Fang, Snap, and Grovel

Story by Pokegirl on SoFurry

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#6 of My Pokemon

There is a lesson is taught early on by parents, teachers, and even the occasional passerby. One that is short but potent, spoken with grave voices and shadowed eyes.

If you don't have a Pokémon, don't go in the grass.

The caution fades after time, however. When children become teens, when they get their own Pokémon, they often times lose sight of this simple warning. Whether it is simply forgotten, released because of cockiness, or merely the sad mistake of thinking that all Pokémon are as gentle and sweet as their own, it is set aside and dismissed from their minds.

On this night, as the fall winds raced across the treetops, haphazardously yanking and tugging the leaves from the trees, twirling them till they plummeted bellow, one Human has forgotten this lesson.

She will not forget it again.


There is no thrill when it comes to hunting.

Hunting is done out of need, the need to live, the need to feed. No, there is no thrill in this.

The thrill is in the chase.

The chase is what makes the hunt enjoyable. No chase leaves satisfied bellies but unfulfilled spirits, ineffective chases mean empty bellies and much planning for hopes of future triumphs. The true reward came when a chase had just enough thrill to it and plenty to eat at the end of it.

Tonight would be successful.

There are few prey my pack will give chase to. In part, this has to do with the effort it takes to bring down the creature and the amount of food such efforts reward. It would be foolhardy for the three of us to extend a large amount of energy on a Pikachu, what with its speed and Electric attacks, as a Pikachu wasn't enough for three Mightyenas. No, we needed larger prey with less specialized attacks. Tauros were decent, if you could drag one away from the herd, but they had little chase involved. Furrets gave a good chase but their bodies twisted so much that they were hard to catch and often left us hungry. But there was one prey that we found satisfying on many levels.


The Humans are the best. They have a cleverness about them that I find infuriating, yet fascinating. They are a rare treat, as most carry Pokémon with them, however... there are the few and the stupid who walk without their pampered pets.

Like this one.

She'd wandered away from her village without any other Humans or even a Pokémon to keep her company. Grovel gave a weak whine, asking if we were going to kill her now as he was hungry. I growled a sharp negative to him, she was not yet far enough away from the village where we could avoid detection should she scream.

Grovel to my right, Snap to my left, we slowly crept through the tall grass, trying our best not to disturb it to a point she would notice. As it was, she seemed oblivious. Based on her stature and weight, there would be enough for the three of us to be sated for the evening and part of the morning, ensuring we'd be well fed in time for the next hunt. The key now was to wait until she moved out of hearing vicinity of anyone who might aid her. Afterwards, we would have to be certain to dispose of whatever remained.

Which wouldn't be much.

Human, if you ever get the chance to have it, has a unique texture and taste. The skin gives way easier than most Pokémon, far easier than the rubbery Wigglytuff or Marill, making it very simple once you got them on the ground to sink your fangs in and tear. Their bones were a lot denser than the average forest dwelling Pokémon too, making them excellent for chewing for long periods of time with a really nice treat once you got to the inside of it. The blood has a particular, almost metallic taste to it, like they are secretly part Steel Pokémon or something. It takes a while to get a taste for it but the flavor of the meat makes up for the slightly rustic flavoring.

I do not know what Humans eat that makes them taste so good, I personally do not care to know. All I know is that the feeling of the meat between my teeth, the slightly chewy quality it has and the feel of the warm fluid sliding down my throat as I gnaw it is enough to make me growl with pleasure every single time. The only Pokémon I found close to having the same flavor was a Farfetch'd we'd come across, long dead. It wasn't quite the same though, like comparing a wild Stantler to a farm raised Tauros. The Tauros has more chew to it, a thicker hunk of meat due to inactivity for long spans of time, where as the Stantler has a more... gritty flavor to it and is leaner.

Personally, I liked the Tau-, I mean, Human, better.

Snap grumbled low in his throat, nodding with his head towards the girl. She seemed to have had enough of her wandering and was heading back. This, of course, was not something we would allow.

Snap circled under the grass a few yards behind her, cutting off her escape, while Grovel and I padded forward, preparing our eventual ambush with added stealth and haste. We'd done this routine many times before but now, it seemed much more than just a simple hunt and kill.

Our prey was rare, very rare, and we would take the time to savor every moment of it.

We were soon in place. She continued to walk forward, unsuspecting, till I started the game with a deep growl, just loud enough for her Human ears to register. She paused, glancing around, her eyes momentarily on where I was, but all three of us were safely hidden in grass and shadows. Turning her gaze elsewhere, I noticed her reaching at her waist, as though to grab for one of her tames, before realizing there was nothing there. Her hand jerked the moment the knowledge hit her brain, a flash of fear wafting before subsiding. This was the part where she was trying to assure herself that it was nothing, that it was all in her head.

It was also the part where Grovel gave his own raspy growl.

I could instantly see the panic return to her eyes and watched with no small bit of joy as she started to backpedal away from us. Snap split his throat with a sudden cry, the air suddenly thick with the scent of her terror. She was about to run. Good. The exercise would be good for us and the further we drove her away from the Human settlement, the better. Besides, our appetites could use a bit of whetting...

