A Midnight Spring Walk

Story by Trey Oran on SoFurry

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A Midnight Spring Walk

By Trey Oran

Author's Note: This story is a one-shot, but this might turn out to be a series if I get enough motivation. I'm writing this in a different POV because I want to test myself if I'm more capable to write in a 3rd person perspective rather than the 1st, so this of this as a self-assessment for me while this is just entertainment for you readers. You know the drill; if you're not of legal consent where you reside in, then don't even bother reading this story. Other than that, enjoy the one-shot. Please comment with honest constructive criticism and tell me if you liked it. You can also grade me if I'm better off doing 3rd or 1st POV for the rest of my stories. Thank you and enjoy my first 3rd POV based story :)

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These characters and the story are copyrighted and belong to me. Do not use these characters or distribute the story without my granted permission. If I find the story in any other website, and I see it under someone else's name, I'll just email whoever owns the site to take it away; Simple as punch.

It was 11 P.M, Saturday. The white, puffy clouds concealed the stars, showing only parts of the dim, night sky. The streets were empty; no footsteps, no children playing, not even the usual sounds of car's engines to disturb the night. Because of all of this, this was a perfect time to have a midnight spring walk. Surely, April had been a fine month throughout the year. No trouble, no chaos; not even for an eighteen year old like Kayne.

Kayne is like a regular college student; going to class every day, working on his homework, and is active in a few clubs, like drama, creative writing, and some others that meets his preferences. He's a tall human, even for someone at his stage; standing in 6'2 ft and weighing in 210 lbs. He's a handsome, beige-skinned, lithe, muscular male, which is quite noticeable if you've seen his biceps, pectorals and abs. His set of cabs is decent. He usually adorned red, flaring, long hair; which only stopped to his shoulders. Even with this frame, he doesn't participate in any sort of sport. He probably just exercises just for the attention coming from both males and females; maybe just for kicks. Who would blame him though?

Kayne is getting ready to leave his apartment, wearing a blue hoodie with white sweat pants and blue and white Nikes on his feet. His iPod is in his pocket, various techno songs and dance were inside the portable multimedia device. He is inside the living room, just looking at T.V. He's only watching anime, sitting lazily on the couch as he looks at X/1999. He was some sort of an otaku as well, yet he doesn't show it to others around him or even let them know. It would make a drastic change in his reputation and he doesn't want that to happen.

When the episode ended, he grabbed the remote and pressed on the power button, switching the T.V off. Setting the remote back to its previous spot, he got up from his seat and went over to the door, which lead to the exit of his room, and to his living room. 'Finally, I can take my usual midnight walk.' He thought before opening the door and leaving his place. As he closed the door, he pulled out his keys and locked the three locks which secured his apartment.

As he stepped out of the building, he inserted his headphones in his ears and turned on the iPod, listening to a variety of music that is contained inside the device. He starts walking west of the building, heading for Ervin Clydesfield Park. The park was famous for the best place for its picnics, glorious scenes, and concerts. However, when it comes to the night, it's a whole different story. There had been rumors of a ghost wandering around the area; a demon that kidnaps and keeps females as concubines, and underground ruins which is supposed to be eighty centuries old. Of course, they're just rumors. There's no proof if they are true or not. Even though if Kayne knows that these rumors are just rumors, there's always a slight chance of the stories actually true.

Kayne arrived to Ervin Clydesfield Park. As usual, the place is dead silent at night. All of the lights in the park were off. It seemed that there are no patrols or watchdogs in the area. He looked at his surroundings outside the park. It seemed that no one that he knows or doesn't know was around. No cars were passing through the place, or any animals.

'Yes...a perfect time for a walk.' He thought. When one of the songs in his mp3 started, so did his walk as he entered the premises.

The red head like walking in the park. This was really his first time walking there at a time like this. He didn't mind think that others would walk at this time, since it's such a peaceful neighborhood. Plus, he loved the scenery the public area adorned; the already-blooming roses whose scent mingled with other flowers that were in the area, the smooth, clean cut grass flowing with the direction of the wind; which is east, the healthy trees displaying their beautiful branches and leaves, while some of them even bared fruit, and the properly placed benches, garbage bins and bathrooms scattered in different sections of the seemingly forested area. There was no other natural paradise that seemed to benefit the human such great enjoyment and adventure.

