Birthday Surprise

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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This is one of my older works, featuring a depressed squirrel who gets a quite unexpected gift from her best friend on her birthday: her mate!

Birthday Surprise


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

Noreel stretched sleepily as the morning sun slipped through the slightly parted curtains, disturbing her sleep. Shifting carefully so as not to wake her mate she kissed him gently on the cheek before marking him lightly with her scent.

Slipping out from under the covers the beautiful skunk headed for the bathroom, where she first tended to nature's call before hopping into the shower. Warm water soon cascaded over her firm, muscular body, soaking into her fur as she washed away the remains of the previous night's lovemaking. That was probably the only problem she'd had with a human mate, she mused; all that sweat was murder on her fur.

Reaching for the soap she worked up a good lather and began soaping up her arms, enjoying the lavender-scented fragrance filling the shower with her. She thoroughly lathered each section before washing it clean and moving on to the next one, quickly reaching her shoulders and neck then slowly working her way down her chest.

A loud sigh escaped her as she did her breasts, the pleasurable sensation of her hands massaging them hardening her nipples and distracting her momentarily from the job at hand. Continuing down her belly she followed the trail of silver fur running down her chest to her thighs, combing out the messy tangles in the thick tuft of fur concealing her womanhood and washing away the now-dry remains of their mingled fluids.

With the rinsing away of the majority of the mess from last night Noreel did her legs with alacrity, swiftly doing her powerfully muscled thighs and reaching the pads of her feet with little delay. Before she could continue on though she heard a tapping against the shower door, which opened before she could turn and look.

"Need any help?" came Paul' amused voice as he stepped in with her, the disparity in height between them evident as the gorgeous skunk stood nearly six inches taller than him.

"Some. Think you can do my back and hair while I take care of my tail?"

"Sure, " he replied, taking another bar of soap and moving her waist-length, silvery hair out of the way so that he could do her back.

Noreel found it difficult to concentrate on doing her tail as Paul gave her a skillful massage, his hands traveling down her back slowly, not missing anything as he did her back and flanks. It was his hands moving down over the furry globes of her bottom and the section of her tail out of her reach though that pushed her into a light chirring, his hands wandered over her backside and causing her to exclaim, "Oooh, Paul...."

A brief chuckle preceded Paul' response as he finished with her bottom and reached around to embrace her. "I know, honey, but you've only got a half-hour left to get ready for work in, so we'll just have to wait until you get home. Now, how about kneeling down so that I can do your hair?"

"Anything to help out, dear, " she replied, waiting until he adjusted the shower stream lower before kneeling in the spray of water, her head tilted a little ways forward from the flow. Taking advantage of her position Noreel reached up to soap up his chest while her tail stroked against his back, double-teaming him while he did her hair.

His touch was gentle, his shampooing thorough, while she was equally quick in doing his body, although she mischievously played with his member until she left him as excited as she was. No sense in letting him get away with getting her started without opportunity to take care of it, now was there?

After a final rinse to remove the remaining suds the twosome stepped out of the shower and toweled each other off, Paul paying special attention to Noreel's thick fur, which required the added effort of a blow dryer to finish drying it. He also worked in oils during the drying useful in keeping its healthy glossy sheen.

Getting dressed proved easier as Noreel slipped first into a lavender bra and panties, followed by a matching lavender blouse and ankle length skirt. Paul, however, slipped into bathrobe since it was his day off and he had no desire or need to dress any sooner.

"You look beautiful, darling, " he couldn't help saying as he stood back and admired her.

"You say that every morning, Paul, " she rejoined, although the words sent a thrill through her all the same.

"That's because its true, " he replied, hugging her tight. Returning the hug with equal strength she stroked the side of his face with her muzzle, marking him with her scent once again.

At the feel of the brief dampening on his cheek he couldn't help joking, "What's the matter honey, afraid someone else is going to take care of me while you're at work?"

"No, just afraid you'll be too tired for me when I get home, " she teased.

"That'll never happen; you turn me on more than anyone else ever could."

"I can tell, " she said, giggling, as she stoked his erection with her leg, "and I look forward to your showing me just how much when I get home."

"So do I, " he said, wishing she dressed more accessibly for him. "Does that mean you've decided to turn Alex down?"

