Black Project Files Chapter 8: The Time Vertsex Part 1

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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#11 of Black Project Files first draft

Night 1 Day 0/ 2036: NASA Moon base Comm. Samantha Nelson talk to the other dragoness in the lounge as she takes off her commander's uniform starting with her leg straps and her belt holding her 9mm pestles and combat dagger putting them gently on the wood bench.

Then she puts one foot on the bench unzipping her boots when a dragoness asked "Why were you needed at the bridge?"

"To check the inventory at the cargo hold" Samantha said.

Samantha unclips her dark-blue vest and snaps off the collar of her armless shirt when asked by a green dragoness "who did you pick on the game's 'mating menu' to have sex with?"

"That will be the C.O. Joeseph Luciedos, what about you?" said Samantha.

"I picked Wikenburg" the green dragoness said and holds up some handcuffs.

Samantha unzips the front of her shirt and unclipping the back of her pants letting it hit the floor and also letting her shirt hit the steel floor exposing her gracefully slender female form then puts her belt and leg straps back on.

Joeseph's room night 1 day 0/1946: Samantha came in when Mr. Luciedos was when unpacking he saw a figger thet he thought the figger was Wikenburg until he saw her glowing blue eyes and her slender body in the shadows.

"Ma'am come sit, I like to have a good look of you before we mate" Joeseph said gently as he offers her a section of his tail for her to sit on.

9:05pm: Joeseph snaps the rope of her bathrobe loose, she smiles as she slowly slips the bathrobe off then he croons her slender nude body and holds her close with his huge claws.

Samantha sneaks a birth control pill into her muzzle then she smiles as she sheds her bathrobe off of her back and lets Joeseph toss it aside with his tail blades.

Joeseph smiles as she unstraps his sash letting it fall aside exposing his genital slit then Samantha's claws gently cresses the slit as Joeseph merrs lightly when he feels his cock getting hard and slides out of his slit.

Samantha then rips open Joeseph's uniform shirt as she claws up and down his shaft she then polls it to her rubbing his cock onto her pussy. Samantha lifted herself and slowly slid the entire head on Joeseph's cock into her pussy then Josesph's shaft slowly slides deep into Samantha's pussy as she rides his cock.

9:25:14pm: The light on the nightstand goes out before Samantha rolls off of Joeseph and lays on the bed with her blue eyes still glowing in the darkness spreading her legs open she smiles as Joeseph slithered up to her side and lays next to her. Joining her in bed then Samantha grips her legs around Joeseph's "hips" rubbing his cock as she slid herself half way down.

Joeseph rolls over on top of Samantha as he wraps himself slowly around the young female moon base commander giggles as she felt his tail-blades ran it's way from her tail-ring at the base of her tail. It make it's way running the razor-sharp blade down to the end of her tail making her aroused her tits as he holds her down on the bed.

Joeseph posistions his large dragonhood over her pussy about to go full force and Samantha smiles as her clawed hand above his snout and stroking his shaft with her claws.

Joeseph plunges his dick into her with a vary hard thrust she throws her head back on the pillow as she feels his dick getting deeper and harder inside her. Joeseph picked her up with one arm growled lightly into her ear srokes her silver hear as he thrusts it little more in making her orgasm and now starting to fill her as much of his hot dragon seed as possible.

10:09pm: Samantha sees the sweat beading down Joeseph's neck making it's way down his dark-green scales glitter from the moonlight and also seeing that he is out of energy but Samantha is not satisfied yet as Joeseph rested one clawed hand on her hip an idea popped into her head.

Samantha tackles him on to his back and got on top of him then Joeseph's spiny light-brown penis slid deep into her and to keep her settled Joeseph put his hands on to her hips and Samantha gasped as Joeseph's long snake cock penetrated into her in hard and deep thrusts.

11:10pm: Joeseph watched her riding him as he keeps her up as her white-gold arm bands shinein the moonlight as her curves of her body sway gently with every thrust from Joeseph and rests her hands on her legs.

11:17pm: Another idea popped into Samantha's mind as she rests on Joeseph's chest got up and Samantha greeted Joeseph with a grin of fangs and Joeseph returned the notion with a spread of teeth with slightly longer teeth.

11:57pm: After there last deeds of mating she got off from Joeseh groggy walks out out from the door until Joeseph woke up saying "a little help ma'am!"

Samantha forgot to get Joeseph out from her handcuffs then she came back with a card key out from a hidden compartment at the back of her belt and reelected Joeseph from the handcuffs saying "Sorry Joeseph hun."

At Vance's room 11:59pm: Vance sees Samantha comes in as Vance reviewing with a file titled: "Genetic mutation labs found at Auschwitz concentration camp" containing photos and documents of the still classified information that will not be found in any history books under the public eye.

Note: this is before finding out the Bio/occult science projects at Dachau concentration camp.

Vance puts the plane dark brown folder in the top desk drawer saying "Oh ma'am come in, I forgot about the breeding program."

