Me, Centaur- Chapter 3

Story by catindminor on SoFurry

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#1 of Me, Centaur

A/N: This was a commission i received! All the characters belong to him!

"Fred!" The shrill call filled the small house and found its way outside. "Fred! Hurry!" Artemis was lying on her bed clutching her very pregnant belly. She was sweating and her face looked pale. Call it mothers instinct, but she knew something was wrong with her unborn foal.

Fred was outside teaching some of the young colts how to make and hunt with a spear when he heard his mate call to him. He sighed, what was wrong now? "Sorry boys." He pat them on the head, "We'll have to resume this later." They all looked disappointed, but they nodded and ran off to go play a game. The stallion put his spear against the outside of the house as he walked in. "Artemis, what's wrong now?" Yesterday she did this because she wanted food, the day before because... well she wanted food. "If you tell me you're hung..."

"Fred! Something's wrong!" She yelled. That got the centaurs attention. He ran into the bedroom and saw his mate clutching the bulge on her stomach. "My water broke, but something's wrong!" That really got Fred's attention. He moved to her side and grabbed her hand.

"Artemis, what is it?" He managed to keep his voice calm, he didn't want to excite her anymore then she already was.

The mare shook her head. "I've done this so many times before, and it just doesn't feel right! I don't know what to do. We... We need a doctor!" She looked up at the stallion with worry in her eyes. "We can't let her die."

Fred didn't ask how she knew the baby was a girl, that was the least of his concerns. "How do we find a doctor?" Now he was starting to sound a little anxious. This situation did not sound good. If they didn't do something fast the Artemis or the baby could die. They didn't have any doctor in the village, and it wasn't like they could just call an ambulance.

"I don't know!" Her voice was starting to rise. "Call someone! Call a hospital! Call a vet! Something!"

A vet! Perfect idea! A normal doctor would most likely have no idea what to do, but a vet would have a better understanding of a horse's body. "Stay right here hon, I'll go find someone." He kissed her on the forehead. "Everything's going to be fine, I promise." Without another word, Fred galloped out of the house and down the path that connected the village with the national park.

The stallion knew where there was a pay phone; he had passed it a few times before when him and some of the other villagers went out exploring. It only took two minutes or so to get to it, then he popped in two quarters, ones he had found a wile ago laying around the path. Fred called 411 and asked for the nearest veterinarian in the area. It didn't take long for him to get connected.

"Hello?" A friendly sounding female picked up.

"I have a serious problem." Fred said quickly and frankly. "I... uh, have a mare out in the national park who is going through labor. But, uh, there's something wrong with her and I need a vet as soon as possible."

The woman paused for a moment, this was definitely something unusual. "I'm sorry sir, but we don't do house calls." She said it as politely as possible.

Fred made an angry growling sound. "This is the closest vet! If I don't get help both of them will die!" The person on the other line sighed and told the centaur to hold on for a moment. He heard mumbling, but couldn't understand what was being said. He was getting quite impatient, the stallion started to tap his hoof on the ground in an attempt to calm himself. It didn't work.

"Hello?" A male picked up the phone. "I'm Doctor Turner; my assistant tells me you have a mare in labor?"

"Yes!" Fred spoke harsher then he intended. "Something is seriously wrong and I need you to come help, I can't lose both of them."

"We usually don't do this on such short notice, but I'm on my way. Can you tell me where you are?" Fred was relieved. He gave the vet the directions to where he was then hung up the phone. Now time to play the waiting game.

Lucky for Artemis, the veterinarian office was only five minutes from the park. It took a total of ten minutes for him to get to where Fred was waiting. The entire time the stallion was a nervous wreck, he quickly lost his cool. He paced around the small clearing by the phone, tapped his foot, and just acted completely antsy.

After what felt like forever Fred heard some foot steps. His body stood at attention in the direction they were coming from. "Hello?" He asked in a loud, booming voice. It had to be the vet, if it wasn't he had to hide.

"Is this Fred?" A voice called out. "This is Doctor Turner."

Perfect, but there was still a small problem. "I need to warn you," Fred had a nervous tinge to his voice. "You may be a bit surprised when you see me." With that he waited. This would be the first time he revealed himself to a human that would be going back to live in the 'normal' world. This could be rather dangerous, but he had to take this chance.

