Revenge is really sweet.

Story by chubby9302 on SoFurry

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Hey all! So this story's isn't so much a furry themed one, but there's a category for it anyway, and I thought it was a hot idea so I went with it Plus, it's got a bit more of an angry tone than stuff I'm used to.

As always, if you want to skip to the naughty bits, just scroll down to the second line in the story.



"C'mon, pick up damnit!"

Darren threw his phone on to his bed, picked up his bright red v-neck tee and slipped it onto his lean muscular form. The young man gave an annoyed sigh, his girlfriend Christine still wasn't answering her phone. They were supposed to go to the club tonight. Him and his girlfriend had been having problems as of late, neither of them were really talking much to each other, and whenever they did communicate, it was about problems of him being a stubborn jackass, and her flirting with every guy that she thought was good looking. Both

Now tonight, this was supposed to be their way to forget about their problems and have a night of fun; their definition of fun being a night full of drunken dancing, grinding and hopefully ending in a bout of hot sex. But, Darren was beginning to think more and more that he was being stood up, but in his own arrogance, he thought to himself, "Why would any woman wanna not go to a club with me? I'm sure that she's probably just waiting there, she probably had her phone turned off."

Darren smirked to himself, squirted half a bottle of his cologne onto himself, combed his short black hair to the back of his head and put on some skinny jeans. Satisfied with his appearance, he left his apartment and went into his car, not being one to completely be satisfied, he continued to call his girlfriend while driving and left a text to let her know he "cumming" to the club.

He pulled up to the curb of the road close by to the club, Darren could feel the heavy bass pounding against his stomach and lights flashing in all multiple colours through the doors open to the club. He walked up to the doors of the club, where a large bouncer with sunglasses was stationed in front of the open doors. Darren walked up to him with his head held high, besides all of his flaws, one thing he didn't lack was self confidence, the air he exuded showed that he didn't intimidate easily.

"Here buddy," Darren slipped the large bouncer a fifty, "Just get me in with no problems, if I need a good swingman later on I'll give ya another tip." He said with a wink.

The larger man reached down and accepted the note out of Darren's hand, placed it in his back pocket and lowered his sunglasses. "You're Darren right? I think I saw your little lady friend, she was wondering if you're here." The enforcer gave him a wink.

With a look of confusion, the smaller man walked into the club, he didn't know that guy, how the hell did he know about him? "But of course! Chrissy must've been looking for me! Heh, she must've known I'd slip the guy a fifty." Darren felt much better, his girlfriend was already here waiting for him, she shouldn't have changed plans without her telling him, but no matter, it was going to be a fun night. The young man grinned as he walked into the doors and into the inferno that was loud music, bright strobe lights and overpriced alcohol.

The bouncer's eyes followed Darren as he walked inside and out of sight, he smirked and patted his back pocket. He then walked away from his post shaking his head, "She wanted to know if you were here, didn't mean she wanted to see you."

Finding his girlfriend in the club was utter hell for Darren, the amount of people there dancing felt like live sardines in a can, after 10 minutes of shoving people aside looking for his short, blond haired babe, he was sick of being there alone. "I think it's time for some booze."

He walked up to the bar, and yelled over at one of the bartenders, a very short girl. Almost one that looked like she didn't belong there, she sported some short black hair. Along with a club uniform she was wearing, the girl adorned a very short black skirt. Her clothing showed off her good physical features, especially her behind, but Darren wasn't in the mood for that. He was angry at everything and just wanted a good shot, plus, her long black stockings and black makeup made her look pretty goth anyway.

"Bartender, give me a couple shots of rum will ya?" The tone of rudeness just burst out of his voice.

"Yeah, I'm coming." She rolled her eyes, she was in the middle of a conversation with another patron of club which she was enjoying. If he was gonna call her over, he at least shouldn't come off as a douchebag.

"Here you go hun." She handed him a couple shot glasses of rum. Darren replaced the spot on the counter where the glasses stood with a 10 dollar bill.



"Yeah...whatever." With the speed of a ninja, Darren downed his shots of rum, he strained to give Shea a half-smile, which she returned with the same amount of enthusiasm and quickly got back to her conversation.

