Hero of the Heavens

Story by DeanWinchester on SoFurry

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dark blue: Dracul

red: Adalinda

blue: Ehecatl

grey: Narration

If you see any grammar mistakes. Please notify me. <3

Hope you enjoy this story. <3

PrologueDracul is in the underground door that leads him to the Earth Realm but the problem is that he can't open the door. He shape-shifts into many other shapes and forms to break the door open. The heaven were hidden from his attempt to free himself. Apep stood by waiting and listening to any sudden command from his superior. He was being quite lazy but he will act when he is commanded.Dracul looked back at Apep and his minions angrily. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!! HELP ME OUT YOU INFEDILES!" as he yelled out at them. They ran and smashed into the door, knocking themselves out for a couple minutes and would re-try again. Apep threw rocks at the door that was laying around. Dracul stepped back from them and kept on yelling and screaming to get the door open. "COME ON YOU USELESS MONSTERS!" He was getting more angry at the second until he gathered all of his might and power and hit the door. It caused Apep and the minions flying backwards from the blast. Apep landed near Dracul feet and the other landed everywhere else. Some landed om each other, on Dracul feet and such. Dracul roared madly. After a few seconds the door started to flash in bright white, yellow, and red. The rocky door started to break and crumble until the beam of light flashed greatly within short distance. Dracul and other covered there eyes as the light blinded them. The door made a loud sound like if a volcano was erupting. Dracul reopened his eyes and see there was no door left. "Come on you fools". They all started to fly and run to escape from the under world.Chapter 1-Walk in the ForestI was walking in Gorplezola Forest with a basket filled with flowers that were in many color and sizes, and tools. I wondering past through branches and trees to head to the festival that happened every year on this day. I felt enjoy and happiness start within me. I quickly started moving faster with excitement. "i feel like this year is going to be a good one but there is something different" as i walked. A sound of trees and branches started breaking behind me. I immediately turned my head around to see Ehecatl running straight towards me. His blue body was break and tiring everything in his past like he doesn't care. "Hello Adalinda" with a smile on his face. I smiled back. "Hello. Would you like to walk with

me?" with a polite remark. He nodded.We both started to walk together side by side talking to each other about there jobs."How is the Gambling going?" I askedHe put his arm around me and looked down at my yellow eyes. "Very good. I won 2,000$ yesterday in Grogonton Town". He nudged my forehead gently and asked me "How is the gardening?".I rubbed his hand with my hand that was free. "it's good i guess. It is not the best but i like continuing my father work. I know he would be proud of me" as remember my father work as a child.Ehecatl raised his eye brow. "You guess? You mean you should feel good because you're working you fathers job but anyways, what is your plans for the festival?" He asked me.I got a little offended by his literal statement but choose to ignore it because i don't want to start a agruement. I replied "umm..." I felt very awkward answering that question. I fear he might make fun of me for volunteering to help out while the others get paid. I slowly took a breath. "Helping out" She said awkwardly. Ehecatl noticed my awkwardness. "You know, you don't have to feel uncomfortable. I won't make fun if that what you're thinking" He laughed a little.I sighed. "Alright, i'm volunteering to help out. I'm setting up chairs, and designing the place up." I showed him a hammer, and nails. Then i showed him dozen pink flowers , few yellow flowers. Ehecatl saw a couple flowers i missed. He picked them up and let me know that i dropped them. "You dropped a couple" as he placed it in the home made basket. "Thank you. You're a good friend". I pulled back my light pink hair from my face to behind my silver horns.It was couple more miles from the festival but i was determined to get there. I couldn't fly with all these trees around me. There wasn't enough space. Ehecatl walked beside me the whole way. I notice he was getting impatient with the long walk."I wish we were there right now" He says irritably. I just nodded and continued on listening to him complain about the long walk. "I'm so impatient. Thing i hate most is lingering situations. I rather get things done quickly ".I looked at him. "It will be alright Ehecatl. We are almost there." I was getting tired a bit from walking and i suggested "I need to rest for a minute. This long walk is exhausting."I could tell Ehecatl didn't want to wait, he wanted to get moving. "Fine, but only a minute" He stood near her passing.I found a fallen log i could sit. "You should rest as well my friend" I patted a empty spot near me. "Don't be impatient. We will get there when we get there" I said nicely."But i'm like..uhhh" He gave up and sat down to next to her. "Sorry, it's just..."."Don't worry. I'm here for you." As i panted. I leaned against his body. I slowly put my head on his shoulder and my arms around his body but i was careful of his yellow spikes on his back. I don't want to get poked by them. I was extremely comfortable around him witch is strange. I never feel comfortable with anyone 100%. It was worse with males. Ehecatl put his arms around me as well as we empress the hug of friendship. We talked about our life, jobs and the festival. I found out that he was born and raised in Grogonton Town. I always thought he was a forest guy. "Very interesting..You lived there once and now you work there" I laughed a little.  5 minutes went by and Ehecatl was ready to take off."Are you ready now?" He asked me. I looked up with a smile at face. I placed my hand on his white chest. "yes, i'm ready".He got up and offered his hand. I took his hand and grabbed the basket. I felt my pink body gained energy back. "Thank you".We finally arrived at the festival. It was a long walk but it was worth it. Now we can celebrate and pray to the Gods and Goddess. Ehecatl spread his yellow feather wings to get ready to fly off. "You wish to fly with me?" He looked at me with kind eyes.I then open my bat wings. "Yes, of course" I smiled. We flew around Asparas, the place of the heavens land on Earth.(to be continued in chapter 2)