Best Served Cold

Story by Kyell on SoFurry

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_The cast of ["White Night"](%5C) returns for some playful adventure. As you can see, they're still getting along just fine...

More writing posted at [my LJ (kyellgold)](%5C)--come by and say hi!_

"Best Served Cold"

by Kyell Gold

"Ooh! Brookstone's!" Trey dragged Jason into the store before the fox could protest. "I love their travel stuff. Oh, and their massage chairs." He dropped into the sample chair, sweeping his long tail out of the way, and flipped a couple buttons. The chair purred to life, and the snow leopard responded in kind as he felt the vibrating pressure on his back.

Jason watched him, a grin playing over his white muzzle. He swished his long tail and then sat next to Trey, who glanced over and met his eyes. "What?"

"We've only been shopping for two hours. Don't tell me you're tired already."

Trey lifted a paw to swat the fox's nose gently. "I don't have your stamina," he chuckled.

The fox's grin broadened, and he dropped his voice a bit. "You did last night."

"Mm. That was different." He closed his eyes and smiled. He could hear the fox settling into the chair, and swiveled his ears to catch the sounds of the rest of the store. It was not crowded--a couple of wolves were occupying one salesperson by the hi-tech garden tools, and he could hear someone playing with the kitchen utensils. He cracked an eye open and surveyed the store, then got up.

Jason stood too. "Ready to move on?" He smiled up at Trey's muzzle, amber eyes warm.

"Just a second." Trey moved deeper into the store, the fox trailing behind him. He scanned the back wall and then made a beeline for the corner. "Here! Ever played with one of these?"

Jason eyed the long massage wand dubiously. "No."

"Feels really good. Here." He moved to stand behind the fox and turned on the demo model. It hummed more loudly than the chair had, and Trey could feel the vibrations moving down his paw into his arm. He pressed it to Jason's back, moving it up and down, positioning himself between Jason and the rest of the store.

"Mm. That does feel nice." Jason relaxed as Trey moved the vibrating head down his spine.

"Legs tired?" The snow leopard stepped closer, sliding the wand down Jason's jeans. The fox settled back against him, and he moved his free arm around the soft white chest, holding Jason as he massaged his thigh. He waited until Jason had relaxed, and then gently brought the wand up between his legs, teasing the bulge in front of his jeans.

Jason grinned at him and swished his tail. "Mm. That felt good. Maybe we should get one."

"Oh, I think you should try it a little more." Trey scritched down Jason's chest, sliding his paw inside the open jacket as he pressed the wand over Jason's crotch. He could feel the vibration faintly through the fox's tail, but felt it more in the fox's shiver. "Like that?"

"Yeah...ooh... but... we shouldn't..." Jason whispered. His sheath, Trey noticed, had grown hard very quickly. He smiled, flicking his ears backwards to make sure nobody was coming toward them. The wolves were asking the salespeople about hammocks, and everybody else was moving around the front of the store. He slid the wand up and down the hardening bulge.

"No," he agreed softly, smiling more broadly as the fox squirmed against him in pleasure. "We probably shouldn't. Maybe ... I should just ... stop." He flicked the wand off quickly and waited while Jason panted.

"That's....probably best." His muzzle turned to face Trey's, but before he could go on, Trey's claw had flipped the switch again, this time to "High," and Jason shuddered in pleasure as the vibrations coursed through his cock. Trey grinned, easily following the oblong shape of the fox's hardness through his jeans. He slid the massaging head around the tip and watched it strain against the tight jeans. He traced its outline with the wand, prodding the sensitive areas and going back when one part elicited a stronger reaction.

"Trey," he gasped, and tried to look around at the rest of the store.

Trey nuzzled down to his ears and grinned, his own ears still swiveled back. "Nobody's watching," he whispered. "It's as if we're all ... alone..." He rubbed the wand a bit more quickly over the squirming fox's jeans, pressing in on the tip of the foxhood again.

Even he was surprised at how quickly Jason came. The fox panted, "No... we...oh," and then moaned, squirming more forcefully. Trey held him tightly, rubbing his fur with the other claw, and it couldn't have been more than one delightful minute of rubbing later that the fox yipped sharply, convulsing, and doubled over the wand.

That got the attention of one of the sales clerks, who wandered over toward them, her lapine muzzle set in a mixture of curiosity and reproach. Jason heard her and looked around, ears perked in alarm, but Trey waved the wand at her and shut it off. "Sorry," he called, "He's okay. I just hit a sensitive spot."

"You ... sure did," Jason panted as she turned away. "Oh Gods, Trey, I think we're going to have to buy one of ... oh, my pants."

Trey purred and grinned. "Make a bit of a mess, did we?" He knew Jason had worn underwear that morning, so didn't expect to see a stain on the front of the jeans, but the aroma of fox musk was unmistakable.

"How am I going to walk around like this? I stink! Dang you, I'm going to have to buy new pants." He swatted the snow leopard's muzzle affectionately.

"Mmm. Maybe next time you'll keep your muzzle away from my sensitive parts when my mom calls."

