Dogs and Cats

Story by TessyFloof on SoFurry

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Just a little store i wrote based on a part of a dream I had a while back.

Nice Little bestiality story With Tenke and Fenrir, The mountain lion

Characters and story are mine.

Tenke mumbled to himself as he walked through the woods, following a lightly used path. The trees grew thick here, blocking out much of the light. The folf took this path often after school. To him, it was a way to unwind from a long day at school and return himself to a calm state.

He stepped into a small clearing, blinking as the light almost blinded him. Tenke was a young folf, working part time and going to school. Standing at five foot ten, he was in good health and quite a beautiful canine. His feminine body often got him confused as such and the bright green eyes didn't help with that at all. He has a dark brown-orange fur with an ash gray belly. The socks on his arms and legs came up to about mid-bicep and -thigh and looked very much like fingerless stockings.

Flicking his thick tail, he glanced down at his phone while he took a drink from a gallon jug he carried around. All his friends were messaging him, wondering what they were going to do together during their break. Tenke smiled as he thought about his spring break.

His wolfish ears pivoted as he heard of the underbrush crackling and rustling. He walked towards the sound, it getting louder as whatever it was came towards him. Tenke turned to run as a full grown, feral mountain lion pounced out of the bush. Tenke grunted heavily as he was pinned to the ground by it's weight. Closing his eyes tightly, the folf waited for teeth to bury into his neck.

However feeling nothing happening, Tenke opened his eyes to see the cat trying to regain it's feet. The cougar soon fell limply on him, adding extra weight to his chest. He wiggled a little to test if the mountain lion was really unconscious. Feeling sure that it was, Tenke pulled himself out from under the large feline and looked over it.

It lay on it's side eyes closed, but it breathed lightly. The golden fur was rather dirty and thin, and underneath, Tenke could see bruises, both old remnants and more dark, new ones. Sticking in it's side was a dart with red feathers on the end. Tenke reached forward to remove it before jumping back several feet as a loud voice boomed at him.

"Stay away from it boy!" A male's voice growled. A tall human stepped out into the clearing, a rifle held in his hands. He walked in only a pair or ragged jeans, leaving his torso exposed. His shoulders were broad and chest and arms strongly muscled. He seemed quite in shape, save for a beer belly. "Touch him and it'll be you I stick next." He said as he loaded another tranquilizer into his rifle.

Tenke lowered his ears and stared down at the cougar as the man walked over and pulled the dart from the feline's side. "Y-You're not going to kill it, are you?" He whined softly and shifted from paw to paw.

The man let out a loud laugh before smirking down at the mountain lion. "You don't kill pets. Especially one's as expensive as Fenrir." he growled and tapped the top of the feline's head, none too lightly. Tenke stepped away again and watched the man. "Now fox, if you don't mind, I've got a few things to sort out." He said and lifted Fenrir onto his shoulders, walking back into the woods he came from.

He stood in the clearing for a few more moments, his body shaking as the excitement came down and the adrenaline receded. As his breathing came back down, Tenke walked through the woods, following the path that the human took. Keeping low and his thick tail curling up close to him.

Darting behind a tree as he came to the edge of a clearing. Sitting in the middle was a small cabin, piles of logs scattered throughout the property. A blue pickup was pulled in next to a beaten old mailbox, the name Zarkal scribbled on the side. Clanging brought Tenke's eyes around again to see Zarkal closing and locking Fenrir into a small cage.

The folf's green eyes followed the human to the front door, the slam echoing in the clearing. Tenke held his breath and ran across the yard silently, coming to the feline's cell. As he came up to the bars, Fenrir gave a groggy growl as he began to move around. The amber eyes flickered open and stretched, or as best as he could in the cramped space.

Tenke gripped the padlock, tugging on it uselessly. "You'll be okay" he whispered to the mountain lion. Fenrir was all skin and bones, ribs sticking out obviously under his pelt. Lowering his ears Tenke continued to fiddle with the lock.

"Didn't I tell you to piss off, Kid?" Zarkal growled as he stepped around the corner of the house. Tenke jumped and turned around to look at the human standing above him was the human, a rifle pointed directly between his eyes.

He pressed back against the bars, shaking slightly as Fenrir began to growl behind him. He glimpsed back before he heard the click of the rifle "Y-You can't do this to him..." Tenke spoke out with a shaking voice.

