The Odd Couple Part 3

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Done originally without certainty if it would become canon to the series I've ended up elevating it to the official third part of The Odd Couple, showing some things featuring Chris separate from Walter this time and instead dealing with the uptight flat-chested vixen seen in Part 2.

Part one is here ->

Part two is here ->

Christmas Surprise


Charles E. Terrell Jr.

Chris was glad for the coming of the Christmas season as it always reminded her of all the good things she had in her life and how pale the bad things were in comparison and she was always glad for that vacation from work the holiday brought. This year she'd even be getting back home to visit her mother like she hadn't gotten to in years and see the rest of her family; even if she and her little sister never got along because of her younger sibling's wild behavior. It even let her break out her festive holiday attire to get around in like she was right now.

A custom tailored red satin tube top wrapped around her chest, fit so snuggly that even without the white furry trim running the top and bottom edges it wouldn't have bounced off in the most active of moments and trimmed with little bells over her nipples to offer a bit of concealment where they poked against the satin. To go along with it was a matching red satin skirt trimmed like the top that like all of her skirts fit snuggly to her curvy derriere and came down just barely far enough to let her manage some modesty while sitting and keep everything else concealed while she was standing (provided she wasn't going up stairs while others were below at least). Red booties to match the rest came up just shy of her knees with the white-furred trim just brushing against her knees and festooned with little bells that chimed softly as she walked. A red satin hat decorated with mistletoe even rested between her ears as she almost skipped along as the Christmas spirit danced along with her.

Not that anyone was likely to see her in it given the time of day she'd chosen to wear it but laundry had to be done and with Walter out taking care of the plane reservations to go visit her mother (his first time to meet her in fact) she at least didn't have to worry about him wanting a quickie in the laundry room like he had not too long ago. Being caught together with him didn't worry her from an embarrassment factor of being caught having sex in public so much as she didn't want it getting around she was available to males when she wasn't. It never made it easy to deal with the 'I can straighten her out' strutting males who felt one roll with them would make any lesbian straight again when they got the false impression she was already partly there.

She was halfway down the stairs into the laundry room when her ears picked up the sound of an already running machine and cocked her head curiously wondering who might be doing their laundry. The scents from all the laundry detergents and bleaches had blocked her noticing the scents of anyone else having preceded her since even while she had a more sensitive nose than a human it wasn't so developed to handle such an overload of smells at one time. It wasn't until she stepped inside that she got to see who it was and almost turned around and left when she recognized them.

It was that vixen from 3D that was always giving her the evil eye when she went to visit Walter! Dressed in black slacks, sensible shoes, and all the doughty attire you'd expect for a prim female who felt she had to deny her sexuality rather than embrace it. Without her otherwise female contours (albeit lacking even a modest bosom's curves) and feminine muzzle and facial features someone would have easily mistaken her for a male relying on visual cues only. Except she could expect a male to react in a considerably different fashion upon her entrance, one more inviting at the least. The vixen's reaction upon seeing her was anything but.

If the chill from the vixen had been any stronger the water would have froze in the machines without a doubt, its intensity almost raising the fur on the back of her neck if she hadn't dealt with worse in the past. There wasn't any drop in it as she tried to set up her own laundry to work on, the vixen pulling off the impressive feat of looking down on Chris from an upturned nose. To say it was grating on her nerves was an understatement; a sustained level of unwarranted animosity that she decided she wasn't going to be the target of anymore. Dropping her basket onto the floor she strode with an angry jingling of her bells over towards the vixen, meeting her glare with a glare of her own as she stared upwards at the much taller (a good nine inches at least) female.

"What is your problem?" she hissed, hands planted on her hips and not the least bit intimidated by the vixen being so much taller than her. The most it bothered her was the crick in her neck having to look up at her but worth the discomfort to finally confront the female and have it out with her.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about," sniffed the vixen as she glared down at the mouse, her white-tipped tail flicking behind her. Not like she was going to let some overly-endowed mouse intimidate her.

"Don't even try that with me; you've been giving me dirty looks from the first time we crossed paths even though we've never spoken to one another and I've never done anything to warrant it," she stated with some heat, tail lashing angrily behind her. Her eyes fairly glittered as she jabbed the vixen with a finger. "So what is wrong with you and why do you act like I stole your girlfriend?"