"No, I've decided that if she wants to spend her birthday with us she can." Drawing back from him she rubbed her nose against his before continuing, "so head down to the bakery and pick up the cake I've ordered for her, okay?"

"No problem, " he reassured her. "Should I pick up a gift for her while I'm at it?"

"No, I've got that covered, " she replied with a mischievous look.

"Okay, then. Just the cake." Looking at the clock over her shoulder his expression quickly changed, while he quickly said, "better get going honey, we've used up all of our free time together this morning."

With a final, passionate kiss and mutual caressing of bottoms Noreel picked up her purse and gave Paul a final affectionate embrace before rushing out the door.

Hopping into the unexpectedly empty elevator, Noreel hit the button for the second floor, wishing she'd had more time with Paul before she'd had to leave. Even a simple shower with him turned her on, and she always seemed to slip and her scent would reveal it for any nearby furries who could pick it up. He knew it too, he just liked tormenting all the other males who'd get turned on by her scent and get rejected when they tried for her. She didn't mind quite so much, though, since by the time she got home she'd be so ready for him that she'd keep everyone on the surrounding floors awake if it weren't for the soundproofing.

Stepping out of the elevator once it reached the second floor she walked down to her carpool companion and pressed the doorbell. Moments later she heard the lock disengage and the door opened, revealing a buxom gray squirrel somewhat firmer than most, wearing a pastel blue blouse, pull-over sweater, and a knee-length skirt shaded blue and a slit running up the left side.

"Come on in, Noreel. Just finished getting breakfast ready."

"I can tell, " Noreel replied as the smell of fresh baked blueberry muffins, pancakes, and waffles came wafting out through the open door to her. "Smells wonderful, as always, " she said, quickly closing the door behind her and hurrying to her place at table.

"Slow down," Alex said as finished filling the skunk's plate with pancakes and started pouring the syrup on them. "We've got plenty of time left to eat in, you know that."

"If you weren't so good a cook I wouldn't be in such a hurry, " Noreel said between bites of muffin. "I still say you should have gone on and become a chef instead of an accountant."

"You know I only like cooking for friends like you and Paul. Or myself," she added, embarrassment at her perception of being somewhat heftier than standard coloring her scent. "I just don't enjoy cooking for anyone else."

"I know, Alex. I shouldn't have brought it up." Giving the squirrel a critical look she added, "and stop being embarrassed about your weight. You look fine."

"That's not what Roger thought, " the unhappy squirrel bitterly replied.

"Roger's an ass, " the skunk stated flatly, "and he gets his kicks off of tearing down women; particularly non-human ones. I keep telling you the main reason you look larger than an average squirrel is because your fur is thicker."

"I know, but I still feel fat."

Putting down her fork Noreel reached over to take her friend's hand in hers, "It's all in your mind, Alex. Until you accept yourself as beautiful you'll never find someone."

"It's hard to feel beautiful when no one treats you that way." Holding her hand up to forestall comment by Noreel she added, "except for you, I know. I'd like a male to treat me that way, too."

"I know you'll get lucky someday, Alex, " she reassured her friend as she finished off the rest of her breakfast.

"I hope so, " the despondent squirrel answered before finishing off her half of breakfast. "Will I be able to join you and Paul tonight for my birthday, Noreel?" she asked as she scooped up her plates and carrying them over to the sink, followed closely by Noreel.

"Of course, we're your friends and if you want to celebrate your birthday with us you can." Looking at the clock over the sink she said, "We'd better get going, Alex, " before handing Alex her purse and briefcase, then picking up her own. Holding the door for her friend Noreel let Alex past her before joining her in the hall, killing the lights and letting the door lock behind her as they left for work.

Work passed quickly for the skunk as she worked out several tricky pieces of code in the section of game software she was working on, as well as planned the evening's birthday fun. Shutting down her terminal she closed up her office and joined Alex, who was waiting for her down in her car.

"So, Alex, how'd your day go?" she asked as she hopped into the car.

"Okay; they threw me a birthday party and gave me a few gifts." Holding up a little wood carving of a squirrel she commented, "what do you think? Make a good match for the others I've gotten?"

"It ought to go fine with the others, " Noreel agreed, pulling out of her parking spot and working her way out of the parking garage.

Waiting until Noreel pulled into the flow of traffic Alex asked, "so, what do you have planned for my birthday?"

