A Balancing Act

Story by Dragonatic for the People on SoFurry

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#2 of Straight For All but You

RRRRRING! went the school bell. Class was over, finally. After what felt like the longest week of my life, there was a weekend! And not a moment too soon, no less! You have no idea how long that week felt! But anyway, as soon as I packed up my stuff, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and walked out of the door, I was pleasantly surprised; standing right there, was Akalu! I will admit that the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him was what I was seeing, feeling, and hearing when Akalu and I 69ed each other exactly one week ago. My cock got slightly stiff for a second, but then went away when I remembered where I was. "Hey!" I said as I approached him. Akalu looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey," he said back, "relieved that this week is finally over?" he asked.

I nodded. "That, and the fact that I've set up to go out with Sylvia tonight! ... uh..." I trailed off. I had a bad feeling that I might sadden Akalu . Sylvia is my Raccoon girlfriend, whom I have been with for the past month. Maybe he had thought up plans for the two of us? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, or for all I knew, maybe he wanted to find out if Arkonas and Justin shared his interests in sexual encounters with the same sex, and attempt a foursome! I shuddered a bit at the thought. That would feel seriously messed up to find out that all my friends were either gay or bi all along, and I never picked up on it.

Fortunately, he didn't act exactly as I thought he would. He looked a little down, but I guess he remembered that I was still, as I said, "99.9% straight." "Fair enough," he began, "I kinda was hoping... you know..."

"...Kata mando dal tarlada?" I asked. Dragon language, or Draconian, if you must know. Being one of my closest acquaintances, I made a point to teach him some basics of the language. The translation to English is "...what happened last week?" I felt that keeping this secret was a top priority, so any time it was brought up, I usually referred to it in Draconian.

Akalu took a moment to process it, and then he nodded. I thought a moment. Knowing that saying what I wanted to say in Draconian was going to be really wordy, and Akalu might not understand it with only a basic knowledge of the language, I motioned to a nearby empty classroom. He nodded and followed me in there. I shut the door behind me, and after taking one last look around the room to make sure nobody was there, I spoke, "OK, if we're going to do something similar to that, then we should make it quick, and soon. Since I have a date with Sylvia tonight, and because she has Field Hockey practice until... like, 5:30, we have..." I checked the clock in the room, "...two hours to do that. Our houses aren't that close to here, so going home is out of the question. Um..." I thought for a second.

"How about the bathroom?" Akalu suggested. I looked at him, cocking my eyebrow.

"That's WAY too dirty," I responded, "and the janitors might find us in there, anyway."

We spent a good half hour discussing other options. Suddenly, Akalu came up with an idea. "The park!" he almost shouted with excitement.

I nodded with approval. "Nice..." I mused, "close, lots of secluded areas, not too many people per square mile... it's ideal! Only problem is the traffic at this time. Everyone's getting out of school and work about now."

Akalu grinned. "Easy," he explained, "we fly!"

I then had one of those "Why the hell didn't I think of that?" moments. "Of course!" I agreed, "flying allows us to go in a straight line, with no traffic to worry about, and plus, we'll be able to get into a secluded area without suspiciously going off the trails!"

Akalu grinned widely. "Well," he asked, "what are we waiting for?"

Before we knew it, I had left my school stuff in my locker, run out the front door of the building with Akalu holding onto me. Some people looked up as we ascended further up, but by that time, it was hard to tell who it was I was holding in my arms. But I had little to worry about. Sometimes I liked to give high-flying joyrides to my better friends, so this did not appear to be something terribly new to the students who saw me. From about the height a hot air balloon goes, it was easy for us to pick out the park where we intended to go, and we made a bee line for the park. Akalu pointed out a spot in the park that was heavily wooded, and far away from any trail. I tried to enjoy the feeling I had finally being able to fly without the thought of homework being due tomorrow, but I knew that I had a time issue on my hands. I only now had about 45 minutes left before I had to meet Sylvia. I soon descended into the place that Akalu was pointing out, and then I landed. I looked around. I couldn't see a single trail in sight. "Wow, Akalu," he said, "you sure know your secluded park areas."

"Well, sometimes I like to be alone, and places like these are about as close to pure nature as I can get without going way out into the country," he explained. I nodded, agreeing. "So," he continued, checking his watch. "We have 40 minutes left. Why don't we get started now?"

My heart started thumping. But I thought for a moment. I thought of what I had planned to do with Sylvia later that night, from the beginning to the end, and I decided what to do. "OK," I spoke, very hesitantly, "um... you're in luck, 'cause... well, I, uh... wanna save some of this," I motioned to my crotch, indicating my sperm load, "for Sylvia... ya know, just, um, well, in case the opportunity presents itself, ya know?"

