What A Way To Wake Up.

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! Hope you all are enjoying a Happy Valentines Day! So I made this story as a basically a kink of mine but in the season of love I added in romance as well. Its my first feral story too surprisingly. Heck I'm quite surprised I haven't even done something like in this yet so its also a good way to test my writing skills once more.

Anyways first of I mainly need to explain an idea here. The Day of Valen is a a yearly day celebrated by the Dragons. On this day the young males of the tribe who have reached adolescence come to see the elders and proclaim who they wish to mate with. Should the females accept and the elders agree, they are to be mates for life.

This is about a male who did not choose a female for three years and after a odd way of waking up finally decides who he wants.

Enjoy the story everyone and vote if ya want. Honestly I don't really mind, I just do this for fun anyways :P

"Auroric? Are you home?" Lyrial called into the darkness of the cave. When the large drake did not answer she presumed maybe he was deeper inside, so deep he did not hear her call. If that was the case then she would have to go in and she did not want to. Auroric was...temperamental to say the least. If the young dragoness walked in and he was in a foul mood the gods only know what would happen to her!

But with a small whimper the white furred dragoness began to slowly walk in. Her long elegant tail swished nervously behind her as she went ever deeper into the drakes home, her green eyes scanning the shadows. She kept her large wings against herself as though to protect herself from the darkness but only for her eyes to widen a moment after, Auroric laying at the edge of the sunlight gently snoozing on his belly.

Auroric certainly was a handsome drake, his scales a glorious shade of a dark sea blue with strong rippling muscles along his body. His body was smooth, flawless while the scales on his belly were perfect scutes. Two large black horns, each jagged and sharp, were jutting out from long black hair at about three feet long. His face was strong and handsome, some hens of their tribe even believing he was sculpted by a god. His hair added to his beauty being messy, unkept yet undeniably gorgeous. But unlike the other drakes of their tribe his hair only went to the base of his head whilst the rest had theirs down to the base of their neck. To replace what was naked scales he had a row of jagged spikes along his spine that went between his two wings and ended near the tip of his strong tail where a blade made of ivory laid. Yet the most intriguing part if his body was his neck where six gold glowing symbols were tattooed to his body, each representing the six elements that comprised the world: fire, air, water, earth, light and darkness.

Oh crap he's asleep! A snort from the drake caused Lyrial to squeak softly, her furred wings flicking open before closing without a sound. With wide eyes the white dragoness sat down on her haunches to watch and ponder on how to wake the drake without angering him. The elders want him at the meeting point. If he is not there to choose a mate...

A loud yawn from Auroric made her take a step back once again. M-Maybe I should go tell Father. Lowering her head wearily she began to slowly turn and leave. A grunt from the large blue made her freeze however and she heard him shuffle. Oh gods above he's waking up!

Slowly the young Lyrial turned her slender head back towards the drake to pause. Her green eyes watched as Auroric rolled slowly onto his back, a gentle snore coming from his nostrils. His wings flared out from underneath his body and slowly his rear legs eased down into a relaxed state to reveal a rather large erection, his near black dragon meat standing proudly into the air from his slit.

Lyrial's breath caught in her throat when she saw his large glorious shaft, her green eyes fixated on the throbbing flesh of the drake. It was obvious he was enjoying a rather pleasant dream when a rumbling purr came forth from his white chest, a sudden dribble of pre coming forth to slide slowly down his member. She followed the glistening drop as it slowly dripped from his tip and onto his belly scales before shuddering and looking away with a blush.

I-I should not look at it. She thought as she turned about. However the image of his cock remained in her minds eye and the young hen gave out a whimper. Her first fertile heat was do in the next few days meaning she would soon need a mate yet despite knowing she would skon have a male for her she was still fascinated by Auroric's malehood. A older friend of Lyrials spoke of doing a pleasured act on her mate where she sucked on his member and she was fiercely intrigued by it. No! I must not! Father would be angry if I did such a thing!

