Ragnarök Now! chp 4 part 2 of 2: cold winter.

Story by Ulrik the Fell Handed on SoFurry

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#5 of Ragnarök Now!

All characters and situations between them are copywrited to me and further, are my intellectual property. Any use of them without my express written permission will be prosecuted. If you wish to

The following contains material of a graphic nature, if you are under the age of consent(whatever that may be in your area) and do NOT have the permission of your parent or guardian do not read this.

I beg your indulgence, for the sake of grammar, readability and most importantly my on going sanity. I ask that you imagine all characters with a west Texas drawl.(unless otherwise specified)

"Thankee ya'll that's mighty kind of ya" I am from Texas By the way so I get to talk like this without feeling shame. :D

note that {} denotes that this speech is in another language;

These stories are meant to run together, if you have not read the first one I strongly suggest you do so. Otherwise this will make little sense.

From this point forward, unless otherwise mentioned, in the narrations Rick will be known as Verik, people may still call him Rick but he has accepted his duty and there for I will use his full name.

"Is it that I love thee? Sooth, for do I love thee even unto the point of self-harm. Know you then, that any pain you cause me will be as the most tender of caresses if thou wouldst but love me in turn."

---Marco DeVidechi, -Love unspoken.

"...come and sit beside me friend' said the old man to the killer. 'but I am here to kill you, do you not fear me?' 'why should I? I have lived a life, that while perhaps was not good, has been fulfilling' the killer sat next to the old man and asked him 'you will die tonight, why does this not bother you?' the old man shrugged his shoulders and said simply. 'it does not, now sit and watch these beautiful stars with me."

Scene from the play "The telling of the old mans tale"

_______________________Home coming, Cruel payment.______________________

Verik was sitting in the passengers seat of his fathers pick up, they were about 20 minuets away from the house now, and Rick was still fairly tired. He was caught between two conflicting emotions, annoyance and relief.

When he had collapsed off the stage and into Katie's arms after his little speech, everyone at the funeral was speechless for a good 10 seconds. Then some one started screaming and the whole thing went south, the preacher started reciting the lords prayer, most of the women ran into the church screaming at the top of their voices. The men didn't know what to do so they followed their wives and girlfriends; predictably the members of the press were the only ones to get closer to Verik as he tried to stand.

Batting aside microphones and tape recorders, Katie helped Verik over to his fathers' truck. Lawrence was already there with the engine running waiting for them to get in.

As they drove away, he looked to his son, who was still pulling various body-preserving accouterments from his person.

"So" he said" "You planning on not getting shot this time around? Cause I swear boy, you keep on like this and you'll have so much lead in you that you'll sink to the bottom of the pool next time you swim!"

He said it with a smile and a laugh but Verik could see the tears welling in his eyes.

Verik only smiled, at the moment he was incapable of speech, the chemicals used in his embalming affecting his vocal cords still.

Verik felt very content, despite the circumstances of his revival and the soon to be coming struggle in the battle for the world, Verik was alive and sitting next Katie.

He was still concerned about the sacrifice she had made, giving up any chance se and her sister had had of a normal life. But it was her choice to make wasn't it?

He couldn't wait until he could talk again, then he would tell her and Risa his feelings, after he explained to them and his father the situation. Feeling himself slipping into a healing sleep he leaned his head upon Katie's shoulder.

Risa sat in the dark.

Today was the day that Rick would be burned, his body would be gone and all physical traces of him would pass from the world. She was trying her best not to cry, why had he done it? The police would have gotten to Terry Shulte, yet he had fought his way through them in order to put his hands around his throat.

She knew not how long she sat there, listening to the winter wind howling past the windows, but eventually her sensitive tiger like ears heard the sound the sound of truck doors slamming, Katie and Rick's father were back then.

That meant that his body was gone.

That meant that he was gone. She restrained her tears, sitting in the living room with her arms round her knees, maybe she should just give her self up to some research group o other, let them experiment on her or kill her whatever they would do. She just couldn't see the point in caring anymore, why should she bother?

