Colorful Vacation

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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Middle-length piece for FA: stripes featuring his Catholic boys, Jake and Salem, in a fun little piece with hot gay sex and tenderness. ;) What more do you need?

Title sucks, don't kill me. ;3;

Thumbnail background is from CGTextures.

Writing (C) me

Jake Garcia and Salem Anchorston (C) FA: stripes


"I can't believe we did this - look at how nice this room is," Salem said. He dropped his bag on the floor and practically skipped up to the windows, on which the curtains were already drawn back. So many stories up, the busy city sprawled out below for as far as he could see. Mesmerized, he put his paws to the glass and he peered out. Punctuating his enthusiasm, his spotted tail swished.

Setting down his own bag, Jake padded up behind the delighted cheetah and softly embraced him. Chest to back, hips to rump, but holding the feline in a merely benign manner, he lay his chin between Salem's ears and rumbled warmly.

"Hey," Salem cooed, pressing back against Jake and touching his arms. In pressing flush, he appeared rather small, for Jake was a hyena, and of stout, musculature stature as one would expect. It made him contrast sharply with Salem, a small, sensual twink through and through. Aside from both of them being spotted, they had very little in common where looks were concerned.

Salem looked at the cityscape and saw possibilities and adventure; Jake wasn't quite as optimistic, but then he had never been as chipper and playful as Salem. In that sense, Jake felt that he balanced Salem's wild side, and while that was somewhat true, so was the opposite.

Twisting around in Jake's arms, made possible only by the hyena politely relenting when the cheetah began to shift, Salem turned and pressed himself chest-to-chest with the hyena. Bringing up the corners of his mouth was a tight, sweet smile, and Jake was so weak to its' charm that he smiled, too.

"You've got something on your mind," the hyena said, slightly wary, mostly friendly.

Salem giggled, and then he kissed Jake earnestly on the lips. "You always say that," he grinned.

Jake grinned back. Ever so slightly, he showed the teeth hyenas were famous for. "Because you're always up to something," he said. "I know you better than you know yourself."

"Inside and out," Salem winked, and Jake blushed, huffed, and glanced away in a fluster.

Bracing his paws on the hyena's shoulders, Salem walked Jake back.

On his own, Jake was agile enough to backpedal smoothly, but with Salem shoving and nudging him, there was a lurching quality to his steps. He could have stopped the cheetah easily, but deferring to the twink's will was usually more fun. Either way, he grunted, "Salem, quit it."

But Salem didn't - not until the backs of Jake's legs bumped the edge of the bed. Silently, Jake fell back on its' pillowy covers, and then he huffed.

While sneaking a squeeze on his boyfriend's crotch, Salem slunk over Jake and lay chest-to-chest, nose-to-nose, the same position as before, just horizontal. "I can't wait to go out with you," he cooed, "I've been dying to have a nice night out."

"I've been looking forward to it, too," Jake admitted, in his own reserved way. "Did you have anything special in mind?"

Briefly, Salem thought to further endear himself to Jake (anything with you is special and the like), but thinking more practically, he said, "What about dinner and a show?"

"A show," Jake pondered aloud, running his work-worn paws up and down Salem's back, caressing the cheetah's inoffensive lines through his shirt. "Like... What?"

Purring warmly, flicking his tail in feline delight, Salem said, "There's a cabaret club I'd love to check out."

Nonthreateningly, Jake's paws came to rest on Salem's hips. "I'm all for that, but what about dinner?"

"Yeah," Salem mumbled, "what about dinner? All the really nice places require reservations."

A good Catholic boy like Jake was wholly unaccustomed to deception, and as such, he gave off a great number of cues whenever he did happen to hide the truth. Never maliciously, always in the form of surprises, but he was a terrible liar all the same. As such, when Salem saw the hyena's involuntary little smirk, the cheetah said, "So-o-o, where'd you get us reservations at?"

"Uhn," Jake grunted, his face taking on a sour, pouty quality.

This spurred a big, wide grin from Salem. "It's cute when you try to hide stuff! You're like a little kid when you do."

Chuckling it off, Jake gave Salem a firm squeeze. "I thought Italian food would be a cliche, so I got us a reservation at a seafood restaurant. Is that okay with you?"

Salem smiled warmly. Anything Jake did that was thoughtful (which wasn't to say the gestures were uncommon) always left the cheetah glowing. "It's great, I promise." After a fond nuzzle, he said, "You treat me so well."

