A View Through the Window

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Characters © Sega

Author's note: I wrote this over six years ago, back when I was a more prolific writer. I figured I'd repost it here and see how people liked it. My, how time flies....

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It was a quiet morning in the woods. It was a bright autumn's day, though a slight chill from the coming winter was present. Sunlight dappled the ground where it managed to penetrate the leafy canopy of the mighty oak trees.

A wide path of packed earth wound through the trees, strewn with dry leaves moulted by the oaks in preparation for their 'hibernation'. Along this path was strolling - the operative word might be creeping - a young fox named Tails. This wasn't your average fox, however. This one had, instead of the regular colouring of dark red with black and white socks, golden brown fur, with white gloves on his hands, and red sneakers on his feet. As well, he had an extra tail. Both tails twitched nervously as their owner looked about him to make sure he wasn't being observed.

Deciding that the coast was clear, he detoured off the path, heading deeper into the woods. After a couple of minutes he came to an oak that was much bigger than the others. At the base of the tree, amongst some of the thickest roots, was a large hole, partly natural, and partly dug out. With a little bit of waterproof sacking over the top, in case of rain, it was quite cosy. Tails had made this place into a little hideout for himself, for when he wanted to be by himself. Today he was definitely feeling the need to be alone, for the previous night he had seen something that he had found intensely interesting....

* * * * *

"Okay, Tails," said Sonic, putting down his pencil. "We've had fifty games of Noughts and Crosses, and, quite frankly, I'm getting tired of it. Go get washed up and into bed."

The young fox looked up at the clock up on the wall above the fireplace. "But it's only 8:30!" he protested. "I still have another hour before bed!"

"Yeah, well...Knuckles is coming over for a talk." The blue hedgehog put additional emphasis on 'talk'. "It's not for little foxes to listen to." He got up out of his chair and made for Tails' chair as if to chase if him out of it.

"Okay, okay," grumbled Tails. "I'm going." He slipped out of his chair and went down the hallway to the bathroom. A few minutes later, his ablutions complete, he padded out to the kitchen to bid Sonic goodnight, then went into his room, closing the door behind him. He hopped into bed and snuggled up with the battered stuffed tiger, sighing as he waited for sleep to claim him.

Nearly an hour later, Tails was still awake. He sat up in bed, wondering if Sonic would notice if he read a book for a while until he was tired. "Probably," he muttered.

A shadow crossed the window, and Tails looked up to see someone go past his window on their way to the front door. He got up and went to his door, pressing an ear up against it. He heard the front door open, and a few seconds later he identified the visitor to be Knuckles, an echidna with blood-red spines. As he listened, he found that their talking wasn't all that interesting to him, so he decided to go back to bed. Then one word caught his attention: sex. This was of definite interest to Tails. He pressed his ear harder against the door, hoping to hear more.

He was a little annoyed when they chose that moment to stop talking, but his annoyance faded when he started hearing noises that could mean only one thing. He knew he should go back to bed and not listen in on Sonic and Knuckles, but another part of him was urging him to find out more.

After a couple of minutes of debating with himself, Tails gave in to his curiosity. Knowing that he'd probably be seen if he poked his head out the door, he decided to climb out the window and sneak along to the living room window to get a look.

He crushed a few plants beneath his feet, but eventually he was in position, staring in through a chink in the curtains. What he saw made his sheath thicken and his cock slide out almost immediately.

Lying on the couch were Sonic and Knuckles. More specifically, Knuckles was on the couch, and Sonic was on top of him. Both were sucking on each other's cocks, with a great deal of pleasure, judging from the expressions on their faces and the faint sounds Tails could hear through the window.

Unconsciously Tails reached down and rubbed at the large bulge in his underwear, before slipping his hand in and pulling it out of its confines. As he stroked his small cock, he observed the action going on inside reaching a fever pitch. He heard a muffled cry come from Knuckles, who tensed up for a few seconds before relaxing again, with a big smile on his face. Sonic lifted his head, licking his lips.

The young fox quickly ducked out of sight, in case Sonic glanced at the window, and slowly moved his head back into position to see what might happen next. "Wow," he murmured, his eyes widening in fascination. He pressed his nose closer to the window to try to get a better view of what Sonic was doing.

Knuckles had repositioned himself so that he was sitting on the couch, leaning right back with his legs wide open, exposing the tight pucker of his tailhole. Sonic was now kneeling down in front of his friend, rubbing his anus with some jelly stuff he squeezed out of a tube. Having done that, the hedgehog did the same to his cock, smiling widely as he did so. As Tails watched with bated breath Sonic bent over Knuckles and positioned the tip of his member at the echidna's anus. The young fox at the window clearly heard the moans of pleasure coming from both as Sonic sheathed his cock within his friend. "Oh, yeah," he heard Sonic say. "So tight, Knuckles. After all the times I've fucked you I would have thought you would've loosened up some."