Lyrial squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to fight off the image of the handsome dragon that laid not far from where she stood. She shifted her hips, warmth seeping from her nether regions in a way she had never experienced before. An urge welled up from within, an urge she couldn't resist. M-Maybe just a taste... She thought to herself as she turned to slowly walk towards the sleeping male. I-I'm sure he won't mind...Ullti said her mate loves it when she drinks from him. M-Maybe Auroric will too.

Lyrial moved quietly across the hard floor, carefully so that Auroric would not wake from his slumber. Once near his larger form she carefully crawled atop his stomach and watched his face carefully should a single twitch indicating awakening occur. She paused once on top of the dragon twice her size, her eyes looking back at his face as she placed her feet in a pose that would keep her up. So far so good. Please don't wake up. She begged silently as she turned her attention to the rather large penis in front of her.

Taking a large gulp Lyrial slowly opened her mouth and extended her tongue out to flick it slowly across his flesh. Immediately her green slitted eyes went wide as the pure pheromone taste of the males pre came into contact of her taste buds. Incredible...its tastes so good! Immediately she opened her mouth and gently wrapped her lips around it only to freeze when a snort was heard. With it still in her mouth she turned to look back only to see he was still asleep.

Taking a deep breath through her nostrils she went back to the object in her mouth where his head alone filled most of her mouth. When she first saw it it seemed like any ordinary penis her father told her about. Multiple fleshy ridges, a row of soft spikes on the bottom to aid in knotting and rather smooth despite the features. She gave a powerful suck on the tool, a purr escaping her as more of the bitter yet oddly delicious taste spilled over her tongue and she began to sink down. But she didn't stop once she began to go down and soon she felt it slide into her throat, her flesh bulging as she went even further.

So good... The hen murred quietly as her eyes became half lidded while she pulled up. Slowly the bulge that was Auroric's large shaft left her throat but only for a moment before lowering herself once again. She swallowed on him as she went down allowing her rippling muscles to squeeze and knead his cock and soon her eyes glazed over, losing all sense of what it was she was doing.

However as she sucked him off the massive drake smiled despite appearing to be asleep. The fact was he had been awake the moment she even came near his prized possession and he was quite amazed. Auroric had not expected Lyrial, daughter of the elder, to come and wake him and neither did he believe that she would do something like this! Then again neither did he feel bad about it. He has had his eyes on her for a long time now, the gorgeous dragoness growing into a rather fine hen and she certainly was good at what she was currently doing too!

And Lyrial was a fine dragon at that. Fine silken white fur covered her form with strong supple legs that could more then likely even tear through his tough hide. A long flowing tail was attached to her gorgeous rump, her fur elongating at the end to be long and beautiful. Strong wings decorated her back with each one looking like it blow a vicious whirlwind despite her diminutive size. And a smooth belly that showed she could hold in dozens of eggs in a single clutch, a belly most drakes sought after. On her gorgeous slender head were two horns as well, each a pearly white and polished to reflect even moonlight incredibly.

Squinting through his eyelids, he peered at Lyrials rump with green eyes far darker then her own. A smirk spread across his strong mouth when her tail moved slightly to reveal her sopping wet snatch. He licked his lips as he slowly opened his eyes and grinned at her rather tasty looking sex. Slowly he brought his paws up to grasp her body, his long but strong neck coming up and he placed a kiss on her pussy. Of course the poor hen froze stiff and stopped as he kissed her vulnerable womanhood.

"You started it." He chuckled as he licked his tongue softly across her swollen lips. "So don't even think of stopping hun."

Lyrial stared wide eyed at nothing, Auroric's cock still deep in her throat. H-he's licking m-me! She gasped in her head only to squeak softly as pleasure coursed through her veins. Oh gods! Her tail raised up high as she felt his tongue begin to wiggle deeper between her nether lips. T-That's...ohhhh!