"I try to," Jake lowly said, looking up at the ceiling, for lack of something else to focus on; Salem was beneath his muzzle.

Briefly but warmly, Salem stayed close to Jake, the two spotted creatures savoring the harmless intimacy.

It was debatable which one of them was more horny. Jake did have quite a drive, but Salem was considerably more rash when he was in the mood. Slipping off of Jake, who for the moment said nothing, he smoothly dropped his knees to the floor, and he lay one paw on Jake's crotch, the other on a thigh.

Just from the way he'd been pushed to the bed, Jake's hips were near its' edge, his feet on the floor; in other words, it was an ideal position to be molested. "Ahhh, hey," he huffed, but nothing more for the moment.

"Hi," Salem cooed, pulling down the zipper of Jake's fly. To him, even the tricky button was a trivial obstacle, and he soon pulled apart the denim wings to expose "the good part," Jake's briefs.

A very capable lover when Salem got him going, but otherwise well-behaved with his urges, Jake wasn't even slightly hard yet. In his snug, white briefs, his flaccid shaft made an obvious and lewd outline on which Salem nuzzled while emitting a fond purr.

At his feline lover's teasing nuzzle, Jake shivered in a way that might have been mistaken for unease had Salem not known better. His shaft already thickening, he softly lay a paw on the back of Salem's head. Brushing through the very short locks of the cheetah's hair, he made the feline coo even from such slight affection.

Jake could pet and tease, but the ball was in Salem's court. They both knew that when the cheetah decided he wanted to pleasure Jake, they weren't done until the hyena's toes curled.

Hooking his fingers in the waistband of Jake's briefs, he peeled them downward before they could become too tight. Helpfully, Jake raised his behind off of the bed, and Salem used the opportunity to slide the hyena's briefs and pants down together. Pragmatically, he dragged them only to Jake's mid-thighs, just low enough.

A rough nine inches of black cock stood out from the hyena's tan coat, the shaft itself uniform, not knotted or otherwise embellished, beautiful in a simple way. While the shaft lazily hardened, the blunt tip dribbled with viscous pre, the scent mild but tantalizing to Salem, who softly nosed the tip.

Foregoing the use of his paws, choosing instead to slide those mitts beneath Jake's shirt and lay them on his firm chest, the slender cheetah parted his lips and took in the hyena's half-hard member. Suckling sweetly, savoring Jake's shaft as if it were candy, he quickly brought the hyena to a full erection to the tune of soft, but heated groans from Jake.

Salem usually gave a staggeringly good blowjob, and that one was shaping up to be no different. With heavy, wet suckles, he coaxed Jake to shiver. Feeling all around his toned chest, tracing creases of muscle and teasing the pert nubs of his nipples, the sensual twink imbued a great deal of loving admiration in what were rather simple, lewd actions.

That suckling and touching put a groan in Jake's chest and a tight, nearly unnoticeable smile on his face. With such an expression, made complete by loosely-closed eyes, he looked like the textbook of example of contentment. Adding to his clear pleasure and affection, he lay a paw on the back of Salem's head, where he stroked through the soft fluff there. His other paw, more playfully, found one of the cheetah's mitts, and he squeezed it through his shirt.

Scratching idly at Jake's toned body, lapping with his somewhat textured tongue on that thick cock, Salem very soon took Jake from mere groaning and sighing to more heated sounds. Ever the stoic, such a quiet and mild creature, Jake getting worked up was a blatant sign that his climax was nearing. When the two males truly made love, Jake was ever a level-headed and compassionate partner, but during Salem's more quick and dirty pleasures, the hyena let himself go a bit, his rare indulgences.

Jake was curling his toes, growling and huffing through clenched, gleaming teeth. His fingers were threaded through the short, fur-like locks of Salem's hair, too short to get tangled up in properly, but he made a mess of that hair for all his palming.

It always put a smile (or was it a smirk?) on Salem's face when he could suck Jake all the way to an orgasm, and he had every reason to be smiling then. Beneath his roaming, teasing digits, he felt the hyena's chest heavily rising and falling, heard his rumbling growls, and tasted his steady dribble of pre. Everything about Jake's body language, which he knew by second nature, told him the hyena was about to cum; when the handsome thing finally did, he was ready for it.

Biting his lip to stifle a cry, Jake lightly squeezed on Salem's head, grabbed a handful of the comforters with his other paw, and erupted into Salem's suckling maw with the sweet release he wanted so very much. With every potent rope, his cock twitched despite being pinned between the cheetah's tongue and palate; his twink of a boyfriend continued to suckle and slurp all throughout his climax, earning every drop of warm seed he was fit to unload.

