The Seeds of Doubt

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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#5 of The Steele Saga

Got a few things to say about this one people so please listen up.

First off, to those who did not read my latest journal I've decided to scrape several parts and start anew in a earlier part. In other words I'm rewriting nearly all parts since after Trevor's little suicide attempt and point the story along a different path.

Second, to those who actually enjoyed the other way the story was unfolding please send a pm requesting them back. I have them saved just in case there are those that want to continue reading them. Just say the word and I'll post them again in another folder. I'll try wrapping it up if ya guys liked it that much.

Thirdly, to all foot fetish experts who read this simply because I put the foot fetish tag. No idea whatsoever if it deserves the tag. I'm the worlds worst tagger for these kind of things so please let me know if I tagged it right. If not, let me know please so I don't do such things again.

And finally. Ohhhh I got tingles running done my spine over this! XD I absolutely love what I've done here so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Now for the actual little plot sum.

Ps. Damn font issues always getting in my way. I really need to get myself a computer instead of using an iPad app to do my stories T.T

Trevor awakens in his bedroom back on Auroras estate however he is upset when he realizes Tebinth saved him. When Tebinth argues with how she feels about him, he fights back and goes to see her. During that time he admits to things he shouldn't of done. At that point he decides to leave for the day to collect an old item of interest. The only problem is that someone else now knows of his existence and wishes to confront him.

Slowly Trevor blinked his hazel brown eyes, allowing them to adjust from a blurred vision to one that was perfect. For a moment he could not think of where he was nor of why he was here. Shaking his head slowly, his hand went up to his forehead only to feel a bandage there. Then it all came back to him: the discovery that it was Aurora who killed his family, his attempt at suicide and the shadow of Tebinth before darkness took him.

At that moment he heard soft sobs coming from his side and looking over he was not only surprised to see him in his bedroom but also Aurora, crying softly into his sheets while holding his other hand. After feeling him move slightly the golden dragon blinked her emerald green eyes to look up to see his stunned face.

"Trevor..." She slowly sniffed before her face began to scrunch up in pain. With a choking cry she began to crawl onto his bed only to be stopped when Trevor's face went dark. "Trevor...please I'm sorry. I-"

"Shut up."

Aurora blinked at the cold sharpness in his voice. Slowly her tears returned. "I'm sorry Trevor please. I don't want to-"

"Get. Out." The dragoness' eyes went wide in fear when she saw the hatred in his brown eyes. "Now." For several moments she stared at him stunned before sobbing and fled from the room. Trevor sighed as the door slammed shut and he relaxed his muscles. Fighting back sudden tears however the man fell onto his back to begin breathing heavily, struggling not to cry.

A moment later however the door flew open and Trevor immediately sat up to yell. But when he sat up his eyes bugged out of his skull when his body weight sudden quadrupled and he fell back against the sheets. He began to struggle against what he immediately knew was a gravity spell, his arms feeling like they weighed tons.

"You selfish little asshole." Trevor blinked when he heard the hissing voice of Tebinth, the blue slowly walking towards him with narrow red eyes. "You honest to god don't give a rats ass who you hurt don't you?"

Trevor struggled harder at the spell as the drake began to slowly climb onto the bed. But it was fruitless and soon he found Tebinth's thick tail wrapping around his legs and his paws grabbing Trevor's wrists to throw them high over his head. "Tell me, do you know why she regrets killing your family?" When Trevor only spat in response, Tebinth looked towards where his saliva flew before the drake brought his fist back and slammed it into his cheek, nearly breaking a tooth. "She regrets it because she loves you."

"She killed my family!"

"And she hates it!" Tebinth roared into Trevor's face. "She hates what she did to you! Hates what she did to your people and, of all things, hates herself! Don't you get it Trevor?!" Trevor was about to scream only to feel another punch, this one the other way. "If she had never met you, she would've killed herself years ago!"

Trevor stopped struggling to blink up at the blue dragon laying on top of him. "What?!" He sputtered incredulously. Tebinth only sighed as he released the humans form as well as breaking the spell on him. Slowly he allowed Trevor to sit up.

"When she first saw you, she saw the pain in your eyes. She wanted to help you, to be there for you. She...didn't know until some years later that you were the last pendragon." Tebinth looked away sadly. "That was when she decided she would go and watch your fights and prayed you survived. The fact is, gladiators in the games aren't allowed to be sold or bought until seven years went by. You were there for nearly eight! Do you know how hard it was for her to watch as you suffered before her very eyes

Tebinth looked back at the man. "Ever since she fell in love with you, she regretted doing what she did to you." The blue sighe deeply. "Trevor no matter how much you push her away she will always love you. To her, you are the most important thing. Remember that." Trevor did not look up as Tebinth began to leave.


The drake paused only to turn about. As soon as he did though, Tebinth felt Trevor's fist meet his jaw and the blue dragon fell to the ground, unconscious before hitting the floor. Trevor stood over the young dragon, his face grim. "Don't you ever fucking use a gravity spell on me again." He murmured before hopping over him and leaving. Slowly he closed the door before leaning his back against it and sighed.

Afterwards Trevor went downstairs knowing without a doubt that Aurora would be in the kitchen. And sure enough walking towards the door he heard the clattering of many dishes and foods, followed by something like meat being torn apart by a vicious animal. This made him smirk. Women certainly were easy to read at some points.

Slowly he pushed the door open and walked inside, closing it silently. "What do you want Tebinth?" Trevor heard Aurora sniff and he looked up to see her back towards him, a large piece of meat in front of her on the table along with various other foods. "I just want to be alone. Go...go tell Trevor to leave. It'll be for...the best."