The front door opened and she looked over to see who came in first. The light from outside speared through the room, causing her eyes to dilate in adjustment. She could just barely see a male outline against the light from outside.

Guessing it to be Lawrence, Risa faced the old stone fireplace again, staring with blank eyes at the pictures of Rick that were placed there.

Suddenly, a gust of wind from outside blew the figures scent into the room. Sniffing Risa caught the smell of Rick, snapping her eyes open she turned her head towards the door as another male figure appeared in the frame. Looking out Risa was greeted by a sight she had never expected to see again, Rick was walking towards the door limping slightly but still moving under his own power.

As she watched Rick looked back as Katie said something to him from her position by the truck. Fenris found her self standing in the door way almost out on the lawn, still not believing what her eyes told her, she started to walk towards the figure.

The walk turned into a jog, and the jog turned into a run, by the time Rick turned around to walk towards the house Risa was all out sprinting towards him,

She leapt into the air as he turned, his reflexes still off from his time spent as a corpse, Verik was unable to catch her before she crashed into his chest.

As Verik hit the ground his vision was obscured by the softest head of hair he had ever felt, a pristine white in color with the black stripes running across it marking it's owner as Fenris.

As she landed on him Risa knew immediately that it really was Rick, that some how he had come back from the dead and that he was here again.

This thought caused her to start purring louder then she ever had before, snuggling into his chest more as she did so. Absolutely loving the way her purring made her vibrate against his chest Rick was loath to tell her that he had a desperate need to free his trapped legs from beneath his body.

On their way back in the car, both Katie and his father had filled Verik in on what had happened while he was in the river realm.

He did not know if it was only because, he had saved them from the nightmare existence in their father's house or if they cared for him the way he did for them. Apparently Odin had edited what Katie heard slightly, because she made no mention of the part about her and her sister.

Knowing that Risa had tried to kill her self though, that made his heart run cold within his chest.

Verik put his arms around her and whispered into one of her downy soft ears.

"Don't ever do anything like that again ok? No matter what happens please don't do that to your self."

Upon hearing these words Fenris hugged him even tighter for a moment then stopped purring and sat up, somewhat embarrassed by her out burst.

"So" she said. "I think you have some explaining to do."

Verik nodded his head and picked himself up off the ground, making sure to watch his still healing leg.

They all proceeded into the house and, after getting him self a glass of lemonade, Verik began his tale.

By the tale's conclusion everyone in the room was embroiled in quiet contemplation, mulling over their own thoughts on the subject.

After about half an hour of minimal converse, Lawrence stood up and began to speak.

"Well, the way I reckon it, the first thing you have to do is get your self prepared. From the sounds of what you tell us, there are gonna be people actively hunting your ass, and people who would kill you if they saw you but aint looking for you. And I also infer that most of these people have had a damn sight more time to prepare for this then you have. So, I think you need to go to New York."

Verik agreed on the first two counts that his father brought up but was not so sure on the last. What reason, he asked; did he have to go to New York? Allfather had said that his armor was old and in pieces, what use would it be to him now?

"I think that if you saw some of this stuff, things that you have a connection to, that maybe it would help you somehow. I mean I really don't KNOW, but it's the only thing you have to work on."

"But dad, we don't have the money to buy a plane ticket to New York."

"Course we do! Remember that money the feds paid us for the East 300 acres? I still got it, all three million of it." Said Verik's father with a satisfied smile.

Verik however was looking at his dad with an expression of shock plastered across his features. His father had said that they had been paid only seven hundred thousand. Verik mentioned this to father asking where the other had come from.

His father replied that he had been saving the rest for Verik's collage fund, but that now he thought that this was a better use of his money. Verik thanked his father profusely as they went about buying tickets, all the while they listened to a blue northern blowing across the West Texas badlands. The news forecasted a freak Canadian low pressure front that would bring the temperatures down to well below zero at night. As they were about to purchase Verik's ticket Katie popped her head into the office, asking if she could pleas have a window seat.

