Lily part 2: Cream

Story by LarkspurDragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Lily, Orchid, Orchestra

Part two! There's much more to come. Heh.

A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, ** nonconsensual sexual ***acts between a male and female human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a fantasy story, and I do not at all condone or support nonconsensual sex in real life.*

The next device Derreck produced was a speculum, larger by far than any used on humans. It had been kept in a cooler along with a bottle of lubricant, which the human spread over the tool before pushing it quickly into Lily's vent. She jumped at the chill of the metal and was rewarded with a chuckle and a comment from Derreck.

"It's not necessary to cool the speculum before entry, but I find it has amusing effects. The metal will soon warm to the dragon's body temperature."

As the human cranked the speculum's wings open wider inside the dragon's vagina, she mewled in discomfort. The metal slowly warmed, but it pressed solidly against her flesh, not yielding like the balloon. She was relieved to hear the final click of the wings spreading her open as wide as they could go, and Derreck stepped away momentarily to address the audience.

"An interesting feature of this species is the part of the female reproductive duct known as the seminal chamber. This is a spherical, highly elastic section of the duct lying between the vagina and uterus, used to hold sperm after the dragon mates. She can then decide whether or not to use it by loosening either the cervix to allow fertilization, or a ring of muscle separating the chamber from the vagina, which allows the unwanted semen to drip out. In the wild, only sperm enters the chamber, but we're going to have some fun with this unusual organ."

With that, Derreck picked up a long syringe and injected a warm liquid into the back of Lily's vagina. She instantly felt the muscle relax. The human quickly removed the syringe and picked up a black egg about the size of a kiwifruit. He pushed it into her vent and up against the inner opening, which gave way surprisingly easily. The egg slipped inside her chamber without much effort and the ring of muscle, recovering quickly from the injected drug, began to close behind it.

"What I've just inserted is a wireless vibrating egg. When I push a button on the remote," --He did so and Lily tensed up-- "The egg vibrates in a random pattern. The dragon is unable to expel it because it's wider than her muscles can open without the aid of an injected relaxant."

Lily tried to push out the offending object and sure enough, it stayed put no matter how she labored. She wished the human would remove the speculum, but to her shock he instead got a second one from the cooler and pressed it against her pucker. She bugled as it slipped in, chilling her insides as it pushed deeper than the one in her vent. The wings of this speculum were spread as well, though not as wide. After the final click, the human retrieved the bottle of lubricant from the cooler and screwed a spray head onto it. The freezing spray coated both her vaginal and anal walls where it hit and slid coldly deeper as Derreck continued liberally spritzing both openings. He explained to the audience that the lubricant also contained a stimulant which would keep the dragon's flesh from numbing and make it highly sensitive, and would continue working for several hours.

Mercifully, he then removed both speculums and set about preparing the next ordeal. However, as soon as the metal left Lily's passages she realized how true his words were. She could feel her walls touching each other and rubbing together when she moved, and that sensation combined with the humming deep inside her began to awaken unwanted feelings of pleasure.

Derreck stepped back onto the dais with an aerosol can in his hands.

"Here comes the delicious part. One of you lucky audience members will have the pleasure of tasting this dragon. If you want that chance, please press '1' on your seat console. While the computer is deciding a random person, I'll get her ready for this game."

Derreck shook the can for a few seconds, then took the cap off and pushed the nozzle between Lily's nether lips. He held them closed around the nozzle and twisted it, eliciting a soft hiss, followed by a flood of chilly whipped cream inside the dragon's passage. She was taken totally off-guard by this and let out a whimper of surprise as she was filled with the creamy stuff. Derreck pulled the nozzle out and released her lips, which began to dribble melting cream.

"All right, she's all set! Let's see who the computer has chosen."

Up on the screen flashed the text "SEAT D-34." A woman in her mid-twenties let out a whoop of delight and began climbing over her neighbors to get to the aisle. Her small breasts bounced merrily as she ran up the aisle toward the center and took her place next to Derreck on the dais.

"What's your name, good lady?"

"Magnolia," answered the woman. "Mags."

"Well, Mags," said Derreck, "This is how the game works. I've prepared the dragon with some delicious whipped cream. You have one minute to get as much of it out of her as you can. During the first forty-five seconds, you are only allowed to use your mouth. In the last fifteen seconds, you can use one hand in addition to your mouth. Are you set?"

Magnolia nodded, grinning.

Derreck started his stopwatch and shouted, "GO!"

Mags shoved her face against Lily's vent, sealing her lips over it, and began to suck. She seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, and swallowed the considerable amount of whipped cream she retrieved with each slurp. Once she had sucked out as much as she could, her tongue darted in and out, helping to scoop the cream toward her waiting mouth. Lily had never been particularly interested in oral sex, and certainly not with a human, but the tongue probing inside her felt quite good and a little moan escaped her mouth unbidden as Derreck called the thirty-second mark.

The woman must have heard Lily's small noise, because she began to lick more passionately into the dragon's passage. This caused her to squeeze down on the tongue, coincidentally squishing a hefty amount of whipped cream into Magnolia's mouth and onto her face. Given the time restriction, she didn't bother wiping it off her cheeks, but merely thrust her tongue in and out with more relish.

Derreck called the forty-five second mark soon after, and Mags, with little hesitation, pushed her whole hand inside Lily's vagina, squishing out more cream and eliciting a surprised yelp from the dragon. She began scooping the cream out with her whole hand and didn't even try to get it all in her mouth; whipped cream dripped down her chin and wetted her perky little breasts.

Using her hand like a spatula, the human cleaned the dragon's passage. She even worked all the way inside to get the deepest of the cream, which had mostly melted to liquid by now, though unbeknownst to Lily, much of that fluid was her own. Just as Magnolia pulled the last hand-scoop of liquid cream to her mouth, Derreck shouted, "Time!"

The woman stood up, face and breasts liberally coated with quickly melting cream, and grinned.

"How'd I do?"

Derreck smiled and patted her shoulder.

"I have to say, I'm impressed by your technique. Have you seen the show before?"

"Yes," replied Mags, "Three times. I haven't been called up before, though."

"You must have watched this game very carefully, huh?"

"Oh, yes. I saw how poorly that one guy did last time, he only used his tongue and didn't try to suck any of it out. I had a method!"

Derreck laughed.

"Well, you're free to go back to your seat. An usher will give you a towel if you need one." He winked. "How about a hand for our talented Magnolia?"

The audience roared.

Lily part 3: Fish

**A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, **** nonconsensual sexual ****acts between a male human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a fantasy story,...

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Lily part 1: Preparation

**A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, **** nonconsensual sexual ****acts between a male human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a fantasy story,...

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