She leaned, for a brief moment, towards the direction of the Human town. I was grateful when she ran the opposite way, meaning our game would not have to end so soon. She was heading for the forest, though I wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps she thought to elude us in the underbrush? Foolish, really, but most Humans were.

We gave her a short head start before dashing after her. Grovel headed far towards my left, Snap towards the right, both flanking the Human who had only managed to get a few yards away. With barks and growls, they kept her between them, making sure she wouldn't be able to get away. At her heels, drinking in her sweat and fear, I followed blindly after, making sure she wouldn't give up too soon.

It was easy to tell from her movements that she couldn't see, what with the way she stumbled over things like rocks and branches. She'd trip, regain her balance, then keep running forward, pushing her way past whatever was in her way. However, this particular method wasn't very effective with the thorn bush she'd run straight into. Her struggles to get free only resulted in the removal of that dreadful layer of fake pelt that coated her flesh. Humans may have lacked fur but the thing that did cover their bodies was much more annoying. I was more than happy to see most of it go.

When she pulled free, the thorns ripped into her skin. The scent of her blood pooled into the air, my mouth watering instantly. The chase wasn't going to last much longer. Already the cries of my pack had grown hungrier, impatient.

I sent my pack ahead of her, ready to close the trap.


It was getting harder to successfully maneuver. I thought once I made it to the forest, I'd be safe, I'd be free. But the cries still echoed around me, the sound of my pursuers drumming in my ears. I thought I could lose them in the woods but that plan had failed miserably. Now, my only hope seemed to be finding a tree that I could climb, to try to get out of their reach. I hoped they wouldn't be able to reach me... But I'd have to pause in my running to get up a tree, have to leave myself open for a potential attack. But what else could I do? My legs were aching and my lungs burned, the air clawing at my throat as I sucked it in. I had to do something!

So I turned, thinking that perhaps if I whirled quickly enough on whatever was chasing me, I might startle them enough to make an attempt at climbing a tree. At least I would be facing them...

As I spun, I caught sight of my pursuers. Well, one of them at least. It was still hard to make out the shape in the shadows, but I could just make out the form of a four-legged Pokémon. Canine of some sort, but I'd already guessed that much. Seeing just him, I thought that perhaps I'd been mistaken, that there had really been only one chasing me and that I'd imagined the rest. It didn't make my situation any less frightening but perhaps I could still--

An unknown force struck me from behind, causing me to hit the ground, hard. A rock or branch dug into my stomach, causing me to cry out softly. I tried to scream for help but the air wasn't there to bring the word to life. I tried to get up, fought to get up, but I was in too much pain and I knew, I knew, as much as I wanted to believe someone would save me... they wouldn't. I wondered why, why me. Why do this? But even if I could get the words out, even if they considered answering me, I wouldn't understand.

I tried to meet his eyes, the one that had been there when I'd turned. I wouldn't look away, even feeling the tears form and falling, terrified of what they might do, were likely to do, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of looking away.


My hunt was successful.

Sitting on my haunches, waiting for my body to catch up, I watched as my pack began removing what remained of our dinner's false fur. Snap kept one paw pressed against her cheek, keeping her head forced against the ground as he grabbed a mawful and started to tear it with his teeth. Grovel husked the lower half of her body, shaking his head back and forth as he pulled and ripped her fake pelt apart. My eyes never left hers, which surprised me. Normally, at this point, the Human would be crying and screaming for help, even those without breath or unable to yell would be too terrified to look at the face of their demise. She never even closed her eyes, even though the dirt from Snap's paw was smearing her face, his claws lightly scratching her cheek, she still wouldn't look away. Was she planning to escape somehow?

No. She was simply defiant of me. Pretentious bitch.

I'll enjoy seeing how her eyes look when glossed over by death itself.

Swaying my tail back and forth, I watched Snap push his paw down harder and growl fiercely to make her stop struggling, biting the strap on her back as he did so. His teeth easily cut through it with a single snip. Grovel, on the other hand, was having some trouble. He was snarling in frustration as he desperately tried to scratch the slender yet elusive fabric free that hugged her hips. I barked the fool aside, moving along side her, approaching her from behind and stepping over her legs. Grasping the thin material in my teeth, I snipped the cords like a Pidgey's spine, effortlessly letting the now useless fabric drop in tatters around her bare, delicious thighs.

Finally, she was ready.


When I felt them tearing my clothes off, I instantly clenched my legs shut, hoping to at least keep something on. Funny, I wasn't worried about my modesty in this instance, but rather how my body would look when they found me, if they did. Even when I felt the claws in my skin, I had kept my legs shut till the one that I assumed was the leader came and snipped them off. Feeling his nose against my crotch made my cheeks bloom and I tried to wriggle away but to no avail. I thought of making one last attempt at freedom, knowing it wouldn't get me far but feeling I should at least try.

Hell, if they were going to kill me either way, I wanted to make the bastards work for it!

Giving it one last go, I lashed out with my hands and legs, the Pokémon having not restrained them. I felt my leg connect with something, heard a yelp, and the one holding my face down moved enough that I could get free. I was up, ready to run again, when pain sank into my thigh.

I fell again.

This time, I did not rise.


The throes of her defeat had made such a spectacular show, sweetened by the fact that she'd actually managed to smack the incompetent Grovel in the nose. Even now, he was whimpering over the indignity of it.