Verik looked at her, frowning.

"I didn't think you guys would be coming, you know kind of figured you would stay here with dad while I figured out what's going on. That way your safe and don't have to worry about anything.....and....and....." Verik finished lamely under the now intense gaze of the Lynx girl.

"The last time I left you alone you got shot...six times! And you got shot the time before that as well, so don't tell me it won't happen again. Risa and I are coming with you; after all, you represent a rather large investment on our part you know."

At this point Risa stuck her head around the corner and said.

"We have to protect our investments now don't we?" and then promptly dashed back to the living room.

"Get three tickets or we will get them our selves, either way we are coming with you."

Said Katie in a voice that broached no argument.

Verik and Katie traded glares for a good 3 minuets before he relented, warning that at the first sign of foul comings he would send them back to Texas. To which she replied "only in your dreams mop head, only in your dreams." Ruffling his half pulled back hair as she said it.

The night proceeded fairly smoothly from there on, Verik cooked dinner, green chili enchiladas, with a light flour gravy, cooking despite objections from the others due to his semi recovered state. Even though they wished that he would have relaxed they could not help but enjoy the simple yet excellent meal he made for them.

About half way through the meal, Risa noticed that Verik was studying something in his hand, seeming to notice her the direction of her gaze he let the object fall and returned to the table conversation.

After dinner the girls insisted on doing the dishes, saying that Lawrence had bought them all plane tickets and that Verik had made it in the first place to assuage both men's southern instinct to help with such matters.

When Lawrence was sure that the water was running and the girls could not hear them, he turned to his son with a somber look plaguing his brow.

" Those two are the to nicest people I could ever want to meet, I am glad you chose to bring em here son, get em away from that bastard Shulte. "

At this point Verik simply looked at his father, reaching out he grabbed his iced tea and took a drink, truing not to remember the pain of being shot.

"You know what?"

"What dad?"

"I think you're in love with BOTH of them."

Verik stopped with his glass almost to his mouth; he then looked at his father over the rim of the container. Continuing with his motion, Verik finishing off his tea and slowly set his glass on the table, allowing him self time to think.

"Yes sir I am, I love them both from the bottom of my soul."

His father looked at him for a moment then nodded his head.

"You best tell them that before you go. I am so proud of you I think I might burst, but you have to know, you're probably gonna to die in this. Trust me son, you don't want to die with out telling your loved ones how you feel."

Verik hung his head slightly, he knew that his father was right he just could not bring him self to tell them, and for the same reason his father had just cited.

"I can't tell them dad, what if I do die? Then what will happen to them? I'm still trying to figure out how to get them on the plane, how are they going to live life without people trying to hurt them? I figure that if I don't tell them and keep love out of our relationship then they will be less hurt when I die."

Lawrence leaned across the table and snatched his son's shirt collar, it had been years since he had been able to lift his son like that but it still got his attention fast.

"Sometimes boy you can be thicker then a Bodark stump. You have two count em TWO of the best people I have ever met in that kitchen and both of them are crazy about you. You see that one girl in there? That lovely, wonderful person who is so happy right now? When she thought that you had died she tried to kill herself! So tell me exactly HOW is not being happy together supposed to help them after you really DO kick the bucket? Damnit boy you tell them both tonight or you'll all regret it for as long as you can remember...... and besides, if you don't tell them they could both probably kick you're ass."

And with that he walked towards the back of the house saying that he would stay in the guest bedroom tonight.

Looking over to the kitchen, Verik realized that the girls had already gone to get ready for bed. He walked up the stairs to his room and found it FAR cleaner then it had been the day he was shot.

He walked towards the guest room, not really knowing what he was going to say. Wither he would ask about his room, or grab whoever came to the door and kiss them, was not made up in his mind yet.

When the door was opened Verik was in a slight state of panic, if he did not say something then he would look like a fool. So he decided to give himself some time to think over what he wanted to say.

