Power of Legends 7

Story by spam1111 on SoFurry

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Last one!

When he awoke, Hank was no longer covered in the warm bodies of his naked pets, although this came as no surprise to Hank. After all he had mot slept in two years. Hank didn't need as much sleep as mortals. Interestingly the king had gone do bed as a Clydesdale but apparently as he slept his body went back to its usual form, his lower half staying Clydesdale, his torso becoming gorilla, and his head becoming Elk.

Hank knocked a few times on his headrest, and within a minute three of his servants were in his room. "Good morning master." They said in unison.

"How long have I been asleep?" Hank asked them.

"Oh nearly a day."

Hmmm not that long considering he had stayed awake fucking for two years.

His pets pulled him out of bed and hurried him downstairs, saying that he had a lot of work to do, and he did.

The first order of business was to meet with the people that started this whole thing, and see his children for the first time.

Hank was led into a large living room where a panther, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost, and Santa Clause all waited. With each of them was a small baby boy, and they all looked just like their father. Well, they're other father. Even though Hank was their dad too seeing as he knocked up all five of them, which is how he got all these cool things like being king.

Hank ran up and hugged all five of them, then he scooped up all of his kids and cradled them in his massively muscular arms.

After Hank had been standing there holding the babies for quite some time, Santa spoke up "We would love to care for our kids and raise them for you. That is, until they turn five. Then of course we would give them to you to impregnate or whatever else you wish."

Hank nodded and thanked them, then he played with the kids for another hour or so. But, eventually they had to leave, and they took Hanks babies with them.

Now to get down to business. Hank hurried into the throne room to do what he was supposed to be doing this entire time. You see, as king, it is his job to answer the complaints of his subjects. But, it isn't so easy to get to the palace.

The furs must travel through miles of jungle, and the vast majority of them do not survive. Some that do survive still don't make it, rather they are captured half way through and used as slaves at the royal palace. Though it may sound brutal, it is the only way to determine who is really worthy of kneeling before the king, and without this system thousands of furs would want to come and ask for things, and Hank couldn't handle the onslaught. The only furs allowed to bypass the jungle are press and invited guests.

Anyways, Hank had two years worth of loyal subjects waiting to be heard, and he had to listen. Usually all they wanted was a bigger dick, or to be something else or to have a better job or something.

Hank sat on his throne and was immediately surrounded by the smooth delicate bodies of dozens of female tigresses. Hank loved feeling the warmth of their naked bodies on his, plus it naked him look more intimidating to his subjects. The first one was brought in, escorted in by two massive, hulking German shepards.

The guy was probably in his twenties, average height and build. He was a bear, but rather than the usual bear who were fat and large, this guy was skinny and well toned. His dick was average sized. He kneeled down in front of Hank and the king asked him what he wanted.

"You're majesty! Me and and my twin brother came here seeking a new home, somewhere where our parents can't find us, and we are free to live together. The only trouble is, he was captured on the way here and now I don't know what I want." The bear frowned.

This was an easy fix. "Well your brother is undoubtably alive somewhere here in the palace. I'll have one of my guards..." Hank gestured at the German Shepard on the right "...go get him for you. Then you guys will be given some special microchips, they will be injected. The microchips will alert all those beasts out in the jungle that you're with me, and they will help you out to the coast. There you are free to build a house wherever you like."

Hank gestured for the next one, and the bear was taken out, thanking him like crazy. And crying. For the remainder of the day Hank was brought one after the other after the other after the other. He tried to help them all. Meanwhile he got more and more horny, feeling the occasional soft paw of a gentle tigress run along the length of his sensitive shaft. He hadn't fucked a woman in a while. Maybe these sluts would do. Later. Hank pushed the thought aside as another fur entered the giant hall.

This one was bigger than normal, and he wore a crown that looked to made of real solid gold. Hank gasped. This couldn't be possible! There had always been neighboring planets, but they never spoke to each other! Was he the king of a planet next door?