As Kayne walked his way down the path, he comes across a fork, the left path showing a dark, forested path that seemed to have a sort of ascension, while the other was an open, plain meadow. Now this is the time when the male started to ponder. He knows that there is a sense of danger if he takes either ways. However, when he looked at his left, there is more sense of fear, yet he gained more adrenaline. The other gave him more comfort, but he couldn't take the lack of adventure.

'Dammit, which way do I choose?', he thought. After minutes of thinking, he thought that he needed to explore more of the place, especially the more secluded areas, so he took the left path and continued his walk.

After walking for what it seemed a mile, Kayne stopped by a nearby bench. He sits down on the wooden object and pulled out his Gatorade. Beads of sweat can be seen throughout his face, especially on his vein-covered palms.

'Well...it's been fun so far, but also kind of dull. I might consider going back and call it a day.'

It's true that he hasn't found anything interesting since his time in the natural recreation area, but he's willing to continue. Once he was done taking a breather, he got up from the bench and proceeded further into the ascending path.

Kayne would eventually reach to the end of the path, and before him is a place that can be compared to a well decorated Victorian House, colored with an alluring mix of aquamarine and neon green. "Wait, what's a house doing in the middle of a forest? Where's the electricity even coming from?!", the male mumbled silently. He looked above the house, and noticed that there are no power lines connected anywhere onto the exotic premises. 'Okay...this is quite something.' However, he noticed that there was some flickering light inside, but it was only faint.

'Who's even living inside such a primitive setting? Is it the Amish or something?' Deciding to investigate, the human walked towards the cottage, curious of the things he could find and knowledge he could obtain. If lucky, he could "borrow" something as a souvenir of his adventure.

He walked towards one of the windows he had seen. 'Great, at least this place has windows for protection against the howling wind.' He grabbed onto the window's ledge and pulled himself up so that he could see what's inside. Once he got enough leverage, the male scoped the area out. There was a chair which was only a few feet across from the human's position, a candle, as he suspected, giving the dim room light. There was also something that seemed to be some sort of stove at the left side of the house. There also seemed to be another set of stairs which lead to the second floor.

'Those set of stairs probably leading to the bed room. Whoever owns this place is so retro. It's a pity.'

Knowing the consequences that will come, Kayne decides to enter the house. He lets go of the ledge and walks over to the door. To the male's surprise, when the male pushed the door slightly, the door is unlocked. However, he's unaware that this is only part of a trap.

'Wait a minute...so if this door is unlocked, and the candle's lit, then...this doesn't make sense at all!'

Abruptly, the teen pushes the door open and walks in, and then he gasped and jumped to his right as he felt a huge amount of water fall down on him, following by a metal bucket falling to the floor.

"What the fuck is going on here?! I didn't ask for an order of cold Poland Springs on my body!", the human said aloud with an angry tone. Kayne tries to get up from the soaked floor, but ends up slipping and falling to the floor. "AHH!" After a few falls, a huge, unknown figure jumps and lands on Kayne, the human yelling in pain as the large figure literally sat on his back.

"Heh, and to think that you are going to get away with some of my things, eh boy?" The figure said with a very gruff accent and deep tone. The mysterious voice didn't sound human either, but Kayne disregard that suspicion and replied back to

"W-who the fuck are you, old man?" Kayne managed to say, but ends up having a hard slap across his face for an answer. "ARGH!!"

"You don't have any right to ask any questions, thief! Now tell me this, who the FUCK are you?", the older male yelled, followed by a low growl.

At this point, Kayne decides to cooperate with his captor so that he can avoid further pain. "I-I'm just an r-runner. I saw t-this place when I came up to a p-path.....and- AHHH!!" The human got cut off by the figure's fist making contact to his limp arm.

"DAMMIT, I'M TRYING TO EXPLAIN, AND YOU KEEP INFLICTING-..." Before the male could human could continue, he received damage to his face by the other's clawed hand. "Don't you understand plain, simple English, boy? I only asked one thing; who are you?"