12:01am: Samantha still leaves her bathrobe opened showing off her curves and partly exposing her slender body to Vance never seen a naked dragoness before he said to her "let me see more of you're body" Vance like most xeno agents in 213 doesn't ware cloths off duty but that is for comfort reasons.

Vance watched Samantha as she sits herself on his bed he got more aroused as he approached her on the bed sitting next to her. Vance snuck his claws under her robe gently feeling her black fur then moves from the top of her chest and cups her breast sniffing deeply to her sent radiating from her body.

Vance was shocked of what he was doing he abruptly snapped his head away from her chest saying "sorry, I did't mean to let my animalistic instincts take over" Samantha smiles at him as she puts her hand on her chest saying "no need I was enjoying you're hot breath on my body."

Vance lets his left hand feels and hold her tit until he got to the point of holding them both feeling slowly moved from her tits to getting a little closer now feeling her sides then her back feeling in claws on the silver and black ridge.

Vance closed his muzzle stopped kissing her with his long tong as he felt his dick sliding out of his slit getting harder in each passing secant and asks "should I stop?"

Samantha looked into Vance's now glowing-deep-yellow eyes "no, keep going..." taking her rite arm out of the sleeve and lays her hand on his hard dick as she kiss him as she strkes up and down his shaft.

Samantha lets her robe slide off of her back landing on her tail exposing the rest of her sleder body Vance grabbed the robe with his tail-grip and dropping the silk robe on the marble floor.

Samantha's sent attacked Vance's nostrils once more but stronger, her sent smelledlike freshly cut lime with a hint of pine wood polish that smell made him more aroused and to top it all off with her continueus flirtations.

Vance watches her as she slowly moved her left hand stroking his penis with her claws then up to her clit then up to her mid-section unclipping her belt now looking at him with her glowing deep-blue eyes letting the belt slides off of her hips.

Samantha strokes a clawed finger up from his shaft's ridged back side to his penis pointed head keeping in place onto her vagina as she lays herself on the bed displaying her body for Vance to take giving him a gentle smile as she felt up the large male's arm boxing her in she says to Vance "C'mon James, lets mate!"

Samatha gasped as she feels Vance's cock thrusts into her deeply and after Vance's quick entry he got on his knees sliding his cock in a bit deeper into Samantha closed her eyes. Vance was marking a second thrust making her orgasm as he gently holds her body up as she throws her arms around his neck.

His third thrust made her grip his scaly back and throws her head back, then putting her back down on the bed she smiles as she feels his worm body laying over hers. As he stroke her hair running his claws through it and looking into his big yellow eyes.

Vance's room 5:52:43am: After trying some positions and finely her with his cum, Vance leans over letting Samantha pets his pointed snout seeing the sweat gleaming on his jet-black body. His mouth still hanging open dreathing hard as thought creped into his mind "it's nice having her soft fur covered body on my hard smooth armor like scales" as he holds her down after sliding in the last inch of his penis into her vagina.

Vance gently got off from his knees as he got onto his hinge feet slowly taking the missionary position his penis out as he backs up before thrusting his dick back into her then Samantha sighs in pleaser as she felt his hart pulse throbbing from his dick as he dose his last deeds and releasing more of his cum into her as he pulls it out.

Samantha panting saying still trying to catch her breath "t-that...wassss...awesmeeee..."

Vance asks still groggy "uh...what dose awesome mean?"

Samantha covers her muzzle trying not to laugh and said "I forgot that is not in you're voabulary yet."

Samantha unclips her left leg strap, lays her rite leg onto Vance's hip and Vance said to her "C'mon Samantha, I'm still acing after last night."

Samantha smiled as she unclips her other leg strap letting it to also fall to the bed as she says in a flirting matter pressing Vance's cock head back into her pussy she pleaded to Vance "please James..." as she holds his penis up sliding his cock deeper into her clit and she smiles and moans lightly kissing his muzzle.

Vance felt his penis moving deeper into her as moves his hand up from her hip to her tits, now holding one tit letting her worm milk run down his hand and his tong lapped it up.

Vance then licks her tender nipple and licking up her neck and chin before polling it in and saying "done...did you like thatas I did?" now holding her close and thrusting more of his cock into her.

Vance then got up saying "it's 7:01 are you hungry?"

Samantha shook her head and said "no."

Vance walked to the other side of the bed Samantha's graceful naked body sitting up looking at him with her back turned to him smilling, Samantha rolled over onto her back brushing her belt onto floor and watching Vance puts on his pants clipping the buckle on the back then the buckle. He zips up his fly then Vance puts on his uniform shirt asking "want sone water?"

Samantha nods saying "yes."

Vance's tail-grip grabbing a glass off the mini-bar as he buttons his uniform shirt.

Vance asks "Ice?"

Samantha said "yes."

Vance opens the top ice box grabbing the block of ice with the grip and braking it up with the middle black,putting some peaces of ice in the glass and pored the water into the glass from a facet at the bar and put the glass on the nightstand.

Vance turns around to say something but Samantha was asleep Vance pulls a sheet off the bed with the help of his tail-grip covering her naked body with the sheet and then he was out of the door.

End of Black Project files Chapter 8