He bowed, and greeted Hank politely. He was a different looking thing, like one Hank had never seen before. Rather than the typical green alien stereotype, this guy looked just like a normal human. The only difference was that he was absolutely covered in hair. Hair everywhere. He resembled a Bigfoot or a Sasquatch or something like that, except even more hair than that. Also, hanging from his waist was three giant, thick, cocks, each one easily two feet long. Despite having three massive dicks there was only one equally huge and hairy ball sac, drooping down to his knees. When he bowed down Hank was able to catch a glimpse of his ass, which had two tight looking puckers. Two! And Hank couldn't help but gasp when he noticed that rather than having a tongue, this Sasquatch thing had a dick in his mouth! That must make kissing interesting.

Clearly Hank had been staring too long, because a blush was coming over this strange beings face. "Who are you" Hank ended the awkward silence.

"I am zeke. Ruler of planet oreania. I have come to discuss a very serious matter with you." Zeke spoke in a weird, strained, raspy voice.

"Go on" Hank stopped stroking on of his tigresses and leaned it.

"Well you see, the planet next door to us has been growing increasingly hostile. We fear the worst. In any event, we would like to extend our hand, as an ally, and in turn all we ask for is protection, should war break out. Though if an alliance is formed, we feel that would be enough to silence them." He finished.

Hank nodded, taking it all in. "And what does my kingdom gain from this?"

The alien king smiled, revealing his toothless grin. "If you sign an agreement of alliance with us, we promise to double the number of sex pets in your court. And some of them will be of my species, and we are very good breeders."

Hank was skeptical "you do realize that I have over 7,000 loyal furs in this mansion right now, and you would have to supply another 7,000, as well as accommodations for them."

"Yes? Do you desire more?"

Hank smiled "Well, that depends on how many you are capable of providing."

The alien king clearly had already thought about this, replying immediately. "I could supply you with 12,000 max."

"Do you realize how many furs that is?"

The Sasquatch like king nods.

"How will you go about getting 12,000 sex toys for me?" Hank asked.

"I have my ways." The alien was completely serious. "I'll have them shipped as soon as you sign."

Hank didn't need any more talk. He was presented with a document and he signed it happily.

The next week, after the new wing was finished, all 12,000 moved in. The population of an entire city. Men women, children, aliens, furs, humans, ferals, tall, skinny, muscular, big, small, slutty, dominant, everything. Hanks bedroom was remodeled so that it could fit roughly 500 furs in it, although it was a tight fit. They tried it. Not like anyone was complaining if someone's balls slipped in their maw or lips met lips.

It had been two weeks since Hank had seen Geoff, his husband and little brother, and he needed some sex. He had had enough of hot sweaty men for the day, so Hank called for those nice little tigresses that had treated him so well a week ago.

But before they arrived, Hank shape shifted into a rather large tiger, positively radiating muscle, as usual. The king also had a new feline musk about him that was thick enough to drink, almost. He purred as Hank admired himself, stroking his big thick four foot cock and playing with his watermelon sized balls.

When the tigresses arrived, Hank saw a look of panic flash across their faces when they saw what they would be taking, but just like that it was gone. The big cats just kept piling in. Most of them teenagers, all of them slender with tight rears and sizable breasts. And they kept piling in. And more and more and more. Easily 300 female tigers laid in bed with their king, naked as the day they were born.

Hank didn't even need to ask, as eight delicate tongues started massaging his big furry orbs. Each of his balls were being slobbered up by four horny girls. His cock was given just as much attention as his full sac, and Hank counted 10 felines using their hands, mouths, or large boobs to pleasure the kings massive dick. And still, despite the eighteen tigresses taking up a lot of space, more still came to pleasure their king. Another five attending to each paw. A dozen more massaging the bulging muscles of his legs. Some more kissing his abs and rubbing their breasts against his naked body. Two rather slutty tigresses even went so far as to lick their masters armpits, an action that really tuned him on.

Hank couldn't see his hands around all the tigresses that he was playing with, but he would feel their breasts or even slip a few fingers into their moist pussies.

Being a tiger at the time, that meant that Hanks head was rather large. It also meant he had a larger maw, which came in quite handy. Hank was able to make out with two girl at the same time, although there was a total of five girls whom he was kissing, rotating through each one. When they weren't kissing their king, they kissed each other, fingering each other's dripping pussies as well.

