Dane In My Life - The Truth

Story by Derek Alexander on SoFurry

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#2 of Dane In My Life

I want to explain to readers of the first part that this one will be a little different. I have a clear path in my head of how this story goes. And in any good story there has to be a problem, an obstacle to overcome, and as well as an antagonist. Most romances I find and read, the characters are perfect and without flaw. You will find in this story series, everyone has flaws, everyone is not perfect. This is the truth of reality and therefore my story. If it turns you off to my story then I am sorry. I truly am. Not all chapters will go this way, but some will.

As always I appreciate any input. All comments are welcome. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 21 or 18, depending on the laws in your area, you shouldn't be reading this. If you don't like the idea of sex between two males, back out now. If you don't like one of those males to be an anthropomorphic animal and the other human then stop. If you do like those things then by all means continue.

Sam and I basked in the post orgasmic glow for a few minutes before we moved to get dressed. It felt strange walking with my belly sloshing around, full of Sam's load. I threw the dirty shorts inside the hamper and put my pants back on. Sam had disappeared into his room to change for the walk back to my house, but quickly came back wearing some tight workout clothes.

He had on a bright neon green Underarmour tank top that showed off every immaculate muscle of his upper body. He was also wearing an iPod on his upper right arm. The surprising thing about his attire were the black shorts that looked like something a bike rider would wear.

"What are you wearing?" I motioned to his shorts, which did nothing to hide the enormous bulge made by both his sheath and balls.

"I always run in this?" He turned around in a circle, looking to see what was wrong. "Is my tail showing or something?"

"You're worried about your tail? What about your package bulging out for everyone to see?" He started fidgeting again, worried that he had broken some rule.

"Well, back in Baytown it was all furs and everyones stuff is kinda obvious and hard to hide..." He trailed off nervously.

"It's really cute that you say 'stuff' when talking about peoples junk." He blushed and ran back into his room. "Hey, I didn't mean..." I stopped talking when he came back a second later with a pair of black basketball shorts on over his compression ones.

"Okay, ready to go." His voice came out a little higher than normal.

I agreed without saying anything and we started out the door. I don't know why, but I felt intimidated standing next to him. I was pretty tall myself, but Sam was a giant standing next to me. He was also a lot more muscular. He had the body of Achilles, but the confidence of a mouse. I also knew that he had an instinctual beast lurking inside of him waiting to come out. He was both cute and sexy, and I loved it.

"What's with the workout clothes?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Mapquest said it was about 3 miles to your house. So I could walk back for 45 minutes by myself or get a good workout in."

"So why the compression shorts?"

"Well, could you imagine what it would feel like if you had balls my size slapping hard against your thighs?"

"I would love for your balls to be slapping against my thighs."

I could feel his body tense up as we continued walking. "Not what I meant..." He looked away nervously from me when I turned to him.

"I know, but you set it up so well, I just had to." I gave him a playful punch in the arm. "Yes, I could imagine it would be quite painful to run with 'stuff' as big as yours. I think the shorts are a good idea. I also think that you should run without the basketball ones next time."

"But you were the..." He quickly got defensive as his voiced rose. "You were the one who..." I cut him off.

"I never said anything. I just asked what you were wearing." He gave up his argument. "Before this year I would have told you to hide what you have, to hide who you are, but now I just want people to be themselves and have confidence." The words felt strange out loud. "I know I'm not one hundred percent confident with who I am yet, but I know I'll get there someday."

"I like you Alex. You're good people." He stopped to open his arms for a hug and I embraced him. "I don't know if what we did today makes me gay, straight, or whatever..." He trailed trying to find his words. "But if you ever need anything just let me know. If anyone gives you any problems let me know."

His words weren't exactly the ones I wanted to hear, but I understood them. It would be silly of me to assume that this would make us a couple, but there was a large part of me that wish it did. I'd never felt this way with another person and it hurt to be put in the friendzone with a guy that I shared a sexual experience with.