Moments after his orgasm proper, Jake panted softly, laying splayed on the bed and blushing. Down below, Salem purred cutely, suckling even after the tap had gone dry. Even once he pulled off, he kissed languidly on Jake's penis and ground his short muzzle into it, treating the flesh with total reverence.

"Hey," Salem cooed, smiling coyly, "how are you liking the vacation so far?"

After a soft, sheepish chuckle, Jake said, "Quite a bit..."


It surprised Salem that his quiet boyfriend - albeit with some coaxing - laughed and applauded with the rest of the audience during the show. A magic show was something neither of them had seen before. It proved to be very entertaining with a little bit of illusionist showmanship and a little bit of humor, and all the while, the two handsome creatures were served light drinks and appetizers.

Not long after the show, which took up the better part of two hours, Jake and Salem left the cabaret club along with a wave of other patrons, all chattering about the show. But while most of them talked about the wires they'd been able to see or the assistant's breasts (which even Jake and Salem noticed, due to them being anything but subtle), the cheetah and hyena made good on Jake's reservations.

Modest and quiet was the terrace of the restaurant, overlooking a lazy street. It was lightly populated with small, wooden tables, each with its' own beach umbrella, olive in color and emblazoned with the small establishment's name. There were no such cliches as live music or candles. Instead, the din of people chattering was low all around them, and domed lamps, surrounded by flitting moths, lit the terrace from the edges for a soft, but functional glow.

As Jake took in a sigh of fresh, night air, Salem sipped at a glass of white wine and squeezed Jake's paw.

"Nice place," Jake said, looking at Salem from the edge of his vision. He was wearing a very small, cute smile.

Salem nodded, smiling back, but much less subtly. The glaze in his eyes suggested drunkenness, but that was hardly the case; the situation was just so perfect as to be emotional. "This is great," he sighed, squeezing harder on Jake's paw. Despite Jake's callouses from work, he still found the hyena's mitt tender. "Being with you, being..." He sighed and trailed off.

After a beat, Jake offered, "Unashamed?"

"Yes," Salem answered, kissing Jake on the back of his paw. "Unashamed, unafraid. Free." Then blushing, grinning impishly, "With you."

Giving in and smiling more widely, and without even a subtle glance around, he leaned in close to Salem and kissed the twink cheetah. The meeting of lips gave way to a soft embrace of tongues, kept brief, but still intimate. "I love you so much," he churred, rubbing his muzzle against Salem's.

Returning the gesture, still squeezing Jake's paw for closeness and assurance, Salem purred, "I love you too. Now, and forever."

Despite not sitting right beside each other, the two lovers nevertheless stayed close and cuddled, sweetly nuzzling and rumbling with fond noises. In holding each other so closely, even in public, even fully dressed and unaroused, they both felt the familiar, but no less enthralling pull of their love.

From around Salem's head, Jake caught a glance of a clock, a digital sign out front of a nearby bank, and time was one of several pieces of information it offered. 8:18 PM, it read; 67F afterward, the date following. Cracking one of his incriminating smiles, he said to Salem, "Let's go - I have something to show you."

The complete lack of lewdness in Jake's tone did nothing to dispel immediate thoughts of naughtiness in Salem, but the cheetah behaved, and he smiled and nodded, going with the hyena easily.


Jake's actions weren't shrouded in utter secrecy, but clearly, he was leaving something important out. As he drove out of the city, up a serpentine mountain road, he deflected Salem's queries with breezy matter-of-factness. Where're we going? the cheetah would ask, and with a smile, Jake would answer, a place you're going to like.

The drive was a short one, perhaps ten minutes, most of that spent carefully idling around sharp corners. Pulling into a dead-end marked by a railing, a bright yellow diamond sign denoting the steep drop just beyond, Jake killed the engine and stepped out, joined by Salem.

"That's a pretty view," the cheetah mused, walking around in front of the car. Laying both paws on the railing (almost chest-high, so as to deter clumsy explorers), he peered out at the dazzling lights of the city. Windows in skyscrapers, neon signs, the roaming dots of car headlights. These many vibrant colors, stimulating and awe-inspiring, seemed like a whole new world from such a vantage point.