The echidna shook his head, grinning. "Nah...feels better when my hole's tight -- then I can feel everything so much more." He closed his eyes and let himself concentrate on the pleasure he was getting -- and giving, by massaging Sonic's cock.

Tails was almost beside himself in fascination. He watched with his nose pressed to the window, still stroking his member. Never in all his young years did he ever think that he would bear witness to such a scene.

Inside, Sonic was going at a good pace, fucking into Knuckles with long, smooth strokes of his blue cock. Knuckles' legs were open wide and being held at the ankles by Sonic's hands as he pounded into his friend.

This continued for several minutes, until Sonic lunged hard into Knuckles a couple of times and let out a long, satisfied moan. "Ohhh, yeah...." He stopped thrusting and rested against his friend's body, letting his spunk spurt deep within Knuckles' ass. When Sonic pulled out Tails could see the shiny coating of cum on his cock.

"Wow," murmured Tails, slinking away from the window. His own cock was aching with the need for release, but he forced himself to relax. He'd have to get away by himself, to a place where he could paw off in private -- he tended to be rather noisy when coming. With the help of his tails, he climbed back through his window, and slipped into bed again, running the images through his mind again. Shutting his eyes he tried to get to sleep, knowing that Sonic would come in eventually to check on him.

When Sonic came in to check a few minutes later he found Tails sound asleep, with an odd smile on his face. "I wonder what he's dreaming about," he murmured to Knuckles, who was peering over his shoulder.

"Knowing him, it could be anything." Sonic closed the door, leaving Tails to slumber peacefully.

* * * * *

Tails stripped off his shorts and underwear, and made himself comfortable in his little hideout. His cock was already sliding out of its sheath as he put his hand down to stroke it to full hardness. Soon he had four inches of dark pink fox cock clasped gently in his hand, and he was rubbing up and down its length with a great amount of pleasure. As he masturbated he ran through the scene he had witnessed last night, imagining himself in Sonic's, then Knuckles', position. On a thought, he lay back a bit more and spread his legs, feeling for his puckered tailhole with exploring fingers. Having found it, he pressed his middle finger gently against his hole, gradually working it in, wincing at the initial pain, until it was buried fully within his ass. Working it around he discovered that he got a small jolt of pleasure from somewhere deep inside. Liking the way it felt, he continued to do it while he moved his hand up and down his shaft.

Within a couple of minutes he was coming hard, spurting small globs of fox cream over his belly and hand, accompanied by his rather loud cries of ecstasy -- loud enough that birds in the surrounding trees flew off, startled.

Tails opened his eyes and looked at the mess he had made on his body. Chuckling quietly to himself, he climbed out of his little hole and headed for the lake to wash himself off.

* * * * *

Not very far away, on the shores of the lake that the forest bordered on, Sonic was taking his morning run. It wasn't so much a run as a marathon in an hour. He was quite capable of going much faster, but unless he particularly had to, he didn't see the point in wasting his energy.

A few metres up ahead, he saw a familiar figure emerging from the forest, heading for the cool blue waters of lake. "Tails!" he called as he neared. "What are you doing out here?" He saw Tails turn his head towards him, and an odd expression cross his face, as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have been.

"Uh-oh," Tails muttered as Sonic came up to him. There was no way he could explain his current state to him. This was one of those times when he was going to have to be candid. "Uh...hi, Sonic."

Sonic peered at the embarrassed young fox, noting the semen running down his belly fur. He raised his eyebrows in query. "You come a lot, don't you?" he said, amusement colouring his tone.

Tails blushed even further, swishing his tails agitatedly behind him. "Uh...sometimes, when I'm really....horny." Feeling that he should elaborate he added, "I saw you and Knuckles last night," in a barely audible voice.

That admission surprised Sonic so much that his eyebrows shot up even higher. "Did you now? I thought I saw something at the window last night, but I thought it was just my imagination." He was silent for a few seconds. "You enjoyed watching us last night?"

A further blush appeared in Tails' ears. "Um...yeah." He studied the sand he was standing on as if it held all the answers.

"I see." Sonic smiled widely, and extended a finger to swipe it through the cum on Tails' belly. He sucked his finger, tasting the bittersweet fox cream. "Mmm...not bad. Almost as good as Knuckles' is." He put a finger under Tails' chin and lifted his head so he could see Sonic's smile. "I think that in future, you shouldn't skulk around outside the window. Aside from the fact that you squash the plants in the garden, it's not very nice to spy on people."