Teeth still dug into her skin, I savored the taste of the warm, metal sweet liquid that dripped into my mouth. I hadn't hit anything vital but I didn't let go until she stopped wiggling. She was beaten, we all knew this, and all it would take would be a shake of my neck and fangs to kill her. It was easy to keep my muzzle still though. Her scent, strongest around her crotch, enticed me, smelling better than anything else I'd tasted. I bathed in her scent, deciding on how to end it.

I could crush her throat, prevent any screams from reaching beyond my jaw. I could tear a vital vein right now and listen to the screams, knowing none would come to aid her. I could bite her again and again till she bled dry, a waste, but a satisfactory idea that I couldn't help but entertain.

I opened my maw, letting her thigh fall free, licking the wonderful taste of her off my muzzle. Taking my time, I leaned my nose closer to where her delectable scent was coming from, letting my tongue graze over the soft folds my nose had pressed to before. The taste was incredible! Her body was bursting with blood at that one spot, like an overripe fruit. I could practically taste it without breaking the skin! I took another lick, this time, more forceful, enjoying the unexpected blessing. My pack mates looked at me oddly but I simply growled, ordering them to keep themselves within her sight as I continued my feast.

I could taste her fear-sweetened blood through her flesh here, made easily available due to what I assumed was her Human equivalent of a bitch's heat, and reached the conclusion that the game wasn't done yet. I would tease myself more and further assert myself as alpha to my pack by prolonging her death.

She squirmed, the scent of salt and water reaching my nose. Good, the bitch realized her place. However, there was an odd effect on her that I didn't foresee.

I have heard Humans sobbing before, obviously, but not often enough. They were usually very much dead after the first few screams. This wasn't exactly like that sound, though. No, as I listened, the noises she was making sounded more like whines and whimpers, more Pokémon than Human.

The charming ambiance only encouraged me to continue my treat, letting my tongue plunge deeper into her, where the taste was stronger. Her hips wriggled, never dislodging my tongue, mind, but every time she did, something... peculiar drifted onto my tongue. It didn't taste like blood and wasn't enriched with her terror. Yet... it tasted familiar. Natural, even.

I explored this taste, dipping my muzzle so harshly against her crotch that my bottom teeth bloodlessly scrapped the base of that wellspring, watching my pack from over her bend behind, daring one of them to make a move before I was through. They were hungry but something inside of me was growing hungrier... yet my stomach had no place for it.


The deeper his tongue dug in, the more I had to fight to stay still. I wanted to press my legs tightly back together but I had the strong feeling that if I did it would only expedite my death. Then again, why should I make it easier on him? If I was going to die either way, why make it easier on him? Why let him do this? I shifted, considering closing my legs together but I was too fearful to do so. As it was, I might have a chance out of this still. I hoped...

I squirmed more, this time, because his tongue felt weird. It was too new, too odd... It scared me more than the likelihood of my death.

When his teeth scraped against me, I made an audible gasp, largely in part due to the surprise as well as an involuntary reaction to what I thought should have hurt. It didn't hurt, per se, but it did make me jump. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? How could he even... touch me there, so closely, with his tongue?

A single large tremor ran through me, a whine getting by my lips. I don't know what I was begging for. Mercy? I doubt I would receive it. Maybe an answer. Why? Why were you doing this? Why me?

"Why?" The word came out with a rush of air, sounding less like a word and more like a mix of a sigh and a sob. "Why?"

But there was no answer.


Female. The flavor was female.

I have never had a victory taste so sweet. My mouth was drooling as I continued, her short whimpers and whines forming an image in my hungry mind. There she was, a Mightyena female, pussy swollen, body bleeding with the scent of fertility, the promise of pups to the first male to have her. It was a taste I had nearly forgotten and one I intended to make full use of.

Her whines mimicked that of the fantasy bitch, crying out, begging to be tied and seeded. Pulling my tongue out of her, my eyes refocused, taking new light to my fantasy. This female was mine, my bitch. I had taken her from her pack and claimed her as my own. I had tasted her need and found her cries wanting. My pack looked at me, cocking their heads in confusion as I rested my stained chin against the female's spine, my throat vibrating as I rose on my back legs, just enough to plant my forepaws on either side of her hips. There was no fur to grasp so I dug my claws into her flesh, deep enough to tear it to ribbons should she try and pull away. My haunches started moving on their own accord, recognizing the mark I wanted to make on this female.

The thought of using one of these fleshy beasts for my own personal pleasure was so deliciously disgusting that my blood began to fill my lower body, awakening my breeding tool, allowing it to peek just an inch from my sheath, pushing harshly against the tortured flesh of her waist, thighs, crotch, and legs, leaving a warm, drooling trail of pre-seed wherever it hit. Her body shook, her whimpers encouraging me though I know she didn't intend them too.

Every stab made my haunches grow weaker. I growled, knowing I would have to dismount and try a different angle if I didn't hit soon. Faith would have it, though, that no sooner had that thought passed my mind than my sex had slapped against hers. I felt that swollen, velvety mound and instantly imagined that Mightyena, her body submitting and her throat pleading with me, the alpha and the strongest male, to fill her with my young. I obliged that phantom bitch, forcing another hard thrust with my haunches, pushing deeper into that hot, wet cunt. I was no longer hungry, no longer mortal, I was no longer anything but a beast made to breed.