"So does this mean we're not together?" I was still nestled into his chest and had to look up nearly a foot into his eyes.

He met my gaze with the softest and most endearing expression I had ever seen anyone make. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that Alex. What we did was amazing, and I would love to keep doing that with you. I can also see that this isn't what you want to hear and I can understand if you don't want to get involved with someone who isn't ready for that level of commitment."

"Thank you Sam. I really mean it. Thank you." He held me closer and I reached down to fondle his confined balls. "But I still want to mess around. We're young, you're hung and full of cum."

He quickly pulled away but had the biggest grin on his face after we separated. "I think you were right Alex. It's addicting."

When I got home there was no kiss goodbye. There was no longing farewell. He simply said his goodbye and turned to jog down the road while putting in his headphones.

"Hey mom!" I yelled out through the house, announcing my presence. "Went over to some new kids house to play basketball. Sorry for not calling." When I walked into the living room I saw a face I didn't want to see.

"Sup faggot. Did you enjoy playing 'basketball'?" He threw up air quotes with one hand while the other held his beer up.

"I..." He cut me off immediately.

"Like I fucking care. Your mom won't be home for another hour. Wanna grab me another beer?" His question didn't sound like a question.

"How many have you had already?" I asked as calmly as I could, though I'm sure my teeth were more gritted than intended.

"None of your fucking business faggot!" I flinched every time he said that word, and it was one he liked to use a lot. "Now get me a beer and don't question me again!"

I did as I was told, mostly just to get away from him, if only temporarily. Keith was a bull fur. He had one hell of a temper and treated people like objects, including my mother. When he found out I was gay he did everything in his power to make my life a living hell. When he wasn't at work he would make sure to be finishing up having sex with my mother just as I was coming downstairs. He would make my mother scream and torture me with her cries of pleasure. Then he would walk out of the bedroom, immediately after, with his slime covered dick hanging loosely around his knees.

I was ashamed to admit that he turned me on. Everything about him screamed for me to hate him, but I couldn't deny that he made me hot. He was just a little bit taller than me, but was stacked with muscle. He wasn't like Sam, he would be closer to Hercules than Achilles. He was massively stacked up top but was rather average down below. Well, one muscle down bellow wasn't. He was quite blessed in that department. He wasn't nearly as thick as Sam, I don't even think he was as thick as me, but he was long. Judging by how it reached his knees, he must have been 18 inches. I also found myself excited by being controlled. Every time he told me what to do I found myself becoming erect and I'm pretty sure he knew it.

I walked back into the living room with my erection make a tiny bulge down the left side of my jeans. I walked up behind him on the couch and handed his beer to him without a word or a glance.

"Hold up slut..." He had never used that word before. I stopped and waited for him to speak. "You know what I find funny?" He paused, thinking I would answer him like earlier. "You think you can walk in here..." He produced a noise that made my heart sink into my stomach, a zipper being unzipped. "Covered in someone elses cum, covered in your own cum, sporting an erection that wouldn't even stick out past your bloated belly. You think you can do all that, give me some wood and a beer, and just walk away." My heart was racing with fear. Was this really happening? "Turn your faggot ass around and get the fuck over here."

I turned on my heels and saw that he was on the couch playing with his sheath through the hole in his pants. "Keith I..."

"Shut up and get on your knees bitch." He was much calmer now, but his voice commanded authority. I dropped to my knees between his. "Good little slut. "Now..."

"Keith, you can't do this..." Even I knew my words lacked the conviction it would take to change his mind. "What would mom say if she found out?"

"First things first..." I never saw his hand coming as he slapped me hard across my face. Hard enough to redden, but not to bruise. "Never fucking interrupt me again." I had yet to fully recover from the first slap when I felt the second one on my other cheek, just as hard. "Second, you're not gonna tell your mother a god damn thing. You're just as much of a sissy as she is and you like being controlled. You like being told what to do, and you I would bet money that deep down inside you love to worship cock. You may not know it yet, but you do. I can sense these things." He paused, seeing if I had anything to say. The two marks on my cheeks told me I didn't. "Good slut..." He rubbed my sore cheek causing me to wince and moan at the same time. "Now..." He continued from where I interrupted. "I don't know what you did to get that belly full of cum, but I'm going to add to it. First things first, undo my pants and pull them down."