"You want to get her pregn...?? Oh, wait, right... different species thing, I remember," Akalu said.

"Right, I couldn't get her pregnant even if I wanted to. Now," I continued, getting back to the subject, "just take off your pants, and I'll get started. You... um... might... uh, wanna lean against a tree or sit down or something..." I stammered. I could feel my body shaking at this moment.

Akalu grinned and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and then let them fall around his feet, revealing a sizable bulge in his underwear. It was sure arousing, as I started to feel a similar bulge in my pants. Time was still of the essence, but I figured that I might make it as enjoyable for him as I could. I knelled on the ground in front of him, and lightly grasped the hem of his underwear. I could start to hear his breathing become more labored. Then, I slowly pulled down his boxers, and his large, red cock practically popped out! "Wait," Akalu breathed. I stopped and observed him slowly and sensually sit down on the ground, with his knees bent upward as if they formed a doorway to his cock. "OK," he said, "please, go on..."

I didn't need to be told twice. I focused my attentions on Akalu's cock, and almost instantaneously started to suck it. I gripped on Akalu's bare thighs for support, and bobbed my head up and down on his smooth, slick maleness. It tasted exactly the way it did the last time, only doing it outside, in the wild, made it taste more... well, feral, I guess. I also used my tongue to the fullest extent as well, wrapping as much of it as I could around his cock and sliding it up and down at the same time as my head would do the same. I felt Akalu put his padded hand on the back of my head, and I instinctively went faster. It was short-lived, the weird, but exotic pleasure we were both getting from this, but we loved every minute of it.

I decided also to add to the pleasure I was giving Akalu by doing something he probably didn't expect. I was on my hands and knees, which allowed me to carry this out. I brought the tip of my rather muscular tail between my legs, and shoved it into his ass. He gasped with the sudden and unexpected pleasure, and instantly orgasmed when I drove it deeper into him. My mouth was met with his creamy load of semen, which had an almost intoxicating effect on me. I swallowed it, made one last pump with my head on his dick, and then pulled my head off and my tail out. Akalu still lay there in ecstasy. "Damn," He said, "nice thinking, Karnath..." he managed to say despite his labored breathing.

"Thanks," I said, "I'm... not sure what made me think that, but I'm glad you liked it!" I replied.

Akalu still lay on the ground, with this vastly pleased, yet worn-out look on his face. It looked kinda compromising, that position, with his arms by his side, his knees up, his pants and boxers at his ankles... as much as I hate to admit it, I kinda wanted to bang him right then and there. Still, I held that thought back. I wanted to save my virginity for a girl. That, in my mind, would be the ultimate reminder that I'm still at the very least 99.9% straight. I did, however, figure out that it was going to be difficult to keep up a predominately heterosexual lifestyle if Akalu and I kept this up, but I almost desperately wanted to try to keep it up. I loved Sylvia with all my heart, and I feared that doing what I did with Akalu might be... well, betraying her, in some ways...

I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind. I wanted to keep my good mood up for when I got back to school to meet up with Sylvia. I looked at my cell phone to check the clock on it. It was lucky because the time read as 5:15! I pocketed it, stood up, walked behind Akalu, grabbed under his arms, and lifted him to his feet. "I guess I overdid it, then, right?" I joked.

Akalu chuckled as he pulled his pants up. "Yeah," he said, "next time, let's save the tail thing for when we're not crunched for time!"

I smiled and gave him a friendly pat on the back. "C'mon," I said, "we've got fifteen minutes left," I told him, "We need to split." And with that, I gripped him under the shoulders, and took to the skies.

I looked back at the spot where I had just orally pleasured Akalu, and watched it get smaller and smaller... to the point where it got so lost among the other trees around there that I couldn't find it anymore. I tried not to linger on it, so I turned my head forward. "Nothing like a good suck followed with some high-flying action!"Akalu jested.

I smiled. "Glad you enjoyed it," I replied, smiling slightly. I still felt odd that I was having this sort of conversation with another male. I honestly never thought it would happen, and it was just... odd. I shook my head again, and again reminded myself of what I had in mind for my date with Sylvia, which got me slightly aroused...

"What the-?" exclaimed Akalu, looking behind him.

I gritted my teeth, annoyed that I had to do that at that time. "Sorry," I said, "my mind's half thinking about what just happened, and half thinking about what's gonna happen..."