"Something special, I assure you. I'll let you know when we get back to the apartment." Lapsing into silence as they sometime did the drive passed quietly and quickly for them, each thinking her own thoughts as they watched the landscape fly by. It wasn't until Noreel pulled into her parking spot that Alex's tightly restrained curiosity broke free.

"So, what have you got planned for me?" she asked, excited as any kid.

Turning to her friend she clasped the squirrel's hands in hers, smiling as she asked, "how would like to spend the night with me and Paul?"

"Spend the night?" she echoed, eyes wide in surprise. "You mean...."

"Yes, " Noreel answered, "how would you like being a part of our lovemaking, tonight and for any other night you'd like to join us."

"But-, But-, " Alex continually repeated, stunned.

"Look Alex, I know you're attracted to him, " at her friend's startled and embarrassed expression Noreel continued, "I've seen how you look at him when you think neither of us are looking, and you've never been good at hiding your scent."

Alex's embarrassment soared at the revealing of her hidden desire and she tried to stutter out an explanation. "I- I- I'm sorry, Noreel, I tried to resist; I mean, I know that the two of you are committed to each other and all but he's always been so nice to me and after that night in the park...."

"I understand, " Noreel said as her friend's voice trailed off. "Yes, Alex, we are committed to each other, " she confirmed as she released one of Alex's hands to reach up and stroke the squirrel's head gently, "but we care about you too dear. Once I realized that the reason you hadn't found someone yet was because you were in love with Paul I decided to make you this offer; because I love you too much to see you hurting any longer."

"But what about Paul?"

"Well, I haven't told him about my offer to you yet, " the skunk replied, her turn to be slightly embarrassed, "but we've talked often enough and I know that he feels like you're a part of us already. Tonight will just be the expression of what we've been keeping hidden up to now. We all love each other and it's high time we made it official."

"Oh, Noreel!" Alex squealed as she leaned across the seat to hug her closest and dearest friend, everything seeming to come into place for her. "Yes, I want to be with you and Paul tonight and every night to come." Tears of joy rolled down her fur to drip onto Noreel's shoulder.

"Then let's get going; Paul should have things ready by now."

"But you just said he doesn't know yet."

"That doesn't stop him from cleaning up the apartment or setting up the party favors, " Noreel pointed out, "he just doesn't know that he's the gift, " she concluded with a snicker.

"Uhm, before we go up what about my, uh, well, you know...."

Noreel gave Alex a friendly nuzzle as she finished for her friend, "you mean your being a virgin? If there's one thing Paul is it's attentive to his partner's needs, so you needn't worry. He's the only male I've ever met who seemed more interested in making things pleasurable for me rather than worrying about himself."

"Thanks. I needed to hear that." Releasing her friend, the joyful squirrel quickly dabbed away the tears before joining Noreel on the way upstairs.

"Surprise!" Noreel and Alex jumped as Paul leaped out from behind the door and threw a handful of confetti over them, grinning happily as he handed each of them a party hat. With a "Happy Birthday, Alex," Paul hugged Alex warmly and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"Th- thanks, " Alex replied, startled, as she hugged him back.

"So, how does it feel, being 27 now?" he asked as he released her and stepped over to slip an arm around Noreel.

"I'm not sure; so far it hasn't been any different from the rest." The slight emphasis on 'so far' prompts a mischievous grin from Noreel.

"I'm sure that'll change soon enough, " Paul replied as he motioned her towards the kitchen. "Why don't you take a seat at the table while I have a quick talk with Noreel, Alex. We'll be in shortly."


As Alex disappeared into the kitchen Paul led Noreel back to their bedroom, then waited for the door to close before saying, "have you asked her yet?"

"Asked her what?" Noreel asked reflexively, although she was certain she knew what he meant.

"About Alex making our happy twosome a threesome, " he answered calmly. "You've been talking in your sleep again, dear, that's how I found out."

"I have?" The last time she'd done that was back when her family had been giving her trouble over dating a human, and that was a long time ago. "Do you... do you mind?"

"Of course not," he quickly reassured her. "We spend so much time together already I'm surprised you haven't offered to let her stay on in the spare bedroom permanently."

"I was kinda saving that for after how tonight went, " she replied, embarrassed at how well he understood her.

"So, does she want to join us, then?" he asked again.

"She said she'd like to spend tonight and every night with us."

