster."

"Good." I say. "I like it here."

"Really? Now why is that?" he asks, smirking a bit.

"Well, aside from the obvious reason," I say, gesturing to my tail hole. "I like how you're always so warm. And I like how around you . . . I feel safe. You're like a giant teddy bear."

"Teddy bear?" he asks, a bit confused.

"Yes, a teddy bear." I grin widely, hugging him. "I can always hug you tight when I get sad, nervous, or scared."

"Haha, fair enough. Well, I like it here too. You're so fluffy, and cute, and not to mention you smell nice."

"What, you're sniffing me now, pervert?" I say, feigning disgust.

"Well I can't help it. You're just too damn cute." He says, smiling. "Plus, you've always been there for me. Through thick and thin, harsh and kind, and everything else. I guess you've been my teddy bear this entire time as well."

I couldn't help but smile at the kind words, although they were strange, they were nice nonetheless.

"I . . . I love you." I say, finally able to get the words out.

There was a bit of silence, so I glance up at him. He was smiling warmly at me, looking perfectly content. "I love you too."

We didn't say anything else to each other for the time being, we just sat there and waited for his knot to go down. I don't think there was anything else to be said. At least not for now. It's true, we loved each other based on that we saved each other as kids, and maybe it seemed we didn't have much in common, but we found comfort in each other's arms, and we loved having the other around.

And besides, do two lovers really have to have a lot in common? I think it makes it a bit boring. Since we aren't too alike, we can explore each other more, and find even more to love. There will be times when we won't agree, and when we don't like something that the other does, but that's normal in any relationship. But I'm sure we'll get past them. Because one thing is certain, we found ourselves calm and happy, sitting right here in the arms of the person we cherished most.

So I'll take a leap of faith with him, and hope that we can keep each other afloat. Because love is kind of like water. There are many ways to get in, liking slowly walking, or just jumping into the deep end. But the problem we all had to face was to sink or swim. And luckily, I have the captain of the swim team on my side. So I think it'll work out just fine.

The End . . . until the next story that is o //w//o

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Two of a Kind

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