'Wait, where the hell did those things come-...and he's hairy everywhere...JUST WHO THE HELL IS THIS FREAK?!' The human shifted his head to the left side so that he could see who is sitting on top of him. Right now he can only see brown fur and tan leather pants. 'Damn, I can't really see much, but he has brown fur. What kind of person would have brown fur, unless he's a bear...?' Then the human gasped, then widens his eyes in shock, now realizing who his captor is. 'Wait, what the fuck is going on? Did I just get caught by a talking bear?! I can't believe I didn't even notice it at first.'

Now Kayne is in a state of fear, submissive to the grizzly bear's will. All he could do is wince and look at the floor, not wanting to look at the large anthro's burly form or face at all. The ursine seemed that he weighed about 500 pounds, and about his height is unknown to the human, but he knew that resulting this matter with violence would end up with the male either getting killed or unconscious with loss of memory to boot. Finally, the bear gets off the human's back and walks over to his brown, leather couch, and then he sits down on the object, looking directly at the human. 'What's he's thinking about now? I've never been so afraid since I was seven years old; why does it have to be now?!' the human thought, finally feeling the weight off his back.

The ursine only looked at the human, slouching onto the couch, cocking an eye ridge. 'Surely, I must do something to this fool that'll make him regret this...' the ursine thought, followed by a sigh. 'Hmmm, I know what I'll do.' The older male didn't have sex for a long time now, and yet, he never tried a human in his life, especially a red head like the one that is still lying on the floor. "Get up, human." Kayne didn't get up from the floor, frozen in fear.

The bear growled and bellowed, "Get up, YOU DAMN HUMAN!" This time, the red head got up from the floor and looked directly at the floor, unable to look directly at the bear.

"Now tell me, human...what is your name?"

"I....I....I'm K-Kayne..."

"Kayne, eh? What a lovely name...for a human, that is. Come closer so that I can get a closer look at you..."

Following the ursine's orders, Kayne slowly walks over to the mature ursine, but still unable to look at the other directly. The bear slowly raised his clawed hand from his lap, then grasps the male's chin and raised it up so that he could look at the human's face.

"Hmmm...such a young, beautiful man you are, especially with your red hair, don't you agree?"

The human couldn't help, but display a light red blush, and tries to turn away, but the large, padded hand sets the head back in place.

"Oh, don't worry about that..." The male slightly loosened his grip on the male's chin. "You can call me Ribgear..." Ribgear responded, nuzzling the male's face softly. "Of course, you'll have to pay me back somehow if you're attempting to barge in and steal my valuables. Just because I told you my name, doesn't mean that we're in good terms, boy."

Kayne slowly nodded, too terrified to speak. He wished that he hadn't take this path on his walk. He wished that he should've take the other path, and it would've ended up with a walk back home, sweaty all over and basking in his scent. In truth, his scent hovers above Ribgear's nose, making the ursine slightly pant. The human raised a brow, wondering why he's breathing in such a pace.

"Okay...Ribgear, or whatever you are....what's going on?"

Ribgear gives a sly grin to Kayne. "Oh...nothing...but I want to ask you this..." The ursine pulled the human's face closer to his own, his warm breath washing over the red head. The human still had fear written over his face, but somehow, he was able to look directly at the male. "Why did you come to this part of the forest?"

Kayne couldn't help but sigh, knowing that talking to the male wouldn't do much for him, but he has to try something. He couldn't lie to the male, then he would probably have to stay inside the cabin longer, and the human's patience was growing thin. Still, he can't resist the other, or else there would be a possible chance of getting killed. He had no choice but to cooperate.

"Well, I only came here just to take a small walk, and I really didn't see this path before. Just out of an urge, I decided to take the path and...I noticed this place. At first, I thought that no one was even living in the cabin, so I thought that I would explore the house, and....well...you know the rest.", Kayne said to the ursine.

