Chapter 1: The Accurance

Story by nomen on SoFurry

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#1 of Mid-Summers Daydream

Amber rays of afternoon sun shone down on the earth as vehicles scurried about like insects. A green sedan turned off of a well traveled road and headed off father into the woods. It took its time traveling past a few curves and traversed a bridge spanning a lazy river beneath it. One more turn and it pulled quickly into a driveway before parking suddenly as the driver stepped out. His name is Wilbur and he sighs as he steps from his car after a frustrating day at the office. It wasn't easy being at the bottom of the totem pole. His day was filled with looking important where he could, helpful wherever possible, and running and ducking when he messed up. Today he had messed up was still sweating over how much that might hurt him in long run with the company if in fact there was going to be a long run. This vague and empty job with little responsibility was wearing him down. And his face showed worry for a brief moment before he caught himself looking weak and hopeless.

He was just walking up to the door with his suite case filled with notebooks and blank paper when he heard someone scream "Help!" Followed by something unintelligible and a faint sound, it almost seemed like squishing. He nearly dropped his brief case in startlement. He lives in the sticks and still a ways away from the rapidly developing metropolitan area. He emptied his arms in a carefully practiced routine and started around to the back of his house where the woods and call for help seemed to be coming from. "Hello?" He called a little timidly into the forest before wrinkling his nose at an unfamiliar smell.

More muffled noises and what sounded like another female voice saying "Shhsshhshh". He thought about turning around briefly before he felt butterflies in his stomach. He suddenly realized that if he didn't try to go see what was going on the person might be gone by the time he came back with the weapon to help. He ducked low and headed to a thicket in the brush that had a lot of space and shade even when the sun was high in the sky.

A few feet into the brush he felt something slimy brush his face and he nearly jumped out of his skin at the unrecognized sensation. "Whew", he breathed low, his nerves were calmed since it wasn't some sort of bug as he had originally feared. But it wasn't anything he had seen before either, it was an opaque fluid and seemed to cover an area of a yard or so in a thin layer. He wiped his face and sniffed at it as he thought to himself, "So that's where that smell is coming from. But, where did this stuff come from?"

His head snapped forward as he heard what sounded like a large slurp and suppressed giggle, it was definitely clearer and closer. His fear somewhat abated and his curiosity spiked, he continued quietly. As he crouched in the thick brush trying to navigate with our ripping or tearing his clothes he noticed a tingling in his crotch which as usual signaled rising excitement. Wilbur half groaned and half growled at himself for getting a hard on when he was trying to go and see if someone needed help when his distraction caused him to get his arm caught on a vine. "Damnit" he cursed in a slight southern drawl as he started to unbutton his shirt single handedly.

It was an ultimately vain attempt to untangle the shirt with the vine when he slipped and cursed, "Damnit yousonofa oof!" He almost yelled as he felt the shirt tearing as it dragged the vine with him to the ground upsetting the thick and low hanging canopy. The now wet and sputtering young man was back into his depressed mood. As no doubt yet another of his ventures failed, the latest being an attempt at a stealthy approach.

He sat up and heard someone giggling in amusement, as someone else groaned, and that persistent yet rhythmic slurping continued. He smelled himself and noticed that he was almost soaking wet the same stuff he discovered earlier. He got up unsteadily since the ground was also wet and slippery. As he stood up he discarded his shirt and noticed painfully that he had a hard on. He looked furtively around himself as he clenched his jaw trying not to turn red from embarrassment.

"Okay, I know you're there. What's going on?" he asked as he hurriedly stuffed his hand down his pants to hide his growing erection. Whoever was attempting to stifle any amusement failed almost guffawing as the other unidentified sounds continued in the background. Wilbur stepped forward with renewed purpose. Now his mind decided that this is a prank. And he was both extremely annoyed at the prankster and curious as to who would take the time to pull something this elaborate.