Finally, the vet emerged into the clearing. He was a scrawny little guy, only a little over five feet tall. He wore a thick pair of glasses, and typical doctor wear. Over his shoulder he had a large messenger bag, and he also carried a large case. The man's hair was a dirty blonde; it was short but completely unkempt. Dr. Turner looked like anything but a vet, yet at the same time it seemed he knew exactly what he was doing. Well, that was until he saw the centaur standing a few feet in front of him.

"Oh my god!" The human dropped his case on the floor and gawked at the mythical creature in front of him. This was quite possibly the last thing the vet expected to see. The centaur that stood before him was magnificent. There was no other word he could think of that could describe him. He had a body that could make any horse envious, perfect muscles in all the right places and a pristine, shiny coat. His human parts were flawless also. Bronze skin, long blond hair, strong arms and a chiseled chest. If he were completely human he could make girls faint as he walked by.

Fred was glad that the doctor didn't go running off screaming, but his catatonic state wasn't going to help much either. "Excuse me, Mr. Turner..." He sighed. "Now is no time to stare, I can explain things later. But right now we need to go save my mate."

"But... but I thought..." The vet was completely confused. "How are you real?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"I said that doesn't matter right now!" The centaur growled. He trotted over and bent down. "Get on my back; it'll be faster to get to the village this way." Doctor Turner could do nothing but comply.


At the village, word had gotten around that Fred went off to get a doctor, so naturally when he arrived back everyone was trying to get a look at the human. All of them had been like this at one point, but it was so foreign to them now that they wanted to get a glance. Fred ignored this, but it only amazed the doctor even more. The village was large, and there must have been at least twenty five of the creatures staring at him. Unfortunately, the vet didn't have time to stare back because his ride threw opened the door to his house and ran inside.

The centaur leaned down so the doctor could get off his back, then he brought him into the bedroom where Artemis was laying covered in sweat. "Honey, are you ok?" He asked softly as he trotted to her side.

"Did you get a vet?" He voice sounded weak. Fred nodded and the mare looked up, seeing the nervous human. She sighed and lay back down.

"Well?" Fred said angrily as he looked back at the doctor. "Help her!"

Doctor Turner sighed. He moved timidly over to the female centaur and felt her pregnant bulge. Then he did all the preliminary things like checking the heart beat and blood pressure. He had helped horses before in this type of situation, and he could tell exactly what it was. He took a deep breath before he turned to Fred. "Ok, this is actually a pretty easy problem to fix. I have to give her a shot that will relax her muscles and then the birth should go fine." He didn't wait for an answer. The vet immediately began moving around in his bag until he found a needle and a small bottle of liquid. He put the correct amount in, and then slowly put the needle into the centaur's abdomen.

Fred watched anxiously as Doctor Turner did his thing. He knew the vet knew what he was doing, but he was still rather nervous. After all, he did freak out when he met the centaurs, what's to keep him from freaking out during the birth? Somehow, he managed to find some trust in the human and stayed back, out of the way of both of them.

Doctor Turner positioned Artemis so the birth could be easier. Not much longer after he gave her the shot she started to calm down. What the human had given her was a muscle relaxer, and it was working quickly. 'Ok, I can do this!' He thought to himself. The vet got down between her legs and checked on her. "The baby is coming!" He suddenly announced. This made Fred sigh in relief. Even though the doctor gave the mare medicine, he still would need to help with the birth.

When the foal's head started to appear, the human reached in to slowly help bring it out. He completely forgot about gloves since he was in the moment. As some of the fluid came out of Artemis, Doctor Turner noticed his hands start to tingle, but he really didn't think anything of it, he was concentrating too hard at his task. The babies head was out now and things were going smoothly.

Fred, on the other hand noticed something was happening. The more fluid that the human got on his hands the more the stallion become aware of it. First he noticed a bulge in the vet's back. He arched an eyebrow, what was that? His question was soon answered when it rose up out of his pants, a dirty blonde horse tail. The centaur grinned, so vaginal fluid could change a human also?

Doctor Turner was really starting to feel strange, but he didn't have time to think about it. The baby's shoulders were out now, which left the rest of its torso and lower body to still be born. He was sweating, with nerves and from trying to keep steady hands. He didn't realize he just had a horse tail sprout from behind him, or that his legs were starting to grow dark blonde fur. All he knew was that he had to keep mare and foal alive.