Katie was already in bed, but Risa was taking a bit longer, attempting to fit her long striped tail into the cut she had made in a new pair of panties. And of course at the exact moment she was failing at this, one foot caught up with her tail, whilst hopping on the other trying not fall, was when someone knocked at the bedroom door.

Stumbling into the door with an "umph" Risa made sure that her partially clad body was hidden behind the frame.

What she found on the other side of her door was a very flustered looking Verik, he jolted slightly when she opened the door, as if surprised that someone answered.

"What's up Verik?" she queried, consciously keeping her tail from swinging into view behind her.

"Hey um you guy's weren't in bed already were you?"

"No" she replied, somewhat crestfallen, by the use of the phrase "you guy's" she was starting to think that she and Katie would never be more then just friends with Verik. Although, she did not really know what he expected, she and Katie were not exactly "beautiful." They were in fact amalgamations between man and animal, who would ever love something like that?

"No we were just winding down, did you need something?"

"Yeah." He said, still seeming slightly confused.

"Yeah I was wondering if you wouldn't mind talking with me for a bit, you and Katie. I was going to go get ready for bed so I guess in like 15 minuets if you guys were still up?"

Risa was still fighting with her tail, which seemed to her to have gained a life of it's own, for she could not get it trough the cut out. As she wrestled with her erstwhile appendage, she also replied in the affirmative to Verik's request.

Back in his room, Verik was at a loss; he cared for them to much to allow them to be hurt by his death. Yet how hurt would they be if he did not and he fell to whatever it was that was happening.

He clapped himself on the head a few times, attempting to sort his mind out.

Verik changed into an old, baggy pair of sweat pants and a Metallica T-shirt.

After she had closed the door Risa gave up trying to put on the offending undergarment and instead used it's elastic to shoot it at the sleeping form of Katie. After rousing her sister they went about putting on enough clothes to walk around the house decently.

When they rounded his door Verik was almost floored by how beautiful he found them, Risa was in a plain midriff shirt and song shorts, while Katie was in sweat pants and a spaghetti strap top.

Even such innocuous clothing looked amazing on them, after a moment Rick realized that he was staring and shook his head in aggravation.

"Sorry, I was zoning out there for a moment. Anyway I need to talk to you guys about something important."

They had concerned looks on their faces, thinking that perhaps he was still hurting from his recent revival.

Verik had constructed an elaborate plan in the past three minuets, he was going to talk to them about staying in his room while he had been dead and ask them not to clean it in the future. 'Yes' he thought to himself. 'that sounds very sane and rational.'

But instead of what he had planed to say coming out of his mouth, when he opened it to talk he seemed to lose all control over it.

" I love you."

Those three little words that had meant the fall of nations and the rise of empires for thousands of years, they came tumbling out of his now slack jawed mouth.

"I think I have since I met you on 1st grade, when I am trying to sleep at night all I can think about are your faces, about they way you laugh, the way you smile. You have both found your selves inside my heart, and you have taken over it.

I know that you are probably uncomfortable with this and I understand, but don't worry I promise that I won't let it affect our friendship."

Verik was planning on saying more but was interrupted by two fur-covered ballistic missiles disguised as people.

Upon hearing Verik speaking such both girls felt as if a great weight had been lifted off their shoulders. He did love them, ad he had said so which, on an unconscious level both parties had been waiting for.

They both decided to tackle him at the same time, just to make him calm down and listen to THEM for a moment.

They had at their disposal a much more eloquent method of communicating their feelings. Risa was the first to get to him so when she had him pinned to the bed she planted her lips on his and kissed him fiercely, Katie had to settle for hugging the daylights, as well as the oxygen out of him.

"Took you long enough! Oh and for the record? We love you as well, even though you are a little bit dense sometimes."

Verik was quite stunned by this, for he still thought that they held him as but a friend, the true depth of their affection was a little bit overwhelming.