Auroric smiled and a rumble of satisfaction came forth from him as he slowly began to eat the smaller hen out, his large tongue easily sliding inside of her. It was made obvious she loved the attention with how she raised her tail high and a loud huff escaped her nostrils. Slowly she began to work his rod in and out once more, shoving almost half of his lengthy girth down her throat to constrict and ripple around him.

Mmmm. What a horny girl you are Lyrial. He thought with a chuckle as he worked his tongue in and out of her cunt, her feminine juices oozing out from around his tongue and coating it in the sweet nectar she produced. I cannot wait to make you look like you have a huge clutch of eggs! The blue male felt the white dragoness readjust her footing as she worked harder then before to please him, trying to copy his speed on her aching and soaked folds.

And she certainly was a horny dragon at that, her inner walls squeezing and rippling along his long appendage as it swirled and pressed. Lyrial gave out a soft whimper as she suckled and drank yet another drop of Auroric's odd flavoured liquid. Not a single gag escaped her as she sank down to push his member into her throat and continued even more, farther then before. The blue drake growled lustfully as she hit his knot, the bulbous flesh making her cheeks bulge as it slipped into her mouth with surprising ease. Most of her throat was bulging now, more than half of it filled with his throbbing flesh.

"Good guuuurl." Auroric hissed as a powerful throbmade her body jerk slightly before she pulled back once more. But a large grin spread across his face as he slowly receded his tongue out of her body, Lyrial giving a soft cry as her pleasure was taken away but did not remove her mouth from around his love rod. But that changed when the larger male grabbed her tail with his mouth and gently lifted her off.

Lyrial gave out a squawk as his sex was forcibly removed from her mouth. The white haired dragon even tried to grab it only to huff when he flipped onto his feet and was held upside down. She was suddenly placed out and without warning Auroric flipped her with a paw. She stared wide eyes as he lowered his massive form over her own, a mew of surprise escaping her throat only to be replaced by a blush and moan as he rubbed his dripping cock tip along her sex.

"W-We shouldn't!" Lyrial cried out only to breath sharply when he placed his head between her soft lips. He grinned and pulled out, watching as she relaxed. "F-Father wouldn't be pleased if I-I lost my v-virginity t-to you!"

The blue merely chuckled a deep rumbling chuckle. "Then why do you wrap your tail around mine?" Lyrial blinked when she realized that she did wrap her tail around his own in the form of sexual acknowledgment. "That shows you are ready to be bred, my small friend. And seeing how when I do this..." He pushed forward slightly once more, the white dragoness spreading her legs and moaning lewdly as he did so. "...shows that you want my large dick inside your tight cunt."

Lyrial couldn't deny it. She did want it and badly! But she couldn't understand why. She was due for her adolescent heat in several days not now! "But..." She began again but was silenced when Auroric trailed a sharp black claw gently along her face.

"You've grown into a fine hen Lyrial." He said lovingly to her and the white dragon blushed, her face turning bright red and visible even through her soft fur. This blush turned brighter when he bent his long neck and flicked his tongue across her cheek softly in the form of a draconic kiss. "I think I've made my decision now."

Lyrial grew confused. "Made your deci-ah!" Her question was interrupted when Auroric heaved forward, his flesh sinking into her vent and stretching it the widest it would ever go. As the large intruder dug deeper into her vulnerable pussy the white hen's breath caught in her throat as pleasure the likes of which she's never felt coursed through her veins. Auroric grimaced as he shoved deep into the tight snatch of his soon to be mate, his shaft throbbing heavily as he finally felt a blockage deep within.

The white dragoness slowly took a deep breath in, her mind fogged and disoriented from the feeling of him entering her. Slowly she craned her neck to look with wide eyes at the linear bulge in her lower body before looking up at him. "W-Why d-did you s-stop?" She managed to gasp out and the blue looked down at her. He carefully brought his paw down to wrap it just below the base of her neck soothingly.

"Lyrial...this going to hurt a bit..." He whispered quietly down to her. "Just hold on for a bit. I swear it will feel good okay?"