Jason laughed. "You think this makes up for that??"

"With interest." Trey grinned and licked Jason's nose.

"You're so proud of yourself, aren't you?" Jason shook his head and chuckled, ears flicking as he turned and looked at the rest of the store. "All right. There's a bathroom nearby where I can get these off. Then you're going to buy me a new pair."

"Oh, it's worth it," Trey purred, escorting Jason out of the store. The wolves turned and sniffed the air as they walked by, and Trey made a show of nodding to them and holding his nose. Jason elbowed him, and he collapsed into snorting giggles as they stepped out into the mall traffic.

Walking behind Jason, Trey couldn't help grinning at how the poor fox kept his legs apart, walking stiffly and glancing furtively at everyone they passed, as though they could see through his jeans to the sticky mess around his sheath. Of course, nobody noticed, though a couple noses did twitch. The musky fox scent was much less noticeable out in the mass of people than it had been in the store, but Trey could still smell it easily, and he was sure Jason could too. The fox darted for the bathroom entrance as soon as it came into view, and Trey, chuckling, leaned against the wall near the entrance to wait.

He was almost taking longer to change than he had to come, Trey reflected, when a paw touched his shoulder and a familiar scent hit his nose. He smiled down at Jason. "Clean fox?"

Jason nodded. "No thanks to you." He adjusted the crotch of his jeans and scanned the hall. "Come on. I think I want a replacement from Sears."

"Sears? You want Craftsman briefs?" Trey let himself be dragged toward the huge store by Jason.

"Well, I know you don't like those fancy briefs I get at Target." Jason flashed him a grin and wagged his tail as they stepped into the department store. Jason scanned the listings and then headed for the escalator. Holding their tails above the moving steps, they stood smiling at each other until they arrived at the second floor.

Trey followed the smaller fox around the floor until he found the underwear section. He selected a pair, then perused the jeans rack.

"Jeans, too?" The snow leopard folded his arms, but his tail twitched amusedly.

"Hey, these are sticky and need to be washed." Jason grinned at him. "I need another pair to wear out. Hm. Thirty-three waist...I'll try these." He grabbed a pair off the rack and headed back for the dressing room, with Trey trailing behind.

On the way, he paused at a rack of short pleated skirts, and pawed through them quickly. Trey eyed him curiously. "I learn new things about you every day," he murmured.

Jason chuckled. "My sister's birthday is next month. She likes my taste in clothes." He grabbed a bright pink skirt with white polka dots. "And we're about the same waist size, so I can try this on to see if it fits."

Trey laughed. "I want to see the look on the attendant's face when you check that in."

The fox raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Want to see me in it?"

"Huh?" Jason handed him the jeans and he took them, bemused.

"Just follow me in." He swished his tail as he walked saucily up to the attendant, an older lemur. She frowned at the skirt, then at him.

"For my sister." Jason winked at her. "We're just the same size."

"Uh-huh." She shrugged and passed him a tag with a '1'. He walked in and selected an open stall, turning his muzzle to beckon Trey in before he closed the door.

Trey held out the jeans and got a similar tag, then, with a quick glance to make sure the attendant wasn't looking, slipped into the stall Jason had entered. The fox had his back to the door, and had slipped off his jacket and jeans. He was just tugging the pink skirt up his bare rump. He paused as he heard Trey enter and slowed, wiggling his rear from side to side and hiking his tail up enticingly.

Trey panted and dropped the jeans on the short bench. He stepped forward and slid his paws over the bare rump, moving them down between the white-furred thighs as Jason squirmed in pleasure. Trey breathed in his ear, "Are you really buying that for your sister...?"

The bushy fox tail swished against him, and a soft giggle floated back. "Well..." Jason wriggled his hips in Trey's paws, and the skirt slid slowly down to the floor. Trey purred softly and took off his vest, then pressed up behind the now-naked fox, rubbing his cathood back and forth against the soft tail as his paws slid down the white-furred front. They stopped at a place where the fur was sticky and matted, just below the belly button, and tickled lightly there.

"Hmm," he whispered, "someone's been naughty."

"Someone still is," the fox whispered back, and turned in his paws, pressing warmly against him and lifting his muzzle to kiss him tenderly.

Trey purred deep in his throat, returning the kiss and wrapping the fox in his arms. They held each other in the warm embrace for a few heartbeats, then Jason pulled back, his paws teasing gently down Trey's fluffy stomach fur to the catch of his jeans.

"Er..." Trey said as Jason's paws deftly undid the catch with a quickness borne of familiarity.

"Don't worry," Jason whispered. "No cameras." He flicked a glance at the ceiling, then put a finger to his muzzle and indicated a sign on the wall. As the fox's paws slid his jeans down, brushing his underwear along his sheath with a soft touch that had an undoubtedly intentional effect, Trey read the sign: "Underwear must be worn when trying on pants." He glanced down at the kneeling white fox, who was busy working his jeans over his feet, and then understood and had to stifle a giggle. The thought aroused him still more, and so when Jason's paws returned to Trey's hips, he found a substantial bulge in the underwear he set to remove.