Trevor felt a slight twinge of sadness when Aurora began to sob at the end of the table. "He hates me, I know it." She sobbed before ripping a large chunk out of the cooked meat. "After all, I did ruin his life. I ruined everyone's life." She grabbed what appeared to be a large cup and slammed her muzzle into it, the golden dragon quickly guzzling it down till naught was left. "Even my own...why am I such a fool?

Quietly he began to inch his way across the room towards the crying dragon. "I love him...I love him so much and I...I killed his family!" She pressed her triangular head against the table, her paws slamming hard into the wood. "I just want to die! I broke his heart! I want to die because of it."

"Don't." Aurora's eyes went wide in fear before she spun about to see Trevor staring at her from mere inches from her. Slowly he began to shake his head, his own brown eyes beginning to water. "Please...don't do that." He begged before wrapping his arms around her neck. "Don't leave me here alone. You're all I have left...if you die...I won't have a reason to live anymore."

Aurora blinked blindly as he held her close to him, disbelief crossing her mind as he began to cry against her while stroking her scales. "Aurora...I love you. I'm sorry for how I acted. I just..." He pulled away to look her in the eyes. "I didn't expect it. For ten years I thought my family was murdered by your father, whom I obviously hate. To have learned so suddenly that you were the one that killed them...I couldn't believe it." As his tears returned he began to stroke her cheek, her own staring into his. "I couldn't believe that the woman I love killed my family. But I can forgive you."

Aurora was suddenly finding her head pressed against Trevor's forehead. "Why...?" She whimpered as she closed her green eyes. "Why do you forgive me?! I-I ruined your life!"

Trevor placed his hands on either of her cheeks. "Because while you did ruin my life also made it better." He kissed her snout gently. "I love you and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I was...disheartened but now that I regained my self control, I realized I nearly made a terrible mistake."

Aurora burst into more tears as she practically shoved her large form into his arms. "I love you Trevor! I'm so sorry! I'm am so so sorry!" She wailed into his chest and he in turn held onto her form, comforting her as she cried. Several minutes passed with the golden female crying, Trevor slowly stroking her body and whispered sweet words into the side of her head. Soon she pulled back to wipe her tears and looked up at him.

"W-What now?" She whimpered painfully. "I-I love you and I want there to be peace but...I can't just do that." Aurora looked down painfully. "If I...proclaim my love for you in public we would be hated, hunted down. Even if I am their queen, they will still call me a traitor!"

"I know Aurora, I know." Trevor mumbled before sighing. "But...I need to think. The only way I can possibly figure a way out of this is something I must do first. I need to leave for the day." He raised a hand up to silence his beloved before continuing. "I must go but I swear I'll come back tonight. I won't leave you, I swear it."

"Don't you dare do something stupid Trevor!" She cried out at him and he merely nodded.

"Aurora...I swear to you now that I won't let anything happen, to you or to me." He said before turning away. "I'll see you soon...okay?" Aurora did not say anything and, after a long moment, he began to leave

Watching the man leave, Aurora sniffed once before turning back to the table. "Don't you dare Trevor." She mumbled once again before grabbing a nearby cup and downed it in one go. Placing the cup down she grimaced at the taste. She hated alcohol but she was in a foul mood that demanded it. So after pouring more from a nearby pitcher, she drank more.


Trevor slid to a stop on the silver hover bike, the turbines located overtop the grav plates slowly calming down to place the bike on the ground. Looking up at the mid day sun he began to throw his leg off before opening a compartment just above the front grav pad to reveal a pulse rifle he had found in the secret compartment just below the strange shack behind Auroras estate.

After throwing it over his shoulder and holstering the pistol he found earlier onto a makeshift leather band around his waist Trevor turned to face a small hill to his side. While normally it should've taken him only an hour to get to this place the man was forced to take the long route. If a passing dragon had seen him driving through the ruins without a master or mistress he would've been killed on the spot. Not that he could blame the golden queen of course. He knew that things would become troublesome if she had removed the human slave laws but even then, he didn't wish to be here.

And sure enough just walking up the side of the hill brought back terrible memories. Even now, after nearly ten years from being away, he could still see the smoke rising over the top. As he went over the slope too, he grimaced slightly at the once blackened remains which were now covered in growth. Looking past the once three story building he had once lived in he could still see the old red barn, now moulding and half collapsed, still standing over the massive field he once used to grow corn and wheat.

Continuing on he spotted a object of interest and slowly swerved his way towards the small patch of empty land. Slowly he bent down to his knees and, despite having lost his faith many years ago, clasped his hands together to pray. "Forgive me." He whispered to the four stone slabs before him. "But I can't...keep my promise. I'm...I'm in love with the one who killed you. But my new purpose is to save this world and bring it back to peace."

Holding out his hand the holy sword of Excalibur appeared and he placed the tip into the ground as he prayed one last time before standing up. Dispelling the legendary blade, Trevor whispered his farewells before turning back towards the ruins. Ready to do what he came here for, he slowly began to make his way towards the building.

Despite his true goal lying within the barn, Trevor cut through the now thick grass on the ground towards his old home. There he squeezed through the ruined door frame and into what was once the main entrance. There he paused to look about his surroundings and up at the ruined flooring above his own head. Slowly he closed his eyes to remember the faint memories he had not thought of for so many years. From his time this his father to the time he had spent with his sisters and even his own twin who he assumed had died long before the war, they were all happy memories.

Once he was finished gazing at the blackened and overgrown wood Trevor made his way through what was once a thick wall that separated his old living room to the outside world. Outside he began to head towards the barn only to call forth Excalibur to begin slicing through the grass that blocked his path. Several minutes went by as he cut his way to the large two red doors where he paused and frowned, a padlock preventing him from entering.

Rather then trying to shoot the lock off or cut it with Excalibur Trevor instead slashed at the wood itself, the rotting tree flesh giving away easily to the blade like a hot knife to butter. Raising his boot up, he kicked the makeshift door down and went inside the old abandoned building.