Akalu laughed. "Damn," he said, "you are one of the more fortunate guys in terms of their sex lives..." he mused.

I smiled, and seeing the school building get closer and closer to us, I stopped flapping my wings and started to glide down to the front door. The landing was a bit rough, and Akalu , with some of his energy depleted due to his orgasm earlier, had some trouble staying on his feet during the landing, but all went well. There weren't too many people inside or outside the immediate area of the front of the building, since everyone had either gone home or was at a sports practice. I checked my cell phone clock a second time, and seeing that I had only ten minutes left until Sylvia's field hockey practice was over, I turned to my best friend, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Like I said the last time," I said, "I'm glad to help you out with that when you need it. I mean, seriously, that stuff isn't as bad as I once thought it was, ya know?"

Akalu grinned. "Glad I've got a friend like you. Not many people do, ya know," he told me, putting a hand on my shoulder. We moved closer and did a one-armed hug for a second, and then parted.

"I gotta get going," I told him, and started to head towards the door, "I'll see ya around!"

Akalu waved, "See ya!" he called back.

I smiled and turned to continue towards the door.

After sanitizing the hell out of my tail, I headed towards, and reached the field hockey field just in time to catch Sylvia and the rest of the Field Hockey team running some sprints at the end of the practice. I climbed up to the top seats on the bleachers, which were vacant, and watched. Sylvia, a raccoon, was one heck of a runner! She wasn't the fastest girl there, but she was among the fastest.

Once they did their last batch of running from one side of the field to the other, Sylvia looked in the direction of the bleachers, and she saw me. She smiled and waved a bit at me, causing some of her other teammates to smile and chuckle a bit. I was one of the few boyfriends who made a point to always meet their girlfriends after their sports practices. I think the fact that I was watching got to her head a bit, because when the team started doing some cool-down stretching, starting with toe-touches. I'm pretty sure she intentionally had her rear end facing me, as it gave me a good view of her underwear under her field hockey skirt, even though it was made so that it wouldn't be very embarrassing to the wearer if it was exposed. I still got turned on, though!

After being mesmerized by her subtle display for a few seconds, the stretches continued, and I patiently waited. Once the stretching was over, the team all headed inside. Trying my best to not appear as a pervert, I headed inside, and headed in the general direction of the girl's locker room. I waited by the stairway that led down to the hallway where the locker rooms are. It was a good ten minutes before I saw the other teammates of the Field Hockey team head up the stairs in regular attire, carrying bags containing their stinking practice clothes over their shoulders, and their field hockey sticks in one hand. A couple of them looked at me, but didn't do much more than that. They were, or at least I'm pretty sure they were, aware that I already had a girlfriend.

Sylvia, just so you know, is quite the tomboy of the school. She's not really girly, doesn't love pink stuff, doesn't chatter away on the phone with gossip and stuff, and almost never wears skirts or dresses (at least, not as far as I'm concerned). Heck, she doesn't even use a purse! Sadly, she's ostracized by a lot of the "cliques" of the school's girls, and is generally not very well accepted by them. There are exceptions, but that's generally how it is. Despite that, that's the reason why I started dating her in the first place! I actually like tomboys! I mean, seriously, I can't imagine what can be better to a guy than a girl who dresses like them! The other reason why I like tomboys is the fact that they like the same stuff that I do, so we can do similar stuff, like... well, watch and enjoy the same movies, to give an example. (Heck, the first movie we saw together was a James Bond movie!) Sylvia is on the field hockey team because she likes to play hockey, but the ice hockey team at the school is all-boys. Field hockey, to her, was the next best thing. As you can imagine, having to wear a skirt was an obvious drawback. But, in her words, "It's only for the fall sports season! I'll manage."

Anyway, once I was sure that everyone else was away, I walked down the stairs, and I saw Sylvia waiting for me in the hallway! I couldn't help but smile, and I cleared my throat to get her to know that I was there.

She looked up at me, and smiled back. I walked up to her. "Hey," I said, "how was practice?"

"Can't really complain. Same stuff as every practice," she replied, "but right now, I just want to see a friendly, more familiar face after this whole week..."

I understood what she meant. She didn't have any classes with me, and we only sometimes saw each other at lunch. Today wasn't one of those times. I put my index finger below her chin, and gently tilted her head towards me. Her eyes seemed to light up. The smile that also resulted added to that effect, as well. "Listen," I said, calmly smiling, "how about we spend the rest of the afternoon together? You know, relax, start the weekend as soon as possible...?"