"I know, Sonic," Tails began apologetically, "but if you hadn't been making so much noise while you were...you know...I might not have been curious enough to find out what you were doing." He looked down again, adding, "I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and put my ear against the door to find out what you were talking about."

"Well...I can see it's going to be harder to keep secrets from you." Sonic lifted Tails' head again. "I'll make a deal with you. If Knuckles, or whoever I'm with, agrees to let you watch, you can, otherwise you have to stay in your room and not come out -- unless you have to go to the bathroom. I'll shut the hallway door in that case. Also, if they agree...you can participate. It's probably a good time to give you some instruction in the ways of sex. How does that sound?"

Tails blinked, a little overwhelmed by this turn of events. "Uh...sounds good, Sonic." The insides of his ears were bright red, and he was itching to just get out of Sonic's sight. "Can I go wash myself off now? My cum's getting all dry and icky."

The hedgehog chuckled and ruffled Tails' headfur. "Go on. Get cleaned up. I'll see you back for lunch, okay?"

"Okay." The fox turned and almost ran into the water, splashing out far enough to dive underwater, out of Sonic's view. He stayed down as long as he could before coming up for air. When he did, he saw Sonic had moved further down the beach. He breathed a sigh of relief, and proceeded to rinse the dried cum out of his fur before heading back to Sonic's residence.

* * * * *

A couple of days later, while Tails was involuntarily busy tidying his room, Sonic approached him. "Okay, Tails. Here's the deal. Knuckles is coming over again tonight, and he said he'd be happy to let you join in. But," he added, when he saws Tails about to say something, "this room has to be perfectly tidy. Everything where it should be; clothes in the laundry hamper, books on the shelves, bed nicely made. Got that?"

"Got it, Sonic," Tails replied. When Sonic had left the room, the young fox spent a minute or two imagining what he and the other two might do together. It was almost too much for his mind to handle. Pressure grew in his trousers, and he realised that thinking about it was giving him a hard-on. He reapplied himself to the cleaning, trying to take his mind off the forthcoming activities.

Sonic made a thorough inspection when Tails had finished. He checked under the bed, in the closet, in his drawers. All the while Tails was fidgeting anxiously, hoping that he hadn't missed anything. Finally Sonic turned and looked at Tails. "It'll do. Mind you keep it this way, though."

"I will, Sonic!" vowed Tails, though both of them knew that he wouldn't.

"Yeah, whatever. Come on, kid. Come have a snack with me." Sonic stepped aside to let Tails pass through the door, then followed.

* * * * *

The young fox was almost visibly bouncing all through the rest of the day, especially through dinner. "Tails, will you please sit still for a few minutes and eat!" Sonic pleaded, almost ready to physically restrain him. "If you don't, you'll spend the rest of the night in your room -- and the curtains will be closed!" he added for extra emphasis.

That stopped most of the action, though Tails' tails still swished madly behind him. "Sorry, Sonic." He tried to concentrate on eating his dinner, but it was difficult; vegetables weren't exactly interesting, and even less tasty.

"Okay, kiddo. I'll let you get away with not eating everything," Sonic said, seeing that Tails had at least attempted to eat his vegetables. "But this time only!" He got up out of his chair and reached over the table to grab Tails' plate, taking that and his own into the kitchen.

Tails looked up at the clock, and saw that it was nearly seven o'clock. "When's Knuckles going to get here?" he asked, with a trace of impatience in his voice.

"I don't know, so you'll just have to wait." The sounds of water running and splashing came from the kitchen as Sonic started to wash the dirty dishes and such like that had piled up on the counter during the day.

It was a seemingly interminable thirty-seven minutes later that a loud knock sounded on the front door. "I'll get it!" yelled Tails, making a rush for the door, partly helped by the tails that gave him his nickname. He grabbed the door handle and opened the door, almost slamming it back against the wall. Knuckles' expression was surprised, as his hand was still poised for another knock. "Uh...hi, Tails," he said, regaining some of his composure. "All ready for tonight?"

"You bet!" exclaimed Tails, standing aside to let Knuckles enter the house. He closed the door, and followed Knuckles into the lounge. Sonic called out from the kitchen, "I'll be there in a minute. I'm just finishing up in here."

"No hurry," Knuckles replied, sitting down on the green upholstered couch and relaxing. "So, Tails," he said to the young fox, bouncing around in front of him. "What would you like to do tonight?"