"I don't have to answer to the likes of you," she growled back and slapped Chris's hand away. "And stop poking me you overstuffed tart."

"So that's it you prissy uptight vixen, jealous because I've got a chest and you don't. I thought as much," she declared then poked the vixen in the stomach again so she could catch the vixen's wrist when she went to slap Chris's hand away again. "Can't get any and blame everyone else for it rather than yourself," she continued while struggling with the vixen, catching up her other wrist until she had the vixen dropping back onto the bench she'd sat with Walter on such a short time ago and brought the vixen down to her level.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she cried out, her defiance crumbling as she found the mouse to be a great deal stronger than her. The years of hard physical activity with Walter having left Chris deceptively strong as her fur acted to hide her muscles from casual review and making it not much of a challenge to restrain the struggling and kicking vixen.

"So do you really think that this is all it takes to get someone?" Chris asked, ignoring the vixen's demands as she placed the vixen's hands against her chest and held them there even when the vixen's frantic clutching stuck her with her claws. "Why would you even want someone who felt that this was all that mattered?" she added, her gaze pinning the vixen in place as she stopped her struggles to stare up at the vixen panting softly from her tiring effort to get free. Blinking several times the vixen felt a blush creep across her skin as she realized she was holding the mouse's breasts and how firm yet yielding they were in her grasp.

"Do you have any idea the unwanted attention you get when you've a chest like I've got?" she continued as the vixen remained silent on the bench, her own frustrations over the vixen's behavior and people in general boiling over as she gave gent towards the most convenient target. "How frustrating it is when you want to have some nice simple fun and can't because someone can't help but try and hit you up even when you're wearing a shirt with a bold 'NOT INTERESTED!' message on the front and back? At least you could have them show some respect for what's between your ears instead of on your chest if you bothered to dress like a female and act less like an ice queen and more like a woman."

"What do you know about what it's like being mistaken for a male? Having someone you try and ask out tell you come back when you've got something upstairs?" the vixen finally tossed back after regaining some of her composure, although still somewhat shaken by it all. The heat and firmness of the mouse's satin-wrapped breasts wasn't helping her refocus herself; it was the first time she'd ever really touched another female and never in such a fashion. Her fingers moved almost on their own volition to stroke and explore where they could while being held in place by Chris's hands.

"Nothing at all," she replied honestly enough, much of her anger released in her initial outburst and giving her time to calm down somewhat. "Just like you don't know anything about what it's like being me so whatever problems you've had with getting a male that's not my fault," she pointed out, then blinked and cocked her head curiously as she looked down at her chest and realized the vixen was actually feeling her up since she'd forgotten to release her wrists. "Are you actually fondling me?"

"N-no, of course not!" she protested but it was a weak protest clearly a knee-jerk response easily seen through as her hands were still squeezing Chris's breasts, fascinated by how they felt since she had none of her own to compare it with. She didn't even stop when her wrists were released instead she simply slid her fingers across the satin like a curious child with a new toy that she had to touch all over and see how they rested in her palms.

Chris for her part let the vixen explore her bosom since it wasn't hurting anything and tried to process just what had occurred. Here she's started out angry with the vixen for her baseless animosity and now she was letting herself be felt up by her. Given the heated words that they'd exchanged though and what was going on now she realized the vixen must have been terribly starved for attention and physical contact; something Chris had inadvertently given her after she snapped and went off on her. She should have stopped the vixen at this point (she did still have a girlfriend after all) but found she couldn't do that, seeing in the vixen a sister of sorts, someone who'd also suffered albeit in different ways simply because of her bosom's shape.

"You don't have to have big ones like I do to enjoy being touched," she pointed out with a soft smile, her hands sliding up along the vixen's arms and over the sleeves of her plain shirt and over her shoulders to slide in across the other female's flat chest. The vixen jerked at the contact looking around frantically but the unexpected warmth in the mouse's eyes settled her down and let herself be touched. She couldn't stop playing with the mouse's breasts, squeezing and pulling at them and giggling a bit self-consciously when she jingled the bells over Chris's nipples.

"Just remember those aren't stand-alone items and come attached to the rest of me," she pointed out with a playful smirk then patted the vixen on the cheek when she looked embarrassed and a bit frightened at the comment. "There there, didn't mean to upset you. Haven't you had anyone to touch before?" she asked even though she was fairly sure of the answer, deciding to air what she could now and ensure a permanent end to the hostilities from the vixen.