Inside very little had changed since before the war. The only difference between back then and now was the lack of the horses within the old rotting stalls, the massive hole that had been made from rot in the ceiling that allowed light in, and the many different plants that grew over the wooden walls. Turning slowly as he went deeper within he examined all the old barrels and crates that laid strewn about. Pausing just underneath the massive hole high above, he bent down to stare at the many flowers growing within the patch of sunlight.

After a moment Trevor stood back up and began to make his way further into the old barn towards the back. Stopping next to a large pile of crates the man began to easily tossing each individual box to the side. After a few moments he had found a small metal hatch. Bending down once more he began to brush dust and dirt away to reveal a small pad on the door. Pressing his palm against it there was a click followed by a hiss and the hatch slid open like a sliding door to reveal a set of dark stairs leading down into the dark abyss that was the earth.

Smirking in eager happiness that the door still worked even after so many years Trevor began to go down the stairs, calling forth the holy blade to be used as a light source. Down, down he went ever deeper into the cold earth. For several minutes he walked until he finally met a flat flooring. There he took a step through a rectangular threshold and into a very unnaturally circular tunnel caused lighting to flair to life, illuminating a long and very wide tunnel of pure steel.

Dispelling Excalibur once more Trevor began to make his way through the tunnel in an unwavering fashion. Pausing before a large vault door a large wide and flat beam of light illuminated the very top before slowly going down across his body. There was a beep once again but this time it was followed by the mechanical voice of a man.

"PHYSICAL SCAN COMPLETE." The voice said in a booming loud sound. "VERBAL PASSWORD NOW REQUIRED."

"Shut the fuck up already Andy and let me in." Growled Trevor as he crossed his arms.

"PASSWORD ACCEPTED. WELCOME BACK MASTER TREVOR." Trevor snorted as the mechanical voice confirmed his password finding it all to amusing how years ago he had accidentally set that as his pass code. Now smiling he watched as a massive gear began to turn before a loud hiss was heard, the airtight door slowly sliding open on automatic hinges to reveal a vault filled with many shelves of books. Yet what he was after was one particular one in the middle surrounding in a large box of bulletproof glass.

Stepping inside Trevor paused when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. However he did not stop and instead continued on. "Hello Andy." He smirked as he strolled across the stainless steel floor. "Surprised to see you're still functional."

Slowly a small four foot tall android came forth from the shadows, his insect like feet making nearly no sound on the floor. His three eyed triangular shaped head cocked to the side as it examined its former master. Slowly Andy began to twitch the four three fingered hands it had before approaching the man.

"I am capable of caring for myself master Trevor." The small android replied in the same mechanical voice from before save for it being less booming. Trevor only shrugged as the small silver machine walked up to him to begin strolling along with him.

"Has anyone been inside the family vault since I left?" Trevor asked Andy as they paused at the glass cube. There he pressed his hand against another palm scanner but this one slid a compartment open and a needle appeared to stab into his flesh, taking a sample of blood. "Open." He muttered into a mic. He smiled when the door slid open.

"No master. Not one has managed to find the vault since your leaving let alone enter." Responded Andy as the glass door opened and Trevor stepped into the small box. Gently grasping the book he wiped the dust off the old leather gently before opening it slowly.

"'To those who read my ancient words, my descendants. In you're hands you hold my journal, the journal of King Arthur Pendragon.'" Quoted Trevor as he turned to lean against the pedestal upon which the book had sat. "'May you forever cherish my words, and do that which I have failed. Read my words and use my knowledge to aid you in the way you see fit.'"

Andy paused as Trevor gently closed the small tome. "Master, if you came seeking Arthur's journal..." The android began as Trevor slowly started to walk back to the entrance. "...then does this mean that the dragons from long ago have returned?"

Trevor nodded his head as he walked. "Aye Andy they have, however it is not as my family first thought it would be like." Andy cocked his head in confusion. "My family is gone Andy. Killed nearly fourteen years ago. And...I am in love with their queen

Andy jumped in obvious astonishment. "B-But master! What of your family's sacred duty?! What of making sure they were sent back?!" He stammered only to meep in surprise when the man spun about to point Excalibur in his face, the three sensors staring at the glowing blade in its face. "Excalibur?!You're the one chosen to call it?!"

"I will not let Aurora be in pain again Andy." He growled in a deep and sadistic voice. "I WILL protect her! No matter who stands in my way!" Turning he began to storm from the vault with Andy hot on his trail.

"I assume Aurora is the dragon queen. Master why do you turn your back on your people?!" At the top of the stair Trevor did not pause but did not answer the droids question. Going through the door he paused to adjust his eyes to the sunlight outside. "Master?! What of mankind?! You're family made it their sacred duty to protect the race!"

"And I won't abandon them Andy!" Trevor yelled at the machine, causing Andy to take several steps back from his fury. "I came here seeking answers. Since Arthur's death we have not opened his journal strictly for the fact that he told us not to until it was needed!" He held the journal up to show his point. "Whatever is in this book can help me and Aurora find what we need to make both our people happy! It has too otherwise..." He fell slowly silent.

"Otherwise one species will die while the other lives?" A voice said behind Trevor. At the sound of the strangers voice Trevor spun about while whipping his assault rifle out to point it at a cloaked man however upon seeing the mans face, his brown eyes went wide with surprise.

"Matt?!" He gasped as his twin brother, whom was slightly more neater than his once enslaved brother, grinned a charming smile.