His body seemed determined to finish its transformation before the human noticed. Or maybe the fluids worked faster then breast milk. Either way, he was changing rapidly. The vet's shoes came lose as his feet changed into hooves. His lower body stretched out and another pair of legs grew. Fred grinned as he realized the transforming human was taking on a more feminine body. This was conformed when the human's pants were ripped off. The stallion could clearly see his male organs changing. His balls seemed to shrink and shrivel away to nothing. His manhood grew smaller and suddenly became inverted as his new female parts appeared. As soon as that happened his female scent filled the room, driving Fred mad with lust.

The human's upper body began to change next, but that was not as visible to Fred because of his shirt. His hips became wider and his chest began to swell as his breasts grew. They weren't as big as Artemis; they only grew to the size of a larger B cup. Finally his face became a bit thinner and took on much more feminine qualities. His hair grew a little longer, only down to his shoulder. When the transformation was finally complete the foal was completely born. It sat on the bed, looking up at the newly transformed centaur with big curious eyes. "It's done!" She said, realizing as she spoke that her voice was much higher pitched. "What...? As she looked down the baby jumped off the bed and tucked its head under her horse-like body to suck on her nipples, drawing out fresh milk.

"What happened to me?" The doctor said in a panicked tone. Artemis, who looked absolutely exhausted, looked up and smiled.

"It must have been the contact with my fluids." She said in a soft tone. "Thank you so much for helping," she was a lot calmer now that she knew both her and the baby were ok. She noticed the foal nursing from new centaur and made a cooing noise, which caused the baby to stop and jump back on the bed, curling up next to its mother.

The new filly almost wished the baby didn't leave her. The new body gave her such a strong motherly instinct that she just couldn't fight off. For some reason she wanted the baby to keep feeding, she wanted to protect it with her life. Doctor Turner shook her head, trying to understand all these new emotions. "I... I mean, this body is amazing. But..." She sounded so unsure of herself, almost like she wanted to stay this way. "But I'm female! I shouldn't be!"

This caused Artemis to smile again. "You know, I used to be a male human." Shock appeared on the vet's face. "But I transformed too. Its strange at first, but I promise you'll really enjoy it."

The doctor shook her head again. "No, I need to go back home. I have a job, I..." She only had stupid reasons. It must have been whatever masculinity she had left trying to rationalize itself.

Fred stepped foreword, he couldn't take this any more. His large cock stood at full attention, and the vet noticed this. "We need a doctor here; you're perfect for the job," he grinned. He came up behind the centaur and rubbed his hands down her back. "Just don't think about it. Here, I'll take away any doubts you have left." With that he wrapped his front legs around her waist and slowly entered her. He was much gentler with the vet, probably because he just helped save his mate. He gave her time to get used to his cock before he began thrusting.

The vet moaned loudly and gripped on to the bed when the stallion entered her. "What... oh god it feels so good." She couldn't even protest. Why was she dealing with this so easily? She even thrust back onto Fred with each thrust. Maybe, maybe this was what she needed? Her life at home was so mundane. She lived by herself, went to work everyday, and didn't have much of a social life. Maybe becoming a centaur would break her out of her shell and give her something new and exciting to look foreword to everyday.

Anything negative she thought of seemed to vanish with each thrust from Fred. She was thrown into a frenzy of pleasure. She felt her orgasm growing closer; it kept building up until she was right on the edge. "Oh, oh man I'm right there!" Fred grabbed onto her and thrust hard inside of her, and that was enough to send her over the edge. The doctor arched her head back and let out a loud moan. She felt her body shake as the pleasure shot though her body. Fred grinned at this and made one last thrust, causing him to orgasm and shoot his cum inside her. Once the two had finished, Fred dismounted and smiled at the new Centaur and his mate.

The doctor sat down and tried to catch her breath, her cheeks were bright red as she looked at the other two centaurs.

Fred just grinned and pat her on the head. "Welcome to our village."

Avery the Mouse Slave

A/N: This was commissioned off fur bid. I do not own the plot idea or the characters, but I did write this story! So no stealing! "I can't wait to get off this boat." A human leaned on the wooden railing of a large ship as he watched the sea...

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Chapter 6- All the Love in the World

Airplanes to Acara were like car rides for dogs. She loved them. Except this time, she was dreading it. The intern was put in charge of the band. She had to make sure they were at the airport at the right time, on the right flight, and once they landed...

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Chapter 5- The Slip

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long to make! I had some major computer problems, and I was waiting to get my data back. (Which hasn't happened yet.) The sex scene was much better in the orignal, but I had to rewrite everything. Once I get my data back...

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