And breed I shall.


His pre had stung against my cuts, making me flinch but those claws of his kept me from moving far. Would it be so bad, I wondered, to make the attempt? Yet fear forbid me from running, though at the rate I was shaking, I didn't think I could have gotten very far anyway.

I had been expecting it even while I hadn't been. I'd been with others before -Humans!- but he, he filled me to the point where I felt for sure I'd be ripped in half. His dick dug so deep inside me, I felt a flash of pain along with a betrayed hint of pleasure. The gasp that came could have been mistaken for either and I tried, struggled against this, but it only seemed to pull him deeper inside of me. Feeling him stroking my insides, plowing it harder into me, I dug my hands into the grass and dirt. Never had I felt such power or force in a thrust, each time he slapped his hips against mine, gasps of air would escape from my lungs. I didn't think he could bury himself any further but it seemed each thrust brought him deeper in me. I could almost feel my body betray me as it tightened around his shaft, hugged it, while my breasts swayed to the rhythm he set.

I felt him rest his throat against my back, the fur soft against my skin as he growled. The feeling should have terrified me but the rumble soothed me, gave me something to focus on other than his huge shaft within me, fucking me like there was no tomorrow.

Perhaps there wouldn't be for me.

I felt dirty, used... but deep within, I also embraced this. This primal act of lust and need, driving hunger of another kind. Would he still kill me when he was through? Perhaps, though I hoped not. Soon, rather than fighting to get away, found myself thrusting back towards him, wanting to see just how far he'd go to make me his. I'd noticed he'd responded to my whines earlier and I hesitantly tried to whine on purpose. It was weak, tainted with fear that I'd offend him by trying, and embarrassment that I found myself wanting it but unable to find a way to express it to him without humiliating myself further. I shouldn't want this... but I did. I wanted this.

The next whine was loud, from need and desire, my inner walls flexing tightly around him as I encouraged my wanton behavior and found strength in it.


The forest was alive with the sound of my flesh slapping against hers, my shaft growing tight inside her. My meat was as big as it would grow and all that followed was the tie, the union that would keep my spunk within her until my futile efforts of seeding her with pups was deemed a mock success. The knot began to swell, making it harder to move as fast as I had been, even with all the pre I'd stained her inner walls with.

Digging my claws into the ground, as well as her thighs, desperately trying to keep up my pace, feeling the tight, quivering embrace of her accepting body, I soon grew too large to dislodge her. I could feel my orgasmic end arriving swiftly, listening to her whines and sound of our union making my pace grow harder and harder with each thrust. Soon, I would be immobile.

It was then that her whine, one made of lust and not fear, completely destroyed my fantasy. I wasn't mating a Mightyena, I was fucking a Human.

...and she was receiving me like a true bitch.

I opened my mouth to compliment her, sacrificing the speed I had hoped to keep for pure power in mating. I forced myself another inch into that foreign cunt before my knot locked in so tight that I could no longer retreat. I did not stop, her wonderful, needing body, her lips, which expressed desire to my ears, and the feeling of power that I had over another creature, feeding my alpha status, made this all too perfect.

Pumping her hard, dragging her trapped hips with me, my pack continued to look on. I knew they could smell what I did, a bitch in heat calling to be bred, and to scent it from a Human, of all things! I used her beautifully, as one of her kind would use us in battle. Even though our bodies were trapped snugly together, I created the satisfying illusion of motion by never faltering, feeling my peak so close that I could taste it.


I felt part of him enter me that I had never felt with a male of my own species. It was so much thicker than the rest of him that it was painful and pleasurable all at the same time. Before I could even protest slightly at the fact that he planned on putting that in me, it was in. It was in and it felt great. I could feel my eyes flutter, a sudden heat surging through me. His growl, at first, startled me, even scared me a little, till I realized that he sounded almost... pleased with me. I gave another whine, which became more of a prolonged groan as he kept fucking me. I couldn't take it any more. The feelings were far too much, far too strong, far too anything I'd ever felt before.

I came.

I came harder than I'd ever come before; with myself, with a toy, with a man... I cam and I practically howled as my orgasm crashed around me, my vision blurring, my head swimming.

Nothing I'd experienced before had ever felt this good.


Her body shook with a force I barely understood. So few of our species ever received any more than relief, a waning of their heat, during sex. Guessing by her primal howl, this bitch was brought to climax and her living cave sought to bring me with her. Obliging her, my throat built up a growl that climbed unsteadily into a piercing howl as my seed planted itself in her infertile, unwelcoming, but still eager womb.

Spurt after spurt of my cum launched itself through my shaft, marking her as mine. My haunches had stopped fucking her, instead resigned to keep myself standing until the last drop of seed would leave me. My claws relaxed and simply dangled at her sides as I finished my breeding with her, looking again towards my hungry pack.

Opening my mouth, I licked between her shoulder blades, tasting her sweat, a seasoning to the meat I'd longed to devour. For a brief moment, I thought of ending her life now. It would be a good time to kill her, to reward her and leave her in the throes of her Human passion, not knowing the sting of our fatal bite. But I had not had a female in such a long time before this, even more so, she was the greatest I'd ever had.