"Hello again Trevor." Matt greeted as he held his hands out as though expecting his much more grizzled brother to come dashing into his arms. However he was sorely disappointed when his brother did not and instead held his gun up to point a barrel at him. "Come now Trevor, its me. We haven't seen each other for over sixteen-"

"Why did some dragon slayers say you were the one who ordered the attack on me and Aurora." Trevor interrupted his look alike brother only for the cloaked man to lower his arms. When Matt opened his mouth he shot a round into the ground at his feet causing the slightly thinner brother to take a step back. "I ain't gunna listen to bullshit Matt. We both know that so cut the crap..." He held his rifle to point at his brother who stood only a few meters away. "...and tell me why the fuck you're part of The Black Wolf Fangs

Andy looked at the two before taking a step back. Meanwhile Matt's smile faded and instead was replaced with a dark one. "I am more than apart of the Fangs Trevor." The man held his arms out and a grin went wide across his face. "I am the Wolf Fangs Trevor."

Trevor's eyes went wide before keeping his gun on his twin. "What hell are you talking about Matthew?!" He roared out at him. Slowly Matt began to pace back and forth, Trevor's pulse rifle not leaving his rather elegant looking form as his short black hair blew gently like the grass around him. "What do you mean you are the Black Wolf Fangs?!"

Matthew began to laugh loudly before turning his blue eyes towards his brother. "Simple. I created them." Trevor gave out a grunt of surprise before rage filled his face.

"So you're the one who attacked us?! Why?! I'm your fucking twin brother!" Roared Trevor as he lowered his gun and pointed a finger viciously at him. "You faked your death nearly sixteen years ago, abandon our family and now you try to murder me?!"

Matt's smile slowly faded only to be replaced by a dark frown. "You betrayed mankind Trevor by sleeping with that whore of a beast." He snarled at Trevor before pointing his own finger at him. "You made your choice to side with the dragons, to be a fucking slave!"

"I love her Matt!"

"No you don't!" Matt roared louder before lowering his hand. "You have fucking Stockholm Syndrome!"

Trevor's eyes went wide. Immediately the mere thought of what his brother just said began to sink in and a numbing pain began to soak into his bones. "No." He murmured at his brother as his eyes watered and his hands began to tremble, Andy nearby watching as his lips began to tremble. "No! I love her! I fucking love her! It has to be real!"

Stockholm Syndrome, a mental conditioned discovered many years ago in the captors of different varieties. It is a condition given to captured men and women who have grown affectionate of their captors. Normally the people would do irrational behaviour, one normally associated with near suicidal things that they believe is love. However it is believed they did this simple because the victim will believe they have strong bonds with their captors in order to protect themselves.

"I am sorry Trevor but you are under its affects to the point misjudge everything around you." Matt placed a palm on his chest. "Take what is happening here for example. You are holding a gun at your own brother...whom you have not seen in years. A brother you love."

"Shut up!" Trevor screamed. "I love Aurora! I do!" The tears began to fall silently from his face. "Damn you Matt." He sobbed painfully as he brought his rifle up. "I still won't let you do anything to the dragons! I may not actually be in love with Aurora but at least I'm still a damn human!"

Matt rolled his eyes as he spun about. "Stubborn as always Trevor!" He said angrily. "Have it your way." Both Trevor and Andy fell backwards when something very large and very heavy suddenly came smashing down from the sky, dust and debris flying everywhere while Matt remained unperturbed.

Looking up when the smoke cleared, Trevor slowly lowered his hands only to immediately leap to the side when a fist twice the normal size came for him. Rolling onto his feet, he spun about to hold his rifle at a massive fourteen foot tall Dragon slayer, a gun of equivalent size and length on its back. There was no head however, four sensors on its chest acting as its eyes. Slowly rising to its full height, it towered over Trevor and Matt, the black and white insignia of the Black Wolf Fangs present on its chest and on its shoulders and the rest of its body painted in their colours.

"Do not worry about dying here Trevor..." Matt said coolly as the Dragon Slayer pulled out its rifle to aim the massive barrel at the man. " will be reunited with Aurora. That much I swear." Then Trevor blinked, his brother vanishing while a small metal orb high above flew away with nary a sound to it. It was at that moment he realized his brother was a hologram.

"Son of a-" Trevor cursed as he leaped to the side to avoid massive laser shots from the Dragon Slayer. He heard a cry from Andy and he turned to watch the little android disappear into the tall grass all around them. Looking up however he flipped out of the way once more when the slayers massive foot came crashing down. Rolling into the grass, Trevor made his way to the barn door only to leap forward when more massive shots came his way.

"What is that thing master?!" Andy screeched as he narrowly avoided a massive bullet that shot just an inch away from his head. Trevor had forgotten that Andy had been stuck deep within the earth for nearly twenty years as the vaults guardian, unaware of what had occurred above in the world.

"A Mark Seven Dragon Slayer suit, also called a Titan." Trevor gritted his teeth as he looked around the corner only to tackle the droid from heavy fire. "Yeah. A fucking suit. Twelve years ago dragons returned and attacked mankind..." He ducked his head and covered it with his hands when bullets broke through the wall. "...since then we lost, became slaves. In the process we created new fucking machines to help us back in the war. We created automated battle droids for us and kept expanding. Move!"

A large boom shook the entire barn and Trevor grabbed the light weight machine and tossed him to the side when crates were smashed to bits, each small sliver shooting towards them. "That thing is one of the things we made but rather than make it automated, we made it pilot-able." Both ran and ducked under the hatchway when more large bullets came gushing through the wall. "It has a state of the art assault rifle designed to take out heavy defences, a left arm equipped with an electro-magnetic shield to block incoming fire, and high tech optics for various geographies."

Andy gave a yelp when more came flying into the barn. Looking up the building began to shake. "But if it is so high tech..." The duo began to run for more cover when the rafters began to fall down on them. " did mankind lose?!"