Darren grunted as he pushed himself away from the barstool and restarted his quest to find his girlfriend, 5 more minutes were spent pushing through people dancing, even though he managed to get some good feels of various parts of the female anatomy, he was getting more pissed off by the minute.

"When I see that bitch..."

All of a sudden, he felt a weird pressure in his lower stomach, just above his groin, realizing that he had to empty his bladder, Darren rushed to find the washroom, pushing dancers out of the way until he reached the ai


"Why the hell are there no urinals?" Darren stumbled past the sinks and into one of the empty stalls. There wasn't much time to think about that, his bladder was screaming for release.

He whipped out his member and relaxed as he began to urinate in the toilet, the feeling of relief began to wash over him, and it allowed him to think straighter, he looked down and well, his dick was looking big as usual, aside from his self confidence, Darren was really proud of his cock, it was a doozy at 10 inches and it was rather girthy as well. It was the main reason why he was so....cocky, heh Darren chuckled to himself at the pun. His monster also gave him an advantage when it came to women, his girlfriend would have sex with him often when she got the chance.

But that was before they started fighting; now Darren hadn't had sex in a couple of months, and this night had been going awfully so far and chances of him being able to hide the sausage were getting slimmer. He sighed, deep in thought, until he heard another sigh and an odd moan coming from the stall next to his. It did not sound like it belonged to a man though, with a shocking realization that was creeping over him, much like a horror plot. He understood why there were no urinals in here: he was in the women's washroom!

"Shit....shit...shit." He hastily pulled up his pants and walked out as quietly as he could out of the stall, unfortunately for him a raver girl made her way inside whilst pulling her pants down. She looked up saw Darren right in front of her and started screaming. All Darren could do was a straight bolt around the shrieking banshee with his head down.

Safely out of there, Darrenwas able to relax somewhat, "shit, that broad could make a good metalcore screamer."

But he had had enough, the loud noise, the lights and the terrible dancing of most of the people in the club were starting to bother him. He made his way out the doors outside. Cool, fresh air with the slightest scent of pot greeted him. Darren was disappointed, especially since the bouncer at the door told him earlier that Christine was here. He slipped off into a mild trance, wondering what could have been. If he had found Christine, she would be dancing in the club, waiting for him. They would get inebriated, contort their bodies around each other in time with the music for the night, and as the night reached its peak, they consummate a good night with the first bout of sex in months.

Darren could still remember how her nipples felt when he pinched them, when he grabbed and squeezed her breasts, she would moan loudly under his touch, it felt almost vivid; the way she planted herself up against the wall with her round ass beckoning him. Her butt would wrap around his cock perfectly like it was made for him. Her pussy was tight as Darren pounded her, after all, who's pussy wouldn't feel snug around his own maleness? He was probably the biggest she would ever have, and the way she cried out when he thrust inside her with force. Often, he would spank her backside, just to add to the stimulation and that moan. It was like she was right there, and his cock was painfully straining against his jeans, leaving a considerable tent.

Yet again, he heard another moan and that brought him out of his fantasy. It really did sound like his girlfriend was there, not with him, but the sound of it she was....right around the corner of the...building?

Darren slowly walked over, not even his own cockiness was gonna make thoughts up for him now. The young man approached the other side of the building, and to his horror, the familiar sounds grew louder. The corner turned into the opening of a narrow alley way and even though he had an idea of what to expect, what he saw when he turned the corner horrified him.

What he saw was his girlfriend Christine, hoisted with her back up against the wall, breasts hanging over her pulled down tanktop, jiggling with each thrust. Her legs were splayed upwards with her panties hanging on one of her ankles and she was moaning loudly, completely oblivious to her boyfriend's arrival. Darren recognized the man fucking her; it was the bouncer that he slipped the fifty dollars to earlier.

Neither Christine, or the scum bouncer noticed Darren's presence just a couple metres away. They were completely overtaken by their actions. Darren was struck dumb on the spot, his mouth agape, after what felt like an eternity, he finally felt the boiling urge to yell, but was interrupted suddenly.