"Well," Tails began, "I'd like to watch you two do what you did last time."

Knuckles nodded. "I see." He gestured for Tails to come sit on the couch with him. "Would you like us to do that to you?" he asked, stroking the fox's chest, feeling his little heart beating quickly beneath his soft furry breast.

Tails nodded, then glanced down at his crotch. He blushed furiously when he saw that he was getting turned on already. The pink tip of his cock was poking out of his sheath, and, as Knuckles watched, it slowly grew in length, until it was fully erect.

"Mmm...nice cock you have, Tails," Knuckles murmured, smiling. He stroked the four-inch length with gentle fingers, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from its owner. His fingers curled around, and began to lightly move up and down. Tails sighed happily, closing his eyes and humping into Knuckle's hand a bit.

After about a minute of gentle stroking Knuckles stopped, repositioning himself so that he could give Tails some oral stimulation. As he did so, he noticed Sonic coming into the room. Grinning widely, he gestured for the hedgehog to be quiet. He lowered his head, and took the tip of the fox's member into his mouth, suckling on it like a large nipple. Tails moaned softly, bucking his hips upward, forcing his cock fully into Knuckles' mouth.

Sonic came closer, crouching beside the couch. Moving his head forwards, he got a good look at Tails' member slipping in and out of Knuckles' mouth. The echidna smiled, giving the small cock another hard suck before relinquishing it to his friend. Tails didn't notice the change at all; his mind was only on the wonderful pleasures he was feeling from his member.

Sonic caressed his balls, rolling them around gently in his fingers, rubbing the soft downy fur on them. As he did so, Knuckles wet a finger and brushed it against the fox's tailhole, pressing against the rubbery pucker and slowly inserting it, twisting it around carefully on its way in, searching for Tails' prostate. Tails moaned as the thick finger penetrated him, partly in pain, but then in pleasure as he felt his prostate being stimulated.

It took only a few more moments for Tails to reach his peak; he moaned loudly as his cream spurted into Sonic's mouth, tensing up as he did so, then relaxing fully, his mind momentarily scrambled by the ecstasy he had just experienced.

Sonic suckled a little longer, drawing out as much of his young friend's cum as he could, savouring the bittersweet taste. Lifting his head, he turned to Knuckles and engaged him in a kiss, slipping his tongue into the other's mouth, along with Tails' load. They shared the mouthful for a few seconds, passing it between each other, before both swallowed and licked their lips.

"Oh, man," groaned Tails, glancing up at his two friends. "That was the best come I've ever had!"

"I'll bet," replied Knuckle with a grin. "It's always better when you can share with another." He withdrew his finger from Tails' hole and lifted it to his mouth, suckling on it to clean it. "Mmm," he murmured thoughtfully. Looking at Tails and raising his eyebrows slightly, he asked, "Do you think you could take a cock in your ass?"

Tails thought for a few seconds, thinking about how nice Knuckles' finger felt moving around inside him. "I guess so. I've sort of imagined being fucked by both of you since I saw you doing it here the other night." He blushed a little inside his ears again at the admission.

"Okay." Knuckles glanced at Sonic, who grinned and nodded. "Well, I think your imagination will soon become reality," he said, standing up and slipping off his shorts, revealing his eight-inch erection. Sonic did the same, uncovering his slightly shorter length. They stood beside Tails, stroking their cocks slowly, coaxing big drops of precum out to smear over their tips.

It took only a moment for Tails to figure out that they wanted the same treatment they had just given him. He sat up and leaned forward to slip the head of Sonic's cock into his muzzle, licking around it with his agile tongue for a few seconds before doing the same to Knuckles. He took hold of their members with his small hands and began stroking them as he suckled and licked. Both relinquished their cocks to him and just stood there, scritching his head and praising him as he went down on them.

Eventually Sonic warned Tails that he was about to blow, so he stopped working on the hedgehog and concentrated on Knuckles, who soon announced the same event. Tails took his hands off their cocks and lay back on the couch, looking up at his two friends. "Now what, Sonic?" he asked.

Sonic smiled and lifted Tails' legs up, spreading them to allow himself to get closer to the young fox's tailhole. "Now I get to slip my cock up your tight ass," he murmured, pressing the head of his member against Tails' anal pucker. It gave way fairly easily, and Sonic gently eased himself up the warm, recently fingered hole until he was in almost all the way; only an inch or so remained outside. "Ohh, that's good," he moaned, smiling widely at Tails.

The young fox felt some discomfort as Sonic slipped into his now no-longer virgin tailhole, but the previous fingering had loosened him up enough for him to not feel much pain. "Mm-hmm," he murmured, putting his arms around Sonic and hugging him. "I feel...strange. Like I need to have a crap."