"Do you want to tell her now or save it for after she blows out the candles?"

"Let's save it for after the candles, " Noreel decided, "she'd be too anxious to enjoy her cake otherwise."

"As you wish, love, " he agreed, kissing her warmly before they left to join Alex.

Alex eyed the two with interest as they joined her in the kitchen; Noreel smiling broadly as she sat down next to the anxious squirrel and Paul collecting the cake and setting it down in front of her with a reverent bow. Surrounding the words "Happy 27th Birthday, Alexandria" were little hearts and bows.

Eyes alight with joy as she saw how the cake was decorated, Alex smiled brightly as she said, "It's beautiful! What flavor is it?"

"It's banana-nut bread, " Noreel answered, "I had it done especially for you."

"I love it. Thanks." Leaning over Alex hugged Noreel again, nuzzling her neck gently in appreciation.

"Your welcome," the pleased skunk replied as she nuzzled the squirrel in return. As the hug broke up Paul added:

"Time for the traditional birthday song and spanking, ladies, " he pointed out, "followed by the lighting of the candles."

"You're just looking forward to the spanking part, " his mate replied, giving him a playful look.

"No more than you do, " he quickly returned. Noticing the uncomfortable expression on Alex's face he gave Noreel a reproving look before saying, "she didn't mean it like that, Alex. I would never really spank you, not unless you specifically asked me to do it, and even then I'd hold back out of fear of hurting you."

"Uhm, well, I don't think I'll be asking you to spank me anytime soon, " she replied, relieved.

"I didn't think you would be, " he replied. "So, shall we?"

"Well, okay, " Alex answered as she motioned Noreel to join Paul, then sat through a lively rendition of "Happy Birthday" by her friends, getting up to hug them both when they finished.

"I'm so glad to have friends like you two, " she whispered, nuzzling each of them and leaving wet places from her tears.

"We're glad to have you, too," Noreel reassured her as she returned the nuzzling, leaving behind her scent marker as she did. "Are you okay with the birthday spanking, honey?"

"Go ahead, I don't mind, " Alex told her as she shifted her tail out of the way. "You two can take turns, if you want, " she offered shyly.

"I'll go first, Paul, " Noreel said, giving Alex a like swat on her behind, followed shortly by Paul, who was just as gentle, each one taking his or her turn until they were done, and ending it with a kiss on each cheek.

"See, everything's fine, " Paul added when it was over. "Not the slightest bit of pain, and now we can move on to the cake."

"Paul never forgets what's important, " the skunk whispered so only Alex could hear.

"I know, " she whispered back; then, in a voice loud enough for Paul to hear she said, "let's get those candles lit."

The candles were lit in record time as Paul quickly grabbed the candles and matches, setting up the candles around the edge and lighting them two at a time. With the lighting of the last one he cleared away the matches and picked up the waiting camera. "Okay, Alex, make a wish and blow out the candles."

It only took a moment for Alex to determine what she wanted to wish for before she took a deep breath and blew hard, following the trail of candles and finishing off the last of them just as she ran out of breath.

"Congratulations, Alex, you're going to get your wish, " Noreel was quick to say.

"Do you really think so?" the breathless squirrel asked.

"I know so." Giving Paul a tug with her tail to shift his attention away from the cake she continued, "Paul knows about the offer; I have this tendency to talk in my sleep when something important weighs on my mind, " she explained, her scent carrying her embarrassment.

"And just after you two came in I told her that I knew and that it was all right with me if you joined us, " Paul said, adding his voice to Noreel's.

"It is?" Once more tears flowed freely, running down the pleased squirrel's muzzle to drip down onto her sweater.

"Dry those tears, Alex, you don't have any reason to cry anymore." With tender loving care Noreel kissed away the tears, while Paul knelt beside her and held her close.

"I love you two so much, " Alex finally got out, slipping an arm around each of them. "I don't want to be with anyone else."

"Good, we don't want to be with anyone else, either, " Paul replied, standing slightly higher to kiss Alex on the forehead. "So, would you like some cake now or would you rather save it for later?"

"Let's save it for later, Paul." Nuzzling him lightly she added her mark to Noreel's, then kissed his neck. "I want to be with you and Noreel right now, if that's okay with you."

"That's fine with me." With practiced ease he shifted his arms around and picked her up, holding her firmly to him. "Ready, Alex?"