"Fuck you, damn cur!! I can do what i want to with this cat!" He growled and kicked out at Tenke. His boot instead hitting hard against the steel bars, making Fenrir roar out loudly. A second came at the folf before he had time to dodge. Barking loudly, Tenke doubled over on the ground, pain shooting through his entire body. "Get the hell outta here!" He shouted above the feline's loud cries.

Tenke whimpered and looked up for only a couple of seconds before running into the forest. Staggering home, the young canine held his chest, whimpering slightly as he listened to Fenrir's roars fade. Tenke stepped through the door and proceeded to his bedroom where he lay down on his bed with a yip of pain. Though the thoughts of pain were held within the forefront of his mind, Tenke couldn't stop thinking about the big cat through the night.

A few days later, Tenke was able to get out of his bed. He stretched his stiff muscles and walked onto his porch to look out into the forest just beyond the city. Almost the entirety of spring break had gone by while Tenke healed, and the only thing he did was think about a way to free Fenrir.

Unfortunately the folf couldn't think of a single way he could manage it without getting into trouble. The afternoon was warm and a small storm starting out over the city. He Jogged down to the edge of the woods and deep into them to come to Zarkal's cabin again. This time the truck was missing from the drive, signifying that Tenke could go into the clearing without the fear of being caught.

He went around the building to come to Fenrir's cage with the cougar curled into as small of a ball as he could to avoid rubbing against the bars. The folf lowered his wolfish ears and looked around one last time before he placed his paws around the bars. Fenrir jolted and let out a weak growl. "H-Hey, It's okay." he whispered calmly and pulled his paws away from the bars.

The large cat had several new bruises under his filthy fur. Tenke twitched his tail before putting his paw gently through the bar, letting Fenrir sniff him and get used to his scent. With his free paw He took his cell out of his pocket and quickly dialed the police.

He closed the phone after a few moments, hoping that they would come quickly. He talked to Fenrir for a several minutes before he heard crunching of gravel. He stood up and darted to the corner and looked out into the drive. The blue pick up had returned and Zarkal was pulling things out of the bed. Tenke whined and pulled himself back and watched the man walk into the house. He breathed out and began walking back to Fenrir's cage when he heard a deep chuckle behind him

"Come back for seconds, huh?" Zarkal grinned and cracked his knuckles. Tenke backed up lowered his ears as Fenrir began to growl behind him.

Tenke looked up into the steely eyes of the human. "You're not going to get away with this." he said with a much stronger voice than last time. "I called the cops and they'll be here any second." He said with a weak growl.

The adult stopped, looking back to the dirt path. After a few moments he turned his head back to the young canine. "So what. Maybe When they arrive, they'll just find your body next to an open cage." he stepped closer to Tenke. "They'll pass it off for an animal attack." he growled and quickly grasped Tenke's throat, lifting him off the ground a few inches.

The folf began to kick out as he began to choke. Paws pulled weakly at Zarkal's arm, his claws digging lightly into the human's flesh. As darkness started to fill his vision, he could hear distant sirens ringing in his ears.

Hitting the ground, Tenke coughed and panted as air filled his lungs and his sense starting to come back. He looked up at a couple of officers, a tall, slender German Shepherd and a shorter, more well built Husky. "Afternoon Officers." Zarkal spoke calmly as they stepped closer. "I was just escorting this Trespasser off my property." he said to the pair.

They took a look down at Tenke, they folf's ears flat while he caught his breath. They approached the human, their hands never leaving their sidearms. "This is your house?" The shepherd spoke first. "We got a call in about a mountain lion?" He said, half questioning Zarkal.

Tenke was the next to speak. "He-He's in the back." He whispered from the ground. Moving away from the feet of the human when he heard a low growl. As he came to stand behind the officers, the husky walked towards the back of the cabin. It took only a few moments before they heard Fenrir's roar and a string of curses as the husky stepped back into view.

Tenke and the German shepherd jogged over to the back of the house, Fenrir was standing up, growling loudly at the new 'intruder.' His fur standing on end. Tenke quickly stepped between the feral and the officers, hearing him calm down a little behind him. "Don't hurt him! He's good..." Tenke said quickly. Walking closer to Tenke, the feline began to lightly whine. "You're okay Fenrir." he whispered and reached out a paw to the large cat. Putting his paw on the mountain lion's head, Tenke heard a low grumble.