Lyrial looked up once more. "This isn't l-like you Auroric..." She whimpered and the drake gasped when her sex constricted around him. "...normally y-you're a jerk to everyone."

"Maybe to most." He admitted before looking at her worriedly and he braced themselves. "Kay here we go. I'm going to count to three okay? One..." Without warning he thrusted forward and broke Lyrials hymen. Her reaction was immediate, her back arcing as she opened her mouth and screamed loudly only to suddenly feel herself grabbed by Auroric and sweet whispers entered her ears. But the male did not stop only continued to thrust in and out of her body with gentle movements, her stomach bulging and deflating as he entered and left her cervix.

"It's okay Lyrial. Just hang on. It'll feel good I swear." He whispered into her ear lovingly, nudging her whimpering face occasionally. Auroric do not stop his whispering, his cuddling as he slowly eased the pain away. Soon her contorted face turned from one of anguish to a blissful one of pleasure.

"Oh gods..." She whispered incredulously as she looked down once more to watch as his shaft entered over and over again with wet slorps. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth as she leaned back and cooed softly, his cock filling her oh so nicely. She had never felt anything like this! It was so big, so nice and the soft spikes along the bottom sent shivers up her spine as her tail tightened around his own. "...it feels so good! Don't stop!"

Aurorc chuckled again as he licked her soft cheek. "I can do better." He said as he sped up his thrusting, a thrum escaping him as he felt her cervix rubbing his dragon meat in a sensual massage, her inner walls hugging him like a tight glove. Lyrials coo turned into a deep purr as she placed her forepaws on his thick chest, her body rocking back and Roth beneath the big male.

"Oh my gooooooddddnnnneeeeeesssss..." She breathed as she felt pleasure shoot through her nerves and directly into her brain. Lyrial was in bliss, loving every moment of what was happening. However when Auroric gave a grunt and shifted his form, his thrusts suddenly picking up in speed and his knot slammed into her vent.

More ecstasy assaulted her senses as his sped up, her mind fogging completely over as she groaned loudly. Back and forth her beautiful form rocked underneath the large male, his cock making her feel so wonderful. She just couldn't believe what was happening. She was taking it so easily, his head punctuating her cervix over and over again only to feel her inner sanctum. But it wasn't long until she felt something else begin to occur in her lower body.

Lyrial opened her eyes to peer curiously up at him only to gasp when a different feeling assaulted her senses. Her loins were on fire, tightening and squeezing around his huge mass as he viciously fucked her. "W-What's happening?!" She managed to sputter between deep erratic breathes. "Oh gods its like my body tightening! Auroriiiiiiiiiiiic!"

Lyrial shrieked loudly as her first orgasm smashed into her hard. Auroric squeezed his green eyes shut as he felt her sex suddenly clutch at his tool, his thrusts becoming erratic as he himself neared his edge. With a roar and a final thrust he knotted, the engorged flesh disappearing between her soaking lips surprisingly despite his size. Immediately Lyrials eyes went wide as she felt his first spurt of cum slam into the back of her womb. With nowhere to go it simply pooled deep inside and she began to tremble weakly.

Loud after massive loud emptied from Auroric and into Lyrials belly, her cunt suckling and drinking from his cock like a hungry animal. Through glazed, dreamy eyes she looked down to watch as her stomach began to engorge and bloat bigger and bigger from the amount of warm fluids entering her body. Auroric trembled as well, loving the feel of her willingly taking his seed until not a single drop remained in his testicles.

After several moments he relaxed but could not move, his knot still embedded inside of her body. Looking down however the drake smirked as Lyrial, with her eyes still glazed over, slowly began to rub her cum filled belly. She looked beautiful, the way her stomach was engorged and filled to be almost like she was pregnant with a large clutch of eggs. And by the looks of how comfortable she seemed with such a large amount in her stomach he knew she'd be able to carry many more weights in eggs.