Ribgear slowly nodded, then shifted his hand over Kayne's head, brushing the red bangs in front of the male's eyes, smirking. "Ah, what beautiful green eyes you host, human. I have to admit that I'm quite envious of this spectacular trait of the average human." Then the ursine would slip his tongue out and lick the male's cheek. "I wonder how useful your mouth is, though. You seem to talk so much, and speak English so fluently as well; it's a shame to see that body part to go to waste. I guess it's time to put that mouth to the test to see how much potential it has, eh....Kayne?", Ribgear told the human, but in a silent, lewd fashion that made the human literally almost forget that he was being physically and verbally abused by the animal, also heavily sweating from his pores Kayne knew what the other male was talking about, but he wasn't sure if he was willing to oblige or not.

Suddenly, the ursine brought his claw up in the air and let it down, his palm violently struck Kayne's face, his body tossed to the other side of the room, his face displaying the small claw slashes, only spewing little blood. The human tried to get up from the floor, but he was numb from both fear and pain, and almost unable to move or look at the seemingly monstrous ursine.

"From now on Kayne, you'll be my slave. Also, if you even dare to run for help and hunt me, you'll get the worse treatment ever imaginable." He got up from the couch and extended a claw onto the human's throbbing temple. "Got all of that in that damn skull of yours, boy?!!"

Kayne, despite being partially numb, slowly nodded to Ribgear, whimpering submissively. Still, he laid down on the floor on his sides, somewhat leaning onto his kidney. The human know how it feels to be a slave, but only by pure observations. He would possibly commit suicide at the first few hours of his next day, but then again, the bear wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Maybe there was some intention why the bear wanted the human in the first place.

Ribgear only gave a slight kick to the human to his legs. Kayne only shuddered in response until he received a harder kick to his ribs, yelling in pain.


The bear only grinned, and then walked over to his leather couch, landing his rump onto the furniture. "Now then, come here. You'll know what'll happen if you don't, Kayne."

Without saying another word, the human stumbled and struggled, trying to get up from the floor, but to no avail. Instead, the male fell once again onto his ribs, the human yelled in pain as he felt his side collide with the floor. The human had a feeling that Ribgear was getting impatient, so instead of trying to get up, he starts to crawl to the grizzly bear until he is nearby the huge grizzly. He reached his arm out to the couch, and firmly gripped the leather, pulling himself up until he was on his knees. However, Kayne realized as soon as he got himself up, the bear already had his hard, large length free from its prison, the human's eyes now very wide.

"W-w-wait a minute....what are you...?" The human started to say, but was then cut off, his eyes only focusing on the immense length of the bear, throbbing and pulsing, covered with veins and pre leaking from the tip. The base is covered with large amounts of pubic hair and scented with a heavy mass of virile musk.

Kayne only stared at the large flesh, almost hypnotize by the sheer length of the throbbing cock. He didn't want to give the ursine what he wanted, but what choice did he have? He has been abused by a creature he had no knowledge of, about to get raped by that creature, and he's practically a slave to the bear. What choice did he have at all? Instead of resisting, he decided to play the bear's game and obey him.

Ribgear shakes his hard length to the human, grinning sadistically. "See this prick here? I wan' ya to treat it right 'n good, and no biting, 'else I'll kill you on the spot, got it?" The bear threatened. With qualms, but with no courage to resist, the human nods and gently grabbed the cock. Before actually opening his mouth and service the male, the human thought about his life at college, his apartment, his friends, and reputation; all of those things he cared about crippled as soon as the news of a gay popular guy in school who , apparently, turned into some animal's bitch. He had no choice. He had to do it.

Kayne didn't want to delay any longer. Who knows what the bear could've done if he was stalling for five minutes? With slight hesitation, the male human leaned closer, partially opened his maw, letting his tongue slide out, and starts to lick the large, throbbing shaft, vertically licking that rod like a lollipop. In approval, Ribgear growled, his paw reaching for the human's body, and held his grip onto the young male's shoulder. He actually admired the other's physique; tracing along those sculpts of muscle with his index claw. At least Kayne is better than a few other humans that he had encountered recently, who would die with just one blow. This one, however, managed to take a beating. It was a shame that the bear had to put the human into submission.