Stepping up behind Salem, Jake pressed flush with the sleek cheetah. Immediately, Salem pressed back into him, cuddling against his warmth. Both of them were wearing just tees and jeans, neither creature's coat well-equipped for the slightly chilly air, though Jake, the tougher of the two, seemed unfazed by it.

"It is, isn't it?" the hyena asked, nosing into one of Salem's pert ears. Both of his strong paws stroked all around the small feline's chest, his touch true to his values; love and reverence.

"Mhm," Salem cooed. "It's peaceful... Just you and me," he smiled.

Jake smiled, too. Pressed up flush to Salem, his hips to the cheetah's rear, he knew exactly what was on his slim boyfriend's mind. Softly (out of necessity with such sharp teeth), he gnawed on Salem's neck, tugging at and grooming the fur and delicate flesh beneath.

Moaning quietly, baring more of his neck, Salem's deference saw Jake nibble and gnaw more still, even beginning to growl, but not predatorially.

Before things got too hot, the hyena said, "Believe it or not, I had another reason for bringing you up here," hoping that the show he'd read about really would be right on time. But, even at the worst, he still had a secluded, unique place to show Salem his love.

"Ah, did you?" Salem asked, but just as he turned his head to look at Jake (it was endearing how much he enjoyed just seeing the hyena), the resonant boom of a mortar snapped his eyes forward.

Jake grinned, thankful for the punctuality. Well over the city, the mortar sizzled into the sky, tailed by smoke, and then it detonated into rainbow pyrotechnics.

Both males watched in appreciation of the show, Jake thoughtfully, Salem with wide eyes and a swishing tail. Mortar after mortar blasted into the sky and erupted into colorful patterns. Some merely fanned out, others formed shapes; one was a rainbow star, another a red heart.

"Oh, wow," Salem gasped, "did you set this up?"

Chuckling sheepishly, Jake said, "For you, I would if I could, but no. Just a nice coincidence... Do you like it?"

Twisting around in Jake's arms, then pressing chest-to-chest, the fireworks at his back, Salem whispered, "I love it." A smile, and then, "I love you."

Underneath the exploding sky, Salem and Jake kissed hotly. Lips parting, tongues tangling up into a wet knot, they huffed and moaned with inarticulate but perfectly understood declarations of love. Jake ran his paws over Salem's head, smoothing his head fur and his ears down, both bouncing back immediately. Salem stroked beneath the hyena's shirt, over his strong back and more tender flanks. Emphatically attracted, they loved each other more than they could express with words. Fortunately, actions were much clearer.

It didn't take Salem long to reach down and grasp for Jake's fly, and the hyena wasn't doing a thing to stop him. It took the cheetah no time to get his zipper down and his button popped, and after hastily shoving his boyfriend's pants and briefs on down to the ground, he grasped the naked, dark flesh that had waited beneath.

Into the kiss, Jake shuddered. When Salem began to stroke and squeeze him, his cock throbbed, and he eased off the mouth-sucking kiss to gasp to his mate. "This is amazing," the hyena whispered, afterward nipping fondly on an ear, which flitted.

"It really, really is," Salem purred, stroking Jake's manhood. The slight chill of the mountain air mattered for nothing; Jake was as hard as stone, leaking copiously with slippery pre, scented of his hyena musk. Much of it was lost on the gentle breeze, but enough made it to Salem's tender nose that he smiled from the smell.

The cheetah started to kneel, but Jake was having none of that. Earlier in the hotel room had been one thing, but he'd timed and arranged this rendezvous down to the minute; they would both enjoy it. Pulling softly on Salem's arm, he thought on the fly, peering for something, a platform, a picnic table, even a good-sized boulder. Then he saw it, right in front of him: the car.

Smiling coyly, seeing the opportunity to surprise his love, he led Salem a few paces away to the grille of the car, stepping out of his discarded pants on the way. Again kissing the cheetah, but this time in more of a chain of loving smooches rather than complete and total making out, he reached down quickly undid Salem's fly, much like his own had been dealt with.

Pushing down Salem's snug jeans and the briefs beneath, Jake exposed his twinkish mate's lower half for all the world to see - though, then and there, that amounted to Jake's loving eyes and the forest which dressed the mountain.

"Oh, Jake," Salem gasped, blushing crimson and pressing close to his boyfriend, frotting his more modest, pink shaft with that of the hyena.

How cute it was, Jake thought as he embraced Salem, for the cheetah to be so humbled by his spontaneity It was all a labor of love, things Jake knew the feline would go starry-eyed for. As such, while the fireworks steadily exploded and bathed them in multicolored flashes, Jake picked Salem up under the rump and thighs, setting him only a short distance away on the hood of the car.