Closing my eyes, I kept lightly licking her.

Humans were using Pokémon all over the world, capturing them, training them to fit their needs. Why, then, couldn't I do the same? A Human in my pack, to serve as my bitch, both alpha and beta to whomever needed to quell appetites other than those of the stomach. She was rightfully mine by laws she had no knowledge of, but ignorance did not excuse her from wandering into our territory, could not save her from the marking bite on her thigh, and my seed now pumping through her belly, all of which branded her as mine.

My pack continued looking on, growling irritably. They recognized the claim I had made with my breeding howl, that this Human was no longer their dinner. I silenced them with a quick snarl, watching their ears fold back and their heads shake, their gaze drifting over the Human with disbelief. However, if I was to avoid an insurrection of my status, I would have to provide compensation for my pack.

After all, they too had participated in the hunt and thus had fair claim to the spoils.

I stayed silent until I untied myself from her, feeling my knotted cock plop free of her sex as I hopped off of her round hips. As per custom, I gave her breeding tunnel a good few laps with my tongue, to wipe away a little of what had dribbled out during my egress. There was so much remaining that I allowed it to drool from her silted mound, moving towards her front. I was between my companions as I approached her head, still bowed low. Shaft hanging below my belly, I tapped her forehead with it, ordering her, in my own way, to fulfill her role as pack bitch and clean the scent and taste of her filth from me.

It was something she was going to be doing a lot of, after all.


When he hit his member against my forehead, I was startled. I tried to look at him but he touched it to my cheek, insistent of something. Did he want me to lick him? I made a face at the thought, considering I darn well knew where it had been. But... he'd done it to me. I'd never... never given head before. What if I messed up?

Hesitantly, I whispered, "I... I'll try. Just... don't get mad at me, please." I tried to add a whimper at the end of it but I couldn't squeeze it out of my tightened throat. Instead, I slowly lifted myself to a better position on all fours. I tried to do so as gradually as possible, not wanting them to think I was trying to escape, but damn, I needed to get off my elbows.

I used a hand to tuck my hair back before moving my head towards his waiting shaft. I brought my tongue to touch the tip, not sure what to expect for a taste. It was bitter, rather unpleasant, really, but I didn't want to piss him off. I licked at him a little more, even going so far as to twirl my tongue over the head of his shaft, though I flinched away a little, expecting punishment of some sort.

He... he didn't seem to be retaliating in a negative way.

I shifted a little, uncertain at first, before leaning in closer to run my tongue a little more over his member. I felt something warm coming from his tip and assumed it was leftover sperm. I flicked my tongue against it, bracing for the bitterness, but found that it wasn't so bad warm and fresh.

Slightly more eager at this discovery, I lapped at his shaft a few more times before taking the tip of his member into my mouth, sucking, hoping to milk a few more drops.


She understood well, it seemed. Good.

It was a simple formality, cleansing the breeding bitch's tunnel so her heated scent wouldn't attract others to us, but I felt the growls in my throat melt into deep, yet weak whines of pleasure as she returned the same gesture to me. Eyes nearly closed, the lids hovering so I could see the expressions on my pack mate's faces, I enjoyed the treatment she was giving me.

As she took me in her mouth, my eyes flew open, my hips giving a small shiver. My mind was playing a trick on me! I was still at her mouth, right? So why did it feel so much like I was inside her sex again? What was she doing? Gods, this felt good!

My tail swayed back and forth as she drew even more seed from me. I could feel every drop as it left my sensitive tip, causing me to shamefully pant in pleasure. My pack members were intrigued enough that they moved closer, wanting to inspect this female who I'd claimed.

Snap moved to sniff at her face as she cleaned me. No... she was beyond cleaning me now. This was a greater service than I could have predicted or named, one that I fully intended to benefit from. Grovel, meanwhile, was more interested in her hind, the other male padding over to her backside, pressing his cold nose around her claimed hide and flesh.

The sensation of his nose made her jump, taking more of me in her mouth in the process. It was a mistake on her part, to pull away from Grovel, but one I wasn't going to correct. Taking that much of my flesh had made my haunches jerk, forcing my swollen flesh into her throat. My knot slapped against her nose and I drew back to repeat the gesture. It was almost better than mating with her, so much so that Snap had taken an interest in it as well. He placed his head along her shoulder, growling against her spine, claiming himself to be next.

Grovel wasn't deterred by her pulling away and instead pressed his nose back at her crotch. I could hear the sloppy sounds of his tongue slapping against her flesh, drinking what I'd dumped into her.

Poor lesser male.

My teeth began to chatter with pleasure from the sensations of her Human maw. Understandably, I protested with a growl when she withdrew me from her lips. However, before I could rebuke her for the action, she wrapped her Human paw around my need, stroking me further. This was almost as good and I continued to push myself into that tight fist as Snap began licking at her spine, placing one paw lightly on her neck as Grovel lifted his head from her snatch. My seed and her juice dripped from his muzzle and I took satisfaction in his humiliation, however, for joining the hunt, I would grant him what he desired.

Grovel's ears folded against his head, begging me for her. I allowed it by staying silent, the lesser male mounting her instantly, his longer, lankier forelegs wrapping around her stomach, grasping her in a strange hug as his haunches began their own hunt for that delectable tunnel.