Surprisingly, Kayne moaned of the foreign taste of the dominating ursine's flesh. It tasted so...bitter, yet fascinating and unique. That huge rod, to the human, was laced with sugar with a slight hint of lemon juice. Plus, the heavy musk intoxicated the male so bad that he couldn't resist. One can call him a slut now, but internally, the male still felt hesitant of being a whore of an ursine, let alone a talking and walking one. Ribgear growled once more, but this time, it sounded that he's annoyed by the human's pace, and wanted more. Realizing this, Kayne stopped licking and opened his mouth, then closed his mouth around the member, and starts bobbing his head, his tongue swirling around the thick length, squeezing it. One would think that he has lots of experience and has done this before. Well, to bring out the true fact, the reason how he sucks like a professional is that he watches too much porno, both pictures and videos.

This display of oral satisfaction amazed the bear, and should've thought more of this earlier. Now this male, a human, could be more of a worthy bitch than he thought. None of his friends could pull off something like that. He even wished that they could watch it...if they were ever around. No matter; he's enjoying this session with the male. The rhythm of that motion, the tongue, the expertise; it was almost perfect! The bear practically spurted a long stream of pre-cum in Kayne's warm mouth, the human milking the juices from the powerful ursine. 'Hrmmm, it seems that he's beginning to prove himself, but there is still more that shouldn't be left behind', Ribgear thought, now breathing heavily, biting his bottom lip.

Kayne, on the other hand, couldn't get used to the pre that Ribgear had unleashed from his flesh. It didn't taste right. It just tasted....bland. He didn't even want to break his rhythm and just spit out the taste. It could show disapproval to the larger male and he could receive another thrashing. He could tell that the bear is close to his point, just by looking at his breathing patterns and hearing him huff and puff. Taking this opportunity, Kayne reached for the heavy sac of Ribgear and starts to pull gently and stroke, while bobbing his head faster, his tongue letting go and just flicks his tongue around the tip of the throbbing length. 'Almost done...then I don't have to deal with further torment...for a while.', the human thought, now trying to put most of his focus on that prick and the rest on how to get out of here.

With no doubt that he isn't able to resist Kayne any longer, the bear took the initiative and reached for the human's head and held it to his crotch, and starts thrusting his hips. Without any second delay, the bear roared, releasing his salty, creamy load into the human's mouth; shooting six streams of cum from his throbbing member. Kayne, who is shocked by Ribgear's actions, almost coughed, letting a small portion of seed leak from his mouth. This salty, yet more enriching and concentrated substance is something that Kayne isn't planning to get used to for a long time, although Ribgear is trying to help Kayne tolerate it by letting his heavy paw hold Kayne to his crotch, letting him stay there for a bit.

"The only way you'll keep that mouth of yours is if you let my seed stay inside your mouth for a while before you drink it, human. Let my seed tingle your sensors until you can handle it, boy. For now, this is your supplement after our sessions, your cravings. What do I get in return is a hole to please this prick of mine and something to relish for the day." With only a growl, the bear pulled Kayne from his length, and sighed.

Kayne only flopped on his back, eventually keeping the seed in his mouth like the bear advised (or commanded) to the human. To an extent, he was able to deal with the taste, and just swallow every drop of cum, without any remains dribbling from his jaw line. Without any energy to spare, the human groaned and closed his eyes, drifting to a sleep, bound to get nightmares about this day.

Getting up from the couch, Ribgear pulled up his trousers, and looked at the slumbering male, slightly grinning. "So he does have some potential..." He mumbled to himself. Picking the male up, the bear carried him upstairs to his room, and sets him on the bed where both males will retire for the day. It's a rather large bed, made to support a large male like the bear, although it's large enough to accommodate one large male and one small male, like these two. Now, all that Ribgear has to worry about is how thing this will turn out. Closing his eyes, he joins the human in the peaceful slumber, bound to have more plans cooked up the next day.

When Will The Time Come? Chapter 2

When will the time come? Chapter 2 By Trey Oran Author's note: I know its been a long time since I made another chapter to this fanfic. I was pretty much busy doing other things in my way and sometimes I had my off days for these stories....

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Project Neoblood: Chapter 2

Project Neoblood: Chapter II By Trey Oran Author's note: Yeah...this is the next chapter for Project Neoblood. Of course, I would suggest reading the first chapter to get the point of this story. If you are not of legal age in your country, then...

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Project Neoblood: Chapter 1

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