Lily part 3: Fish

Story by LarkspurDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Lily, Orchid, Orchestra

Not overtly sexual, but there's more depravity in the works. Stay tuned for the next installment!

A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, ** nonconsensual sexual ***acts between a male human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a fantasy story, and I do not at all condone or support nonconsensual sex in real life.*

Derreck moved around to the front of the dragon and patted her on the head, eliciting a snarl, though she had no leeway to snap at him. He merely smiled and turned away from her to continue the show.

"Now, we wouldn't want our little star to get hungry, would we?"

A murmur of "No" and "Of course not" rose from the crowd. The human retrieved some things from the table as it went by and knelt next to the dragon. He covered her eyes with a thick piece of black fabric and secured it in place under her chin before continuing.

"There's a peculiar trait to Isis dragons that I'd like to share with you," Derreck said. "If the dragon is blindfolded and then pinched right here behind one horn," --he pinched the loose skin behind Lily's right horn with one hand-- "It will allow its mouth to be opened." Lily wanted to protest and tried to clamp her jaws shut, but they wouldn't obey, and Derreck fitted a metal device behind her back teeth. He let go of her horn but didn't remove the blindfold. The dragon tried to close her mouth, but the ring of metal wedged in her jaws prevented them from budging even the slightest bit. The human tied the strings of the gag behind her horns as a further safeguard against dislodging.

"It's said," remarked the man with a laugh in his voice, "That there is very little an Isis dragon likes more than fresh fish. Let's give her all the fish she can take."

He rummaged around on the table until he turned back with two large buckets that he hefted onto the dais next to Lily's head, then donned a pair of rubber gloves. He reached into one of the buckets with both hands and pulled out a massive, gleaming rainbow trout, very much alive and very upset to be out of the water. He let the fish's tail rest on Lily's tongue, and the heat of her mouth must have frightened the trout, as it began squirming in earnest.

Derreck turned the fish around so it was aiming head-first into the dragon's mouth and pushed it toward the back of her throat. Lily was not expecting this, as she was still blindfolded, so she started to squirm nearly as much as the fish.

"Isis dragons usually kill and chew up their fish before they eat them, but that's a lot of mess, so we'll just let her stomach do all the work."

With that, the man pushed the head of the trout through the dragon's ring gag and into the back of her throat, causing both her and the fish to convulse. He kept pushing, however, and slowly the body of the fish disappeared down the dragon's gullet, her throat muscles taking over by reflex.

Lily was stunned at what she had just done. It was against the rules to eat one's prey live--that spoke of a disregard for the creations of Mother Isis. She mentally said a prayer asking for forgiveness and asking that the fish's death be quick and as painless as possible. She could feel the poor thing squirming in her stomach, and tried to block out the sensations of movement coming from inside her. She wanted to retch, and she could feel her gorge rising, until the trout squirmed such that it blocked the entrance to her stomach. It wasn't going anywhere.

Derreck put the first bucket aside and retrieved a large salmon from the other, just as alive and upset as the trout had been. He hefted this one up to Lily's mouth as well and rested the head on her tongue. She started shaking, hoping he wasn't going to force her to swallow another fish, but he once again slowly pushed the salmon toward the back of her mouth. She huffed angrily, trying to push it out of the way with her tongue, but he easily moved it back into place.

The salmon barely fit through the ring gag, and once the thickest part of its body was through, Derreck stopped pushing, taking a demonic pleasure in the discomfort he was causing both creatures. The fish's fins were up against the gag, preventing it from going backward, but neither could it go any farther forward into the dragon's throat without help from the human. The dragon, too, was squirming from discomfort, because the salmon was just far enough into her throat to cut off her breathing, but not far enough for her throat muscles to pull the fish inside.

The human let the dragon labor for thirty seconds or so, remarking to the audience how Isis dragons could hold their breath for six minutes when diving for fish. Eventually the game became boring to him and he took hold of the salmon's tail and shoved it roughly down Lily's throat. The dragon squealed and drew in a sharp breath as her throat stretched painfully to accommodate the large fish, then began to whimper as the salmon slipped into her stomach to join the trout. She was so caught up in her dismay at swallowing two fish alive that she didn't notice as Derreck removed the blindfold and gag and bound her mouth shut.

"We want her to keep those fish down, because we have quite a long day ahead of us. Now, we've fed one end, we might as well feed the other. It's time for our next volunteer game!"

Lily part 2: Cream

**A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, **** nonconsensual sexual ****acts between a male and female human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a...

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Lily part 1: Preparation

**A note ahead of time: this story will contain depraved, **** nonconsensual sexual ****acts between a male human and a feral female dragon. If that kind of thing is not your cup of tea, I suggest you read no further. It is meant as a fantasy story,...

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