Laughing endearingly, Salem kicked off his jeans (previously hanging off of one ankle) and wrapped his legs around the hyena. Again, they were frotting, Jake's dribbling, black cock grinding hotly against Salem's pink meat, and the cheetah grasped both penises in one paw.

As Jake crooned, Salem purred, and he stroked both of their aching cocks in his soft paw. Smooth fur and velvet pads glided easily along the flesh, coaxing little dribbles of pre from both.

Not a passive partner, Jake ground into the stroking, enhancing the frotting, and as he did so, he leaned over the cheetah and kissed him hard. It was familiar to the both of them, suckling tongues like so as they ground together like the horny boys they were. Jake's more canine tongue caressed the sensually-textured surface of Salem's, but the cheetah was more apt to tease his own tongue over the hyena's formidable teeth, his small body shivering whenever he pricked himself on one of their tips.

Balancing how hungry and intense the kiss was, it proved to be a short one. Jake exited it with a gasp, his lips wet with the feline's saliva. "Oh, I love you," he cooed to the twink; in return, Salem nuzzled him, grinding their short snouts together.

"I love you too, babe," Salem purred, the lewd glint in his eye displaced by true affection. He kept stroking for a moment more, only gazing into Jake's emerald eyes, finding himself surprisingly content with such simple pleasure.

Jake was thoroughly in love with Salem, yet he, himself, wasn't entirely satisfied with the moment. A creature of moral fiber and old values, he wanted to truly make love to his boyfriend, and that entailed more than mere lewd grinding. With a small, easily-missed smile, he pulled out of the cheetah's paw, the twink releasing after just a longing grasp.

Straightening out and bracing his feet on the dirt, Jake's posture alone told Salem what was coming, and the feline obligingly splayed his legs.

Grasping his swollen meat in one paw, the underside of one of Salem's luscious thighs in the other, Jake pressed his blunt tip to the cheetah's pucker and gazed down at him, gauging the twink's expression, which was nothing but welcoming and content. Then sporting a more open smile, the hyena - looking intently at his work - entered the cheetah with a low, content groan. After the first few inches were well inside, he unhanded his shaft and Salem's thigh, planting both paws on the hood. Under his breath, he huffed some pleasurable nothing, though certainly not a blasphemy.

Cooing and biting his lip, Salem was nothing but responsive to the hyena's gentle entry. With the fireworks still exploding, the barrage showing no signs of letting up, the cheetah thought the moment was just perfect, a sentiment Jake held, too. Coiling his slender tail about the hyena's thigh, grasping his braced arms with delicate, fond paws, Salem offered himself fully.

Leaning down, Jake nibbled and licked at the cheetah's lower lip, spurring him to a playful mrowl. He began to move his hips, sliding back his thick meat, grinding it back in after that, getting into a rhythm that was stable, but pleasantly quick. Foregoing kisses and smooches, the two males nibbled and gnawed at each other, plucking fur and pinching skin, never drawing blood, but adding carnal flair to their lovemaking.

Savoring Salem's tender walls, just like the cheetah loved every inch of Jake's pulsing manhood, the two handsome boys seemed to be made for each other. Each grind into the feline was full, Jake skimping on nothing for his boyfriend, being sure his hips kissed up to that beautifully tight rear every time. His pre warmed as well as slicked the cheetah, keeping pain at bay, only sweet pleasure coming of the penetration.

Under his breath, Salem whimpered to Jake, begged him to go a little faster, to grind a little harder; it was always in the cheetah's nature to want it rougher, but Jake was both devoted and horny, always giving the small feline exactly what he wanted and needed. Over and over, his tough hips butted up to the soft ass of the cheetah, a little more forcefully as time went on. Never was Jake outright ruthless, but he wasn't completely gentle; it was a fine balance of true love and rough, needful fucking.

Feeling pleasure mounting, Salem reached down and took hold of his aching, pink endowment, first squeezing tightly, then pumping roughly. Quickly, he masturbated and nibbled at Jake's lower lip, tugging it, making the hyena growl hotly. "I'm so close right now," he gasped, and the need in his tone spurred Jake to a hint of a grin.

For the moment, Jake said nothing, and merely gave it to Salem a little harder; the cheetah loved it rough, and Jake had to admit that he did, too. Huffing to the small feline, exchanging hot breath so intimately close, he firmly butted his hips against the cheetah's rear again and again.