Zarkal rolled his eyes and stepped up to the cage. Grabbing Tenke's collar, he pulled the folf back onto his rear. "Fuck, anyone can do that." He growled and stuck his arm into the cage roughly. Fenrir gave a loud cry, back into the bars furthest away from the human. Unsheathing his claws, the feline grabbed the man's arm and rend four deep stripes down his forearm. He ripped his arm out of the cage, screaming and kicking out at the cage and cursed at the cat.

The officers jumped back and pulled out their guns, aiming them at Fenrir. Tenke jumped and held his arms out to protect the cat. "Don't He was just Defending himself." he said with his ears flat against his skull.

Lowering their guns, the pair glanced at each other, looks of concern on their faces. They heard Zarkal growl and step over. "I don't give a fuck, just kill the beast." he said at the two.

"No-No, he was defending himself. Zarkal beat and hurt Fenrir." he said softly and kept himself between the officers and the cat. "He won't hurt anybody else." He whimpered and lowers his ears.

The shepherd whispered to his partner. Both of them put their firearms into the holsters as the husky walked over to the human. "Zarkal will be put under arrest for the Mistreatment of Animals. But...the mountain lion will have to be put down." He paused. "He's a potential danger to others."

Tenke's perked his ears and gave off a slight whimper. "You--You can't." he stuttered and looked back at Fenrir. "H-He won't hurt anyone else. Give him a chance." The folf whined and looked back at the German shepherd in front of him.

The Shepherd watched as his partner took Zarkal to the cruiser, albeit with much resistance. Giving a light sigh, he turned back to Tenke. "I can't promise anything. Put we can talk to the DA and the judge, see what we can do about releasing him back into the wild." He finished and looked back at the mountain lion.


Since that day in the clearing, Tenke had been busy. Between returning to school, giving testimony in Zarkal's trial, which came out with a guilty verdict; he spent his remaining time at the zoo's infirmary visiting Fenrir. By the end of the trial Fenrir was back to full health and ready for release.

Unfortunately, Tenke could not be with the feline when he was released. Now he was sitting in a secluded area of the woods, doodling in a little note book. The pages were filled with pictures of Fenrir. He gave a little huffing sight and closed the book before laying down on his back. He looked up into the sky, mind filled with many thoughts, distracting him enough from hearing the sounds of rustling bushes behind him.

Behind the folf a large feral walked up behind him and gave his shoulder a little nudge. Tenke jolted slightly and opened his eyes, looking back up to the amber eyes of the mountain lion. "F-Fenrir?" he said, his voice strengthening and green eyes brightening. Sitting up, Tenke turned to face the feline. He wrapped his arms around his neck, ears flicking lightly as he listened to Fenrir's chuffing. Nuzzling into his neck, Tenke flicked his tail. "I missed you, Fenrir." he smiled and gave a light squeeze to the cougar's neck.

The large cat licked Tenke's cheeks with his rough tongue, seemingly smiling as he continued to chuff into Tenke's ears. "I love you too, big guy." he said softly and clung to the feline's neck. With a soft whimper, Tenke buried his nose into his neck. "Please. Don't Leave...." he whispered as he breathed in the earthy scent. The male's whimpers slowly turned into moans as the scent filled his senses.

Fenrir gave a light chuff and licked over the male's neck and shoulder. Tenke's breathing turned to pants as the feline licked over his sensitive neck with the rasping tongue. "F-Fenrir." His whisper came out in a moan. Pressing himself against the feline's body, he looked into the amber eyes again. "I-I....I want you..." he mumbled and rubbed his paws over the mountain lion's shoulders. "I want to be yours." He said and saw a slight glimmer in his eyes, knowing that Fenrir understood what the canine wanted.

Tenke wiggled out from under Fenrir, ears flicking back as he began to striped off his tight shirt, tossing it on the ground before wriggling out of his tight fitting pants. Bending to pull off his pants, he let out a gasp and moaned. Lifting his tail and looking between his legs. Tenke let out another moan as he watched Fenrir press his nose under his tail, sandpaper tongue flicking over his orbs and trailing up to his tailhole.