Wilbur finally reached the thicket clearing and his face changed from an authoritative grimace to a mixture of extreme surprise, embarrassment, and shock. In front of him was a gold dragon on her back with her tail almost reaching between his legs and a young woman protruding from her sex. The dragon looked him in the eye and he looked down her body as her belly undulated and her hips rolled sucking the girl farther in.

The girl struggled with one had trying to slow her sinking. It moved back and forth, over her body and from one of the dragoness's thighs across the hide just above its sex to the other thigh, seeking purchase. But all this accomplished was spreading the lubricant across both of their body's as more of it gushed with each slurp from the cunt of the dragon.

Wilbur's view changed abruptly as he fell on his ass focusing even more on the bizarre sight of the girl grimacing in pleasure as she weakly struggled to escape the slurping folds of the dragoness.

The dragoness lost sight of Wilbur suddenly as he disappeared between her legs. Though her hips didn't stop rolling, working the girl into her depths. She peered over her belly and between her legs at Wilbur before laughing at his shock and horror. The barely controlled seriousness and preparation of the dragoness had not taken into account for Wilbur's genuine look of astonishment or his constant clumsiness.

The girl noticed the dragon following someone with her eyes and looked over her shoulder behind herself and noticed a young man sitting on his ass looking stupid at the bizarre sight. "Get up and help me out of this" she tried to yell only for it to escape her lips weakly as the dragoness' squeezed again spilling more of the warm liquid farther up her stomach and almost to her breasts. A small orgasm rolled over her as she arched her back with the motion of the dragon letting her head rest on its wet and sticky tail.

Gritting her teeth in embarrassment she pulled at her free arm only to find that is was stuck in the monster just like the rest of herself. A twitch from the dragoness' and her arm was pulled firmly under her ass. The other one already trapped cupped on her crotch. Looking back at man behind her she cursed as he was still sitting there trapped by the dragon's gaze, watching her disappear slowly.

The sight must be erotic, she thought. The man had a right to have a hard on as he watched herself being sucked naked into a beautiful dragon. As she was devoured against her will by its lower lips while her pert breasts shone wetly in the afternoon light with her hair flowing down across its butt and tail. She flushed in embarrassment when she noticed her finger slide into her vagina breaking the revelry. It was the dragon making her feel that way, making her masturbate in front of this stranger. Her other hand took its time sinking a finger up her ass the warm liquid spreading the heat and need through her body. She in hailed deeply feeling her orgasm rising as the dragon quivered. The orgasm came as she thought about her nakedness in front of the man, the terrible way she was in the dragon, and her embarrassment of not being able to stop pleasuring herself. Warm cum from the dragoness splashed over her breasts making them tingle as her nipples became painfully erect. For the first time she tasted the dragoness' fluid in her mouth, swallowing it as soon as she tasted it. Horror marked her face as she realized what she had just done and wriggled till she felt her breasts pressed against the dragoness's soaked flesh. The fingers in her body not stopping as she struggled in rebellion against the dragon.

"Oooh, that feels good for the both of us. Huff, Don't worry, soon you will be curled up and sleeping peacefully in my belly." The dragoness spoke her face wrinkled in pleasure as she tensed to suck the woman's breasts into herself. They both orgasmed at the same time as the girl felt her breasts and body sucked under a fresh wave of the dragoness' excretions.

Still unable to pull her hands from her lower body or stop them from exploring her sex and anus for that matter. Wilber stood up as he felt his mind lighten, he looked down at himself and back up at the sight before him quickly. He had somehow unzipped his pants and was busy stroking his tool in the afternoon air while watching.

As the dragoness orgasm her juices flowed freely onto the woman's face, her breasts and shoulders inside the dragon. She had her mouth open in silent pleasure and swallowed the nectar greedily licking her lips as she recovered from the pleasure. She looked back over to him as he fumbled with his pants and growled, "Well it's about time, stop playing around and help me!" He saw her face contort once again as he felt the dragon reassert herself in his head. "Oh, you are a fast learner," She spoke, "I like that about you. I'm a little busy but don't worry, I'll be with you in a second. Then you will be able help her and me."

He almost came in his pants as he watched the woman finally disappear completely in the dragon.