My little rich boy (part 2)

Story by nictheman on SoFurry

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This is the second part of "My little rich boy" I hope you enjoy and such.

My Little Rich Boy (Continued)

By Nictatew

With Sky all girled up in panties and a skirt, the pair skipped the rest of school and head to Cindy's humble abode. Her house, almost twice as big as Sky's stood about a mile from the school, so it wasn't a long walk. Sky still got plenty of looks and stares, blushing the whole time. Sky tugs on Cindy's sleeve "This is so embarrassing, cant i take off this skirt at least?" Cindy looks back at Sky "Well i guess you could, but that would only show people your panties and well," Cindy reaches under Sky's skirt and squeezes his crotch "People might see your crotch and know your just a boy in panties. People just thing you a girl right now" Sky blushes terribly and moans softly at the squeeze, getting slightly hard. He nods nervously and keep his mouth shut the rest of way to Cindy's home.

The pair soon got home about 10 minutes later of walking down the busy street, Sky blushing the entire way. When they get to the doorway of Cindy's home, even Sky is in awe at the massive size of the house. "Impressive, isnt it? I never really cared for my house. It is a bit big for my taste but oh well, it keeps my head dry." Sky widens his eyes "You dont care for such a big house, its so amazing, must have cost a fortune." Cindy shrugs "Ive said before, I dont care about my money. I only wear my elegant dresses because my parents make me" Cindy says with a cute pout but giggles and shrugs. "But thats beside the point, come inside and we can start." Sky gulps and walks in behind Cindy.

The inside of the house is even more impressive then the outside. There were hundreds of expensive paintings and pieces everywhere. Sky had a lot of expensive stuff in his large house but nothing like this. Sky follows close behind Cindy with a blush "Wont you parents see us?" Cindy shakes her head "There gone on a buisiness trip for the week and the maids and servants are hard at work, they dont pay attention to what i do just as long as i clean up my mess when im done" Cindy shrugs and guides the girly looking pony upstairs to her room. Theres a queen size bed with curtains surrounding the top of it, a walk in closet with all her dresses, a large dress with her normal schools, and the room is painted a mixture of blue, pink, and yellow. "Wow this sure is a colorful room" Cindy nods and smiles "Painted it myself, im quite an artist." Sky just noticed all the pictures around the room, looking hand drawn in paints and pencils. They all look quite impressive for a high school girl. Sky looks around "Those are really good" Sky remembers his situation with a blush "S-so what are we doing now? You said you wanted me to do everything you said?" Cindy smiles and nods, "I do have a few outfits Id like to try on you." Sky gulps but nods.

Cindy goes into her closet and comes back with the most embarrassing outfit ever. In one hand she is holding a light pink diaper with hearts everywhere on and in the other hand is a frilly dress. Sky stutters nervously "Why do you have that stuff?" Cindy blushes softly "I have secrets of my own silly pony, now please lay down and spread your legs." Sky is about ask about the secret or protest but he sighs and lays down, lays spread out. Cindy goes to work on dressing Sky in his new outfit. Cindy bends down and unbuttons the skirt, pulling it off and looking at Sky's panties. There is a huge bulge in the crotch "Um, getting a bit excited because a girl is about to touch you?" Sky blushes heavily and nods "S-sorry, I get easily excited." Cindy smiles and giggles, slipping off your panties. "Hmm, do you care if its a bit uncomfortable with your hard penis, or do you want to go jerk off somewhere so you soften up" Sky blushes and shakes his head furiously. "I-ill just k-keep it h-hard" He stutters nervously that a girl would even ask him that question. Cindy shrugs.

Cindy takes the disposable, thick, pink and unfolds it. She lets Sky's rear legs in the air and slips the diaper under his flank. Cindy lets his legs down, causing Sky to blush, feeling the soft, thick material under his butt. "Does it have to be so thick?" Cindy smiles and nods "But of course, it has to hold a lot?" Sky's eyes widen "Hold a lot? You mean i have to use this?" Cindy continues to powder and tape up Sky,threading his tail through a tail hole. The outline of Sky's hard cock still visible. "Well, why else would i diaper you, you're supposed to use them, you are my little rich girl now you know" Sky blushes heavily but says nothing, looking away. Cindy guides sky to stand up. "Arms up please" Sky raises his arms regrettably. The frilly dress is slipped over his head and Cindy smiles "You look so adorable, now we can begin the fun" Sky blushes and gulps.

To be continued....