Adventures of Dorrin 01

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"Adventures of Dorrin" Part 1





"I don't know about this... I can wash myself..."

"Shh-shh-shh, it has been some time since you come into the care of Dro'Hani, yes?"

"Yes, but--"

"This is how Khajiit show care," The feline woman cut Dorrin off again as she dipped her hands into the rippling water. "Washing, grooming... Affectionate touching. Human races do too little of these things with each other," She poured it over the boy's head, wetting his hair and following the trickles down his body with the soft, padded palms of her fur covered hands. "But Ma'Dorrin will learn."

They both stood in a pond hidden in a small wooded area off the road with old Nord ruins collapsed around its edges, fed by a small waterfall that broke away into a stream from a river higher above.

The Khajiit insisted on helping this time, and poured more of the crisp water over him, which thankfully wasn't nearly as cold as it was elsewhere in Skyrim. Both were naked, their clothes left folded high on the bank.

The boy closed his eyes and gave a soft shudder from the incredible sensations of his adoptive mother's touch, and parted his lips to let out a slow, soft breath. When he opened them again, he found a sweet smile had spread over her silvering face.

Dro'Hani was an older woman whose matronly, spotted body showed its age with the beginnings of grey and an already very rounded figure; Her breasts were heavy, pulled downward some from weight and time, resting just above a padded belly, and her wide hips were testament to the many litters she must have carried.

Her most distinctive feature was her ample backside, which gave a mesmeric sway with each step made. She knew this too, the shrewd trader always using it to her advantage when haggling or negotiating if someone's eyes ventured south.

Dorrin found her to be a cheerful and kind person since he was taken in by the trading caravan weeks ago, and she spoke comfort to him in her thick Khajiit accent when he first arrived.

He would have been lying if he said he didn't think her plush figure was appealing almost immediately, and at his age he was unable to hide lusty glances very well at all, which is what prompted the longer walk into the woods from camp.

He himself didn't look anything like what one would call typical for races of men, showing a more mixed background, appearing more Imperial and Breton than Nord.

"Ah, boy likes Dro'Hani's touches." She purred her amusement in a soothing rumble and drew his attention further downwards, where his body rather obviously proved her right; Standing straight out from his smooth groin was his turgid member, giving small aching throbs from all the attention.

"She knows your needs. She knows all your age have them, but Khajiit do not hold them inside for so long." Her hands continued their travels across his bare skin, now covered in goose bumps, and slowly circled her fingers closer and closer between his thighs.

"Dro'Hani will help you let them go."

Dorrin gave another quiver when her fingertips trailed up the underside of his fully upright flesh with the tip giving a slight swell when her finger caressed gently around its ridge.

"I... Oooh," He groaned.

Dro'Hani still didn't give him much chance to speak, not that he could very well now anyway, and leaned in to nuzzle his slim belly. Her tongue curled from parted lips to give a warm lick across his lower abdomen, and the young fellow discovered that a Khajiit's weren't nearly as rough as that of a typical housecat, but not the same as a human's either. It felt different in a way he couldn't even describe... But good... Very good.

"Mmh." Dorrin gasped at the slippery ribbon squirming its way between his legs, taking the same path as her finger did minutes earlier, making his twitching shaft bounce along its surface. Several times she bathed it, pushing it upwards with a firm lap, then letting it fall free before her tongue dipped to give the same attention to the hanging orbs below and rolled them side to side upon it.

The woman chuckled quietly up to her charge, knowing all are the same their first time, no matter what the race, and gave another, more playful smile before her muzzle openend to capture the boy's member. Soft lips sealed around its root, and with a gentle tug, slid back until the tip just barely remained in her maw, and then sucked it back in with an audible 'slrrp'.

Dorrin's breath began to quicken while he watched the Khajiit moving her muzzle back and forth, and soon only brief flashes of his boyhood could be seen with the speed of her movements, stopping occasionally to press her muzzle to his groin and work her mouth side to side.

"Ugh... Ngh!" It didn't take long for everything to tease his body to its peak, and he grabbed ahold of the back of Dro'Hani's head to steady himself through the beginnings of his climax, squeezing his eyes shut. His loud grunts were muffled by the noise of the waterfall behind them.