In a deep booming voice, the larger man gave a grunt and a short yelp as he came inside Christine. She lowered herself down the wall and the bouncer pulled out of her, cum flowing out of her sex. Both of them sighed and basked in afterglow until someone spoke.


The bouncer quickly turned his head to face the direction Darren was in, Christine yelped in surprise, then groaned when she saw whom it was.

"Hey buddy! Just taking care of your girl here, says she hasn't had a good lay in a couple months. Good thing now she's all taken care of." The large man tucked his softening cock back into his fly and zipped up. He was still wearing his sunglasses and had a shit-eating grin on his face. The sarcasm in his tone was obvious.

"Fuck you, you bastard!" Darren turned to face his "girlfriend."

"Christine, why the hell did you start screwing around? I thought this would be our night to make up?" The anger rising up in his voice, he probably shouldn't have insulted the big guy standing next to her, the guy could have easily destroyed him, but at this point, his rage had gotten the better of him.

"For fuck's sake Darren, you go on and act all tough shit on everyone, including me. Then at the end of the day you want me to go down on you? You've gotta be kidding me. Plus, the whole world's filled with some hot looking guys around, why waste all you time on one person right? Now I've got Jim, he doesn't care if I sleep around." As if to add insult to injury, Christine ran a finger down Jim's chest, going down his hard stomach before groping his package.

"Get outta here you pathetic child. I'll let you know when I'll be coming by to pick up any stuff I left at your place."

Jim stepped forward in a threatening manner, Darren was pissed all right, but not enough to start a fight with a guy who could probably bench press twice his weight. Fuming, he flipped both of them off and went right back inside. He needed to drink again, this time alone.

Back inside, Darren was leaning over the bar drinking beer. He felt broken, almost on the verge of tearing up, but realizing where he was. Quickly sucked back any of his emotions, except his combusting anger. He felt like taking his anger out on something, if anything to make him feel better.

He was given a quick, hard slap on his behind, the suddenness of the impact quickly evaporated his anger into shock, he turned around quickly to see who had hit him, but no one was immediately there to look like they had hit him. He quickly turned his head back.


Darren nearly fell over with surprise, it was the bartender, Shea. The who had served him an hour ago. The short, black clad girl that he treated rather rudely before, was leaning over the counter giving him a sly smile.

"Heeeeeey, what's up?"

Darren looked her over again, she looked much better close up, the black lipstick she wore gave a nice contrast to her pink face. And her black clothing wasn't that bad, the skirt especially, it really showed off her thick thighs, shame about the long black socks though, they still looked rather silly looking.

"Beh, leave me alone."

Shea gave a malicious chuckle, "I normally would, especially someone who treated me mostly like a dick, but then I saw he was mostly dick."

Darren made a spit-take with the beer that was in his mouth. "You mean you saw me in the washroom?"

"Yuuuuuup! I thought I heard I guy in the ladies room, I was gonna tell the sick fuck off, but then..." She groped his jeans, "I didn't know that the sick fuck was packing!"

The touch was electric to Damun, as if he had stuck his dick into a wall socket, his body jerked by her hand. He was about to say something, but the smaller girl put her index finger to his mouth to shut it."

"I think it's time we get some privacy."

An idea popped into Darren's head and he smiled, eyes flashing. This would be the perfect payback! He grabbed the Shea's arm and pulled her with him, heading towards the doors of the club.

"H-hey! Where are we going?"

"Since you were so kind to offer, I guess you'd be the perfect person, considering you're really good looking anyway."

Shea raised an eyebrow.

"You see, I just found my ex-girlfriend cheating on me with that fuckhead bouncer, you're the best way for me to pay that cunt back in kind."

She followed back to his car, Shea looked at him quizzically, "So you're basically using me just for your ego?"

Darren was acting like he hadn't expected that question. 'Uhh, yeah I guess so?"

"Hmmmmm, I like it!" Shea said this with a tone of excitement, she didn't really care for the motivation, all she knew was that she was hungry. But her thinking quickly changed when he saw Darren getting into his car on the driver`s side.