She got a look on her face, where she angled the corners of her mouth upward, and before I knew it, she reached behind my head, and pulled it towards her until my snout touched her muzzle. No, it wasn't the first time we kissed, but it was the first time we did it in the school building. It lasted longer than it would have if there were more people there, since we often prefer to keep that private unless we just can't control ourselves. When it broke after a few minutes, Sylvia motioned her head to the side, indicating that she wanted to go. "Come on, Karnath," she said, "let's ditch this place!"

Sylvia and I walked out the door to the school's parking lot, where our cars were waiting for us. I was blinded for a second when the metal on some of the cars reflected sunlight into my eyes, but I soon got away from the direct reflection as I headed towards my car. Sylvia followed me there. I unlocked the car, causing the blinkers on my car to flash once, and I opened up the trunk of the car to drop my stuff into it. Sylvia did the same, and promptly hopped into the passenger seat. I shut the trunk and got into the driver's seat. I quickly turned on the car and put on the A/C, since it was really hot in there. Although I like heat, I knew Sylvia wasn't as tolerant of heat as I was. Besides, I could handle cold just fine, anyway.

Just as I began to ask her where we were going, there was a loud knocking at the window! I looked, and there was Akalu and Arkonas! I rolled down the window. "Hey guys!" I greeted them, "what's up?"

"Nothin'," Arkonas replied, "Akalu and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to head over to my place tonight..." he paused, noticing Sylvia in the passenger seat, "...but I'd hate to interfere with... um -"

"...'quality time' with Sylvia, I guess?" Akalu finished for him.

Sylvia giggled. "Hey, I'm always open to a foursome, ya know!" she retorted, almost sounding like she was for real. Knowing it was a joke, we all burst out laughing. Although she and I haven't had a sexual encounter with each other, she enjoyed making jokes like that. I guess she likes messing with the high testosterone levels in the brains of guys around her age.

Arkonas and Akalu took turns bumping fists with me before they left. Akalu managed to whisper a short "Have fun, OK?" coupled with a wink, and then headed off. Man, has the oral sex we had last week gone to his head? I thought, Nah, maybe he's just thinking about it a little more, now that he knows what giving and receiving oral sex is like...

"Karnath?" Sylvia asked. I was snapped back to reality, and out of my thoughts on Akalu. I turned to her.

"Sorry," I said, "Uh... so, where are we going, then?"

"Let's go to The Pizza Kitchen," she said, somewhat joyfully.

Her decision didn't surprise me. Being our favorite restaurant, the place where we had our first date, and behind which we had our first kiss, I probably would've gone to the same place if it was up to me. I nodded at her decision. "Great idea," I concurred, "just the place I was thinking of, myself..." I trailed off, attempting to imply that I had ideas in my head. Even though I had focused my attention on the road at that time, I could tell she was grinning, for some reason.

When we arrived in the parking lot, the lights were on, as the sun was in the process of setting. The Pizza Kitchen was located not too far from the school, and it was known very well for the unique kinds of stuff that the chefs decided to put on their pizzas. Interesting names for the pizzas were appropriately given to each pizza, like "Wazzup Wasabi," "Chips and Salsa," and "Kung Pow" and those are just a few examples!

Anyway, when I pulled into a parking space, and got out, Sylvia got out with me. I noticed the sunset and stared at a little. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I said out loud.

Sylvia stood next to me. "Sure is..." she replied. I looked at her for a second, and she seemed to be as interested as I was when I first saw it. This was one of those sunsets where you can't help but wonder how the sky can display such brilliant colors. I looked back at the sunset and put my arm around her. She leaned her head against me. I stroked my fingers along her grey fur on her right arm, feeling how soft it was...

Then my stomach growled. The moment was instantly destroyed with the rather unpleasant sound. I didn't eat too much of the school lunch that day, since it was one of those lunches where you just know that it's had the hell processed out of it. But, being sympathetic to my bodily functions, Sylvia giggled. "Hungry?" she asked. I nodded. "C'mon, let's get inside and eat, OK?"

"Yeah," I said, taking a deep breath, "might as well."

With that, we walked into the restaurant. We were greeted by the hostess, a doe, who correctly assumed that it would just be the two of us tonight. We waited a bit for a table, since this was the Friday night crowd. It wasn't long, though, before we got a table. We seated ourselves across from each other, since that's all the table size allowed us to do, and the hostess gave us each a menu, and let us know that our server would be with us shortly.

When she left to go deal with the next party, I took a look at the menu. "You know..." I began, "we could be nostalgic a bit, and order what we did last time we were here..."