My strength had still not returned completely so my thrusts were lacking in their strength. Thankfully, my post-breeding sensitivity was making up for this, the pleasure keeping my cock swollen. Snap was waiting for his turn patiently, like a good underling, while Grovel still sought out her core with his thrusts. However, his longer legs made his aim a bit... high.

His tapered tip poked hard around the female's tail hole, his own pre fooling his cock into thinking it had found a hot, wet hole. The trick had sent his haunches into a frenzy and I myself winced as I saw, from over her shoulder, Grovel shoving himself harshly into her ass, beginning to mercilessly pound it as if it were a cunt.

Teh. Foolish male.


If I had thought the big one shoving in had hurt then that was NOTHING compared to this one.

There was blinding pain, enough that I let go of the leader male's shaft less I rip it off. My shoulders tightened and my body tensed in excruciating pain. It felt like he'd shoved a burning stick up my ass! To my own shame, I began crying again, each thrust making me try to pull away from him but he held on tight. Shit! It hurt!

My ass instinctively tightened, as though hoping to keep him out, but I only did that once before realizing that the pain had doubled when he dug in. I had to try and calm myself, in spite of the panic fluttering inside me like a caged Taillow. Yet all I could focus on was the pain and the sure knowledge that I'd be bleeding from another orifice tonight.

I wanted to beg the leader to make the other stop, knowing full well that it was within his power to do so... but I also knew he wouldn't. And that, in addition to the pain, made me weep harder. The whimpers that escaped my lips sounded weak to my own ears and I bit my lip to make them stop, only succeeding in muffling them.

The other male, the scruffier one who wasn't the leader, he dragged his claws across my shoulder as this was going on. I pulled away instantly, not wanting any more wounds added. I had flesh, not fur, and was already bleeding from so many spots that I couldn't even count them all. It was while I was focused on the pain at my shoulders that a sudden flare of pleasure unexpectedly overwhelmed me. It made me moan suddenly, arching back towards the one fucking my ass.

Whatever he hit... I wanted him to hit it again


I had been furious with Grovel interrupting my service but as I whirled to snarl at him, I saw pure ecstasy burning in his eyes. The male had not had a female in a longer time than I, it would be wrong of me to deny him his pleasure now.

Snap had been growing impatient, his claws raking her shoulder unintentionally with his own desire to breed her. He was begging to mount her face but I was enjoying the cries of her pain and wanted to hear them a little longer.

A familiar sound struck my ears, the equivalent of a bitch's lustful whine chiming. Curious, I waited to see if the sound repeated itself. When it did, I gave a low groan of my own, my shaft twitching in response. For some odd reason, the bitch seemed turned on by Grovel's administrations (though I couldn't for the life of me figure out why).

Deciding that Snap had waited long enough, I moved to the side to allow him access to the Human's maw. He eagerly moved to place both paws on her shoulders, aiming his sex directly at her face. I barked once at him, knowing he wanted to pound her, but not wanting my quarry injured further. Instead of humping her, as he so desired, he allowed his hips to sway back and forth, the ruby red cock tip pressing lightly below her nose and cheek, splashing her with harsh spurts of pre, marking her face with his musk as he did so.

She opened her lips, licking lightly at Snap's cock before sucking on the tip of it, ever so often making a whimper as Grovel fucked her. Knowing the temptation Snap was facing, used my fangs to keep his haunches at bay, feeling his muscles tense as he tried to restrain himself. It was a sweet torture, I'm sure, to feel her oral embrace while watching Grovel lose himself completely. Both males were growling, taking pleasure as they enjoyed either end of her. I couldn't help but rub my cock against her cheek and shoulder, feeling that soft, furless flesh caressing my sensitive prick like those fingers I began to long for once again.


I was grateful to the leader for holding the other at bay, keeping him from thrusting as much as the other behind me. I had to admit, I was rather fond of being able to breathe...

Taking more of the male in my mouth, I began to bob my head, working him in and out, sucking and swallowing what pre came my way. His taste wasn't as bitter as the other had been, actually holding a trace of sweetness to it.

I couldn't stop the little noises that were coming from the pleasure of the one fucking me in the ass, feeling myself spiraling upward with the desire to climax again. What he was doing in my ass felt nice... but it wasn't enough to let me cum.

I began to whine a little louder, begging, casting a hesitant glance at the leader who was rubbing his shaft against my skin. I wonder...

With the weight of the one on my shoulders and the one fucking me from behind, I was rather unsteady but the one at front was light enough, I thought I could try. Body swaying as I was being humped, I tried to lift a hand to touch the leader's swelling member. It was hard to focus on continuing to suck while doing this, so I let the thrusts of the canine behind me carry my lips in thrusting the other's shaft. My fingers just lightly grazed the leader's member, the angle slightly awkward and highly difficult to maintain without some support to help keep me balanced.

Then, he did something I wasn't expecting.