"I'll be doing the driving here, I'm not gonna die cause you're in no condition." She smirked and pulled him out of his own car. "Passenger side."

Darren didn't really care to argue, this hellish night was beginning to turn around for him in the best way.

Darren was a little drowsy, he didn't know why, it all hit him very suddenly, it was a little disorienting, but if there was one thing that was at attention, it was his malehood. Ever since he got in the car with Shea, he felt hard as a rock, the knowledge that he was gonna have sex for the first time in months must've caused his excitement.

They stopped....somewhere, Darren didn't recognize where he was, this wasn't his house.

"Where are we?"

"My place, I don't know where your place is, so I brought you to mine." Shea gave the cutest little laugh.

"Oh, uh, ok..."

"She gave him a casual grope, "oh don't worry, I'm sure you'll have the night of your life!"

Darren followed her inside her building, she closed the door behind him and turned on the lights. The lighting didn't do much, as it was rather dim, but Darren could see the interior of her flat, there were candles everywhere, some of them lit, the furniture was pitch black, as were the walls, the atmosphere it gave off was a creepy one. There was a distinct smell as well, almost a faint scent, it was a slightly aged smell, but it wasn't bad by any means. If anything, the tent in his pants became even more strained.

Darren felt a soft hand run down his shoulder, the hand caressing his arm and moving towards his chest. A wet appendage traced along the side of his neck as the hand moved more grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled upwards.

Then a whisper, "so what do you think?"

"Not a bad place, a little too goth for my tastes though..."

There was silence as his shirts was pulled over his head, his arms moving up to allow the motion to be much easier. With his shirt off, the tongue that had been running over his neck moved over to his chest, oh so slowly tracing over the well defined crevices of it, moving slightly lower to toy with his nipples.

The mischievous hand that had taken off his shirt now moved on to his pants, but the actions here were notably more...aggressive, as if the hand was desperate for something. Darren couldn't pay much attention to what was going on, the tongue that was teasing him was leaving him in utter heaven.

The bliss he was in was momentarily disturbed when the hand forcefully removed his skinny jeans, it was taking them too long to remove slowly and the girl who was toying with him was getting impatient, she wanted what was inside those pants. She wanted her sex toyed with, she felt herself dripping rather profusely, drops of her fluids flowed down her legs and landed on the floor, she was gonna make sure her partner had a good time as well. Shea gave the simplest of bites to the skin on his chest to make him shudder, and the cock that was held captive in those boxers gave a jump and a wet spot formed. She laughed and ripped those boxers off cleanly.

Darren's monster stood at full attention, and he looked down and felt his usual sense of pride. He looked up and saw Shea's face close up, but it looked rather different. Her eyes looked different, the red irises were not in the shape of a circle, but a sharp oval, almost like the eyes of a cat. He looked down and her large cups were freed from her t-shirt, large dark nipples were on display, and her breasts were so perky that they looked like they were being supported by some invisible force. Her skirt was gone though, all that remained was a pair of panties that were black, but there was a strange design on the front of them: a pentagram. Even weirder, a long thin tail seemed to have sprout from her back, ending in an arrow. Darren looked back at her face and she smiled as she leaned in close to his face.

'What the hell? Are you some sort of Satanist? I don't wanna get into any wierd rituals..."

"Close, not quite though, I'm a succubus."

Darren quickly pushed himself away from her, he read creepypasta, "succubae are those demons had sex with men and then bit off their heads, or some sick shit like that. Don't come closer to me!"

"I do all of that stuff, except the biting the head off part you know." She laughed, 'lots of that evil stuff is made up by crackpots who wanna scare people."

"You mean you're not...gonna kill me?"

"Why on earth would I kill a delicious piece of flesh like yourself? You're the biggest I've seen in 6 decades! Especially one that thick! Now forget about that and come and get your revenge." She lowered her voice, she knew she had him, fawning over a guys cock was always the trick, once that was done, they could be molded like clay. She licked her lips.