Whimpering in that much-awaited erotic bliss, Salem clenched down around Jake and came hard, splattering a messy streak of his seed up his slim belly.

It seemed appropriate that the fireworks, while not in their finale yet, were coming more steadily than ever, setting Jake's last few moments of vigorously pumping Salem to constant thunderclaps of vivid colors. Feeling his own release nearing, his balls drawing into the crook of his loins, he began to pant. Salem silenced that with a kiss, however, locking lips with the studly hyena, crooning into his maw and suckling at it, making it unclear just who was dominant in it, though the answer didn't matter to either of the boys.

Giving it to Salem with a quickening pace but lacking composure, the obvious need fueling Jake's fucking was sexy in its' own right. Salem, the total bottom that he was, and savoring his afterglow, was anything but displeased with the hyena's last rough moments.

Finally, the well-planned evening all came together in a climax for Jake both personally and at large, for he buried himself in Salem one last time and emptied his thick load, warming the cheetah's insides and spurring greater moaning and huffing into the hurried, wet kiss. As he came, he stroked the cheetah's face and head, brushed back his ears and petted through his head fur, while the twinkish feline returned much the same pleasures, albeit by petting down the hyena's back.

At last breaking off the kiss, huffing onto Salem's snout, Jake shuddered.

Smiling, blushing, and with half-lidded eyes, Salem licked the hyena's nose, and under the colors of the fireworks, he purred warmly and bumped noses with his spotted lover.


Side by side and holding hands, Jake and Salem walked along in the mall, the sprawling building a far sight larger than anything they'd seen in the town they called home. Neither of them had bought anything yet; they just wandered, window-shopped, talked and laughed. After their intimate moment beneath the fireworks days prior, even the quiet Jake was opening up and having a fun time.

"Hey," Salem grinned, "let's check this place out." Dragging Jake by the arm, he led the hyena into a little boutique brimming with dark colors and low, melancholy music; a goth clothing store.

Jake had his reservations about such a place, but they were purely based on aesthetics, not founded in religion. Watching Salem try on fishnet and darkly-toned pants did change his opinion a bit, though, putting a coy little smile on his lips. "You know," he mused, leaning on the wall of the changing booth, admiring Salem in the form-fitting black denim and fishnet, "I can't believe how different things are now."

"What do you mean?" asked Salem as he inspected his midriff, though he had an idea of what the hyena was getting at.

"The village. Remember how quiet things always were? I believe peaceful is the word. Not like the city." There was, notably, no longing or disgust in his voice, just matter-of-fact statement.

Turning away from the full-body mirror, looking shockingly natural in the dark-toned clothes, Salem pressed up to Jake and kissed him on the lips, slim arms wrapping around the toned hyena. "I don't miss it," the cheetah said, though not contemptuously. "Although," he smiled, "it was always exciting to meet you in whatever shadows we could find..."

"Hurriedly exploring each other," Jake said, smiling wistfully, stroking down Salem's back. "I like things the way they are now, though," he said with confidence. "No looking over our shoulders. I'm free to hold and love you the way I want."

"Yeah," Salem cooed, leaning on Jake, "like you did this morning in the shower."

Blushing, grinning, Jake nipped at one of Salem's ears; the simple nip, idle gesture of a nervous hyena. Surprising himself a little bit, after a glance to be sure nobody was just outside the booth, he said, "Or when we first got out here - you and that mouth of yours."

Chuckling, nuzzling into Jake's chin and throat, Salem purred warmly. A moment came to pass, the two spotted boys cuddling like so, before the cheetah eased off of his boyfriend. In a pragmatic way that told Jake he was doing anything but being sexy, Salem slipped out of the dark clothing and pulled back on his normal attire. "Well," he mumbled, folding the clothes back up, "dress-up was fun, but we'd better put these back."

Lost in thought briefly, Jake surprised the feline when he said, "Let's buy them."


Smiling shyly, Jake said, "They'll look good when we go dancing tonight."

Salem smiled back and kissed Jake on the cheek. "You're full of surprises lately... I like it," he purred.

Kissing Salem back, Jake realized that, to the cheetah, maybe he was acting a little strangely. Opening up more than usual, showing off a more spontaneous side that the feline had previously only seen in bursts... Maybe the cheetah's attitude was rubbing off on him, or maybe he was just learning how to enjoy the city life. Either way, he didn't know or care. Smiling back and hugging the cheetah, he didn't say a thing. He just kept Salem close.