Sylvia looked up at me, smiling a bit. "And go through the whole awkwardness of our first date? No thank you..." she retorted, "maybe we should get something we've never gotten here before..."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed, smiling. It was true that we both were in a bit of a rut when it came to ordering stuff here. I usually ordered this flaming-hot-spicy pizza with chipotle sauce and various meats topped with other spicy stuff, and she would usually order the pizza with lettuce, chicken, and avocados.

I scanned the items on the menu, and after a couple minutes, I decided on something new. I decided on this pizza called the "Wild Thang " pizza. The toppings included a medium-spicy chicken wing sauce, lightly breaded chicken, and a couple other things that were just plain odd for a pizza, but still stuff I liked. Sylvia went with the spicy pizza I usually get, wanting to know what it was about the spice that I liked so much. It was kinda awkward when the waitress came to the table and she told her the pizza she wanted. "You sure you can handle it?" she asked.

"Hey, he seems to like it," Sylvia replied, motioning to me, "might as well try!"

"Suit yourself..." the waitress murmured. It was a pretty well-known fact that dragons tend to like the most spicy stuff in the world, whereas raccoons don't often have a taste for spices as extreme as that on the pizza she was getting. Therefore, one can imagine why it seemed odd that a dragon was ordering something on the medium level of spiciness, and his raccoon girlfriend was ordering something ten times as spicy.

Once the waitress went off to put in the orders to the kitchen, Sylvia sipped a bit of her water. "Might want to save that for your pizza," I suggested, "I mean, you do realize how spicy that is, right? I mean, I even have trouble eating it sometimes!"

Sylvia rolled her eyes, and then leaned towards me, smiling a bit devilishly. "Listen," she explained, "I know the perfect way to get rid of spice in my mouth. So don't worry too much about me, OK?"

I raised my eyebrow a bit, wondering what she meant. Then I remembered that eating dry bread usually scrapes spicy tastes off your tongue. There was a small, untouched bread basket on our table, so I figured that she would use the bread there.

While we waited for our food, Sylvia and I talked about various things, ranging from what happened during the week, and movies we saw, and whatnot. I don't really remember exactly what was said, but I do recall that we enjoyed ourselves. When the food did come, we didn't wait too long to start eating, since we were really hungry by that time. Being... well, me, I had finished my first slice out of six before Sylvia had taken her third bite. After I finished said piece, I looked up at her. She had taken her third bite, and I saw that her eyes were watering, and she showed clear signs of discomfort. "I told you that stuff was hot!" I said.

She swallowed the bite with the assistance of water, and then did something unexpected: She grabbed one of the small horns on my head, pulled my head over to her, and started to French Kiss me! I didn't know what else to do but go along with it, even though I couldn't help but wonder why she was doing this. Then I realized that she wanted to transfer the spiciness of her food from her tongue to my tongue, since mine could handle it a lot better than hers could. It didn't last long, though. Not like that was a problem to me, but since we were in public, it might not have been the best thing to be doing in public. I stared at her, shocked, when we pulled back. "Wow..." I said, "that's your way of removing spice from your tongue?"

She nodded, wiping her eyes with her napkin. "I didn't want to fill up on bread before I finished dinner. Plus, I've kinda been wanting to do that for a while..."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I asked, somewhat intrigued.

Sylvia smiled. "I've always wanted to know what French Kissing felt like, and I couldn't think of a better excuse than that!"

I laughed a bit. "Never would've thought of that," I commented, "But seriously, we should switch pizzas... I don't think you can handle the entire thing if you can't handle three bites!"

"Oh, fine," she conceded, grudgingly handing me her pizza plate.

We swapped pizzas, but before we resumed eating I leaned across the table and whispered to her, "We can do that again, after we eat, if you want..."

She looked up, and grinned at me. "I'd love to!" she whispered in reply.

When we finished eating our pizzas, paid the check, and got into our car, Sylvia promptly took me up on my offer to French kiss when we were done eating. It was different, now that she wasn't desperately trying to get a spicy sensation off her tongue. It was less rushed, a little less intense, but it still had the same passion in it. I enjoyed it for the time that it lasted, which was around five minutes. Her tongue, much thinner and far more dexterous than mine, was very pleasurable in contact with my tongue and various parts of the inside of my mouth. For the entire five minutes or so that we kissed, all we could hear from each other was our breathing.

We pulled apart, realizing that it was starting to get cold outside. We quickly got into my car, which I promptly started up and shifted into gear. Sylvia was panting a bit, as was I. "Man," she said, "that was amazing..."