"I've never been more ready for anything, " she truthfully informed him as she slipped her arms around him and wrapped her tail around his waist, the scent of her anticipation apparent even to Paul as he carried her into the bedroom.

"We'll do our best to make tonight the best ever for you, " Noreel promised as she lovingly ruffled Alex's hair.

"I know, " Alex softly said, wishing she could stay in Paul' arms forever, only reluctantly releasing him when he gently placed her on the bed.

Stretching out on either side of her, Paul and Noreel just held Alex, giving her time to adjust to being with them, Noreel occasionally nuzzling her neck while Paul caressed her cheek.

As she became more comfortable Alex found herself running her hands over her friends' backs, tentatively at first, then becoming more bold as they responded with humms of delight. Her tail swished around to flick up against Noreel's back as she slipped into a dreamy state of contentment, eyes partly lidded as she gazed back and forth between her dear friends. With a shy smile she silently reached for Noreel's hand and moved it to her thigh, then took one of Paul' and slid it up under her sweater, inviting them to explore, showing her trust for them as she closed her eyes the rest of the way.

Noreel chuckled softly and kissed Alex on the cheek, rubbing at her thigh lightly with her fingertips, tracing her fingers around as they worked over the bare fur through the slit in her skirt. Her mate meanwhile stroked and caressed the gray-furred belly offered to him, sliding his other hand under her to scritch along her back, eliciting a shiver of delight from the sexy squirrel.

"So liking things so far Alex?" he asked softly into her ear, pressing in closer to her side and licking at the edge of her ear as he smiled as she nodded yes, tickling at her bellybutton while rolling her sweater up just a little. He winked to his mate and got one in response as their fingers met in the small of their friend's back, both having had the same idea to caress her back with their unoccupied hand.

Alex squirmed around between the two of them, her breath coming a little faster and her soft squirrel musk noticable to Noreel by this point, her own tail swishing to twine with the birthday girl's, lush gray fur a delightful contract to the black and white fur of her own plush appendage. She slipped her arms around the two of them, running her hands up and down Paul's and Noreel's backs, tugging at their clothes, trying to roll them out of the way to touch her loved ones sans barriers.

"Perhaps we should get a little more...comfortable," murred Noreel, voicing what everyone was feeling, the air laden with a mixture of musks competing for dominance before blending together in a harmonious whole. Without waiting for a reply she gently pulled free of both of them, with a parting nuzzlekiss to each to stand at the edge of the bed before them. She reached for the buttons of her blouse, slowly and teasingly unbuttoning them as her loved ones watched, trying to not rush but unable to restrain herself as just looking at Paul and Alex sent her blood to racing and her clothes to raining down on the floor.

Alex watched with her eyes unblinking as Noreel disrobed, pressing back against Paul and rubbing him faster with her hand, the one that was on the skunk rubbing up over her belly, cupping and squeezing her own breast as she watched, captivated. Noreel was gorgeous! Oh sure, she'd seen her dressed for the beach, which wasn't that far from just being in the fur, but there was something different about things now, the idea she was undressing for HER, sharing her life with her, letting her love her mate freely, it sent her mind spiraling as she realized just how much she loved and wanted Noreel too.

"Please, undress me," she begged, already starting to pull her sweater up, looking pleadingly between friends, chirring loudly as her request was quickly answered, Noreel pouncing back onto the bed to snuggle back in, hands helping with rolling the sweater up over Alex's full breasts, that proved even larger than Noreel's, the lacy bra their only remaining cover as the sweater was pulled off of her. Paul meanwhile rubbed his nose into the side of the squirrel's neck, breathing deeply of her fresh clean smell, his hands busying themselves unbelting her skirt and pulling the belt free and tossing it onto the floor, then pushing the skirt down over her hips.

Paul kissed Noreel's fingertips as they reached for the clasp of Alex's bra, having slid his way down along their lovely friend in his effort to work her skirt down, leaving Alex just in her bra and panties, surrounded front and back by loved ones. She squirmed around and blushed brightly around her ears as her bra was pulled away, revealing the golden rings piercing her nipples.

"I, I read a book once, where the heroine had pierced nipples, " she explained, smelling very embarrassed, "and just felt like getting mine pierced too. Do you like them?" she asked in a more worried tone.