Darren could see reason, Shea was right, he would certainly get his payback, this succubus was certainly much better looking than his ex naked, for sure. And what the hell, he was horny as hell and so was she, this could work out!

"Alright you little devil come here." He smiled.

She moved forward, and with a surprising amount of strength, pushed him onto her bed, he landed on his back, first he saw the ceiling, but all too soon all he saw was black, and heady smell hit his nose, a strong scent of lust and need.

Shea had planted herself onto Darren's face, "c'mon, show me what your tongue can do! You gotta earn it first!"

He timidly started licking at Shea's panties and in response, she pushed down harder, his tongue burrowing deeper, teasing with her petals through her undergarments. He managed to get a moan out of the person on top of him; it was the same moan that he heard when he was in the washroom earlier. Figures, she was the one who noticed his cock earlier.

He was licking with much more enthusiasm now, trying his hardest with his tongue to dig deeper inside of her, trying to coax more fluids out that was no seeping through her panties. The sheer volume of it was beginning to overcome his efforts, his face was getting soaked in the succubus' juices. His face was being smothered by Shea's ass, she wiggled her cheeks around, encouraging him on and stimulating herself.

Darren continued to lick, but he noticed as more fluid soaked the demons panties, the easier it became to dig his tongue further inside her pussy. The clothing fibres grew thinner and thinner, her natural lubricant ate away at her trivial clothing, giving the young man easier access to reach her pleasure spots as the underwear was dissolved all the way through. Shea's moans became louder as her sex was fully exposed to her partner's tongue and she decided it was time to return the favour.

The demon girl leaned down towards Darren's cock, her taint still firmly planted on the man's face. She gave the cock a looooong lick, ending at the tip and teasing it with her tongue. She even toyed with the urethra by thrusting her tongue in and out of it. She felt her hunger rising however and moved on to the fun part. Shea lowered her mouth onto the cock in her face and slowly moved down the shaft. Darrin moaned into her pussy as his cock was deepthroated, he felt his entire length inside her mouth. He gasped, and briefly pulled his tongue out of her, but her tail gave the back of his head a small prod to continue, and he didn't want to let the demon's delicious fluids go to waste.

Shea bobbed her head up and down on Darren's cock, it was a bit bigger than she was used to, but it wasn't the biggest she's ever sucked on. She sucked on it with force, as if she was trying to pull it right off of him.

Darren wasn't used to this, never before was a woman able to swallow all of his cock before, the best someone could do was slightly past halfway before they gagged. It almost seemed like she was purring as she sucked him dry, the vibrations were sending him very close to the edge, the tongue continued to lather around his shaft. The skill of the succubus was incredible, but it was too much for Darren to take as he gave a muffled scream and came in her mouth, quite possibly the best one of his life.

Shea was ready for it, she felt his cock vibrate as he shot multiple times in her mouth and she swallowed it all, the vibrations of his yelling set her off as well and she sprayed an impressive amount of fem cum all over his face, the thick fluid running down the side of his face and saturating the bedsheets, adding to the smell of sex.

Darren was exhausted after having such an orgasm, but his partner was far from over. She stood over his figure.

"Well I'll be, the big man can walk the talk, or whatever that cliché is." She laughed


"Don't thank me yet babe, I'm not done with you yet." She gave a mischievous smirk "It looks like I'm gonna have to coax your little guy into action."

She crawled onto the bed over him she didn't move, but gasped as he felt a coiling appendage on his cock, it squirmed all over his scotum and tickled his taint. Darren groaned as his still sensitive groin was probed around by the tail. That evil tail wrapped around his cock and started stroking it, trying to coax it back to hardness. Meanwhile, Shea was busy kissing Darren in various places, even making small bites at his neck and ears, just for added pleasure.

Shea's tail felt that her partner's member was back to its proud state.

"Welp, guess who up to play again!"

Shea inched her way downward to the point where she was on top of his malehood, the succubus lined her still-dripping cunt onto Darren's cock. He gasped as his cock was enveloped by the demons pussy. It seemed impossible that an experienced sex demon would have a passage so tight. Her walls rhythmically squeezed down on his girth, the male's eyes were rolling in the back of his head as he was drooling.