Everything in my head was screaming, SCREAMING, to just get up and run to my room and wait for mom to get home. Then there was another part of me that wanted to follow his every command. And the fear of what he would do if did the first one, far outweighed the fear of second one. Keith would get his what he wanted one way or another and he was manipulative enough to convince my mother of anything. Hell, she already knew about the abusive language Keith used with me and did nothing to stop him.

I reached for the hook and bar closure of his custom tailored pants. He never wore anything else, too constricting for his balls he said. I closed my eyes when I pulled down his pants to the floor. Thankfully he lifted his ass and made it easy. He was certainly well endowed. His balls were fucking massive.

I could feel his gaze on top of me following mine. "Suck them, roll them around in your hand." I dove in immediately and was surprised at the weight. They more than filled my entire hand, all the way down to my wrist. They were less rounded than Sam's and hung so low in his sack. I licked them with reckless abandon. I had to work my neck and back to move around far enough to cover them entirely with spit.

"That's a good little bitch. Do you feel how heavy those balls are? They're full of cum just for you." His words had their effect on my and I moaned into his nuts. "Oh, and for your momma..." The mention of my mother forced an unexpected moan from my lips. "But don't worry slut, there's plenty to go around. In fact, how do my nuts taste?" I responded by simply attempting to swallow as much of one as I could. "That good, huh? Well I'm sure you can taste a bit of your mom's pussy juice that dripped down them when I fucked her this morning." The verbal slap in my face hurt, but was expected. He fucked my mother every morning. "Nothing? Does that change any if I tell you that I didn't even bother washing afterward." When I didn't react again, I swear he moaned. "Oh you dirty dirty slut. Well, get ready to taste another thing I didn't wash."

I wasn't ready for him to stand up and lean over me. I could feel his shadow loom over me and could feel the heat, coming from his sheath bathe my face. "Keith..." He lined up the tip of his sheath with my mouth and lunged forward and cut off my halfhearted attempt to change his mind.

"Yeah, open wide..." His bull cock filled my mouth, my throat and probably my stomach in less than a second. He was impossibly long, but he was no thicker than a large hot dog. His dick was hard and yet soft at the same time, able to bend and fold where it needed to go, which was where he wanted it to go. "I bet you can feel me all the way in your stomach. Can you feel my pre squirting directly into you." He never pulled back and I could feel my eyes water as I was choking for air. "Aww, is the little slut starting to cry? You better learn to breathe through your nose, and quick because I'm not pulling out. I'm gonna fuck your throat and pump my cum straight down your throat. Don't worry though. It'll all be over soon. I gotta make sure I'm finished before your mom comes through that door."

I started to panic when I felt the air, the little I had, start to run out. I had and did my best to grunt in frustration, and started to back up. But as much as I tried it didn't help. As soon as I would pull out half a foot or so, he would step forward and drive it back in. It wasn't long before I was against a wall and screaming as loud as I could around his dick.

"What's wrong, can't breathe?" I hurriedly shook my head. "It's quite simple, stop resisting, open your throat, and take a nice deep breath through your nose." I followed his steps in order and sure enough a big dose of air flooded into my lungs. I felt light headed and slumped into the wall, spent. "Good, now just breathe while I fuck your face."

The next few minutes passed in a blur as he hammered into my face. The forward momentum was causing his pendulous nuts to slap hard into my chin and throat, further disorienting me. He didn't speak another word. He just humped his hips and grunted each time that he bottomed out in my throat. I tried to turn away from getting slapped, but there was no escape. Combined, his balls were the size of my face. There was no avoiding it. I soon felt like I had gone ten rounds with the champ. With a loud grunt from Keith I could feel the start of his orgasm. His dick swelled in thickness to the size of a jumbo and started pulsing like crazy. The feeling was very strange. It felt like he was pissing into my throat, and for all I knew he was. I couldn't taste anything. My hands reached for my stomach and felt it start to bulge beneath them. He simply wouldn't stop, and the pain in my stomach caused my dick to quickly deflate. I felt nauseous. There was simply too much cum in my stomach. Just as I thought I was going to be sick it stopped. My stomach felt big enough to be six months pregnant now.

