Let Me Make It All Better Part 2

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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It has been months since Jet ended up in the caring arms of Candy. Jet was still a little depressed but feeling a little better that he is being loved by a loving nidoqueen.

"Quit it Candy that tickles my belly." laughed Jet.

Candy was licking Jet's belly with her enormous tongue, she was cleaning his body in other words giving him a bath with her tongue. She finally stopped licking Jet's belly and lowered his shirt covering his stomach.

"Sorry Jet but thats the only way to keep you clean. We all have to take baths in many was as possible." said Candy smiling.

Candy just got done giving Jet a bath, due to the loss of Jet's home he can't take a shower like regular humans do. Instead he had to resort to Candy licking him clean or take a bath in a near by lake, the tongue bath often tickled Jet's body so he tries to run but Candy is to fast and usually has to hold him due to the massive tickling feeling Jet feels.

"Why does it tickle me so much everytime you do that?" asked Jet giggling.

"You just have a sensitive belly." answered Candy motherly.

Candy was holding him in her arms, she gave Jet a lick on the cheek just to make him smile. She was being playful that time.

"Stop it your making me all slimey." Jet laughed.

"I'm sorry but I just love to play with you." said Candy giggling.

Jet knew that pokemon can get attached to people, but he didn't know that a pokemon was able mother a human child.

"Candy can I ask you something?" asked Jet curiously.

"Sure what is it sugar?" asked Candy.

"When you said you've been watching me since I was little, what do you remember from watching me?" asked Jet looking hopeful.

Candy was looking back when she first lay her eyes on Jet when he was very young, from when Jet was a toddler to when he was growing up in the forest that surrounded his home.

"Well you were about 4-years-old when I first saw you, you were so cute when you were little. You may not remember but I used to make goofy faces at you to make you laugh. Even the funny noises made you laugh your head off." said Candy finally.

Jet was amazed at how far back she could remember about him.

"Did my family know that?" asked Jet.

"Yes your family knew that part of your life." answered Candy looking proud.

"Why can't I remember that from back then?" he asked wondering.

"You were to young and that was so long ago." she answered back.

If Candy knew this much about Jet, it made him think how much did she remember about him.

"Candy Did you ever love someone?" he asked nervously.

Candy thought for a moment and at first she couldn't think of anyone, but then a answer popped into her mind like fireworks.

"I do love someone and I've known him for a long time." she said smiling.

"Who is he?" asked Jet quickly.

Candy knew who she loved but wondered if now was the right time. She took a deep breath and staired into Jet's eyes with a longing look.

"The special someone I loved for so long." Candy began.

She paused for a second and came out with the answer.

"Is you Jet!" finished Candy.

Jet was suprised, it was him that Candy loved for so long. He blushed from the unexpected answer that his ears just heard.

"Me you love me!" asked Jet shocked.

"I loved you ever since I used to play with you. Do you love me as much as I love you?" she asked lovingly.

Jet never knew that pokemon could love humans, people knew that was a possibility but they never knew how shocking it was. The answer popped into Jet's head and he knew its the right one.

"Anyone who would go out of their way to make sure I was in perfect condition and take me in when I had no place to go must really have a soft heart. Candy I do love you, because you gave me a home and you did what was the right thing to do. For that I love you!" said Jet pleased and proud.

"Goody." said Candy happily.

She gave him a big hug, but she gripped to hard almost crushing Jet's back.

"Candy your squeezing me." said Jet breathless.

Candy stopped hugging and loosened her grip, breathing a little heavy Jet cought his breath almost immediately.

"Woops sorry for squeezing you, how about a kiss instead?" asked Candy apoligizing.

"Its not your fault for what happened, you just got a little excited. As for the kiss I would love to." responeded Jet.

Candy licked her lips, smiling lustfully.

"Give momma some sugar." said Candy playfully.

She planted her lips on Jets and kissed him passionately. They felt the warm love filling their minds like an ocean, they were slowly filled with lust. Candy slipped her large tongue into Jet's mouth, she explored his mouth wiggling her tongue all over inside. Her tongue was smooth and slippery, she slipped her tongue back into her mouth, they broke the kiss. Candy had an idea, she smiled lustfully.

"Jet take off your shirt, your gonna love what I'm going to do." said Candy still in a playful voice.

"What are you going to?" asked Jet.