"Because we forgot dragons had fucking magic!" Trevor screamed as they ducked behind more crates. Andy looked over to watch as he pulled out a rifle. "They were able to stop a tank shell from mere inches from their own faces and toss it back! And that's putting their skills lightly! Now shut up and let me think!"

Andy brought his gaze back to the door and Trevor did the same watching as a large metallic foot stomped by. His brown eyes brightened when he saw the tall grass. "I'm gunna make a break for the grass! Andy stay here!" Before the robot could even say anything the man was already dashing towards the doorway. As soon as he was through the Titan opened fire, bullets dancing about Trevor as he slid into the grass.

Immediately the machine dashed after him only to pause on the path, realization of what the man was doing crossing the pilots mind from deep within the Titans chest. Slowly the humanoid shaped machine lifted its rifle up to carefully analyze its surroundings. From deep within the cover Trevor watched as the Dragon Slayer began to slowly spin about to reveal a large metallic stub on its back.

Gotta get to the core. Trevor thought to himself as his heart began to race. Slowly he raised his rifle up and stood up to fire at the small hatch. Immediately the Titan reared about and held its left hand out to create a shield of light in front of it. He watched angrily as his bullets paused in the middle of the light and with a flex of its metallic arm sent his own bullets back at him. Damn! Matt actually got a good soldier for once! Trevor growled angrily as he ducked and rolled out of the way. He had to find a way to distract the machine. That damn core was the only way he could destroy it. The only other way he could possibly put an end to the threat was if there was a hidden rocket launcher in the grass.

Perking an eyebrow Trevor bent down on his hands and knees to begin searching about. "God I swear if you actually allow me the luck of finding something useful..." He murmured under his breath only to pause when he felt something brush his finger tips. Blinking he dug what he had found quickly out and unnoticeably until revealing a small box. Opening it up he cursed before throwing it into the distance. "DAMNIT MOM!" He roared in anger. "YOU SAID MY GERBIL RAN AWAY! GAH!"

In mid roar the Titan opened fire when Trevor gave out his frustrated cry. Leaping away he began to run in zig zags. To those watching from a distance it would've seemed as though the man was dancing as he avoided the bullets. After several moments he was back in the grass again, hidden once more as he laid as flat as he could against the ground.

God how much I hate you god. Trevor thought to himself face down in a rather muddy patch of dirt. Slowly he pushed himself up off the ground and carefully crawled away when the Titan came closer towards him. He allowed the machine to walk past, his brown eyes still on the rather large nub of metal on his back the size of a grown man. He had to distract the driver but how?

"Heeeyyyy! Tin head!" Both Trevor and the Titan turned to watch as Andy, on the dirt path, began to jump up and down on his legs while waving his four arms in the air. "Come get some!" Spinning about the little android began to smack his robotic bottom with a three fingered hand before screaming, the Titan raising its rifle up to shoot at him. Immediately he began to scurry about on his four legs like a startled bug as bullets danced about him before disappearing into the brush

Grinning at the androids sudden attempt at a successful distraction Trevor immediately ran straight for the Titan. Holding his rifle in his left hand he summoned Excalibur in his right and slashed along the part of the leg where the hamstring should be. Immediately black oil gushed out like blood to run down the black and silver metal and the machine fell to its knees. As he ran past it tried to shoot off more shots at the man as he disappeared into the grass.

Inside the battle droid the pilot scrambled to check his systems settings, the screen in front of him displaying the surroundings showing a large red warning label. Gritting his pearly white teeth he removed his helmet and tossed it into a garbage shoot. Ironically enough, it just so happens that the end of the chute ended at his Titans ass. Pressing some more buttons he turned his attention back to the screen, his blue eyes watching for the man he was ordered to kill.

Trevor outside was slowly crawling while knelt down his brown eyes on the Dragon Slayer as it tried to hobble back to its feet only to fall. Struggling onto its knees it began to carefully move with its one functioning leg and he smiled when it turned its back to him. Running forward once more he leaped up and took ahold of the Titan and positioned himself next to a hatchway of the large stub on its back.

His smile gone, Trevor reached up and turned the valve and opened the hatch. Blue light flowed forth and looking inside he saw the vulnerable core, a turbine spinning within. Grabbing his rifle once more he began to take revenge on the Titan, his bullets splashing into the core with ease. A small bright flash followed and he covered his face as flames erupted forth. Leaping off he ran for a short distance as the machine began to struggle, large warning bleeps coming forth from it.

Son of a bitch! The pilot cursed silently as his Titan began to scream in protest. His screen began to fuzz and glitch and he began to furiously flick his switches and buttons. He soon found the source of the problem, his core at critical condition. *He got to our core! Son of a-! Sorry Exodus..." He closed his eyes as he grasped a large lever in between his legs. *gotta Leave. I'll come back and fix you. I promise.*

Trevor grinned silently as he watched a flash of light appear from the Titan once more and a shape shoot into the sky. Running forward a small distance as the machine fell silent, the energy drained from the droid, he waited patiently as the figure began to fall. Falling straight down to land on its feet indicating it was wearing a stabilization suit meant to withstand great falls, Trevor sprang into action.

Hearing a fierce battle cry, the blond haired pilot looked up only to feel Trevor's fist slam into his face. The pilot fell to the ground where he struggled to get to his hands and knees before Trevor's foot appeared in his sight. Looking up he saw the older man looking down with a slight frown. "Say good night." He hissed before slamming his foot into the side of the mans head, knocking him out. "Bitch."

Cracking his sore neck, Trevor bent down to pick up the now unconscious body of the soldier. After checking his back pocket he breathed when he felt Arthur's journal still there. "Andy stay here." He ordered the small android as he appeared from the grass. As he walked past the incapacitated Titan he lifted his finger to point at it without looking. "Make sure no one comes here and fix that thing up. I may have to use it in the future."