"Once, but it was just part of a joke," she murred softly, tail laying limply across the bench beside her while she returned to fondling the mouse's breasts unable to get enough of them right now. "Just some popular girls using some boy to humiliate me. They were always making jokes about my flat chest and called me Chesty in school to mock me."

"Those of weak character always look for people to put down and make themselves feel important," Chris noted sadly, her own encounters with such girls not much different although it was motivated by standard jealousy of a female that had all the males swarming around her rather than themselves even when Chris had no interest in them. "That does bring up something quite important though, what is your name? Mine is Chris."

"Oh! I'm Cherie," the startled vixen replied, her tail reflecting more life with the cathartic release of her hostility towards the mouse along with the rise of the pent-up sexual energies she'd penned up for so long. She couldn't really understand why she was responding that way to another female's attentions but it would have been easy enough for an outsider to see she was so attention-starved that at this point she didn't and perhaps couldn't differentiate the attention of another female from the male attention she desired. It was intense enough she didn't even think about how she was behaving in a public area and clouded her senses enough she couldn't think beyond the feel of the mouse's breasts and the crisp scent of her in her nostrils.

"A pleasure to meet you in spite of the circumstances Cherie," Chris replied, her left hand caressing the vixen's cheek while the right slid down the vixen's chest and tummy. She knew it was wrong but she was getting excited from the vixen's fondling and the sudden submissiveness on her part. She'd just make it part of the package of things she had to talk with Gayle about and simply enjoy the moment with the vixen right now.

"Oh, uhm, nice to meet you too," Cherie panted out, squirming on the bench as Chris's hand slid down her stomach and actually came to rest over her mound, pressing the front of her slacks against her fur-covered mound a bit more snuggly than it already was. "Wh-what are you doing?" she asked, her heat-clouded mind clearing a little as the mouse's fingers and palm rubbed along the zipper line before unzipping her in one smooth motion.

"I'm going to give you an early Christmas present of course," Chris breathed huskily into the vixen's ear before nipping the tip lightly. "Something you've been needing a long time," she added before boldly moving her hand into Cherie's panties and sliding her fingers through the short fur covering the vixen's labia to elicit a hiss of pleasure from the vixen.

"But someone might see us!" she squeaked out, her embarrassment at the thought of anyone seeing them doing anything so blatant together causing her voice to rise several octaves before settling back down. It wasn't enough to cause her to try and get away or close her legs up after they'd begun to widen after Chris's hand laid claim to her foxhole.

"So what if they do? Maybe it'll result in you getting some of that male attention you've been wanting," Chris suggested matter-of-factly between nibbles at the unresisting vixen's ear and down along her lips. "But if you don't want female attention like you're about to get I'll stop now," she offered without actually stopping anything, merely shifting to trace her clawtips along the crease where the vixen's petals met instead.

"Oh please don't stop," Cherie panted, her hands clutching at Chris's breasts while she tried to spread her legs wider to show her acceptance of the mouse's 'present' to her.

"You'll have to let go of those then so I can deliver your gift," Chris noted with an amused chuckle and quick lick to the vixen's nose. "You can play with them more later," she reassured her moving her left hand to unfasten the tail-snap on the Cherie's slacks and use her wriggling about to pull them down and push them along with her panties to the vixen's ankles leaving her bare from the waist down. Any other time she'd have been deeply ashamed and humiliated being even close to being so exposed and felt a twinge of fear hearkening back to her days of abuse in school but it all went away when Chris knelt down between her spread legs to nuzzle the vixen's inner thigh in a respectful fashion.

While she shouldn't have given where they were Chris took her time simply nuzzling her way around the edges of Cherie's furry flower, inhaling deeply the unique musk of the vixen before her and familiarizing herself with it and the appearance of the femme's nether regions. If there was one benefit to being flat-chested it let her look up and easily see the expressions playing across Cherie's features as the vixen watched in return the mouse's gentle explorations of her mound.