The leader lay down, moving so that the upper part of his body was positioned just under mine. This allowed me to have much easier access to his shaft, enabling me to wrap my hand around him and stroke him. While this was going on, I felt his tongue lapping lightly at my entrance. The instant it touched, I thought I was going to faint from so much stimulation going on. A groan rumbled through my throat, vibrating against the cock in my mouth, my lips tightening around him as I sucked a little harder. My ass burned for a moment, making me wince when I realized the male back there had managed to push more of himself inside me, but the gentle licks of the leader's tongue against my cunt soothed me. It was hard to focus with the shaft base or budge... not sure what it was other than large, pressing against my nose, much less breathe, but a little twist of my head angled it so I could breathe better and put a little more weight on my hand supporting me, which in turn allowed me to stabilize while I wrapped my fingers around the leader's shaft. It felt warm in my hands and I enjoyed stroking it.

It made me feel like I had control over something.

I had to fight to keep from biting down when the one behind me shoved in the last additional bit and came in my ass. I wanted too, so badly, but it didn't seem to me that biting on dicks would get me very far in the "I want to live" scenario. My hand clawed into the soil instead, needing some way to express the sharp pain. The other was still pushing at my mouth, his sounds distracting me and enticing me to make my own. I wanted to hold his shaft with one hand, suck him off with my mouth as I stroked him... but leaving the leader with nothing seemed suicidal at this point. Instead, I tried to take more of the male in my mouth, going so far as to get some back into my throat. Now that I had a better idea of what I was doing, I was able to angle a bit better, so as not to gag. Still stroking the leader's cock, I squirmed around as his tongue and muzzle played with me, adding even more volume to my muffled whines.


It felt awkward for me, I admit. Mating like this was not something I was used to. However, I raised one back leg and let my hips pump into her fist, squeezing my knot against her fingers. I continued to lick harder at her sex, the upside down position I was in making everything fall conveniently into my maw, watching as Grovel's shaft pulsed as he released himself into my bitch, silently cuming as was the gamma's way. Snap, however, was making enough pants and growl sounds for the both them, making me wonder if he would be so observant to our laws in his moment of passion, which was swiftly approaching.

Snap growled, trying so hard to suppress his climaxing howl as he reached his peak. Bless his beta heart. In spite of how he was emptied himself into my bitch's face, I held no anger towards him. I knew my own seed had more volume and virility than his. Still, he would proved more than enough for her to feed from.

I held back for as long as I could but it wasn't much longer till my throat ripped with a deep, vibrating howl directly against her sex as my seed launched from my shaft, splashing onto her arm and side, marking her as mine. She released me, her body shaking as she came again, the liquid running eagerly into my awaiting mouth.

There was more than the simple scent of sex and musk in the air. Never before had a pack shared a bitch with an alpha before, especially not at the same time! This Human was valuable, more valuable than food. We had lost one of our own, Runt, when the little one had tried to steal a heated bitch from a pack of Houndoom. We barely heard his cries over the sound of fire... Since then, we had kept our desires repressed, lest they endanger us again. Now, we no longer had to torture ourselves.

I conveyed my thoughts to my pack, and, though their minds were no doubt elsewhere during their climatic decrease, I knew they shared my sentiments. The bitch would live. With us.

I drank what remained from her cunt, my cock continuing to fire spurt after spurt of lessened seed across her body, some of it hitting what I assumed to be her pup-feeders. They looked slightly swollen with milk and I wondered if we had taken her from her pups. But I had seen, and eaten, other Humans before. There was no milk there. It was disappointing, at first, but it meant there would be one less reason for her to try and escape.

It was a while before our bodies softened, the torrent of seed spilling from her heralding the last of the mating for tonight. Grovel popped free of her first, the very action looking painful and unnatural to my eyes but I quickly corrected myself. This was how I was to see her now, a warm body for my needs and the needs of my pack, an emergency meal should our hunts grow unsuccessful for much longer.

Speaking of hunt... I was too tired, as loathe as I was to admit it, to track and kill something right now. Moving out from under her, I issued an order for Snap to gather whatever fruits he could find for us. We hated fruit... but could eat it if hard pressed to. She could eat it too, I was certain, which would allow us to keep her fat enough to provide two nights worth of dinner, should the need arise.

The two dismounted her, Snap heading off to forage as Grovel moved to circle the area, making sure that we'd be left alone for a while. The female's form was shaky, as though she hardly had the energy to remain on all fours. Pressing my head to her shoulder, I pushed lightly, trying to get her on her side. Something that seemed as though it would be an easy task, what with her quivering body so close to collapsing on itself regardless of my actions.

Over the lingering scents of sex and lust in the air, I caught a tendril of fear. For a brief moment, she resisted before submitting, offering a small whine as she moved to lie on her side. Such a poor bitch, begging for her life...

I put my teeth around her throat, signifying just how easily I could end her existence, before lightly licking at her neck, acknowledging her submission.


When his teeth gripped my skin, I froze. Was this it? The licks on my throat did little to relax me and I was glad when the other males returned, distracting the leader momentarily. There was anger in his growl, directed towards something one of the others had brought. I couldn't quite make it out at this angle or in this light, but it didn't matter for his attention quickly turned back to me. His breath caused tiny bumps to race across my skin, his muzzle leaning closer to me...

Then he began licking at my wounds.

That action relaxed me. After all, why would he tend to the wounds of someone he was planning to kill, right? I was safe.

For now.


Well, it was better now or never.

Snap approached me with the berries, just as Grovel returned with nothing to report from his scouting mission. The branch Snap had brought back was filled with little juiceballs, but now came the worst part.