I smiled a bit. "I didn't know you could kiss like that!" I replied.

She chuckled a bit, "I didn't know you could kiss back that well!" she added, "especially when I surprised you in the restaurant! That was some nice thinking on the fly!"

The conversation went like that for most of the time that I drove out of the restaurant and to my house. Though, it got slower and more... "touchy-feely," as it were. You know, we talked slower, quieter, and stuff like that. When I pulled up in front of my house, and walked Sylvia up to the front door, I found a note on it. It was in Draconian, likely so nobody would read the message that said that they were away from home and that the key was on top of the chimney.

After I flew up to get the key, glided back down, unlocked the door, and led Sylvia in, I suggested that we head up to my room. Agreeing, she headed up the stairs. I followed her, taking the slight liberty to notice her ass muscles in motion as she climbed. Yeah, I know that's a bit superficial, but I just couldn't deny how good it was! Plus, her bushy ringed tail went nicely with it, especially given the fact that it was right next to it and all. Although I realized this when we got to my room, I failed to notice in my temporary obsession with Sylvia's hind quarters that she was rather silent, and breathing a little heavier than normal.

When we did get to my room, however, I noticed it. She stopped and stood about five paces into my room from the door. I walked up behind her. "Something wrong...?" I asked her.

She hesitated, then shook her head a bit and turned around. "No, no... nothing. Nothing..." she stammered.

I realized that that wasn't true. I sat down on the bead on the floor and patted the area next to me. "C'mon," I insisted, "sit down. I know something's up..."

She sat down. I don't know why, but somehow I started to become slightly nervous myself! I think, though, that it was because I may have figured that this would be a bit of an opportunity to... well, get a little more "intimate."

"I don't know what to say..." she began, "I mean... it gets hard not being around you very much when we're almost never together during school and stuff..." she hesitated, and then seemed to breathe out some of her nervousness. She abruptly changed topic, "You know what... ah, screw words," she said, which was followed by her turning towards me and pressing her muzzle against my snout.

I was very much taken by surprise, not entirely expecting that. Still, I liked girls that were more outgoing, I guess. I never always felt comfortable starting a make-out session (but that doesn't mean I haven't done it before), so this was almost an ideal situation for me. Sylvia was more outgoing than most other girls, which is mainly why I've been with her for so long.

Anyway, the kiss lasted for quite a while (I wasn't keeping track of time by then), and when we finally separated, I looked at her. "I guess that does work better than words..." I commented.

Sylvia, panting a bit, nodded. Then she put her arms around me and leaned against me, causing me to slowly lean back until we were parallel with the surface of my bed. My heart started pounding. I adjusted my position on the bed, so that I could be entirely on the bed, without my legs being bent on the edge, while still allowing her to be facing down towards me. She adjusted her own position, placing herself directly on top of me. My heart rate increased drastically, as I noticed two things: First, her crotch was pressing against mine, causing my cock to to to swell a bit, but not to the point where it became exposed. Second, her breasts were pressing against my chest. Sure, we've been pressed together before, but that was because we were hugging each other. This was the next level! I gathered up enough nerve to pose her the question that I kind of already knew the answer to, but I wanted to ask anyway, "You... wanna go... further...?"

She paused. I mentally braced for being screamed to at close-range, but I was relieved when it didn't happen. She again kissed me, which felt the same as the last one, only the sensation was different, with me being on my back and all. I take that as a "yes," I thought to myself.

I moved my hands to her hips, and gently grabbed the hem of the bottom of her shirt, and slowly started to pull it off. Apparently, this was too slow for her, and she took that into her own hands. She lightly slapped my hands away from her shirt, and quickly pulled off the short-sleeved gray thing, revealing the sports bra she was wearing. Although I couldn't really see it, with her being pressed against me and all, I could still tell by feeling it with my hands. Anyway, I followed her initiative and quickly removed my light button-down shirt, and the red tee-shirt underneath it. Clearly, she didn't like taking things slowly, since she immediately began to unbutton my jeans. Again, I followed up with that by doing the same thing with her jeans. When we finally kicked off our jeans after each of us undid them for the other, we paused. We were both in our underwear, her on top of me, pressed against each other, on one of my beds! (I secretly was glad we didn't go up to the high-up bed. Given what Akalu and I did up there, that would've been really awkward for me.)

We both stared at each other in the eyes. After a minute or so, I managed to utter a simple question, "Ready?"