Both grunted as Auroric finally was released from inside of her. "It feels so incredible Auroric." Lyrial smiled as she continued to grope her own inflated body while Auroric's shaft slowly disappeared into his own body. "Mmm. I want to do this again!" She looked up with tired but happy eyes. "Do you think we can Auroric? I don't know if I can return to being without this much warm cum in me!"

Auroric began to laugh softly as he leaned down to kiss her softly. "Perhaps Lyrial." He chuckled into her ear. "But for now get some sleep. You were wonderful, my sweet little hen."

Lyrial nodded as a yawn escaped her and, with her paws still on her belly, slowly embed into a deep sleep.


Auroric walked with a slow determined walk towards a clearing in the forest. All around the blue drake younger drakes went as well, each a full three years younger then himself. Ahead his eyes were fixated on the presence of a large fire, his green eyes sparkling magnificently in the lighting. From the clearing he heard the voices of dragoness's singing beautifully, indicating the start of Valen's Ceremony.

As he and the many drakes entered the clearing his eyes went from a massive fire over thirty six feet tall, nearly twice his height, to that of a large red dragon who sat amidst a large stone bridge. He, like the six others on either side of him, was a elder but he the was oldest, the clans true leader. His body spoke of strength, of wisdom and of great skill. Even through the aged red fur he saw many battle scars across his flesh. His green eyes watched Auroric specifically as he and the others stopped before the archway of stone.

Slowly the old elder Ferous spoke in his deep booming voice. "Welcome, my young children." He greeted as his eyes went slowly across the many young faces before him. "As you know this is a day of love, of adolescent amongst our people. To the humans this day is known as Valentines day, a name they took from ourselves many centuries ago."

"As you know Valen is one of our great deity's." The elder continued. "He is the dragon of beauty, adolescence and love. He gave us our hearts, gave us emotions so that we may forever be grateful to our mates." Ferous placed his clawed paw over his chest. "And in his voice he has asked us that, once on this very day every year, we take our young males who have reached adolescence and say out loud who they wish to mate with."

Slowly the elder went back to peer into the eyes of each of them. "For now, we must start with Auroric. Step forward." Auroric stepped forward his gaze unblinking as the elders watched him quietly. Amidst the tree lines he heard the voices of the many females, each whispering hopeful words to each other. Auroric was the most desirable male in the clan and they all wanted the young drake regardless if it was love or not. The chance to raise his young was all too great of a chance.

"Auroric..." The elder began. "...for the last three years you have refused to accept a mate. Today you are to choose. You have no choice, the will of Valen has been made clear. Even now we can smell the female on you. Who have you chosen to be your mate?"

Auroric slowly took a breath, readying himself for what was to come. "Lyrial." He responded and immediately silence ensued. The red elder blinked and the younger ones around him began to whisper amongst each other. The dragoness's around him began to murmur their astonishments of his choice. Obviously she was least expected.

"Why do you choose my daughter Auroric?" Ferous slowly asked fighting the rage deep inside. It was no secret that the elder disliked the young male.

"I do not know."

More murmurings ensued. "What do you mean you do not know?" The elder hissed and Auroric lowered his eyes.

"I do not know." He repeated quietly before looking up confidently. "All I know is that I am in love with her. She is beautiful, kind and sweet. Never once have I seen her angry nor sad. Instead she is simply happy." He felt his breath catch in his throat and he swallowed loudly. "I just love her. Plain and simple. And...I want to be by her side when she is with eggs, to feed and help her as she prepares to bring our children to this world."

The clan elders watch for several long moments at his face before a old dragoness spoke. "For now Auroric, we shall speak to ourselves." She stated and soon the other old ones began to walk down from the arc to walk deep into the forest. "You are to wait here. We will discuss if you are to be mated to Lyrial or not."

Auroric lowered his head in a bow as they left but he also used it to hide his worried face. After the elders had left he sat down to watch the flames in front of him. Please Lord Valen... He begged silently as he awaited the elders answer. ...convince them to let me be with her.


"Regardless of his temperament towards his fellow clan members..." Began the female elder from before with green scales that shimmered even after hundreds of years of living. "...I believe his temperament may prove useful when it comes to Lyrial."