Andy looked up only to jump when sparks flew from where the Dragons Slayers core was. "And what of you?!" Andy squawked as the man walked past the ruins of his home. "Where are you going?!"Trevor waved a hand over his shoulder. "Home. See ya.


Tebinth jumped when the door opened and closed and slowly he left the kitchen to inspect. He blinked when he saw Trevor, dirty and beat up, walk in with a blond haired and handsome man on his shoulder. "What in the...Trevor who is that?" The blue drake asked as he headed for a door near the back next to the brand staircase.

"An asshole that fired at me inside a giant machine." Tebinth blinked at the unexpected response. "Now does this lead to the basement?" Trevor grunted as he tossed the door wide open. Turning he watched as Tebinth nodded. "And uh...sorry about walloping you earlier."

"The dungeons down there as well." Tebinth reluctantly murmured and Trevor nodded.

"Thanks." He turned back to the steps that lead downstairs. Suddenly he paused and looked back over at the dragon. "Oh and where's Aurora?"

Tebinth raised a paw and pointed upstairs. "I think she's sleeping." He replied and he sighed loudly. "She's been expecting you for some time now Trevor. I think she grew tired. What happened?"

"Later." He muttered as he began to go downstairs. "I'll tell ya later."


Several knocks came forth from Auroras bedroom door before Trevor slowly opened it and poked his head inside. "Erm Aurora? You awake?" He asked in a quiet tone only to blink, his eyes widening when he saw her room bathed in the glow of hundreds of floating candles. Incredible as it was, it seemed as though Aurora was not content with that alone as petals of roses fell silently in a beautiful rain.

"Wow." Trevor mumbled as he slowly pushed the door slightly wider to look up and see the petals appear magically. Carefully he raised an hand to feel as the petals brushed past him in a tickling manner.

"I have been waiting for you love." Looking up he finally saw the golden queen perched on her luxurious red blanketed bed. She was laying on her side, a single foreleg propped to keep her up while her tail swished ever so slowly along her rear legs. Auroras green eyes hid a charmingly lustful smile that made his breath disappear.

"You look soooo tired Trevor." She sang heatedly as she slowly crawled off her bed, the golden piercings on her wings barely appearing to his eyes as she began to gently sway her serpentine body his way. "Come. Rest with me."

"Um well...I'd p-prefer not to." He managed to stutter, his face flushed red as she approached. His eyes were flued to her swaying tail and her shapely rump for a dragon as Aurora stopped before him. Slowly he brought forth Arthur's journal. "Look we need to-"

Before he could finish Aurora had pressed her lips against his own, taking both his words and his train of thought away as her long tongue slid in and caressed Trevor's own. As she distracted the man with her rather erotic kiss, the dragoness slowly brought her long flexible tail around to wrap around the book in his hands and pull it gently away only to place it on top of a nearby table. "Being embarrassed...doesn't suit you at all love."

"I uh Aurora..." Trevor tried to speak only to fall silent when Auroras tail was pressed against his lips while she gently shushed him.

"Just accept me Trevor." She whispered quietly into his mouth as she brought her form closer to his. Without warning Aurora wrapped a wing around her back and brought him close. "Consider it my means of apologizing for what I've done and as thanks for forgiving me."

Trevor opened his mouth with his eyes wide only to fall silent, her green ones looking deep into his own with such love it caused his heart to skip a beat. At that moment he felt his will break, the stress of the day making it all that much easier. "Alright." He murmured before Aurora was pressing her lips against his once more in a furious fervour and he returned it back.

A deep rumble escaped Auroras throat while Trevor brought his hands up to cup her face while kissing her. Almost imperceptibly they began to move back towards the bed only for Aurora to bump into a table on the way there and they went around it quickly while the man began to feel the soft scales of her body. Then they were there, the golden dragon crawling onto the bed while he removed his shirt from his muscular chest.

"Oh gods how I love your body Trevor." She hissed eagerly as he began to remove his pants. The moment they were gone she was back on him, attacking his naked flesh with lustful kisses and licks along his neck. He in turn moaned at the odd fully blissful feeling her tongue caused to him, lovingly ticklish. She however paused at his boxers before biting them and, giving a low growl, she removed them to bring his manhood to shoot up.

"Ohhhh hoh. Already at full mast are we love?" Aurora purred as she saw his already fully aroused man hood, the shaft throbbing with wanton lust. Slowly she extended her tongue and began to lap at the base of his cock eagerly before going lower. His eyes crossed when she guided her long tongue up to begin to weave it around his sensitive flesh. There she began to pump it all along his member in an undulating wave-like fashion that left him breathless.

"Christ..." Breathed Trevor as she began to pull his cock toward her eager mouth and he arced his back slightly as she began to slide it into her warm, moist lips. Immediately his hand shot to between her two decorated horns and shoved her onto him but she didn't seem to mind the sudden ferocity and in fact loved it, a loud slurp coming from the dragon as she sucked on him.

When Trevor finally removed his hand from her head, Aurora began to pull up while suckling softly on his shaft. She murred loudly as a small drop of pre formed on his tip and she eagerly swallowed it away. He meanwhile gritted his teeth when his lover popped off of him and began to lap quickly at his tip before descending once more onto his wanton flesh and went right back to pleasing him with her soon to be dirtied mouth.

Soon her saliva began to gush from the corners of her mouth as Aurora suckled and licked at his large meat, loving every moment of the dirty work. And Trevor did too despite how she seemed to be drooling more excessively since their previous love-making. "Shit Aurora...what on earth has gotten into you?" He gasped when she continued to furiously lick his cock like it was a delicious Popsicle.

"Mmmm I'd say your great big love stick is what's gotten into me." Aurora grinned naughtily before opening her mouth wide and placed her long tongue along the bottom of his dick. Slowly she closed her mouth, her fangs barely touching his flesh as she began to suckle on him once more. After a fierce moment the dragon to pull upwards only to sink down when she reached his tip, all the while keeping her pressure within her warm mouth on her soon to be meal.