Sylvia silently nodded. I reached behind her back, and after fumbling a bit with the ends of the straps, I undid her bra, and removed it from her body. I had seen her breasts before, but that was in a whole other context (i.e she flashed me once just to tease me at the end of one of our previous dates). In this context, however, it was different. There they were, these grey, size C, light gray furry things with dark-colored nipples at their centers. I couldn't help but stare at them, since she was on top of me in the cowgirl position by this time. After about twenty seconds or so, my hands instinctively moved to the hem of her bra bottom. Hers moved to the hem of my boxers. Sylvia lifted herself up a bit so we could each get them off, and we did. Once those were kicked off, which didn't take long, she sat herself back on top of my crotch. By this time, I couldn't take it much longer, and my cock just started protruding through its slit. It felt awkward... but I'm sure she was expecting it as much as I was. I couldn't stop staring at her crotch, though. Mainly because I haven't seen it before, and because it also looked tight (even though that was really just a hopeful assumption more than anything).

When my cock got to be more erect, she moved backwards, so she was sitting more on my thighs than my crotch, I guess so she wouldn't be penetrated accidentally. We looked at each other in the eyes. "Wait..." I said, panting, "listen... I think I should be honest with you... I've... really wanted to do this for a while..."

"Tsh, I don't blame you, being male and all," Sylvia replied, smirking.

I looked at her, slightly confused, but not visibly confused. "You suspected it already...?"

"I think a lot of girls know that guys often want to do something sexual with their girlfriends sooner or later," she explained, "but not all of them admit it. It's mostly a matter of if the guy is smart enough to know when the right time is, or to wait until the girl is OK with it... or if the girl clearly wants it..." She added the last part with an amount of seduction in it. By that time, my cock got as hard as it could get.

Without thinking, I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Well... I... do want it, too..."

"Good," she replied, grinning, "'cause so do I!" she whispered. And with that, she again moved her hips back to my crotch, and this time, she took hold of my cock, angled it straight upwards, and slowly eased herself onto it. What surprised me was the fact that feeling her lips encase my cock and then her interior squeezing on it was only half the pleasure. The other half was from actually seeing it happen! I swear, I almost orgasmed after about ten seconds just thinking, "Oh gods, I'm inside Sylvia!" She pressed down as far as she could go until I felt what I guessed was her hymen. I put my hands on her waist. "You sure you want me to... uh, take it...?" I asked her.

Sylvia panted, "You do know that I've still got some feral instincts in me, don't you?" she quietly, but sternly, and sensually asked me. No sooner had she said that than she lifted up, and then practically slammed herself back down onto me. I could feel my cock breaking a thin piece of flesh inside of her. Sylvia winced and yelped a bit, but she regained her composure remarkably quickly! Then, true to her proclaimed feral nature, she started riding me even harder than before. My tail instinctively intertwined and twisted around Sylvia's, and I briefly enjoyed the sensation of the long, bushy fur of her tail on my thick, scaly tail.

Unfortunately, the entire ordeal lasted about five to ten minutes. I guess with us being that inexperienced (well, to vaginal sex, at least), could be to blame. After about seven minutes, I couldn't bear it much longer, and I pressed her hips down to mine as hard as I could, moaned a bit, and before I knew it, I was spewing my sperm into her waiting vagina. Sylvia orgasmed herself right as I was in the middle of doing that, and the next thing we knew, a mixture of her juices and mine were leaking out of he, trickling down my scaly body and onto my bedsheets. We stayed connected for a while, just breathing (heavily) and staring at each other's tired, but satisfied faces.

After some amount of time, (I wasn't keeping track) Sylvia leaned down and we kissed. Lightly, but lovingly. I mean, come on, we just had sex for crying out loud! We didn't have that much energy to spare on kissing, really. On that note, we didn't do anything but kiss for the next half hour. We... well, really wanted to thank each other for letting each other do what we did. Of course, kissing (however lightly) combined with simply being awake and conscious, took up the last of our expendable energy, and our brains each pulled the plug on us, and we fell into a deep sleep, but still embracing each other. To me, that's kinda funny, but cute at the same time; we loved each other so much, we continued to express it even when we weren't even conscious!

The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was thank the gods that my parents didn't walk in later that night when they got home to see that I was asleep with my girlfriend, both of us nude, in the same bed, that close together. I don't know what they would've done, but I didn't want to. I don't think they would've been too comfortable knowing that their son was having sex while he was still living in their house, and not even in college yet. But then again, I was at the age when I'd be at sexual maturity anyway, so that shouldn't have been too surprising.