"You'll see." answered Candy with a coy smile.

Jet took his shirt off and tossed it aside, his upper body revealed. Candy licked her lips once more, she lowered her head and started licking Jet's chest. The feeling was incredible, he felt his heart racing with lust. Candy's tongue was so big she licked Jet's entire chest.

"Candy oh yes, this feels good." moaned Jet pleasurably.

Jet felt a strange pressure form down in between his legs, a bulge was poking inside his pants. Candy stopped licking when she saw the bulge poking inside of Jet's pant.

"Hey Jet can I see whats making that bulge inside your pant?" asked Candy feeling horny.

"Uuuuhhhh what are planning to do?" asked Jet nervous.

"You'll see honey." said Candy playfully.

She grabbed Jet's pants and jerked them right off, the shoes came off too. Candy saw Jet's underwear, she quickly pulled them off and tossed them aside. Jet's 10 inched, hairless cock was revealed and exposed to Candy, she staired with lust in her eyes. She placed her mouth around his dick and sucked it, she slurped her tongue fast all over Jet's entire length. Candy licked and sucked his member, this was a good feeling Jet experienced. Pleasure shot through his wang like static electricity, his cock got hot, hard, and thick too. Suddenly a feeling of bliss flowed through Jet's lower body, this tickled his penis.

"Candy whatever your doing don't STOP." gasped Jet in pleasure.

He came in Candy's mouth, she swallowed every last drop of cum. It tasted like sweet milk, suddenly Jet stopped cumming. Candy removed her mouth and looked at Jet with lust in her eyes.

"That was amazing what did you do to me?" asked Jet suprised.

"I gave you a blow-job." said Candy in a sexy voice.

"I never had a blow-job before. Is their anyway to make that feeling stronger?" said Jet eagerly.

"I know how to but I need to lay down, just do as I say and I'll run you through it." instructed Candy.

Candy bent backwards and lay on her back. Jet slipped down and landed on his feet, when staired at Candy he saw a opening located on her lower body.

"Stick your dick inside my opening." Candy instructed.

Jet walked over and inserted his penis inside Candy's vagina, it felt warm inside of her body.

"Now go in and out of me and don't stop." she instructed Jet.

Jet went in and out of her and felt a warm feeling grow around his member. The warmth got stronger and he went faster, a jolt of pleasure shocked through his body. Jet felt like he could go faster but he didn't feel the bliss rise up inside him yet.

"Candy this feels warm I like it. Should I keep going?" he asked her.

"Definetly." she moaned.

Jet went faster and kept going, her moist depths felt wetter with each second. He was getting hotter amd it felt like firework exploding inside of him. Candy moaned in pleasure, the sound of Jet going in and out sounded like sloshing water. Jet felt like he was on fire, he increased his speed not even bothering to slow down.

"OOOOOOh Jet keep going, that feels nice." moaned Candy feeling horny.

Jet kept going like his life depended on it, his climax was building up quickly. Candy's inner walls squeezed Jet's manhood tightly.

"Candy you feel so tight, oooooh so hot." said Jet pleasurably.

Candy was in a world of perverted pleasure which made Jet go as fast as he could go. Jet was really turned on at what he was doing, he knew what sex was and knew how to do it. He just never done it before in his life.

"I'm going to enjoy every fucking second of this sexually active moment." said Jet breathing heavily.

Jet's orgasm was reaching it's peak, but Candy was about to cum first.

"Oh Oh oh Oh OH fuck I'm gonna cum." Candy gasped.

She clasped around Jet's pecker and sprayed her juices all over his lower body, then Jet's climax was just about ready.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooh CANDY." gasped Jet blissfully.

Jet fully locked in and finally shot his hot load inside Candy's body, his dick was completely inside of her. Jet's climax lasted for what felt like an eternity, until finally he stopped cumming and fell to the ground tired out. He was breathing heavily, than Candy got up and grabbed him by the waist and held him in her arms and lay back down.

"Candy that was.........incredible. I never made...........love before in my life." panted Jet.

"I told you that was going feel intense." said Candy.

She hugged Jet tightly, but gently. They lay there enjoying the afterglow.

"I love you Candy!" whispered Jet.

"I love you too sugar!" she whispered back.

The two of them lay there snuggling eachother warmly, they knew for the rest of there lives that they were ment to be together as soulmates.

To Be Continued