"Are you mad Renu?!" Said a older male of black fur. "He would not prove an asset to their relationship! I believe he would teach his family bad habits rather than do good!"

The oldest elder sat patiently watching with the same green eyes as Lyrial as they fought before him. They continuously switched between sides, neither coming to a agreement only agreement. Finally he gave out a vicious roar that silenced them all.

"I am putting aside all personal feelings towards Auroric for now but..." Ferous spoke as he slowly relaxed back into a comfortable sitting position. "...I agree that Valen wants them to be together. Yes Auroric's temper is that of constant anger but I believe that it can be used to protect his beloved his well. Not only this but I also believe my daughter can also change him, her kindness may rub off onto him over time. Am I not wrong to believe this?"

A large gold drake nodded his head. "Aye, Lyrial has been known to change certain young ones during her short life. Perhaps she may do the same with Auroric."

A female agreed reluctantly. "Perhaps. And as I think about it, the more it makes sense. Despite his anger he is also one of the most passionate drakes of his era. And he has known Lyrial since she was first brought into this world, when he was but a whelp."

"Then we are in agreement?" A drake asked and the others nodded.

The elder looked at the younger ones around him. "Then so be it." He concluded, ending the meeting. "My daughter Lyrial will be mates with Auroric. If she wishes it."


Lyrial blinked her tired eyes slowly opened, a loud yawn escaping her maw as she flipped onto her back once more. With a murr of satisfaction she began to grope her large belly loving the feel of the liquids within shifting about so nicely. _Mmmmm. Please let me fuck Auroric again. This feels sooooooo good! _

After a moment the hen stood up slowly only to have trouble doing so. After a few moments of struggling she was finally on her feet and was slowly waddling out of the cave. Looking about in the setting sun Lyrial made her way into dense foliage where she expelled some fluids. Sadly she accidentally expelled all of Auroric's spunk as well from her belly making her feel quite empty. But the white hen was only sad for a moment before deciding she would just get another fill from Auroric later.

Lyrial sang a gentle hum as she strolled back to Auroric's home. However she paused when she spotted Aurpric who was looking worriedly in the entrance of his lair. "Oh! Hello Auroric!" Lyrial greeted gleefully as she seemed to prance towards him. The blue looked up only to chuckle when he saw her practically run up to the larger dragon.

"Ah so you went to empty the extra weight hmmm?" He mused with a chuckle then smiled when Lyrial began to rub herself against him affectionately.

"Yes but I don't like it." She huffed with a smile on her beautiful face. "So I was thinking...do you want to mate again?"

Auroric chuckled as he bent down and licked her cheek lovingly. Lyrial purred at his affection only to smile when his licking went towards her rear. "We can mate as much as we want now Lyrial." He whispered in a romantic voice. "The elders have allowed me to take you as my mate."

Her green eyes wide, Lyrial spun about flabbergasted. "F-Father allowed this?" She asked stunned and Auroric nodded as he lifted his head. "H-He doesn't mind that I...mate with you?"

Auroric shook his head slowly as he smiled. "Lyrial..." He slowly said as he approached her. He bent his neck down and he licked her once more. "...I don't know why, but I love you."

Tears began to feel her beautiful green eyes as she looked into his own only to blink them away. Immediately she began to lick his cheek, trying with everything she had to show her own affection to him. "I accept your love Auroric." She murmured into his ear. "I love you too."

Auroric thrummed softly as he pulled away. Slowly a large grin emerged from his face and he licked his lips. "Now I believe you want another load in that sexy cunt of yours now hmm?" He purred and Lyrial spun about lift her tail up. She herself had a dirty look to her face, her eyes seeming to try to seduce him without need of words.

"Let's try making some eggs love." She said as he approached slowly.

"Yes." He replied to her as he placed a paw on her rump. Slowly he lowered his head down to smell the sweet scent he was now familiar with. "Let us make a family."