Anyway, before I get off-topic, the second thing I did when I woke up was wake Sylvia up with a kiss. She didn't return it, but the kiss allowed me to know that she was at least breathing, and that she was waking up. Her eyes were slightly opened when I lifted my face away from hers, and I smiled. Her eyes closed made it look like she had none, seeming to be blind as love at least should be. But when her eyes opened, it was like a sapphire ring (her eyes are blue) was revealed from the inside of those small, fuzzy black cases that they come in. "Thought it'd be nice that you felt that first thing this morning," I told her.

She smiled a bit and groggily replied, "Very pleasurable way to start a day..."

"I'll bet that this'll be better," I quietly pronounced to her. With that, I sat up, lifted her up to the sitting position by the shoulders, and then kissed her again, this time with a little more energy. She kissed back and put her arms around me. The tenderness overwhelmed me, and even though she was a tomboy, she had some remnants of the female gender she so thoroughly discarded throughout her life. Hey, you can't always be all one or all the other in anything.

Suddenly the tenderness was broken when I heard a knock on the closed door of my room. Both of our eyes popped wide open, and we froze, still liplocked. "Karnath...?" my mother's voice said through the door, and continued in Draconian, "_"

The first thought that came to my mind was the worst swear word I knew in Draconian. I quickly broke away from Sylvia's lips and craned my head towards the door, "[Uh, yeah... sure... thanks...]," I replied, also in Draconian. I was relieved when I heard my mother walk away down the hallway._

"What did she say?" Sylvia whispered to me, sounding nervous.

"She just told me to wake up," I replied, "listen, you'd better leave... I didn't tell them that you'd be here... and they wouldn't approve of the fact that we slept in the same bed on top of the fact that I brought you over without them knowing."

Sylvia bit her lip. "Well," she said, "I'm not a fan of parental controls, either, but I don't want to get screwed over by both your parents and my own..." she paused, apparently in thought. When she looked up and saw my bed area in the nook up high on the wall, she got that "I've got an idea!" look on her face. "I know!" she whispered excitedly, "take me up there, and just tell them that we slept in different beds!"

When she finished, I got that feeling where you're thinking "Why didn't I think of that?" I nodded. "Wow, I dunno why I didn't realize that, but thanks!" I thanked her. With that, I wrapped my arms around her waist, spread my wings, and flew the two of us up to my bed up top. I laid her down on the bed, still flapping my wings to stay airborne. "Thanks for the save," I said to her very graciously.

She smiled at me. "Any time," she replied, "but you owe me one, though..." she added seeming to be serious, but apparently couldn't hold back a laugh, since it was a joke. I laughed a bit with her and nudged her with my fist before I "parachuted" down to the other bed. I just hoped she didn't smell musk up there... but I figured she wouldn't. My parents washed the sheets three days after the affair with Akalu, so there shouldn't be anything to smell up there. I silently wished that I put myself up there, but my mother already heard me speaking from the level of the bed on the floor, so seeing me up there, or Sylvia on the same bed would have been suspicious.

I did have to tell my parents about Sylvia, since she would leave the house at some point, and since neither of us could fit through the windows in the house, the only way was through the door. Actually, all I had to tell them was that she was in the bed up top, and I guess they assumed that that meant that she slept up there that night. So, the rest of that morning was all smiles, and nothing went badly for anyone.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if Sylvia smelled mine or Akalu's musk up in that bed... and somehow I couldn't get Akalu and what we did yesterday and the last time he was over here out of my head. Sure, it was stuck in my head with thoghts about Sylvia and I getting it on last night as well, but the fact that the former thoughts were still in my head told me that the way I view relationships, or possibly carry them out, wouldn't be entirely the same again, both for Akalu and for Sylvia. I just hoped that some way, somehow, this wouldn't cause much trouble. Wishful thinking? Possibly. Required to keep my sanity there? Yes. Still, the idea that I could possibly be cheating on my girlfriend with a male... just couldn't stop disturbing the back of my head...


Note from the Author:

If you didn't like the ending of this story, then just know that I didn't like it too much, either. To be honest, if I ended it differently, it would've been excruciatingly long for me to write, and probably for some people to read, too. Still, I'll promise to make a bit of a better ending next time.



Try it... You might like it!

Note: this is my first attempt at writing a story that is not an excerpt of another story I'm already working on, like the last one. The characters used are entirely my own, so don't steal them, got it? Critique is welcome! Let me know how I could...

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One Heck of a Thank-You

Comment to readers: To get an idea of the context of this, read the story "New Friends, New Enemies", which can be found on fanfiction.net. This snippit of chapter 7 of that story is not going to be published there due to the sexual nature of it. When...

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