He cocked his head up at Trey with a smile, as much as to say 'enjoying this?' Trey nodded, and sighed softly as the fabric slid down over his swollen sheath. He stepped out of the underwear and stretched, watching his reflection in the mirror. One paw moved almost automatically to his sheath, rubbing slowly there as he watched Jason slip into his underpants and then pull on the jeans he'd brought in. Jason was watching him with a smile and a bright eye, but didn't make any move towards him. Instead, he posed in the mirror in front of Trey, showing off his rump and crotch, and then spread his paws in a 'what do you think?' gesture.

Trey, eyeing the tight jeans spread across Jason's sensuous curves, gave an enthusiastic thumbs up with his free paw. Jason grinned, tail wagging, and then set his paw next to Trey's at the snow leopard's sheath. Trey's eyes widened a bit, but he moved his paw away to allow the fox access.

Jason smiled, and slowly brought his fingertips from the underside of Trey's white sac up the length of his sheath to linger at the tip. The snow leopard closed his eyes at the soft touch and let himself shiver as it tingled through his body. He felt the warmth spread through his cock, pushing it upward and against the tight entrance to his sheath. Another brush of the soft white fingers, and his tip was slipping out into the cold air. He exhaled slowly, resting a paw on Jason's warm side.

Jason's fingers teased the sensitive tip delicately as it appeared, making Trey squirm. He grinned at the snow leopard and went back to stroking his sheath, tail wagging faster as more of the long cathood appeared outside it. Trey braced himself against the wall of the dressing room, and as the fox's warm paw closed around his erection, his eyes drifted shut with a happy sigh. He felt the warm pads slide up and down, and the thrill of danger that surged through him when he heard the attendant move around outside only added to his pleasure. She never came in, but the threat that she might have made him hard as a rock, and he heard Jason sigh appreciatively.

Time slipped away from him as he stood there, eyes closed, his whole body in tune with the strokes along his cock. Jason's paws were soft and delicate and felt exquisite on him. He didn't know how long it was before the fox stopped, but he realized that his tip was chillier than normal and had been leaking pre for some time. He barely had time to register this before he felt moist warmth on his tip, and the soft ruffle of Jason's breath as the fox gave him a slow, sensual lick.

He couldn't help letting out a soft moan, but nobody around seemed to have noticed. The attendant's chair rolled a few inches--he could hear the sound the metal casters made--but then stopped. The dressing room was as quiet as before.

Jason's paw slid down his cathood, holding it in place. Slowly, his tongue washed over it, and then his muzzle was closing around it, lips pressed against the smooth skin while his tongue lapped up Trey's pre. Trey spread his legs to keep his balance, leaning against the wall with one arm while the other brushed the back of the fox's head. He loved Jason's supple tongue, the way it curled around his length and rubbed and licked in just the right places. Jason was helping out with his paw, too, stroking the warm erection firmly while he sucked on the tip, and Trey knew that as much as he was enjoying it, this wasn't the time to make it last. He submerged himself in the sensations, letting his whole body enjoy the feeling of the fox muzzle and paw. He filled his thoughts with the picture of Jason's muzzle on his cock, the attendant just outside, all the people changing who had no idea there was a snow leopard in this room who was getting closer to coming in his boyfriend's muzzle...

He flicked his ears about, but all he could hear over the background rustle of people dressing and undressing was the soft slurping of Jason's tongue. He shivered, opening his eyes to look down the graceful curve of the fox's back, watching the muzzle and paw slide up and down his pink erection and feeling the tingling inside him grow with each stroke. He shifted his legs again for balance, his long tail lashing against the walls, and gave Jason's neck a warning squeeze as he felt the fox's licking take him past the point of no return. Breathing hard, trying to stay quiet, he rocked his hips into the warm muzzle, the sensations flooding his whole body, and after a long suspended moment of pleasure, he finally came, clutching Jason's head tightly. He felt the fox's tongue lap up his seed as it spurted out, a process that seemed to stretch on and on, and then was suddenly over.

Trey gasped and wavered on his feet. Jason slowly removed his muzzle from the dripping cathood and lowered the panting snow leopard to the bench. He licked his lips and then kissed Trey. "I'll just leave you here to get dressed," he whispered, amber eyes gleaming. He grabbed his jacket and shrugged it on, then scooted out the door, closing it quickly behind him. Trey heard him saying to the attendant, "Yes, I like these, I'll just wear them out if that's okay."

The snow leopard panted contentedly on the bench, smiling as he caught his reflection in the mirror again. His erection was still dripping a bit, shrinking slowly...and then he found himself looking at the reflection of the door. There was a small silver hook on it, a hook where he was sure he had hung his vest. But the vest was no longer there.

Apprehensively, suddenly remembering the gleam in the fox's eye, he turned slowly. Not only was his vest gone, but so were his jeans. And Jason's old pair of jeans. The only things the fox had left in the room were the tag with the '1' on it, and the short pink skirt.

Trey picked up the skirt and shook his head, grinning at the fox beyond the door. "Oh, I'm going to get him for this."