"Oh they're adorable dear," Noreel was quick to reply, once Paul was able to add her skirt to the pile of clothes and lean in to look over her side and gaze upon the full orbs of her breasts and the rings running through the nipples crowning them. "Just not something we'd have expected from our dear shy friend is all," Paul added, while reaching to gently tug the left nipple ring.

Alex gasped at the tugging of the ring, her nipple hardening and growing fuller, poking up from the center of her areola far larger than an eraser on a pencil, arching a little to thrust her chest forward. "Oh yes, please, pull on them," she breathed, her tail lashing around and smacking against the still dressed human, gasping even louder as Noreel nosed down to catch the other ring in her teeth and tug on it, her breath washing hotly over the nipple.

Watching how Alex responded netted a curious but pleased look from Paul, along with a little twisting of her nipple ring and another tug before letting it go and slipping out of the bed long enough to reveal his slim but well-toned frame, his shaft already full and hard and jutting up from his loins, ready to mate his loves.

"Come here and let Alex feel you love," Noreel asked upon seeing him undressed, relinquishing the squirrel's breasts and nipple rings to the hold of her hands and not her teeth, fondling the full mounds and rolling the pierced nipples between her fingertips.

"Oh yes please," Alex begged once she turned her head and saw him naked, tail pressing up against her back as she unconsciously tried to make herself more available to him, holding her hand out and beaconing him back to the bed.

Happy to grant their wish he hopped back into the bed, reaching for Alex's hand and placing it on his member, moaning a little as she wrapped her fingers around him and gave a squeeze. Turning back to Noreel she smiled and while stroking Paul' shaft asked, "may he mount me now?"

Noreel chucklemurred and lapped at the side of Alex's muzzle, tugging on her nipple rings and stretching her breasts out. "Only if you're tending to me at the same time dear," she teased, moving the squirrel's other hand down to her dripping mound. "Paul got me heated up before work and I'm desperate now for something to cool my fires."

"Anything!" she promptly replied, rubbing at Noreel's mound and brushing her fingertips along the folds. "Anything to make you happy," she added, then shivered with her growing need, her panties clearly growing wet along her slit from her desire.

"Ever been with another female before Alex?" Paul couldn't resist asking, quite titillated at the thought of watching his mate being pleasured by their friend while he took her.

A quick shake of her head answered that question, but from the determined expression on her muzzle she was going to do her best to all the same. Nosing at Noreel she encouraged her to stretch out on her back, her earlier embarrassment and shyness gone as she melted from the attention and her trust in Noreel and Paul removed all worries from her.

Noreel obediently stretched out on the bed, resting up near the head with the pillows around her, knees pulled back and legs spread wide, presenting her softly furred sex up to the squirrel, the air rich in her musk as it wafted all around.

With a gentle tug on his shaft and an inviting flick of her tail Alex settled in on her hands and knees between Noreel's spread legs, then moved down onto her elbows to angle herself more submissively to Paul, wriggling forward and sniffing lightly at the gorgeous skunk's passage. It was the first time she'd ever been like this with another female and she nearly crossed her eyes to gaze over Noreel's furry mound, the white fur damp and matted down to show the mephit's folds clearly. The smell of her friend's need had her nosing forward to flick her tongue lightly at the puffy folds, tasting for the first time another female, the only one she'd ever felt a desire to.

The first tongue flick was quickly followed by another as she found that she liked the first, then another, until she was tonguing gently along the crease of Noreel's mound, almost forgetting about Paul until she felt him pulling her panties down, baring her own dripping sex to him. His fingers traced over her wetness and rubbed up and down along the sides and junction of her sweet peach before spreading her folds out and opening her up for the head of his erection, revealing her inner pinkness to his gaze.

Alex gasped, her breath washing over Noreel's sex and sending a shiver racing through her, wriggling her hips around in an instinctive calling to be taken, pushing back towards Paul' shaft, trying to take him herself before he gripped her hips and forced her back forward into his mate's mound. He waited until she returned to her lapping before pushing forward, easing his way past the gateway of her inner folds, feeling her tight snugness clutching at his member before coming to a stop inside of her, blocked by her hymen's shielding.

"Brace yourself Alex, this'll hurt briefly," he warned her, giving her rump a reassuring pat then gripped her hips again, pulling back just enough then thrusting forward, tearing through her maidenhead and bringing a brief squeal of pain from the squirrel femme as she gave him her treasured virginity. His member rode the rest of the way down her virgin passage smoothly, almost as if she'd been made for him and him alone.