If Hank had to guess, he'd say that about 50 tigresses were pleasuring him, at least. The others were rotating through when their friends got tired, or they were making love to each other.

One particularly brave young girl climbed up the mountain of tigresses to reach the tip of his majesties royal dong. When she did, she proceeded to insert the large tip into her tight wet pussy.

Hank moaned, surprised at the feeling of being taken into the tigresses moist wet folds. Rather than the others giving up on blowing the kings dick, they continued licking it, even more than before. They provided excellent lube for the little girl.

Hank couldn't see what was being done with his erection, but all he felt was pleasure. His tongue was deep inside of some 10-year-old slut, and Hank couldn't see anything around her muscular butt.

The tigress was making wonderful progress on her masters cock, taking in nearly half of it before he finally reached his peak. Hank let out a massive roar, so powerful and masculine that some of the females climaxed right there. Then, as his loyal slut shot off of his dick, he came, releasing gallons of cum with every spurt. The big cats tried to guzzle up as much cum as they could, but it was no use. Hank was producing more jizz than physically possible, drenching the surrounding furs in his white goo.

Hank pumped load after load into the air, not slowing down at all despite his constant orgasm for two minutes already. His sex toys tried so hard to climb back onto his huge dick, but that cum cannon was too much. Finally, after five minutes of continuous orgasm, the kings royal climax tapered to a halt. The entire bedroom was now covered in white, and there was at least two inches of jizz covering the ground, the bed, and even the tigers.

Hank watched his pets rub his cum into their pussies, probably impregnating them. After all, his jizz was so potent and strong that it could survive outside the body for an astonishingly long amount of time. What that means is that with one orgasm, the king managed to get almost 300 tigresses pregnant. That's just one of the many benefits of being king.

"Good job pets!" Hank congratulated them. "Why don't you all clean this place up, then head to the studio and make a video for me." Hank had a studio in his mansion, where Justin had been for most of the time since they got back. Hank thought a video of tigers filled to the brim with cum would make good entertainment. The king then set off to get himself cleaned.

Hank went to his shower and got cleaned off, but not without first ramming a few sheep that happened to be hanging around the halls.

As soon as Hank got out of the shower, he shape-shifted back into his usual form, hulking Clydesdale from the waist down, ripped Gorilla torso, and the regal head of an Elk.

Hamk took a walk outside, down to where some furs were working away at the newest addition to Hanks mansion. Quarters to house all 12,000 of the kings new slaves. Really, all he needed was two or three young bitches, but the thought of having almost 20,000 total sluts...oh!....it made him shiver with lust!

Hank walked back to his mansion where he sat on his throne and talked to a few more furs about various complaints.

Finally, after so much waiting, Justin was allowed to return that night. The young pop star found his husband lying in bed with at least a hundred of his lion guards. Without a word, Justin scaled the mountain of flesh and uncovered his king beneath the layer of muscular felines. Hank gave Justin a gentle kiss. "How was it?" Hank asked.

Justin smiled "Pretty fun actually. They plugged up my ass, then they took a bunch of pictures of me filled with your cum, did a few procedures to make sure all of my internal organs were still functioning, filmed a few videos, then they let all the cum out, but luckily I persuaded them to save it for me to drink later." The pop star kissed his brothers Elken lips "I missed you."

Hank returned the kiss "I missed you too." And then the couple started making out.

And they lived happily ever after. How romantic.

Power of Legends 6

The next morning Hank woke up to the delicate slurps of his mates tongue aver his full balls. Hank reached down and pet his little brother and future princess. The boy was wearing some pink, high-heel boots, a matching collar, and a cute little thong...

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Power of Legends 5

In Santa's place stood Hank's 8-year-old little brother. Justin Beamer, male pop star and child millionaire, Hank hadn't seen him in years, but he hadn't changed much. The small boy what white, and lacking much in muscle. What he lacked in bulk he made...

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Power of Legends 4

When Hank woke up, he was sitting on some sort of throne. It was soft, and it was made of some sort of animal skin. Hank immediately noticed about twenty male, muscle bound lions surrounding the throne. They were laying in a heap, all of them wearing...

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