Shea slowly lowered herself completely onto the toy inside her as gave a happy sigh, the demoness paused a moment to enjoy the girth that was inside her. She was able to control the muscles inside her cunt to squeeze around her partner and she enjoyed every second of it.

All of a sudden, the evil succubus lifted herself off his cock, Derren whimpered, and Shea laughed. She was incredibly adept at controlling her partners when it came to sex, even the most stubborn males would be left begging. She was feeling generous, and not completely satisfied herself, so she hilted herself down back on the cock. The young man gasped and moaned.

Painfully slowly, she repeated the same motion; lifting herself so slowly that she felt every contour of his penis and Darren would be constantly stimulated by the succubus' ridged passage. There was a pause, and she'd slam herself down again. She was in total control. All the male could do was lay on his back and enjoy every tortuous moment.

Mercifully, her pace began to pick up, her strong hips able to keep herself moving, every time she slammed down her thighs shook from the impact and her buttocks clenched hard around his member, adding further to the pleasure.

Darren was in a complete stupor, the only sensory feelings his brain registered came from his dick, and as her pace picked up even further it was getting harder to control himself. Every time the succubus slammed herself on him the pressure inside his balls continued to build and there was not a thing he could do about it, the demoness on top of him had her eyes closed with a large smile on her face.

"I can feel you're about to cum, c'mon honey uhnnn, feed me, mmmm, it's been a while since I had a nice meal."

Derren could only groan in response, his speaking ability was not working, he was about to go overboard. Then he felt a large spasm around his cock as Shea came once more.

"Uhhhhhnnnngggg!" Was all Shea could cry out as her pussy exploded her juices all over Darren's malehood and her groin, the warm, sticky mess made her thrusting much easier as her orgasm didn't deter her from her goal of making her partner cum. As her pussy continued to spasm, she started teasing his taint with her tail once more, but this time it was aggressive and brushed his ballsack. She slammed herself down on the young man one more time.

That was it for Derren, his whole body shuddered so hard that it almost knocked off the succubus, but her strong legs kept her in balance as he started shooting hard inside of her.

Her pussy continued to methodically relax and contract, trying to coax all the semen out of him, she was continued to prolong his orgasm as long as possible, she wasn't going to stop until his balls were empty.

Darren groaned, he felt his orgasm thinning out, but he kept pumping semen into that skilled cunt, he was unable to stop himself. She was literally sucking him dry.

It felt like an eternity, but the demoness felt that her partner had nothing more to give, so she stopped grinding against the man; one who had been so cocky a couple hours ago, now a sleepy mess, covered mostly in her sticky fluids.

She squatted up and off the spent male. Her vagina leaking some cum, but she clenched to try and keep all of the seed inside her. Finally, she was satisfied.

Shea looked over Darren, he was fast asleep, the succubus couldn't blame him. Mating with her was incredibly taxing, but it was always the best sex her partners had. She gave him a light kiss on the cheek and prepared to drop him off just outside the club.

Without bothering to put clothes on him, she just left Darren outside in the alley where he saw his ex fucking the bouncer Jim earlier that night. She wasn't cruel though, she did leave the man with his clothes and a memory of the best night of his life.

Shea was about to leave when she noticed the man's phone ringing, with a last ping of curiosity she checked it. It was a text from his ex-girlfriend Christine:

"Darren, I'll be by on Monday to pick up my clothes and other stuff I left at your house, don't ruin anything otherwise you'll have Jim to answer to."

Shea chuckled to herself with an evil grin, "Well, I think I know what I'm gonna be doing on Monday."

Heads or....Tails?

Also, for those wanting more straight stuff, don't fret! I'll be making more straight stories, it might be a bit longer wait, with school and all, but I promise you'll get more! As always, feedback, faves is much appreciated! This story is about a...

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"You Can Trust Me."

So hi everyone! This is my first story; it involves some sweet, sappy, beginnings of a beautiful relationship, it also has some raunchy sexy bits as well. ;) If you want to get to the good stuff right away, just skip down near the bottom after the...

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