"On boy..." Moaned Trevor as she began to quickly bob her head up and down on his throbbing rod. Quickly he brought his hand back down to begin rubbing her head in affection, loving the feel of her serpentine tongue as it coiled and wrapped about him to stroke as she sucked him off. Looking down he watched slack jawed as his member appeared from her mouth coated in her drool before going right back in, her green eyes twinkling with delight at his own voiceless expression. "...swear to god you're getting better at this every time you do it."

"Well maybe that's because..." Aurora began as she slid off once more to begin giving love nips to his wanton erection before licking his tip once more. Her tail began to swish about on the red blankets as she fought back a whimper, her sex at this point drooling with her own desire. Squeezing her legs together she went back to pleasing the human that gave off a lewd groan. "...I enjoy pleasing my new master."

Trevor cocked an eyebrow at her words. "What are you..." He finally noticed the all too sexy look coming from her eyes as she began to kiss the side of his cock. "Role switch huh? Alright then..." He placed his hand on the back of her head once more as she nestled his head in between her lips before pushing her down onto him. "...suck me off until I come, my beautiful little pet."

Aurora smiled when the man finally realized what she intended. "Yes master." She mumbled between her mouthful of manhood making it seem as though she had no choice. Trevor shook his head at the preposterous idea she had concocted before sighing heavily, her tongue sending wave after wave of pleasure while the sounds of her gentle gulps and swallows where like music to his ears.

Trevor opened a single eye to watch her slurp at his wanton hardness. Without warning he grasped her horns with both hands and began to force her to go faster. "Go on, my beautiful little dragon, drink your fill..." He murred under his breath only to release her and watch as she kept up the tempo he had set for her. In less then a second, his hard shaft had appeared and disappeared twice into her maw. Looking up at him she pulled off only to expertly lick around his crown before going back to sucking on him like a piece of candy. "...and maybe I'll ease your own lust." He finished as he began to feel his cock begin to throb more and more.

Aurora herself felt his excitement grow and grow knowing full well that the throbbing meant he was close. Willingly she began to speed up her movements, her licking and pleasuring until she felt his hands clench together nearby. He began to pant under her loving care and his hips began to buck until he cried out loudly. Again his hands shot to her head to push her straight down to get as much of himself into her as possible before erupting into her feral mouth.

"Good guuuurl." Trevor moaned as rope after rope of sticky spunk landed into her mouth and across her tongue. Aurora accepted his white cream willingly allowing it to pool into her mouth until it was nearly gushing down her throat and from the corners of her mouth. It was never ending, each throb from the man only allowing another load to explode across her fangs coating them white.

After a final, fierce expulsion from Trevor's sex Aurora finally pulled away only for the human to watch as the golden dragon began to swish his spunk within her mouth, tasting the treat he had given her. Raising her head up high she swallowed once before going down to open her mouth wide to show her near clean mouth save for the odd drop of white cream.

"Did I do well to please you master?" Aurora asked with an innocent expression as she closed her mouth. Trevor had to admit it, she was damn good at playing the innocent servant. Now he had to play the good master. He started to wonder if this was how Aurora felt when he was actually her slave?

"Yes my little pet, yes." He cooed as he lifted his hand up to place it gently against the base of her neck. "But I'm in need..." He pushed her roughly yet gently onto her side only to position himself right next to her, his other hand quickly snaking down between her rear legs which immediately parted for his access. A smile appeared on his face as he felt her needy cunt dripping, no gushing, with her feminine juices. " keep promise, my sweet little dragon."

Aurora gave out a quiet hiss when he began to trace his fingers around her vulva, feeling her heat coming from her wanton slit. She gave out a lewd noise when Trevor brought his first two fingers up to trail gently along her entrance, her lips parting easily from the contact on her swollen folds. Slowly he stopped at the centre of her sex before pushing forward until his first knuckle was inside her.

"W-We should not be doing such t-things m-master." Aurora whimper as she squeezed her eyes shut, a very noticeable blush appearing on her cheeks. Trevor merely smiled as he sank his finger more and more into her warm body, her juices gushing out as her vent tightened around the intruding digit. "I-If we were to c-copulate..."

"Shush my pet, shush." Whispered Trevor as his hand went slowly up her neck only to cup the other side of her face and pull the dragoness into a kiss. As he kissed Aurora, he slowly sank himself down to the base of his fingers inside her clenching pussy and heard her tail give a quick flick as the rose petals continued to fall about them. "No one will know, my beloved."

This is starting to get really fucking sappy. Trevor laughed silently as he kissed the golden dragon. Removing his lips for only a second he began to kiss at Auroras jawline, his hand meanwhile busy as it began to slowly pump his fingers into her womanhood with wet lewd noises. Again he kissed her but this time slowly making his way down her neck until he paused over her rising and falling chest.

"M-Master..." Aurora breathed as he pushed his fingers in and out, curving them slightly to add pressure to her walls. A coo escaped her throat as ecstasy began to flow through her veins, igniting her nerves on fire along with each gentle kiss that brought Trevor closer and closer to her most private area. He smiled as he reached her left flank, his lips lovingly caressing her scales as he made his way under her thigh.

"W-We shouldn't..." She protested once more only for her body to betray her as eager trembles coursed throughout her body. Soon Aurora was panting as a kiss by Trevor was felt just above her slit. He only silenced by thrusting faster into her body, her natural lubrications making it easy for his fingers to slide right into her love hole. Then he removed his fingers making her huff from the empty feeling down there, her vent clenching on nothing but air before moaning out loud when the man replaced them with his mouth, his lips closing around her now revealed clit.

