Honey Bunny

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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Its a sunny afternoon in a beautiful forest, a small boy who looks like he was 13-years-old. He was 5 feet tall and had dark, straight hair and light blue eyes. He was wearing nothing but black clothes, his shirt and jeans, and his shoes were all black.

"I think someone is following me." said the boy.

A Lopunny was watching him from behind a tree, she was very close to him. She was smiling a coy and happy smile, she was gazing at the cute human boy.

"He so adorable I could just kiss him." thought the Lopunny in her head.

"Hello is anyone there?" called the boy.

The Lopunny was jumping from tree to tree until she was so close that the boy could almost hear her. The Lopunny dropped out of the tree and landed on the boy.

"PIKA BOO I SEE YOU!" she screamed.

Lopunny landed on the boy's shoulders, the boy jumped and tried to pull off whatever he thought landed on him. He fell and landed on his back, Lopunny quickly switched her position and was on top of the boy's body. The boy closed his eyes in fear, he was shaking in panic.

"Whoever you are have mercy." he said fearfully.

"Its okay I won't hurt you. I wanna stay with you." said Lopunny cheerfully.

The boy opened his eyes and saw that it was just a Lopunny, a bunny-type pokemon. The boy's expression on his face went from fearful to relief, he took a deep breath and staired at the pretty pokemon.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get you that excited. I just wanted to have some fun." she said appolegeticly.

"Your a Lopunny, you look hot. I never seen anyone as beautiful as you." complemented the boy.

"My name is Honey and who are you?" asked Honey.

"I'm Richard Anderson." Richard replied.

Honey pinched his left cheek like she was Richard's grandmother.

"Quit it your pinching my cheek." complained Richard.

"But you look so adorable Richie." said Honey adorabley.

She stopped pinching his cheek and gazed at him lovingly, her face had a expression of happiness.

"You figured out my nickname." said Richie.

"You have a nickname?" said Honey suprised.

"Yeah everyone calls me that." answered Richie.

Honey placed her left hand on Richie's cheek, she rubbed his cheek lovingly. Richie blushed with a suprised look.

"Your hand feels warm." said Richie relaxed.

Honey kissed Richie on the lips, right there Richie was a bit suprised when she kissed him. Honey broke the kiss and Richie blushed even redder.

"You kissed me." he said suprised.

"So how do like my kisses?" asked Honey.

"Their sweet, was that a sweet kiss?" asked Richie.

"Yep I gave you a sweet kiss. Sweet enough for ya?" Honey asked.

"Sweet as blueberry pie, my favorite." he said smiling.

"You want me to kiss you some more?" she asked playfully.

"Give me some sugar Honey!" said Richie eagerly.

Honey planted her lips on Richie and started giving him sweet kisses, he kissed her back. Honey continued to makeout with her crush, Richie was in heaven. Honey licked Richie's lips begging for an entrance, so Richie opened his mouth and let Honey's tongue enter his mouth. Richie slipped his tongue inside Honey's mouth too, they explored eachother's mouth.

Their tongues intertwined eachother, they kissed one another passionately. Richie felt a bulge inside his pants, they broke the kiss as Honey felt the bulge inside Richie's pant. Honey looked at him with a look of hunger on her face.

"So you want to play with me." replied Honey.

"I only masturbated for self pleasure. You wanna make love to me?" Richie asked smiling excitedly.

"If you think my kisses are sweet then you won't believe what I have instore for you." said Honey in a sexy tone.

Honey pulled Richie's shirt off exposing his rock hard abbs, then Richie kicked his shoes off. Than Honey grabbed his pants and underwear, she pulled them down and Richie kicked them off too. Richie's 12 inched pecker was hard and ready for action. Honey positioned her vagina and inserted Richie's big cock inside of her body.

"This is going to be better than masturbation." said Honey with a sexy smile.

Honey thrusted up and down his manhood, then Richie just had to lay there and relax. Richie never made love before and now he was going to get it on with a playful female pokemon. Honey felt the heat inside go up, so she went faster. She increased her speed, then Richie felt the bliss inside heat up. Honey's fur felt warm around Richie's bare naked body, the fur tickled his hairless legs.

"Honey go faster I want more." begged Richie.

Honey thrusted faster, her inner walls squeezed his penis. The squeezing felt good, but this could only get even better than this. Honey's insides felt warm and were getting warmer. Richie felt this tingling sensation rise around his member, the tingling felt stronger.

"Richie I'm going to fuck you like a sex crazed maniac." gasped Honey.

Richie moaned in pleasure, now he was really in heaven. His reproductive system started boiling up, the friction tickled his insides and it felt good. Honey was in a world of pleasure, her mind raced with erotic thoughts and horny images. Richie was having identical thoughts, his mind was feeling with perverted nature.

"Honey this feels so good, fuck me like you never did before." gasped Richie.

Honey was going rapidly up and down Richie's cock, his dick swelled up and got bigger. Richie's climax was building up, his balls were boiling with fresh cum screaming to come out. Honey's vagina walls squeezed harder, her boobs bounced up and down wildly. Shockwaves of pleasure shot through their young bodies, Richie's human manhood was getting harder and thicker. Richies balls were aching for a release, then Honey went as fast as she could go. Now this was just too much for Richie, Honey in her position lost her virginity before but that was a long time ago.

"You like that adorable huh?" gasp Honey in pleasure.

"You bet I do sexy." answered Richie pleasurably.

The pleasure continued to increase by massive per portions, by now Richies orgasm was reaching it's end.

"Honey fuck me now. God make me explode." moaned Richie in pleasure.

Richie was going to cum at any momment, he could hear the splashing sounds of their juices sloshing around. Honey was in her sex crazed and horny state, she was going so fast her orgasm was just about ready to climax.

"Oh oh oh fuck I'm gonna cum." she gasped.

Honey clamped around Richie's cock and came hard, then Richie was just about to cum too.

"OOOOOOOh Shit." he moaned in pure bliss.

Richie ejaculated hard but with twice the force, his legs locked for impact, Honey kept thrusting hard which made Richie cum even more sperm out of his balls. Richie's climax finally came to a stop, then Honey finally stopped climaxing. She sweet kissed Richie with a loving embrace, they didn't stop kissing. The inside of Honey's mouth tasted like sweet strawberries, Richie enjoyed the making out session. The kiss was was more than passionate, it was intensively passionate. The two of them stopped kissing and gasped with a breath.

"That was sweet, so intense." said Richie happly.

"You are good Richard." replied Honey.

"Please call me Richie!" said Richie.

Honey agreed to call Richard by his nickname from now on. Honey got up off of her human lover, it took Richie a few minutes to get his clothes back on. Finally he was fully dressed.

"Hey Honey do you want to come live with me?" asked Richie politely.

"I'd love to go live with you Richie." answered Honey.

"How do we get to your home anyway?" asked Honey curiously.

"I know a path to take into town, but its a little dangerous sometimes so I'm a little afraid." said Richie nervously.

"Don't worry I'll keep you safe." said Honey comfortingly.

"Thanks Honey I love you!" said Richie smiling.

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you too baby!" said Honey.

She gave him a peck on the cheek too, Richie took hold of Honey's hand. The two of them walked along holding eachother's hands as they headed for their home sweet home. Two soulmates together forever.

The End

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