He snapped back to him self though when he felt Risa rubbing her head vigorously under his chin. The soft fur of her ears feeling wonderful against his flesh.

"What are you doing?" ha asked as his arms encircled both the feline women.

"Marking you, that way I can find you if I need to. Why? Does it bother you?"

She asked, stopping mid rub to look at him.

"No, it feels wonderful!"

Verik enjoyed feeling cared for like this, he knew that they all were more then capable of taking care of them selves.

But the knowledge that someone cares enough about you to want to look after you is an endearing thing.

After a few minuets of the three of them rubbing and cuddling together, Verik felt a hesitant hand touch his crotch.

This was enough to snap him out of the love-induced fog and back to wakefulness.

"Wait" he said. Just wait for a second.

I....I don't want our first time to be....well to be together, maybe later on but not the first time. I want that to be special for just the two of us."

He said this while looking back and forth between the two girls lying on top of him, making sure they knew he was not playing favorites. The both seemed to understand what he meant for their looks became tender and understanding.

"And besides" he muttered. "I want you to be comfortable, after what happened to you, I would understand if you NEVER want to sleep together."

Katie looked at him thoughtfully.

"Well I wouldn't go that far, but thank you for thinking about us...sweet heart."

Those words made Verik glow inside, and let loose with an ear to ear grin that made the girls laugh.

"Well, I figure since you got the first kiss, you might as well finish what you started. But I expect my alone time with you tonight so don't get to rowdy ok?"

Declared Katie as she got off of Verik and walked out the door.

Verik was about to say something when Risa shook her head; she got up off of him and began to take off her clothes.

"I may not be beautiful but at least let me try to be sexy for you ok?"

Verik got off the bed and halted the progress of her hands.

"You are one of the two most beautiful things I could ever have possibly imagined. Please don't ever think otherwise."

Risa refused to cry, not during such an important moment.

"Well then let me be sexy AND beautiful for you, no problems with that right?"

Verik shook his head and sat down on the bed, more then a little nervous.

He was a big man in most areas and his member was among them, larger then some he was 7 1/2 inches long. But his size was not what was concerning him, it was inexperience.

While he was fairly well known at school he had never had a steady girlfriend or any one-night stands. He wanted to be a good lover but did not know what pleasured a woman, so he resolved to ask. After all, he doubted if she would complain if he did something that gave her pleasure.

He put his concerns aside for now, and enjoyed watching the highly erotic display taking place before him.

Risa slowly pulled her shorts down, wiggling her rear every now and the to emphasize the movement. She would wrap her tail around a leg or arm or sometimes her waist, and Verik found this very attractive indeed.

After she removed her shorts she started on her shirt, crossing her arms and lifting it up just above her navel. She seemed to think of something then and stopped her display looking crestfallen.

"I don't think I can do this, I am sorry" he could just make out tears forming in her eyes.

Verik was off the bed in a flash, putting his arms around her, mindful of his now demanding hard on, and whispered into her ear.

"What's wrong dear heart? What's wrong?"

The light blowing of his breath on the sensitive hairs in her cat like ear made Fenris shiver in sexual excitement. She decided that after all he had done he deserved to know the truth.

"We told you some of the things our...dad did to us when he had us right? Well sometimes, when he was happy with us, or when he was feeling mean or I don't even know why. He would....well he would...it's just better to show you, please don't freak out ok?"

"Sweetie you're a six foot tall fur covered cat woman. I promise I won't freak out."

She nodded her head and stripped of first her shirt, then her undergarments, grim faced and determined. Naked she then turned to face Verik with a look of shame upon her face.

At first he could see nothing, but as he looked he saw that her breasts and vagina were covered in cut scars, in random patterns all across her front were the unmistakable signs of the flesh being cut and the allowed to heal poorly.

Very little fur grew were the scars were which made them stand out all the more, Verik walked up to her and reached out a hand.