It was such a strange feeling having someone else touching her down below, someone not a doctor simply checking her out in some clinical fashion. Heart racing from the attention and fear at being discovered Cherie's eyes darted from the way in and back down to watch as the Christmas-clad mouse nosed all over her most intimate regions and warmed them with her breath as it blew across her dampening folds and stirred up her musk. Unsure what to do with her hands she simply moved to grip the edge of the bench while she tried to not squirm around too much from the unfamiliar sensations of someone else pleasuring her for once in her life.

To Chris it was a more familiar thing; she'd had more than a few girlfriends since her first but there was always that delightful learning curve that first time with someone new. With Cherie it was especially so as she was the first vixen Chris had ever tasted and she didn't want to rush it too much in spite of the risks (at least for the vixen since Chris didn't mind being caught with another female in public), but soon her tongue was darting out to lick along the damp crease of Cherie's sex while her fingertips brushed along the edges.

There was a bitterness to the vixen's juices, and a tartness that made Chris think of a lemon or grapefruit in ways. Not so bitter as to make it a chore to taste of the vixen's honey however, indeed it was a refreshing break from Gayle's sweeter juices. The hiss of pleasure that came from Cherie when she was licked was a delight to the mouse to hear and encouragement to lap her again, gently sliding her tongue from the base up to her hood again and again. Each time the squirming from the vixen grew stronger and soon required her to brace the vixen's thighs with her hands to hold her still. She did manage though to use her thumbs to gently peel apart the vixen's outer labia to expose the inner pink to her questing tongue and curious gaze.

Some might think that 'you've seen one you've seen them all' but to Chris each flower was as unique as a snowflake and she loved each one she got to look at and taste. Each little curve and contour of that unmated sex soon was more than simply acquainted with her as she swirled her tongue over it and licked over those inner depths to the vixen's loudly panting delight. Even the brush of it over her urethral opening left her feeling more aroused and when it went swirling inside she almost banged her head against the wall hard enough to knock herself unconscious.

"After this we're going to find you something better to wear, get you to show off how female you are and see you have your own attractiveness," she purred to Cherie, her tail flicking about rapidly behind her as she dipped her tongue inside her, lapping around deeper and deeper each time and working her nose and front tip of her muzzle into the tightness of the vixen's opening. With effort she could just slide her tongue up to find the cherry that Cherie still retained, brushing lightly over it while she gathered up the juices that had been increasing their flow in response to the vixen's arousal.

Chris waited until she could tell the vixen was close before pulling her muzzle out and catching the vixen's now exposed clit within the gentle embrace of her jaws, holding it within her muzzle and lapping at the sensitive bud firmly. She sent her tongue dipping inside the hood lapping around the base and batting it about while her claws dug gently into the vixen's thighs as she found she had to pin her down from the agitated way she was responding.

The grating of claws on metal came piercingly to her ears as Cherie raked them across the bench's edge, only to be overshadowed by her sudden loud cries of orgasmic release that echoed in the confines of the laundry room. Loud enough to be heard in the closer rooms if anyone was around Chris was sure, but continued with her lapping and suckling at the vixen's clit in order to provide her a full and satisfying climax. Only when the vixen collapsed panting on the bench did she finish up with a gentle licking clean of the folds inside and out.

"I think we'd better get your slacks back up hun before someone comes down to see what all the noise was about," Chris said solicitously. Seeing Cherie wasn't in much shape to do it herself she set about dressing her instead, helping slide up the panties first and then working the slacks up over her legs and thighs. Dressing her quickly as she could it still wasn't quite fast enough to hide everything that had been going on but thankfully the bench wasn't in view from the doorway and Chris turned the few curious and concerned people who showed up away by simply claiming it was her making all the noise and not letting them get the rest of the way into the room. She generated enough talk having it get around she occasionally masturbated in the laundry room didn't bother her overmuch and less to cause the vixen to have regrets after she recovered if the rest of the complex wasn't talking about her or worse tormenting her over it.

"Oh my you've passed out haven't you?" Chris said pretty much to herself when she returned to check on Cherie, finding her panting eyes closed and draped limply on the bench. A gentle shake confirmed that and she shook her head in gentle amusement of things. "You just sleep there and I'll wake you when our laundry is done," she murred softly into the vixen's ear and patted her on the head affectionately. They'd have to talk more when the vixen woke up but she hoped it'd prove rewarding for the both of them. Indeed perhaps she would introduce her to Walker and see what developed. It'd be a first if things did indeed end up like he'd joked before, with her and him sharing someone.

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