From experience, the feline knew when he was approaching his limit and quickly took hold of his rump to keep him from collapsing back into the water. Her lips still held him tight and pushed his stalk to the roof of her mouth with her tongue, slowly working it against the underside as it throbbed.

Only a few strands of clear seed were able to escape him, but that would change in time, and soon enough, Dorrin's vision returned. He blinked his eyes a few times and brought them down to a pleased grinning cat cleaning the last of his seed stuck to her ebony lips.

"Wow!" He blurted out moments later, still wide-eyed and marveling over what had just happened to him "I didn't think anything could feel like... THAT."

"Ma'Dorrin is a fine student," The Khajiit laughed and rose from the water, letting it rinse down and off of her fur. "And eager too. This is good, but Dro'Hani still has so much to show you. Come."

She placed a hand at the boy's shoulder, leading him to the mossy bank and sitting him down. With muzzle to mouth, the pair shared a wet kiss, sweet and deep; A reflection of the affection she developed since taking him as a son. It all made Dorrin's toes curl. He tried his best to return it, but his inexperience kept him from matching all those wonderful tricks her tongue had done.

Dro'Hani lowered her head and nuzzled the flaccid member, but it didn't take much for one his age to harden again, only requiring a few laps of her tongue for it to stand at attention. She didn't linger there this time, and instead stretched out on her back beside him before taking his arm and gently coaxing him over.

She was still giving that reassuring smile while Dorrin looked down over her padded body, and the fur of her thick middle felt amazing when pressed to skin. He couldn't pass up this opportunity to satisfy his curiosity and squeezed her heavy breasts together in his hands, leaving them over-full.

"Mmmh," She uttered a pleased sigh.

"That is right, explore and learn the other's body, it will tell you when you do the right things." She nodded down to her chest where the fat nubs rose from their hiding place within her fur.

As he touched and stroked over her pelt, she did the same; Her fingers took hold of his rigid pole while her legs parted on either side of his hips.

"Just move with Dro'Hani now."

The woman cooed as she placed his rounded tip to her mound, which by now was drooling with her nectar, down over her dark skinned ring below, and hooked the heel of her foot against his rump, urging him forward into her.

"Yessss," Came a pleasured hiss.

Dorrin gave a soft moan when he felt himself sink into her depths, slick walls squeezing and pulling him in further. He grit his teeth and hunched his hips with a flex of his round bottom while she rolled her own, working him into a proper rhythm.

His movements were erratic at first, gasping as so many sensations wash over his body at once, but with her patient aid, he quickly learned what feels best and begins to lose himself. His hips began to assault the older woman's sopping wet mound, which flexed and 'hugged' around his shaft, driving him onwards to push as far as he possibly could inside.

"Oh! Dro'Hani thinks one of the gods must have gifted you!" Her breath catches when she he moves just right, making his fat tip push upwards against her sweet-spots. Indeed, he was big for his age, just longer than the average male and it was doing such lovely things within her. "You will make many very happy as you grow yet... Mm!"

The air filled with the sounds of thier passionate joining, a mixing of 'mmms', 'oohs', wet slurps, and firm smacks as the pair slide together.

"I... think'm... gonna..." The boy pants.

"Jaji'vabazeri tekoooo'iiii." She snarls in her native Ta'agra as her arms suddenly hugged around the already shuddering human, keeping him close to ensure he can't fall free while they both slam into thier climaxes together, her toes curling into the soft turf below.

Dorrin's face buried into the Khajiit's neck, clinging back against her while he felt his body tense and jerk wildly atop the soft body under him. His second orgasm was much more intense than his first, leaving him gasping for air as he felt his maleness swell and jump in the feline's quaking walls.

It took some time for his senses to return, with the sounds of the water bringing him back to reality; He was still atop his adoptive mother, though with limbs weak and tingly now, and looked up to find her sweet smile shining back at him.

"Rest shortly, Ma'Dorrin, the road will be long today and there is still much to learn." Dro'Hani purred.

The next hours would be forever burned into his memory, learning some of the many ways Khajiit show care and closeness, unbound by the taboos he had been born into and feeling a connection of family stronger than ever before experienced.