"What a good bitch. Now run upstairs and clean up before your mom gets home. Lay in bed and don't move. I'll let her know that you're not feeling well and you won't be down for supper." He started to back away and pull his dick from my throat. "I'm sure you've had enough to eat for one day." He laughed at his own joke before pulling out of my mouth and let his dick fall and rest on my chest, soaking my shirt with his filth. "It's funny, you're mother won't let me do that with her anymore, stomach cramps. I think you'll do nicely." I couldn't speak or argue against him. Keith was going to do what Keith was going to do. I got up and started to walk up the stairs holding my belly. "And remember Alex, this is our little secret.

"Hey sweetie." Mom had peeked in the door to check up on me after dinner. A dinner which I was fine with missing for the next year. "Keith said you were feeling a little under the weather." I rolled over onto my side, facing away from her. I didn't want to look at her, or have her see my condition. She rubbed the back of her hand over my forehead. "You don't feel warm? What's wrong love?"

"Just feeling a bit of a tummy ache." Speaking hurt. "I'll be fine in the morning."

"Is your throat okay baby? You sound like you might have a sore throat? I could have Keith make you some soup?" I retched at the thought. "I'm sorry sweetie, I'll go bring you a bucket in case you get sick."

She left and came back after a minute with a bucket. She placed it by my bed without a word, turned and left. I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up early for school in the morning, and groggily got out of bed. My head hurt from the lack of sleep. I had gone to bed early, but was woken every five minutes with the urge to pee. I would pee a few drops and stumble back into bed, only to repeat.

I walked into the bathroom and looked down, only to see that my stomach had all but emptied itself during the course of the night. That was at least good news for the days to come. As I'm sure Keith wasn't finished with me and neither was Sam. When I hopped into the shower I felt rejuvenated by the water.

"Thank god." I spoke out loud to myself. As the fog in my head cleared, I reflected on the past day.

Meeting Sam was the highlight of my day. He was a genuine friend, but wanted nothing more than to be a sex buddy. He was shy and simple. He was sheltered and new only what I had shown him. I was inexperienced, but I had at least seen stuff on the internet. He was special though. I could see a world where he was in my life forever. Maybe not my husband, but a friend. At least a friend.

Then there was Keith. Keith, the man I utterly hated, but now couldn't get enough of. Just thinking of his dick all the way down my throat was causing my dick to get hard, all six inches of it. I could only imagine what Keith would say if he saw it. He'd probably laugh at me and say I was pathetic. He would tell me that with a dick my size I was good for nothing more than being his cum dumpster.

I reached down and started playing with myself. I thought about how it would feel to have Sam down my throat and his huge knot pressing against my lips. I'm sure he would never fit. I would choke on his dick well before even getting that far, but that only turned me on more. By then he would have turned aggressive and he would want me to choke on his seed. He would try his hardest to make my belly have his baby. He would keep pushing until my teeth were scraping against his knot and my jaw started to snap. It would be painful, but worth it.

Oh god, Keith. Keith on the other hand wouldn't be satisfied with mere blowjobs and throatjobs. He would want more. It was who he was. He knew he had control of me and would take full advantage. He would fuck my ass. He would fully impale my ass on his cock and snake it through my guts. Keith was deprived and would do anything and everything to make me suffer. If he had to use other people he would. If he couldn't break me someone would. He's going to keep abusing me every time my mother isn't around and push it farther every time until I yell for mercy and then take pleasure in telling me 'no'.