Immediately the dragoness rolled from her side and onto her back spreading her legs as wide as they would go to allow Trevor more access to her cunt. He wrapped his arms under and around her legs and lowered his mouth down to her vent to begin licking at her aching sex, her swollen lips covered in her oddly sweet nectar. A moment later and he flushed his lips with hers before digging his tongue into her, the dragon giving out a weak kick as his tongue entered her sex as he began to taste her flesh.

"Gods above..." Aurora gasped in pleasure as he began to lap deep inside her clenching slit. She couldn't describe his appendage. No matter where he licked he had found a sweet spot deep within her body and he abused it, attacking it relentlessly as he began to orally please her. " goooooood.

Trevor smirked as he ate the female out, loving the all too familar taste she produced as a sudden gush from her clenching pussy sent much of her fluids into his mouth. He drank it willingly before finally pulling away to lick at the nub of flesh that made her jump with want. "Good girl. Now..." Slowly he pulled away only to grasp her feral rear legs and lift them up, Aurora arcing her back lightly and taking a deep breath when she felt his once again hardness touch her outer lips. "...ready for your treat?"

Aurora whimpered as he began to grind his cock against her womanhood, her loins ablaze with lustful desire. Slowly she squeezed her eyes shut and nodded her head, her breathing spastic. Trevor grinned when she do so and gently positioned himself at the proper angle. "Then here you...gooooo." He gritted his teethe as he thrusted forward and brought himself to the hilt within her convulsing cunt, her sex moving in wavelike movements despite not even being close to her orgasm. She in turn cried out as she was instantly filled with his massive length before a low purr escaped her throat.

Without even pausing Trevor began to fuck Aurora at a quick pace, his shaft making wet lewd noises as it disappeared into her now fully stretched cunt. Aurora moaned loudly as she felt him rub against her inner walls, each one making her mind hazy from the pure pleasure that shot into her mind like lightning. Her sex suddenly clenched tightly around the intruder, each time he pulled out it clenched even more as it begged for his tool to return to her depths.

And he did so. After getting a better hold on her legs he began to piston his cock deep into her, each thrust causing his balls to smack against her as he drove himself into her body as deep as he could go. Aurora cried out as he slammed into her sex, each one making her twitch in eagerness without even thinking her tail curled itself around his legs to squeeze affectionately at him.

Suddenly Aurora opened her green eyes wide when Trevor began to lick at her right foot, a ticklish feeling suddenly mingling with the ecstasy he gave her. "Oh fuck." She gasped as he kissed her sole. "You l-like m-my feet m-master?" She managed to gasp out as he began to lick her individual toes. Suddenly he closed his lips around one and began to gently suck on it, making her close her eyes and moan while her tongue began to hang out as she panted.

Trevor gritted his teeth when Aurora began to clench tightly around his shaft once more but he kept up his pace, his attention on her foot as he licked and probed at it. The day before he had never thought he'd be doing such a thing with anyone, licking and sucking their foot. Yet he he was, making love to her sole like it was her mouth. Suddenly Aurora cried out and he gasped, her sex clenching and unclenching undulating waves while her fem cum began to gush out around his thrusting cock.

"M-M-Master!" Aurora cried out as her orgasm came crashing down on her without warning. Wave after wave of her juices gushed out from her cunt, each one wetting her bed more and more. Meanwhile Trevor squeezed his eyes shut as he suckled on one of her three toes, his own climax nearly on him.

"Master don't stop!" Looking down he saw such a dirty look coming from the dragons eyes as her tongue hanged out of her mouth. "Fuck me! Make me your mate! Fill my womb with your seed! Make me pregnant with a cross breed!"

His eyes went wide at the final words she screeched, the thought of somehow getting her belly to swell with child filling his mind. Deep down he knew it was impossible but the most feral need in his mind was what was driving him. Quickening his pounding on her slit he removed his mouth from her foot and cried out, gripping her one leg tightly as he began to cum, began to try to breed the breath beneath him.

The first gush of his spunk splattered against her cervix, her still orgasming cunt sucking it all into her womb and Aurora leaned her head back when she felt her lower body fill with his warmth. "Master! I can feel your cum!" She cried out as he throbbed again and again into her bestial sex. "Its so warm! Its filling me! Yes! Make me yours! Make me have your child!"

For several long minutes, Trevor unloading every single drop of cum he could muster from his orbs, filling the golden dragon until excess spunk was gushing out to mingle with her own juices. It began to dribble down her body to pool not not at the base of we tail but also on her bed, both trembling as they began to cool down. A moment later and Trevor laid himself down on her, his head against her chest as he listened to her heartbeat. Carefully Aurora placed a paw onto his back.

"I don't even to describe...that." Aurora panted as they basked in the after glow. Trevor nodded only to feel her lift his chin up as she kissed him. "You were wonderful Trevor! We have got to do that again!" However her smile faded noticing a sense of...sadness she believed...emanating from the man. "What's wrong?"

Trevor shook his head before smiling a hollow smile. "Nothing Aurora. Everything is fine." He said trying to sound comforting only to fail.

Aurora placed a hand on his cheek. "There is something wrong." She murmured. "Please, tell me what it is."

Trevor stared at her pained eyes only to sigh and look down at her chest. "Not now. Please?" He looked up at her with begging eyes. "Please? Just...I want to rest here. With you. I'll...I'll tell you tomorrow."

Aurora kissed his forehead. "Promise?" She asked quietly.


Trevor nodded as he cuddled up against her body, hearing her breathing rising and falling within her chest. Slowly his eyes fluttered shut and Aurora brought her other hand up to stroke his long hair. "I love you." She whispered lovingly to him and he mumbled an incoherent reply. Slowly she placed herself in a comfortable position with him still laying on her belly and fell fast asleep.