Stopping first he looked to her, asking permission with his eyes. She nodded her head and he touched her left B-cup breast. Tracing his fingertips along the path of one scar, finding that when it had been applied the knife had split her nipple. It was then that he noticed that both nipples had been split, and then pierced back together with a steel piercing each.

Leaving his hand on her collarbone, he took a step back and looked at her crotch, sure enough there was another such steel rod through the female bundle of nerves.

Verik felt like asking Allfather to bring the man back so that he could kill him again, only this time much MUCH slower. Verik looked back up into Risa's eyes, now streaming with silent tears.

"Is it the same with Katie?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied. "She has a chain from the lower one to the right...side, we haven't been able to get it off."

She looked away, shamed by yet another thing that had happened to her, reliving all those horrible nights when he had pulled on the piercings, causing as much pain as possible while he screwed them. Then she felt arms surround her and she panicked, forgetting for a moment where she was and who was there with her.

Verik put his arms around his shaking love. "Don't worry dear heart, we can get them removed, it'll be ok."

But she did not hear, to far gone in her nightmare remembrances to hear his soothing words. When his arms came around her, she was just going to relax and not fight it, he would not hurt her that way.

But her time with Verik had awoken her spirit more then a bit and she lashed out with her claws.

Verik was totally unprepared for the strike and only saw it as it connected with his face.

Risa had unsheathed her formidable claws during the course of the blow, and they tore through the flesh at the top left side of his head, splitting his eye into pulp, and running down to gash open his mouth.

The pain was like nothing Verik had felt before, not even being shot multiple times was worse then this pain. He thought he might loose his mind from it when it was brought back down to manageable levels.

He heard the distant cackle of a voice saying.

"The debt is paid and then some, so let it be now that knowledge will come to thee."

Verik then passed out.

When he awoke it was from banging at his door and a chill wind on his face. Getting up he found that Risa was not in the room, he bumped into things until he realized that having one eye would effect his depth perception. Opening the door to his room and closing his eye.

His eye snapped back open as he discovered two things. One was told him by Katie, Risa ad screamed after she realized what she had done, yelling that she was running away lest she face verik's hate. He knew that she had not taken anything for all was accounted for, even her night clothes were still in his room.

The second thing was that, with his eye closed he could see better then with it open.

It looked like a combination of inferred, sonar, and electric impulse tracking. Whatever it was he could now see heat, make out shapes in other rooms and follow the flow of even the smallest source of power, even bioelectric rhythms were laid bare before his eye.

Verik did not waste a moment questioning his new found sight, he had to get to Risa, it was deadly cold outside and he would be damned if she died because of him.

Leaping out the window he told Katie that he would be back soon.

The cold had no effect on him. He had hoped that this would be so. He had noticed at dinner that his hammer amulet had changed.

Instead of the old hammer hanging by it's haft, now there was a circle around it, with a sword, an axe and a snow spear crossing the haft at the midpoint.

He knew that the spear was the symbol of Skadi, goddess of winter, the hunt and the Frost that kills, this had confused him for he had head four male voices call out and claim him as an arbiter. But now he supposed that one must have been Skadi in disguise. For he felt no sting from the winter wind, in fact he felt as though if he tried the cold would respond to him and do his bidding. But this was thought for another time, he had been walking for a good twenty minuets now and ha was worried about Risa's health.

Finely he found her c collapsed on the ground and not shivering, this he knew to be a bad sign. He scooped her into his arms, careful not to disturb the makeshift bandage over his eye. As he carried her home, lending her his body heat to keep her warm, and turning his back against the howling wind, Risa spoke to him.

"I'm so sorry Verik, so sorry I didn't mean to I really didn't I am sorry!"

"It's ok dear heart, if being with you and Katie costs me an eye then that's a fair price that I'll gladly pay, for without you I would loose my heart. And tell me? What man can survive that?"

And thus he took her home and kept her safe throughout the night.

END chp 4 part two.

Go check out my journal I have the start of a story there that will maybe get turned into something. As always comments and criticism are encouraged