What about Sam though? Would he notice Keith's abuses or keep going. I'm sure Sam is going to want to have sex eventually. When he gets riled up I'm sure he could eventually be just as aggressive as Keith. He'd want to bend me over and drive in so deep that his knot sinks in and pops into my ass. I'd scream, but no amount of screaming would stop it. It'd be too late. His knot would expand so much that my ass could do nothing but wait for that cantaloupe sized knot to fully embed itself inside of me. Then I'd have to sit there for over an hour while he pumped me full of cum. What if he got hard again waiting to go down? How much cum would he pump into me then?

"Oh GOD!"

I started to shoot rockets. Streams of cum plastered against the shower wall. More cum than I had ever shot in my life, but not even a fraction of what Keith and Sam could produce.

I finished up my shower and started my morning routine. I got out and started brushing my teeth. I never missed a brushing and they were pearly white and perfectly straight. A thing about me that I was very proud of. I applied my deodorant and cologne and walked across the hall into my bedroom. It was only my room, a storage room, and the bathroom upstairs, so I never worried about walking out naked. In my bedroom I would crank out a hundred sit ups and a hundred push ups. I used to do this before the shower cause I would get sweaty, but now it didn't even effect me anymore. Then I put my clothes on and go downstairs. A thing I was concerned about doing now.

As I walked downstairs my fears were confirmed when I heard Keith's voice talking to my mother. It was always a mystery of when Keith would be working or not. He was in construction, but as a site foreman it was really up to him when to be there. As long as the job was done on time and correctly he was in the clear to be there when he wanted. Again, Keith is gonna get what Keith wants.

"Good morning Alex." It was Keith who spoke first.

"Morning Keith." It came out nice than I expected.

"Sleep well? Glad to see your stomach feeling better." He motioned to my stomach with a wink that my mom missed while she was cooking.

"Yes, much better. Thank you."

"Awwwwwww, look at you two getting along!" Mom squealed with joy, unaware of the events yesterday. "It's nice to hear some pleasant conversation instead of bickering.

"It is a nice change of pace, isn't it? Alex and me had a nice little chat yesterday after school. We agreed to be more civil with each other from now on. Didn't we Alex?" He turned away from my mother to look at me with that look that told me to play along for my own sake.

"Yes, he had a tip for me and really gave me a lot to swallow and take in." I said it with a genuinely nice smile towards Keith and hoped my mom could pick up on what had changed between me and him.

"Well that sounds quite wonderful dear. I guess I'll have to give you two more time alone. You could really learn a lot from Keith." She was rubbing his shoulders and nestling her head into his neck while Keith just stared at me and gave me the 'I own you' look. My mom stood completely oblivious and soon stopped rubbing Keith's shoulders. "Well, as you can see, I am not fully ready for work. So if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you two alone to eat breakfast."

"Hungry Alex? I hope you're hungry. I know last night was a bit much." He continued the charade while mom was still within earshot. As soon as she was gone he went back to good ol' Keith. "I don't give a damn if you are or not you little shit. Grab your plate if you want and get your ass over here by me.

"Yes sir." I did my best to keep on his good side.

"I like that, but I think master would do better when your mother isn't around." He smirked at me while I gathered some eggs and bacon onto my plate. "Are you okay with that slut?"


"Once again, it doesn't matter if you're okay with it or not. You're gonna call me it whether you like it or not." He finished up his breakfast just as I was sitting at the table.

"Yes master." I hung my head low and ate my food, doing my best not to look at him. That was, until I started to feel his hand rubbing along my back. "What are y..."

"Just shut up and keep quiet." He whispered into my ear. "Keep eating your breakfast." His hand trailed down to my my lower back and rubbed around my spine a few times. I had a hunch of what he was up to, but I couldn't be sure. Then his hand went to cup my ass cheek and give it a good squeeze. His hands were strong and I squirmed above his hand trying get away from his vice like grip. "Mmm, nice and juicy. I love bubble butts. I guess those workouts didn't include squats." My heart started racing as his hand moved up and he fished his fingers into my shorts. "Glad you decided to wear gym shorts to school today. Easy access." His words cut into me and made me struggle with the idea of throwing out all my shorts or wearing them more often. "Reach below the table and grope my thigh." I was confused at first, but reaching down I could immediately feel the bulge of his ball sack beneath my hand. "Grab onto it." I did, and as soon as I did I felt Keith's bulky finger start to press into my hole. "Hold on tight slut." My hole flinched at the word 'slut' and that's when it happened. Keith entered my virgin ass with his meaty finger. "Ooh, you're a tight little bitch."