"Oh God but that feels sooooo good," Alex finally gasped out, wriggling her hips around and experimentally tightening herself around Paul' member, almost in overload from the various sensations coursing through her system. Her tail lay flat against her back and she lowered her front end down even lower as she offered herself up, eyes sliding closed as a dreamy expression washed over her muzzle and she returned to lapping at Noreel's sex with abandon.

Noreel chuckled throatily at Alex's exclamation before the renewed tongue-lapping cut her off and left her squirming and clutching at the squirrel's ears, drawing her muzzle up into her now gaping passage. She wriggled down closer to the adorable femme and spread her legs even wider, knees almost coming down to touch the bed while her feet came in and rubbed along Alex's sides. Her juices flowed so steadily that even the greedy squirrel had trouble keeping up with the flood.

Fingers digging harder into her hips Paul started mating Alex with a slow, cautious rhythm at first, gazing in between her widely spread legs to watch her folds being drawn out and pushed back in as they clung tightly to the sides of his shaft. Each thrust drove his hips against the fur-cushioned globes of her rump, pushing her muzzle forward against his mate's dripping sex and giving her bottom a little jiggle when he withdrew.

The sound of bedding tearing suddenly filled the room, coming from beneath Alex as she clutched at the sheets and held on tightly, her virgin passage spasming as she suddenly climaxed, gripping hard in its rhythmic massage of his member. Her back arched as she pushed herself down into the bed, tossing her head back as she squealed loudly, a sharp cry unmistakable to either of her partners as to what was happening with the squirrel. Paul increased the rate of his thrusts, gasping and moaning at the strength of the squeezes along his erection, almost unable to keep moving within her with the narrowing of her opening, even with the increased flow of her lubrication.

Wrapping her legs around Alex's head Noreel drew the squirrel's muzzle back down to her slick folds, hovering on the edge herself and almost mating her friend's face as she thrust her hips up against it, only barely keeping from cutting off her breathing. Trapped between them Alex could only ride out the intense waves of pleasure shooting through her, continuing to lap away at Noreel's wetness on auto-pilot, nose bouncing off her clit at her friend's gyrations.

Her mind was just beginning to clear up and become aware of what was going on just as Noreel and Paul climaxed almost simultaneously, her now limp body being shaken by the two of them. As she found her muzzle being hit by a gush of sticky mephit juices and her belly receiving it's first hot splash of semen she climaxed again, shuddering and moaning weakly from the renewed sensations. Meanwhile Paul continued to pour his seed into her with the aid of her clutching passage, his breath cut off by the intensity of his orgasm.

The room echoed with the most vocal and lusty of the trio's partners, Noreel's spine arched up as every muscle in her body tensed up through the duration of her climax, tail lashing around rapidly, spreading the smell of sex throughout the room. Everyone seemed to be lost in their own special world, bound together by the common thread of their love for each other, until with a final gasp they all collapsed in a heap, Paul draped over Alex with his head resting on her back and Noreel flat on her back panting for breath.

Long minutes passed as they simply lay there regaining control over themselves and sorting through the myriad sensations left rippling through them from the wondrous time together. With a lazy, contented smile Paul finally stirred himself enough to wriggle up to nip Alex's neck lightly, his partly softened member sliding up along the cleft under her tail to rub up alongside the base.

"Enjoy your first time Alex?" he asked softly, gently rubbing her hip with one hand and letting his other hand slide up to caress his mate's inner thigh.

"Mmmmm, I never thought it could feel so good," she gasped out to him, shivering softly as she recovered, tail shifting to drape partly over him while she rested there beneath him, muzzle resting on her friend's mound. "Thank you, for everything."

"Nothing you didn't deserve, love," Noreel murred richly, and tickled the squirrel's tummy with her toes while she stroked her fingers gently through her friend's headfur, petting tenderly.

"Love, I've never been called that before," she chirred dreamily, eyes drifting closed as she slipped off into dreamland, the combination of her first mating and everything else catching up to her as she nuzzled her friend's mound, unmindful of wet stickiness of things. A contented sigh escaped her as her last thoughts were on the love she felt for and from her friends and the warmth it left in her heart.