"It'll pass, hon," Sonic replied, slowly sliding out all the way, then back in again, watching Tails' reactions. Satisfied that he was okay, the hedgehog gradually increased the pace until he was fucking the fox with long, gentle strokes. "How's that?"

"Mmmm, that's great, Sonic!" Tails said, his tails swishing madly in pleasure. He felt his cock beginning to harden again, as it sometimes did when he was particularly horny, and he reached down and started stroking it as Sonic fucked him. The hedgehog changed his angle slightly and Tails suddenly felt jolts of pleasure as his prostate was hit. "Oooh," Tails mrrred.

It wasn't long until Sonic groaned and came hard, spurting his cream deep into the young fox's bowels. "Ohh, Tails!" he cried, clenching his eyes shut and thrusting in short, hard movements, expending his orgasm within his friend. He continued pumping his cock for a few seconds before slowly pulling out with a wet sticky sound.

Knuckles grinned at Sonic. "How'd he feel?" he asked, giving his hard-on a few strokes before turning to Tails. "Bend over the couch, kiddo. I'm gonna take you the best way."

"I've never fucked a tighter hole," replied Sonic, squeezing his cock from base to tip to ease out any cum left in his system. "You'll love it."

Tails did as he was told, raising his swishing tails high. He could feel Sonic's cream leaking out of his so recently loosened tailhole, sliding down his balls and dripping onto the couch. "Come on, Knuckles!" he urged. "I want you in me!"

"Only ten years old, and already he's craving cock!" chuckled Knuckles as he grabbed Tails' rump and drew it closer. He pressed the spongy head of his pink cock into the gooey hole, sighing contentedly as he easily slipped his member in up to the hilt. "Now you're gonna get it," he murmured in an aside to the young fox, before pulling out and ramming back in.

"Ow! Knuckles, not so hard!" whined Tails, surprised by the force of the echidna's thrust. His words fell on deaf ears as the echidna continued to fuck him with punishing lunges, each seeming stronger than the last. After a minute or so of this assault he found himself starting to like the ferocity of it all, and started moving with Knuckles, meeting every thrust inwards, squeezing his anal muscles on the outward-bound ones.

"Oh, yeah, you're a good fuck, Tails," Knuckles commented, gripping the fox's hips harder and driving himself on towards the brink of climax. "Just a little...further now," he groaned, pumping faster. A few seconds later he released his pent-up load of sticky semen deep into his young partner, crying out, "Yes!" in ecstasy. He carried on thrusting, spraying his cum all through Tails' lower bowels, before pulling out, giving a couple of final spurts over his tailhole. Grinning, he got up onto the couch and turned Tails' head towards him, holding out his cock. "Suck it, Tails."

Tails nodded, leaning his head forward and taking the cum-slicked member into his muzzle. Right now he didn't care that the cock had just been up his back passage; he just wanted to suck it clean of all the cream.

Knuckles patted Tails on the head when he was done. "That's good, kid. You can relax now." He turned and sat down on the couch, then looked up to Sonic. "Was that good, or what?"

"Certainly the best ass I've ever fucked," Sonic replied, sitting down between his friend and Tails. "What did you think, hmm?" he asked Tails, who was now gingerly getting off the couch and heading for the bathroom.

"It was great, Sonic! But Knuckles was too rough," he said quietly, not looking at him. "I liked feeling your cum shooting into me. That was cool!" He went down the hallway to the bathroom, from which the sounds of washing were heard, then came back a few minutes, climbing into Sonic's lap and snuggling up.

"Let's call it a night, shall we?" Sonic suggested to Knuckles. "I think our little buddy here is worn out." He scritched Tails behind the ears, eliciting a pleased mrring.

His friend nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right." He got up off the couch and stretched, then reached down to the floor to pick up his shorts. "See you in a couple of days, then?"

"Yup. Gotta take Tails to the dentist tomorrow, and he's /not/ looking forward to it!" Sonic laughed and got up carefully, taking care not to disturb Tails, who was almost asleep in his arms. "Catch you later, Knuckles. I'm gonna put the kid into bed."

"Bye now," Knuckles replied, heading for the door. He opened it and stepped out, but before he closed the door he saw Tails' eyes open, and what he could have sworn was a flirty wink. He left shaking his head, wondering what kind of adult Tails would grow up to become. Slutty? Perhaps, but maybe Sonic would teach him how to be a good lover as well. "I wonder if he'll get girlfriend," he murmured to himself as he wandered down the front path. "Could be interesting...."