It hurt, a lot, and I squirmed to try and get away but it only made it easier for him to dig deeper inside of me. His finger was moving around and causing some unusual feelings to rise up in me. I felt my dick get hard in my shorts. I no longer ground my ass in displeasure, but in the effort to push his finger farther into me. I moaned and leaned into his arm, completely abandoning my breakfast.

"Be quiet, you don't want to alert your mother." He whispered into my ear. His voice was more loving than I had ever heard from him.

"Okay master..." I groaned into his muscle and groped his ball sack as I felt my orgasm approaching.

"That's it, cum onto my finger." He nudged me away from his arm as we heard my mothers heels click towards the kitchen.

Just as my mother stepped into the kitchen, Keith started rubbing my prostate and I came. I did my best to appear normal to my mother, but couldn't find the will to grab my fork. I still had one hand gripping tightly onto his balls. It was the only thing keeping me from making more noise than I was.

"Are you sure you're okay over there sweetie? Looks like you're breakfast isn't sitting too well." She was fussing with her earrings and wasn't really paying attention to what was happening.

Upon feeling my orgasm, Keith quickly pulled out of my ass and gave me a few slaps on the back. "You alright there slugger?" He rubbed my back a few times before looking up towards my mother. "I think he just choked a little on some food. He should be fine honey. Just go ahead and go out to the car, I'll be out in a sec to drive you." She beamed over at us and turned toward the garage. "Go ahead and change slut, you don't want to go to your second day of school like this." He motioned to the stain in my pants. Keith stood up, pants slightly bulging, and left to follow my mother to the garage. "Don't miss your bus slut."

As I sat at the bus stop with my new shorts and shirt, I couldn't but think what the hell is wrong with me. I mean, before the start of this year I was normal. At least I thought I was normal? Wasn't I? I'm a good student. I had a big circle of friends. Then freshman year I ran into Bonnie Cooper. I was your average little boy, just starting to hit puberty and was just one of the guys. Bonnie on the other hand had hit puberty the year before and was the girl every guy couldn't keep their eyes off of. She was taller than all of us boys. She was skinny, tan, and had breasts. She had Raven dark hair and a punk rock attitude to go with it.

When my dad died in the middle of freshman year I was a mess. I was so depressed that I became a loner. I guess this is what attracted Bonnie to me, because she had never paid attention to me before that. She gravitated to me and made me hers. She was the first person in my life that when they decided they wanted something, they got it.

She made me play with her, touch her, and lick her. Everything about it felt wrong , but I did it anyway because I didn't know what else to do. She would do everything I did to her, to me. I enjoyed the pleasure, but something just didn't click. There was absolutely no connection.

Then one day it all stopped. She stopped talking to me and I experienced my first feeling of heartbreak. I wanted nothing to do with women after her. She ruined me, but I'm starting to realize that she may have done more than that. She changed me, she gave me the desire to be controlled. I crave that feeling, but hate it at the same time. I hate that I will do anything anyone tells me to do. Despite not wanting to do it, I'll do it and get off on it. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Just then the bus rounded the corner and before it could pull up I saw Sam waving at me through the window. They say certain people wear masks to hide who they are from people. I wanted there to be a mask hiding who I was from Sam. I didn't want him to know about Keith or the pleasure his control gave me, because with Sam I didn't need him to be in control. He could be my escape. There was a chance that Sam could be different. No matter how slim that chance was, I hoped it would be true.

I looked at Sam through the window and smiled. It had to be true.