His moans grew louder as the feline continue to tease over his sensitive pucker, closing his eyes as pleasure coursed through his body. Moments after, Tenke opened his eyes again as he felt the feline pull back. Giving a whine he watched Fenrir step around to his front. Right in front of him was the mountain lion's sheath, the tip just beginning to poke from the backwards sheath. Tenke stared in fascination. He'd seen plenty of sheaths, but all of them were those of other anthros. This was the first time that Tenke had ever been this close to a feral's privates.

Pressing his nose against the feline's golden furred balls and breathed in his musk. Growling submissively, Tenke began to lick over the feline's sheath, shuddering as he took in the taste of the growing member. Watching the pink, barbed member start to grow, beginning to point forward and twitch slightly from the folf's attentions.

Once Fenrir's member hung fully between his hind legs, the feline stepped back around to Tenke's rear. The folf lifted his tail as Fenrir licked his rear. One last moment passed before the cougar jumped onto Tenke's back, making him gasp at the added weight and slip down almost flat on the ground. He moaned and wiggled as Fenrir started humping against his butt, trying to find his mark.

The pair's cries echoed in the forest as Fenrir's member finally sunk into Tenke's rear. He was only able to take in about a third of the feline's member with the first thrust. Shaking he tried to relax around the barbed shaft as it pulled out a little ways before starting to slide deeper.

With Fenrir's rumbling loud in his ears, he felt the mountain lion's teeth hold the scruff of his neck. Holding the canine down, he began to pull all the way out, making Tenke whine and clenched down on the barbed member. Fenrir licked over his neck and held still, round ears flicking back and then forward once more. "I-I'm okay Fenrir..." he panted and looked back into the dark golden eyes. "D-Don't stop p-please." he moaned and gave him a squeeze.

This was all the feline needed to continue thrusting into Tenke's tailhole, the two growling and moaning into the woods. Taking a few more thrusts he turned his head around and kissing the mountain lion deeply. Licking lightly at Fenrir's muzzle, he gave as deep as a kiss he could to the feral cat.

Lifting his body just enough to get his arm under himself, Tenke took his red shaft in his paw and gently rubbed over it's throbbing length. He panted as the pleasure filled his senses and brought him closer and closer to his climax rather quickly. He looked down between his legs and watched his paw stroking his member and squeezing his knot. Just further behind his orbs, he watched the pink member thrusting in and out of his tailhole. He moaned and closed his eyes tightly, taking in every last sensation of the mountain lion's thrusting.

With one last jab to his prostate, Tenke howled out and clenched down on the barbed member tightly and felt his member throb as it shot his thick seed onto the grass below him. Fenrir's loud cry rung in his ears as the barbs dug into his tailhole much more strongly than before. Another few pumps of the feline's hips, Tenke felt the thinner cum begin to spurt into his body, sending warmth deep into his body.

Panting heavily, Tenke fell onto his stomach and closed his eyes and wiggled under the cougar. Receiving a growl, he froze and smiled lightly while Fenrir finished filling the canine. With a soft whine as the barbs dug into him when the feline pulled out. He opened his eyes as Fenrir came around to Tenke's front. Smiling at him, the folf wrapped his around around the feral's neck as he lay down next to him "I-I love you Fenrir." he panted, his tail flicking lightly over his leaking pucker. He murred and buried his nose in the mountain Lion's neck fur again and getting as close as he could. "N-Never leave me." he said and smiled softly, ears back against his skull.

Fenrir growled softly and comfortingly, letting Tenke know that he promised to be there for the young canine. The two cuddled against each other, the feral's head laying down over Tenke's neck, the heat growing between the two. "I love you." he whispered once more before drifting into a light sleep in the warm embrace of Fenrir's body.

My Dreams and Wishes: Morning Cup of Tea

Tenke let out a long groan as he stretched, knocking the blankets from his slender form. With a contented sighed, the folf blinked his eyes open. The room was completely dark...It sways was. He started at the ceiling for a long while as he listened to...

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Double Trouble

The female was bustling around the house, gathering different items from different rooms. The adult chinchilla was mumbling to herself until she came to the bottom of the stairs in the entryway. "Azale! Lilium!" She called second before the doorbell...

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My Dreams and wishes: Late night

Tenke stepped quietly through the door, his flicking tail trailed dustings of snow through the house. Knocking off the gathered snow from his shoulders. Setting his bag near the couch, he sighed softly and let his coat join the bag. He made his way...

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