I bit into the branch, filling my mouth with disgusting twigs, leaves, and even dirt as I took few berries from the horrible venture. I chewed the mulch, drinking the sweet berries juice, then spitting out the uncomfortable foliage after. I shook my head, licked at my teeth, trying to get the last few bits of twigs out of my maw.


I was puzzled by the actions the leader was taking. Chewing on a branch? That didn't make any sense... It took a while for my befuddled mind to come up with a probable answer. Berries. There must be berries on the branch. But why would he just bite into the branch? Why not just... oh. That's right, no hands.

He seemed pained by the act of having to bite into the limb, which I guess I could understand. Wood didn't seem like it would be that forgiving on ones mouth. Yet he still ate it. A spiteful part of me was pleased with the pain he must be suffering... but the other side felt... pity. He must be starving but he was holding off on killing me and feeding me to his pack. Was prey so scarce?

I was torn between actions, sleep seemed favorable at the moment but I was still feeling badly for the Pokémon. Warily, I tried to rise on all fours again but found my body too weary for such motions, too sore too. The most I could do was get into a kneeling position.

Swallowing several times, I managed to get out, "I can... I can help. If... if you bring it here." I hastily added. "Not that you have to! If you don't want to... that is."

I trailed off, feeling foolish for having drawn their focus back to me. They might decide I was a better meal than berries after all.

I wasn't sure if my words were understood or not. The leader had given an irritated growl but the end results were the same. The scruffier of the three brought the branch to me, though reluctantly. He dropped it before me before stepping back, all three of them waiting.

It was hard to see where the berries were hidden in the branch. Mostly, I had to go by feel. Luckily, it seemed the berries grew mostly in clusters so if I found even one there were about ten more in the group. Plucking them carefully, trying not to squish them, I began to lay them at my side, albeit, as far from me as I could reach, trying to show that I wasn't taking them for myself. I didn't dare put any in my mouth, though I was faintly hungry, and instead tried to keep my gaze low, away from the leader, continuing to feel along the branch and pick berries, hoping the action would find favor, in some small way.


Now, that was interesting.

Snap cocked his head, nearly as confused as when I'd ordered him to give her the berry branch, thinking to cease the noises from her mouth. Grovel had earned his name by begging for scraps and the nervous noises she'd made had sounded similar. Speaking of groveling, Grovel was keeping to his namesake, whining for some of the berries the Human was picking.

Walking forward, I lowered my head, scooping up a maw of berries. I chewed, cautious at first, before eagerly mashing them in my teeth. Never before had I eaten berries without all the twigs and, I have to admit, they were amazing! They were not as delicious as some things I've savored, but they were juicy... like fat Starly chicks. No bones, even!

Swallowing the berries, I stepped back to allow the males to have their mouthful, hoping to make Grovel stop his incessant begging and ending Snap's continuous confusion. When each had gotten theirs, I stepped in again to take one more, for my alpha status, leaving what remained for the female, nodding sharply in her direction, as I had done for the others, to signify her turn.

She ate a few, leaving the rest. How much did Humans eat? Was that enough to sate her? Well, it would have to be for now.

The other males looked at me and, gracious alpha that I was, I allowed them to have the remainder. It was better for the pack that way, anyway. Sated stomachs would bring energy for the next hunt.

Giving a yawn, I approached the female, pressing my shoulder against hers till she was down on her side again. Sated, in more ways than one, I planned on sleeping. Raising my paw, I rested it on her upturned arm, laying my head on leg, keeping my nose faced towards her. My nostrils sucked in the scent of her sweat, our seed, and the after aroma of sex that still clung to her, a pleasing bouquet of fragrances that made me growl happily. My companions flanked her on either side before lying down, Snap circling a few times before getting comfortable. She was to have no escape, no chance to put on those damn tatters of fake fur on and run. If she tried to leave, we would know.

And we would stop her.

She made a soft sigh and I watched as she closed her eyes, intrigued at how quickly she'd succumbed to sleep. Perhaps she'd accepted her fate? Unlikely... after all, she was Human. By not killing her, we'd given her an opportunity to escape us. A dangerous risk...

Still, seeing her without the fake fur, sleeping among us as if she were truly of our pack, made me forget about the fact that she was being forced to serve us.

I laid a final lick upon her shoulder, tasting the drying blood on her skin, dirt and grime mingled with a hint of my seed. Tasting that, smelling it, her scent and mine, I was pleased beyond words. I would be the first to admit being a prideful beast, this victory over those fleshy animals, over her, played happily in my mind. After all, while Humans are a clever beast...

They still forget that they should never wander unattended into the grass.


There are facts... and there are legends. My name is Keith William Travels, and that's a fact. Today, I plan to prove false a legend. "I didn't think it'd be so big." My voice was slightly muffled by the scarf wrapped around my head, one of...

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There are those who are called "Legendary." These Pokémon control the elements of the planet, from elements such as Fire and Ice to those of Space and Time. They are thought to be the strongest Pokémon on the planet and yet... their powers are...

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What was I waiting for? Standing outside of Professor Elm's house, hand raised to knock (as it had been for the last three minutes), I asked myself that question again yet my hand still refused to lower itself to tap upon the door. I had...

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